==> Building on centiskorch ==> Checking for remote environment... ==> Syncing package to remote host... sending incremental file list ./ .SRCINFO 566 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 566 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=6/8) .nvchecker.toml 130 100% 126.95kB/s 0:00:00 130 100% 126.95kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=5/8) PKGBUILD 700 27% 683.59kB/s 0:00:00 2,551 100% 2.43MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=4/8) go-2:1.22.2-1.log 321 100% 313.48kB/s 0:00:00 321 100% 313.48kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=3/8) keys/ keys/pgp/ keys/pgp/EB4C1BFD4F042F6DDDCCEC917721F63BD38B4796.asc 700 11% 341.80kB/s 0:00:00 6,080 100% 2.90MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=0/8) sent 2,063 bytes received 220 bytes 4,566.00 bytes/sec total size is 9,525 speedup is 4.17 ==> Ensuring required PGP keys are present...  -> Checking for EB4C1BFD4F042F6DDDCCEC917721F63BD38B4796... ==> Applying RISC-V patches... sending incremental file list ./ riscv64.patch 683 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 683 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/2) sent 490 bytes received 50 bytes 1,080.00 bytes/sec total size is 683 speedup is 1.26 patching file PKGBUILD ==> Patching arch to riscv64... ==> Running extra-riscv64-build -- -d /home/felix/packages/riscv64-pkg-cache:/var/cache/pacman/pkg -l root24 on remote host... [?25l:: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do [?25h==> Building in chroot for [extra] (riscv64)... ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root] -> [root24]...done ==> Making package: go 2:1.22.2-1 (Tue Apr 9 11:23:14 2024) ==> Retrieving sources...  -> Downloading go1.22.2.src.tar.gz... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 67 100 67 0 0 135 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 136 5 26.2M 5 1392k 0 0 968k 0 0:00:27 0:00:01 0:00:26 968k 58 26.2M 58 15.2M 0 0 7501k 0 0:00:03 0:00:02 0:00:01 21.5M 100 26.2M 100 26.2M 0 0 10.5M 0 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 23.7M  -> Downloading go1.22.2.src.tar.gz.asc... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 71 100 71 0 0 184 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 184 100 71 100 71 0 0 183 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 184 100 833 100 833 0 0 1456 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1456 ==> Validating source files with sha256sums... go1.22.2.src.tar.gz ... Passed go1.22.2.src.tar.gz.asc ... Skipped ==> Verifying source file signatures with gpg... go1.22.2.src.tar.gz ... Passed ==> Making package: go 2:1.22.2-1 (Tue Apr 9 11:23:53 2024) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (5) New Version Net Change extra/perl-error 0.17029-5 0.04 MiB extra/perl-mailtools 2.21-7 0.10 MiB extra/perl-timedate 2.33-5 0.08 MiB extra/git 2.44.0-1 25.03 MiB extra/go 2:1.22.1-1 206.33 MiB Total Installed Size: 231.58 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing perl-error... installing perl-timedate... installing perl-mailtools... installing git... Optional dependencies for git tk: gitk and git gui openssh: ssh transport and crypto perl-libwww: git svn perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support python: git svn & git p4 subversion: git svn org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed] installing go... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Warn about old perl modules [?25h==> Retrieving sources...  -> Found go1.22.2.src.tar.gz  -> Found go1.22.2.src.tar.gz.asc ==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks. ==> Extracting sources...  -> Extracting go1.22.2.src.tar.gz with bsdtar ==> Starting build()... Building Go cmd/dist using /usr/lib/go. (go1.22.1 linux/riscv64) cmd/dist Building Go toolchain1 using /usr/lib/go. internal/godebugs encoding cmp internal/unsafeheader bootstrap/internal/goarch bootstrap/cmp unicode/utf8 internal/goos bootstrap/internal/unsafeheader internal/race crypto/internal/alias bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/test internal/itoa log/internal unicode/utf16 internal/coverage/rtcov bootstrap/internal/platform crypto/internal/boring/sig internal/platform internal/goversion bootstrap/internal/coverage math/bits bootstrap/math/bits runtime/internal/syscall bootstrap/internal/goversion bootstrap/internal/race sync/atomic internal/cpu internal/goarch runtime/internal/atomic internal/goexperiment bootstrap/internal/goexperiment bootstrap/internal/abi unicode bootstrap/internal/gover runtime/internal/math internal/chacha8rand runtime/internal/sys internal/abi internal/bytealg slices math runtime crypto/subtle internal/reflectlite runtime/metrics sync internal/bisect bootstrap/internal/bisect internal/testlog internal/godebug errors bootstrap/sort sort math/rand internal/oserror path internal/safefilepath io strconv syscall hash bootstrap/internal/saferio text/tabwriter bytes strings hash/adler32 hash/fnv hash/crc32 bootstrap/container/heap crypto bootstrap/internal/types/errors reflect bootstrap/go/version go/build/constraint bootstrap/go/build/constraint bufio regexp/syntax html internal/syscall/execenv internal/syscall/unix time regexp context io/fs internal/poll internal/fmtsort encoding/binary os bootstrap/cmd/internal/notsha256 bootstrap/cmd/internal/sys encoding/base64 crypto/md5 crypto/cipher crypto/internal/boring crypto/sha256 bootstrap/internal/lazyregexp internal/lazyregexp path/filepath fmt os/exec internal/goroot bootstrap/cmd/internal/edit log bootstrap/cmd/internal/pkgpath bootstrap/internal/buildcfg text/scanner bootstrap/cmd/internal/cov/covcmd bootstrap/cmd/internal/src flag bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/abt bootstrap/cmd/internal/gcprog runtime/debug bootstrap/internal/zstd net/url encoding/hex go/token go/doc/comment internal/buildcfg runtime/trace bootstrap/compress/flate encoding/json bootstrap/debug/dwarf compress/flate math/big bootstrap/cmd/internal/bio go/scanner bootstrap/cmd/internal/dwarf bootstrap/cmd/internal/quoted bootstrap/cmd/internal/objabi bootstrap/cmd/internal/goobj go/ast bootstrap/compress/zlib compress/gzip bootstrap/internal/profile runtime/pprof bootstrap/cmd/internal/archive bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/dwtest bootstrap/debug/macho bootstrap/debug/pe bootstrap/internal/xcoff bootstrap/debug/elf go/internal/typeparams go/printer go/doc bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/benchmark go/parser bootstrap/go/constant bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/pgo/internal/graph bootstrap/cmd/internal/codesign bootstrap/internal/pkgbits bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/syntax bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/logopt bootstrap/cmd/asm/internal/flags bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/loong64 bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/wasm bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/arm bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/riscv bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/mips bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/sym bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/base bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/s390x bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/arm64 bootstrap/cmd/internal/obj/x86 bootstrap/cmd/asm/internal/lex bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/loader go/format go/build bootstrap/cmd/cgo bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/bitvec bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/types bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/loadxcoff bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/loadmacho bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/loadpe bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/loadelf bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/typebits bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/ir bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/ld bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/types2 bootstrap/cmd/asm/internal/arch bootstrap/cmd/asm/internal/asm bootstrap/cmd/asm bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/objw bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/abi bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/rttype bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/staticdata bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/coverage bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/compare bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/pgo bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/loopvar bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/escape bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/rangefunc bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/importer bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/inline/inlheur bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/staticinit bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/inline bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/ssa bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/loong64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/mips bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/amd64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/mips64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/arm bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/riscv64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/wasm bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/x86 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/s390x bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/arm64 bootstrap/cmd/link/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/devirtualize bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/inline/interleaved bootstrap/cmd/link bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/liveness bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/arm bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/x86 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/mips bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/s390x bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/mips64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/loong64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/amd64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/wasm bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/arm64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/riscv64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/walk bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/noder bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/pkginit bootstrap/cmd/compile/internal/gc bootstrap/cmd/compile Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. runtime runtime/internal/syscall internal/godebugs runtime/internal/atomic internal/goos runtime/internal/math internal/bytealg internal/goexperiment internal/chacha8rand runtime/internal/sys internal/cpu internal/coverage/rtcov internal/abi internal/goarch time/tzdata syscall errors internal/reflectlite internal/unsafeheader sync/atomic internal/itoa sync internal/race internal/oserror cmd/go cmd/go/internal/tool cmd/go/internal/modcmd internal/buildcfg cmd/go/internal/envcmd cmd/go/internal/toolchain cmd/go/internal/vet cmd/go/internal/help cmd/go/internal/trace path/filepath cmd/go/internal/bug cmd/go/internal/version cmd/go/internal/workcmd cmd/go/internal/fmtcmd log cmd/go/internal/base cmd/go/internal/modload flag cmd/go/internal/generate cmd/go/internal/test cmd/go/internal/list cmd/go/internal/modfetch strings cmd/go/internal/clean fmt cmd/go/internal/cfg os cmd/go/internal/run encoding/json regexp cmd/go/internal/gover debug/buildinfo io/fs cmd/go/internal/web bytes cmd/go/internal/doc context slices os/exec cmd/go/internal/modget time io internal/trace/traceviewer/format net/url cmd/go/internal/work cmd/go/internal/fix runtime/trace internal/platform bufio reflect cmd/go/internal/cmdflag cmd/go/internal/str log/internal cmd/go/internal/par text/template go/token go/parser cmd/internal/quoted unicode/utf8 encoding path strconv os/signal cmd/go/internal/fsys go/build cmd/go/internal/load sort internal/godebug unicode cmd/go/internal/cache cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile cmd/go/internal/modinfo go/scanner cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/module cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/semaphore cmd/go/internal/imports go/internal/typeparams go/build/constraint go/ast math/rand cmd/go/internal/lockedfile internal/coverage cmd/internal/sys math cmd/go/internal/search internal/syscall/unix internal/syscall/execenv runtime/debug cmd/internal/test2json internal/fmtsort regexp/syntax internal/bisect cmp encoding/binary math/bits crypto/sha256 cmd/internal/pkgpattern container/list cmd/go/internal/vcs cmd/go/internal/modindex cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/sumdb/dirhash go/doc encoding/base64 cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost internal/saferio cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/internal/lazyregexp debug/macho internal/lazytemplate debug/pe debug/plan9obj debug/elf cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/zip archive/zip cmd/go/internal/robustio internal/xcoff cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/semver hash internal/cfg cmd/go/internal/mmap unicode/utf16 encoding/hex internal/goversion crypto crypto/internal/boring internal/gover cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock text/template/parse compress/zlib debug/dwarf internal/goroot internal/singleflight internal/lazyregexp cmd/internal/cov/covcmd cmd/internal/buildid container/heap crypto/sha1 encoding/xml cmd/internal/pkgpath crypto/internal/boring/sig maps crypto/cipher cmd/internal/codesign cmd/go/internal/mvs hash/crc32 compress/flate cmd/internal/notsha256 go/doc/comment hash/adler32 internal/zstd crypto/subtle crypto/internal/alias internal/safefilepath internal/poll internal/testlog Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. internal/coverage/rtcov internal/goarch internal/goversion internal/goos internal/cpu encoding sync/atomic runtime/internal/syscall crypto/internal/boring/sig internal/godebugs unicode/utf8 log/internal internal/itoa internal/unsafeheader internal/coverage internal/platform internal/race cmp unicode/utf16 crypto/internal/alias math/bits runtime/internal/atomic internal/goexperiment unicode runtime/internal/math internal/chacha8rand internal/abi runtime/internal/sys internal/gover internal/bytealg slices math runtime crypto/subtle internal/reflectlite runtime/metrics sync internal/testlog internal/bisect internal/godebug errors sort internal/oserror internal/safefilepath path io strconv math/rand syscall hash internal/saferio text/tabwriter bytes strings hash/adler32 hash/fnv hash/crc32 container/heap crypto internal/types/errors reflect go/version go/build/constraint bufio regexp/syntax html regexp internal/syscall/execenv internal/syscall/unix time context io/fs internal/poll internal/fmtsort encoding/binary encoding/base64 cmd/internal/sys crypto/md5 cmd/internal/notsha256 crypto/cipher os crypto/internal/boring crypto/sha256 internal/lazyregexp path/filepath fmt os/exec internal/goroot cmd/internal/edit log cmd/internal/src cmd/internal/pkgpath flag text/scanner go/token internal/buildcfg runtime/debug cmd/compile/internal/abt encoding/hex cmd/internal/gcprog cmd/internal/cov/covcmd compress/flate runtime/trace internal/zstd net/url encoding/json go/doc/comment debug/dwarf math/big cmd/internal/bio go/scanner cmd/internal/dwarf cmd/internal/quoted cmd/internal/objabi cmd/internal/goobj go/ast compress/zlib compress/gzip internal/profile runtime/pprof cmd/internal/archive cmd/internal/obj internal/xcoff debug/pe debug/macho debug/elf go/internal/typeparams go/doc go/printer go/parser cmd/link/internal/benchmark go/constant cmd/compile/internal/pgo/internal/graph cmd/internal/codesign internal/pkgbits cmd/compile/internal/syntax cmd/asm/internal/flags cmd/internal/obj/wasm cmd/compile/internal/logopt cmd/internal/obj/mips cmd/internal/obj/loong64 cmd/internal/obj/riscv cmd/compile/internal/base cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/obj/s390x cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/asm/internal/lex cmd/link/internal/sym go/format go/build cmd/link/internal/loader cmd/cgo cmd/compile/internal/bitvec cmd/compile/internal/types cmd/compile/internal/typebits cmd/compile/internal/ir cmd/link/internal/loadxcoff cmd/link/internal/loadmacho cmd/link/internal/loadelf cmd/link/internal/loadpe cmd/link/internal/ld cmd/compile/internal/types2 cmd/asm/internal/arch cmd/asm/internal/asm cmd/asm cmd/compile/internal/objw cmd/compile/internal/abi cmd/compile/internal/typecheck cmd/compile/internal/rttype cmd/compile/internal/staticdata cmd/compile/internal/coverage cmd/compile/internal/compare cmd/compile/internal/loopvar cmd/compile/internal/pgo cmd/compile/internal/escape cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata cmd/compile/internal/inline/inlheur cmd/link/internal/amd64 cmd/link/internal/wasm cmd/link/internal/arm64 cmd/link/internal/arm cmd/link/internal/mips64 cmd/link/internal/loong64 cmd/link/internal/mips cmd/link/internal/ppc64 cmd/link/internal/riscv64 cmd/link/internal/s390x cmd/link/internal/x86 cmd/compile/internal/rangefunc cmd/compile/internal/importer cmd/compile/internal/staticinit cmd/compile/internal/inline cmd/compile/internal/ssa cmd/link cmd/compile/internal/devirtualize cmd/compile/internal/inline/interleaved cmd/compile/internal/liveness cmd/compile/internal/ssagen cmd/compile/internal/loong64 cmd/compile/internal/mips cmd/compile/internal/amd64 cmd/compile/internal/mips64 cmd/compile/internal/arm cmd/compile/internal/arm64 cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 cmd/compile/internal/riscv64 cmd/compile/internal/s390x cmd/compile/internal/wasm cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen cmd/compile/internal/x86 cmd/compile/internal/walk cmd/compile/internal/noder cmd/compile/internal/pkginit cmd/compile/internal/gc cmd/compile Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. internal/goexperiment internal/unsafeheader internal/goos internal/platform unicode/utf16 crypto/internal/alias internal/goos unicode/utf8 internal/itoa internal/coverage/rtcov cmp internal/coverage internal/goarch encoding internal/coverage/rtcov unicode internal/godebugs internal/race log/internal math/bits runtime/internal/syscall internal/godebugs math/bits internal/goversion unicode/utf8 internal/platform sync/atomic cmp unicode/utf16 internal/race internal/goarch internal/goexperiment runtime/internal/syscall internal/cpu internal/cpu log/internal unicode internal/itoa internal/unsafeheader runtime/internal/math crypto/internal/boring/sig sync/atomic runtime/internal/atomic encoding internal/chacha8rand internal/abi runtime/internal/atomic runtime/internal/sys slices math internal/bytealg math internal/abi internal/chacha8rand runtime/internal/math runtime/internal/sys slices internal/gover internal/bytealg runtime runtime internal/reflectlite sync internal/testlog internal/bisect errors sort internal/godebug internal/oserror internal/safefilepath path io strconv syscall internal/saferio text/tabwriter hash strings bytes hash/adler32 hash/crc32 reflect go/build/constraint bufio regexp/syntax internal/reflectlite sync crypto/subtle runtime/metrics regexp internal/bisect internal/testlog internal/syscall/execenv internal/syscall/unix time sort errors internal/godebug strconv internal/oserror io internal/safefilepath path math/rand syscall bytes strings hash text/tabwriter container/heap io/fs context internal/poll hash/crc32 hash/fnv encoding/binary internal/fmtsort reflect crypto internal/types/errors os bufio regexp/syntax go/build/constraint go/version html cmd/internal/notsha256 cmd/internal/sys encoding/base64 internal/syscall/unix time internal/syscall/execenv path/filepath fmt regexp os/exec log cmd/internal/src internal/buildcfg encoding/json flag text/scanner cmd/internal/edit cmd/internal/pkgpath go/token compress/flate cmd/internal/gcprog internal/zstd encoding/hex debug/dwarf go/doc/comment cmd/internal/bio cmd/internal/dwarf go/scanner cmd/internal/goobj internal/poll io/fs context cmd/internal/quoted cmd/internal/objabi go/ast compress/gzip compress/zlib runtime/pprof cmd/internal/obj encoding/binary internal/fmtsort os debug/macho debug/elf debug/pe internal/xcoff go/printer go/internal/typeparams go/parser cmd/link/internal/benchmark cmd/internal/codesign cmd/internal/notsha256 crypto/cipher crypto/md5 cmd/internal/sys encoding/base64 cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/internal/obj/mips cmd/internal/obj/riscv cmd/internal/obj/wasm cmd/asm/internal/flags cmd/internal/obj/s390x cmd/internal/obj/loong64 cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/asm/internal/lex cmd/link/internal/sym crypto/internal/boring cmd/link/internal/loader fmt path/filepath internal/lazyregexp go/format crypto/sha256 cmd/cgo os/exec cmd/link/internal/loadxcoff cmd/link/internal/loadmacho cmd/link/internal/loadpe cmd/link/internal/loadelf cmd/internal/cov/covcmd log cmd/internal/src internal/buildcfg flag encoding/json runtime/debug net/url cmd/compile/internal/abt cmd/internal/gcprog go/doc/comment go/token compress/flate encoding/hex runtime/trace math/big internal/goroot go/scanner cmd/internal/bio cmd/internal/dwarf cmd/internal/objabi cmd/link/internal/ld compress/gzip go/ast cmd/internal/goobj cmd/asm/internal/arch runtime/pprof internal/profile cmd/asm/internal/asm cmd/internal/obj cmd/internal/archive go/constant go/internal/typeparams go/doc cmd/asm go/parser cmd/compile/internal/pgo/internal/graph internal/pkgbits cmd/compile/internal/syntax cmd/compile/internal/logopt cmd/compile/internal/base cmd/internal/obj/loong64 cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/obj/mips cmd/internal/obj/s390x cmd/internal/obj/riscv cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/internal/obj/wasm go/build cmd/compile/internal/bitvec cmd/compile/internal/types cmd/compile/internal/typebits cmd/compile/internal/ir cmd/compile/internal/types2 cmd/link/internal/amd64 cmd/link/internal/arm cmd/link/internal/arm64 cmd/link/internal/loong64 cmd/link/internal/mips cmd/link/internal/mips64 cmd/link/internal/riscv64 cmd/link/internal/s390x cmd/link/internal/wasm cmd/link/internal/ppc64 cmd/link/internal/x86 cmd/link cmd/compile/internal/abi cmd/compile/internal/objw cmd/compile/internal/typecheck cmd/compile/internal/rttype cmd/compile/internal/staticdata cmd/compile/internal/rangefunc cmd/compile/internal/coverage cmd/compile/internal/compare cmd/compile/internal/pgo cmd/compile/internal/loopvar cmd/compile/internal/importer cmd/compile/internal/escape cmd/compile/internal/inline/inlheur cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata cmd/compile/internal/staticinit cmd/compile/internal/inline cmd/compile/internal/ssa cmd/compile/internal/devirtualize cmd/compile/internal/inline/interleaved cmd/compile/internal/liveness cmd/compile/internal/ssagen cmd/compile/internal/arm cmd/compile/internal/mips cmd/compile/internal/wasm cmd/compile/internal/riscv64 cmd/compile/internal/x86 cmd/compile/internal/amd64 cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 cmd/compile/internal/walk cmd/compile/internal/s390x cmd/compile/internal/loong64 cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen cmd/compile/internal/mips64 cmd/compile/internal/arm64 cmd/compile/internal/noder cmd/compile/internal/pkginit cmd/compile/internal/gc cmd/compile Building packages and commands for linux/riscv64. internal/unsafeheader unicode/utf16 internal/coverage internal/cfg internal/goos vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/alias runtime/race log/internal encoding hash/maphash reflect/internal/example2 internal/godebugs internal/coverage/rtcov internal/goexperiment internal/goarch internal/trace/traceviewer/format math/bits internal/coverage/calloc internal/goversion log/slog/internal unicode/utf8 internal/trace/v2/event internal/coverage/uleb128 internal/platform unicode internal/race reflect/internal/example1 vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1 container/list internal/cpu internal/nettrace cmp internal/itoa container/ring crypto/internal/alias sync/atomic crypto/internal/boring/sig runtime/internal/syscall runtime/internal/atomic image/color runtime/internal/math internal/chacha8rand maps internal/abi runtime/internal/sys internal/gover slices math internal/bytealg image/color/palette crypto/internal/boring/bcache math/cmplx runtime crypto/subtle internal/reflectlite sync runtime/metrics internal/testlog log/slog/internal/buffer internal/singleflight internal/bisect runtime/cgo internal/godebug errors sort io strconv internal/oserror internal/safefilepath internal/intern path math/rand/v2 vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage math/rand crypto/internal/nistec/fiat bytes strings syscall hash crypto/internal/randutil internal/saferio container/heap text/tabwriter hash/fnv hash/adler32 hash/crc64 hash/crc32 crypto/rc4 crypto encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 internal/types/errors net/netip reflect vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform net/http/internal/ascii go/version net/http/internal/testcert go/build/constraint bufio html regexp/syntax compress/bzip2 image image/internal/imageutil regexp image/draw image/jpeg internal/syscall/execenv os/exec/internal/fdtest internal/syscall/unix time time/tzdata crypto/internal/nistec plugin context io/fs internal/poll internal/fmtsort encoding/binary embed os crypto/md5 encoding/base64 crypto/internal/edwards25519/field vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305 crypto/cipher index/suffixarray encoding/pem crypto/internal/edwards25519 crypto/des crypto/internal/boring vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20 crypto/hmac crypto/sha512 crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 crypto/ecdh crypto/aes vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf internal/obscuretestdata internal/sysinfo internal/lazyregexp io/ioutil path/filepath os/signal vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu fmt net 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cmd/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/internal/binutils cmd/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/internal/report cmd/go/internal/vcs cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost cmd/go/internal/vcweb cmd/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/internal/symbolizer cmd/trace/v2 cmd/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/internal/driver cmd/go/internal/vcweb/vcstest cmd/go/internal/modinfo cmd/go/internal/modfetch cmd/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/driver cmd/go/internal/modload cmd/go/internal/load cmd/go/internal/fmtcmd cmd/go/internal/work cmd/go/internal/fix cmd/go/internal/envcmd cmd/go/internal/run cmd/go/internal/clean cmd/go/internal/generate cmd/go/internal/list cmd/go/internal/vet cmd/go/internal/test cmd/go/internal/toolchain cmd/go/internal/bug cmd/go/internal/modget cmd/go/internal/modcmd cmd/go/internal/workcmd cmd/compile/internal/liveness cmd/compile/internal/ssagen cmd/compile/internal/amd64 cmd/compile/internal/loong64 cmd/compile/internal/mips64 cmd/compile/internal/arm64 cmd/compile/internal/arm cmd/compile/internal/mips cmd/compile/internal/wasm cmd/compile/internal/x86 cmd/compile/internal/riscv64 cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen cmd/compile/internal/s390x cmd/compile/internal/walk cmd/compile/internal/noder cmd/compile/internal/pkginit cmd/compile/internal/gc run: /build/go/src/go/bin/go install -v cmd DONE /usr/bin/gcc -xc -o /dev/null -static - ##### Test execution environment. /build/go/src/go/bin/go run main.go # GOARCH: riscv64 # CPU: # GOOS: linux # OS Version: Linux 6.1.61-3-sophgo-08357-g369f7207fe69 #1 SMP Sat, 30 Dec 2023 06:54:24 +0000 riscv64 ##### Testing packages. # go tool dist test -run=^archive/tar$ ok archive/tar 0.591s ok archive/zip 0.515s ok bufio 0.297s ok bytes 0.929s ok cmp 0.091s ok compress/bzip2 0.243s ok compress/flate 1.511s ok compress/gzip 9.079s ok compress/lzw 0.149s ok compress/zlib 0.233s ok container/heap 0.138s ok container/list 0.136s ok container/ring 0.136s ok context 0.206s ok crypto 0.131s ok crypto/aes 0.175s ok crypto/cipher 0.145s ok crypto/des 0.145s ok crypto/dsa 0.135s ok crypto/ecdh 0.289s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.267s ok crypto/ed25519 0.319s ok crypto/elliptic 0.190s ok crypto/hmac 0.135s ok crypto/internal/alias 0.133s ok crypto/internal/bigmod 0.314s ok crypto/internal/boring 0.135s ok crypto/internal/boring/bcache 0.407s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519 0.408s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519/field 0.187s ok crypto/internal/nistec 0.584s ok crypto/internal/nistec/fiat 0.133s [no tests to run] ok crypto/md5 0.159s ok crypto/rand 0.375s ok crypto/rc4 0.209s ok crypto/rsa 1.298s ok crypto/sha1 0.144s ok crypto/sha256 0.139s ok crypto/sha512 0.144s ok crypto/subtle 0.614s ok crypto/tls 3.876s ok crypto/x509 5.660s ok database/sql 0.968s ok database/sql/driver 0.109s ok debug/buildinfo 0.186s ok debug/dwarf 0.223s ok debug/elf 0.946s ok debug/gosym 0.220s ok debug/macho 0.129s ok debug/pe 0.231s ok debug/plan9obj 0.114s ok embed 0.146s [no tests to run] ok embed/internal/embedtest 0.126s ok encoding/ascii85 0.121s ok encoding/asn1 0.136s ok encoding/base32 0.178s ok encoding/base64 0.130s ok encoding/binary 0.125s ok encoding/csv 0.143s ok encoding/gob 15.121s ok encoding/hex 0.119s ok encoding/json 1.312s ok encoding/pem 1.426s ok encoding/xml 0.510s ok errors 0.171s ok expvar 0.224s ok flag 0.409s ok fmt 0.558s ok go/ast 0.202s ok go/build 10.489s ok go/build/constraint 0.172s ok go/constant 0.172s ok go/doc 0.568s ok go/doc/comment 5.712s ok go/format 0.200s ok go/importer 1.867s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.264s ok go/internal/gcimporter 9.637s ok go/internal/srcimporter 43.587s ok go/parser 1.258s ok go/printer 1.176s ok go/scanner 0.173s ok go/token 0.261s ok go/types 35.934s ok go/version 0.144s ok hash 0.157s ok hash/adler32 0.169s ok hash/crc32 0.193s ok hash/crc64 0.159s ok hash/fnv 0.145s ok hash/maphash 0.670s ok html 0.203s ok html/template 0.757s ok image 0.337s ok image/color 0.213s ok image/draw 0.681s ok image/gif 1.400s ok image/jpeg 0.813s ok image/png 1.428s ok index/suffixarray 2.757s ok internal/abi 0.550s ok internal/buildcfg 0.151s ok internal/chacha8rand 0.097s ok internal/coverage/cformat 0.097s ok internal/coverage/cmerge 0.102s ok internal/coverage/pods 0.105s ok internal/coverage/slicereader 0.091s ok internal/coverage/slicewriter 0.098s ok internal/coverage/test 0.129s ok internal/cpu 0.123s ok internal/dag 0.105s ok internal/diff 0.108s ok internal/fmtsort 0.103s ok internal/fuzz 0.156s ok internal/godebug 2.807s ok internal/godebugs 0.102s ok internal/gover 0.103s ok internal/intern 1.350s ok internal/itoa 0.103s ok internal/platform 5.693s ok internal/poll 0.496s ok internal/profile 0.107s ok internal/reflectlite 0.143s ok internal/safefilepath 0.119s ok internal/saferio 0.260s ok internal/singleflight 0.205s ok internal/testenv 1.928s ok internal/trace 0.528s ok internal/trace/v2 27.115s ok internal/types/errors 3.306s ok internal/unsafeheader 0.134s ok internal/xcoff 0.161s ok internal/zstd 2.896s ok io 0.243s ok io/fs 1.000s ok io/ioutil 0.143s ok log 0.150s ok log/slog 0.387s ok log/slog/internal/benchmarks 0.129s ok log/slog/internal/buffer 0.141s ok log/syslog 1.415s ok maps 0.159s ok math 0.183s ok math/big 6.353s ok math/bits 0.233s ok math/cmplx 0.177s ok math/rand 0.741s ok math/rand/v2 1.427s ok mime 0.147s ok mime/multipart 5.368s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.286s ok net 16.141s ok net/http 42.558s ok net/http/cgi 1.185s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.294s ok net/http/fcgi 0.407s ok net/http/httptest 0.467s ok net/http/httptrace 0.169s ok net/http/httputil 1.296s ok net/http/internal 0.896s ok net/http/internal/ascii 0.127s ok net/http/pprof 5.475s ok net/internal/socktest 0.128s ok net/mail 0.171s ok net/netip 2.289s ok net/rpc 0.442s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.285s ok net/smtp 0.292s ok net/textproto 0.420s ok net/url 0.220s ok os 3.292s ok os/exec 1.034s ok os/exec/internal/fdtest 0.137s ok os/signal 7.379s ok os/user 0.150s ok path 0.128s ok path/filepath 0.276s ok plugin 0.395s ok reflect 1.782s ok regexp 2.165s ok regexp/syntax 4.144s ok runtime 202.749s ok runtime/cgo 0.145s ok runtime/coverage 0.170s ok runtime/debug 0.419s ok runtime/internal/atomic 0.386s ok runtime/internal/math 0.145s ok runtime/internal/sys 0.142s ok runtime/internal/syscall 0.139s ok runtime/internal/wasitest 0.185s ok runtime/metrics 0.187s ok runtime/pprof 14.846s ok runtime/trace 0.385s ok slices 0.476s ok sort 0.281s ok strconv 1.103s ok strings 0.589s ok sync 1.403s ok sync/atomic 4.715s ok syscall 12.914s ok testing 3.414s ok testing/fstest 0.172s ok testing/iotest 0.145s ok testing/quick 0.341s ok testing/slogtest 0.180s ok text/scanner 0.158s ok text/tabwriter 0.153s ok text/template 0.369s ok text/template/parse 0.180s ok time 3.290s ok unicode 0.153s ok unicode/utf16 0.153s ok unicode/utf8 0.169s ok cmd/addr2line 3.651s ok cmd/api 73.969s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 3.999s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.154s ok cmd/cgo/internal/swig 0.237s ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 1.724s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testcarchive 0.125s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testcshared 0.125s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testerrors 52.828s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testfortran 0.165s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testgodefs 3.320s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testlife 3.778s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo 0.104s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testplugin 0.117s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testsanitizers 95.429s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testshared 0.140s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testso 7.756s ok cmd/cgo/internal/teststdio 8.239s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testtls 0.177s ok cmd/compile/internal/abt 0.118s ok cmd/compile/internal/amd64 0.457s ok cmd/compile/internal/base 0.188s ok cmd/compile/internal/compare 0.425s ok cmd/compile/internal/devirtualize 0.326s ok cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen 3.160s ok cmd/compile/internal/importer 8.412s ok cmd/compile/internal/inline/inlheur 5.210s ok cmd/compile/internal/ir 0.449s ok cmd/compile/internal/logopt 0.844s ok cmd/compile/internal/loopvar 0.351s ok cmd/compile/internal/noder 0.459s ok cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata 0.232s [no tests to run] ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 59.195s ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 0.492s --- FAIL: TestPGODevirtualize (0.15s) pgo_devirtualize_test.go:42: Test without PGO: devirt.go:22:2: write /build/.cache/go-build/ec/ec6b8098fabc6fec2cba5c3813b568e0e73bc8d8fb7c31a64dee3db124174691-d: no space left on device pgo_devirtualize_test.go:44: Test failed without PGO: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestLookupFuncGeneric (0.15s) pgo_devirtualize_test.go:42: Test without PGO: devirt.go:22:2: write /build/.cache/go-build/ec/ec6b8098fabc6fec2cba5c3813b568e0e73bc8d8fb7c31a64dee3db124174691-d: no space left on device pgo_devirtualize_test.go:44: Test failed without PGO: exit status 1 FAIL FAIL cmd/compile/internal/test 44.026s ok cmd/compile/internal/typecheck 3.939s ok cmd/compile/internal/types 0.216s ok cmd/compile/internal/types2 33.337s ok cmd/covdata 0.277s ok cmd/cover 8.697s ok cmd/dist 0.198s ok cmd/distpack 0.191s ok cmd/doc 1.771s ok cmd/fix 4.883s vcs-test.golang.org rerouted to https://vcs-test.golang.org rerouted to go test proxy running at GOPROXY= --- FAIL: TestScript (0.53s) --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_old (1.08s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_old739574487 script_test.go:156: # 'go mod tidy' should remove content sums for module versions that aren't # in the build list. It should preserve go.mod sums for module versions that # are in the module graph though. # Verifies golang.org/issue/33008. (0.933s) > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: m imports example.com/r imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/78/787973baaf08d52c818a4295bc9b319c9d6bb445b7ba3c9d71b5f926373f7fe7-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_old.txt:5: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_replace_old (1.24s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_replace_old2762333931 script_test.go:156: # Regression test for https://golang.org/issue/46659. # # If a 'replace' directive specifies an older-than-selected version of a module, # 'go mod tidy' shouldn't try to add that version to the build list to resolve a # missing package: it won't be selected, and would cause the module loader to # loop indefinitely trying to resolve the package. (1.186s) > cp go.mod go.mod.orig > ! go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading example.com/usemissingpre v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com/missingpkg v1.0.1-beta go: golang.org/issue46659 imports example.com/missingpkg/deprecated: write /build/.cache/go-build/5a/5addfa8f916f017e37b29adac189864e430ce52f49b1b65399f0466e9b6dc093-d: no space left on device go: golang.org/issue46659 imports example.com/usemissingpre: write /build/.cache/go-build/4c/4cf1fb8afee369511d6b3544de2c3b4143a9b030e7dfffa6130e4e51b14340cf-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > ! stderr panic > stderr '^go: golang\.org/issue46659 imports\n\texample\.com/missingpkg/deprecated: package example\.com/missingpkg/deprecated provided by example\.com/missingpkg at latest version v1\.0\.0 but not at required version v1\.0\.1-beta$' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_replace_old.txt:12: stderr '^go: golang\.org/issue46659 imports\n\texample\.com/missingpkg/deprecated: package example\.com/missingpkg/deprecated provided by example\.com/missingpkg at latest version v1\.0\.0 but not at required version v1\.0\.1-beta$': no match for `(?m)^go: golang\.org/issue46659 imports\n\texample\.com/missingpkg/deprecated: package example\.com/missingpkg/deprecated provided by example\.com/missingpkg at latest version v1\.0\.0 but not at required version v1\.0\.1-beta$` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test_files (1.06s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_test_files1597297644 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > cd foo # Testing an explicit source file should use the same import visibility as the # package in the same directory. (0.763s) > go list -test -deps [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/5f/5f617575f7366de83e24f5057829ecc76a21b370048126e792ebfe6b6dba72d2-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_test_files.txt:7: go list -test -deps: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_quote (1.31s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_quote2837703554 script_test.go:156: # Check that mod tidy does not introduce repeated # require statements when input go.mod has quoted requirements. (1.090s) > env GO111MODULE=on > go mod tidy [stderr] go: finding module for package rsc.io/quote go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: x imports rsc.io/quote: module rsc.io/quote@latest found (v1.5.2), but does not contain package rsc.io/quote script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_quote.txt:5: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_duplicates (1.21s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_duplicates512347531 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # Regression test for golang.org/issue/28456: # 'go mod tidy' should not leave duplicate lines when re-writing the file. (1.092s) > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: use imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/d1/d1c8dca1337a6dd4b28dd8bc9f0c12bbe4c846f45bc3c5bac9b95abc80657566-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_duplicates.txt:6: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/work_goproxy_off (1.71s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:40Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_goproxy_off3867409237 script_test.go:156: > go work init > go work use . ./sub # Verify that the go.mod files for both modules in the workspace are tidy, # and add missing go.sum entries as needed. (1.085s) > cp go.mod go.mod.orig > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 go: example imports rsc.io/sampler: write /build/.cache/go-build/e8/e88cd087d852ceea8d119a2109f9b009debd9de785cc84600b62946e91a25b57-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/work_goproxy_off.txt:8: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_retract_rename (0.48s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_retract_rename935654153 script_test.go:156: # Populate go.sum. (0.454s) > go get [stderr] go: downloading example.com/retract/rename v1.0.0-bad go: example.com/use imports example.com/retract/rename: write /build/.cache/go-build/6d/6dd21eef7801fd3a65877c55e8d074b847ad71f0fdcd948d650d288f30658fe5-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_retract_rename.txt:2: go get: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_downgrade_ambiguous (1.27s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_downgrade_ambiguous2459948782 script_test.go:156: # Verifies golang.org/issue/47738. # In this test, the user has rewritten their imports to use rsc.io/quote/v3, # but their go.mod still requires rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2, and they indirectly # require rsc.io/quote@v1.5.1 but don't import anything from it. (1.079s) # 'go mod tidy' should preserve the requirement on rsc.io/quote but mark it # indirect. This prevents a downgrade to v1.5.1, which could introduce # an ambiguity. (0.161s) > go mod tidy [stderr] go: use imports rsc.io/quote/v3: write /build/.cache/go-build/4a/4a79a3a5c2c72372aa6772d94b317f41c34aa0691aae3a6c210fe7d56817a0c7-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testee: '/logdest/go-2:1.22.2-1-riscv64-check.log': No space left on device tdata/script/mod_tidy_downgrade_ambiguous.txt:15: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_oldgo (1.38s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_oldgo2564395065 script_test.go:156: # Modules were introduced in Go 1.11, but for various reasons users may # decide to declare a (much!) older go version in their go.mod file. # Modules with very old versions should not be rejected, and should have # the same module-graph semantics as in Go 1.11. (1.230s) > cp go.mod go.mod.orig > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 go: example.com/legacy/go1 imports golang.org/x/text/language: write /build/.cache/go-build/5b/5be0655d3d37e058ccf955c0b19f41365b84da7c6518e5506c3fc5d67a56226d-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_oldgo.txt:7: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_symlink (1.02s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_symlink68479496 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > [!symlink] skip [condition not met] # 'go get' should resolve modules of imported packages. (0.879s) > go get [stderr] go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 go: golang.org/x/text/language: write /build/.cache/go-build/00/00f14fc2be7d0bd084c0fbe0d3dcab0a1bb3dfa224ac17dbc939bbe2f63202ad-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_symlink.txt:5: go get: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_sum (1.42s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_sum2924721755 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # go.sum should list directly used modules and dependencies (1.288s) > go get rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: added rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 > go mod tidy [stderr] go: x imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/ec/ec9a564a50406d0165d3334449d9c38621ed220027a7371713bd4e1e30cd003b-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_sum.txt:5: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_sum_issue56222 (0.84s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_sum_issue56222754663511 script_test.go:156: # Regression test for #56222: 'go get -t' and 'go mod tidy' # should save enough checksums to run 'go test' on the named # packages or any package in "all" respectively. # 'go mod tidy' in a module at go 1.21 or higher should preserve # checksums needed to run 'go test all'. (0.819s) > cd m1 > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading example.com/generics v1.0.0 go: example.com/m1/p imports example.com/m2/q tested by example.com/m2/q.test imports example.com/generics: write /build/.cache/go-build/28/2899118c783fead7480e7f2ce3ac5050a2a0d4f89c15923507accdfb350813db-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_sum_issue56222.txt:8: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_toolchain (1.49s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:40Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_toolchain4108852714 script_test.go:156: > env TESTGO_VERSION=go1.100.0 > env TESTGO_VERSION_SWITCH=switch > go get toolchain@go1.22.1 [stderr] go: added toolchain go1.22.1 > stderr '^go: added toolchain go1.22.1$' matched: go: added toolchain go1.22.1 > ! stderr '(added|removed|upgraded|downgraded) go' > grep 'toolchain go1.22.1' go.mod matched: toolchain go1.22.1 > go get toolchain@none [stderr] go: removed toolchain go1.22.1 > stderr '^go: removed toolchain go1.22.1$' matched: go: removed toolchain go1.22.1 > ! stderr '(added|removed|upgraded|downgraded) go' > ! grep toolchain go.mod > go get toolchain@go1.22.1 [stderr] go: added toolchain go1.22.1 > stderr '^go: added toolchain go1.22.1$' matched: go: added toolchain go1.22.1 > ! stderr '(added|removed|upgraded|downgraded) go' > grep 'toolchain go1.22.1' go.mod matched: toolchain go1.22.1 > go get go@1.22.3 [stderr] go: can't request explicit version "1.22.3" of standard library package go script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_toolchain.txt:19: go get go@1.22.3: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_retract_replace (0.68s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_retract_replace2998970567 script_test.go:156: # If the latest unretracted version of a module is replaced, 'go list' should # obtain retractions from the replacement. # Populate go.sum. (0.563s) > go get [stderr] go: downloading example.com/retract/missingmod v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com/retract v1.0.0-good go: m imports example.com/retract: write /build/.cache/go-build/77/779e9e743bf01769af2f9fd323b5a5c787e1b6abf0a9f4d2f62ae1adcd7b793f-d: no space left on device go: m imports example.com/retract/missingmod: write /build/.cache/go-build/84/84114cbb4c1af2a2603834689b6098b0cd0ac83b70b70c69f4a2fa0987b1de23-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_retract_replace.txt:5: go get: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_patterns_vendor (0.24s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_patterns_vendor1876000209 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > go list -mod=vendor example.com/... [stderr] cannot find module providing package example.com: import lookup disabled by -mod=vendor cannot find module providing package example.com/x/vendor: import lookup disabled by -mod=vendor script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_patterns_vendor.txt:3: go list -mod=vendor example.com/...: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/work_why_download_graph (2.03s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:40Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_why_download_graph3029669265 script_test.go:156: # Test go mod download, why, and graph work in workspace mode. # TODO(bcmills): clarify the interaction with #44435 (2.013s) > go mod download rsc.io/quote > exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.2.info > exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.2.mod > exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.2.zip > ! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.0.info > ! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.0.mod > grep '^rsc\.io/quote v1\.5\.2/go\.mod h1:' go.work.sum matched: rsc.io/quote v1.5.2/go.mod h1:LzX7hefJvL54yjefDEDHNONDjII0t9xZLPXsUe+TKr0= > grep '^rsc\.io/quote v1\.5\.2 h1:' go.work.sum matched: rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 h1:3fEykkD9k7lYzXqCYrwGAf7iNhbk4yCjHmKBN9td4L0= > go clean -modcache > rm go.work.sum > go mod download > exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.2.info > exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.2.mod > exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.2.zip > ! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.0.info > ! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote/@v/v1.5.0.mod > grep '^rsc\.io/quote v1\.5\.2/go\.mod h1:' go.work.sum matched: rsc.io/quote v1.5.2/go.mod h1:LzX7hefJvL54yjefDEDHNONDjII0t9xZLPXsUe+TKr0= > grep '^rsc\.io/quote v1\.5\.2 h1:' go.work.sum matched: rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 h1:3fEykkD9k7lYzXqCYrwGAf7iNhbk4yCjHmKBN9td4L0= > go mod why rsc.io/quote [stdout] # rsc.io/quote (main module does not need package rsc.io/quote) [stderr] go: warning: "all" matched no packages > stdout '# rsc.io/quote\nexample.com/a\nrsc.io/quote' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/work_why_download_graph.txt:25: stdout '# rsc.io/quote\nexample.com/a\nrsc.io/quote': no match for `(?m)# rsc.io/quote\nexample.com/a\nrsc.io/quote` in stdout --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_retract (0.36s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_retract797988184 script_test.go:156: > cp go.mod go.mod.orig # 'go list pkg' does not report an error when a retracted version is used. (0.243s) # Nor does 'go build'. (0.000s) # Neither 'go list' nor 'go build' should download go.mod from the version # that would list retractions. (0.000s) # Importing a package from a module with a retracted latest version will # select the latest non-retracted version. (0.103s) > go get ./use_self_prev [stderr] go: example.com/use/use_self_prev imports example.com/retract/self/prev: write /build/.cache/go-build/77/779e9e743bf01769af2f9fd323b5a5c787e1b6abf0a9f4d2f62ae1adcd7b793f-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_retract.txt:20: go get ./use_self_prev: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_sum_lookup (1.10s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_sum_lookup511320654 script_test.go:156: # When we attempt to resolve an import that doesn't exist, we should not save # hashes for downloaded modules. # Verifies golang.org/issue/36260. # TODO(golang.org/issue/26603): use 'go mod tidy -e' when implemented. (0.756s) # When an import is resolved successfully, we should only save hashes for # the module that provides the package, not for other modules looked up. # Verifies golang.org/issue/31580. (0.323s) > go get ./exist [stderr] go: m/exist imports example.com/join/subpkg: cannot find module providing package example.com/join/subpkg script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_sum_lookup.txt:11: go get ./exist: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_sum_ambiguous (1.10s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_sum_ambiguous1085822656 script_test.go:156: # Confirm our build list. (0.715s) # If two modules could provide a package, but only one does, # 'go mod tidy' should retain sums for both zips. (0.370s) > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading example.com/ambiguous/a/b v0.0.0-empty go: m imports example.com/ambiguous/a/b: write /build/.cache/go-build/34/3406e16874c437e8118a1c7a7552ec7634ac3b3bd91cbf00e995eb68162695ec-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_sum_ambiguous.txt:9: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_std_vendor (1.16s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_std_vendor3148943687 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > env GOPROXY=off > [!compiler:gc] skip [condition not met] # 'go list' should report imports from _test.go in the TestImports field. (0.186s) # 'go list' should find standard-vendored packages. (0.438s) # 'go list -test' should report vendored transitive dependencies of _test.go # imports in the Deps field. (0.526s) > go list -test -f '{{range .Deps}}{{.}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/70/70cdfb424097541889e0a23a339fdcc335e946a617d6952a5b33441bcec83dbd-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_std_vendor.txt:16: go list -test -f '{{range .Deps}}{{.}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}': exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_sum_replaced (1.20s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_sum_replaced3326900886 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # After 'go get', the go.sum file should contain the sum for the module. (0.809s) # If we replace the module and run 'go mod tidy', we should get a sum for the replacement. (0.329s) > go mod edit -replace rsc.io/quote@v1.5.0=rsc.io/quote@v1.5.1 > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 go: golang.org/issue/27868 imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/58/58d02167a862f71c901ae1c3d6ca1933fdd42eb4af6772367f7e570513a38492-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_sum_replaced.txt:9: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/tooltags (2.22s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:40Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/tooltags951919412 script_test.go:156: > env GOOS=linux > env GOARCH=amd64 > env GOAMD64=v3 > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stdout] [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 amd64.v1 amd64.v2 amd64.v3] > stdout 'amd64.v1 amd64.v2 amd64.v3' matched: [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 amd64.v1 amd64.v2 amd64.v3] > env GOARCH=arm > env GOARM=6 > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stdout] [goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 arm.5 arm.6] > stdout 'arm.5 arm.6' matched: [goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 arm.5 arm.6] > env GOARCH=mips > env GOMIPS=hardfloat > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stdout] [goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 mips.hardfloat] > stdout 'mips.hardfloat' matched: [goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 mips.hardfloat] > env GOARCH=mips64 > env GOMIPS=hardfloat > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stdout] [goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 mips64.hardfloat] > stdout 'mips64.hardfloat' matched: [goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 mips64.hardfloat] > env GOARCH=ppc64 > env GOPPC64=power9 > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stdout] [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 ppc64.power8 ppc64.power9] > stdout 'ppc64.power8 ppc64.power9' matched: [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 ppc64.power8 ppc64.power9] > env GOARCH=ppc64 > env GOPPC64=power10 > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stdout] [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 ppc64.power8 ppc64.power9 ppc64.power10] > stdout 'ppc64.power8 ppc64.power9 ppc64.power10' matched: [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 ppc64.power8 ppc64.power9 ppc64.power10] > env GOARCH=ppc64le > env GOPPC64=power9 > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stdout] [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 ppc64le.power8 ppc64le.power9] > stdout 'ppc64le.power8 ppc64le.power9' matched: [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 ppc64le.power8 ppc64le.power9] > env GOARCH=ppc64le > env GOPPC64=power10 > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stdout] [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 ppc64le.power8 ppc64le.power9 ppc64le.power10] > stdout 'ppc64le.power8 ppc64le.power9 ppc64le.power10' matched: [goexperiment.regabiwrappers goexperiment.regabiargs goexperiment.coverageredesign goexperiment.allocheaders goexperiment.exectracer2 ppc64le.power8 ppc64le.power9 ppc64le.power10] > env GOARCH=386 > env GO386=sse2 > go list -f '{{context.ToolTags}}' [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/0a/0af6969c24ef87f97adbed4eb891fed64a98ba367ff43c438a1f242efe06125a-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/tooltags.txt:45: go list -f {{context.ToolTags}}: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_missingpkg_prerelease (0.26s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_missingpkg_prerelease2804779481 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > ! go list -mod=mod -deps use.go [stdout] example.com/missingpkg/deprecated example.com/usemissingpre command-line-arguments [stderr] go: finding module for package example.com/usemissingpre go: finding module for package example.com/missingpkg/deprecated go: downloading example.com/usemissingpre v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com/missingpkg v1.0.0 use.go:4:2: write /build/.cache/go-build/bf/bf40848cceb3a592a4b4156c2a673507943c47142d416a54b6c65dfc61568478-d: no space left on device use.go:5:2: module example.com/usemissingpre@latest found (v1.0.0), but does not contain package example.com/usemissingpre [exit status 1] > stderr '^use.go:4:2: package example.com/missingpkg/deprecated provided by example.com/missingpkg at latest version v1.0.0 but not at required version v1.0.1-beta$' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_missingpkg_prerelease.txt:4: stderr '^use.go:4:2: package example.com/missingpkg/deprecated provided by example.com/missingpkg at latest version v1.0.0 but not at required version v1.0.1-beta$': no match for `(?m)^use.go:4:2: package example.com/missingpkg/deprecated provided by example.com/missingpkg at latest version v1.0.0 but not at required version v1.0.1-beta$` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_multirepo (0.36s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_multirepo2240535952 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # initial standalone module should use no downloaded modules (0.091s) # v2 import should use a downloaded module # both without an explicit go.mod entry ... (0.262s) > cp tmp/use_v2.go x.go > go get . [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote/v2 v2.0.1 go: rsc.io/quote imports rsc.io/quote/v2: cannot find module providing package rsc.io/quote/v2 script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_multirepo.txt:10: go get .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query_empty (0.56s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_query_empty155398832 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > env GOSUMDB=off > go mod download example.com/join@v1.1.0 # If the proxy serves a bogus result for the @latest version, # reading that version should cause 'go get' to fail. (0.099s) # If @v/list is empty, the 'go' command should still try to resolve # other module paths. (0.138s) > env GOPROXY=file:///$WORK/emptysub > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go get example.com/join/subpkg [stderr] go: example.com/join/subpkg: write /build/.cache/go-build/ab/abee915ccdbde50061cad4da6c9339734fdeda4d1bb87e25076f7dd4e905a610-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_query_empty.txt:17: go get example.com/join/subpkg: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_retract (0.17s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_list_retract2383254822 script_test.go:156: # 'go list -mod=vendor -retracted' reports an error. (0.161s) > go mod vendor [stderr] go: downloading example.com/retract v1.0.0-bad go: example.com/use imports example.com/retract: write /build/.cache/go-build/77/779e9e743bf01769af2f9fd323b5a5c787e1b6abf0a9f4d2f62ae1adcd7b793f-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_list_retract.txt:2: go mod vendor: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_skip_write (1.43s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_skip_write4065724529 script_test.go:156: # Commands used to debug the module graph should not write go.mod or go.sum # or report errors when those files need to be updated. # Everything's okay initially. (0.588s) # Downgrading sampler makes go.mod inconsistent, but 'go mod graph', # 'go mod verify', and 'go mod why' still work. (0.814s) > cp go.mod go.mod.orig > go mod edit -require=rsc.io/sampler@v1.2.0 > cp go.mod go.mod.edit > ! go list -m all [stderr] go: updates to go.mod needed; to update it: go mod tidy [exit status 1] > stderr 'updates to go.mod needed' matched: go: updates to go.mod needed; to update it: > go mod graph [stdout] m go@1.18 m golang.org/x/text@v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c m rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 m rsc.io/sampler@v1.3.0 m rsc.io/testonly@v1.0.0 rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 rsc.io/sampler@v1.3.0 rsc.io/sampler@v1.3.0 golang.org/x/text@v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c > cmp stdout graph.want > cmp go.mod go.mod.edit > go mod verify [stdout] all modules verified > stdout '^all modules verified$' matched: all modules verified > cmp go.mod go.mod.edit > go mod why rsc.io/sampler [stdout] # rsc.io/sampler (main module does not need package rsc.io/sampler) [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/sampler v1.2.0 go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 > cmp stdout why.want diff stdout why.want --- stdout +++ why.want @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ # rsc.io/sampler -(main module does not need package rsc.io/sampler) +m +rsc.io/quote +rsc.io/sampler script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_skip_write.txt:24: cmp stdout why.want: stdout and why.want differ --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_replace_dir (0.30s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_list_replace_dir3514744502 script_test.go:156: # Test that "go list" succeeds when given a directory in a replacement # module within the module cache. # Verifies golang.org/issue/29548 # Populate go.sum and download dependencies. (0.273s) > go get [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 go: example.com/quoter imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/b2/b26dc65c36a4f44d76c67965af92308c1ee283796660b87b686874633fe219c9-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_list_replace_dir.txt:6: go get: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_deprecated (0.20s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_list_deprecated4022185004 script_test.go:156: # 'go list pkg' does not show deprecation. (0.193s) > go list example.com/deprecated/a [stderr] go: downloading example.com/deprecated/a v1.9.0 write /build/.cache/go-build/04/04410d9c5624c5699be8e28603a115d0a5f74c4625a1a066b6cbabdfccbb32d7-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_list_deprecated.txt:2: go list example.com/deprecated/a: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_test (0.39s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_list_test4205305124 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # go list -compiled -test must handle test-only packages # golang.org/issue/27097. (0.390s) > go list -compiled -test [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/a7/a7e53ffe6b13e24b5fa11d274fb32ee53136975c211210783e1f6cc80caad66f-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_list_test.txt:5: go list -compiled -test: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor (2.23s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_vendor1289906110 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # Without vendoring, a build should succeed unless -mod=vendor is set. (0.000s) # Without vendoring, 'go list' should report the replacement directory for # a package in a replaced module. (0.359s) # 'go mod vendor' should copy all replaced modules to the vendor directory. (0.309s) # An explicit '-mod=mod' should ignore the vendor directory. (0.513s) # An explicit '-mod=vendor' should report package directories within # the vendor directory. (0.132s) # 'go list -mod=vendor -m' should successfully list vendored modules, # but should not provide a module directory because no directory contains # the complete module. (0.173s) # -mod=vendor should cause 'go list' flags that look up versions to fail. (0.170s) # 'go list -mod=vendor -m' on a transitive dependency that does not # provide vendored packages should give a helpful error rather than # 'not a known dependency'. (0.103s) # 'go list -mod=mod' should report packages outside the import graph, # but 'go list -mod=vendor' should error out for them. (0.198s) > go list -mod=mod -f {{.Dir}} w [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/8c/8cea57c92c1f85c071fbdb49d584dd587c310aef6f117ffa25c79485c6a98728-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_vendor.txt:55: go list -mod=mod -f {{.Dir}} w: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_require_exclude (0.85s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_require_exclude1411585767 script_test.go:156: # build with no newer version to satisfy exclude (0.000s) # With the selected version excluded, commands that query that version without # updating go.mod should fail. (0.137s) # The failure message should be clear when -mod=vendor is implicit. (0.331s) # With the selected version excluded, commands that load only modules should # drop the excluded module. (0.214s) # With the latest version excluded, 'go list' should resolve needed packages # from the next-highest version. (0.151s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go list -mod=mod -f '{{with .Module}}{{.Path}} {{.Version}}{{end}}' all [stderr] go: dropping requirement on excluded version rsc.io/sampler v1.99.99 go: finding module for package rsc.io/quote go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 module rsc.io/quote@latest found (v1.5.2), but does not contain package rsc.io/quote script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_require_exclude.txt:44: go list -mod=mod -f '{{with .Module}}{{.Path}} {{.Version}}{{end}}' all: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_install_pkg_version (0.13s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_install_pkg_version1950132243 script_test.go:156: # 'go install pkg@version' works outside a module. (0.113s) > env GO111MODULE=auto > go install example.com/cmd/a@v1.0.0 [stderr] go: downloading example.com/cmd v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com v1.0.0 go: example.com/cmd/a@v1.0.0: example.com/cmd/a: write /build/.cache/go-build/2c/2c6325f35daa70cb77e99179e64281b64b28862d5c005d4f5df70f764fa5b2b1-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_install_pkg_version.txt:3: go install example.com/cmd/a@v1.0.0: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_test_cycle (0.58s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_list_test_cycle2316586354 script_test.go:156: # https://golang.org/issue/45863: a typo in a test package leading to an # import cycle should be diagnosed, instead of causing an infinite loop. # The failure mode of this test prior to the fix was a timeout or OOM crash. (0.572s) > go list -e -test -deps ./datastore/sql [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/3a/3a769e30924a8e89ac3bbf46fdc4a70a038a9b9d348d79160b8d5d9985b8d7ff-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_list_test_cycle.txt:5: go list -e -test -deps ./datastore/sql: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_version (2.30s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_version2056667413 script_test.go:156: # https://golang.org/issue/45094: 'go mod tidy' now accepts a '-go' flag # to change the language version in use. # # The package import graph used in this test looks like: # # m --- a --- b # | # b_test --- c # | # c_test --- d # # The module diagram looks like: # # m --- a --- b # | # + --- c # | # + --- d # # Module b omits its dependency on c, and module c omits its dependency on d. # # In go 1.15, the tidy main module must require a (because it is direct), # c (because it is a missing test dependency of an imported package), # and d (because it is a missing transitive test dependency). # # In go 1.16, the tidy main module can omit d because it is no longer # included in "all". # # In go 1.17, the main module must explicitly require b # (because it is transitively imported by the main module). (0.001s) # An invalid argument should be rejected. (0.865s) # Supported versions should change the go.mod file to be tidy according to the # indicated version. (1.016s) # If we downgrade back to 1.15, we should re-resolve d to v0.2.0 instead # of the original v0.1.0 (because the original requirement is lost). (0.266s) > go mod tidy -go=1.15 [stderr] go: example.com/m imports example.net/a: write /build/.cache/go-build/a2/a2085e99d1156eb034742ad9edeb6ce60fbb225539b69add43e9ac359301ff00-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_version.txt:79: go mod tidy -go=1.15: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_notall (0.76s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_notall1652185499 script_test.go:156: # This test demonstrates go commands that combine the 'all' pattern # with packages outside of 'all'. # With -deps, 'all' should include test dependencies of packages in the main # module, but not should not include test dependencies of packages imported only # by other root patterns. (0.114s) # With -deps -test, test dependencies of other roots should be included, # but test dependencies of non-roots should not. (0.635s) > go list -deps -test all x/otherroot [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/a4/a46b9d6f4dfecedd777b4c0792ba996975d38ffcd7e438ae02ef7a0d86e9899e-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_notall.txt:27: go list -deps -test all x/otherroot: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_convergence (2.19s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_convergence2418299195 script_test.go:156: # This test demonstrates a simple case in which 'go mod tidy' may resolve a # missing package, only to remove that package when resolving its dependencies. # # If we naively iterate 'go mod tidy' until the dependency graph converges, this # scenario may fail to converge. # The import graph used in this test looks like: # # m --- x # | # x_test --- y # # The module dependency graph of m is initially empty. # Modules x and y look like: # # x.1 (provides package x that imports y, but does not depend on module y) # # x.2-pre (no dependencies, but does not provide package x) # # y.1 (no dependencies, but provides package y) # # y.2 --- x.2-pre (provides package y) # # # When we resolve the missing import of y in x_test, we add y@latest — which is # y.2, not y.1 — as a new dependency. That upgrades to x to x.2-pre, which # removes package x (and also the need for module y). We can then safely remove # the dependency on module y, because nothing imports package y any more! # # We might be tempted to remove the dependency on module x for the same reason: # it no longer provides any imported package. However, that would cause 'go mod # tidy -e' to become unstable: with x.2-pre out of the way, we could once again # resolve the missing import of package x by re-adding x.1. (0.000s) # 'go mod tidy' without -e should fail without modifying go.mod, # because it cannot resolve x and y simultaneously. (0.847s) # 'go mod tidy -e' should follow upgrades to try to resolve the modules that it # can, and then stop. When we resolve example.net/y, we upgrade to example.net/x # to v0.2.0-pre. At that version, package x no longer exists and no longer # imports package y, so the import of x should be left unsatisfied and the # existing dependency on example.net/x removed. # # TODO(bcmills): It would be ever better if we could keep the original # dependency on example.net/x v0.1.0, but I don't see a way to do that without # making the algorithm way too complicated. (We would have to detect that the # new dependency on example.net/y interferes with the package that caused us to # to add that dependency in the first place, and back out that part of the change # without also backing out any other needed changes.) (0.260s) # Since we attempt to resolve the dependencies of package x whenever we add x itself, # this end state is stable. (0.244s) # An explicit 'go get' with the correct versions should allow 'go mod tidy' to # succeed and remain stable. y.1 does not upgrade x, and can therefore be used # with it. (0.312s) # The 'tidy' logic for a lazy main module is somewhat different from that for an # eager main module, but the overall behavior is the same. (0.396s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod > go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod.tidye > go mod tidy -e [stderr] go: example.net/m imports example.net/x: write /build/.cache/go-build/fa/fad4298f5d7ce081018dbcccce43a9df7c5d9b85798282af9e6209f6f63ca151-d: no space left on device > cmp go.mod go.mod.tidye > stderr '^go: found example\.net/y in example\.net/y v0.2.0$' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_convergence.txt:96: stderr '^go: found example\.net/y in example\.net/y v0.2.0$': no match for `(?m)^go: found example\.net/y in example\.net/y v0.2.0$` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_install_versioned (0.23s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_install_versioned3850395514 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > go get rsc.io/fortune [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/fortune v1.0.0 go: added rsc.io/fortune v1.0.0 > go list -f '{{.Target}}' rsc.io/fortune [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/a9/a9a0f1046288fb1111dbce6ea8ffab755d59fb7c61606ad18365b006a109ad1c-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_install_versioned.txt:4: go list -f {{.Target}} rsc.io/fortune: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_invalid_path_dotname (0.33s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_invalid_path_dotname4284238457 script_test.go:156: # Test that an import path containing an element with a leading dot # in another module is valid. # 'go get' works with no version query. (0.321s) > cp go.mod.empty go.mod > go get example.com/dotname/.dot [stderr] go: downloading example.com/dotname v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com v1.0.0 go: example.com/dotname/.dot: write /build/.cache/go-build/1f/1fad1ac00e0bfd4265874d31234f04546f63157a968595b572a13707314338a5-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_invalid_path_dotname.txt:6: go get example.com/dotname/.dot: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_modinfo (1.00s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_modinfo218345132 script_test.go:156: # Test to ensure runtime/debug.ReadBuildInfo parses # the modinfo embedded in a binary by the go tool # when module is enabled. (0.987s) > env GO111MODULE=on > cd x > go mod edit -require=rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 > go mod edit -replace=rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2=rsc.io/quote@v1.0.0 > go mod tidy # populate go.sum [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.0.0 go: x imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/0e/0e4bd4c24da4e8abded45d5241ba4f660dfe3756d23696ae857c70185b676a25-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_modinfo.txt:9: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/modfile_flag (2.79s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:40Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/modfile_flag831679809 script_test.go:156: # Tests the behavior of the -modfile flag in commands that support it. # The go.mod file exists but should not be read or written. # Same with go.sum. (0.006s) # go mod init should create a new file, even though go.mod already exists. (0.064s) # 'go env GOMOD' should print the path to the real file. # 'go env' does not recognize the '-modfile' flag. (0.123s) # 'go list -m' should print the effective go.mod file as GoMod though. (0.638s) # go mod edit should operate on the alternate file (0.735s) # 'go list -m' should add sums to the alternate go.sum. (0.387s) # other 'go mod' commands should work. 'go mod vendor' is tested later. (0.815s) > go mod download rsc.io/quote > go mod graph [stdout] example.com/m go@1.22.2 example.com/m rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 go@1.22.2 toolchain@go1.22.2 rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 rsc.io/sampler@v1.3.0 rsc.io/sampler@v1.3.0 golang.org/x/text@v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c > stdout rsc.io/quote matched: example.com/m rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 > go mod tidy [stderr] go: example.com/m imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/6b/6b9a175284b5821715848023555ca33df15beeecc485c39a21a1ef22c4678db9-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/modfile_flag.txt:36: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import_issue41113 (0.28s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_import_issue411132736120420 script_test.go:156: # Regression test for https://golang.org/issue/41113. # # When resolving a missing import path, the inability to add the package from # one module path should not interfere with adding a nested path. # Initially, our module depends on split-incompatible v2.1.0-pre+incompatible, # from which an imported package has been removed (and relocated to the nested # split-incompatible/subpkg module). modload.QueryPattern will suggest # split-incompatible v2.0.0+incompatible, which we cannot use (because it would # be an implicit downgrade), and split-incompatible/subpkg v0.1.0, which we # *should* use. (0.222s) > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading example.com/split-incompatible v2.1.0-pre+incompatible go: golang.org/issue/41113 imports example.com/split-incompatible/subpkg: write /build/.cache/go-build/34/3406e16874c437e8118a1c7a7552ec7634ac3b3bd91cbf00e995eb68162695ec-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_import_issue41113.txt:13: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_in_testdata_dir (0.42s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_in_testdata_dir3187035710 script_test.go:156: # Regression test for golang.org/issue/28481: # 'mod tidy' removed dependencies if the module root was # within a directory named 'testdata' or '_foo'. (0.000s) # A module should be allowed in a directory named testdata. (0.108s) # Getting a package within that module should resolve its dependencies. (0.292s) > go get [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: testdata.tld/foo imports rsc.io/quote: cannot find module providing package rsc.io/quote script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_in_testdata_dir.txt:12: go get: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import (0.29s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_import1403977110 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # latest rsc.io/quote should be v1.5.2 not v1.5.3-pre1 (0.266s) > go get [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: x imports rsc.io/quote: cannot find module providing package rsc.io/quote script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_import.txt:4: go get: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_update_unrelated_sum (0.10s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_update_unrelated_sum935516481 script_test.go:156: # Check that 'go get' adds sums for updated modules if we had sums before, # even if we didn't load packages from them. # Verifies #44129. (0.000s) # Control case: before upgrading, we have the sums we need. # go list -deps -e -f $fmt . # stdout '^rsc.io/quote: ok$' # ! stdout rsc.io/sampler # not imported by quote in this version (0.074s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > cp go.sum.orig go.sum > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.0.0 go: m imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/d3/d3b3c0fff314e712c78576117c68ab0dbd269dfb9d813dcf7e62f01384655539-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_update_unrelated_sum.txt:13: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/test_import_error_stack (3.12s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/test_import_error_stack4030741409 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off > ! go test testdep/p1 [stdout] FAIL testdep/p1 [setup failed] FAIL [stderr] # testdep/p1 package testdep/p1 (test) imports testdep/p2 imports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/test_import_error_stack4030741409/gopath/src/testdep/p3 [exit status 1] > stderr 'package testdep/p1 \(test\)\n\timports testdep/p2\n\timports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files ' # check for full import stack matched: package testdep/p1 (test) imports testdep/p2 imports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/test_import_error_stack4030741409/gopath/src/testdep/p3 > ! go vet testdep/p1 [stderr] package testdep/p1 (test) imports testdep/p2 imports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/test_import_error_stack4030741409/gopath/src/testdep/p3 [exit status 1] > stderr 'package testdep/p1 \(test\)\n\timports testdep/p2\n\timports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files ' # check for full import stack matched: package testdep/p1 (test) imports testdep/p2 imports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/test_import_error_stack4030741409/gopath/src/testdep/p3 > env GO111MODULE=on > cd testdep > ! go test testdep/p1 [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/54/540eef1aed2058c427acdab870a371be136c27c42feb747b53cb9cf4c096ec0c-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr 'package testdep/p1 \(test\)\n\timports testdep/p2\n\timports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files ' # check for full import stack script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/test_import_error_stack.txt:10: stderr 'package testdep/p1 \(test\)\n\timports testdep/p2\n\timports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files ': no match for `(?m)package testdep/p1 \(test\)\n\timports testdep/p2\n\timports testdep/p3: build constraints exclude all Go files ` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_overlay (1.47s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_overlay61729009 script_test.go:156: # Test overlays that affect go.mod files # The go.mod file can exist only in the overlay. (0.127s) # Check content of overlaid go.mod is used. (0.127s) # Check content of overlaid go.mod in a replacement module is used. # The go.mod in the replacement module is missing a requirement # that the overlay has, so it will fail to list without the overlay. (0.181s) # Overlaid go.mod is not rewritten by 'go get'. (0.137s) # Content of overlaid go.sum is used. # The go.sum in the module directory has garbage values for its # hashes, but the overlaid file has the correct values. If # the correct go.sum is used with the overlay, 'go get .' should # not report a security error. (0.853s) > cd $WORK/gopath/src/overlay-sum-used > ! go get . [stderr] verifying rsc.io/quote@v1.5.0/go.mod: checksum mismatch downloaded: h1:LzX7hefJvL54yjefDEDHNONDjII0t9xZLPXsUe+TKr0= go.sum: h1:garbage+hash SECURITY ERROR This download does NOT match an earlier download recorded in go.sum. The bits may have been replaced on the origin server, or an attacker may have intercepted the download attempt. For more information, see 'go help module-auth'. [exit status 1] > stderr 'SECURITY ERROR' matched: SECURITY ERROR > ! go mod verify [stderr] verifying rsc.io/quote@v1.5.0/go.mod: checksum mismatch downloaded: h1:LzX7hefJvL54yjefDEDHNONDjII0t9xZLPXsUe+TKr0= go.sum: h1:garbage+hash SECURITY ERROR This download does NOT match an earlier download recorded in go.sum. The bits may have been replaced on the origin server, or an attacker may have intercepted the download attempt. For more information, see 'go help module-auth'. [exit status 1] > stderr 'SECURITY ERROR' matched: SECURITY ERROR > go get -overlay overlay.json . [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.0 go: overlay.sum/used imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/18/18e0b64f5f564d40b56c1413409427fae21594fbd95f91dc50161f63f471c14c-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_overlay.txt:37: go get -overlay overlay.json .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_toolchain (0.24s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_toolchain3933613097 script_test.go:156: # setup (0.000s) # go get go should use the latest Go 1.23 (0.235s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go get go [stderr] go: go: package go is not in std (/build/go/src/go/src/go) script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_toolchain.txt:7: go get go: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_prefer_incompatible (0.19s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_prefer_incompatible849048121 script_test.go:156: # Verifies golang.org/issue/37574. # If we are already using an +incompatible version, we shouldn't look up # a lower compatible version when upgrading. (0.180s) > cp go.mod go.mod.orig > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading example.com/incompatiblewithsub v2.0.0+incompatible go: m imports example.com/incompatiblewithsub/sub: write /build/.cache/go-build/bc/bcabbba309bf31d3da641e61393190f013246c0e481382c4ca2a4e5395413285-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_prefer_incompatible.txt:6: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_trailing_slash (0.31s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_trailing_slash637582431 script_test.go:156: # go list should succeed to load a package ending with ".go" if the path does # not correspond to an existing local file. Listing a pattern ending with # ".go/" should try to list a package regardless of whether a file exists at the # path without the suffixed "/" or not. (0.245s) > go list example.com/dotgo.go [stderr] go: downloading example.com/dotgo.go v1.0.0 write /build/.cache/go-build/de/de2bd00400d2e5676c0eb29476aa506497e1c99619ef3b88c281b16738473845-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_trailing_slash.txt:5: go list example.com/dotgo.go: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_retract_ambiguous (0.36s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_retract_ambiguous3271690430 script_test.go:156: > ! go get example.com/retract/ambiguous/other [stderr] go: downloading example.com/retract v1.1.0 go: downloading example.com/retract/ambiguous/other v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com/retract/ambiguous v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com v1.0.0 go: added example.com/retract/ambiguous/other v1.0.0 script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_retract_ambiguous.txt:1: go get example.com/retract/ambiguous/other: unexpected success --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_tags (0.47s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_tags3745072806 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # get should add modules needed to build packages, even if those # dependencies are in sources excluded by build tags. # All build tags are considered true except "ignore". (0.408s) > go mod init m [stderr] go: creating new go.mod: module m go: to add module requirements and sums: go mod tidy > go get . [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: downloading example.com/version v1.1.0 go: downloading example.com v1.0.0 > go list -m all [stdout] m > stdout 'example.com/version v1.1.0' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_tags.txt:9: stdout 'example.com/version v1.1.0': no match for `(?m)example.com/version v1.1.0` in stdout --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_missing_ziphash (0.30s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_missing_ziphash3303822020 script_test.go:156: # Test that if the module cache contains an extracted source directory but not # a ziphash, 'go build' complains about a missing sum, and 'go get' adds # the sum. Verifies #44749. # With a tidy go.sum, go build succeeds. This also populates the module cache. (0.285s) > cp go.sum.tidy go.sum > go build -n use [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 use.go:3:8: write /build/.cache/go-build/be/bed6e07b9597e834272f94c72aed349f9cedf44831a3904f9732dbd3c1feddf6-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_missing_ziphash.txt:7: go build -n use: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_test (0.61s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_test2199314877 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # By default, 'go get' should ignore tests (0.110s) # 'go get -t' should consider test dependencies of the named package. (0.313s) > cp go.mod.empty go.mod > go get -t m/a [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: m/a tested by m/a.test imports rsc.io/quote: cannot find module providing package rsc.io/quote script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_test.txt:10: go get -t m/a: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_lazy_test_of_test_dep (1.41s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_lazy_test_of_test_dep128375122 script_test.go:156: # This file demonstrates the effect of lazy loading on the reproducibility of # tests (and tests of test dependencies) outside the main module. # # It is similar to the cases in mod_all.txt and mod_lazy_test_horizon.txt, but # focuses on the effect of "go test" on specific packages instead of the "all" # pattern. # The package import graph used in this test looks like: # # lazy ---- a # | # a_test ---- b # | # b_test ---- c # # And the non-lazy module dependency graph looks like: # # lazy ---- a.1 ---- b.1 ---- c.1 (0.609s) # In Go 1.15 mode, 'go list -m all' includes modules needed by the # transitive closure of tests of dependencies of tests of dependencies of …. (0.152s) # 'go test' (or equivalent) of any such dependency, no matter how remote, does # not update the go.mod file. (0.619s) > go list -test -deps example.com/a [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/b4/b45533a301e355f89962f6dc24ab8423d124836daf7bae8d4460669b7aa92b37-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_lazy_test_of_test_dep.txt:36: go list -test -deps example.com/a: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_upgrade_pseudo (0.68s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_upgrade_pseudo2328326517 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # For this test module there are three versions: # * v0.1.1-0.20190429073117-b5426c86b553 # * v0.1.0 # * v0.0.0-20190430073000-30950c05d534 # Only v0.1.0 is tagged. # # The v0.1.1 pseudo-version is semantically higher than the latest tag. # The v0.0.0 pseudo-version is chronologically newer. # Start at v0.1.1-0.20190429073117-b5426c86b553 (0.540s) # 'get -u' should not downgrade to the (lower) tagged version. (0.119s) > go get -u [stderr] go: x imports example.com/pseudoupgrade: write /build/.cache/go-build/1d/1d0ffb384d2d0e91b5396ec8c4a25ee2f45f8ad5485df430e4cfff7b55580191-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_upgrade_pseudo.txt:18: go get -u: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_getmode_vendor (0.73s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_getmode_vendor4083376223 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > go get rsc.io/quote@v1.5.1 [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 go: added rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 > go mod vendor [stderr] go: x imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/5f/5f35924ae4239f86ecaafd393231a2c18407bff72ab6e6672c63b446e821d8e9-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_getmode_vendor.txt:4: go mod vendor: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_incompatible (0.29s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_incompatible1833664698 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > go get x [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/breaker v2.0.0+incompatible go: x imports rsc.io/breaker: cannot find module providing package rsc.io/breaker script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_incompatible.txt:3: go get x: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_goline_old (0.84s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_goline_old1864703065 script_test.go:156: > env TESTGO_VERSION=go1.24 > go list -f '{{.Module.GoVersion}}' [stdout] 1.15 > stdout 1.15 matched: 1.15 > go mod tidy > go list -f '{{.Module.GoVersion}}' [stdout] 1.15 > stdout 1.15 matched: 1.15 > go get example.com/a@v1.0.1 [stderr] go: upgraded example.com/a v1.0.0 => v1.0.1 go: upgraded example.com/b v1.0.0 => v1.0.1 > go list -f '{{.Module.GoVersion}}' [stdout] 1.15 > stdout 1.15 matched: 1.15 > go get example.com/a@v1.0.1 go@1.16 [stderr] go: can't request explicit version "1.16" of standard library package go script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_goline_old.txt:14: go get example.com/a@v1.0.1 go@1.16: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_upgrade (0.80s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_upgrade3586421831 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > go get rsc.io/quote@v1.5.1 [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 go: upgraded rsc.io/quote v1.1.0 => v1.5.1 > go list -m all [stdout] x golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 > stdout 'rsc.io/quote v1.5.1' matched: rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 > grep 'rsc.io/quote v1.5.1$' go.mod matched: require rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 # get -u should update dependencies of the package in the current directory (0.089s) > go get -u [stderr] go: x imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/a0/a008465b16a5224bfdcd1e4f20f93adb6c6aea2fb77037d093ab5c44833fa687-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_upgrade.txt:9: go get -u: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query_main (2.21s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_query_main1811931601 script_test.go:156: # 'go mod download' can download specific versions of the main module. (0.815s) # 'go mod download' will not download @upgrade or @patch, since they always # resolve to the main module. (0.258s) # 'go list -m' can show a version of the main module. (0.455s) # 'go list -m -versions' shows available versions. (0.147s) # 'go list -m' resolves @upgrade and @patch to the main module. (0.167s) # 'go get' will not attempt to upgrade the main module to any specific version. # See also: mod_get_main.txt. (0.354s) > ! go get rsc.io/quote@5d9f230b [stderr] go: can't request version "5d9f230b" of the main module (rsc.io/quote) [exit status 1] > stderr '^go: can''t request version "5d9f230b" of the main module \(rsc.io/quote\)$' matched: go: can't request version "5d9f230b" of the main module (rsc.io/quote) > ! go get rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 [stderr] go: rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2: rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/34/3406e16874c437e8118a1c7a7552ec7634ac3b3bd91cbf00e995eb68162695ec-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr '^go: can''t request version "v1.5.2" of the main module \(rsc.io/quote\)$' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_query_main.txt:36: stderr '^go: can''t request version "v1.5.2" of the main module \(rsc.io/quote\)$': no match for `(?m)^go: can't request version "v1.5.2" of the main module \(rsc.io/quote\)$` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_downgrade_missing (0.34s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_downgrade_missing1795470758 script_test.go:156: > cp go.mod go.mod.orig # getting a specific version of a module along with a pattern # not yet present in that module should report the version mismatch # rather than a "matched no packages" warning. (0.315s) > ! go get example.net/pkgadded@v1.1.0 example.net/pkgadded/subpkg/... [stderr] go: downloading example.net/pkgadded v1.1.0 go: downloading example.net/pkgadded v1.2.0 go: pattern example.net/pkgadded/subpkg/...: write /build/.cache/go-build/34/344ec6a9d76b3554da730951f495972984ceb551168c6b98790165a89dd704ef-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr '^go: example.net/pkgadded@v1.1.0 conflicts with example.net/pkgadded/subpkg/...@upgrade \(v1.2.0\)$' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_downgrade_missing.txt:8: stderr '^go: example.net/pkgadded@v1.1.0 conflicts with example.net/pkgadded/subpkg/...@upgrade \(v1.2.0\)$': no match for `(?m)^go: example.net/pkgadded@v1.1.0 conflicts with example.net/pkgadded/subpkg/...@upgrade \(v1.2.0\)$` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_lazy_indirect (0.66s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_lazy_indirect2615422543 script_test.go:156: # https://golang.org/issue/45979: after 'go get' on a package, # that package should be importable without error. # We start out with an unresolved dependency. # 'go list' suggests that we run 'go get' on that dependency. (0.166s) # When we run the suggested 'go get' command, the new dependency can be used # immediately. # # 'go get' marks the new dependency as 'indirect', because it doesn't scan # enough source code to know whether it is direct, and it is easier and less # invasive to remove an incorrect indirect mark (e.g. using 'go get') than to # add one that is missing ('go mod tidy' or 'go mod vendor'). (0.465s) > go get rsc.io/quote [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: added rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 > grep 'rsc.io/quote v\d+\.\d+\.\d+ // indirect$' go.mod matched: require rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 // indirect > ! grep 'rsc.io/quote v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$' go.mod > go list -deps . [stdout] rsc.io/quote example.com/m [stderr] m.go:3:8: write /build/.cache/go-build/0b/0b48627aa5679be6c9f2837b9b6cdbbc8eb02651285deeec6206b2e5ef05bb40-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_lazy_indirect.txt:24: go list -deps .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_sum_noroot (0.97s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_sum_noroot3256595789 script_test.go:156: # When 'go get' is invoked on a module without a package in the root directory, # it should add sums for the module's go.mod file and its content to go.sum. # Verifies golang.org/issue/41103. (0.836s) # Double-check rsc.io/QUOTE does not have a root package. (0.112s) > ! go list -mod=readonly rsc.io/QUOTE [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/3b/3b74c4826fa442389d428ebb011d5987e51b03160f1dfc0c1fb3238ba4b8335a-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr '^cannot find module providing package rsc.io/QUOTE: import lookup disabled by -mod=readonly$' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_sum_noroot.txt:11: stderr '^cannot find module providing package rsc.io/QUOTE: import lookup disabled by -mod=readonly$': no match for `(?m)^cannot find module providing package rsc.io/QUOTE: import lookup disabled by -mod=readonly$` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_main (0.77s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_main1054066902 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > cp go.mod.orig go.mod # relative and absolute paths must be within the main module. (0.464s) # @patch and @latest within the main module refer to the current version. # The main module won't be upgraded, but missing dependencies will be added. (0.289s) > go get rsc.io/x [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: rsc.io/x imports rsc.io/quote: cannot find module providing package rsc.io/quote script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_main.txt:16: go get rsc.io/x: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_goline (1.17s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_goline2060612298 script_test.go:156: > env TESTGO_VERSION=go1.99 > ! go list -f '{{.Module.GoVersion}}' [stderr] go: updates to go.mod needed; to update it: go mod tidy [exit status 1] > stderr 'go: updates to go.mod needed' matched: go: updates to go.mod needed; to update it: > stderr 'go mod tidy' matched: go mod tidy > go mod tidy > cat go.mod [stdout] module m go 1.22 require ( example.com/a v1.0.0 example.com/b v1.0.0 ) replace example.com/a v1.0.0 => ./a100 replace example.com/a v1.0.1 => ./a101 replace example.com/a v1.0.2 => ./a102 replace example.com/b v1.0.1 => ./b101 replace example.com/b v1.0.2 => ./b102 replace example.com/b v1.0.0 => ./b100 replace example.com/b v0.9.0 => ./b100 > go list -f '{{.Module.GoVersion}}' [stdout] 1.22 > stdout 1.22 matched: 1.22 # Adding a@v1.0.01 should upgrade to Go 1.23rc1. (0.390s) # Repeating the update with go@1.24.0 should use that Go version. (0.187s) > cp go.mod1 go.mod > go get example.com/a@v1.0.1 go@1.24.0 [stderr] go: can't request explicit version "1.24.0" of standard library package go script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_goline.txt:21: go get example.com/a@v1.0.1 go@1.24.0: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_convergence_loop (3.63s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:41Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_convergence_loop3671073799 script_test.go:156: # This test demonstrates a simple case in which 'go mod tidy' may resolve a # missing package, only to remove that package when resolving its dependencies. # # If we naively iterate 'go mod tidy' until the dependency graph converges, this # scenario may fail to converge. # The import graph used in this test looks like: # # m --- w # | # + --- x # | # + --- y # | # + --- z # # The module dependency graph of m initially contains w.1 (and, by extension, # y.2-pre and z.2-pre). This is an arbitrary point in the cycle of possible # configurations. # # w.1 requires y.2-pre and z.2-pre # x.1 requires z.2-pre and w.2-pre # y.1 requires w.2-pre and x.2-pre # z.1 requires x.2-pre and y.2-pre # # At each point, exactly one missing package can be resolved by adding a # dependency on the .1 release of the module that provides that package. # However, adding that dependency causes the module providing another package to # roll over from its .1 release to its .2-pre release, which removes the # package. Once the package is removed, 'go mod tidy -e' no longer sees the # module as relevant to the main module, and will happily remove the existing # dependency on it. # # The cycle is of length 4 so that at every step only one package can be # resolved. This is important because it prevents the iteration from ever # reaching a state in which every package is simultaneously over-upgraded — such # a state is stable and does not exhibit failure to converge. (0.001s) # 'go mod tidy' without -e should fail without modifying go.mod, # because it cannot resolve x, y, and z simultaneously. (0.834s) # 'go mod tidy -e' should preserve all of the upgrades to modules that could # provide the missing packages but don't. That would at least explain why they # are missing, and why no individual module can be upgraded in order to satisfy # a missing import. # # TODO(bcmills): Today, it doesn't preserve those upgrades, and instead advances # the state by one through the cycle of semi-tidy states. (1.031s) # If we upgrade away all of the packages simultaneously, the resulting tidy # state converges at "no dependencies", because simultaneously adding all of the # packages simultaneously over-upgrades all of the dependencies, and 'go mod # tidy' treats "no package can be added" as a terminal state. (0.772s) # The 'tidy' logic for a lazy main module requires more iterations to converge, # because it is willing to drop dependencies on non-root modules that do not # otherwise provide imported packages. # # On the first iteration, it adds x.1 as a root, which upgrades z and w, # dropping w.1's requirement on y. w.1 was initially a root, so the upgraded # w.2-pre is retained as a root. # # On the second iteration, it adds y.1 as a root, which upgrades w and x, # dropping x.1's requirement on z. x.1 was added as a root in the previous step, # so the upgraded x.2-pre is retained as a root. # # On the third iteration, it adds z.1 as a root, which upgrades x and y. # x and y were already roots (from the previous steps), so their upgraded versions # are retained (not dropped) and the iteration stops. # # At that point, we have z.1 as a root providing package z, # and w, x, and y have all been upgraded to no longer provide any packages. # So only z is retained as a new root. # # (From the above, we can see that in a lazy module we still cycle through the # same possible root states, but in a different order from the eager case.) # # TODO(bcmills): if we retained the upgrades on w, x, and y (since they are # lexical prefixes for unresolved packages w, x, and y, respectively), then 'go # mod tidy -e' itself would become stable and no longer cycle through states. (0.881s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod > cp go.mod go.mod.117 > go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod.tidye1 > go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod.tidye2 > go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod.tidye3 > go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod.postget > go list -m all [stdout] example.net/m example.net/w v0.1.0 => ./w1 example.net/y v0.2.0-pre => ./y2-pre example.net/z v0.2.0-pre => ./z2-pre > go mod tidy -e [stderr] go: found example.net/x in example.net/x v0.2.0-pre go: example.net/m imports example.net/w: write /build/.cache/go-build/8c/8cea57c92c1f85c071fbdb49d584dd587c310aef6f117ffa25c79485c6a98728-d: no space left on device go: example.net/m imports example.net/x: write /build/.cache/go-build/34/3406e16874c437e8118a1c7a7552ec7634ac3b3bd91cbf00e995eb68162695ec-d: no space left on device go: example.net/m imports example.net/y: write /build/.cache/go-build/34/3406e16874c437e8118a1c7a7552ec7634ac3b3bd91cbf00e995eb68162695ec-d: no space left on device go: example.net/m imports example.net/z: write /build/.cache/go-build/34/3406e16874c437e8118a1c7a7552ec7634ac3b3bd91cbf00e995eb68162695ec-d: no space left on device > cmp go.mod go.mod.tidye3 diff go.mod go.mod.tidye3 --- go.mod +++ go.mod.tidye3 @@ -12,3 +12,5 @@ example.net/z v0.1.0 => ./z1 example.net/z v0.2.0-pre => ./z2-pre ) + +require example.net/z v0.1.0 script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_convergence_loop.txt:142: cmp go.mod go.mod.tidye3: go.mod and go.mod.tidye3 differ --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_ambiguous_pkg (0.40s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_ambiguous_pkg2535572072 script_test.go:156: # Both example.net/ambiguous v0.1.0 and example.net/ambiguous/pkg v0.1.0 exist. # 'go mod tidy' would arbitrarily choose the one with the longer path, # but 'go mod tidy' also arbitrarily chooses the latest version. (0.001s) # From a clean slate, 'go get' currently does the same thing as 'go mod tidy': # it resolves the package from the module with the longest matching prefix. (0.383s) > go get example.net/ambiguous/nested/pkg@v0.1.0 [stderr] go: downloading example.net/ambiguous/nested v0.1.0 go: downloading example.net/ambiguous v0.1.0 go: example.net/ambiguous/nested/pkg@v0.1.0: example.net/ambiguous/nested/pkg: write /build/.cache/go-build/e6/e6f765ae99a85bbe672c53c08dc64c9cc4ed9d7b6987992a95de1beb43c6f4d8-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_ambiguous_pkg.txt:11: go get example.net/ambiguous/nested/pkg@v0.1.0: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/vet_deps (4.14s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:40Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off # Issue 30296. Verify that "go vet" uses only immediate dependencies. # First run fills the cache. (4.116s) > go vet a > go vet -x a [stderr] WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360 mkdir -p $WORK/b003/ echo '# import config' > $WORK/b003/importcfg # internal cd /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_riscv64/compile -o $WORK/b003/_pkg_.a -trimpath "$WORK/b003=>" -p transitive -complete -buildid ER7_lwKxq3D-YQAuznlD/ER7_lwKxq3D-YQAuznlD -goversion go1.22.2 -c=4 -nolocalimports -importcfg $WORK/b003/importcfg -pack ./transitive/c.go /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_riscv64/buildid -w $WORK/b003/_pkg_.a # internal mkdir -p $WORK/b002/ cat >/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b002/importcfg << 'EOF' # internal # import config packagefile transitive=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b003/_pkg_.a EOF /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_riscv64/compile -o $WORK/b002/_pkg_.a -trimpath "$WORK/b002=>" -p b -complete -buildid zwTm5aMbhvdlYylW785n/zwTm5aMbhvdlYylW785n -goversion go1.22.2 -c=4 -nolocalimports -importcfg $WORK/b002/importcfg -pack ./b/b.go /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_riscv64/buildid -w $WORK/b002/_pkg_.a # internal mkdir -p $WORK/b001/ cat >/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b003/vet.cfg << 'EOF' # internal { "ID": "transitive", "Compiler": "gc", "Dir": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/transitive", "ImportPath": "transitive", "GoFiles": [ "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/transitive/c.go" ], "NonGoFiles": [], "IgnoredFiles": [], "ImportMap": {}, "PackageFile": {}, "Standard": {}, "PackageVetx": {}, "VetxOnly": true, "VetxOutput": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b003/vet.out", "GoVersion": "", "SucceedOnTypecheckFailure": false } EOF cd /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/transitive TERM='dumb' /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_riscv64/vet $WORK/b003/vet.cfg cat >/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b002/vet.cfg << 'EOF' # internal { "ID": "b", "Compiler": "gc", "Dir": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/b", "ImportPath": "b", "GoFiles": [ "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/b/b.go" ], "NonGoFiles": [], "IgnoredFiles": [], "ImportMap": { "transitive": "transitive" }, "PackageFile": { "transitive": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b003/_pkg_.a" }, "Standard": {}, "PackageVetx": { "transitive": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b003/vet.out" }, "VetxOnly": true, "VetxOutput": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b002/vet.out", "GoVersion": "", "SucceedOnTypecheckFailure": false } EOF cd /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/b TERM='dumb' /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_riscv64/vet $WORK/b002/vet.cfg cat >/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b001/vet.cfg << 'EOF' # internal { "ID": "a", "Compiler": "gc", "Dir": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/a", "ImportPath": "a", "GoFiles": [ "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/a/a.go" ], "NonGoFiles": [], "IgnoredFiles": [], "ImportMap": { "b": "b" }, "PackageFile": { "b": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b002/_pkg_.a" }, "Standard": {}, "PackageVetx": { "b": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b002/vet.out" }, "VetxOnly": false, "VetxOutput": "/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/tmp/go-build382589360/b001/vet.out", "GoVersion": "", "SucceedOnTypecheckFailure": false } EOF cd /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_deps4025101830/gopath/src/a TERM='dumb' /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_riscv64/vet $WORK/b001/vet.cfg > ! stderr 'transitive' matched: /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_riscv64/compile -o $WORK/b003/_pkg_.a -trimpath "$WORK/b003=>" -p transitive -complete -buildid ER7_lwKxq3D-YQAuznlD/ER7_lwKxq3D-YQAuznlD -goversion go1.22.2 -c=4 -nolocalimports -importcfg $WORK/b003/importcfg -pack ./transitive/c.go script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/vet_deps.txt:9: stderr transitive: unexpected success --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_fileproxy_vcs_missing_issue51589 (0.49s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_fileproxy_vcs_missing_issue515891137377552 script_test.go:156: # This test checks that "go mod tidy -e" do not panic when # using a file goproxy that is missing some modules. # Verifies golang.org/issue/51589 # download the modules first (0.478s) > env GO111MODULE=on > env GOPATH=$WORK/gopath > cd $WORK/x > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: example.com/mod imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/b5/b585692d9ab3394eaa007c5ae410a5c61a04bc445ed92fa99abedf89c84047a4-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_fileproxy_vcs_missing_issue51589.txt:9: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case (0.23s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_case2781762044 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > go get [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/QUOTE v1.5.2 go: rsc.io/QUOTE/QUOTE: write /build/.cache/go-build/66/66eb1c5b67a1c16603dd1d8cd5384df0f297b086e9a5e370acdfd902c8c1ea57-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_case.txt:3: go get: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_domain_root (0.34s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_domain_root1319962222 script_test.go:156: # Module paths that are domain roots should resolve. # (example.com not example.com/something) (0.332s) > env GO111MODULE=on > go get [stderr] go: downloading example.com v1.0.0 go: x imports example.com: cannot find module providing package example.com script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_domain_root.txt:5: go get: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_download_partial (0.40s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_download_partial1809093066 script_test.go:156: # Download modules and populate go.sum. (0.376s) > go get -modcacherw [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: m imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/16/16cabd5cc015b468e3b764fa9de573077425edf51930089137494d8a4384013c-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_download_partial.txt:2: go get -modcacherw: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_concurrent (0.33s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_concurrent1542611538 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # Concurrent builds should succeed, even if they need to download modules. (0.240s) > go get ./x ./y [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/sampler v1.0.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 go: golang.org/issue/26794/x imports golang.org/x/text/language: write /build/.cache/go-build/ff/ffe715f7df2dfaf94f33151f12c45d59d9c3e19cebbe777d0cb9f584269dc09e-d: no space left on device go: golang.org/issue/26794/y imports rsc.io/sampler: write /build/.cache/go-build/17/1705f4ad89c5711060e8bb727afe859342f835bfcdc5c4d61565a2f2837abb9d-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_concurrent.txt:4: go get ./x ./y: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_deprecated (0.90s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_deprecated2732244929 script_test.go:156: # 'go get pkg' should not show a deprecation message for an unrelated module. (0.235s) # 'go get pkg' should show a deprecation message for the module providing pkg. (0.461s) # 'go get pkg' should show a deprecation message for a module providing # packages directly imported by pkg. (0.105s) > go get ./use/a [stderr] go: m/use/a imports example.com/deprecated/a: write /build/.cache/go-build/04/04410d9c5624c5699be8e28603a115d0a5f74c4625a1a066b6cbabdfccbb32d7-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_deprecated.txt:13: go get ./use/a: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_lazy_import_allmod (2.28s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_lazy_import_allmod730095328 script_test.go:156: # This test demonstrates dependency resolution when the main module imports a # new package from a previously-test-only dependency. # # When lazy loading is active, the loader will not load dependencies of any # module whose packages are *only* imported by tests outside the main module. If # the main module is changed to import a package from such a module, the # dependencies of that module will need to be reloaded. # The import graph used in this test looks like: # # m ---- a # \ | # \ a_test ---- b/x # \ # --------------b/y (new) ---- c # # Where b/x and b/y are disjoint packages, but both contained in module b. # # The module dependency graph initially looks like: # # m ---- a.1 ---- b.1 ---- c.1 # # This configuration is similar to that used in mod_lazy_new_import, # but the new import is from what is initially a test-only dependency. # Control case: in Go 1.14, the original go.mod is tidy, # and the dependency on c is eagerly loaded. (0.658s) # After adding a new import of b/y, # the import of c from b/y should resolve to the version required by b. (0.756s) # With lazy loading, the go.mod requirements are the same, # but the dependency on c is initially pruned out. (0.585s) # After adding a new direct import of b/y, # the existing version of b should be promoted to a root, # bringing the version of c required by b into the build list. (0.271s) > cp m.go.new m.go > go mod tidy [stderr] go: m imports a: write /build/.cache/go-build/cc/ccb1a554d1cfd20c7374f7a194c4d49e2cb124ac095dd5f517dae6175311d592-d: no space left on device go: m imports b/y: write /build/.cache/go-build/f4/f46d28d7500c9ec9b5b8bd2f7c38ae53135b435e1cced1a6755f167e8a3b13a4-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_lazy_import_allmod.txt:73: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/malformed_gosum_issue62345 (0.51s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/malformed_gosum_issue623453722031234 script_test.go:156: > ! go mod download [stderr] malformed go.sum: /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/malformed_gosum_issue623453722031234/gopath/src/go.sum:3: wrong number of fields 5 [exit status 1] > stderr '^malformed go.sum:\n.*go.sum:3: wrong number of fields 5\n$' matched: malformed go.sum: /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/malformed_gosum_issue623453722031234/gopath/src/go.sum:3: wrong number of fields 5 > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: m imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/3b/3bb4642b433ae39e5c3782f5854522f983ef25c5a569846731c54a96d9cb993f-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/malformed_gosum_issue62345.txt:4: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/load_test_pkg_err (0.57s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/load_test_pkg_err2963070113 script_test.go:156: # Tests issue 37971. Check that tests are still loaded even when the package has an error. (0.563s) > go list -e -test d [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/ab/ab9e50d4717973739e566334b8b67b629f62f3e45ef0dbf8069687bd405b377e-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/load_test_pkg_err.txt:3: go list -e -test d: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/godebug_default (0.90s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/godebug_default3712583646 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on > env GOTRACEBACK=single # Go 1.21 work module should leave panicnil with an implicit default. (0.223s) # Go 1.21 work module should NOT set panicnil=1 in Go 1.20 dependency. (0.661s) > cp go.mod.21 go.mod > go list -f '{{.Module.GoVersion}} {{.DefaultGODEBUG}}' q [stdout] 1.20 httplaxcontentlength=1,httpmuxgo121=1,tls10server=1,tlsrsakex=1,tlsunsafeekm=1 > ! stdout panicnil=1 > ! stdout randautoseed > go mod download rsc.io/panicnil # for go.sum > go list -f '{{.Module.GoVersion}} {{.DefaultGODEBUG}}' rsc.io/panicnil [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/73/73f68d89905aa2654d47c3569756bb0f1cf431fa6b3af2df9759eccb011f4bfb-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/godebug_default.txt:17: go list -f '{{.Module.GoVersion}} {{.DefaultGODEBUG}}' rsc.io/panicnil: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_lazy_downgrade (2.54s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:42Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_lazy_downgrade3654401963 script_test.go:156: # This test illustrates the interaction between lazy loading and downgrading in # 'go get'. # The package import graph used in this test looks like: # # lazy ---- a # | # a_test ---- b # b_test ---- c # # The module dependency graph initially looks like: # # lazy ---- a.1 ---- b.1 ---- c.1 # \ / # b.3 ---- c.2 b.2 # # (Note that lazy loading will prune out the dependency from b.1 on c.1.) (0.160s) # Downgrading c should also downgrade the b that requires it. (0.428s) # Removing c entirely should also remove the a and b that require it. (0.258s) # With lazy loading, downgrading c should work the same way, but dependencies # outside of the deepening scan should not affect the downgrade. (0.778s) # At this point, b.2 is still an explicit root, so its dependency on c # is still tracked, and it will still be downgraded away if we remove c. # ('go get' never makes a root into a non-root. Only 'go mod tidy' does that.) (0.216s) # This time, we drop the explicit 'b' root by downgrading it to v0.1.0 # (the version required by a.1) and running 'go mod tidy'. # It is still selected at v0.1.0 (as a dependency of a), # but its dependency on c is now pruned from the module graph, so it doesn't # result in any downgrades to b or a if we run 'go get c@none'. (0.678s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go mod edit -go=1.17 > go list -m all [stdout] example.com/lazy example.com/a v0.1.0 => ./a example.com/b v0.3.0 => ./b3 example.com/c v0.2.0 => ./c > stdout '^example.com/a v0.1.0 ' matched: example.com/a v0.1.0 => ./a > stdout '^example.com/b v0.3.0 ' matched: example.com/b v0.3.0 => ./b3 > stdout '^example.com/c v0.2.0 ' matched: example.com/c v0.2.0 => ./c > go get example.com/c@v0.1.0 example.com/b@v0.1.0 [stderr] go: downgraded example.com/b v0.3.0 => v0.1.0 go: downgraded example.com/c v0.2.0 => v0.1.0 > go list -m all [stdout] example.com/lazy example.com/a v0.1.0 => ./a example.com/b v0.1.0 => ./b1 example.com/c v0.1.0 => ./c > stdout '^example.com/a v0.1.0 ' matched: example.com/a v0.1.0 => ./a > stdout '^example.com/b v0.1.0 ' matched: example.com/b v0.1.0 => ./b1 > stdout '^example.com/c v0.1.0 ' matched: example.com/c v0.1.0 => ./c > go mod tidy [stderr] go: example.com/lazy imports example.com/a: write /build/.cache/go-build/32/325aab8e4ccf367b5c8c7629a8a3050f59c8c57937df9958fed4ed1f60ac7e47-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_lazy_downgrade.txt:93: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_all (0.75s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_all4249812485 script_test.go:156: # This test illustrates the relationship between the 'all' pattern and # the dependencies of the main module. # The package import graph used in this test looks like: # # main --------- a --------- b # | | # | a_test ---- c # | | # | c_test ---- d # | # main_test ---- t --------- u # | # t_test ---- w # | # w_test ---- x # # main/testonly_test ---- q --------- r # | # q_test ---- s # # And the module dependency graph looks like: # # main --- a.1 ---- b.1 # \ \ \ # \ \ c.1 -- d.1 # \ \ # \ t.1 ---- u.1 # \ \ # \ w.1 -- x.1 # \ # q.1 ---- r.1 # \ # s.1 (0.000s) # 'go list -deps' lists packages and tests in the main module, # along with their transitive dependencies. (0.264s) # 'go list -deps -test' lists transitive imports of tests and non-tests in the # main module. (0.468s) > go list -f $PKGFMT -deps -test ./... [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/c3/c3213355ab08ac17bf76a6a571e29f08594e6fbdf1498d2a7e364b4d016326f2-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_all.txt:54: go list -f '{{if .Module}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' -deps -test ./...: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_e (0.80s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_test_e1470617026 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off # issue 25980: crash in go list -e -test (0.786s) > go list -e -test -deps -f '{{.Error}}' p [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/dd/dda645e6ff639f5996c2e5d3a8dadb66646514a48290e3d7b5dea7a1bf3625a5-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_test_e.txt:4: go list -e -test -deps -f {{.Error}} p: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_imports (0.72s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_test_imports2752657724 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off # issue 26880: list with tests has wrong variant in imports (0.710s) > go list -test -f '{{.ImportPath}}:{{with .Imports}} {{join . ", "}}{{end}}' a b [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/47/47d8e91859082f9d0070be3f5c281e0ef1a060766a9849b669431bf41555b65e-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_test_imports.txt:4: go list -test -f '{{.ImportPath}}:{{with .Imports}} {{join . ", "}}{{end}}' a b: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_exec_toolchain (1.50s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_exec_toolchain3509616182 script_test.go:156: > env TESTGO_VERSION=go1.21 > env TESTGO_VERSION_SWITCH=switch # GOTOOLCHAIN=auto should run the newer toolchain (0.660s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=min+auto should run the newer toolchain (0.264s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=go1.21 should NOT run the newer toolchain (0.229s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=local should NOT run the newer toolchain (0.215s) # go get go@1.22 should resolve to the latest 1.22 (0.110s) > env GOTOOLCHAIN=local > cp go.mod.new go.mod > ! go get go@1.22 [stderr] go: can't request explicit version "1.22" of standard library package go [exit status 1] > stderr '^go: updating go.mod requires go >= 1.22.9 \(running go 1.21; GOTOOLCHAIN=local\)' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_exec_toolchain.txt:52: stderr '^go: updating go.mod requires go >= 1.22.9 \(running go 1.21; GOTOOLCHAIN=local\)': no match for `(?m)^go: updating go.mod requires go >= 1.22.9 \(running go 1.21; GOTOOLCHAIN=local\)` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_err (0.82s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_test_err1622573812 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off # issue 28491: errors in test source files should not prevent # "go list -test" from returning useful information. # go list -e prints information for all test packages. # The syntax error is shown in the package error field. (0.796s) > go list -e -test -deps -f '{{.ImportPath}} {{.Error | printf "%q"}}' syntaxerr [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/da/da7a84b1529de68dbe7e2434dd570250de56650fca6fbf836423f4215e4f9ce1-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_test_err.txt:8: go list -e -test -deps -f '{{.ImportPath}} {{.Error | printf "%q"}}' syntaxerr: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_split (2.14s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_split1556351534 script_test.go:156: > cp go.mod go.mod.orig # 'go get' on a package already provided by the build list should update # the module already in the build list, not fail with an ambiguous import error. (0.360s) # We should get the same behavior if we use a pattern that matches only that package. (0.220s) # If we request a version for which the package only exists in one particular module, # we should add that one particular module but not resolve import ambiguities. # # In particular, if the module that previously provided the package has a # matching version, but does not itself match the pattern and contains no # matching packages, we should not change its version. (We should *not* downgrade # module example.net/split to v0.1.0, despite the fact that # example.net/split v0.2.0 currently provides the package with the requested path.) # # TODO(#27899): Maybe we should resolve the ambiguities by upgrading. (0.248s) # A wildcard that matches packages in some module at its selected version # but not at the requested version should fail. # # We can't set the module to the selected version, because that version doesn't # even match the query: if we ran the same query twice, we wouldn't consider the # module to match the wildcard during the second call, so why should we consider # it to match during the first one? ('go get' should be idempotent, and if we # did that then it would not be.) # # But we also can't leave it where it is: the user requested that we set everything # matching the pattern to the given version, and right now we have packages # that match the pattern but *not* the version. # # That only leaves two options: we can set the module to an arbitrary version # (perhaps 'latest' or 'none'), or we can report an error and the let the user # disambiguate. We would rather not choose arbitrarily, so we do the latter. # # TODO(#27899): Should we instead upgrade or downgrade to an arbitrary version? (0.307s) # If another argument resolves the ambiguity, we should be ok again. (0.663s) # If a pattern applies to modules and to packages, we should set all matching # modules to the version indicated by the pattern, and also resolve packages # to match the pattern if possible. (0.329s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go get example.net/split/nested@v0.0.0 [stderr] go: added example.net/split/nested v0.0.0 > go get example.net/...@v0.1.0 [stderr] go: example.net/split/nested: write /build/.cache/go-build/df/df7d4f4b1c9fffedc9a9ba4f3efd65ccc1b23ba69cc5bf9d3f2818a190754e30-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_split.txt:85: go get example.net/...@v0.1.0: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_compiled_files_issue28749 (0.35s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_compiled_files_issue287491529614382 script_test.go:156: > go list -compiled -f {{.CompiledGoFiles}} . [stdout] [] [stderr] example.com/foo: loading compiled Go files from cache: reading srcfiles list: cache entry not found: open /build/.cache/go-build/19/1993870b68d6b9099857e8e74b9293c331e7cc86154cacfcac6c23e80c49e618-a: no such file or directory script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_compiled_files_issue28749.txt:1: go list -compiled -f {{.CompiledGoFiles}} .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/install_dep_version (0.24s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/install_dep_version477406469 script_test.go:156: # Regression test for Issue #54908. When running a go install module@version # with --mod=readonly moduleInfo was not setting the GoVersion for the module # because the checksumOk function was failing because modfetch.GoSumFile # was not set when running outside of a module. (0.222s) > env GOTOOLCHAIN=local > go install --mod=readonly example.com/depends/on/generics@v1.0.0 [stderr] go: downloading example.com v1.0.0 go: downloading example.com/depends/on/generics v1.0.0 go: example.com/depends/on/generics@v1.0.0: module example.com/depends/on/generics@v1.0.0 found, but does not contain package example.com/depends/on/generics script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/install_dep_version.txt:8: go install --mod=readonly example.com/depends/on/generics@v1.0.0: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_split_main (0.95s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_split_main4032044968 script_test.go:156: # This test checks that a "main" package with an external test package # is recompiled only once. # Verifies golang.org/issue/34321. (0.942s) > env GO111MODULE=off > go list -e -test -deps -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' pkg [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/da/dab47440b083ee666fa539fc6b49665efb944bee8cb81b3ee701f518d75e2cde-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_split_main.txt:7: go list -e -test -deps -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' pkg: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_retract (2.34s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_retract1059138719 script_test.go:156: # 'go get pkg' should not upgrade to a retracted version. (0.755s) # 'go get pkg' should not downgrade from a retracted version when no higher # version is available. (0.401s) # 'go get pkg@latest' should downgrade from a retracted version. (0.349s) # 'go get pkg@version' should update to a specific version, even if that # version is retracted. (0.534s) # 'go get -u' should not downgrade from a retracted version when no higher # version is available. (0.248s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go mod edit -require example.com/retract/self/prev@v1.9.0 > go get -u ./use [stderr] go: ./use: write /build/.cache/go-build/89/890480a54505875acc5b712309dbb4ab0dad2c1bd6eb309884ecce6d83c37abe-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_retract.txt:37: go get -u ./use: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_pkgtags (2.26s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_pkgtags957132620 script_test.go:156: # https://golang.org/issue/44106 # 'go get' should fetch the transitive dependencies of packages regardless of # tags, but shouldn't error out if the package is missing tag-guarded # dependencies. # Control case: just adding the top-level module to the go.mod file does not # fetch its dependencies. (0.428s) # 'go get' makes a best effort to fetch those dependencies, but shouldn't # error out if dependencies of tag-guarded files are missing. (1.033s) # https://golang.org/issue/33526: 'go get' without '-d' should succeed # for a module whose root is a constrained-out package. # # Ideally it should silently succeed, but today it logs the "no Go source files" # error and succeeds anyway. (0.348s) # https://golang.org/issue/29268 # 'go get' should fetch modules whose roots contain test-only packages, but # without the -t flag shouldn't error out if the test has missing dependencies. (0.192s) # With the -t flag, the test dependencies must resolve successfully. (0.248s) > ! go get -t example.net/testonly@v0.1.0 script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_pkgtags.txt:54: go get -t example.net/testonly@v0.1.0: unexpected success --- FAIL: TestScript/import_unix_tag (0.46s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/import_unix_tag2665833171 script_test.go:156: # Regression test for https://go.dev/issue/54712: the "unix" build constraint # was not applied consistently during package loading. (0.453s) > go list -x -f '{{if .Module}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' -deps . [stdout] example [stderr] go: downloading example.com/version v1.1.0 # get # get 200 OK (0.029s) # get # get 200 OK (0.003s) main_unix.go:5:8: write /build/.cache/go-build/82/8285ac000a6036f59ff0b2fe38e6eacba4f8ceed2f8e1ee1b8e5afb6fdd412d3-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/import_unix_tag.txt:4: go list -x -f '{{if .Module}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' -deps .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_domain (1.45s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_bad_domain494241975 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # explicit get should report errors about bad names (0.233s) # 'go list -m' should report errors about module names, never GOROOT. (0.309s) # build should report all unsatisfied imports, # but should be more definitive about non-module import paths (0.366s) # 'get -d' should be similarly definitive (0.401s) # go mod vendor and go mod tidy should ignore appengine imports. (0.088s) > rm usenonexistent/x.go > go mod tidy [stderr] go: x/usenonexistent: write /build/.cache/go-build/ca/caaaf306f80c97a5a118db8f46236c4066c247671b826b9c571704af48732ba9-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_bad_domain.txt:36: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_load_err (0.94s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_load_err4716076 script_test.go:156: # go list -e -deps should list imports from any file it can read, even if # other files in the same package cause go/build.Import to return an error. # Verifies golang.org/issue/38568 (0.928s) > go list -e -deps ./scan [stdout] m/want m/scan > stdout m/want matched: m/want > go list -e -deps ./multi [stdout] m/want m/multi > stdout m/want matched: m/want > go list -e -deps ./constraint [stdout] m/want m/constraint > stdout m/want matched: m/want > [cgo] go list -e -test -deps ./cgotest [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/ac/ac7601a8c5705f6421a907a34283d74e6720457ce55b6c2c1b1b8c418a00bce2-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_load_err.txt:14: go list -e -test -deps ./cgotest: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_issue_59905 (0.94s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_issue_599052955441902 script_test.go:156: # Expect no panic (0.935s) > go list -f '{{if .DepsErrors}}{{.DepsErrors}}{{end}}' -export -e -deps [stdout] [write /build/.cache/go-build/04/046447b0dc4069f052c2fa99619ca32b34885a748df411631b681596debd3a12-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/c4/c40288fe13b6e6dd8da5a2f655e15a694703d7cf3ba536d360120535a02aa8c4-d: no space left on device] [write /build/.cache/go-build/3a/3ad889c369bfc4b13ece1bcc73a9089888b6ef53a16557fb7c0d5368771ffb68-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/c8/c87a7a4af357744f0f50e82033956977bad76f89df4ce33dcbe4d807ca4b9601-d: no space left on device] [write /build/.cache/go-build/04/046447b0dc4069f052c2fa99619ca32b34885a748df411631b681596debd3a12-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/3a/3ad889c369bfc4b13ece1bcc73a9089888b6ef53a16557fb7c0d5368771ffb68-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/c4/c40288fe13b6e6dd8da5a2f655e15a694703d7cf3ba536d360120535a02aa8c4-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/c8/c87a7a4af357744f0f50e82033956977bad76f89df4ce33dcbe4d807ca4b9601-d: no space left on device] > cmpenv stdout wanterr_59905 diff stdout wanterr_59905 --- stdout +++ wanterr_59905 @@ -1,3 +1,11 @@ -[write /build/.cache/go-build/04/046447b0dc4069f052c2fa99619ca32b34885a748df411631b681596debd3a12-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/c4/c40288fe13b6e6dd8da5a2f655e15a694703d7cf3ba536d360120535a02aa8c4-d: no space left on device] -[write /build/.cache/go-build/3a/3ad889c369bfc4b13ece1bcc73a9089888b6ef53a16557fb7c0d5368771ffb68-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/c8/c87a7a4af357744f0f50e82033956977bad76f89df4ce33dcbe4d807ca4b9601-d: no space left on device] -[write /build/.cache/go-build/04/046447b0dc4069f052c2fa99619ca32b34885a748df411631b681596debd3a12-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/3a/3ad889c369bfc4b13ece1bcc73a9089888b6ef53a16557fb7c0d5368771ffb68-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/c4/c40288fe13b6e6dd8da5a2f655e15a694703d7cf3ba536d360120535a02aa8c4-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/c8/c87a7a4af357744f0f50e82033956977bad76f89df4ce33dcbe4d807ca4b9601-d: no space left on device] +[# test/main/level1a +level1a/pkg.go:5:2: level2x redeclared in this block + level1a/pkg.go:4:2: other declaration of level2x +level1a/pkg.go:5:2: "test/main/level1a/level2y" imported as level2x and not used +level1a/pkg.go:8:39: undefined: level2y + # test/main/level1b +level1b/pkg.go:5:2: level2x redeclared in this block + level1b/pkg.go:4:2: other declaration of level2x +level1b/pkg.go:5:2: "test/main/level1b/level2y" imported as level2x and not used +level1b/pkg.go:8:39: undefined: level2y +] script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_issue_59905.txt:3: cmpenv stdout wanterr_59905: stdout and wanterr_59905 differ --- FAIL: TestScript/list_export_e (0.93s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_export_e685651107 script_test.go:156: > ! go list -export ./... [stdout] example.com/p1 example.com/p2 [stderr] example.com/p1: write /build/.cache/go-build/cf/cf1ab9254fa7f7a1933795df43d7c7cbacd7c16f527217d510ae60fa2f70a07d-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr '^# example.com/p2\np2'${/}'main\.go:7:.*' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_export_e.txt:2: stderr '^# example.com/p2\np2/main\.go:7:.*': no match for `(?m)^# example.com/p2\np2/main\.go:7:.*` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/work_sync_sum (0.30s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:46Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_sync_sum3815074905 script_test.go:156: # Test that the sum file data state is properly reset between modules in # go work sync so that the sum file that's written is correct. # Exercises the fix to #50038. (0.000s) # As a sanity check, verify b/go.sum is tidy. (0.275s) > cd b > go mod tidy [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.0.0 go: example.com/b imports rsc.io/quote: write /build/.cache/go-build/43/435daa1d3b86b3d1ac603c8f2e53ace6292066c08dc01323ddbb5d40d251f6ce-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/work_sync_sum.txt:9: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/goline_order (0.65s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/goline_order1281885716 script_test.go:156: # Check that go lines are always >= go lines of dependencies. # Using too old a release cannot even complete module load. (0.001s) # If the offending module is not imported, it's not detected. (0.203s) # Adding the import produces the error. # Maybe this should auto-switch, but it requires more plumbing to get this error through, # and it's a misconfigured system that should not arise in practice, so not switching is fine. (0.147s) # go get go@1.21.2 fixes the error. (0.285s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > go get go@1.21.2 [stderr] go: module ./m1 requires go >= 1.21.2; switching to go1.22.9 go: can't request explicit version "1.21.2" of standard library package go script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/goline_order.txt:21: go get go@1.21.2: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_dot (2.07s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:44Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138 script_test.go:156: > env GOWORK=off > env GO111MODULE=on # golang.org/issue/32917 and golang.org/issue/28459: 'go build' and 'go test' # in an empty directory should refer to the path '.' and should not attempt # to resolve an external module. (0.846s) # golang.org/issue/30590: if a package is found in the filesystem # but is not in the main module, the error message should not say # "cannot find module providing package", and we shouldn't try # to find a module providing the package. (0.080s) # golang.org/issue/27122: 'go build' of a nonexistent directory should produce # a helpful "no Go files" error message, not a generic "unknown import path". (0.121s) # golang.org/issue/29280: 'go list -e' for a nonexistent directory should # report a nonexistent package with an error. (0.099s) # golang.org/issue/28155: 'go list ./testdata' should not synthesize underscores. (0.198s) # golang.org/issue/32921: vendor directories should only be accepted as directories # if the directory would actually be used to load the package. (0.675s) > ! go list ./vendor/nonexist [stderr] no Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138/gopath/src/dir/vendor/nonexist [exit status 1] > stderr '^no Go files in '$WORK'[/\\]gopath[/\\]src[/\\]dir[/\\]vendor[/\\]nonexist$' matched: no Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138/gopath/src/dir/vendor/nonexist > ! go list ./vendor/pkg [stderr] without -mod=vendor, directory /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138/gopath/src/dir/vendor/pkg has no package path [exit status 1] > stderr '^without -mod=vendor, directory '$WORK'[/\\]gopath[/\\]src[/\\]dir[/\\]vendor[/\\]pkg has no package path$' matched: without -mod=vendor, directory /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138/gopath/src/dir/vendor/pkg has no package path > ! go list -mod=vendor ./vendor/nonexist [stderr] no Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138/gopath/src/dir/vendor/nonexist [exit status 1] > stderr '^no Go files in '$WORK'[/\\]gopath[/\\]src[/\\]dir[/\\]vendor[/\\]nonexist$' matched: no Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138/gopath/src/dir/vendor/nonexist > ! go list -mod=vendor ./vendor/unlisted [stderr] directory /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138/gopath/src/dir/vendor/unlisted is not a package listed in vendor/modules.txt [exit status 1] > stderr '^directory '$WORK'[/\\]gopath[/\\]src[/\\]dir[/\\]vendor[/\\]unlisted is not a package listed in vendor/modules.txt$' matched: directory /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_dot2765715138/gopath/src/dir/vendor/unlisted is not a package listed in vendor/modules.txt > go list -mod=vendor ./vendor/pkg [stderr] package pkg is not in std (/build/go/src/go/src/pkg) script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_dot.txt:60: go list -mod=vendor ./vendor/pkg: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/gotoolchain_modcmds (0.93s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/gotoolchain_modcmds2682537651 script_test.go:156: > env TESTGO_VERSION=go1.21.0 > env TESTGO_VERSION_SWITCH=switch # If the main module's go.mod file lists a version lower than the version # required by its dependencies, the commands that fetch and diagnose the module # graph (such as 'go mod graph' and 'go mod verify') should fail explicitly: # they can't interpret the graph themselves, and they aren't allowed to update # the go.mod file to record a specific, stable toolchain version that can. (0.346s) # TODO(#64008): 'go mod download' without arguments should fail too. # 'go get' should update the main module's go.mod file to a version compatible with the # go version required for rsc.io/future, not fail. (0.560s) > go get . [stderr] go: module rsc.io/future@v1.0.0 requires go >= 1.999; switching to go1.999testmod go: downloading rsc.io/future v1.0.0 go: example imports rsc.io/future: write /build/.cache/go-build/dd/ddd9620099a208beaef1977269d2dee68d43255298db9caa2e8903f77ef87b29-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/gotoolchain_modcmds.txt:21: go get .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_importmap (1.94s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_importmap2379880896 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off # gccgo does not have standard packages. (0.000s) # fmt should have no rewritten imports. # The import from a/b should map c/d to a's vendor directory. (0.773s) # flag [fmt.test] should import fmt [fmt.test] as fmt # fmt.test should import testing [fmt.test] as testing # fmt.test should not import a modified os (1.162s) > go list -deps -test -f '{{.ImportPath}} MAP: {{.ImportMap}}{{"\n"}}{{.ImportPath}} IMPORT: {{.Imports}}' fmt [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/66/665da5d4c977fc2a206006294ded03ebd6df63735e00381c714cf30190ea5398-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_importmap.txt:15: go list -deps -test -f '{{.ImportPath}} MAP: {{.ImportMap}}{{"\n"}}{{.ImportPath}} IMPORT: {{.Imports}}' fmt: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_json_fields (2.09s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_json_fields2645069983 script_test.go:156: # Test using -json flag to specify specific fields. # Test -json produces "full" output by looking for multiple fields present. (0.863s) # Same thing for -json=true (1.100s) # Test -json=false produces non-json output. (0.122s) > go list -json=false [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/3a/3ada93ec974a80ee01f12e1c8cdb38fd9c87d356bdd9c907a148ef601c6497c9-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_json_fields.txt:13: go list -json=false: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_constraints (2.16s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_constraints1868699679 script_test.go:156: # Check that files and their imports are not included in 'go list' output # when they are excluded by build constraints. # Linux and cgo files should be included when building in that configuration. (0.861s) # Disabling cgo should exclude cgo files and their imports. (0.473s) # Changing OS should exclude linux sources. (0.347s) # Enabling a tag should include files that require it. (0.236s) # Packages that require a tag should not be listed unless the tag is on. (0.232s) > ! go list ./tagonly [stderr] package m/tagonly: build constraints exclude all Go files in /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_constraints1868699679/gopath/src/tagonly [exit status 1] > go list -tags=extra ./tagonly [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/fb/fb1fd727d027317d4da27d1d25ade76528fb8a15776acb0d476c2e8ab123244c-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_constraints.txt:39: go list -tags=extra ./tagonly: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/list_parse_err (2.46s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_parse_err1930399375 script_test.go:156: # 'go list' without -e should fail and print errors on stderr. (1.419s) # 'go list -e' should report imports, even if some files have parse errors # before the import block. (0.358s) # 'go list' should report the position of the error if there's only one. (0.520s) # 'go test' should report the position of the error if there's only one. (0.135s) > go list -e -test -f '{{if .Error}}{{.Error.Pos}} => {{.Error.Err}}{{end}}' ./t [stdout] => open /build/.cache/go-build/dd/dd60027f133ce86ba5c408eab5a227c82d130fe97c7419ba3a1535abda228b97-d: no space left on device > stdout 't_test.go:[0-9:]+ => expected declaration, found ʕ' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_parse_err.txt:22: stdout 't_test.go:[0-9:]+ => expected declaration, found ʕ': no match for `(?m)t_test.go:[0-9:]+ => expected declaration, found ʕ` in stdout --- FAIL: TestScript/embed (1.07s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:46Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/embed1491136649 script_test.go:156: # go list shows patterns and files (1.064s) > go list -f '{{.EmbedPatterns}}' [stdout] [x*t*t] > stdout '\[x\*t\*t\]' matched: [x*t*t] > go list -f '{{.EmbedFiles}}' [stdout] [x.txt] > stdout '\[x.txt\]' matched: [x.txt] > go list -test -f '{{.TestEmbedPatterns}}' [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/af/af3f6fbf44002cb660827341aa89f72f10a45e2813f52ab3086dddf291c4096f-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/embed.txt:6: go list -test -f {{.TestEmbedPatterns}}: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/work (1.70s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:46Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work2018561644 script_test.go:156: > ! go work init doesnotexist [stderr] go: directory doesnotexist does not exist [exit status 1] > stderr 'go: directory doesnotexist does not exist' matched: go: directory doesnotexist does not exist > go env GOWORK [stdout] > ! stdout . > go work init ./a ./b > cmpenv go.work go.work.want > go env GOWORK [stdout] /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work2018561644/gopath/src/go.work > stdout '^'$WORK'(\\|/)gopath(\\|/)src(\\|/)go.work$' matched: /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work2018561644/gopath/src/go.work > ! go run example.com/b [stderr] a/a.go:4:8: no required module provides package rsc.io/quote; to add it: cd /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work2018561644/gopath/src/a go get rsc.io/quote [exit status 1] > stderr 'a(\\|/)a.go:4:8: no required module provides package rsc.io/quote; to add it:\n\tcd '$WORK(\\|/)gopath(\\|/)src(\\|/)a'\n\tgo get rsc.io/quote' matched: a/a.go:4:8: no required module provides package rsc.io/quote; to add it: cd /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work2018561644/gopath/src/a go get rsc.io/quote > cd a > go get rsc.io/quote [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: added rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 > cat go.mod [stdout] module example.com/a go 1.22.2 require rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 // indirect > go env GOMOD # go env GOMOD reports the module in a single module context [stdout] /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work2018561644/gopath/src/a/go.mod > stdout $GOPATH(\\|/)src(\\|/)a(\\|/)go.mod matched: /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work2018561644/gopath/src/a/go.mod > cd .. > go run example.com/b [stderr] a/a.go:4:8: write /build/.cache/go-build/14/14b51d9183a176fbe1028f8fca2e7a584e0230dfba5b34cee28b2ac2ddd5922a-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/work.txt:19: go run example.com/b: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/work_sum (0.63s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:47Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_sum714777844 script_test.go:156: # Test adding sums to go.work.sum when sum isn't in go.mod. (0.621s) > go run . [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 main.go:5:2: write /build/.cache/go-build/37/379e808663dd22c9d1c178bae29f2152442a721d131f5259cbcb95a22f4e439e-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/work_sum.txt:3: go run .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_replaced (4.91s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:43Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_get_replaced2467084044 script_test.go:156: > cp go.mod go.mod.orig > env oldGOPROXY=$GOPROXY # If a wildcard replacement exists for an otherwise-nonexistent module, # 'go get' should resolve it to the minimum valid pseudo-version. (0.510s) # If specific-version replacements exist, the highest matching version should be used. (0.636s) # The same should work with GOPROXY=off. (0.519s) # If specific-version replacements exist, the highest matching version should be used. (0.755s) # Replacements should also be listed as known versions, and 'go get' should sort # them in with ordinary versions. (1.726s) # Replacements should allow 'go get' to work even with dotless module paths. (0.732s) > cp go.mod.orig go.mod > ! go list example [stderr] package example is not in std (/build/go/src/go/src/example) [exit status 1] > stderr '^package example is not in std \(.*\)$' matched: package example is not in std (/build/go/src/go/src/example) > ! go get example [stderr] go: malformed module path "example": missing dot in first path element [exit status 1] > stderr '^go: malformed module path "example": missing dot in first path element$' matched: go: malformed module path "example": missing dot in first path element > go mod edit -replace example@v0.1.0=./example > ! go list example [stderr] go: found example in example v0.1.0 go: updates to go.mod needed; to update it: go mod tidy [exit status 1] > stderr '^module example provides package example and is replaced but not required; to add it:\n\tgo get example@v0.1.0$' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_get_replaced.txt:90: stderr '^module example provides package example and is replaced but not required; to add it:\n\tgo get example@v0.1.0$': no match for `(?m)^module example provides package example and is replaced but not required; to add it:\n\tgo get example@v0.1.0$` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/list_compiled_imports (3.42s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/list_compiled_imports2122745413 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off > [!cgo] skip [condition not met] # go list should report import "C" (0.684s) # go list -compiled should report imports in compiled files as well, # adding "runtime/cgo", "unsafe", and "syscall" but not dropping "C". (2.727s) > go list -compiled -f '{{.Imports}}' [stdout] [C unicode unicode/utf16 unsafe runtime/cgo syscall] [stderr] x: loading compiled Go files from cache: reading srcfiles list: cache entry not found: open /build/.cache/go-build/79/79e753d365d0f1ec055ac58cdfe1b1b6c0be15736940b8704c85d49cba98f5c0-a: no such file or directory script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/list_compiled_imports.txt:17: go list -compiled -f {{.Imports}}: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/build_pgo_auto_multi (2.32s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:47Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/build_pgo_auto_multi4120434805 script_test.go:156: # Test go build -pgo=auto flag with multiple main packages. (1.200s) # a/default.pgo applies to package a and (transitive) # dependencies. (0.065s) # b/default.pgo applies to package b and (transitive) # dependencies. (0.278s) # nopgo should be built without PGO. (0.082s) # Dependencies should also be built without PGO. # Here we want to match a compile action without -pgoprofile, # by matching 3 occurrences of "compile dep.go", among which # 2 of them have -pgoprofile (therefore one without). (0.327s) # check that pgo appears or not in build info as expected (0.004s) # go test works the same way (0.354s) > go test -a -n -pgo=auto ./a ./b ./nopgo [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/f2/f26ed0989a4c7e19282c019c75994d9788511f73df340e13081bec171e46f77d-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/8a/8ac2f40c68213024ce114b31039c7d942ebc80c5fa3f4133be193b873237ff11-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/b3/b3a850f43cb30127a53709165624bc7d1bde3b1b8c0479517eaeae1c8b720ef3-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/build_pgo_auto_multi.txt:41: go test -a -n -pgo=auto ./a ./b ./nopgo: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/gopath_std_vendor (3.85s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/gopath_std_vendor606754174 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off > [!compiler:gc] skip [condition not met] > go list -f '{{.Dir}}' vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack [stdout] /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/gopath_std_vendor606754174/gopath/src/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack > stdout $GOPATH[/\\]src[/\\]vendor matched: /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/gopath_std_vendor606754174/gopath/src/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack # A package importing 'net/http' should resolve its dependencies # to the package 'vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack' within GOROOT. (1.641s) # In the presence of $GOPATH/src/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack, # a package in GOPATH importing 'golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack' should # resolve its dependencies in GOPATH/src. (2.099s) > cd ../issue16333 > go build . > go list -deps -f '{{.ImportPath}} {{.Dir}}' . [stdout] vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/gopath_std_vendor606754174/gopath/src/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack issue16333 /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/gopath_std_vendor606754174/gopath/src/issue16333 > stdout $GOPATH[/\\]src[/\\]vendor[/\\]golang.org[/\\]x[/\\]net[/\\]http2[/\\]hpack matched: vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/gopath_std_vendor606754174/gopath/src/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack > ! stdout $GOROOT[/\\]src[/\\]vendor > go list -test -deps -f '{{.ImportPath}} {{.Dir}}' . [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/70/709e3e0644fee50346dd87108f9f3b71382a4f85a14da6f4894559d3e40e91c0-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/gopath_std_vendor.txt:26: go list -test -deps -f '{{.ImportPath}} {{.Dir}}' .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_support_buildx (0.18s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:50Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/mod_tidy_support_buildx2195625552 script_test.go:156: # This test checks that "go mod tidy -x" print # commands tidy executes. # Verifies golang.org/issue/35849 (0.147s) > rm $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/rsc.io/quote > go mod tidy [stderr] go: finding module for package rsc.io/quote go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 go: example.com/mod imports rsc.io/quote: module rsc.io/quote@latest found (v1.5.2), but does not contain package rsc.io/quote script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/mod_tidy_support_buildx.txt:6: go mod tidy: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/build_multi_main (3.04s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:47Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/build_multi_main4176610894 script_test.go:156: # Verify build -o can output multiple executables to a directory. (3.026s) > mkdir $WORK/bin > go build -o $WORK/bin ./cmd/c1 ./cmd/c2 > ! stderr 'multiple packages' > ! go build -o $WORK/bin ./pkg1 ./pkg1 [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/b3/b3bdaee0134d4e60eda6b645065182f7f9d93daf4c4f14b4e590eb93abb9f72f-d: no space left on device write /build/.cache/go-build/b3/b3bdaee0134d4e60eda6b645065182f7f9d93daf4c4f14b4e590eb93abb9f72f-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr 'no main packages' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/build_multi_main.txt:8: stderr 'no main packages': no match for `(?m)no main packages` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/work_vendor_prune_all (2.57s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:47Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_vendor_prune_all1763182993 script_test.go:156: # This test exercises that vendoring works properly using the workspace in the # the work_prune test case. (2.559s) > go work vendor > cmp vendor/modules.txt modules.txt.want > go list -f '{{with .Module}}{{.Path}}@{{.Version}}{{end}}' all [stdout] example.com/a@ example.com/b@v1.0.0 example.com/p@ example.com/q@v1.1.0 example.com/w@v1.0.0 example.com/z@v1.1.0 > cmp stdout want_versions > go list -f '{{.Dir}}' example.com/q [stdout] /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_vendor_prune_all1763182993/gopath/src/vendor/example.com/q > stdout $GOPATH[\\/]src[\\/]vendor[\\/]example.com[\\/]q matched: /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_vendor_prune_all1763182993/gopath/src/vendor/example.com/q > go list -f '{{.Dir}}' example.com/b [stdout] /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_vendor_prune_all1763182993/gopath/src/vendor/example.com/b > stdout $GOPATH[\\/]src[\\/]vendor[\\/]example.com[\\/]b matched: /tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/work_vendor_prune_all1763182993/gopath/src/vendor/example.com/b > go list -f '{{.Dir}}' example.com/w [stderr] cannot find module providing package example.com/w: import lookup disabled by -mod=vendor (Go version in go.work is at least 1.14 and vendor directory exists.) script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/work_vendor_prune_all.txt:13: go list -f {{.Dir}} example.com/w: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/test_fuzz_profile_flags (2.20s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:48Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/test_fuzz_profile_flags4170293817 script_test.go:156: > [!fuzz] skip [condition not met] > ! go test -fuzz=FuzzTrivial -coverprofile=prof [stderr] cannot use -coverprofile flag with -fuzz flag [exit status 1] > ! stdout . > stderr '^cannot use -coverprofile flag with -fuzz flag$' matched: cannot use -coverprofile flag with -fuzz flag > ! go test -fuzz=FuzzTrivial -blockprofile=prof [stderr] cannot use -blockprofile flag with -fuzz flag [exit status 1] > ! stdout . > stderr '^cannot use -blockprofile flag with -fuzz flag$' matched: cannot use -blockprofile flag with -fuzz flag > ! go test -fuzz=FuzzTrivial -cpuprofile=prof [stderr] cannot use -cpuprofile flag with -fuzz flag [exit status 1] > ! stdout . > stderr '^cannot use -cpuprofile flag with -fuzz flag$' matched: cannot use -cpuprofile flag with -fuzz flag > ! go test -fuzz=FuzzTrivial -memprofile=prof [stderr] cannot use -memprofile flag with -fuzz flag [exit status 1] > ! stdout . > stderr '^cannot use -memprofile flag with -fuzz flag$' matched: cannot use -memprofile flag with -fuzz flag > ! go test -fuzz=FuzzTrivial -mutexprofile=prof [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/fa/fa769b09947cabb536bf1fb4395e8bd79706860ec166f21dc4ee7e478f822db2-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > ! stdout . > stderr '^cannot use -mutexprofile flag with -fuzz flag$' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/test_fuzz_profile_flags.txt:21: stderr '^cannot use -mutexprofile flag with -fuzz flag$': no match for `(?m)^cannot use -mutexprofile flag with -fuzz flag$` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/std_vendor (2.61s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:49Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/std_vendor2038945290 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off > [!compiler:gc] skip [condition not met] # 'go list' should report imports from _test.go in the TestImports field. (0.149s) # 'go list' should report standard-vendored packages by path. (0.985s) # 'go list -test' should report vendored transitive dependencies of _test.go # imports in the Deps field, with a 'vendor' prefix on their import paths. (1.466s) > go list -test -f '{{.Deps}}' [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/a7/a74c9daf9614bf5c50bd69cbdb4b3f37152a434c9c4fb027f25ee15bad1e8ec7-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/std_vendor.txt:15: go list -test -f {{.Deps}}: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/run_hello_pkg (3.48s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:48Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/run_hello_pkg144827277 script_test.go:156: > go run m/hello [stderr] hello, world > stderr 'hello, world' matched: hello, world > cd hello > go run . [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/fd/fd96f329695c7a9b56944b5343611432c91fe1bb4d0151426bc32b6cacc4f76d-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/run_hello_pkg.txt:5: go run .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/run_internal (5.29s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:48Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/run_internal2508598835 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=off > go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}' m/runbad1.go [stdout] true > stdout true matched: true > ! go run m/runbad1.go [stderr] package command-line-arguments m/runbad1.go:2:8: use of internal package m/x/internal not allowed [exit status 1] > stderr 'use of internal package m/x/internal not allowed' matched: m/runbad1.go:2:8: use of internal package m/x/internal not allowed > go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}' m/runbad2.go [stdout] true > stdout true matched: true > ! go run m/runbad2.go [stderr] package command-line-arguments m/runbad2.go:2:8: use of internal package m/x/internal/y not allowed [exit status 1] > stderr 'use of internal package m/x/internal/y not allowed' matched: m/runbad2.go:2:8: use of internal package m/x/internal/y not allowed > go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}' m/runok.go [stdout] false > stdout false matched: false > go run m/runok.go > cd m > env GO111MODULE=on > go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}' runbad1.go [stdout] true > stdout true matched: true > ! go run runbad1.go [stderr] runbad1.go:2:8: write /build/.cache/go-build/4c/4ca328cbe271a7a20c2634d6e497a158c690fe889fc8035848ef692d2c8977f8-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr 'use of internal package m/x/internal not allowed' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/run_internal.txt:23: stderr 'use of internal package m/x/internal not allowed': no match for `(?m)use of internal package m/x/internal not allowed` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/test_vendor (5.61s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:48Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/test_vendor2128707616 script_test.go:156: # In GOPATH mode, vendored packages can replace std packages. (5.548s) # In module mode, they cannot. (0.061s) > env GO111MODULE=on > ! go test -mod=vendor [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/b7/b7179b0380b0c369d2f0a908d10b0584313ee69d8524222b0d36c3b44e3ff443-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr 'undefined: strings.Msg' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/test_vendor.txt:11: stderr 'undefined: strings.Msg': no match for `(?m)undefined: strings.Msg` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/vendor_outside_module (5.20s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:49Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vendor_outside_module1082549499 script_test.go:156: # baz.go (importing just fmt) works with -mod=mod, -mod=vendor. (4.906s) # baz_with_outside_dep.go (with a non-std dependency) works with -mod=mod # but not with -mod=readonly and -mod=vendor. (0.277s) > go build -x -mod=mod my-module/vendor/example.com/another-module/foo/bar/baz_with_outside_dep.go [stderr] WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vendor_outside_module1082549499/tmp/go-build1472651930 go: finding module for package rsc.io/quote # get # get # get 404 Not Found (0.009s) # get 200 OK (0.008s) # get # get 200 OK (0.003s) # get # get 200 OK (0.002s) # get # get 200 OK (0.002s) # get # get 200 OK (0.002s) # get # get 200 OK (0.002s) go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 # get # get 200 OK (0.002s) my-module/vendor/example.com/another-module/foo/bar/baz_with_outside_dep.go:5:5: cannot find module providing package rsc.io/quote script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/vendor_outside_module.txt:8: go build -x -mod=mod my-module/vendor/example.com/another-module/foo/bar/baz_with_outside_dep.go: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/vet_flags (14.27s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:40Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet_flags1759024464 script_test.go:156: > env GO111MODULE=on # Issue 35837: "go vet - " should use the requested # analyzers, not the default analyzers for 'go test'. (3.525s) # Issue 37030: "go vet " without other flags should disable the # unsafeptr check by default. (2.722s) # However, it should be enabled if requested explicitly. (5.460s) # -unreachable is disabled during test but on during plain vet. (2.483s) # A flag terminator should be allowed before the package list. (0.074s) > go vet -n -- . [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/d3/d37e449c0043717e37dd510a68d7ad7bdd15266f7e125a1d4d507c0cbf57281d-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/vet_flags.txt:25: go vet -n -- .: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/ldflag (10.09s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/ldflag1881432152 script_test.go:156: # Issue #42565 (0.000s) # We can't build package bad, which uses #cgo LDFLAGS. (0.853s) # We can build package ok with the same flags in CGO_LDFLAGS. (9.185s) # Build a main program that actually uses LDFLAGS. (0.047s) > cd .. > go build -ldflags=-v [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/d8/d8126aeb87b1a03e53db22d05099523dbcd361fb6c57e44eb1e9eeafdddbd481-d: no space left on device script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/ldflag.txt:17: go build -ldflags=-v: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestScript/gotoolchain_local (9.92s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:45Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/gotoolchain_local3202832902 script_test.go:156: # This test uses the fake toolchain switch support in cmd/go/internal/toolchain.Switch # to exercise all the version selection logic without needing actual toolchains. # See gotoolchain_net.txt and gotoolchain_path.txt for tests of network and PATH toolchains. (0.014s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=auto runs default toolchain without a go.mod or go.work (0.108s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=path runs default toolchain without a go.mod or go.work (0.131s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=asdf is a syntax error (0.142s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=version is used directly. (0.290s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=version+auto sets a minimum. (0.777s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=version+path sets a minimum too. (0.460s) # Create a go.mod file and test interactions with auto and path. # GOTOOLCHAIN=auto uses go line if newer than local toolchain. (2.786s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=path does the same. (2.212s) # GOTOOLCHAIN=min+auto with toolchain default uses min, not local (0.587s) # GOTOOLCHAIN names can have -suffix (0.472s) # go.work takes priority over go.mod (0.502s) # go.work misconfiguration does not break go work edit # ('go 1.600 / toolchain local' forces use of 1.500 which can't normally load that go.work; allow work edit to fix it.) (0.199s) # go.mod misconfiguration does not break go mod edit (0.232s) # toolchain built with a custom version should know how it compares to others (0.809s) # go install m@v and go run m@v should ignore go.mod and use m@v (0.195s) > env TESTGO_VERSION=go1.2.3 > go mod edit -go=1.999 -toolchain=go1.998 > ! go install rsc.io/fortune/nonexist@v0.0.1 [stderr] go: downloading rsc.io/fortune v0.0.1 go: rsc.io/fortune@v0.0.1 requires go >= 1.21rc999; switching to go1.22.9 go: rsc.io/fortune/nonexist@v0.0.1: rsc.io/fortune/nonexist: write /build/.cache/go-build/04/040af6984010e28bbb455cd62dd4eb904cab4d73746f785300ddd0f2fc77abcf-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr '^go: rsc.io/fortune@v0.0.1 requires go >= 1.21rc999; switching to go1.22.9$' matched: go: rsc.io/fortune@v0.0.1 requires go >= 1.21rc999; switching to go1.22.9 > stderr '^go: rsc.io/fortune/nonexist@v0.0.1: module rsc.io/fortune@v0.0.1 found, but does not contain package rsc.io/fortune/nonexist' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/gotoolchain_local.txt:206: stderr '^go: rsc.io/fortune/nonexist@v0.0.1: module rsc.io/fortune@v0.0.1 found, but does not contain package rsc.io/fortune/nonexist': no match for `(?m)^go: rsc.io/fortune/nonexist@v0.0.1: module rsc.io/fortune@v0.0.1 found, but does not contain package rsc.io/fortune/nonexist` in stderr --- FAIL: TestScript/vet (14.10s) script_test.go:132: 2024-04-09T15:42:48Z script_test.go:134: $WORK=/tmp/cmd-go-test-442250605/tmpdir70579894/vet3978233290 script_test.go:156: # Package with external tests (14.012s) # With tags (0.084s) > ! go vet -tags tagtest m/vetpkg [stderr] write /build/.cache/go-build/aa/aac2ecadac42146ed889dd324cdd20729d1845445df92e08d217147bb492fd9a-d: no space left on device [exit status 1] > stderr 'c\.go.*Printf' script_test.go:156: FAIL: testdata/script/vet.txt:7: stderr c\.go.*Printf: no match for `(?m)c\.go.*Printf` in stderr FAIL FAIL cmd/go 61.780s ok cmd/go/internal/auth 0.234s ok cmd/go/internal/cache 0.759s ok cmd/go/internal/cfg 0.185s [no tests to run] ok cmd/go/internal/envcmd 0.696s ok cmd/go/internal/fsys 0.333s ok cmd/go/internal/generate 0.573s ok cmd/go/internal/gover 0.239s ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.285s ok cmd/go/internal/load 0.414s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.663s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 0.274s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 0.448s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 9.168s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/zip_sum_test 0.377s ok cmd/go/internal/modindex 1.978s ok cmd/go/internal/modload 0.494s ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 0.236s ok cmd/go/internal/par 0.279s ok cmd/go/internal/str 0.197s ok cmd/go/internal/test 0.752s ok cmd/go/internal/toolchain 0.509s ok cmd/go/internal/vcs 0.375s ok cmd/go/internal/vcweb 0.444s ok cmd/go/internal/vcweb/vcstest 6.821s ok cmd/go/internal/web 0.337s ok cmd/go/internal/work 0.988s ok cmd/gofmt 0.475s ok cmd/internal/archive 6.331s ok cmd/internal/bootstrap_test 0.178s ok cmd/internal/buildid 2.493s ok cmd/internal/cov 4.776s ok cmd/internal/dwarf 0.257s ok cmd/internal/edit 0.163s ok cmd/internal/goobj 0.198s ok cmd/internal/moddeps 0.722s ok cmd/internal/notsha256 0.210s ok cmd/internal/obj 5.487s ok cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 1.981s ok cmd/internal/obj/riscv 4.522s ok cmd/internal/obj/s390x 0.199s ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 30.486s ok cmd/internal/objabi 0.662s ok cmd/internal/pkgpath 0.410s ok cmd/internal/pkgpattern 0.179s ok cmd/internal/quoted 0.182s ok cmd/internal/src 0.186s ok cmd/internal/test2json 1.608s ok cmd/link 40.560s ok cmd/link/internal/benchmark 0.254s --- FAIL: TestIssue38192 (0.06s) dwarf_test.go:132: build: write /build/.cache/go-build/e4/e4a238251906de2fcd0170b93cd77c90c95e0ad2977c38184545ac51c7572fe5-d: no space left on device dwarf_test.go:133: build error: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestIssue39757 (0.07s) dwarf_test.go:132: build: write /build/.cache/go-build/e3/e397d6ddc47b2329019542166642183bec3f19c4c7f7ccee54fa8555ff36412a-d: no space left on device dwarf_test.go:133: build error: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestAbstractOriginSanityIssue26237 (0.06s) dwarf_test.go:132: build: write /build/.cache/go-build/ba/bafba8adb4ef031fbe65b1380b6fb5c1a13ca5b12388aa18f49897e756a2ed55-d: no space left on device dwarf_test.go:133: build error: exit status 1 --- FAIL: TestUndefinedRelocErrors (0.11s) ld_test.go:66: unmatched error: function main is undeclared in the main package (x1) ld_test.go:66: unmatched error: main.defined1: relocation target main.undefined not defined (x1) ld_test.go:66: unmatched error: main.defined2: relocation target main.undefined not defined (x1) ld_test.go:75: unexpected error: write /build/.cache/go-build/60/60380d5f6b823e72cdcea100e5e44aad8f0fe38bc004fef97e554ab1c1673105-d: no space left on device (x1) --- FAIL: TestStackCheckOutput (0.15s) stackcheck_test.go:33: linker output: write /build/.cache/go-build/89/892f89181474ac736a07d74ab626d99727297e87ae9e993a766345c38d495a99-d: no space left on device stackcheck_test.go:39: no overflow errors in output --- FAIL: TestIssue42484 (0.18s) dwarf_test.go:132: build: write /build/.cache/go-build/de/de3169d9468ecc7c964235204c64735f0e5b73ad3db1f5c53a400fb37546d022-d: no space left on device dwarf_test.go:133: build error: exit status 1 FAIL FAIL cmd/link/internal/ld 7.975s ok cmd/link/internal/loader 0.222s ok cmd/nm 5.244s ok cmd/objdump 0.275s --- FAIL: TestHello (0.73s) pack_test.go:215: /build/go/src/go/bin/go list -export -deps -f {{if ne .ImportPath "command-line-arguments"}}{{if .Export}}{{.ImportPath}}={{.Export}}{{end}}{{end}} /tmp/TestHello3601690952/001/hello.go: exit status 1 command-line-arguments: write /build/.cache/go-build/77/77211f34a78110904725a60902355923ccfb02fd7fc96e1e30b59c62aef1d425-d: no space left on device FAIL FAIL cmd/pack 2.119s ok cmd/pprof 0.446s ok cmd/trace 0.310s ok cmd/trace/v2 0.638s --- FAIL: TestTags (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestTags/testtag (0.12s) vet_test.go:163: -tags=testtag vet_test.go:172: testtag: file1.go was excluded, should be included vet_test.go:178: err=exit status 1, output=<> --- FAIL: TestTags/x_testtag_y (0.14s) vet_test.go:163: -tags=x testtag y vet_test.go:172: x testtag y: file1.go was excluded, should be included vet_test.go:178: err=exit status 1, output=<> --- FAIL: TestTags/othertag (0.20s) vet_test.go:163: -tags=othertag vet_test.go:172: othertag: file2.go was excluded, should be included vet_test.go:178: err=exit status 1, output=<> --- FAIL: TestVet (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestVet/unused (0.11s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: unused.go:12: missing error "result of fmt.Errorf call not used" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/e3/e360b8c7b5f2ee773ee8b38b3a776ffcdbce54f79cb1960af6c3642206182839-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/shift (0.12s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: shift.go:12: missing error ".i8 . 1. .8 bits. too small for shift of 8" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/81/81c8b199efe5da875a0926ca075ea45f225fdfe5eeb145a36d138a48599e5230-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/method (0.14s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: method.go:13: missing error "should have signature Scan\\(fmt\\.ScanState, rune\\) error" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/74/7441e10af8d0c8d3ec2153b80fea809e58d782ebfdef7a747954591c80543a63-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/nilfunc (0.14s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: nilfunc.go:10: missing error "comparison of function F == nil is always false" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/1a/1adf7ac333dad009617b8b3f59a5484df9df16e1770a2e8d2182c0c98d5e516e-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/unsafeptr (0.14s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: unsafeptr.go:12: missing error "possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/d7/d7e044385a79bd0d3c3ff409a927b2dc689cbd4033c1cb30761e7871887cc4c2-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/slog (0.16s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: slog.go:12: missing error "call to slog.Info missing a final value" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/b6/b66c5c075dd88772cd9fc055e689aa09154a6469245da5b8465fa5605eaf3039-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/unmarshal (0.16s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: unmarshal.go:17: missing error "call of Unmarshal passes non-pointer as second argument" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/71/716be41f6191deb34ffc2129ffe727cfd0cbde27f6e1151ed8ed108a7000f825-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/testingpkg (0.17s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: tests_test.go:7: missing error "Example_BadSuffix has malformed example suffix: BadSuffix" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/05/05e150656c5a28e538e2fe335650ab18dc124de52692f0cf07d5e1c6a89e91ae-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/structtag (0.17s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: structtag.go:10: missing error "`hello` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag pair" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/80/80a622ab63929eb5c7427faa9af6138c802a4b6b2823c11be45c44ba48049e8d-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/appends (0.17s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: appends.go:11: missing error "append with no values" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/32/32ccb48772d0c32906aeaea030d6bde894d47e042f8e54f3c8c42bbff7d3eeea-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/rangeloop (0.18s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: rangeloop.go:13: missing error "loop variable i captured by func literal" rangeloop.go:14: missing error "loop variable v captured by func literal" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/4e/4ed7ef5e156a8c770c067b30039e026a08602d94b50e590dc029344e6f6504f5-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/copylock (0.18s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: copylock.go:14: missing error "assignment copies lock value to \\*p: sync.Mutex" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/07/07c7cb0d84682144cb9a7c3bdf603daa61ee7ba2b69394c105ee1c7e82ec59f7-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/httpresponse (0.19s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: httpresponse.go:22: missing error "using res before checking for errors" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/fb/fb8929001bc4be0a22f9b1258c6c8060a998ecc3f50e5f1180023da2165394eb-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/lostcancel (0.20s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: lostcancel.go:10: missing error "the cancel function is not used on all paths \\(possible context leak\\)" lostcancel.go:14: missing error "this return statement may be reached without using the cancel var defined on line 10" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/7a/7a54c0b75a8935bca1775d843a3447fe6a323a64cfda3a9b61cc93c02ae931e1-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/deadcode (0.21s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: deadcode.go:12: missing error "unreachable code" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/92/925ea8fa1374657f6a6f7ffd4a7b04c8b589c241e217db29ec3bc52a743ab502-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/print (0.21s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: print.go:107: missing error "Printf format %b has arg \\x22hi\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:108: missing error "Printf format %t has arg c of wrong type complex64" print.go:109: missing error "Printf format %t has arg 1 \\+ 2i of wrong type complex128" print.go:110: missing error "Printf format %c has arg 2.3 of wrong type float64" print.go:111: missing error "Printf format %d has arg 2.3 of wrong type float64" print.go:112: missing error "Printf format %e has arg \\x22hi\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:113: missing error "Printf format %E has arg true of wrong type bool" print.go:114: missing error "Printf format %f has arg \\x22hi\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:115: missing error "Printf format %F has arg 'x' of wrong type rune" print.go:116: missing error "Printf format %g has arg \\x22hi\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:117: missing error "Printf format %g has arg imap of wrong type map\\[int\\]int" print.go:118: missing error "Printf format %G has arg i of wrong type int" print.go:119: missing error "Printf format %o has arg x of wrong type float64" print.go:120: missing error "Printf format %p has arg nil of wrong type untyped nil" print.go:121: missing error "Printf format %p has arg 23 of wrong type int" print.go:122: missing error "Printf format %q has arg x of wrong type float64" print.go:123: missing error "Printf format %s has arg b of wrong type bool" print.go:124: missing error "Printf format %s has arg byte\\(65\\) of wrong type byte" print.go:125: missing error "Printf format %t has arg 23 of wrong type int" print.go:126: missing error "Printf format %U has arg x of wrong type float64" print.go:127: missing error "Printf format %x has arg nil of wrong type untyped nil" print.go:128: missing error "Printf format %s has arg stringerv of wrong type .*print.ptrStringer" print.go:129: missing error "Printf format %t has arg stringerv of wrong type .*print.ptrStringer" print.go:130: missing error "Printf format %s has arg embeddedStringerv of wrong type .*print.embeddedStringer" print.go:131: missing error "Printf format %t has arg embeddedStringerv of wrong type .*print.embeddedStringer" print.go:132: missing error "Printf format %q has arg notstringerv of wrong type .*print.notstringer" print.go:133: missing error "Printf format %t has arg notstringerv of wrong type .*print.notstringer" print.go:134: missing error "Printf format %t has arg stringerarrayv of wrong type .*print.stringerarray" print.go:135: missing error "Printf format %t has arg notstringerarrayv of wrong type .*print.notstringerarray" print.go:136: missing error "Printf format %q has arg notstringerarrayv of wrong type .*print.notstringerarray" print.go:137: missing error "Printf format %d has arg BoolFormatter\\(true\\) of wrong type .*print.BoolFormatter" print.go:141: missing error "Printf format %6g has arg 'x' of wrong type rune" print.go:143: missing error "Println call has possible Printf formatting directive %s" print.go:144: missing error "Println call has possible Printf formatting directive %v" print.go:145: missing error "Println call has possible Printf formatting directive %T" print.go:147: missing error "Printf call needs 1 arg but has 2 args" print.go:148: missing error "Sprintf call needs 1 arg but has 2 args" print.go:153: missing error "Printf call needs 2 args but has 4 args" print.go:154: missing error "Printf format %.*d uses non-int \\x22hi\\x22 as argument of \\*" print.go:156: missing error "Printf format %.\\*d uses non-int s as argument of \\*" print.go:157: missing error "Printf format %\\*% uses non-int 0.22 as argument of \\*" print.go:161: missing error "Printf call has arguments but no formatting directives" print.go:165: missing error "Printf format %s reads arg #2, but call has 1 arg$" print.go:166: missing error "Printf format %.3v reads arg #3, but call has 2 args" print.go:168: missing error "Warn call has possible Printf formatting directive %s" print.go:169: missing error "Warnf call needs 1 arg but has 2 args" print.go:170: missing error "Warnf format %r has unknown verb r" print.go:171: missing error "Warnf format %#s has unrecognized flag #" print.go:172: missing error "Warn2 call has possible Printf formatting directive %s" print.go:173: missing error "Warnf2 call needs 1 arg but has 2 args" print.go:174: missing error "Warnf2 format %r has unknown verb r" print.go:175: missing error "Warnf2 format %#s has unrecognized flag #" print.go:176: missing error "Wrap call has possible Printf formatting directive %s" print.go:177: missing error "Wrapf call needs 1 arg but has 2 args" print.go:178: missing error "Wrapf format %r has unknown verb r" print.go:179: missing error "Wrapf format %#s has unrecognized flag #" print.go:180: missing error "Wrap2 call has possible Printf formatting directive %s" print.go:181: missing error "Wrapf2 call needs 1 arg but has 2 args" print.go:182: missing error "Wrapf2 format %r has unknown verb r" print.go:183: missing error "Wrapf2 format %#s has unrecognized flag #" print.go:185: missing error "Printf format % is missing verb at end of string" print.go:188: missing error "Printf format %d has arg notPercentDV of wrong type .*print.notPercentDStruct" print.go:189: missing error "Printf format %d has arg ¬PercentDV of wrong type \\*.*print.notPercentDStruct" print.go:191: missing error "Printf format %q has arg &percentDV of wrong type \\*.*print.percentDStruct" print.go:201: missing error "Printf format %\\[xd is missing closing \\]" print.go:202: missing error "Printf format has invalid argument index \\[x\\]" print.go:203: missing error "Printf format has invalid argument index \\[3\\]" print.go:204: missing error "Sprintf format has invalid argument index \\[3\\]" print.go:205: missing error "Printf format %\\[2]\\*\\.\\[1\\]\\*\\[3\\]d uses non-int \\x22hi\\x22 as argument of \\*" print.go:206: missing error "Printf format has invalid argument index \\[0\\]" print.go:207: missing error "Printf format has invalid argument index \\[0\\]" print.go:216: missing error "Error call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:229: missing error "Printf format %d arg someFunction is a func value, not called" print.go:230: missing error "Printf format %v arg someFunction is a func value, not called" print.go:231: missing error "Println arg someFunction is a func value, not called" print.go:236: missing error "Printf format %x has arg recursiveStruct1V\\.next of wrong type \\*.*print\\.RecursiveStruct2" print.go:242: missing error "Log call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:244: missing error "Logf format %d has arg \\x22hi\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:247: missing error "Errorf format %d has arg \\x22hi\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:252: missing error "errorf format %d reads arg #1, but call has 0 args" print.go:278: missing error "Printf format has invalid argument index \\[0\\]" print.go:279: missing error "Printf format has invalid argument index \\[-2\\]" print.go:280: missing error "Printf format has invalid argument index \\[2234234234234\\]" print.go:281: missing error "Printf format %-10d reads arg #4, but call has 3 args" print.go:282: missing error "Printf format %\\[1\\]\\[ has unknown verb \\[" print.go:288: missing error "Println does not take io.Writer but has first arg os.Stdout" print.go:293: missing error "Fatal call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:294: missing error "Fatalf format %d has arg \\x22x\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:295: missing error "Fatalln call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:296: missing error "Panic call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:297: missing error "Panicf format %d has arg \\x22x\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:298: missing error "Panicln call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:299: missing error "Print call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:300: missing error "Printf format %d has arg \\x22x\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:301: missing error "Println call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:305: missing error "Fatal call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:306: missing error "Fatalf format %d has arg \\x22x\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:307: missing error "Fatalln call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:308: missing error "Panic call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:309: missing error "Panicf format %d has arg \\x22x\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:310: missing error "Panicln call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:311: missing error "Print call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:312: missing error "Printf format %d has arg \\x22x\\x22 of wrong type string" print.go:313: missing error "Println call has possible Printf formatting directive %d" print.go:421: missing error "missing ... in args forwarded to print-like function" print.go:425: missing error "missing ... in args forwarded to printf-like function" print.go:494: missing error "Sprintf format %v with arg s causes recursive .*String method call" print.go:495: missing error "Sprintf format %v with arg &s causes recursive .*String method call" print.go:497: missing error "Sprintln arg s causes recursive call to .*String method" print.go:505: missing error "Sprintln arg p causes recursive call to .*String method" print.go:589: missing error "Printf format %s has arg us of wrong type .*print.unexportedStringer" print.go:590: missing error "Printf format %s has arg &us of wrong type [*].*print.unexportedStringer" print.go:596: missing error "Printf format %s has arg usf of wrong type .*print.unexportedStringerOtherFields" print.go:597: missing error "Printf format %s has arg &usf of wrong type [*].*print.unexportedStringerOtherFields" print.go:602: missing error "Printf format %s has arg ue of wrong type .*print.unexportedError" print.go:603: missing error "Printf format %s has arg &ue of wrong type [*].*print.unexportedError" print.go:610: missing error "Printf format %s has arg uef of wrong type .*print.unexportedErrorOtherFields" print.go:611: missing error "Printf format %s has arg &uef of wrong type [*].*print.unexportedErrorOtherFields" print.go:616: missing error "Printf format %s has arg uce of wrong type .*print.unexportedCustomError" print.go:619: missing error "Printf format %s has arg uei of wrong type .*print.unexportedErrorInterface" print.go:622: missing error "Println arg list ends with redundant newline" print.go:627: missing error "Printf format %s has arg intSlice of wrong type \\[\\]int" print.go:629: missing error "Printf format %s has arg nonStringerArray of wrong type \\[1\\].*print.unexportedStringer" print.go:653: missing error "Printf format %s has arg &intSlice of wrong type \\*\\[\\]int" print.go:659: missing error "Printf format %s has arg &intArray of wrong type \\*\\[2\\]int" print.go:665: missing error "Printf format %s has arg &intStruct of wrong type \\*struct{F int}" print.go:671: missing error "Printf format %s has arg &intMap of wrong type \\*map\\[int\\]int" print.go:679: missing error "Printf format %s has arg T1{&T2{.x.}} of wrong type .*print\\.T1" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/d3/d33f67b59b3d298240bf46e8434fb632626f81b98494c294b8271ad498190c49-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/assign (0.22s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: assign.go:18: missing error "self-assignment of x to x" assign.go:20: missing error "self-assignment of s.x to s.x" assign.go:22: missing error "self-assignment of s.l.0. to s.l.0." Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/38/381e4b6c295d8e936882ace1b4c0d5acb08146f7e1008af8656de1aa84e557e0-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/composite (0.22s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: composite.go:19: missing error "unkeyed fields" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/9f/9fef4f224f5fd645a6d98c94f379d7172d2b339613002d53f2d47d0faee49d79-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/buildtag (0.23s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: buildtag.go:8: missing error "possible malformed [+]build comment" buildtag.go:14: missing error "misplaced \\+build comment" buildtag2.go:8: missing error "possible malformed [+]build comment" buildtag2.go:14: missing error "misplaced \\+build comment" buildtag2.go:16: missing error "misplaced //go:build comment" buildtag3.go:9: missing error "[+]build lines do not match //go:build condition" buildtag5.go:11: missing error "misplaced \\+build comment" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/c1/c1c30fb52916d1ab30b4e1d3d76942d9d9fdd3cbf8d67428ea52bea3db08ffbb-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/asm (0.23s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: asm1.s:9: missing error "\\[amd64\\] arg1: invalid MOVW of x\\+0\\(FP\\); int8 is 1-byte value" asm1.s:23: missing error "\\[amd64\\] cpx: invalid MOVO of x\\+0\\(FP\\); complex64 is 8-byte value containing x_real\\+0\\(FP\\) and x_imag\\+4\\(FP\\)" asm1.s:24: missing error "\\[amd64\\] cpx: invalid MOVSD of y\\+8\\(FP\\); complex128 is 16-byte value containing y_real\\+8\\(FP\\) and y_imag\\+16\\(FP\\)" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/f6/f6f9dde3911762a13081410fd1596b043a45149472e04af4c19607a5fbdf015b-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/bool (0.24s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: bool.go:12: missing error "redundant or: v == w || v == w" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/ab/abc3b98ec1a55e594d186bcb2ec13911e169091917dab401b2e1357429b63f92-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/directive (0.24s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: directive.go:4: missing error "//go:debug directive only valid in package main or test" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/63/633c7fa134ca41a403d0a64846f7d8185ebd8f621810c74d65b2363252aa2e14-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/atomic (0.25s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: atomic.go:13: missing error "direct assignment to atomic value" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/e8/e86da0fd4ae43c76497685ff48dfd22e5b80d8ba93248fd0bd4e59b20d7a0493-d: no space left on device --- FAIL: TestVet/cgo (0.88s) vet_test.go:148: error check failed: cgo.go:16: missing error "embedded pointer" cgo.go:17: missing error "embedded pointer" Unmatched Errors: write /build/.cache/go-build/af/af6b2ce3b0499c800924ae1a250ee577564d088af3d42a7ae8d1efab0459c948-d: no space left on device FAIL FAIL cmd/vet 1.151s FAIL # go tool dist test -run=^archive/tar$ 2024/04/09 11:43:38 Failed: exit status 1 ##### os/user with tag osusergo # go tool dist test -run=^os/user:osusergo$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -tags=osusergo -count=1 -timeout=15m0s -short os/user ok os/user 0.054s ##### hash/maphash purego implementation # go tool dist test -run=^hash/maphash:purego$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -tags=purego -count=1 -timeout=15m0s -short hash/maphash ok hash/maphash 0.314s ##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 -quick # go tool dist test -run=^runtime:cpu124$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -count=1 -timeout=15m0s -short -cpu=1,2,4 runtime -args -quick ok runtime 33.709s ##### GOEXPERIMENT=rangefunc go test iter # go tool dist test -run=^iter:iter$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short iter write /build/.cache/go-build/7d/7dcb49e7571bb52cab0b301c2a10a30f3e97d1a1037ccab9ab76d1195d9fba82-d: no space left on device 2024/04/09 11:44:34 Failed: exit status 1 ##### sync -cpu=10 # go tool dist test -run=^sync:cpu10$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -count=1 -timeout=6m0s -short -cpu=10 sync ok sync 0.626s ##### Testing cgo # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/test:external-g0$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -ldflags=-linkmode=external -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/test ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 1.340s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/testtls:external$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -ldflags=-linkmode=external -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/testtls ok cmd/cgo/internal/testtls 0.094s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/testtls:static$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -tags=static -ldflags=-linkmode=external -extldflags "-static -pthread" -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/testtls ok cmd/cgo/internal/testtls 0.118s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo:external$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -ldflags=-linkmode=external -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo ok cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo 0.093s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo:static$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -tags=static -ldflags=-linkmode=external -extldflags "-static -pthread" -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo ok cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo 0.121s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/test:static$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -tags=static -ldflags=-linkmode=external -extldflags "-static -pthread" -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/test ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 1.513s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/test:auto-static$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -tags=static -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/test ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 1.475s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/test:auto-pie$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -buildmode=pie -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/test ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 1.492s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/testtls:auto-pie$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -buildmode=pie -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/testtls ok cmd/cgo/internal/testtls 0.062s # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo:auto-pie$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -buildmode=pie -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo ok cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo 0.061s ##### ../test # go tool dist test -run=^cmd/internal/testdir:0_1$ /build/go/src/go/bin/go test -count=1 -timeout=30m0s -short cmd/internal/testdir -args -shard=0 -shards=1 2024/04/09 11:45:17 exit status 1 FAIL cmd/internal/testdir 2.656s FAIL 2024/04/09 11:45:35 Failed: exit status 1 FAILED rm -rf /tmp/go-tool-dist-950250424 rm -r /tmp/go-tool-dist-950250424 ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().  Aborting... ==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root24/build [?25h[?25hreceiving incremental file list go-2:1.22.2-1-riscv64-build.log go-2:1.22.2-1-riscv64-check.log sent 62 bytes received 11,928 bytes 23,980.00 bytes/sec total size is 55,963 speedup is 4.67