==> Building on glalie ==> Checking for remote environment... ==> Syncing package to remote host... sending incremental file list ./ .SRCINFO 1,233 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 1,233 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=7/9) .nvchecker.toml 85 100% 83.01kB/s 0:00:00 85 100% 83.01kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=6/9) PKGBUILD 2,100 62% 2.00MB/s 0:00:00 3,367 100% 3.21MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=5/9) grafana-11.2.0-1.log 498 100% 486.33kB/s 0:00:00 498 100% 486.33kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=4/9) grafana.install 700 94% 683.59kB/s 0:00:00 742 100% 724.61kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=3/9) grafana.service 507 100% 495.12kB/s 0:00:00 507 100% 495.12kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=2/9) grafana.sysusers 33 100% 32.23kB/s 0:00:00 33 100% 32.23kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=1/9) grafana.tmpfiles 84 100% 82.03kB/s 0:00:00 84 100% 82.03kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=0/9) sent 2,844 bytes received 249 bytes 6,186.00 bytes/sec total size is 6,244 speedup is 2.02 ==> Applying RISC-V patches... sending incremental file list ./ sent 86 bytes received 19 bytes 210.00 bytes/sec total size is 957 speedup is 9.11 patching file PKGBUILD Hunk #1 succeeded at 67 (offset -2 lines). ==> Patching arch to riscv64... ==> Running extra-riscv64-build -- -d /home/felix/packages/riscv64-pkg-cache:/var/cache/pacman/pkg -l root31 on remote host... ==> Locking clean chroot...done ]2;🔵 Container arch-nspawn-1436477 on glalie.felixc.at[?25l:: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do [?25h==> Building in chroot for [extra] (riscv64)... ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root] -> [root31]...done ==> Making package: grafana 11.2.0-1 (Wed Aug 28 19:19:23 2024) ==> Retrieving sources...  -> Updating grafana git repo... From https://github.com/grafana/grafana - [deleted] (none) -> 2024-07-killercoda-tutorial-for-alerting - [deleted] (none) -> add-variable-support-for-regex-filter-transformation - [deleted] (none) -> add_kind_dw - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/add-slash-validation-rename - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/consume-time-intervals-k8s-api - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/contact-point-metadata-cloud-am - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/contact-points-alert-rule-refactor - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/contact-points-list-view-k8s - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/contact-points-simplified-k8s - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/createUrl - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/message-after-deleting-contact-point - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/policies-reordering - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/testing-library-eslint - [deleted] (none) -> alerting/use-produce-new-alert-group-4 - [deleted] (none) -> alexander-akhmetov/contact-points-secret-fields-casing - [deleted] (none) -> 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(12841/37766) remote: Counting objects: 35% (13219/37766) remote: Counting objects: 36% (13596/37766) remote: Counting objects: 37% (13974/37766) remote: Counting objects: 38% (14352/37766) remote: Counting objects: 39% (14729/37766) remote: Counting objects: 40% (15107/37766) remote: Counting objects: 41% (15485/37766) remote: Counting objects: 42% (15862/37766) remote: Counting objects: 43% (16240/37766) remote: Counting objects: 44% (16618/37766) remote: Counting objects: 45% (16995/37766) remote: Counting objects: 46% (17373/37766) remote: Counting objects: 47% (17751/37766) remote: Counting objects: 48% (18128/37766) remote: Counting objects: 49% (18506/37766) remote: Counting objects: 50% (18883/37766) remote: Counting objects: 51% (19261/37766) remote: Counting objects: 52% (19639/37766) remote: Counting objects: 53% (20016/37766) remote: Counting objects: 54% (20394/37766) remote: Counting objects: 55% (20772/37766) remote: Counting objects: 56% (21149/37766) remote: Counting objects: 57% (21527/37766) remote: Counting objects: 58% (21905/37766) remote: Counting objects: 59% (22282/37766) remote: Counting objects: 60% (22660/37766) remote: Counting objects: 61% (23038/37766) remote: Counting objects: 62% (23415/37766) remote: Counting objects: 63% (23793/37766) remote: Counting objects: 64% (24171/37766) remote: Counting objects: 65% (24548/37766) remote: Counting objects: 66% (24926/37766) remote: Counting objects: 67% (25304/37766) remote: Counting objects: 68% (25681/37766) remote: Counting objects: 69% (26059/37766) remote: Counting objects: 70% (26437/37766) remote: Counting objects: 71% (26814/37766) remote: Counting objects: 72% (27192/37766) remote: Counting objects: 73% (27570/37766) remote: Counting objects: 74% (27947/37766) remote: Counting objects: 75% (28325/37766) remote: Counting objects: 76% (28703/37766) remote: Counting objects: 77% (29080/37766) remote: Counting objects: 78% (29458/37766) remote: Counting objects: 79% (29836/37766) remote: Counting objects: 80% (30213/37766) remote: Counting objects: 81% (30591/37766) remote: Counting objects: 82% (30969/37766) remote: Counting objects: 83% (31346/37766) remote: Counting objects: 84% (31724/37766) remote: Counting objects: 85% (32102/37766) remote: Counting objects: 86% (32479/37766) remote: Counting objects: 87% (32857/37766) remote: Counting objects: 88% (33235/37766) remote: Counting objects: 89% (33612/37766) remote: Counting objects: 90% (33990/37766) remote: Counting objects: 91% (34368/37766) remote: Counting objects: 92% (34745/37766) remote: Counting objects: 93% (35123/37766) remote: Counting objects: 94% (35501/37766) remote: Counting objects: 95% (35878/37766) remote: Counting objects: 96% (36256/37766) remote: Counting objects: 97% (36634/37766) remote: Counting objects: 98% (37011/37766) remote: Counting objects: 99% (37389/37766) remote: Counting objects: 100% (37766/37766) remote: Counting objects: 100% (37766/37766), done. remote: Compressing objects: 0% (1/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 1% (40/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 2% (79/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 3% (118/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 4% (157/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 5% (196/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 6% (236/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 7% (275/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 8% (314/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 9% (353/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 10% (392/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 11% (431/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 12% (471/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 12% (505/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 13% (510/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 14% (549/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 15% (588/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 16% (627/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 17% (666/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 18% (706/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 19% (745/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 20% (784/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 21% (823/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 22% (862/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 23% (901/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 24% (941/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 25% (980/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 26% (1019/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 27% (1058/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 28% (1097/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 29% (1136/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 30% (1176/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 31% (1215/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 32% (1254/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 33% (1293/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 34% (1332/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 35% (1371/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 36% (1411/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 37% (1450/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 38% (1489/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 39% (1528/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 40% (1567/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 41% (1606/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 42% (1646/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 43% (1685/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 44% (1724/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 45% (1763/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 46% (1802/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 47% (1841/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 48% (1881/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 49% (1920/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 50% (1959/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 51% (1998/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 52% (2037/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 53% (2077/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 54% (2116/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 55% (2155/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 56% (2194/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 57% (2233/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 58% (2272/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 59% (2312/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 60% (2351/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 61% (2390/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 62% (2429/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 63% (2468/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 64% (2507/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 65% (2547/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 66% (2586/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 67% (2625/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 68% (2664/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 69% (2703/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 70% (2742/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 71% (2782/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 72% (2821/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 73% (2860/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 74% (2899/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 75% (2938/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 76% (2977/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 77% (3017/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 78% (3056/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 79% (3095/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 80% (3134/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 81% (3173/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 82% (3212/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 83% (3252/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 84% (3291/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 85% (3330/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 86% (3369/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 87% (3408/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 88% (3447/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 89% (3487/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 90% (3526/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 91% (3565/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 92% (3604/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 93% (3643/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 94% (3682/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 95% (3722/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 96% (3761/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 97% (3800/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 98% (3839/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 99% (3878/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3917/3917) remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3917/3917), done. Receiving objects: 0% (1/68439) Receiving objects: 1% (685/68439), 124.00 KiB | 229.00 KiB/s Receiving objects: 1% (1216/68439), 580.00 KiB | 561.00 KiB/s Receiving objects: 2% (1369/68439), 580.00 KiB | 561.00 KiB/s Receiving objects: 3% (2054/68439), 580.00 KiB | 561.00 KiB/s Receiving objects: 4% (2738/68439), 1.23 MiB | 825.00 KiB/s Receiving objects: 5% (3422/68439), 1.23 MiB | 825.00 KiB/s Receiving objects: 5% (3713/68439), 2.29 MiB | 1.13 MiB/s Receiving objects: 6% (4107/68439), 2.29 MiB | 1.13 MiB/s Receiving objects: 7% (4791/68439), 2.29 MiB | 1.13 MiB/s Receiving objects: 8% (5476/68439), 3.53 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 9% (6160/68439), 3.53 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 10% (6844/68439), 3.53 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 11% (7529/68439), 3.53 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 11% (8205/68439), 4.28 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 12% (8213/68439), 4.28 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 13% (8898/68439), 4.63 MiB | 1.29 MiB/s Receiving objects: 14% (9582/68439), 4.63 MiB | 1.29 MiB/s Receiving objects: 14% (9903/68439), 4.63 MiB | 1.29 MiB/s Receiving objects: 15% (10266/68439), 4.88 MiB | 1.20 MiB/s Receiving objects: 16% (10951/68439), 4.88 MiB | 1.20 MiB/s Receiving objects: 17% (11635/68439), 5.78 MiB | 1.26 MiB/s Receiving objects: 17% (11787/68439), 5.78 MiB | 1.26 MiB/s Receiving objects: 18% (12320/68439), 6.88 MiB | 1.48 MiB/s Receiving objects: 19% (13004/68439), 6.88 MiB | 1.48 MiB/s Receiving objects: 20% (13688/68439), 7.71 MiB | 1.57 MiB/s Receiving objects: 21% (14373/68439), 7.71 MiB | 1.57 MiB/s Receiving objects: 21% (14516/68439), 7.71 MiB | 1.57 MiB/s Receiving objects: 22% (15057/68439), 8.24 MiB | 1.54 MiB/s Receiving objects: 22% (15295/68439), 9.59 MiB | 1.60 MiB/s Receiving objects: 22% (15413/68439), 10.22 MiB | 1.32 MiB/s Receiving objects: 23% (15741/68439), 10.39 MiB | 1.28 MiB/s Receiving objects: 24% (16426/68439), 11.28 MiB | 1.41 MiB/s Receiving objects: 24% (17069/68439), 11.28 MiB | 1.41 MiB/s Receiving objects: 25% (17110/68439), 11.28 MiB | 1.41 MiB/s Receiving objects: 26% (17795/68439), 11.28 MiB | 1.41 MiB/s Receiving objects: 27% (18479/68439), 11.89 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 28% (19163/68439), 11.89 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 29% (19848/68439), 11.89 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 30% (20532/68439), 11.89 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 31% (21217/68439), 11.89 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 32% (21901/68439), 11.89 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 33% (22585/68439), 11.89 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 34% (23270/68439), 11.89 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 35% (23954/68439), 12.70 MiB | 1.28 MiB/s Receiving objects: 35% (24148/68439), 12.70 MiB | 1.28 MiB/s Receiving objects: 36% (24639/68439), 13.05 MiB | 1.18 MiB/s Receiving objects: 37% (25323/68439), 13.05 MiB | 1.18 MiB/s Receiving objects: 38% (26007/68439), 13.74 MiB | 1.21 MiB/s Receiving objects: 38% (26656/68439), 13.74 MiB | 1.21 MiB/s Receiving objects: 39% (26692/68439), 13.74 MiB | 1.21 MiB/s Receiving objects: 40% (27376/68439), 13.74 MiB | 1.21 MiB/s Receiving objects: 41% (28060/68439), 15.05 MiB | 1.10 MiB/s Receiving objects: 42% (28745/68439), 15.05 MiB | 1.10 MiB/s Receiving objects: 43% (29429/68439), 15.05 MiB | 1.10 MiB/s Receiving objects: 43% (29919/68439), 15.05 MiB | 1.10 MiB/s Receiving objects: 44% (30114/68439), 15.05 MiB | 1.10 MiB/s Receiving objects: 45% (30798/68439), 15.43 MiB | 1.15 MiB/s Receiving objects: 46% (31482/68439), 15.43 MiB | 1.15 MiB/s Receiving objects: 47% (32167/68439), 15.93 MiB | 1.22 MiB/s Receiving objects: 47% (32754/68439), 15.93 MiB | 1.22 MiB/s Receiving objects: 48% (32851/68439), 15.93 MiB | 1.22 MiB/s Receiving objects: 49% (33536/68439), 15.93 MiB | 1.22 MiB/s Receiving objects: 50% (34220/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 51% (34904/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 52% (35589/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 53% (36273/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 54% (36958/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 55% (37642/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 56% (38326/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 57% (39011/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 58% (39695/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 59% (40380/68439), 16.42 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 60% (41064/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 61% (41748/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 62% (42433/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 63% (43117/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 64% (43801/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 65% (44486/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 66% (45170/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 67% (45855/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 68% (46539/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 68% (46555/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 69% (47223/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 70% (47908/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 71% (48592/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 72% (49277/68439), 17.05 MiB | 1.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 73% (49961/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 74% (50645/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 75% (51330/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 76% (52014/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 77% (52699/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 78% (53383/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 79% (54067/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 80% (54752/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 81% (55436/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 82% (56120/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 83% (56805/68439), 17.94 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 84% (57489/68439), 19.30 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 85% (58174/68439), 19.30 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 86% (58858/68439), 19.30 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 86% (59230/68439), 19.30 MiB | 1.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 87% (59542/68439), 20.77 MiB | 1.56 MiB/s Receiving objects: 87% (60027/68439), 21.43 MiB | 1.52 MiB/s Receiving objects: 88% (60227/68439), 22.10 MiB | 1.56 MiB/s Receiving objects: 88% (60770/68439), 23.08 MiB | 1.69 MiB/s Receiving objects: 89% (60911/68439), 23.08 MiB | 1.69 MiB/s Receiving objects: 89% (61082/68439), 25.54 MiB | 1.82 MiB/s Receiving objects: 89% (61233/68439), 25.83 MiB | 1.69 MiB/s Receiving objects: 90% (61596/68439), 26.25 MiB | 1.48 MiB/s Receiving objects: 90% (61916/68439), 26.65 MiB | 1.25 MiB/s Receiving objects: 91% (62280/68439), 27.41 MiB | 1.28 MiB/s Receiving objects: 92% (62964/68439), 27.41 MiB | 1.28 MiB/s Receiving objects: 93% (63649/68439), 29.16 MiB | 1.51 MiB/s Receiving objects: 93% (63666/68439), 29.16 MiB | 1.51 MiB/s Receiving objects: 94% (64333/68439), 30.37 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 94% (64496/68439), 30.37 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s Receiving objects: 95% (65018/68439), 31.15 MiB | 1.27 MiB/s Receiving objects: 95% (65484/68439), 32.16 MiB | 1.46 MiB/s Receiving objects: 96% (65702/68439), 33.42 MiB | 1.59 MiB/s Receiving objects: 96% (66095/68439), 33.42 MiB | 1.59 MiB/s Receiving objects: 97% (66386/68439), 33.42 MiB | 1.59 MiB/s Receiving objects: 98% (67071/68439), 33.42 MiB | 1.59 MiB/s Receiving objects: 98% (67508/68439), 36.41 MiB | 1.99 MiB/s Receiving objects: 99% (67755/68439), 36.41 MiB | 1.99 MiB/s Receiving objects: 99% (67921/68439), 38.21 MiB | 1.88 MiB/s remote: Total 68439 (delta 34927), reused 35806 (delta 33328), pack-reused 30673 (from 1) Receiving objects: 100% (68439/68439), 39.28 MiB | 1.96 MiB/s Receiving objects: 100% (68439/68439), 39.40 MiB | 1.49 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 0% (0/50940) Resolving deltas: 1% (510/50940) Resolving deltas: 2% (1019/50940) Resolving deltas: 3% (1529/50940) Resolving deltas: 4% (2039/50940) Resolving deltas: 5% (2547/50940) Resolving deltas: 6% (3061/50940) Resolving deltas: 7% (3567/50940) Resolving deltas: 8% (4076/50940) Resolving deltas: 9% (4585/50940) Resolving deltas: 10% (5094/50940) Resolving deltas: 11% (5605/50940) Resolving deltas: 12% (6115/50940) Resolving deltas: 13% (6623/50940) Resolving deltas: 14% (7132/50940) Resolving deltas: 14% (7541/50940) Resolving deltas: 15% (7641/50940) Resolving deltas: 16% (8151/50940) Resolving deltas: 17% (8660/50940) Resolving deltas: 18% (9170/50940) Resolving deltas: 19% (9680/50940) Resolving deltas: 20% (10188/50940) Resolving deltas: 21% (10698/50940) Resolving deltas: 21% (10867/50940) Resolving deltas: 22% (11207/50940) Resolving deltas: 22% (11696/50940) Resolving deltas: 23% (11717/50940) Resolving deltas: 23% (11966/50940) Resolving deltas: 24% 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Resolving deltas: 73% (37187/50940) Resolving deltas: 74% (37696/50940) Resolving deltas: 74% (37731/50940) Resolving deltas: 75% (38205/50940) Resolving deltas: 76% (38715/50940) Resolving deltas: 77% (39224/50940) Resolving deltas: 78% (39734/50940) Resolving deltas: 79% (40243/50940) Resolving deltas: 79% (40570/50940) Resolving deltas: 80% (40752/50940) Resolving deltas: 81% (41262/50940) Resolving deltas: 81% (41584/50940) Resolving deltas: 82% (41771/50940) Resolving deltas: 83% (42281/50940) Resolving deltas: 83% (42579/50940) Resolving deltas: 84% (42790/50940) Resolving deltas: 85% (43299/50940) Resolving deltas: 85% (43784/50940) Resolving deltas: 86% (43809/50940) Resolving deltas: 87% (44318/50940) Resolving deltas: 87% (44554/50940) Resolving deltas: 88% (44828/50940) Resolving deltas: 89% (45337/50940) Resolving deltas: 89% (45445/50940) Resolving deltas: 90% (45846/50940) Resolving deltas: 90% (46153/50940) Resolving deltas: 90% (46216/50940) Resolving deltas: 90% (46283/50940) Resolving deltas: 91% (46356/50940) Resolving deltas: 91% (46608/50940) Resolving deltas: 91% (46761/50940) Resolving deltas: 92% (46865/50940) Resolving deltas: 92% (47147/50940) Resolving deltas: 93% (47375/50940) Resolving deltas: 93% (47679/50940) Resolving deltas: 93% (47783/50940) Resolving deltas: 94% (47884/50940) Resolving deltas: 94% (47898/50940) Resolving deltas: 94% (48169/50940) Resolving deltas: 95% (48393/50940) Resolving deltas: 95% (48462/50940) Resolving deltas: 95% (48777/50940) Resolving deltas: 96% (48903/50940) Resolving deltas: 96% (49248/50940) Resolving deltas: 97% (49412/50940) Resolving deltas: 97% (49889/50940) Resolving deltas: 98% (49922/50940) Resolving deltas: 98% (50272/50940) Resolving deltas: 99% (50431/50940) Resolving deltas: 99% (50606/50940) Resolving deltas: 99% (50915/50940) Resolving deltas: 100% (50940/50940) Resolving deltas: 100% (50940/50940), completed with 5762 local objects. * [new branch] 11818-percent-calc -> 11818-percent-calc 9a7761b1bfb..d1340863d9f 86870-canvas-pan-and-zoom -> 86870-canvas-pan-and-zoom * [new branch] 92184-legend-colours -> 92184-legend-colours * [new branch] 92337-datalinks-dnd -> 92337-datalinks-dnd * [new branch] 92434_bargauge_legend -> 92434_bargauge_legend * [new branch] 92434_graph_bargauge_migration -> 92434_graph_bargauge_migration * [new branch] Vizards -> Vizards * [new branch] actions-allow-post-url -> actions-allow-post-url * [new branch] add-canonical-explore-metrics -> add-canonical-explore-metrics * [new branch] add-gcr-to-icon-list -> add-gcr-to-icon-list * [new branch] add-zendesk-enterprise-list -> add-zendesk-enterprise-list * [new branch] agnestoulet/report-image-customizations -> agnestoulet/report-image-customizations * [new branch] alerting/add-cp-filter-in-alert-rule_TR -> alerting/add-cp-filter-in-alert-rule_TR * [new branch] alerting/alert-rule-detail-routing -> alerting/alert-rule-detail-routing * [new branch] alerting/better-search -> alerting/better-search * [new branch] alerting/better-search-2 -> alerting/better-search-2 * [new branch] alerting/consolidate-mute-timings-selector -> alerting/consolidate-mute-timings-selector * [new branch] alerting/contact-points-view-edit-k8s -> alerting/contact-points-view-edit-k8s b4212db5458..09ae0893e0e alerting/fetch-stitch -> alerting/fetch-stitch * [new branch] alerting/fix-silences-cache-invalidation -> alerting/fix-silences-cache-invalidation * [new branch] alerting/migrate-to-k8s-templates-api -> alerting/migrate-to-k8s-templates-api * [new branch] alerting/missing-alerting-state -> alerting/missing-alerting-state + 8b64bf87eb7...59f4185c6e9 alerting/msw-worker-in-browser -> alerting/msw-worker-in-browser (forced update) * [new branch] alerting/unify-rule-id-hash-creation -> alerting/unify-rule-id-hash-creation * [new branch] alerting/use-k8s-routes-api -> alerting/use-k8s-routes-api * [new branch] alerting/user-event-cleanup -> alerting/user-event-cleanup * [new branch] alexander-akhmetov/mqtt-receiver-certs -> alexander-akhmetov/mqtt-receiver-certs 65224c3169a..73b9699340c alexander-akhmetov/parallel-full-state-sync -> alexander-akhmetov/parallel-full-state-sync * [new branch] alexander-akhmetov/update-alerts-on-folder-move-event2 -> alexander-akhmetov/update-alerts-on-folder-move-event2 * [new branch] alyssa/fix-basic-logs-bug -> alyssa/fix-basic-logs-bug * [new branch] andreas/azure-errorsource -> andreas/azure-errorsource * [new branch] andreas/gcm-errorsource -> andreas/gcm-errorsource * [new branch] andreas/mssql-errorsource -> andreas/mssql-errorsource * [new branch] andreas/update-workflows -> andreas/update-workflows * [new branch] andrew/azure-logs-default-change -> andrew/azure-logs-default-change * [new branch] andrew/graphite-add-at-lexer -> andrew/graphite-add-at-lexer * [new branch] andrew/graphite-lexer-add-at-sign -> andrew/graphite-lexer-add-at-sign * [new branch] andrew/graphite-time-range-bug -> andrew/graphite-time-range-bug * [new branch] apis/identity/legacy-store-restructure -> apis/identity/legacy-store-restructure * [new branch] appchrome-side-pane -> appchrome-side-pane * [new branch] ash/body-scrolling-safari -> ash/body-scrolling-safari * [new branch] ash/fix-drawer-mask -> ash/fix-drawer-mask * [new branch] ash/metric-graph-body-scrolling -> ash/metric-graph-body-scrolling * [new branch] ash/one-of-operator -> ash/one-of-operator * [new branch] ash/scss-cleanup-12 -> ash/scss-cleanup-12 * [new branch] axelav/annotation-query-runtime-error -> axelav/annotation-query-runtime-error * [new branch] backport-90907-to-v11.1.x -> backport-90907-to-v11.1.x * [new branch] backport-91204-to-v11.0.x -> backport-91204-to-v11.0.x * [new branch] backport-91739-to-v11.2.x -> backport-91739-to-v11.2.x * [new branch] backport-91767-to-v11.2.x -> backport-91767-to-v11.2.x * [new branch] backport-91800-to-v11.1.x -> backport-91800-to-v11.1.x * [new branch] backport-91800-to-v11.2.x -> backport-91800-to-v11.2.x * [new branch] backport-92201-to-v10.4.x -> backport-92201-to-v10.4.x * [new branch] backport-92201-to-v11.0.x -> backport-92201-to-v11.0.x * [new branch] backport-92356-to-v9.4.x -> backport-92356-to-v9.4.x 14d3d43a7c7..88f411dfa69 baldm0mma/legend -> baldm0mma/legend 722fc3ef6eb..dfb1bd9d548 blob-storage -> blob-storage * [new branch] bogdan/reload-dashboard-scopes -> bogdan/reload-dashboard-scopes * [new branch] bogdan/scopes-implement-dashboards-status -> bogdan/scopes-implement-dashboards-status * [new branch] bohandley/explore-metrics-long-metric-name-wrap-bug-fix -> bohandley/explore-metrics-long-metric-name-wrap-bug-fix * [new branch] bohandley/explore-metrics-otel-resources -> bohandley/explore-metrics-otel-resources * [new branch] bohandley/prometheus-remove-old-regex-multi-variable-checks -> bohandley/prometheus-remove-old-regex-multi-variable-checks * [new branch] bohandley/prometheus-variable-label-values-bug-fix -> bohandley/prometheus-variable-label-values-bug-fix 88933ecf821..b8e1c9b1d69 canvas_add_actions -> canvas_add_actions * [new branch] canvas_links_actions_ux -> canvas_links_actions_ux * [new branch] charandas/provide-drone-plumbing-for-running-e2e-tests-for-apiserver -> charandas/provide-drone-plumbing-for-running-e2e-tests-for-apiserver * [new branch] chore/loki-editor-testing -> chore/loki-editor-testing * [new branch] colin-stuart/passwordless-auth-poc -> colin-stuart/passwordless-auth-poc * [new branch] dependabot/github_actions/anchore/sbom-action-0.17.2 -> dependabot/github_actions/anchore/sbom-action-0.17.2 * [new branch] dependabot/go_modules/buf.build/gen/go/parca-dev/parca/protocolbuffers/go-1.34.2-20240806091833-cb8c8ac2e7ff.2 -> dependabot/go_modules/buf.build/gen/go/parca-dev/parca/protocolbuffers/go-1.34.2-20240806091833-cb8c8ac2e7ff.2 * [new branch] dependabot/go_modules/github.com/madflojo/testcerts-1.2.0 -> dependabot/go_modules/github.com/madflojo/testcerts-1.2.0 * [new branch] diegommm/new-migrator-package-based -> diegommm/new-migrator-package-based * [new branch] diegommm/unistore-add-db-o11y -> diegommm/unistore-add-db-o11y * [new branch] dmihai/update-ldap-mod -> dmihai/update-ldap-mod * [new branch] dnd_link_actions -> dnd_link_actions * [new branch] dockerfile-add-missing-dep -> dockerfile-add-missing-dep * [new branch] docs-update-whatever-jasuade-test -> docs-update-whatever-jasuade-test * [new branch] downstream-err-grpc -> downstream-err-grpc * [new branch] drclau/unistor/replace-authenticators-3 -> drclau/unistor/replace-authenticators-3 * [new branch] drew08t/table-react-data-grid -> drew08t/table-react-data-grid * [new branch] drew08t/transform-binary-operation-all-numbers -> drew08t/transform-binary-operation-all-numbers * [new branch] dw_mode_feature -> dw_mode_feature 41999bcfabf..00ea1693bdf eledobleefe/e2e-pin-nav-items-90118 -> eledobleefe/e2e-pin-nav-items-90118 * [new branch] eledobleefe/poc-save-dashboard-refresh-footer -> eledobleefe/poc-save-dashboard-refresh-footer * [new branch] eleijonmarck/actionsets/add-org-admin-to-folder-dashboard-creation -> eleijonmarck/actionsets/add-org-admin-to-folder-dashboard-creation * [new branch] eleijonmarck/anon/ability-to-search-permissions -> eleijonmarck/anon/ability-to-search-permissions * [new branch] eleijonmarck/apikeys/redirect-create-endpoint -> eleijonmarck/apikeys/redirect-create-endpoint * [new branch] eleijonmarck/lbab-for-datasources/docs -> eleijonmarck/lbab-for-datasources/docs * [new branch] eleijonmarck/search-listings -> eleijonmarck/search-listings * [new branch] eleijonmarck/subfolder-creation/actionset-enabled -> eleijonmarck/subfolder-creation/actionset-enabled * [new branch] evictorero/add-tracing-image-renderer -> evictorero/add-tracing-image-renderer + c42fef21cc2...19a7630c0c0 evictorero/reporting-template-variables -> evictorero/reporting-template-variables (forced update) 01406b86e9f..58bb0cb21ef exploremetrics/unit/recordingrulesparsing -> exploremetrics/unit/recordingrulesparsing * [new branch] extensions/e2e-test-added-components -> extensions/e2e-test-added-components * [new branch] extensions/refactor-added-links -> extensions/refactor-added-links * [new branch] extensions/refactor-registry -> extensions/refactor-registry * [new branch] fast -> fast * [new branch] fe-ops/jest-swc -> fe-ops/jest-swc * [new branch] feat/frontend-accesscontrol-authorizer -> feat/frontend-accesscontrol-authorizer * [new branch] feat/group-attr-sync-frontend -> feat/group-attr-sync-frontend * [new branch] feat/group-attr-sync-ui -> feat/group-attr-sync-ui + cdaa981e417...127f39adea8 feat/user-role-group-mapping-id -> feat/user-role-group-mapping-id (forced update) * [new branch] fix-instant-vector -> fix-instant-vector * [new branch] forward-search-docs -> forward-search-docs 755a6c562b7..5f41562657e gabor/bump-grafana-experimental -> gabor/bump-grafana-experimental * [new branch] gabor/move-count-bytes-reader -> gabor/move-count-bytes-reader * [new branch] gamab/permreg-error-out -> gamab/permreg-error-out * [new branch] gamab/plugins/use-permreg -> gamab/plugins/use-permreg * [new branch] gamab/tokens/actions -> gamab/tokens/actions * [new branch] graph_bar_gauge_migration -> graph_bar_gauge_migration * [new branch] gtk-grafana/logs/logs-panel-memory-leak-investigation -> gtk-grafana/logs/logs-panel-memory-leak-investigation * [new branch] hackathon-2024-08/grafana-cloud-notifications -> hackathon-2024-08/grafana-cloud-notifications * [new branch] hackathon-2024-08/mermaid -> hackathon-2024-08/mermaid * [new branch] hackathon/i18n-all-the-things -> hackathon/i18n-all-the-things * [new branch] hackathon/miso-traceable -> hackathon/miso-traceable * [new branch] hackaton/cache-it-my-self -> hackaton/cache-it-my-self * [new branch] hackaton/user-cache-test -> hackaton/user-cache-test * [new branch] hairyhenderson/index-handler-test -> hairyhenderson/index-handler-test * [new branch] iam-docs-fix-1 -> iam-docs-fix-1 * [new branch] identity/remove-typed-id -> identity/remove-typed-id * [new branch] ifrost/display-trace-event-name -> ifrost/display-trace-event-name * [new branch] ifrost/display-trace-event-name-reduntant-types -> ifrost/display-trace-event-name-reduntant-types * [new branch] ifrost/saved-views -> ifrost/saved-views * [new branch] ihm/120824-custom-icon-guidance -> ihm/120824-custom-icon-guidance 44a82a22719..2de8fe611a5 ihm/180724-sharing-redesign-updates -> ihm/180724-sharing-redesign-updates * [new branch] ihm/230824-canvas-actions-updates -> ihm/230824-canvas-actions-updates * [new branch] instant -> instant * [new branch] ismail/em/implement-changepoint-sorting -> ismail/em/implement-changepoint-sorting * [new branch] iwysiu/91145 -> iwysiu/91145 * [new branch] jackw/lazy-load-builtin-plugins -> jackw/lazy-load-builtin-plugins + e0bf0829a64...3f337264dcb jackw/poc-vite -> jackw/poc-vite (forced update) * [new branch] jalevin/trace_dashboards -> jalevin/trace_dashboards * [new branch] javi/add_new_gray_variant_to_badge -> javi/add_new_gray_variant_to_badge * [new branch] jdb/2024-08-explore-reorganization-v11.2 -> jdb/2024-08-explore-reorganization-v11.2 * [new branch] jdb/2024-08-revert-scenes-things-no-89573 -> jdb/2024-08-revert-scenes-things-no-89573 * [new branch] jguer/add-remote-caching-user-profile -> jguer/add-remote-caching-user-profile * [new branch] joao_silva/restore_deleted_e2e -> joao_silva/restore_deleted_e2e * [new branch] joey/tempo-update-feedback-link-style -> joey/tempo-update-feedback-link-style * [new branch] joey/trace-view-skipHeader -> joey/trace-view-skipHeader * [new branch] joshhunt/spike-new-new-browse-dashboards -> joshhunt/spike-new-new-browse-dashboards 8a7b6dbbcef..108455b7704 josmperez/e2e-style -> josmperez/e2e-style * [new branch] juanicabanas/public-dashboard-panels-fix -> juanicabanas/public-dashboard-panels-fix * [new branch] juanicabanas/share-view-qp-redesign-array -> juanicabanas/share-view-qp-redesign-array + d84f3973aeb...995e9ed6a2a julienduchesne/annotations-api-dashboard-uid -> julienduchesne/annotations-api-dashboard-uid (forced update) * [new branch] k8s-identity-api-server-fix-mysql-quotes -> k8s-identity-api-server-fix-mysql-quotes * [new branch] killercoda-alerts-logs -> killercoda-alerts-logs * [new branch] killercoda-fundermentals -> killercoda-fundermentals 83832c24eee..44de00deb81 kristina/correlations-external -> kristina/correlations-external * [new branch] kristina/correlations-external-2 -> kristina/correlations-external-2 + 3fd89f093f5...87007f81866 kristina/correlations-in-dashboards -> kristina/correlations-in-dashboards (forced update) 41d57d8a3cb..5e92ba3a081 leeoniya/measure-lcp -> leeoniya/measure-lcp * [new branch] leeoniya/select-profile-play -> leeoniya/select-profile-play * [new branch] leventebalogh/extension-contexts -> leventebalogh/extension-contexts * [new branch] leventebalogh/extensions/refactor-exported-components -> leventebalogh/extensions/refactor-exported-components * [new branch] leventebalogh/sidecar-idea-1 -> leventebalogh/sidecar-idea-1 * [new branch] levitate-pipeline-test -> levitate-pipeline-test * [new branch] linoman/add_ldap_drawer -> linoman/add_ldap_drawer * [new branch] linoman/saml_add_step_for_permissions -> linoman/saml_add_step_for_permissions * [new branch] linoman/sso_ldap_add_radiobuttongroup -> linoman/sso_ldap_add_radiobuttongroup * [new branch] linoman/sso_ldap_add_ui_tests -> linoman/sso_ldap_add_ui_tests + f661ef155a1...f6302ebcbc0 logs-main -> logs-main (forced update) 2ffdc2d5b04..909d0fac354 main -> main * [new branch] matyax/grafana-hoverbot -> matyax/grafana-hoverbot * [new branch] matyax/grafana-hoverbot-deployable -> matyax/grafana-hoverbot-deployable * [new branch] matyax/shard-splitting -> matyax/shard-splitting * [new branch] mdvictor/default-variable-value-in-edit-for-repeated-panels -> mdvictor/default-variable-value-in-edit-for-repeated-panels * [new branch] mdvictor/fix-row-issue-panels-not-in-row -> mdvictor/fix-row-issue-panels-not-in-row * [new branch] mdvictor/force-repeat-on-variable-updated -> mdvictor/force-repeat-on-variable-updated 4218fe99e77..8c5eef8ec1a mdvictor/lib-panels-to-behavior -> mdvictor/lib-panels-to-behavior * [new branch] miso-traceable -> miso-traceable * [new branch] oscark/add-select-all-functionality-to-select-box -> oscark/add-select-all-functionality-to-select-box * [new branch] panel-search-behavior -> panel-search-behavior * [new branch] pepe/iam-docs-migrate-api-keys -> pepe/iam-docs-migrate-api-keys * [new branch] pepe/service-account-ref-links -> pepe/service-account-ref-links * [new branch] perf-benchmark -> perf-benchmark * [new branch] pluginDownloadDebug -> pluginDownloadDebug * [new branch] plugins-script-loading-strategy -> plugins-script-loading-strategy * [new branch] promEnableFeatureFlagPromQLScope -> promEnableFeatureFlagPromQLScope 33323cd5164..546177399d9 release-10.3.8 -> release-10.3.8 * [new branch] release-10.3.9 -> release-10.3.9 * [new branch] release-10.4.7 -> release-10.4.7 * [new branch] release-10.4.8 -> release-10.4.8 * [new branch] release-11.0.3 -> release-11.0.3 * [new branch] release-11.0.4 -> release-11.0.4 beac3bdbcb3..c8601e412e8 release-11.1.2 -> release-11.1.2 9cdba084a91..84df4b68cd2 release-11.1.3 -> release-11.1.3 * [new branch] release-11.1.4 -> release-11.1.4 * [new branch] release-11.1.5 -> release-11.1.5 * [new branch] release-11.2.0 -> release-11.2.0 * [new branch] release/10581619470/11.2.0 -> release/10581619470/11.2.0 * [new branch] release/10581841523/11.2.0 -> release/10581841523/11.2.0 7a6d570728c..ea14392e471 remove-unique-name-constraint -> remove-unique-name-constraint + e5e43161e84...3543820764e renovate/braintree-sanitize-url-7.x -> renovate/braintree-sanitize-url-7.x (forced update) * [new branch] renovate/cypress-13.x -> renovate/cypress-13.x + eca06d6dc04...46fd0daedc5 renovate/esbuild-0.x -> renovate/esbuild-0.x (forced update) + c024cd20282...c9291d14c1d renovate/lezer-lr-1.x -> renovate/lezer-lr-1.x (forced update) + cd272aed2b1...91ac1e07b95 renovate/locker -> renovate/locker (forced update) * [new branch] renovate/nrwl-monorepo -> renovate/nrwl-monorepo + 8f3727107c0...3e218b1d1ea renovate/ol-ext-3.x -> renovate/ol-ext-3.x (forced update) + b156e25869d...b25cbb54c76 renovate/react-inlinesvg-4.x -> renovate/react-inlinesvg-4.x (forced update) + ffa5a95076c...a61eefd7aa1 renovate/react-monorepo -> renovate/react-monorepo (forced update) * [new branch] revert-91888-dashboard-scene-body-scrolling -> revert-91888-dashboard-scene-body-scrolling * [new branch] rwwiv/poc-sequential-eval -> rwwiv/poc-sequential-eval * [new branch] rwwiv/rule-metrics-new-labels -> rwwiv/rule-metrics-new-labels * [new branch] santihernandezc/fix_generator_url_description -> santihernandezc/fix_generator_url_description 42dd1faac46..7da2418f5b0 santihernandezc/json_templates_poc -> santihernandezc/json_templates_poc * [new branch] sarahzinger/datsource-headers -> sarahzinger/datsource-headers * [new branch] sarahzinger/queryservice-headers -> sarahzinger/queryservice-headers * [new branch] serge/add-value-safeguard-in-auto-size-input -> serge/add-value-safeguard-in-auto-size-input * [new branch] serge/await-load-before-restoring-scroll -> serge/await-load-before-restoring-scroll * [new branch] serge/include-undefined-in-type-of-variable-query -> serge/include-undefined-in-type-of-variable-query * [new branch] serge/new-filters-ui-feature-toggle -> serge/new-filters-ui-feature-toggle * [new branch] shantanu/guided_sharding -> shantanu/guided_sharding * [new branch] sidecar/add-splitview-and-basics -> sidecar/add-splitview-and-basics * [new branch] simpson-10.4.6-no-switch -> simpson-10.4.6-no-switch * [new branch] sj/enable-sql-expressions -> sj/enable-sql-expressions * [new branch] sj/inline-table-view-of-the-data -> sj/inline-table-view-of-the-data * [new branch] sj/remove-transformationsVariableSupport-flag -> sj/remove-transformationsVariableSupport-flag * [new branch] slow -> slow * [new branch] srperf-barchartDocUpdates -> srperf-barchartDocUpdates * [new branch] srperf-bargaugeDocUpdates -> srperf-bargaugeDocUpdates * [new branch] srperf-canvasDocUpdates -> srperf-canvasDocUpdates * [new branch] srperf-gaugeDocUpdates -> srperf-gaugeDocUpdates * [new branch] srperf-pieDocsUpdates -> srperf-pieDocsUpdates * [new branch] stars-as-collection -> stars-as-collection * [new branch] state-health -> state-health * [new branch] steady -> steady * [new branch] storage-with-authz -> storage-with-authz * [new branch] suntala/editing-provisioned-folder -> suntala/editing-provisioned-folder * [new branch] suntala/fix-provisioning-reload -> suntala/fix-provisioning-reload * [new branch] suntala/log-folder-not-found-provisioning-errors -> suntala/log-folder-not-found-provisioning-errors * [new branch] suntala/poc-deletion-of-provisioned-folder -> suntala/poc-deletion-of-provisioned-folder * [new branch] suntala/revert-log-provisioning-errors -> suntala/revert-log-provisioning-errors * [new branch] svennergr/log-target -> svennergr/log-target * [new branch] swagger-csp -> swagger-csp * [new branch] swagger-entry-point -> swagger-entry-point * [new branch] table-ng -> table-ng * [new branch] test-distroless-image -> test-distroless-image * [new branch] test/general-dashboards-scenes-e2e -> test/general-dashboards-scenes-e2e * [new branch] toddtreece/scope-status -> toddtreece/scope-status * [new branch] toddtreece/update-drone-workspace -> toddtreece/update-drone-workspace * [new branch] tskarhed/storybook-performance-poc -> tskarhed/storybook-performance-poc 80a3792d157..76e1a29b91d tskarhed/tabs-numberings -> tskarhed/tabs-numberings 713aa8e495c..e9167bc6e0c undef1nd/prov-dash-to-subfolders -> undef1nd/prov-dash-to-subfolders * [new branch] unistore-fix-integration-test -> unistore-fix-integration-test + 9e0066301db...9ce291ccc46 update-alerting-swagger-spec -> update-alerting-swagger-spec (forced update) * [new branch] update-moby -> update-moby * [new branch] use-authlib-info -> use-authlib-info * [new branch] use-plural-stacks -> use-plural-stacks * [new branch] use_dw_dynamic_config -> use_dw_dynamic_config c51dbd3635e..ec8ef81c857 v10.0.x -> v10.0.x 690df5ebcb4..05dc002d5c6 v10.1.x -> v10.1.x 08901fa8556..846927f0905 v10.2.x -> v10.2.x ff2d4ec9c6e..f8bbd7f63a3 v10.3.x -> v10.3.x 82d719d8b30..596e03f56e8 v10.4.x -> v10.4.x e670124c8cf..b690b4f2454 v11.0.x -> v11.0.x 3d38f30ff40..8d41b980379 v11.1.x -> v11.1.x * [new branch] v11.2.x -> v11.2.x 9620d44f226..8469ec46776 v9.5.x -> v9.5.x * [new branch] vizards_ad_hoc_viz2 -> vizards_ad_hoc_viz2 * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/api-errresp -> yuri-tceretian/api-errresp * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/k8s-routes -> yuri-tceretian/k8s-routes * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/k8s-template -> yuri-tceretian/k8s-template * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/nested-secrets -> yuri-tceretian/nested-secrets 8c6cc08c571..66905209b47 yuri-tceretian/receiver-tests -> yuri-tceretian/receiver-tests + 4a09514cd73...f9eb5331b89 refs/pull/77849/merge -> refs/pull/77849/merge (forced update) 713aa8e495c..e9167bc6e0c refs/pull/79793/head -> refs/pull/79793/head + 56dc033752d...15cbbd42106 refs/pull/79793/merge -> refs/pull/79793/merge (forced update) + 9e0066301db...2679abd1fb4 refs/pull/79850/head -> refs/pull/79850/head (forced update) + cd272aed2b1...91ac1e07b95 refs/pull/80083/head -> refs/pull/80083/head (forced update) + 5e164ec8a9a...7456d236f23 refs/pull/80083/merge -> refs/pull/80083/merge (forced update) + e0bf0829a64...3f337264dcb refs/pull/80664/head -> refs/pull/80664/head (forced update) + 586f208abb2...452c4f65bad refs/pull/80664/merge -> refs/pull/80664/merge (forced update) + b156e25869d...b25cbb54c76 refs/pull/83251/head -> refs/pull/83251/head (forced update) + 0219aeddff7...d438e28ae21 refs/pull/83251/merge -> refs/pull/83251/merge (forced update) + 06bd7f0dfb7...ead1248988f 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refs/pull/87650/merge (forced update) + ffa5a95076c...a61eefd7aa1 refs/pull/87741/head -> refs/pull/87741/head (forced update) + 90fc748a70f...8ba00202a6c refs/pull/87741/merge -> refs/pull/87741/merge (forced update) 6c1da7a728f..08f8af01b8d refs/pull/88065/head -> refs/pull/88065/head + 9693e3a453b...3b0a7468ae9 refs/pull/88137/merge -> refs/pull/88137/merge (forced update) + 6e81899bc95...995f58cfd96 refs/pull/88279/merge -> refs/pull/88279/merge (forced update) + a830b54dcfa...e75b2344151 refs/pull/88281/merge -> refs/pull/88281/merge (forced update) + 2e309aa7f4f...835e7dd7d6f refs/pull/88289/head -> refs/pull/88289/head (forced update) + e5e43161e84...3543820764e refs/pull/88318/head -> refs/pull/88318/head (forced update) + 49a0b7f2d7e...266cde45a60 refs/pull/88318/merge -> refs/pull/88318/merge (forced update) + 77ee7bbc2e4...2c7baefc708 refs/pull/88323/merge -> refs/pull/88323/merge (forced update) + 60756e19385...2852b2400ab refs/pull/88341/merge -> refs/pull/88341/merge (forced update) + 8fc26353240...dc0da4178c1 refs/pull/88376/head -> refs/pull/88376/head (forced update) b4212db5458..09ae0893e0e refs/pull/88456/head -> refs/pull/88456/head + 06bb120d394...a2173cdede7 refs/pull/88456/merge -> refs/pull/88456/merge (forced update) + 4d110d471b9...0fd70b5c6d5 refs/pull/88514/merge -> refs/pull/88514/merge (forced update) 79f4104a7b8..445ba26f718 refs/pull/88551/head -> refs/pull/88551/head + a094c570777...81a530b570a refs/pull/88797/merge -> refs/pull/88797/merge (forced update) + 6b25416fc38...4b7f06ec16e refs/pull/88814/merge -> refs/pull/88814/merge (forced update) bd1fa9c840c..6c48c84e7c4 refs/pull/88819/head -> refs/pull/88819/head + 7b89e18d506...60022fb0c80 refs/pull/88849/merge -> refs/pull/88849/merge (forced update) + 719e8358920...5b844dba04f refs/pull/88961/merge -> refs/pull/88961/merge (forced update) 9bf63a04f61..d9e2656bad4 refs/pull/88963/head -> refs/pull/88963/head 8338409a297..b433ebfb119 refs/pull/88967/head -> refs/pull/88967/head + 810f8f39dee...04c70a0bd86 refs/pull/89060/merge -> refs/pull/89060/merge (forced update) + 8b64bf87eb7...59f4185c6e9 refs/pull/89223/head -> refs/pull/89223/head (forced update) + ba0c8e2123d...4425fa1e0ef refs/pull/89223/merge -> refs/pull/89223/merge (forced update) + 9aa1ac31f7a...4aa6fb2697e refs/pull/89252/merge -> refs/pull/89252/merge (forced update) + 03ddd87ce8e...7b9bd0178cd refs/pull/89258/head -> refs/pull/89258/head (forced update) + 73592679868...55d7bc8fac8 refs/pull/89272/merge -> refs/pull/89272/merge (forced update) 76f1d3f0e82..b6fe87582fd refs/pull/89381/head -> refs/pull/89381/head + cdaa981e417...127f39adea8 refs/pull/89413/head -> refs/pull/89413/head (forced update) + 93d029c5f41...f60a9c9f21d refs/pull/89413/merge -> refs/pull/89413/merge (forced update) f1c2679a5ca..5472b0f423b refs/pull/89586/head -> refs/pull/89586/head + 76e7f20bc98...ddcc08ef0be refs/pull/89594/merge -> refs/pull/89594/merge (forced update) + ce3800408e1...8891219de49 refs/pull/89597/head -> refs/pull/89597/head (forced update) + e52b3f91ba1...f2b2d32b78e refs/pull/89654/merge -> refs/pull/89654/merge (forced update) dd2fbf00298..9e471e7f3e8 refs/pull/89754/head -> refs/pull/89754/head + af47e11fc82...835e4075783 refs/pull/89754/merge -> refs/pull/89754/merge (forced update) + 21c3e54ec24...e6ca492072c refs/pull/89775/head -> refs/pull/89775/head (forced update) + 40c8327df77...ad251825eac refs/pull/89775/merge -> refs/pull/89775/merge (forced update) + 91bb6189ca2...1c916be2c1b refs/pull/89809/head -> refs/pull/89809/head (forced update) + f17ad05aba6...8d4a33009c8 refs/pull/89826/head -> refs/pull/89826/head (forced update) + 14a36c1971a...7f08d56f3a2 refs/pull/89829/merge -> refs/pull/89829/merge (forced update) + df2ed5e0e4d...5a872d8cec2 refs/pull/89868/merge -> refs/pull/89868/merge (forced update) + de6c94ede64...4090f60d5a8 refs/pull/89869/merge -> refs/pull/89869/merge (forced update) a449aa6b4d8..45341baae8e refs/pull/90009/head -> refs/pull/90009/head + 1a8f1bdb3b1...d527f370480 refs/pull/90015/merge -> refs/pull/90015/merge (forced update) 65224c3169a..73b9699340c refs/pull/90034/head -> refs/pull/90034/head + 5eefedc40ef...fe05ca1c258 refs/pull/90034/merge -> refs/pull/90034/merge (forced update) + c75d5704eac...86725add8be refs/pull/90094/head -> refs/pull/90094/head (forced update) + e497a362f0c...762f6ede7b2 refs/pull/90134/merge -> refs/pull/90134/merge (forced update) + 41de7d6e132...62c2d50c05f refs/pull/90136/head -> refs/pull/90136/head (forced update) + b6a81aedc46...d4bce19a08a refs/pull/90160/merge -> refs/pull/90160/merge (forced update) + 3a9dcbe6286...b7824a5c0d6 refs/pull/90163/merge -> refs/pull/90163/merge (forced update) + 5af89835ad4...3a6559e03ec refs/pull/90178/merge -> refs/pull/90178/merge (forced update) 74b5fb29edb..1a69c025ea3 refs/pull/90219/head -> refs/pull/90219/head + f11cf49b52a...c53ddec48f2 refs/pull/90316/head -> refs/pull/90316/head (forced update) d4af0dba9ee..5c0fb01c581 refs/pull/90320/head -> refs/pull/90320/head 2c7b28a726f..9445dbf8636 refs/pull/90325/head -> refs/pull/90325/head + f57ecdd1c83...5663b95e087 refs/pull/90337/merge -> refs/pull/90337/merge (forced update) 41999bcfabf..00ea1693bdf refs/pull/90373/head -> refs/pull/90373/head + e2dfb21d184...04eb71a2bff refs/pull/90373/merge -> refs/pull/90373/merge (forced update) 3305aebb5f6..26e01181212 refs/pull/90409/head -> refs/pull/90409/head + 95af2aa35f6...efc0beff250 refs/pull/90409/merge -> refs/pull/90409/merge (forced update) + 0c7a8c615b2...72cc81bc0ca refs/pull/90414/merge -> refs/pull/90414/merge (forced update) 29e491d63b5..a5897ed5da0 refs/pull/90442/head -> refs/pull/90442/head + 4d5d6699e55...fb4142f05b6 refs/pull/90456/merge -> refs/pull/90456/merge (forced update) a85b67f53c8..896d9c148ec refs/pull/90497/head -> refs/pull/90497/head + 42b5445209d...6b5f3456628 refs/pull/90506/merge -> refs/pull/90506/merge (forced update) + 999a2bcde7a...4d0a4a4c3c6 refs/pull/90509/merge -> refs/pull/90509/merge (forced update) + 82d251bcb70...0401b71c77d refs/pull/90547/merge -> refs/pull/90547/merge (forced update) 01406b86e9f..58bb0cb21ef refs/pull/90569/head -> refs/pull/90569/head ad5afb9fdc3..9ac3120bcfa refs/pull/90572/head -> refs/pull/90572/head 609009ff149..1644a2f5aa1 refs/pull/90594/head -> refs/pull/90594/head 44a82a22719..2de8fe611a5 refs/pull/90630/head -> refs/pull/90630/head + df499402776...7396d38aaa0 refs/pull/90630/merge -> refs/pull/90630/merge (forced update) 8c6cc08c571..66905209b47 refs/pull/90632/head -> refs/pull/90632/head + 828e5b9e06a...568142c3dd1 refs/pull/90632/merge -> refs/pull/90632/merge (forced update) 71e70530890..42ef7317513 refs/pull/90667/head -> refs/pull/90667/head + bf45086301b...04215abd146 refs/pull/90672/merge -> refs/pull/90672/merge (forced update) 88933ecf821..b8e1c9b1d69 refs/pull/90677/head -> refs/pull/90677/head + 0f38b60b10a...0e5716ac448 refs/pull/90677/merge -> refs/pull/90677/merge (forced update) da0ecec07f4..2cf81a143cf refs/pull/90678/head -> refs/pull/90678/head 7a6d570728c..ea14392e471 refs/pull/90687/head -> refs/pull/90687/head + de6f1053ada...880cbd3b770 refs/pull/90687/merge -> refs/pull/90687/merge (forced update) + 031efa903e7...ede965f7518 refs/pull/90707/merge -> refs/pull/90707/merge (forced update) + f9855515412...40ba8face5c refs/pull/90709/merge -> refs/pull/90709/merge (forced update) f2d511d9d22..39fae791eff refs/pull/90726/head -> refs/pull/90726/head 4c9b2bf3c45..bf1c44079d2 refs/pull/90731/head -> refs/pull/90731/head 74fd695e52a..b92da482cfc refs/pull/90759/head -> refs/pull/90759/head dc85fc4ca26..3ed5447c005 refs/pull/90762/head -> refs/pull/90762/head d4ff3b14820..025ec9a5cf7 refs/pull/90774/head -> refs/pull/90774/head 9587d7721f3..83f9c61e78b refs/pull/90808/head -> refs/pull/90808/head 80a3792d157..76e1a29b91d refs/pull/90823/head -> refs/pull/90823/head 41d57d8a3cb..5e92ba3a081 refs/pull/90829/head -> refs/pull/90829/head + 2934767c565...6d8cf7f3a7a refs/pull/90829/merge -> refs/pull/90829/merge (forced update) + 71161df2349...2df15e823d6 refs/pull/90841/head -> refs/pull/90841/head (forced update) + d34125b7208...af2ed496f02 refs/pull/90845/merge -> refs/pull/90845/merge (forced update) + 36a3d9c94c5...d6c8c50ba89 refs/pull/90846/head -> refs/pull/90846/head (forced update) 42dd1faac46..7da2418f5b0 refs/pull/90853/head -> refs/pull/90853/head f474cfdd352..ba43a2eac36 refs/pull/90857/head -> refs/pull/90857/head + f34d0ec6d40...45ef3ea3949 refs/pull/90861/head -> refs/pull/90861/head (forced update) + 5d1c86b5540...a290fadb344 refs/pull/90867/head -> refs/pull/90867/head (forced update) 4218fe99e77..8c5eef8ec1a refs/pull/90886/head -> refs/pull/90886/head * [new ref] refs/pull/90886/merge -> refs/pull/90886/merge c2e2704d5d1..f8275e6c337 refs/pull/90887/head -> refs/pull/90887/head + 80bc9e30ea4...e614d2959ea refs/pull/90896/head -> refs/pull/90896/head (forced update) + cc24e50621a...3b08ccf0983 refs/pull/90901/head -> refs/pull/90901/head (forced update) c3e2c499b8b..5e8378cbd61 refs/pull/90912/head -> refs/pull/90912/head 15b6488ab62..85b5203f45f refs/pull/90916/head -> refs/pull/90916/head 43196fcba9b..ced92683ef1 refs/pull/90926/head -> refs/pull/90926/head 5ef6de3d1c8..0550cf572b4 refs/pull/90931/head -> refs/pull/90931/head 722fc3ef6eb..dfb1bd9d548 refs/pull/90932/head -> refs/pull/90932/head + a3f8e7231a0...1de9875741a refs/pull/90932/merge -> refs/pull/90932/merge (forced update) e9a321b4b05..a598b50d3ca refs/pull/90937/head -> refs/pull/90937/head 755a6c562b7..5f41562657e refs/pull/90940/head -> refs/pull/90940/head e61767fc08a..fe665b3f616 refs/pull/90943/head -> refs/pull/90943/head + 45f60a08bdd...ad4fe48e7e4 refs/pull/90968/head -> refs/pull/90968/head (forced update) 6c119fce3cb..c2a99938411 refs/pull/90969/head -> refs/pull/90969/head 001893c801f..64e6e4a6e1f refs/pull/90991/head -> refs/pull/90991/head 3450b333047..6c83283f330 refs/pull/90992/head -> refs/pull/90992/head + 67c0701578a...695e15e5d7a refs/pull/90993/merge -> refs/pull/90993/merge (forced update) d09c2ef5fd2..1bf235381bb refs/pull/90994/head -> refs/pull/90994/head + 11fae566a6b...603c7e73c1a refs/pull/90995/head -> refs/pull/90995/head (forced update) 8a7b6dbbcef..108455b7704 refs/pull/91005/head -> refs/pull/91005/head + e0fddb9f53f...cb2a5cbd54b refs/pull/91005/merge -> refs/pull/91005/merge (forced update) 871fb05e5f3..e2742085067 refs/pull/91012/head -> refs/pull/91012/head + 83b4d4f0ad1...a9ac13c7608 refs/pull/91035/head -> refs/pull/91035/head (forced update) + 7733cea6769...d542e386d90 refs/pull/91042/merge -> refs/pull/91042/merge (forced update) 0966cd52a61..34fe6d821fe refs/pull/91047/head -> refs/pull/91047/head + c625d26bedc...b99cadb0bf0 refs/pull/91052/head -> refs/pull/91052/head (forced update) + 4b6307c0c77...81923df8fdc refs/pull/91054/head -> refs/pull/91054/head (forced update) + 9ff42a7db20...aed393ac3c1 refs/pull/91060/head -> refs/pull/91060/head (forced update) + 06eb2337329...a81fcb5f2f7 refs/pull/91062/merge -> refs/pull/91062/merge (forced update) 37d3701cbc9..8065d917e60 refs/pull/91069/head -> refs/pull/91069/head 14d3d43a7c7..88f411dfa69 refs/pull/91071/head -> refs/pull/91071/head + 351e6068baf...97bf423a777 refs/pull/91071/merge -> refs/pull/91071/merge (forced update) + 6165cca65da...8ed21634cc5 refs/pull/91073/head -> refs/pull/91073/head (forced update) + be97f1e5292...227aa6c02fa refs/pull/91077/head -> refs/pull/91077/head (forced update) + 24d94764e80...42b7a24abdc refs/pull/91079/head -> refs/pull/91079/head (forced update) d5ee79f8baa..43b2e014f96 refs/pull/91083/head -> refs/pull/91083/head abe09bbd74b..4299d399c24 refs/pull/91085/head -> refs/pull/91085/head * [new ref] refs/pull/91105/head -> refs/pull/91105/head * [new ref] refs/pull/91108/head -> refs/pull/91108/head * [new ref] refs/pull/91108/merge -> refs/pull/91108/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/91109/head -> refs/pull/91109/head * [new ref] refs/pull/91112/head -> 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v11.1.5 -> v11.1.5 * [new tag] v11.2.0 -> v11.2.0  -> Found grafana.service  -> Found grafana.sysusers  -> Found grafana.tmpfiles ==> Validating source files with sha512sums... grafana ... Passed grafana.service ... Passed grafana.sysusers ... Passed grafana.tmpfiles ... Passed ]2;🔵 Container arch-nspawn-1445469 on glalie.felixc.at==> Making package: grafana 11.2.0-1 (Wed Aug 28 19:22:21 2024) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... warning: dependency cycle detected: warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency Package (7) New Version Net Change core/expat 2.6.2-1 0.38 MiB extra/graphite 1:1.3.14-4 0.18 MiB extra/harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 3.97 MiB extra/libpng 1.6.43-1 0.51 MiB extra/fontconfig 2:2.15.0-2 1.04 MiB extra/freetype2 2.13.3-1 1.58 MiB extra/gsfonts 20200910-4 3.11 MiB Total Installed Size: 10.76 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing libpng... installing graphite... Optional dependencies for graphite graphite-docs: Documentation installing harfbuzz... Optional dependencies for harfbuzz harfbuzz-utils: utilities installing freetype2... installing expat... installing fontconfig... Creating fontconfig configuration... Rebuilding fontconfig cache... installing gsfonts... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/2) Updating fontconfig configuration... (2/2) Updating fontconfig cache... [?25h==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (16) New Version Net Change Download Size extra/c-ares 1.33.1-1 0.44 MiB extra/libuv 1.48.0-2 0.56 MiB extra/mpdecimal 4.0.0-2 0.29 MiB extra/node-gyp 10.2.0-1 7.39 MiB extra/nodejs-nopt 7.2.0-2 0.03 MiB extra/perl-error 0.17029-6 0.04 MiB extra/perl-mailtools 2.21-8 0.10 MiB extra/perl-timedate 2.33-6 0.08 MiB extra/semver 7.6.3-1 0.09 MiB extra/git 2.46.0-1 26.98 MiB extra/go 2:1.23.0-1 219.32 MiB extra/grunt-cli 1.4.3-3 0.83 MiB extra/nodejs-lts-iron 20.17.0-1 42.16 MiB 11.87 MiB extra/npm 10.8.2-1 7.52 MiB core/python 3.12.5-1 103.46 MiB extra/yarn 1.22.22-2 19.26 MiB Total Download Size: 11.87 MiB Total Installed Size: 428.54 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] :: Retrieving packages... nodejs-lts-iron-20.17.0-1-riscv64 downloading... checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing perl-error... installing perl-timedate... installing perl-mailtools... installing git... Optional dependencies for git tk: gitk and git gui openssh: ssh transport and crypto perl-libwww: git svn perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support python: git svn & git p4 [pending] subversion: git svn org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed] installing go... installing libuv... installing c-ares... installing nodejs-lts-iron... Optional dependencies for nodejs-lts-iron npm: nodejs package manager [pending] installing nodejs-nopt... installing semver... installing node-gyp... Optional dependencies for node-gyp gcc: to build C++ modules [installed] make: to build C++ modules [installed] python: to build C++ modules [pending] installing npm... Optional dependencies for npm git: for dependencies using Git URL's [installed] installing grunt-cli... installing mpdecimal... installing python... Optional dependencies for python python-setuptools: for building Python packages using tooling that is usually bundled with Python python-pip: for installing Python packages using tooling that is usually bundled with Python python-pipx: for installing Python software not packaged on Arch Linux sqlite: for a default database integration [installed] xz: for lzma [installed] tk: for tkinter installing yarn... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Warn about old perl modules [?25h==> Retrieving sources...  -> Found grafana.service  -> Found grafana.sysusers  -> Found grafana.tmpfiles ==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks. ==> Extracting sources...  -> Creating working copy of grafana git repo... Cloning into 'grafana'... done. Updating files: 12% (1912/15694) Updating files: 13% (2041/15694) Updating files: 14% (2198/15694) Updating files: 15% (2355/15694) Updating files: 16% (2512/15694) Updating files: 17% (2668/15694) Updating files: 18% (2825/15694) Updating files: 19% (2982/15694) Updating files: 20% (3139/15694) Updating files: 21% (3296/15694) Updating files: 22% (3453/15694) Updating files: 23% (3610/15694) Updating files: 24% (3767/15694) Updating files: 25% (3924/15694) Updating files: 25% (3937/15694) Updating files: 26% (4081/15694) Updating files: 27% (4238/15694) Updating files: 28% (4395/15694) Updating files: 29% (4552/15694) Updating files: 30% (4709/15694) Updating files: 31% (4866/15694) Updating files: 32% (5023/15694) Updating files: 33% (5180/15694) Updating files: 34% (5336/15694) Updating files: 34% (5386/15694) Updating files: 35% (5493/15694) Updating files: 36% (5650/15694) Updating files: 37% (5807/15694) Updating files: 38% (5964/15694) Updating files: 39% (6121/15694) Updating files: 40% (6278/15694) Updating files: 41% (6435/15694) Updating files: 42% (6592/15694) Updating files: 43% (6749/15694) Updating files: 44% (6906/15694) Updating files: 45% (7063/15694) Updating files: 45% (7184/15694) Updating files: 46% (7220/15694) Updating files: 47% (7377/15694) Updating files: 48% (7534/15694) Updating files: 49% (7691/15694) Updating files: 50% (7847/15694) Updating files: 51% (8004/15694) Updating files: 52% (8161/15694) Updating files: 53% (8318/15694) Updating files: 54% (8475/15694) Updating files: 55% (8632/15694) Updating files: 56% (8789/15694) Updating files: 57% (8946/15694) Updating files: 58% (9103/15694) Updating files: 59% (9260/15694) Updating files: 60% (9417/15694) Updating files: 60% (9528/15694) Updating files: 61% (9574/15694) Updating files: 62% (9731/15694) Updating files: 63% (9888/15694) Updating files: 64% (10045/15694) Updating files: 65% (10202/15694) Updating files: 66% (10359/15694) Updating files: 67% (10515/15694) Updating files: 68% (10672/15694) Updating files: 69% (10829/15694) Updating files: 70% (10986/15694) Updating files: 71% (11143/15694) Updating files: 72% (11300/15694) Updating files: 73% (11457/15694) Updating files: 74% (11614/15694) Updating files: 75% (11771/15694) Updating files: 76% (11928/15694) Updating files: 77% (12085/15694) Updating files: 77% (12231/15694) Updating files: 78% (12242/15694) Updating files: 79% (12399/15694) Updating files: 80% (12556/15694) Updating files: 81% (12713/15694) Updating files: 82% (12870/15694) Updating files: 83% (13027/15694) Updating files: 84% (13183/15694) Updating files: 85% (13340/15694) Updating files: 86% (13497/15694) Updating files: 87% (13654/15694) Updating files: 88% (13811/15694) Updating files: 89% (13968/15694) Updating files: 90% (14125/15694) Updating files: 91% (14282/15694) Updating files: 92% (14439/15694) Updating files: 93% (14596/15694) Updating files: 94% (14753/15694) Updating files: 95% (14910/15694) Updating files: 96% (15067/15694) Updating files: 96% (15161/15694) Updating files: 97% (15224/15694) Updating files: 98% (15381/15694) Updating files: 99% (15538/15694) Updating files: 100% (15694/15694) Updating files: 100% (15694/15694), done. Updating files: 54% (901/1661) Updating files: 55% (914/1661) Updating files: 56% (931/1661) Updating files: 57% (947/1661) Updating files: 58% (964/1661) Updating files: 59% (980/1661) Updating files: 60% (997/1661) Updating files: 61% (1014/1661) Updating files: 62% (1030/1661) Updating files: 63% (1047/1661) Updating files: 64% (1064/1661) Updating files: 65% (1080/1661) Updating files: 66% (1097/1661) Updating files: 67% (1113/1661) Updating files: 68% (1130/1661) Updating files: 69% (1147/1661) Updating files: 70% (1163/1661) Updating files: 71% (1180/1661) Updating files: 72% (1196/1661) Updating files: 73% (1213/1661) Updating files: 74% (1230/1661) Updating files: 75% (1246/1661) Updating files: 76% (1263/1661) Updating files: 77% (1279/1661) Updating files: 78% (1296/1661) Updating files: 79% (1313/1661) Updating files: 80% (1329/1661) Updating files: 81% (1346/1661) Updating files: 82% (1363/1661) Updating files: 83% (1379/1661) Updating files: 84% (1396/1661) Updating files: 85% (1412/1661) Updating files: 85% (1420/1661) Updating files: 86% (1429/1661) Updating files: 87% (1446/1661) Updating files: 88% (1462/1661) Updating files: 89% (1479/1661) Updating files: 90% (1495/1661) Updating files: 91% (1512/1661) Updating files: 92% (1529/1661) Updating files: 93% (1545/1661) Updating files: 94% (1562/1661) Updating files: 95% (1578/1661) Updating files: 96% (1595/1661) Updating files: 97% (1612/1661) Updating files: 98% (1628/1661) Updating files: 99% (1645/1661) Updating files: 100% (1661/1661) Updating files: 100% (1661/1661), done. Switched to a new branch 'makepkg' ==> Starting prepare()... ==> Starting build()... Generate golang generate go files go run ./pkg/build/wire/cmd/wire/main.go gen -tags "oss" ./pkg/server go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.22.0 go: downloading github.com/google/subcommands v1.2.0 go: downloading github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.1-0.20181226105442-5d4384ee4fb2 go: downloading golang.org/x/sync v0.8.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/mod v0.18.0 wire: github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/server: wrote /build/grafana/src/grafana/pkg/server/wire_gen.go building the backend Version: 11.2.0, Linux Version: 11.2.0, Package Iteration: 1724846565 go install -v ./pkg/cmd/grafana-server golang.org/x/sys/unix github.com/mattn/go-isatty github.com/mattn/go-colorable github.com/fatih/color github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/util/cmd github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/cmd/grafana-server Version: 11.2.0, Linux Version: 11.2.0, Package Iteration: 1724846607 building binaries build building grafana ./pkg/cmd/grafana rm -r ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana rm -r ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana.md5 go build -ldflags -w -X main.version=11.2.0 -X main.commit=c57667e4481 -X main.buildstamp=1724843954 -X main.buildBranch=makepkg -extldflags "-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -flto=auto" -o ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana ./pkg/cmd/grafana go: downloading github.com/urfave/cli/v2 v2.27.1 go: downloading github.com/xrash/smetrics v0.0.0-20201216005158-039620a65673 go version go version go1.23.0 linux/riscv64 Targeting linux/riscv64 building binaries build building grafana-server ./pkg/cmd/grafana-server rm -r ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana-server rm -r ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana-server.md5 go build -ldflags -w -X main.version=11.2.0 -X main.commit=c57667e4481 -X main.buildstamp=1724843954 -X main.buildBranch=makepkg -extldflags "-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -flto=auto" -o ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana-server ./pkg/cmd/grafana-server go version go version go1.23.0 linux/riscv64 Targeting linux/riscv64 building binaries build building grafana-cli ./pkg/cmd/grafana-cli rm -r ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana-cli rm -r ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana-cli.md5 go build -ldflags -w -X main.version=11.2.0 -X main.commit=c57667e4481 -X main.buildstamp=1724843954 -X main.buildBranch=makepkg -extldflags "-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -flto=auto" -o ./bin/linux-riscv64/grafana-cli ./pkg/cmd/grafana-cli go version go version go1.23.0 linux/riscv64 Targeting linux/riscv64 building the frontend ➤ YN0000: · Yarn 4.4.0 ➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step ➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 14s 492ms ➤ YN0000: ┌ Post-resolution validation ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p18fe6), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p26935), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p26a61), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p27fd9), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p2aff9), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p3a36d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p53758), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p5399f), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p6cfca), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p7544e), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pbf871), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pc2a7a), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pc5406), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pe829a), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pf3d82), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/data is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pff161), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p02523), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p07cb1), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p0ff0d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p1066e), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p19cf3), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p225f3), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p22c6d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p5c21d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p79824), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p79e9d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p87bc4), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pc3c51), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pc6b51), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pce893), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pdcefc), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/e2e-selectors is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pdd6df), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p007e0), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (10.4.0-pre). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p055b9), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p1034d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (10.4.0-pre). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p248c8), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p2a18e), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p41e18), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p4f6f4), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p53c98), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pa8dfb), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pb6b8b), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pd4ce2), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pf913b), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pf99c9), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/runtime is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pfdf4a), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p05e85), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p0f7c8), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p1dfda), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p56802), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p5b158), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p75c63), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p7d1d4), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (p9c8fc), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pb86d2), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pc3434), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pce5cb), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pd5054), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pe4705), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pe94ae), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pf67b9), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @grafana/ui is listed by your project with version 11.2.0 (pf9a79), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (^10.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @testing-library/dom is listed by your project with version 10.0.0 (p64a44), which doesn't satisfy what testing-library-selector and other dependencies request (^9.3.3). ➤ YN0060: │ @testing-library/dom is listed by your project with version 10.0.0 (p9a3ab), which doesn't satisfy what testing-library-selector and other dependencies request (^9.3.3). ➤ YN0060: │ @testing-library/dom is listed by your project with version 10.0.0 (pe123d), which doesn't satisfy what testing-library-selector and other dependencies request (^9.3.3). ➤ YN0060: │ @types/react is listed by your project with version 18.3.3 (p12e6f), which doesn't satisfy what @testing-library/react-hooks and other dependencies request (^16.9.0 || ^17.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @types/react is listed by your project with version 18.3.3 (p2660f), which doesn't satisfy what @testing-library/react-hooks and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ @types/react is listed by your project with version 18.3.3 (p470f2), which doesn't satisfy what @testing-library/react-hooks and other dependencies request (^16.9.0 || ^17.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ @types/react is listed by your project with version 18.3.3 (pe946b), which doesn't satisfy what @testing-library/react-hooks and other dependencies request (^16.9.0 || ^17.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ esbuild is listed by your project with version 0.20.2 (p0b1da), which doesn't satisfy what esbuild-plugin-browserslist and other dependencies request (~0.23.0). ➤ YN0060: │ marked is listed by your project with version 12.0.2 (p0def0), which doesn't satisfy what @glideapps/glide-data-grid requests (^4.0.10). ➤ YN0060: │ monaco-editor is listed by your project with version 0.34.1 (p650cc), which doesn't satisfy what @kusto/monaco-kusto requests (~0.46.0). ➤ YN0060: │ monaco-editor is listed by your project with version 0.34.1 (p7caec), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/monaco-logql requests (~0.32.1). ➤ YN0060: │ monaco-editor is listed by your project with version 0.34.1 (p91be2), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/monaco-logql and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p05c4c), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p08625), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p0934d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p0a130), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p3ad72), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p3dc17), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p45e18), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p49274), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p58900), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p7befa), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker (via @grafana/ui) and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p8642e), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p8c01e), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p94c17), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pa12c3), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pc90aa), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pcca6c), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker (via @grafana/ui) and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pdba24), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (peb97b), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker (via @grafana/ui) and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pf5228), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker (via @grafana/ui) and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p34858), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p40388), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker (via @grafana/ui) and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p5a086), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p5d698), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p5f42f), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p67456), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p7d48a), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker (via @grafana/ui) and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p8aef0), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p8cd37), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p936b2), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p96cfd), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p9b326), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p9babb), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pa4a01), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pb8acc), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker (via @grafana/ui) and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pda5a2), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-dom is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (pe7cec), which doesn't satisfy what rc-time-picker (via @grafana/ui) and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ react-test-renderer is listed by your project with version 18.2.0 (p1fbcd), which doesn't satisfy what @testing-library/react-hooks requests (^16.9.0 || ^17.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p07dfa), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p121ec), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p16cb6), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p180a5), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p238d1), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p2dd66), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p474eb), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p5f2f2), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p6464d), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p694e8), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p6b266), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p88a81), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (p9765a), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (pbeeb0), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (pbfde0), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (pdf3b2), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!). ➤ YN0060: │ rollup is listed by your project with version 2.79.1 (pe0eb4), which doesn't satisfy what rollup-plugin-dts and other dependencies request (^3.0.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p115a4), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p24d1b), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p2789d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p4bcf5), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p52eca), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p5f535), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p6fb34), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p86d2b), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p89a65), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (p903aa), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (pb3d5d), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (pbf324), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (pc2516), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (pd0170), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (pe19ff), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0060: │ rxjs is listed by your project with version 7.8.1 (pefdf6), which doesn't satisfy what @grafana/experimental requests (7.8.0). ➤ YN0002: │ @grafana-plugins/grafana-postgresql-datasource@workspace:public/app/plugins/datasource/grafana-postgresql-datasource doesn't provide @testing-library/dom (p3f5f7), requested by @testing-library/user-event. ➤ YN0002: │ @grafana-plugins/grafana-postgresql-datasource@workspace:public/app/plugins/datasource/grafana-postgresql-datasource doesn't provide react-dom (pdd2fa), requested by @grafana/experimental and other dependencies. ➤ YN0002: │ @grafana-plugins/grafana-postgresql-datasource@workspace:public/app/plugins/datasource/grafana-postgresql-datasource doesn't provide react-select (pe95f6), requested by @grafana/experimental. ➤ YN0002: │ @grafana-plugins/mysql@workspace:public/app/plugins/datasource/mysql doesn't provide @testing-library/dom (p10b8a), requested by @testing-library/user-event. ➤ YN0002: │ @grafana-plugins/mysql@workspace:public/app/plugins/datasource/mysql doesn't provide react-dom (pab173), requested by @grafana/experimental and other dependencies. ➤ YN0002: │ @grafana-plugins/mysql@workspace:public/app/plugins/datasource/mysql doesn't provide react-select (p2f3a2), requested by @grafana/experimental. ➤ YN0002: │ @grafana/flamegraph@workspace:packages/grafana-flamegraph doesn't provide react-dom (p0bf7f), requested by @testing-library/react and other dependencies. ➤ YN0002: │ @grafana/o11y-ds-frontend@workspace:packages/grafana-o11y-ds-frontend doesn't provide react-dom (p13635), requested by @grafana/experimental and other dependencies. ➤ YN0086: │ Some peer dependencies are incorrectly met by your project; run yarn explain peer-requirements for details, where is the six-letter p-prefixed code. ➤ YN0086: │ Some peer dependencies are incorrectly met by dependencies; run yarn explain peer-requirements for details. ➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 0s 276ms ➤ YN0000: ┌ Fetch step ➤ YN0013: │ 2816 packages were added to the project (+ 245.23 MiB). ➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 2m 43s ➤ YN0000: ┌ Link step ➤ YN0007: │ core-js@npm:3.38.0 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ cypress@npm:13.10.0 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ esbuild@npm:0.20.2 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ @swc/core@npm:1.4.2 [492e0] must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ esbuild@npm:0.21.5 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ msw@npm:2.3.5 [655a6] must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ nx@npm:19.2.0 [655a6] must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ protobufjs@npm:7.3.2 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ core-js-pure@npm:3.30.2 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ @swc/core@npm:1.5.5 [7d94a] must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0007: │ core-js@npm:2.6.12 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed ➤ YN0009: │ nx@npm:19.2.0 [655a6] couldn't be built successfully (exit code 1, logs can be found here: /tmp/xfs-b5e3f216/build.log) ➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 9m 22s ➤ YN0000: · Failed with errors in 12m 23s # This file contains the result of Yarn building a package (nx@virtual:655a650279fd53a33b875a5595ff15a3353c198884ee5237440200eaaf0cb08dcae7f5f8ae5c6ab3d0b41511876ec3f111e176e263e9ad13dac49ec362957d1d#npm:19.2.0) # Script name: postinstall /build/grafana/src/grafana/node_modules/nx/src/native/native-bindings.js:235 throw new Error(`Unsupported architecture on Linux: ${arch}`) ^ Error: Unsupported architecture on Linux: riscv64 at Object. (/build/grafana/src/grafana/node_modules/nx/src/native/native-bindings.js:235:15) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1469:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1548:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1288:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1104:12) at Module._load (/build/grafana/src/grafana/node_modules/nx/src/native/index.js:69:25) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1311:19) at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:179:18) at Object. (/build/grafana/src/grafana/node_modules/nx/src/native/index.js:75:21) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1469:14) Node.js v20.17.0 NX Missing Platform Dependency The Nx CLI could not find or load the native binary for your supported platform (linux-riscv64). This likely means that optional dependencies were not installed correctly, or your system is missing some system dependencies. For more information please see https://nx.dev/troubleshooting/troubleshoot-nx-install-issues ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().  Aborting... ==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root31/build [?25h[?25hreceiving incremental file list grafana-11.2.0-1-riscv64-build.log grafana-11.2.0-1-riscv64-prepare.log sent 62 bytes received 3,772 bytes 2,556.00 bytes/sec total size is 32,793 speedup is 8.55