==> Building on manectric ==> Checking for remote environment... ==> Syncing package to remote host... sending incremental file list ./ PKGBUILD 957 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 957 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=1/3) python-zeroconf-0.39.4-1.log 319 100% 311.52kB/s 0:00:00 319 100% 311.52kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=0/3) sent 838 bytes received 69 bytes 604.67 bytes/sec total size is 1,153 speedup is 1.27 ==> Running extra-riscv64-build -- -d /home/felix/packages/riscv64-pkg-cache:/var/cache/pacman/pkg -l felix5 on remote host... ==> Locking clean chroot...done [?25l:: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... community downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do [?25h==> Building in chroot for [extra] (riscv64)... ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root] -> [felix5]...done ==> Making package: python-zeroconf 0.39.4-1 (Thu Apr 20 06:19:57 2023) ==> Retrieving sources...  -> Found python-zeroconf-0.39.4.tar.gz ==> Validating source files with sha256sums... python-zeroconf-0.39.4.tar.gz ... Passed ==> Making package: python-zeroconf 0.39.4-1 (Thu Apr 20 06:20:05 2023) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (7) New Version Net Change core/libnsl 2.0.0-3 0.06 MiB community/python-typing_extensions 4.5.0-1 0.23 MiB core/python 3.10.10-1 81.41 MiB community/python-async-timeout 4.0.2-1 0.02 MiB community/python-ifaddr 0.2.0-1 0.05 MiB community/python-netifaces 0.11.0-3 0.03 MiB extra/python-six 1.16.0-6 0.09 MiB Total Installed Size: 81.89 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing libnsl... installing python... Optional dependencies for python python-setuptools python-pip sqlite [installed] mpdecimal: for decimal xz: for lzma [installed] tk: for tkinter installing python-netifaces... installing python-six... installing python-ifaddr... installing python-typing_extensions... installing python-async-timeout... [?25h==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (19) New Version Net Change community/python-autocommand 2.2.2-1 0.07 MiB community/python-exceptiongroup 1.1.1-1 0.09 MiB community/python-fastjsonschema 2.16.3-1 0.20 MiB community/python-inflect 6.0.4-1 0.28 MiB community/python-iniconfig 2.0.0-2 0.03 MiB community/python-jaraco.context 4.3.0-1 0.03 MiB community/python-jaraco.functools 3.6.0-1 0.05 MiB community/python-jaraco.text 3.11.1-1 0.07 MiB community/python-more-itertools 9.1.1-1 0.50 MiB extra/python-ordered-set 4.1.0-1 0.06 MiB extra/python-packaging 23.0-1 0.32 MiB extra/python-platformdirs 3.2.0-1 0.14 MiB community/python-pluggy 1.0.0-2 0.10 MiB community/python-pydantic 1.10.7-2 5.84 MiB extra/python-tomli 2.0.1-1 0.08 MiB extra/python-trove-classifiers 2023.3.9-1 0.11 MiB extra/python-validate-pyproject 0.12.2-1 0.22 MiB community/python-pytest 7.3.1-3 2.83 MiB extra/python-setuptools 1:67.6.1-1 3.34 MiB Total Installed Size: 14.35 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing python-more-itertools... installing python-jaraco.functools... installing python-jaraco.context... installing python-autocommand... installing python-pydantic... Optional dependencies for python-pydantic python-dotenv: for .env file support python-email-validator: for email validation installing python-inflect... installing python-jaraco.text... installing python-ordered-set... installing python-packaging... installing python-platformdirs... installing python-tomli... installing python-fastjsonschema... installing python-trove-classifiers... installing python-validate-pyproject... installing python-setuptools... installing python-exceptiongroup... installing python-iniconfig... installing python-pluggy... installing python-pytest... [?25h==> Retrieving sources...  -> Found python-zeroconf-0.39.4.tar.gz ==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks. ==> Extracting sources...  -> Extracting python-zeroconf-0.39.4.tar.gz with bsdtar ==> Starting build()... running build running build_py creating build creating build/lib creating build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/__init__.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/_cache.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/_core.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/_dns.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/_exceptions.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/_handlers.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/_history.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/_logger.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/_updates.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/asyncio.py -> build/lib/zeroconf copying zeroconf/const.py -> build/lib/zeroconf creating build/lib/zeroconf/_protocol copying zeroconf/_protocol/__init__.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_protocol copying zeroconf/_protocol/incoming.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_protocol copying zeroconf/_protocol/outgoing.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_protocol creating build/lib/zeroconf/_services copying zeroconf/_services/__init__.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_services copying zeroconf/_services/browser.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_services copying zeroconf/_services/info.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_services copying zeroconf/_services/registry.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_services copying zeroconf/_services/types.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_services creating build/lib/zeroconf/_utils copying zeroconf/_utils/__init__.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_utils copying zeroconf/_utils/asyncio.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_utils copying zeroconf/_utils/name.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_utils copying zeroconf/_utils/net.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_utils copying zeroconf/_utils/time.py -> build/lib/zeroconf/_utils copying zeroconf/py.typed -> build/lib/zeroconf ==> Starting check()... ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.10, pytest-7.3.1, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4 configfile: setup.cfg collected 266 items / 1 deselected / 265 selected tests/test_asyncio.py ssssssssssssssssssssssssss [ 9%] tests/test_cache.py ............... [ 15%] tests/test_core.py ss.FF.sF.FFFFFFFFFFFssFFFs [ 25%] tests/test_dns.py ......................... [ 34%] tests/test_exceptions.py EEEEEEEEE [ 38%] tests/test_handlers.py FFFFFFFFsFFFFssssssssssss [ 47%] tests/test_history.py .. [ 48%] tests/test_init.py ...F..F [ 50%] tests/test_logger.py ..... [ 52%] tests/test_protocol.py ............................................. [ 69%] tests/test_services.py FF. [ 70%] tests/test_updates.py F [ 71%] tests/services/test_browser.py FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.ssFF [ 79%] tests/services/test_info.py FF.FFF.ss....FFFssss [ 86%] tests/services/test_registry.py ...... [ 89%] tests/services/test_types.py FFF [ 90%] tests/utils/test_asyncio.py ss.s..s [ 92%] tests/utils/test_name.py ... [ 93%] tests/utils/test_net.py ...........s.... [100%] ==================================== ERRORS ==================================== ____ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_bad_local_names_for_get_service_info ____ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log setup ------------------------------ DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ___________ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_bad_service_info_name ____________ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError _____________ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_bad_service_names ______________ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError _______________ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_bad_sub_types ________________ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError _________________ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_bad_types __________________ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ____________ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_good_instance_names _____________ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ____ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_good_instance_names_without_protocol ____ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError _____________ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_good_service_names _____________ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError _____________ ERROR at setup of Exceptions.test_invalid_addresses ______________ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_exceptions.py:38: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError =================================== FAILURES =================================== ________________________ Framework.test_handle_response ________________________ self = def test_handle_response(self): def mock_incoming_msg(service_state_change: r.ServiceStateChange) -> r.DNSIncoming: ttl = 120 generated = r.DNSOutgoing(const._FLAGS_QR_RESPONSE) if service_state_change == r.ServiceStateChange.Updated: generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSText( service_name, const._TYPE_TXT, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, service_text, ), 0, ) return r.DNSIncoming(generated.packets()[0]) if service_state_change == r.ServiceStateChange.Removed: ttl = 0 generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSPointer(service_type, const._TYPE_PTR, const._CLASS_IN, ttl, service_name), 0 ) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSService( service_name, const._TYPE_SRV, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, 0, 0, 80, service_server, ), 0, ) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSText( service_name, const._TYPE_TXT, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, service_text ), 0, ) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSAddress( service_server, const._TYPE_A, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, socket.inet_aton(service_address), ), 0, ) return r.DNSIncoming(generated.packets()[0]) def mock_split_incoming_msg(service_state_change: r.ServiceStateChange) -> r.DNSIncoming: """Mock an incoming message for the case where the packet is split.""" ttl = 120 generated = r.DNSOutgoing(const._FLAGS_QR_RESPONSE) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSAddress( service_server, const._TYPE_A, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, socket.inet_aton(service_address), ), 0, ) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSService( service_name, const._TYPE_SRV, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, 0, 0, 80, service_server, ), 0, ) return r.DNSIncoming(generated.packets()[0]) service_name = 'name._type._tcp.local.' service_type = '_type._tcp.local.' service_server = 'ash-2.local.' service_text = b'path=/~paulsm/' service_address = '' > zeroconf = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:249: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _______________________ Framework.test_launch_and_close ________________________ self = def test_launch_and_close(self): > rv = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=r.InterfaceChoice.All) tests/test_core.py:107: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _______________ Framework.test_launch_and_close_context_manager ________________ self = def test_launch_and_close_context_manager(self): > with r.Zeroconf(interfaces=r.InterfaceChoice.All) as rv: tests/test_core.py:113: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________ Framework.test_launch_and_close_v4_v6 _____________________ self = @unittest.skipIf(not has_working_ipv6(), 'Requires IPv6') @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('SKIP_IPV6'), 'IPv6 tests disabled') def test_launch_and_close_v4_v6(self): > rv = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=r.InterfaceChoice.All, ip_version=r.IPVersion.All) tests/test_core.py:135: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = (('fe80::42:43ff:feb9:ad2', 0, 7), 7), apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) > respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:341: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.All, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding (('fe80::42:43ff:feb9:ad2', 0, 7), 7) (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V6Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('fe80::42:43ff:feb9:ad2', 0, 7) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface (('fe80::42:43ff:feb9:ad2', 0, 7), 7) ___________________ Framework.test_launch_and_close_v6_only ____________________ self = @unittest.skipIf(not has_working_ipv6(), 'Requires IPv6') @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('SKIP_IPV6'), 'IPv6 tests disabled') def test_launch_and_close_v6_only(self): > rv = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=r.InterfaceChoice.All, ip_version=r.IPVersion.V6Only) tests/test_core.py:143: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = (('fe80::42:43ff:feb9:ad2', 0, 7), 7), apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) > respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:341: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V6Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding (('fe80::42:43ff:feb9:ad2', 0, 7), 7) (socket 18) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V6Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('fe80::42:43ff:feb9:ad2', 0, 7) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface (('fe80::42:43ff:feb9:ad2', 0, 7), 7) ____________________ test_generate_service_query_set_qu_bit ____________________ def test_generate_service_query_set_qu_bit(): """Test generate_service_query sets the QU bit.""" > zeroconf_registrar = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:297: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ________ test_invalid_packets_ignored_and_does_not_cause_loop_exception ________ def test_invalid_packets_ignored_and_does_not_cause_loop_exception(): """Ensure an invalid packet cannot cause the loop to collapse.""" > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:311: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface __________________________ test_goodbye_all_services ___________________________ def test_goodbye_all_services(): """Verify generating the goodbye query does not change with time.""" > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:349: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________ test_register_service_with_custom_ttl _____________________ def test_register_service_with_custom_ttl(): """Test a registering a service with a custom ttl.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:380: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _____________________________ test_logging_packets _____________________________ caplog = <_pytest.logging.LogCaptureFixture object at 0x4004d1cdf0> def test_logging_packets(caplog): """Test packets are only logged with debug logging.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:405: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 21) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______________________ test_get_service_info_failure_path ______________________ def test_get_service_info_failure_path(): """Verify get_service_info return None when the underlying call returns False.""" > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:437: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _____________________________ test_sending_unicast _____________________________ def test_sending_unicast(): """Test sending unicast response.""" > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:444: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______________________________ test_tc_bit_defers ______________________________ def test_tc_bit_defers(): > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:476: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ___________________ test_tc_bit_defers_last_response_missing ___________________ def test_tc_bit_defers_last_response_missing(): > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:555: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _____________________ test_guard_against_oversized_packets _____________________ def test_guard_against_oversized_packets(): """Ensure we do not process oversized packets. These packets can quickly overwhelm the system. """ > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:697: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 19) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _____________________ test_guard_against_duplicate_packets _____________________ def test_guard_against_duplicate_packets(): """Ensure we do not process duplicate packets. These packets can quickly overwhelm the system. """ > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:764: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 23) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ___________________ test_shutdown_while_register_in_process ____________________ def test_shutdown_while_register_in_process(): """Test we can shutdown while registering a service in another thread.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_core.py:782: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______________________ TestRegistrar.test_name_conflicts _______________________ self = def test_name_conflicts(self): # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:163: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ________ TestRegistrar.test_register_and_lookup_type_by_uppercase_name _________ self = def test_register_and_lookup_type_by_uppercase_name(self): # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:192: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________________ TestRegistrar.test_ttl ____________________________ self = def test_ttl(self): # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:45: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________________ test_ptr_optimization _____________________________ def test_ptr_optimization(): # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:225: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________________ test_any_query_for_ptr ____________________________ @unittest.skipIf(not has_working_ipv6(), 'Requires IPv6') @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('SKIP_IPV6'), 'IPv6 tests disabled') def test_any_query_for_ptr(): """Test that queries for ANY will return PTR records and the response is aggregated.""" > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:291: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _______________________________ test_aaaa_query ________________________________ @unittest.skipIf(not has_working_ipv6(), 'Requires IPv6') @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('SKIP_IPV6'), 'IPv6 tests disabled') def test_aaaa_query(): """Test that queries for AAAA records work and should respond right away.""" > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:319: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 19) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _____________________ test_a_and_aaaa_record_fate_sharing ______________________ @unittest.skipIf(not has_working_ipv6(), 'Requires IPv6') @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('SKIP_IPV6'), 'IPv6 tests disabled') def test_a_and_aaaa_record_fate_sharing(): """Test that queries for AAAA always return A records in the additionals and should respond right away.""" > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:345: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________________ test_unicast_response _____________________________ def test_unicast_response(): """Ensure we send a unicast response when the source port is not the MDNS port.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:393: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _______________________________ test_qu_response _______________________________ def test_qu_response(): """Handle multicast incoming with the QU bit set.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:485: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _________________________ test_known_answer_supression _________________________ def test_known_answer_supression(): > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:596: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface __________________ test_multi_packet_known_answer_supression ___________________ def test_multi_packet_known_answer_supression(): > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:719: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _________ test_known_answer_supression_service_type_enumeration_query __________ def test_known_answer_supression_service_type_enumeration_query(): > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_handlers.py:773: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ________________ Names.test_large_packet_exception_log_handling ________________ self = def test_large_packet_exception_log_handling(self): """Verify we downgrade debug after warning.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_init.py:90: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 19) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _______________ Names.test_verify_name_change_with_lots_of_names _______________ self = def test_verify_name_change_with_lots_of_names(self): # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_init.py:73: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______________ ListenerTest.test_integration_with_listener_class _______________ self = def test_integration_with_listener_class(self): sub_service_added = Event() service_added = Event() service_removed = Event() sub_service_updated = Event() duplicate_service_added = Event() subtype_name = "_printer" type_ = "_http._tcp.local." subtype = subtype_name + "._sub." + type_ name = "UPPERxxxyyyæøå" registration_name = f"{name}.{subtype}" class MyListener(r.ServiceListener): def add_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): zeroconf.get_service_info(type, name) service_added.set() def remove_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): service_removed.set() def update_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): pass class DuplicateListener(r.ServiceListener): def add_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): duplicate_service_added.set() def remove_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): pass def update_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): pass class MySubListener(r.ServiceListener): def add_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): sub_service_added.set() pass def remove_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): pass def update_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): sub_service_updated.set() listener = MyListener() > zeroconf_browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_services.py:86: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _________________ test_servicelisteners_raise_not_implemented __________________ def test_servicelisteners_raise_not_implemented(): """Verify service listeners raise when one of the methods is not implemented.""" class MyPartialListener(r.ServiceListener): """A listener that does not implement anything.""" > zc = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_services.py:225: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______________________ test_legacy_record_update_listener ______________________ def test_legacy_record_update_listener(): """Test a RecordUpdateListener that does not implement update_records.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/test_updates.py:39: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface __________________ test_service_browser_cancel_multiple_times __________________ def test_service_browser_cancel_multiple_times(): """Test we can cancel a ServiceBrowser multiple times before close.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:47: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 21) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________ test_service_browser_cancel_multiple_times_after_close ____________ def test_service_browser_cancel_multiple_times_after_close(): """Test we can cancel a ServiceBrowser multiple times after close.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:69: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 23) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______________ test_service_browser_started_after_zeroconf_closed ______________ def test_service_browser_started_after_zeroconf_closed(): """Test starting a ServiceBrowser after close raises RuntimeError.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:90: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________ test_multiple_instances_running_close _____________________ def test_multiple_instances_running_close(): """Test we can shutdown multiple instances.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:108: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________ TestServiceBrowser.test_update_record _____________________ self = def test_update_record(self): enable_ipv6 = has_working_ipv6() and not os.environ.get('SKIP_IPV6') service_name = 'name._type._tcp.local.' service_type = '_type._tcp.local.' service_server = 'ash-1.local.' service_text = b'path=/~matt1/' service_address = '' service_v6_address = "2001:db8::1" service_v6_second_address = "6001:db8::1" service_added_count = 0 service_removed_count = 0 service_updated_count = 0 service_add_event = Event() service_removed_event = Event() service_updated_event = Event() class MyServiceListener(r.ServiceListener): def add_service(self, zc, type_, name) -> None: nonlocal service_added_count service_added_count += 1 service_add_event.set() def remove_service(self, zc, type_, name) -> None: nonlocal service_removed_count service_removed_count += 1 service_removed_event.set() def update_service(self, zc, type_, name) -> None: nonlocal service_updated_count service_updated_count += 1 service_info = zc.get_service_info(type_, name) assert socket.inet_aton(service_address) in service_info.addresses if enable_ipv6: assert socket.inet_pton( socket.AF_INET6, service_v6_address ) in service_info.addresses_by_version(r.IPVersion.V6Only) assert socket.inet_pton( socket.AF_INET6, service_v6_second_address ) in service_info.addresses_by_version(r.IPVersion.V6Only) assert service_info.text == service_text assert service_info.server == service_server service_updated_event.set() def mock_incoming_msg(service_state_change: r.ServiceStateChange) -> r.DNSIncoming: generated = r.DNSOutgoing(const._FLAGS_QR_RESPONSE) assert generated.is_response() is True if service_state_change == r.ServiceStateChange.Removed: ttl = 0 else: ttl = 120 generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSText( service_name, const._TYPE_TXT, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, service_text ), 0, ) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSService( service_name, const._TYPE_SRV, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, 0, 0, 80, service_server, ), 0, ) # Send the IPv6 address first since we previously # had a bug where the IPv4 would be missing if the # IPv6 was seen first if enable_ipv6: generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSAddress( service_server, const._TYPE_AAAA, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, service_v6_address), ), 0, ) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSAddress( service_server, const._TYPE_AAAA, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, service_v6_second_address), ), 0, ) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSAddress( service_server, const._TYPE_A, const._CLASS_IN | const._CLASS_UNIQUE, ttl, socket.inet_aton(service_address), ), 0, ) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSPointer(service_type, const._TYPE_PTR, const._CLASS_IN, ttl, service_name), 0 ) return r.DNSIncoming(generated.packets()[0]) > zeroconf = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:246: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______________ TestServiceBrowserMultipleTypes.test_update_record ______________ self = def test_update_record(self): service_names = ['name2._type2._tcp.local.', 'name._type._tcp.local.', 'name._type._udp.local'] service_types = ['_type2._tcp.local.', '_type._tcp.local.', '_type._udp.local.'] service_added_count = 0 service_removed_count = 0 service_add_event = Event() service_removed_event = Event() class MyServiceListener(r.ServiceListener): def add_service(self, zc, type_, name) -> None: nonlocal service_added_count service_added_count += 1 if service_added_count == 3: service_add_event.set() def remove_service(self, zc, type_, name) -> None: nonlocal service_removed_count service_removed_count += 1 if service_removed_count == 3: service_removed_event.set() def mock_incoming_msg( service_state_change: r.ServiceStateChange, service_type: str, service_name: str, ttl: int ) -> r.DNSIncoming: generated = r.DNSOutgoing(const._FLAGS_QR_RESPONSE) generated.add_answer_at_time( r.DNSPointer(service_type, const._TYPE_PTR, const._CLASS_IN, ttl, service_name), 0 ) return r.DNSIncoming(generated.packets()[0]) > zeroconf = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:357: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _________________________________ test_backoff _________________________________ def test_backoff(): got_query = Event() type_ = "_http._tcp.local." > zeroconf_browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:436: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________________ test_first_query_delay ____________________________ def test_first_query_delay(): """Verify the first query is delayed. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6762#section-5.2 """ type_ = "_http._tcp.local." > zeroconf_browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:510: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ________ test_asking_default_is_asking_qm_questions_after_the_first_qu _________ def test_asking_default_is_asking_qm_questions_after_the_first_qu(): """Verify the service browser's first question is QU and subsequent ones are QM questions.""" type_ = "_quservice._tcp.local." > zeroconf_browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:546: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ___________________________ test_asking_qm_questions ___________________________ def test_asking_qm_questions(): """Verify explictly asking QM questions.""" type_ = "_quservice._tcp.local." > zeroconf_browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:583: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 19) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ___________________________ test_asking_qu_questions ___________________________ def test_asking_qu_questions(): """Verify the service browser can ask QU questions.""" type_ = "_quservice._tcp.local." > zeroconf_browser = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:617: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 21) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______________________ test_legacy_record_update_listener ______________________ def test_legacy_record_update_listener(): """Test a RecordUpdateListener that does not implement update_records.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:652: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ________________ test_service_browser_is_aware_of_port_changes _________________ def test_service_browser_is_aware_of_port_changes(): """Test that the ServiceBrowser is aware of port changes.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:712: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ________________ test_service_browser_listeners_update_service _________________ def test_service_browser_listeners_update_service(): """Test that the ServiceBrowser ServiceListener that implements update_service.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:767: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _______________ test_service_browser_listeners_no_update_service _______________ def test_service_browser_listeners_no_update_service(): """Test that the ServiceBrowser ServiceListener that does not implement update_service.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:829: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface __________________ test_servicebrowser_uses_non_strict_names ___________________ def test_servicebrowser_uses_non_strict_names(): """Verify we can look for technically invalid names as we cannot change what others do.""" # dummy service callback def on_service_state_change(zeroconf, service_type, state_change, name): pass > zc = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:888: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 19) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ________________________ test_service_browser_matching _________________________ def test_service_browser_matching(): """Test that the ServiceBrowser matching does not match partial names.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:1025: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________ test_service_browser_expire_callbacks _____________________ @patch.object(_handlers, '_DNS_PTR_MIN_TTL', 1) @patch.object(_core, "_CACHE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL", 10) def test_service_browser_expire_callbacks(): """Test that the ServiceBrowser matching does not match partial names.""" # instantiate a zeroconf instance > zc = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_browser.py:1109: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ____________________ TestServiceInfo.test_get_info_partial _____________________ self = @unittest.skipIf(not has_working_ipv6(), 'Requires IPv6') @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('SKIP_IPV6'), 'IPv6 tests disabled') def test_get_info_partial(self): > zc = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_info.py:201: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _____________________ TestServiceInfo.test_get_info_single _____________________ self = def test_get_info_single(self): > zc = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_info.py:348: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ______ TestServiceInfo.test_service_info_duplicate_properties_txt_records ______ self = def test_service_info_duplicate_properties_txt_records(self): """Verify the first property is always used when there are duplicates in a txt record.""" > zc = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_info.py:450: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface __________ TestServiceInfo.test_service_info_rejects_expired_records ___________ self = def test_service_info_rejects_expired_records(self): """Verify records that are expired are rejected.""" > zc = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_info.py:160: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ________ TestServiceInfo.test_service_info_rejects_non_matching_updates ________ self = def test_service_info_rejects_non_matching_updates(self): """Verify records with the wrong name are rejected.""" > zc = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_info.py:59: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ___________________________ test_asking_qu_questions ___________________________ def test_asking_qu_questions(): """Verify explictly asking QU questions.""" type_ = "_quservice._tcp.local." > zeroconf = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_info.py:726: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 19) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface ___________________________ test_asking_qm_questions ___________________________ def test_asking_qm_questions(): """Verify explictly asking QM questions.""" type_ = "_quservice._tcp.local." > zeroconf = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_info.py:750: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 21) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _____________________________ test_request_timeout _____________________________ def test_request_timeout(): """Test that the timeout does not throw an exception and finishes close to the actual timeout.""" > zeroconf = r.Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_info.py:773: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 11) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _______________ ServiceTypesQuery.test_integration_with_listener _______________ self = def test_integration_with_listener(self): type_ = "_test-listen-type._tcp.local." name = "xxxyyy" registration_name = f"{name}.{type_}" > zeroconf_registrar = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_types.py:40: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 13) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _________ ServiceTypesQuery.test_integration_with_listener_v6_records __________ self = @unittest.skipIf(not has_working_ipv6(), 'Requires IPv6') @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('SKIP_IPV6'), 'IPv6 tests disabled') def test_integration_with_listener_v6_records(self): type_ = "_test-listenv6rec-type._tcp.local." name = "xxxyyy" registration_name = f"{name}.{type_}" addr = "2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946" # example.com > zeroconf_registrar = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_types.py:77: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 15) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface _________ ServiceTypesQuery.test_integration_with_subtype_and_listener _________ self = def test_integration_with_subtype_and_listener(self): subtype_ = "_subtype._sub" type_ = "_listen._tcp.local." name = "xxxyyy" # Note: discovery returns only DNS-SD type not subtype discovery_type = f"{subtype_}.{type_}" registration_name = f"{name}.{type_}" > zeroconf_registrar = Zeroconf(interfaces=['']) tests/services/test_types.py:150: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeroconf/_core.py:450: in __init__ listen_socket, respond_sockets = create_sockets(interfaces, unicast, ip_version, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) zeroconf/_utils/net.py:374: in create_sockets respond_socket = new_respond_socket(i, apple_p2p=apple_p2p) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface = '', apple_p2p = False def new_respond_socket( interface: Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int]], apple_p2p: bool = False, ) -> Optional[socket.socket]: is_v6 = isinstance(interface, tuple) respond_socket = new_socket( ip_version=(IPVersion.V6Only if is_v6 else IPVersion.V4Only), apple_p2p=apple_p2p, bind_addr=cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, int, int], int], interface)[0] if is_v6 else (cast(str, interface),), ) if not respond_socket: return None log.debug('Configuring socket %s with multicast interface %s', respond_socket, interface) if is_v6: iface_bin = struct.pack('@I', cast(int, interface[1])) respond_socket.setsockopt(_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, iface_bin) else: > respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(cast(str, interface)) ) E OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available zeroconf/_utils/net.py:343: OSError ------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:271 Adding '' (socket 17) to multicast group DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:222 Creating new socket with port 5353, ip_version IPVersion.V4Only, apple_p2p False and bind_addr ('',) DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:257 Created socket DEBUG zeroconf:net.py:338 Configuring socket with multicast interface =============================== warnings summary =============================== tests/test_asyncio.py:71 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:71: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:78 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:78: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:86 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:86: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:95 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:95: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:105 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:105: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:117 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:117: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:177 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:177: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:244 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:244: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:311 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:311: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:359 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:359: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:385 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:385: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:451 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:451: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:487 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:487: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:589 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:589: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:649 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:649: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:673 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:673: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:732 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:732: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:766 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:766: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:777 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:777: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:826 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:826: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:942 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:942: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:989 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:989: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:1080 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:1080: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:1094 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:1094: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:1103 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:1103: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py:1137 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_asyncio.py:1137: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_core.py:51 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_core.py:51: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_core.py:87 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_core.py:87: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_core.py:648 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_core.py:648: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_core.py:668 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_core.py:668: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_core.py:809 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_core.py:809: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:440 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:440: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:845 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:845: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:991 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:991: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1071 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1071: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1118 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1118: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1145 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1145: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1172 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1172: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1221 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1221: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1253 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1253: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1354 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1354: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1427 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1427: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1496 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1496: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_handlers.py:1543 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/test_handlers.py:1543: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/services/test_browser.py:923 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/services/test_browser.py:923: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/services/test_browser.py:974 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/services/test_browser.py:974: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/services/test_info.py:564 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/services/test_info.py:564: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/services/test_info.py:584 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/services/test_info.py:584: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/services/test_info.py:783 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/services/test_info.py:783: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/services/test_info.py:806 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/services/test_info.py:806: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/services/test_info.py:871 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/services/test_info.py:871: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/services/test_info.py:954 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/services/test_info.py:954: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/utils/test_asyncio.py:21 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/utils/test_asyncio.py:21: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/utils/test_asyncio.py:35 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/utils/test_asyncio.py:35: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/utils/test_asyncio.py:46 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/utils/test_asyncio.py:46: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/utils/test_asyncio.py:117 /build/python-zeroconf/src/python-zeroconf-0.39.4/tests/utils/test_asyncio.py:117: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.asyncio - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html @pytest.mark.asyncio tests/test_asyncio.py: 26 warnings tests/test_core.py: 5 warnings tests/test_handlers.py: 13 warnings tests/services/test_browser.py: 2 warnings tests/services/test_info.py: 6 warnings tests/utils/test_asyncio.py: 4 warnings /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/python.py:183: PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning: async def functions are not natively supported and have been skipped. You need to install a suitable plugin for your async framework, for example: - anyio - pytest-asyncio - pytest-tornasync - pytest-trio - pytest-twisted warnings.warn(PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning(msg.format(nodeid))) -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED tests/test_core.py::Framework::test_handle_response - OSError: [Errno ... FAILED tests/test_core.py::Framework::test_launch_and_close - OSError: [Errno... FAILED tests/test_core.py::Framework::test_launch_and_close_context_manager FAILED tests/test_core.py::Framework::test_launch_and_close_v4_v6 - OSError: ... FAILED tests/test_core.py::Framework::test_launch_and_close_v6_only - OSError... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_generate_service_query_set_qu_bit - OSError: ... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_invalid_packets_ignored_and_does_not_cause_loop_exception FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_goodbye_all_services - OSError: [Errno 92] Pr... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_register_service_with_custom_ttl - OSError: [... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_logging_packets - OSError: [Errno 92] Protoco... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_get_service_info_failure_path - OSError: [Err... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_sending_unicast - OSError: [Errno 92] Protoco... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_tc_bit_defers - OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol ... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_tc_bit_defers_last_response_missing - OSError... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_guard_against_oversized_packets - OSError: [E... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_guard_against_duplicate_packets - OSError: [E... FAILED tests/test_core.py::test_shutdown_while_register_in_process - OSError:... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::TestRegistrar::test_name_conflicts - OSError: ... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::TestRegistrar::test_register_and_lookup_type_by_uppercase_name FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::TestRegistrar::test_ttl - OSError: [Errno 92] ... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_ptr_optimization - OSError: [Errno 92] Pr... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_any_query_for_ptr - OSError: [Errno 92] P... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_aaaa_query - OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_a_and_aaaa_record_fate_sharing - OSError:... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_unicast_response - OSError: [Errno 92] Pr... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_qu_response - OSError: [Errno 92] Protoco... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_known_answer_supression - OSError: [Errno... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_multi_packet_known_answer_supression - OS... FAILED tests/test_handlers.py::test_known_answer_supression_service_type_enumeration_query FAILED tests/test_init.py::Names::test_large_packet_exception_log_handling - ... FAILED tests/test_init.py::Names::test_verify_name_change_with_lots_of_names FAILED tests/test_services.py::ListenerTest::test_integration_with_listener_class FAILED tests/test_services.py::test_servicelisteners_raise_not_implemented - ... FAILED tests/test_updates.py::test_legacy_record_update_listener - OSError: [... FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_service_browser_cancel_multiple_times FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_service_browser_cancel_multiple_times_after_close FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_service_browser_started_after_zeroconf_closed FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_multiple_instances_running_close FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::TestServiceBrowser::test_update_record FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::TestServiceBrowserMultipleTypes::test_update_record FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_backoff - OSError: [Errno 92] Pro... FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_first_query_delay - OSError: [Err... FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_asking_default_is_asking_qm_questions_after_the_first_qu FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_asking_qm_questions - OSError: [E... FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_asking_qu_questions - OSError: [E... FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_legacy_record_update_listener - O... FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_service_browser_is_aware_of_port_changes FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_service_browser_listeners_update_service FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_service_browser_listeners_no_update_service FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_servicebrowser_uses_non_strict_names FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_service_browser_matching - OSErro... FAILED tests/services/test_browser.py::test_service_browser_expire_callbacks FAILED tests/services/test_info.py::TestServiceInfo::test_get_info_partial - ... FAILED tests/services/test_info.py::TestServiceInfo::test_get_info_single - O... FAILED tests/services/test_info.py::TestServiceInfo::test_service_info_duplicate_properties_txt_records FAILED tests/services/test_info.py::TestServiceInfo::test_service_info_rejects_expired_records FAILED tests/services/test_info.py::TestServiceInfo::test_service_info_rejects_non_matching_updates FAILED tests/services/test_info.py::test_asking_qu_questions - OSError: [Errn... FAILED tests/services/test_info.py::test_asking_qm_questions - OSError: [Errn... FAILED tests/services/test_info.py::test_request_timeout - OSError: [Errno 92... FAILED tests/services/test_types.py::ServiceTypesQuery::test_integration_with_listener FAILED tests/services/test_types.py::ServiceTypesQuery::test_integration_with_listener_v6_records FAILED tests/services/test_types.py::ServiceTypesQuery::test_integration_with_subtype_and_listener ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_bad_local_names_for_get_service_info ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_bad_service_info_name - OSEr... ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_bad_service_names - OSError:... ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_bad_sub_types - OSError: [Er... ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_bad_types - OSError: [Errno ... ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_good_instance_names - OSErro... ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_good_instance_names_without_protocol ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_good_service_names - OSError... ERROR tests/test_exceptions.py::Exceptions::test_invalid_addresses - OSError:... = 63 failed, 135 passed, 58 skipped, 1 deselected, 112 warnings, 9 errors in 18.78s = ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().  Aborting... ==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/felix5/build receiving incremental file list python-zeroconf-0.39.4-1-riscv64-build.log python-zeroconf-0.39.4-1-riscv64-check.log sent 62 bytes received 11,630 bytes 7,794.67 bytes/sec total size is 233,416 speedup is 19.96