==> Building on q ==> Ensuring required PGP keys are present...  -> Checking for 53E6B47B45CEA3E0D5B7457758D0EE648A48B3BB... ==> Checking for remote environment... ==> Syncing package to remote host... sending incremental file list ./ PKGBUILD 885 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 885 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/2) sent 601 bytes received 50 bytes 434.00 bytes/sec total size is 885 speedup is 1.36 ==> Patching arch to riscv64... ==> Running extra-riscv64-build -- -d /home/felix/packages/riscv64-pkg-cache:/var/cache/pacman/pkg -l felix2 on remote host... ^C[?25l:: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... community downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do [?25h==> Building in chroot for [extra] (riscv64)... ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root] -> [felix2]...^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(701) [sender=v3.2.3] rsync error: received SIGUSR1 (code 19) at main.c(1592) [generator=v3.2.3] done ==> Making package: kitemviews 5.91.0-1 (Tue Feb 15 23:40:17 2022) ==> Retrieving sources...  -> Found kitemviews-5.91.0.tar.xz  -> Found kitemviews-5.91.0.tar.xz.sig ==> Validating source files with sha256sums... kitemviews-5.91.0.tar.xz ... Passed kitemviews-5.91.0.tar.xz.sig ... Skipped ==> Verifying source file signatures with gpg... kitemviews-5.91.0.tar.xz ... Passed (WARNING: the key has expired.) ==> WARNING: Warnings have occurred while verifying the signatures.  Please make sure you really trust them. ^C^C ==> ERROR: Aborted by user! Exiting... ==> ERROR: Aborting... Shared connection to luxio closed. receiving incremental file list kitemviews-5.91.0-1-riscv64-build.log kitemviews-5.91.0-1-riscv64-package.log sent 62 bytes received 3,571 bytes 2,422.00 bytes/sec total size is 25,557 speedup is 7.03