==> Building on scovillain ==> Checking for remote environment... ==> Syncing package to remote host... sending incremental file list ./ .SRCINFO 499 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 499 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=2/4) PKGBUILD 700 66% 683.59kB/s 0:00:00 1,045 100% 1020.51kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=1/4) rye-0.27.0-1.log 197 100% 192.38kB/s 0:00:00 197 100% 192.38kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=0/4) sent 584 bytes received 100 bytes 1,368.00 bytes/sec total size is 1,741 speedup is 2.55 ==> Patching arch to riscv64... ==> Running extra-riscv64-build -- -d /home/felix/packages/riscv64-pkg-cache:/var/cache/pacman/pkg -l root39 on remote host... [?25l:: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do [?25h==> Building in chroot for [extra] (riscv64)... ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root] -> [root39]...done ==> Making package: rye 0.27.0-1 (Thu Feb 29 07:35:19 2024) ==> Retrieving sources...  -> Updating rye git repo... remote: Enumerating objects: 31, done. remote: Counting objects: 3% (1/31) remote: Counting objects: 6% (2/31) remote: Counting objects: 9% (3/31) remote: Counting objects: 12% (4/31) remote: Counting objects: 16% (5/31) remote: Counting objects: 19% (6/31) remote: Counting objects: 22% (7/31) remote: Counting objects: 25% (8/31) remote: Counting objects: 29% (9/31) remote: Counting objects: 32% (10/31) remote: Counting objects: 35% (11/31) remote: Counting objects: 38% (12/31) remote: Counting objects: 41% (13/31) remote: Counting objects: 45% (14/31) remote: Counting objects: 48% (15/31) remote: Counting objects: 51% (16/31) remote: Counting objects: 54% (17/31) remote: Counting objects: 58% (18/31) remote: Counting objects: 61% (19/31) remote: Counting objects: 64% (20/31) remote: Counting objects: 67% (21/31) remote: Counting objects: 70% (22/31) remote: Counting objects: 74% (23/31) remote: Counting objects: 77% (24/31) remote: Counting objects: 80% (25/31) remote: Counting objects: 83% (26/31) remote: Counting objects: 87% (27/31) remote: Counting objects: 90% (28/31) remote: Counting objects: 93% (29/31) remote: Counting objects: 96% (30/31) remote: Counting objects: 100% (31/31) remote: Counting objects: 100% (31/31), done. remote: Compressing objects: 5% (1/19) remote: Compressing objects: 10% (2/19) remote: Compressing objects: 15% (3/19) remote: Compressing objects: 21% (4/19) remote: Compressing objects: 26% (5/19) remote: Compressing objects: 31% (6/19) remote: Compressing objects: 36% (7/19) remote: Compressing objects: 42% (8/19) remote: Compressing objects: 47% (9/19) remote: Compressing objects: 52% (10/19) remote: Compressing objects: 57% (11/19) remote: Compressing objects: 63% (12/19) remote: Compressing objects: 68% (13/19) remote: Compressing objects: 73% (14/19) remote: Compressing objects: 78% (15/19) remote: Compressing objects: 84% (16/19) remote: Compressing objects: 89% (17/19) remote: Compressing objects: 94% (18/19) remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19/19) remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done. remote: Total 31 (delta 20), reused 15 (delta 12), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 3% (1/31) Unpacking objects: 6% (2/31) Unpacking objects: 9% (3/31) Unpacking objects: 12% (4/31) Unpacking objects: 16% (5/31) Unpacking objects: 19% (6/31) Unpacking objects: 22% (7/31) Unpacking objects: 25% (8/31) Unpacking objects: 29% (9/31) Unpacking objects: 32% (10/31) Unpacking objects: 35% (11/31) Unpacking objects: 38% (12/31) Unpacking objects: 41% (13/31) Unpacking objects: 45% (14/31) Unpacking objects: 48% (15/31) Unpacking objects: 51% (16/31) Unpacking objects: 54% (17/31) Unpacking objects: 58% (18/31) Unpacking objects: 61% (19/31) Unpacking objects: 64% (20/31) Unpacking objects: 67% (21/31) Unpacking objects: 70% (22/31) Unpacking objects: 74% (23/31) Unpacking objects: 77% (24/31) Unpacking objects: 80% (25/31) Unpacking objects: 83% (26/31) Unpacking objects: 87% (27/31) Unpacking objects: 90% (28/31) Unpacking objects: 93% (29/31) Unpacking objects: 96% (30/31) Unpacking objects: 100% (31/31) Unpacking objects: 100% (31/31), 8.70 KiB | 185.00 KiB/s, done. From https://github.com/astral-sh/rye 2111778..f7ce0f4 main -> main * [new branch] retain-markers -> retain-markers + 9e8ddeb...8db7fbf refs/pull/758/merge -> refs/pull/758/merge (forced update) + 277b617...ee31d30 refs/pull/759/merge -> refs/pull/759/merge (forced update) + 9883055...87a4f87 refs/pull/769/merge -> refs/pull/769/merge (forced update) * [new ref] refs/pull/811/head -> refs/pull/811/head * [new ref] refs/pull/811/merge -> refs/pull/811/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/812/head -> refs/pull/812/head ==> Validating source files with sha512sums... rye ... Skipped ==> Making package: rye 0.27.0-1 (Thu Feb 29 07:35:44 2024) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (1) New Version Net Change core/libxcrypt-compat 4.4.36-1 0.17 MiB Total Installed Size: 0.17 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing libxcrypt-compat... [?25h==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25l:: There are 2 providers available for cargo: :: Repository extra 1) rust 2) rustup Enter a number (default=1): resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (7) New Version Net Change core/libedit 20230828_3.1-1 0.24 MiB extra/llvm-libs 16.0.6-1 115.87 MiB extra/perl-error 0.17029-5 0.04 MiB extra/perl-mailtools 2.21-7 0.10 MiB extra/perl-timedate 2.33-5 0.08 MiB extra/git 2.44.0-1 25.03 MiB extra/rust 1:1.76.0-1 227.14 MiB Total Installed Size: 368.50 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing libedit... installing llvm-libs... installing rust... Optional dependencies for rust gdb: rust-gdb script lldb: rust-lldb script installing perl-error... installing perl-timedate... installing perl-mailtools... installing git... Optional dependencies for git tk: gitk and git gui openssh: ssh transport and crypto perl-libwww: git svn perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support python: git svn & git p4 subversion: git svn org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed] :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Warn about old perl modules [?25h==> Retrieving sources... ==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks. ==> Extracting sources...  -> Creating working copy of rye git repo... Cloning into 'rye'... done. Switched to a new branch 'makepkg' ==> Starting prepare()... Updating crates.io index Updating git repository `https://github.com/console-rs/dialoguer` Updating git repository `https://github.com/konstin/poc-monotrail` Downloading crates ... Downloaded type-map v0.4.0 Downloaded num-conv v0.1.0 Downloaded quoted_printable v0.4.8 Downloaded tinyvec_macros v0.1.1 Downloaded rust-embed-utils v7.8.1 Downloaded self_cell v0.10.3 Downloaded rust-embed-impl v6.8.1 Downloaded fnv v1.0.7 Downloaded version_check v0.9.4 Downloaded equivalent v1.0.1 Downloaded opaque-debug v0.3.0 Downloaded derive_builder_macro v0.12.0 Downloaded i18n-config v0.4.6 Downloaded autocfg v1.1.0 Downloaded tinystr v0.7.5 Downloaded xattr v1.3.1 Downloaded time-core v0.1.2 Downloaded zstd v0.13.0 Downloaded i18n-embed-impl v0.8.3 Downloaded pathdiff v0.2.1 Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.78 Downloaded quoted_printable v0.5.0 Downloaded slug v0.1.5 Downloaded rfc2047-decoder v0.2.2 Downloaded either v1.9.0 Downloaded charset v0.1.3 Downloaded scrypt v0.10.0 Downloaded io_tee v0.1.1 Downloaded ident_case v1.0.1 Downloaded tempfile v3.9.0 Downloaded rand_chacha v0.2.2 Downloaded stacker v0.1.15 Downloaded errno v0.3.8 Downloaded psm v0.1.21 Downloaded fluent-langneg v0.13.0 Downloaded terminal_size v0.3.0 Downloaded itoa v1.0.10 Downloaded intl_pluralrules v7.0.2 Downloaded shlex v1.3.0 Downloaded toml_datetime v0.6.5 Downloaded deranged v0.3.11 Downloaded lazy_static v1.4.0 Downloaded heck v0.4.1 Downloaded scopeguard v1.2.0 Downloaded crypto-common v0.1.6 Downloaded linked-hash-map v0.5.6 Downloaded displaydoc v0.2.4 Downloaded data-encoding v2.5.0 Downloaded pkg-config v0.3.29 Downloaded percent-encoding v2.3.1 Downloaded same-file v1.0.6 Downloaded age-core v0.9.0 Downloaded fastrand v2.0.1 Downloaded inout v0.1.3 Downloaded cookie-factory v0.3.2 Downloaded filetime v0.2.23 Downloaded self-replace v1.3.7 Downloaded cfg-if v1.0.0 Downloaded unicode-width v0.1.11 Downloaded number_prefix v0.4.0 Downloaded digest v0.10.7 Downloaded lock_api v0.4.11 Downloaded thiserror v1.0.56 Downloaded intl-memoizer v0.5.1 Downloaded darling_macro v0.14.4 Downloaded chacha20 v0.9.1 Downloaded rustc-hash v1.1.0 Downloaded bech32 v0.9.1 Downloaded rand_core v0.6.4 Downloaded aead v0.5.2 Downloaded universal-hash v0.5.1 Downloaded git-testament-derive v0.2.0 Downloaded unic-langid v0.9.4 Downloaded rand_chacha v0.3.1 Downloaded strsim v0.10.0 Downloaded infer v0.12.0 Downloaded unscanny v0.1.0 Downloaded find-crate v0.6.3 Downloaded pin-project-internal v1.1.4 Downloaded zeroize v1.7.0 Downloaded fslock v0.2.1 Downloaded hex v0.4.3 Downloaded thiserror-impl v1.0.56 Downloaded shell-words v1.1.0 Downloaded byteorder v1.5.0 Downloaded i18n-embed-fl v0.6.7 Downloaded proc-macro-error v1.0.4 Downloaded walkdir v2.4.0 Downloaded home v0.5.9 Downloaded powerfmt v0.2.0 Downloaded anstyle v1.0.5 Downloaded cpufeatures v0.2.12 Downloaded which v6.0.0 Downloaded fluent-syntax v0.11.0 Downloaded smallvec v1.13.1 Downloaded poly1305 v0.8.0 Downloaded zstd v0.12.4 Downloaded once_cell v1.19.0 Downloaded parking_lot_core v0.9.9 Downloaded dashmap v5.5.3 Downloaded zstd-safe v7.0.0 Downloaded crc32fast v1.3.2 Downloaded zeroize_derive v1.4.2 Downloaded digest v0.9.0 Downloaded fluent v0.16.0 Downloaded subtle v2.5.0 Downloaded sct v0.7.1 Downloaded tracing-attributes v0.1.27 Downloaded pin-project-lite v0.2.13 Downloaded configparser v3.0.4 Downloaded getrandom v0.2.12 Downloaded untrusted v0.9.0 Downloaded adler v1.0.2 Downloaded derive_builder v0.12.0 Downloaded pep440_rs v0.4.0 Downloaded self_cell v1.0.3 Downloaded rustc-demangle v0.1.23 Downloaded openssl-probe v0.1.5 Downloaded junction v1.0.0 Downloaded insta-cmd v0.5.0 Downloaded reword v7.0.0 Downloaded pbkdf2 v0.11.0 Downloaded git-testament v0.2.5 Downloaded sha2 v0.10.8 Downloaded i18n-embed v0.13.9 Downloaded decompress v0.6.0 Downloaded fluent-bundle v0.15.2 Downloaded generic-array v0.14.7 Downloaded quote v1.0.35 Downloaded time-macros v0.2.17 Downloaded console v0.15.8 Downloaded parking_lot v0.12.1 Downloaded derive_builder_core v0.12.0 Downloaded pep508_rs v0.3.0 Downloaded tar v0.4.40 Downloaded typenum v1.17.0 Downloaded allocator-api2 v0.2.16 Downloaded fs2 v0.4.3 Downloaded secrecy v0.8.0 Downloaded block-buffer v0.10.4 Downloaded proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4 Downloaded ctrlc v3.4.2 Downloaded zstd-safe v6.0.6 Downloaded salsa20 v0.10.2 Downloaded mailparse v0.14.1 Downloaded ahash v0.8.7 Downloaded rand_core v0.5.1 Downloaded form_urlencoded v1.2.1 Downloaded getrandom v0.1.16 Downloaded darling v0.14.4 Downloaded serde_spanned v0.6.5 Downloaded bzip2 v0.4.4 Downloaded ryu v1.0.16 Downloaded yaml-rust v0.4.5 Downloaded bitflags v2.4.2 Downloaded pin-project v1.1.4 Downloaded addr2line v0.21.0 Downloaded anyhow v1.0.79 Downloaded uuid v1.7.0 Downloaded tinyvec v1.6.0 Downloaded unicode-ident v1.0.12 Downloaded clap_derive v4.4.7 Downloaded jobserver v0.1.27 Downloaded serde_derive v1.0.196 Downloaded log v0.4.20 Downloaded hmac v0.12.1 Downloaded tracing-core v0.1.32 Downloaded fs-err v2.11.0 Downloaded base64 v0.13.1 Downloaded cipher v0.4.4 Downloaded clap_lex v0.6.0 Downloaded ppv-lite86 v0.2.17 Downloaded indexmap v2.2.2 Downloaded openssl-sys v0.9.99 Downloaded flate2 v1.0.28 Downloaded target-lexicon v0.12.13 Downloaded globset v0.4.14 Downloaded toml v0.8.9 Downloaded unic-langid-impl v0.9.4 Downloaded base64 v0.21.7 Downloaded zip v0.6.6 Downloaded miniz_oxide v0.7.2 Downloaded clap v4.4.18 Downloaded clap_complete v4.4.10 Downloaded unicode-bidi v0.3.15 Downloaded darling_core v0.14.4 Downloaded toml v0.5.11 Downloaded indicatif v0.17.7 Downloaded chacha20poly1305 v0.10.1 Downloaded cc v1.0.83 Downloaded similar v2.4.0 Downloaded serde v1.0.196 Downloaded cfb v0.7.3 Downloaded socket2 v0.4.10 Downloaded backtrace v0.3.69 Downloaded chumsky v0.9.3 Downloaded url v2.5.0 Downloaded tracing v0.1.40 Downloaded memchr v2.7.1 Downloaded minimal-lexical v0.2.1 Downloaded hashbrown v0.14.3 Downloaded nom v7.1.3 Downloaded rand v0.8.5 Downloaded arc-swap v1.6.0 Downloaded sysinfo v0.29.11 Downloaded unicode-segmentation v1.10.1 Downloaded winnow v0.5.37 Downloaded zerocopy v0.7.32 Downloaded x25519-dalek v1.1.1 Downloaded hkdf v0.12.4 Downloaded toml_edit v0.21.1 Downloaded curl v0.4.44 Downloaded time v0.3.34 Downloaded serde_json v1.0.113 Downloaded clap_builder v4.4.18 Downloaded deunicode v1.4.2 Downloaded rand v0.7.3 Downloaded ureq v2.9.1 Downloaded unicode-normalization v0.1.22 Downloaded minijinja v1.0.12 Downloaded portable-atomic v1.6.0 Downloaded vcpkg v0.2.15 Downloaded python-pkginfo v0.6.0 Downloaded syn v2.0.48 Downloaded syn v1.0.109 Downloaded idna v0.5.0 Downloaded aho-corasick v1.1.2 Downloaded rustls-webpki v0.101.7 Downloaded webpki-roots v0.25.4 Downloaded regex v1.10.3 Downloaded gimli v0.28.1 Downloaded object v0.32.2 Downloaded nix v0.27.1 Downloaded rustls v0.21.10 Downloaded regex-syntax v0.8.2 Downloaded rustix v0.38.31 Downloaded bstr v1.9.0 Downloaded zstd-sys v2.0.9+zstd.1.5.5 Downloaded curve25519-dalek v3.2.0 Downloaded insta v1.35.1 Downloaded libc v0.2.153 Downloaded regex-automata v0.4.5 Downloaded bzip2-sys v0.1.11+1.0.8 Downloaded rust-embed v6.8.1 Downloaded encoding_rs v0.8.33 Downloaded age v0.9.2 Downloaded linux-raw-sys v0.4.13 Downloaded license v3.2.0 Downloaded curl-sys v0.4.71+curl-8.6.0 Downloaded ring v0.17.7 Downloaded libz-sys v1.1.15 Downloaded openssl-src v300.2.2+3.2.1 ==> Starting build()... Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.78 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12 Compiling libc v0.2.153 Compiling version_check v0.9.4 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling serde v1.0.196 Compiling typenum v1.17.0 Compiling pkg-config v0.3.29 Compiling thiserror v1.0.56 Compiling autocfg v1.1.0 Compiling memchr v2.7.1 Compiling bitflags v2.4.2 Compiling subtle v2.5.0 Compiling once_cell v1.19.0 Compiling rustix v0.38.31 Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.4.13 Compiling syn v1.0.109 Compiling zerocopy v0.7.32 Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.9 Compiling allocator-api2 v0.2.16 Compiling vcpkg v0.2.15 Compiling serde_json v1.0.113 Compiling adler v1.0.2 Compiling same-file v1.0.6 Compiling strsim v0.10.0 Compiling equivalent v1.0.1 Compiling log v0.4.20 Compiling winnow v0.5.37 Compiling smallvec v1.13.1 Compiling getrandom v0.1.16 Compiling byteorder v1.5.0 Compiling crc32fast v1.3.2 Compiling num-conv v0.1.0 Compiling ident_case v1.0.1 Compiling regex-syntax v0.8.2 Compiling fnv v1.0.7 Compiling itoa v1.0.10 Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.1 Compiling time-core v0.1.2 Compiling rustc-hash v1.1.0 Compiling base64 v0.13.1 Compiling untrusted v0.9.0 Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.17 Compiling unicode-width v0.1.11 Compiling scopeguard v1.2.0 Compiling self_cell v1.0.3 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0 Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.15 Compiling percent-encoding v2.3.1 Compiling ryu v1.0.16 Compiling fastrand v2.0.1 Compiling powerfmt v0.2.0 Compiling unicode-segmentation v1.10.1 Compiling gimli v0.28.1 Compiling zstd-safe v6.0.6 Compiling rustls v0.21.10 Compiling opaque-debug v0.3.0 Compiling base64 v0.21.7 Compiling zstd-safe v7.0.0 Compiling heck v0.4.1 Compiling pin-project-lite v0.2.13 Compiling rustc-demangle v0.1.23 Compiling anstyle v1.0.5 Compiling portable-atomic v1.6.0 Compiling anyhow v1.0.79 Compiling clap_lex v0.6.0 Compiling arc-swap v1.6.0 Compiling target-lexicon v0.12.13 Compiling minimal-lexical v0.2.1 Compiling uuid v1.7.0 Compiling io_tee v0.1.1 Compiling quoted_printable v0.5.0 Compiling data-encoding v2.5.0 Compiling curl v0.4.44 Compiling webpki-roots v0.25.4 Compiling cookie-factory v0.3.2 Compiling quoted_printable v0.4.8 Compiling home v0.5.9 Compiling either v1.9.0 Compiling rye v0.27.0 (/build/rye/src/rye/rye) Compiling openssl-probe v0.1.5 Compiling unscanny v0.1.0 Compiling deunicode v1.4.2 Compiling shell-words v1.1.0 Compiling number_prefix v0.4.0 Compiling bech32 v0.9.1 Compiling cpufeatures v0.2.12 Compiling configparser v3.0.4 Compiling pathdiff v0.2.1 Compiling junction v1.0.0 Compiling hex v0.4.3 Compiling shlex v1.3.0 Compiling walkdir v2.4.0 Compiling miniz_oxide v0.7.2 Compiling tinyvec v1.6.0 Compiling type-map v0.4.0 Compiling time-macros v0.2.17 Compiling self_cell v0.10.3 Compiling form_urlencoded v1.2.1 Compiling encoding_rs v0.8.33 Compiling deranged v0.3.11 error: This crate works only on `aarch64`, `loongarch64`, `x86`, and `x86-64` targets. --> /build/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/cpufeatures-0.2.12/src/lib.rs:152:1 | 152 | compile_error!("This crate works only on `aarch64`, `loongarch64`, `x86`, and `x86-64` targets."); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: could not compile `cpufeatures` (lib) due to 1 previous error warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().  Aborting... ==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root39/build [?25h[?25hreceiving incremental file list rye-0.27.0-1-riscv64-build.log rye-0.27.0-1-riscv64-prepare.log sent 62 bytes received 3,823 bytes 2,590.00 bytes/sec total size is 11,650 speedup is 3.00