==> Building on Q ==> Checking for remote environment... ==> Syncing package to remote host... sending incremental file list ./ PKGBUILD 700 37% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 1,891 100% 1.14MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=1/3) haskell-email-validate- 200 100% 195.31kB/s 0:00:00 200 100% 195.31kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=0/3) sent 354 bytes received 75 bytes 286.00 bytes/sec total size is 2,079 speedup is 4.85 ==> Patching arch to riscv64... ==> Running extra-riscv64-build -- -d /home/felix/packages/riscv64-pkg-cache:/var/cache/pacman/pkg -l felix8 on remote host... [?25l:: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... community downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do [?25h==> Building in chroot for [extra] (riscv64)... ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root] -> [felix8]...done ==> Making package: haskell-email-validate (Tue Jul 26 05:05:29 2022) ==> Retrieving sources...  -> Found email-validate- ==> Validating source files with sha512sums... email-validate- ... Passed ==> Making package: haskell-email-validate (Tue Jul 26 05:05:38 2022) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (9) New Version Net Change community/haskell-base-orphans 0.8.6-53.1 0.28 MiB community/haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans 0.1.1-1 0.01 MiB community/haskell-hashable 0.58 MiB community/haskell-integer-logarithms 0.12 MiB community/haskell-primitive 1.83 MiB community/haskell-scientific 0.56 MiB extra/numactl 2.0.14-3 0.19 MiB community/ghc-libs 9.0.2-1 139.65 MiB community/haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-26 2.62 MiB Total Installed Size: 145.83 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing numactl... installing ghc-libs... installing haskell-base-orphans... installing haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans... installing haskell-hashable... installing haskell-integer-logarithms... installing haskell-primitive... installing haskell-scientific... installing haskell-attoparsec... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Registering Haskell modules... [?25h==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (26) New Version Net Change community/haskell-ansi-terminal 0.11.3-3.1 0.81 MiB community/haskell-base-compat 0.12.1-1 0.32 MiB community/haskell-call-stack 0.4.0-87.1 0.06 MiB community/haskell-clock 0.8.3-39.1 0.40 MiB community/haskell-code-page 0.2.1-5 0.06 MiB community/haskell-colour 2.3.6-112.1 0.86 MiB community/haskell-erf 0.06 MiB community/haskell-ghc-paths 0.01 MiB community/haskell-hspec-core 2.9.7-23.2 2.94 MiB community/haskell-hspec-discover 2.9.7-11.2 0.29 MiB community/haskell-hspec-expectations 0.8.2-241.1 0.15 MiB community/haskell-hunit 0.38 MiB community/haskell-quickcheck-io 0.2.0-516.2 0.07 MiB community/haskell-random 1.70 MiB community/haskell-setenv 0.01 MiB community/haskell-splitmix 0.18 MiB community/haskell-syb 0.53 MiB community/haskell-tf-random 0.5-524.2 0.30 MiB core/libedit 20210910_3.1-1 0.23 MiB extra/llvm 14.0.6-1 494.90 MiB extra/llvm-libs 14.0.6-1 92.62 MiB community/ghc 9.0.2-1 193.26 MiB community/haskell-doctest 0.20.0-19.1 0.84 MiB community/haskell-hspec 2.9.7-26.3 0.10 MiB community/haskell-quickcheck 2.14.2-330.1 3.35 MiB community/uusi 0.36 MiB Total Installed Size: 794.82 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing libedit... installing llvm-libs... installing llvm... installing ghc... installing uusi... installing haskell-erf... installing haskell-splitmix... installing haskell-random... installing haskell-quickcheck... installing haskell-colour... installing haskell-ansi-terminal... installing haskell-call-stack... installing haskell-clock... installing haskell-hunit... installing haskell-hspec-expectations... installing haskell-quickcheck-io... installing haskell-setenv... installing haskell-tf-random... installing haskell-hspec-core... installing haskell-hspec-discover... installing haskell-hspec... installing haskell-base-compat... installing haskell-syb... installing haskell-code-page... installing haskell-ghc-paths... installing haskell-doctest... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Registering Haskell modules... [?25h==> Retrieving sources...  -> Found email-validate- ==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks. ==> Extracting sources...  -> Extracting email-validate- with bsdtar ==> Starting prepare()... Pending action(s): SetVersion["doctest", >=0] Parsing cabal file from email-validate.cabal... Write file: email-validate.cabal ==> Starting build()... Configuring email-validate- Preprocessing test suite 'doctests' for email-validate- Building test suite 'doctests' for email-validate- [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( tests/doctests.hs, dist/build/doctests/doctests-tmp/Main.dyn_o ) You are using an unsupported version of LLVM! Currently only 9 to 14 is supported. System LLVM version: 14.0.6 We will try though... Linking dist/build/doctests/doctests ... Preprocessing library for email-validate- Building library for email-validate- [1 of 3] Compiling Text.Email.Parser ( src/Text/Email/Parser.hs, dist/build/Text/Email/Parser.dyn_o ) You are using an unsupported version of LLVM! Currently only 9 to 14 is supported. System LLVM version: 14.0.6 We will try though... [2 of 3] Compiling Text.Email.Validate ( src/Text/Email/Validate.hs, dist/build/Text/Email/Validate.dyn_o ) You are using an unsupported version of LLVM! Currently only 9 to 14 is supported. System LLVM version: 14.0.6 We will try though... [3 of 3] Compiling Text.Email.QuasiQuotation ( src/Text/Email/QuasiQuotation.hs, dist/build/Text/Email/QuasiQuotation.dyn_o ) You are using an unsupported version of LLVM! Currently only 9 to 14 is supported. System LLVM version: 14.0.6 We will try though... Preprocessing test suite 'Main' for email-validate- Building test suite 'Main' for email-validate- [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( tests/Main.hs, dist/build/Main/Main-tmp/Main.dyn_o ) You are using an unsupported version of LLVM! Currently only 9 to 14 is supported. System LLVM version: 14.0.6 We will try though... Linking dist/build/Main/Main ... Unregistering email-validate- ==> Starting check()... Running 2 test suites... Test suite doctests: RUNNING... doctests: user error (Language.Haskell.GhciWrapper.close: Interpreter exited with an error (ExitFailure (-11))) Test suite doctests: FAIL Test suite logged to: dist/test/email-validate- Test suite Main: RUNNING... show/read instances can roundtrip [✔] +++ OK, passed 100 tests. shows in the same way as ByteString [✔] +++ OK, passed 100 tests. should fail if read back without a quote [✔] +++ OK, passed 100 tests. emailAddress is idempotent [✔] +++ OK, passed 100 tests. Examples "first.last@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@example.com." (Dot allowed on end of domain) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "local@exam_ple.com" (Underscore not permitted in domain) should be invalid [✔] "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first last\"@example.com" (Contains quoted spaces) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first\\\"last\"@example.com" (Contains quoted escaped quote) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first\\@last@example.com" (Escaping can only happen within a quoted string) should be invalid [✔] "\"first@last\"@example.com" (Contains quoted at-sign) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first\\\\last\"@example.com" (Contains quoted escaped backslash) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "1234@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx" (Maximum length is 254, this is 254 exactly) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "1234@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx." (Trailing dot doesn't increase length) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "12345@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx" (Maximum length is 254, this is 255) should be invalid [✔] should have correct error message [✔] "first.last@[]" (IP address) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@[IPv6:::]" (IPv6 address) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@[IPv6:1111:2222:3333::4444:]" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@[IPv6:1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:]" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@[IPv6:::1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666]" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@[IPv6:1111:2222:3333::4444:5555:6666]" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@[IPv6:1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666::]" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@[IPv6:1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888]" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@x23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123.example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@1xample.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@123.example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last" (no at sign) should be invalid [✔] should have correct error message [✔] ".first.last@example.com" (Local part starts with a dot) should be invalid [✔] "first.last.@example.com" (Local part ends with a dot) should be invalid [✔] "first..last@example.com" (Local part has consecutive dots) should be invalid [✔] "\"first\"last\"@example.com" (Local part contains unescaped excluded characters) should be invalid [✔] "\"first\\last\"@example.com" (Any character can be escaped in a quoted string) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"\"\"@example.com" (Local part contains unescaped excluded characters) should be invalid [✔] "\"\\\"@example.com" (Local part cannot end with a backslash) should be invalid [✔] "first\\\\@last@example.com" (Local part contains unescaped excluded characters) should be invalid [✔] "first.last@" (No domain) should be invalid [✔] "\"Abc\\@def\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"Fred\\ Bloggs\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"Joe.\\\\Blow\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"Abc@def\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"Fred Bloggs\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "user+mailbox@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "customer/department=shipping@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "$A12345@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "!def!xyz%abc@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "_somename@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "dclo@us.ibm.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "abc\\@def@example.com" (This example from RFC3696 was corrected in an erratum) should be invalid [✔] "abc\\\\@example.com" (This example from RFC3696 was corrected in an erratum) should be invalid [✔] "peter.piper@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "Doug\\ \\\"Ace\\\"\\ Lovell@example.com" (Escaping can only happen in a quoted string) should be invalid [✔] "\"Doug \\\"Ace\\\" L.\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "abc@def@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "abc\\\\@def@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "abc\\@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "@example.com" (no local part) should be invalid [✔] "doug@" (no domain part) should be invalid [✔] "\"qu@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "ote\"@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] ".dot@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "dot.@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "two..dot@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "\"Doug \"Ace\" L.\"@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "Doug\\ \\\"Ace\\\"\\ L\\.@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "hello world@example.com" (Doug Lovell says this should fail) should be invalid [✔] "gatsby@f.sc.ot.t.f.i.tzg.era.l.d." should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "TEST@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "1234567890@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test+test@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test-test@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "t*est@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "+1~1+@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "{_test_}@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"[[ test ]]\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test.test@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"test.test\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test.\"test\"@example.com" (Obsolete form, but documented in RFC2822) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"test@test\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test@123.123.123.x123" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test@[]" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test@example.example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test@example.example.example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test.example.com" should be invalid [✔] "test.@example.com" should be invalid [✔] "test..test@example.com" should be invalid [✔] ".test@example.com" should be invalid [✔] "test@test@example.com" should be invalid [✔] "test@@example.com" should be invalid [✔] "-- test --@example.com" (No spaces allowed in local part) should be invalid [✔] "[test]@example.com" (Square brackets only allowed within quotes) should be invalid [✔] "\"test\\test\"@example.com" (Any character can be escaped in a quoted string) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"test\"test\"@example.com" (Quotes cannot be nested) should be invalid [✔] "()[]\\;:,><@example.com" (Disallowed Characters) should be invalid [✔] "test@." (Dave Child says so) should be invalid [✔] "test@example." should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test@.org" (Dave Child says so) should be invalid [✔] "test@[" (Dave Child says so) should be invalid [✔] "test@]" (Dave Child says so) should be invalid [✔] "NotAnEmail" (Phil Haack says so) should be invalid [✔] "@NotAnEmail" (Phil Haack says so) should be invalid [✔] "\"test\\\\blah\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"test\\blah\"@example.com" (Any character can be escaped in a quoted string) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"test\\\rblah\"@example.com" (Quoted string specifically excludes carriage returns unless escaped) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"test\rblah\"@example.com" (Quoted string specifically excludes carriage returns) should be invalid [✔] "\"test\\\"blah\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"test\"blah\"@example.com" (Phil Haack says so) should be invalid [✔] "customer/department@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "_Yosemite.Sam@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "~@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] ".wooly@example.com" (Phil Haack says so) should be invalid [✔] "wo..oly@example.com" (Phil Haack says so) should be invalid [✔] "pootietang.@example.com" (Phil Haack says so) should be invalid [✔] ".@example.com" (Phil Haack says so) should be invalid [✔] "\"Austin@Powers\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "Ima.Fool@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"Ima.Fool\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"Ima Fool\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "Ima Fool@example.com" (Phil Haack says so) should be invalid [✔] "phil.h\\@\\@ck@haacked.com" (Escaping can only happen in a quoted string) should be invalid [✔] "\"first\".\"last\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first\".middle.\"last\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first\\\\\"last\"@example.com" (Contains an unescaped quote) should be invalid [✔] "\"first\".last@example.com" (obs-local-part form as described in RFC 2822) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.\"last\"@example.com" (obs-local-part form as described in RFC 2822) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first\".\"middle\".\"last\"@example.com" (obs-local-part form as described in RFC 2822) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first.middle\".\"last\"@example.com" (obs-local-part form as described in RFC 2822) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first.middle.last\"@example.com" (obs-local-part form as described in RFC 2822) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first..last\"@example.com" (obs-local-part form as described in RFC 2822) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "foo@[\\]" (RFC 5321 specifies the syntax for address-literal and does not allow escaping) should be invalid [✔] "\"first\\\\\\\"last\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.\"mid\\dle\".\"last\"@example.com" (Backslash can escape anything but must escape something) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "Test.\r\n Folding.\r\n Whitespace@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first\\last@example.com" (Unquoted string must be an atom) should be invalid [✔] "Abc\\@def@example.com" (Was incorrectly given as a valid address in the original RFC3696) should be invalid [✔] "Fred\\ Bloggs@example.com" (Was incorrectly given as a valid address in the original RFC3696) should be invalid [✔] "Joe.\\\\Blow@example.com" (Was incorrectly given as a valid address in the original RFC3696) should be invalid [✔] "\"test\\\r\n blah\"@example.com" (Folding white space can't appear within a quoted pair) should be invalid [✔] "\"test\r\n blah\"@example.com" (This is a valid quoted string with folding white space) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "{^c\\@**Dog^}@cartoon.com" (This is a throwaway example from Doug Lovell's article. Actually it's not a valid address.) should be invalid [✔] "(foo)cal(bar)@(baz)iamcal.com(quux)" (A valid address containing comments) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "cal@iamcal(woo).(yay)com" (A valid address containing comments) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "cal(woo(yay)hoopla)@iamcal.com" (A valid address containing comments) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "cal(foo\\@bar)@iamcal.com" (A valid address containing comments) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "cal(foo\\)bar)@iamcal.com" (A valid address containing comments and an escaped parenthesis) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "cal(foo(bar)@iamcal.com" (Unclosed parenthesis in comment) should be invalid [✔] "cal(foo)bar)@iamcal.com" (Too many closing parentheses) should be invalid [✔] "cal(foo\\)@iamcal.com" (Backslash at end of comment has nothing to escape) should be invalid [✔] "first().last@example.com" (A valid address containing an empty comment) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.(\r\n middle\r\n )last@example.com" (Comment with folding white space) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first(12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890)last@(1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890)example.com" (Too long with comments, not too long without) should be invalid [✔] "first(Welcome to\r\n the (\"wonderful\" (!)) world\r\n of email)@example.com" (Silly example from my blog post) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "pete(his account)@silly.test(his host)" (Canonical example from RFC5322) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "c@(Chris's host.)public.example" (Canonical example from RFC5322) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "jdoe@machine(comment). example" (Canonical example from RFC5322) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "1234 @ local(blah) .machine .example" (Canonical example from RFC5322) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first(middle)last@example.com" (Can't have a comment or white space except at an element boundary) should be invalid [✔] "first(abc.def).last@example.com" (Comment can contain a dot) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first(a\"bc.def).last@example.com" (Comment can contain double quote) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.(\")middle.last(\")@example.com" (Comment can contain a quote) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first(abc(\"def\".ghi).mno)middle(abc(\"def\".ghi).mno).last@(abc(\"def\".ghi).mno)example(abc(\"def\".ghi).mno).(abc(\"def\".ghi).mno)com(abc(\"def\".ghi).mno)" (Can't have comments or white space except at an element boundary) should be invalid [✔] "first(abc\\(def)@example.com" (Comment can contain quoted-pair) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@x(1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890).com" (Label is longer than 63 octets, but not with comment removed) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "a(a(b(c)d(e(f))g)h(i)j)@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "a(a(b(c)d(e(f))g)(h(i)j)@example.com" (Braces are not properly matched) should be invalid [✔] "name.lastname@domain.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] ".@" should be invalid [✔] "@bar.com" should be invalid [✔] "@@bar.com" should be invalid [✔] "a@bar.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "aaa.com" should be invalid [✔] "aaa@.com" should be invalid [✔] "aaa@.123" should be invalid [✔] "aaa@[]" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "aaa@[]a" (extra data outside ip) should be invalid [✔] "a@bar.com." should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "a-b@bar.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "+@b.c" (TLDs can be any length) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "+@b.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "-@..com" should be invalid [✔] "-@a..com" should be invalid [✔] "a@b.co-foo.uk" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"hello my name is\"@stutter.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"Test \\\"Fail\\\" Ing\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "valid@special.museum" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "shaitan@my-domain.thisisminekthx" (Disagree with Paul Gregg here) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test@...........com" (......) should be invalid [✔] "\"Joe\\\\Blow\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "Invalid \\\n Folding \\\n Whitespace@example.com" (This isn't FWS so Dominic Sayers says it's invalid) should be invalid [✔] "HM2Kinsists@(that comments are allowed)this.is.ok" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "user%uucp!path@somehost.edu" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"first(last)\"@example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] " \r\n (\r\n x \r\n ) \r\n first\r\n ( \r\n x\r\n ) \r\n .\r\n ( \r\n x) \r\n last \r\n ( x \r\n ) \r\n @example.com" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test.\r\n \r\n obs@syntax.com" (obs-fws allows multiple lines) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test. \r\n \r\n obs@syntax.com" (obs-fws allows multiple lines (test 2: space before break)) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "test.\r\n\r\n obs@syntax.com" (obs-fws must have at least one WSP per line) should be invalid [✔] "\"null \\\NUL\"@char.com" (can have escaped null character) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "\"null \NUL\"@char.com" (cannot have unescaped null character) should be invalid [✔] "a@b" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "a@bar" should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "invalid@special.museum-" (domain can't end with hyphen) should be invalid [✔] "a@-b.com" (domain can't start with hyphen) should be invalid [✔] "a@b-.com" (domain label can't end with hyphen) should be invalid [✔] "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@x" (local-part longer than 64 octets) should be invalid [✔] should have correct error message [✔] "x@x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456789.x23456" (Domain exceeds 255 chars) should be invalid [✔] "test@123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012.com" (255 characters is maximum length for domain. This is 256.) should be invalid [✔] "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890@12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.1234.example.com" (Entire address is longer than 254 characters (this is 257)) should be invalid [✔] "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890@12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.123.example.com" (Entire address is longer than 254 characters (this is 256)) should be invalid [✔] "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890@12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12.example.com" (Entire address is longer than 254 characters (this is 255)) should be invalid [✔] "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890@12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.1.example.com" (Entire address is 254 characters) should be valid [✔] passes double-canonicalization test [✔] "first.last@x234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234.example.com" (Label can't be longer than 63 octets) should be invalid [✔] "first.last@e.-xample.com" (Label can't begin with a hyphen) should be invalid [✔] "first.last@exampl-.e.com" (Label can't end with a hyphen) should be invalid [✔] GitHub issue #12 is fixed [✔] Trailing dot is canonicalized [✔] localPart extracts local part [✔] domainPart extracts domain part [✔] QuasiQuoter works as expected [✔] Finished in 2.3223 seconds 340 examples, 0 failures Test suite Main: PASS Test suite logged to: dist/test/email-validate- 1 of 2 test suites (1 of 2 test cases) passed. ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().  Aborting... ==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/felix8/build receiving incremental file list haskell-email-validate- haskell-email-validate- haskell-email-validate- haskell-email-validate- haskell-email-validate- haskell-email-validate- haskell-email-validate- sent 157 bytes received 8,919 bytes 6,050.67 bytes/sec total size is 55,863 speedup is 6.16