============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.1, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /build/python-zict/src/zict-2.0.0, configfile: setup.cfg collecting ... collected 41 items zict/buffer.py::zict.buffer.Buffer PASSED [ 2%] zict/file.py::zict.file.File SKIPPED (all tests skipped by +SKIP option) [ 4%] zict/func.py::zict.func.Func PASSED [ 7%] zict/lmdb.py::zict.lmdb.LMDB SKIPPED (all tests skipped by +SKIP option) [ 9%] zict/lru.py::zict.lru.LRU PASSED [ 12%] zict/sieve.py::zict.sieve.Sieve PASSED [ 14%] zict/zip.py::zict.zip.Zip SKIPPED (all tests skipped by +SKIP option) [ 17%] zict/tests/test_buffer.py::test_simple PASSED [ 19%] zict/tests/test_buffer.py::test_setitem_avoid_fast_slow_duplicate PASSED [ 21%] zict/tests/test_buffer.py::test_mapping PASSED [ 24%] zict/tests/test_buffer.py::test_callbacks PASSED [ 26%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_mapping PASSED [ 29%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_implementation PASSED [ 31%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_str PASSED [ 34%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_setitem_typeerror PASSED [ 36%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_contextmanager PASSED [ 39%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_delitem PASSED [ 41%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_missing_key PASSED [ 43%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_arbitrary_chars PASSED [ 46%] zict/tests/test_file.py::test_write_list_of_bytes PASSED [ 48%] zict/tests/test_func.py::test_simple PASSED [ 51%] zict/tests/test_func.py::test_mapping PASSED [ 53%] zict/tests/test_lmdb.py::test_mapping FAILED [ 56%] zict/tests/test_lmdb.py::test_reuse FAILED [ 58%] zict/tests/test_lmdb.py::test_creates_dir FAILED [ 60%] zict/tests/test_lmdb.py::test_file_descriptors_dont_leak SKIPPED (co...) [ 63%] zict/tests/test_lru.py::test_simple PASSED [ 65%] zict/tests/test_lru.py::test_str PASSED [ 68%] zict/tests/test_lru.py::test_mapping PASSED [ 70%] zict/tests/test_lru.py::test_overwrite PASSED [ 73%] zict/tests/test_lru.py::test_callbacks PASSED [ 75%] zict/tests/test_lru.py::test_weight PASSED [ 78%] zict/tests/test_lru.py::test_explicit_evict PASSED [ 80%] zict/tests/test_sieve.py::test_simple PASSED [ 82%] zict/tests/test_sieve.py::test_mapping PASSED [ 85%] zict/tests/test_zip.py::test_simple PASSED [ 87%] zict/tests/test_zip.py::test_setitem_typeerror PASSED [ 90%] zict/tests/test_zip.py::test_contextmanager PASSED [ 92%] zict/tests/test_zip.py::test_missing_key PASSED [ 95%] zict/tests/test_zip.py::test_close PASSED [ 97%] zict/tests/test_zip.py::test_bytearray PASSED [100%] =================================== FAILURES =================================== _________________________________ test_mapping _________________________________ fn = '/tmp/test_lmdb-jmh46ci0' def test_mapping(fn): """ Test mapping interface for LMDB(). """ > z = LMDB(fn) zict/tests/test_lmdb.py:26: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = directory = '/tmp/test_lmdb-jmh46ci0' def __init__(self, directory): import lmdb # map_size is the maximum database size but shouldn't fill up the # virtual address space map_size = 1 << 40 if sys.maxsize >= 2 ** 32 else 1 << 28 # writemap requires sparse file support otherwise the whole # `map_size` may be reserved up front on disk writemap = sys.platform.startswith("linux") > self.db = lmdb.open( directory, subdir=True, map_size=map_size, sync=False, writemap=writemap, ) E lmdb.Error: /tmp/test_lmdb-jmh46ci0: Operation not supported zict/lmdb.py:40: Error __________________________________ test_reuse __________________________________ fn = '/tmp/test_lmdb-ws97q4c5' def test_reuse(fn): """ Test persistence of a LMDB() mapping. """ > with LMDB(fn) as z: zict/tests/test_lmdb.py:34: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = directory = '/tmp/test_lmdb-ws97q4c5' def __init__(self, directory): import lmdb # map_size is the maximum database size but shouldn't fill up the # virtual address space map_size = 1 << 40 if sys.maxsize >= 2 ** 32 else 1 << 28 # writemap requires sparse file support otherwise the whole # `map_size` may be reserved up front on disk writemap = sys.platform.startswith("linux") > self.db = lmdb.open( directory, subdir=True, map_size=map_size, sync=False, writemap=writemap, ) E lmdb.Error: /tmp/test_lmdb-ws97q4c5: Operation not supported zict/lmdb.py:40: Error _______________________________ test_creates_dir _______________________________ fn = '/tmp/test_lmdb-ywa5p53o' def test_creates_dir(fn): > with LMDB(fn): zict/tests/test_lmdb.py:44: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = directory = '/tmp/test_lmdb-ywa5p53o' def __init__(self, directory): import lmdb # map_size is the maximum database size but shouldn't fill up the # virtual address space map_size = 1 << 40 if sys.maxsize >= 2 ** 32 else 1 << 28 # writemap requires sparse file support otherwise the whole # `map_size` may be reserved up front on disk writemap = sys.platform.startswith("linux") > self.db = lmdb.open( directory, subdir=True, map_size=map_size, sync=False, writemap=writemap, ) E lmdb.Error: /tmp/test_lmdb-ywa5p53o: Operation not supported zict/lmdb.py:40: Error =============================== warnings summary =============================== zict/tests/test_file.py:11 /build/python-zict/src/zict-2.0.0/zict/tests/test_file.py:11: PytestDeprecationWarning: @pytest.yield_fixture is deprecated. Use @pytest.fixture instead; they are the same. def fn(): zict/tests/test_lmdb.py:13 /build/python-zict/src/zict-2.0.0/zict/tests/test_lmdb.py:13: PytestDeprecationWarning: @pytest.yield_fixture is deprecated. Use @pytest.fixture instead; they are the same. def fn(): zict/tests/test_zip.py:15 /build/python-zict/src/zict-2.0.0/zict/tests/test_zip.py:15: PytestDeprecationWarning: @pytest.yield_fixture is deprecated. Use @pytest.fixture instead; they are the same. def fn(): -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/warnings.html =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED zict/tests/test_lmdb.py::test_mapping - lmdb.Error: /tmp/test_lmdb-jmh... FAILED zict/tests/test_lmdb.py::test_reuse - lmdb.Error: /tmp/test_lmdb-ws97q... FAILED zict/tests/test_lmdb.py::test_creates_dir - lmdb.Error: /tmp/test_lmdb... ============= 3 failed, 34 passed, 4 skipped, 3 warnings in 1.75s ============== ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().  Aborting...