==> Building on incineroar ==> Checking for remote environment... ==> Syncing package to remote host... sending incremental file list ./ PKGBUILD 1,399 42% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 3,293 100% 1.81MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=5/7) grafana-9.5.2-1.log 255 100% 249.02kB/s 0:00:00 255 100% 249.02kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=4/7) grafana.install 700 94% 683.59kB/s 0:00:00 742 100% 724.61kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=3/7) grafana.service 507 100% 495.12kB/s 0:00:00 507 100% 495.12kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=2/7) grafana.sysusers 33 100% 32.23kB/s 0:00:00 33 100% 32.23kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=1/7) grafana.tmpfiles 84 100% 82.03kB/s 0:00:00 84 100% 82.03kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=0/7) sent 1,507 bytes received 193 bytes 3,400.00 bytes/sec total size is 4,856 speedup is 2.86 ==> Applying RISC-V patches... sending incremental file list ./ riscv64.patch 957 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 957 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/2) sent 400 bytes received 50 bytes 900.00 bytes/sec total size is 957 speedup is 2.13 patching file PKGBUILD ==> Patching arch to riscv64... ==> Running extra-riscv64-build -- -d /home/felix/packages/riscv64-pkg-cache:/var/cache/pacman/pkg -l root2 on remote host... [?25l:: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... community downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do [?25h==> Building in chroot for [extra] (riscv64)... ==> Locking clean chroot [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root]...done ==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root] -> [root2]...done ==> Making package: grafana 9.5.2-1 (Fri May 12 03:41:13 2023) ==> Retrieving sources...  -> Updating grafana git repo... 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[deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62211/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62214/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62215/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62217/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62219/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62220/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62222/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62223/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62224/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62227/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62228/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62230/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62232/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62238/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62240/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62244/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62245/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62247/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62248/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62253/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62254/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62255/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62256/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62257/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62258/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62262/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62263/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62264/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62265/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62267/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62268/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62269/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62271/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62272/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62273/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62275/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62276/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62277/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62278/merge - [deleted] (none) -> refs/pull/62279/merge remote: Enumerating objects: 141122 remote: Enumerating objects: 198465, done. remote: Counting objects: 0% (1/57343) remote: Counting objects: 1% (574/57343) remote: Counting objects: 2% (1147/57343) remote: Counting objects: 3% (1721/57343) remote: Counting objects: 4% (2294/57343) remote: Counting objects: 5% (2868/57343) remote: Counting objects: 6% (3441/57343) remote: Counting objects: 7% (4015/57343) remote: Counting objects: 8% (4588/57343) remote: Counting objects: 9% (5161/57343) remote: Counting objects: 10% (5735/57343) remote: Counting objects: 11% (6308/57343) remote: Counting objects: 12% (6882/57343) remote: Counting objects: 13% (7455/57343) remote: Counting objects: 14% (8029/57343) remote: Counting objects: 15% (8602/57343) remote: Counting objects: 16% (9175/57343) remote: Counting objects: 17% (9749/57343) remote: Counting objects: 18% (10322/57343) remote: Counting objects: 19% (10896/57343) remote: Counting objects: 20% (11469/57343) remote: Counting objects: 21% (12043/57343) remote: Counting objects: 22% (12616/57343) remote: Counting objects: 23% (13189/57343) remote: Counting objects: 24% (13763/57343) remote: Counting objects: 25% (14336/57343) remote: Counting objects: 26% (14910/57343) remote: Counting objects: 27% (15483/57343) remote: Counting objects: 28% (16057/57343) remote: Counting objects: 29% (16630/57343) remote: Counting objects: 30% (17203/57343) remote: Counting objects: 31% (17777/57343) remote: Counting objects: 32% (18350/57343) remote: Counting objects: 33% (18924/57343) remote: Counting objects: 34% (19497/57343) remote: Counting objects: 35% (20071/57343) remote: Counting objects: 36% (20644/57343) remote: Counting objects: 37% (21217/57343) remote: Counting objects: 38% (21791/57343) remote: Counting objects: 39% (22364/57343) remote: Counting objects: 40% (22938/57343) remote: Counting objects: 41% (23511/57343) remote: Counting objects: 42% (24085/57343) remote: Counting objects: 43% (24658/57343) remote: Counting objects: 44% (25231/57343) remote: Counting objects: 45% (25805/57343) remote: Counting objects: 46% (26378/57343) remote: Counting objects: 47% (26952/57343) remote: Counting objects: 48% (27525/57343) remote: Counting objects: 49% (28099/57343) remote: Counting objects: 50% (28672/57343) remote: Counting objects: 51% (29245/57343) remote: Counting objects: 52% (29819/57343) remote: Counting objects: 53% (30392/57343) remote: Counting objects: 54% (30966/57343) remote: Counting objects: 55% (31539/57343) remote: Counting objects: 56% (32113/57343) remote: Counting objects: 57% (32686/57343) remote: Counting objects: 58% (33259/57343) remote: Counting objects: 59% (33833/57343) remote: Counting objects: 60% (34406/57343) remote: Counting objects: 61% (34980/57343) remote: Counting objects: 62% (35553/57343) remote: Counting objects: 63% (36127/57343) remote: Counting objects: 64% (36700/57343) remote: Counting objects: 65% (37273/57343) remote: Counting objects: 66% (37847/57343) remote: Counting objects: 67% (38420/57343) remote: Counting objects: 68% (38994/57343) remote: Counting objects: 69% (39567/57343) remote: Counting objects: 70% (40141/57343) remote: Counting objects: 71% (40714/57343) remote: Counting objects: 72% (41287/57343) remote: Counting objects: 73% (41861/57343) remote: Counting objects: 74% (42434/57343) remote: Counting objects: 75% (43008/57343) remote: Counting objects: 76% (43581/57343) remote: Counting objects: 77% (44155/57343) remote: Counting objects: 78% (44728/57343) remote: Counting objects: 79% (45301/57343) remote: Counting objects: 80% (45875/57343) remote: Counting objects: 81% (46448/57343) remote: Counting objects: 82% (47022/57343) remote: Counting objects: 83% (47595/57343) remote: Counting objects: 84% (48169/57343) remote: Counting objects: 85% (48742/57343) remote: Counting objects: 86% (49315/57343) remote: Counting objects: 87% (49889/57343) remote: Counting objects: 88% (50462/57343) remote: Counting objects: 89% (51036/57343) remote: Counting objects: 90% (51609/57343) remote: Counting objects: 91% (52183/57343) remote: Counting objects: 92% (52756/57343) remote: Counting objects: 93% (53329/57343) remote: Counting objects: 94% (53903/57343) remote: Counting objects: 95% (54476/57343) remote: Counting objects: 96% (55050/57343) remote: Counting objects: 97% (55623/57343) remote: Counting objects: 98% (56197/57343) remote: Counting objects: 99% (56770/57343) remote: Counting objects: 100% (57343/57343) remote: Counting objects: 100% (57343/57343), done. remote: Compressing objects: 0% (1/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 1% (53/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 2% (106/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 3% (159/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 4% (212/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 5% (265/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 6% (318/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 7% (371/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 8% (424/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 9% (477/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 9% (514/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 10% (529/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 11% (582/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 12% (635/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 13% (688/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 14% (741/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 15% (794/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 16% (847/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 17% (900/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 18% (953/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 19% (1005/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 20% (1058/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 21% (1111/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 22% (1164/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 23% (1217/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 24% (1270/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 25% (1323/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 26% (1376/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 27% (1429/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 28% (1481/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 29% (1534/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 30% (1587/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 31% (1640/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 32% (1693/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 33% (1746/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 34% (1799/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 35% (1852/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 36% (1905/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 37% (1957/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 38% (2010/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 39% (2063/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 40% (2116/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 41% (2169/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 42% (2222/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 43% (2275/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 44% (2328/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 45% (2381/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 46% (2433/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 47% (2486/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 48% (2539/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 49% (2592/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 50% (2645/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 51% (2698/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 52% (2751/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 53% (2804/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 54% (2857/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 55% (2909/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 56% (2962/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 57% (3015/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 58% (3068/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 59% (3121/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 60% (3174/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 61% (3227/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 62% (3280/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 63% (3333/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 64% (3385/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 65% (3438/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 66% (3491/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 67% (3544/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 68% (3597/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 69% (3650/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 70% (3703/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 71% (3756/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 72% (3809/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 73% (3861/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 74% (3914/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 75% (3967/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 76% (4020/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 77% (4073/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 78% (4126/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 79% (4179/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 80% (4232/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 81% (4285/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 82% (4337/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 83% (4390/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 84% (4443/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 85% (4496/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 86% (4549/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 87% (4602/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 88% (4655/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 89% (4708/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 90% (4761/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 91% (4813/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 92% (4866/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 93% (4919/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 94% (4972/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 95% (5025/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 96% (5078/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 97% (5131/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 98% (5184/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 99% (5237/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5289/5289) remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5289/5289), done. Receiving objects: 0% (1/198465) Receiving objects: 1% (1985/198465) Receiving objects: 2% (3970/198465) Receiving objects: 3% (5954/198465), 1.77 MiB | 3.53 MiB/s Receiving objects: 3% (7887/198465), 1.77 MiB | 3.53 MiB/s Receiving objects: 4% (7939/198465), 3.88 MiB | 3.87 MiB/s Receiving objects: 5% (9924/198465), 5.76 MiB | 3.84 MiB/s Receiving objects: 5% (11278/198465), 5.76 MiB | 3.84 MiB/s Receiving objects: 6% (11908/198465), 7.79 MiB | 3.89 MiB/s Receiving objects: 7% (13893/198465), 9.55 MiB | 3.82 MiB/s Receiving objects: 8% (15878/198465), 9.55 MiB | 3.82 MiB/s Receiving objects: 8% (16470/198465), 9.55 MiB | 3.82 MiB/s Receiving objects: 9% (17862/198465), 11.65 MiB | 3.88 MiB/s Receiving objects: 10% (19847/198465), 11.65 MiB | 3.88 MiB/s Receiving objects: 11% (21832/198465), 11.65 MiB | 3.88 MiB/s Receiving objects: 12% (23816/198465), 13.97 MiB | 3.99 MiB/s Receiving objects: 13% (25801/198465), 13.97 MiB | 3.99 MiB/s Receiving objects: 14% (27786/198465), 13.97 MiB | 3.99 MiB/s Receiving objects: 15% (29770/198465), 13.97 MiB | 3.99 MiB/s Receiving objects: 15% (29892/198465), 13.97 MiB | 3.99 MiB/s Receiving objects: 16% (31755/198465), 16.58 MiB | 4.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 17% (33740/198465), 16.58 MiB | 4.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 18% (35724/198465), 19.13 MiB | 4.25 MiB/s Receiving objects: 19% (37709/198465), 19.13 MiB | 4.25 MiB/s Receiving objects: 20% (39693/198465), 19.13 MiB | 4.25 MiB/s Receiving objects: 20% (40700/198465), 21.84 MiB | 4.46 MiB/s Receiving objects: 21% (41678/198465), 21.84 MiB | 4.46 MiB/s Receiving objects: 22% (43663/198465), 21.84 MiB | 4.46 MiB/s Receiving objects: 23% (45647/198465), 21.84 MiB | 4.46 MiB/s Receiving objects: 23% (46199/198465), 28.52 MiB | 5.06 MiB/s Receiving objects: 24% (47632/198465), 28.52 MiB | 5.06 MiB/s Receiving objects: 25% (49617/198465), 28.52 MiB | 5.06 MiB/s Receiving objects: 26% (51601/198465), 30.78 MiB | 5.09 MiB/s Receiving objects: 26% (52295/198465), 30.78 MiB | 5.09 MiB/s Receiving objects: 27% (53586/198465), 32.76 MiB | 5.14 MiB/s Receiving objects: 28% (55571/198465), 34.77 MiB | 5.12 MiB/s Receiving objects: 28% (56830/198465), 34.77 MiB | 5.12 MiB/s Receiving objects: 29% (57555/198465), 36.66 MiB | 5.03 MiB/s Receiving objects: 30% (59540/198465), 38.54 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 31% (61525/198465), 38.54 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 32% (63509/198465), 38.54 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 33% (65494/198465), 38.54 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 34% (67479/198465), 38.54 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 34% (68864/198465), 38.54 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 35% (69463/198465), 40.59 MiB | 4.75 MiB/s Receiving objects: 36% (71448/198465), 40.59 MiB | 4.75 MiB/s Receiving objects: 37% (73433/198465), 40.59 MiB | 4.75 MiB/s Receiving objects: 38% (75417/198465), 40.59 MiB | 4.75 MiB/s Receiving objects: 39% (77402/198465), 42.73 MiB | 4.63 MiB/s Receiving objects: 40% (79386/198465), 42.73 MiB | 4.63 MiB/s Receiving objects: 40% (81274/198465), 44.96 MiB | 4.45 MiB/s Receiving objects: 41% (81371/198465), 44.96 MiB | 4.45 MiB/s Receiving objects: 42% (83356/198465), 44.96 MiB | 4.45 MiB/s Receiving objects: 43% (85340/198465), 44.96 MiB | 4.45 MiB/s Receiving objects: 44% (87325/198465), 44.96 MiB | 4.45 MiB/s Receiving objects: 45% (89310/198465), 44.96 MiB | 4.45 MiB/s Receiving objects: 46% (91294/198465), 44.96 MiB | 4.45 MiB/s Receiving objects: 46% (92149/198465), 49.96 MiB | 4.26 MiB/s Receiving objects: 46% (92149/198465), 54.35 MiB | 4.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 46% (92149/198465), 58.16 MiB | 4.35 MiB/s Receiving objects: 46% (92149/198465), 62.98 MiB | 4.49 MiB/s Receiving objects: 46% (92149/198465), 69.59 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 47% (93279/198465), 69.59 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 48% (95264/198465), 69.59 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 49% (97248/198465), 69.59 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 50% (99233/198465), 69.59 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 51% (101218/198465), 69.59 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s Receiving objects: 52% (103202/198465), 71.95 MiB | 4.87 MiB/s Receiving objects: 53% (105187/198465), 71.95 MiB | 4.87 MiB/s Receiving objects: 54% (107172/198465), 71.95 MiB | 4.87 MiB/s Receiving objects: 55% (109156/198465), 71.95 MiB | 4.87 MiB/s Receiving objects: 56% (111141/198465), 71.95 MiB | 4.87 MiB/s Receiving objects: 57% (113126/198465), 71.95 MiB | 4.87 MiB/s Receiving objects: 58% (115110/198465), 71.95 MiB | 4.87 MiB/s Receiving objects: 58% (115370/198465), 74.54 MiB | 4.96 MiB/s Receiving objects: 59% (117095/198465), 74.54 MiB | 4.96 MiB/s Receiving objects: 60% (119079/198465), 74.54 MiB | 4.96 MiB/s Receiving objects: 61% (121064/198465), 74.54 MiB | 4.96 MiB/s Receiving objects: 62% (123049/198465), 74.54 MiB | 4.96 MiB/s Receiving objects: 63% (125033/198465), 74.54 MiB | 4.96 MiB/s Receiving objects: 64% (127018/198465), 77.00 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 65% (129003/198465), 77.00 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 66% (130987/198465), 77.00 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 67% (132972/198465), 77.00 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 68% (134957/198465), 77.00 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 68% (134968/198465), 79.28 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 69% (136941/198465), 79.28 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 70% (138926/198465), 79.28 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 71% (140911/198465), 79.28 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 72% (142895/198465), 79.28 MiB | 5.02 MiB/s Receiving objects: 73% (144880/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 74% (146865/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 75% (148849/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 76% (150834/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 77% (152819/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 78% (154803/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 79% (156788/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 80% (158772/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 81% (160757/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 82% (162742/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 83% (164726/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 84% (166711/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 84% (168290/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 85% (168696/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 86% (170680/198465), 81.42 MiB | 5.17 MiB/s Receiving objects: 87% (172665/198465), 84.96 MiB | 5.48 MiB/s Receiving objects: 88% (174650/198465), 84.96 MiB | 5.48 MiB/s Receiving objects: 89% (176634/198465), 84.96 MiB | 5.48 MiB/s Receiving objects: 90% (178619/198465), 88.23 MiB | 5.61 MiB/s Receiving objects: 91% (180604/198465), 88.23 MiB | 5.61 MiB/s Receiving objects: 91% (181020/198465), 88.23 MiB | 5.61 MiB/s Receiving objects: 92% (182588/198465), 91.73 MiB | 5.61 MiB/s Receiving objects: 92% (184128/198465), 94.33 MiB | 5.50 MiB/s Receiving objects: 93% (184573/198465), 97.79 MiB | 5.74 MiB/s Receiving objects: 94% (186558/198465), 101.11 MiB | 5.90 MiB/s Receiving objects: 94% (188491/198465), 101.11 MiB | 5.90 MiB/s Receiving objects: 95% (188542/198465), 101.11 MiB | 5.90 MiB/s Receiving objects: 96% (190527/198465), 108.04 MiB | 6.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 96% (191300/198465), 108.04 MiB | 6.39 MiB/s Receiving objects: 97% (192512/198465), 111.54 MiB | 6.69 MiB/s Receiving objects: 98% (194496/198465), 114.45 MiB | 6.55 MiB/s Receiving objects: 98% (195759/198465), 114.45 MiB | 6.55 MiB/s Receiving objects: 99% (196481/198465), 118.06 MiB | 6.63 MiB/s Receiving objects: 99% (198367/198465), 122.93 MiB | 6.36 MiB/s remote: Total 198465 (delta 54208), reused 54659 (delta 51902), pack-reused 141122 Receiving objects: 100% (198465/198465), 122.93 MiB | 6.36 MiB/s Receiving objects: 100% (198465/198465), 124.13 MiB | 5.12 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 0% (0/153617) Resolving deltas: 1% (1537/153617) Resolving deltas: 2% (3073/153617) Resolving deltas: 2% (3184/153617) Resolving deltas: 3% (4609/153617) Resolving deltas: 4% (6145/153617) Resolving deltas: 5% (7681/153617) Resolving deltas: 5% (8917/153617) Resolving deltas: 6% (9218/153617) Resolving deltas: 7% (10754/153617) Resolving deltas: 8% (12290/153617) Resolving deltas: 9% (13826/153617) Resolving deltas: 10% (15362/153617) Resolving deltas: 10% (16592/153617) Resolving deltas: 11% (16898/153617) Resolving deltas: 12% (18435/153617) Resolving deltas: 13% (19971/153617) Resolving deltas: 14% (21507/153617) Resolving deltas: 15% (23043/153617) Resolving deltas: 16% (24579/153617) Resolving deltas: 17% (26115/153617) Resolving deltas: 18% (27652/153617) Resolving deltas: 19% (29188/153617) Resolving deltas: 19% (30584/153617) Resolving deltas: 19% (30642/153617) Resolving deltas: 20% (30724/153617) Resolving deltas: 21% (32260/153617) Resolving deltas: 22% (33796/153617) Resolving deltas: 23% (35333/153617) Resolving deltas: 24% (36869/153617) Resolving deltas: 25% (38405/153617) Resolving deltas: 26% (39941/153617) Resolving deltas: 27% (41477/153617) Resolving deltas: 28% (43013/153617) Resolving deltas: 29% (44549/153617) Resolving deltas: 30% (46086/153617) Resolving deltas: 31% (47622/153617) Resolving deltas: 32% (49158/153617) Resolving deltas: 32% (49730/153617) Resolving deltas: 33% (50694/153617) Resolving deltas: 34% (52230/153617) Resolving deltas: 35% (53766/153617) Resolving deltas: 36% (55303/153617) Resolving deltas: 37% (56839/153617) Resolving deltas: 38% (58375/153617) Resolving deltas: 39% (59911/153617) Resolving deltas: 40% (61447/153617) Resolving deltas: 41% (62983/153617) Resolving deltas: 42% (64520/153617) Resolving deltas: 43% (66056/153617) Resolving deltas: 44% (67592/153617) Resolving deltas: 44% (68284/153617) Resolving deltas: 45% (69128/153617) Resolving deltas: 46% (70664/153617) Resolving deltas: 47% (72200/153617) Resolving deltas: 48% (73737/153617) Resolving deltas: 49% (75273/153617) Resolving deltas: 50% (76809/153617) Resolving deltas: 51% (78345/153617) Resolving deltas: 51% (78981/153617) Resolving deltas: 52% (79881/153617) Resolving deltas: 53% (81418/153617) Resolving deltas: 54% (82954/153617) Resolving deltas: 55% (84490/153617) Resolving deltas: 55% (85860/153617) Resolving deltas: 56% (86026/153617) Resolving deltas: 57% (87562/153617) Resolving deltas: 58% (89098/153617) Resolving deltas: 58% (90068/153617) Resolving deltas: 59% (90635/153617) Resolving deltas: 60% (92171/153617) Resolving deltas: 61% (93707/153617) Resolving deltas: 62% (95243/153617) Resolving deltas: 63% (96779/153617) Resolving deltas: 64% (98315/153617) Resolving deltas: 64% (98600/153617) Resolving deltas: 65% (99852/153617) Resolving deltas: 66% (101389/153617) Resolving deltas: 67% (102924/153617) Resolving deltas: 68% (104460/153617) Resolving deltas: 68% (105440/153617) Resolving deltas: 69% (105996/153617) Resolving deltas: 69% (106009/153617) Resolving deltas: 70% (107532/153617) Resolving deltas: 71% (109069/153617) Resolving deltas: 72% (110605/153617) Resolving deltas: 73% (112141/153617) Resolving deltas: 73% (113131/153617) Resolving deltas: 74% (113677/153617) Resolving deltas: 75% (115213/153617) Resolving deltas: 76% (116749/153617) Resolving deltas: 77% (118286/153617) Resolving deltas: 78% (119822/153617) Resolving deltas: 78% (120252/153617) Resolving deltas: 79% (121358/153617) Resolving deltas: 80% (122894/153617) Resolving deltas: 80% (123982/153617) Resolving deltas: 81% (124430/153617) Resolving deltas: 82% (125966/153617) Resolving deltas: 83% (127503/153617) Resolving deltas: 83% (128010/153617) Resolving deltas: 84% (129039/153617) Resolving deltas: 84% (130230/153617) Resolving deltas: 85% (130575/153617) Resolving deltas: 85% (131383/153617) Resolving deltas: 85% (131877/153617) Resolving deltas: 85% (131965/153617) Resolving deltas: 85% (132083/153617) Resolving deltas: 86% (132111/153617) Resolving deltas: 86% (132165/153617) Resolving deltas: 86% (132249/153617) Resolving deltas: 86% (132326/153617) Resolving deltas: 86% (132402/153617) Resolving deltas: 86% (132538/153617) Resolving deltas: 86% (132975/153617) Resolving deltas: 87% (133647/153617) Resolving deltas: 87% (134583/153617) Resolving deltas: 88% (135183/153617) Resolving deltas: 88% (135948/153617) Resolving deltas: 89% (136720/153617) Resolving deltas: 89% (137307/153617) Resolving deltas: 90% (138256/153617) Resolving deltas: 90% (138330/153617) Resolving deltas: 91% (139792/153617) Resolving deltas: 91% (139838/153617) Resolving deltas: 92% (141328/153617) Resolving deltas: 92% (141356/153617) Resolving deltas: 93% (142864/153617) Resolving deltas: 93% (142897/153617) Resolving deltas: 93% (143178/153617) Resolving deltas: 93% (143858/153617) Resolving deltas: 94% (144400/153617) Resolving deltas: 94% (144938/153617) Resolving deltas: 94% (144978/153617) Resolving deltas: 94% (145003/153617) Resolving deltas: 94% (145195/153617) Resolving deltas: 94% (145364/153617) Resolving deltas: 94% (145384/153617) Resolving deltas: 94% (145802/153617) Resolving deltas: 95% (145937/153617) Resolving deltas: 95% (146100/153617) Resolving deltas: 95% (146153/153617) Resolving deltas: 95% (146399/153617) Resolving deltas: 95% (146417/153617) Resolving deltas: 95% (147171/153617) Resolving deltas: 96% (147473/153617) Resolving deltas: 96% (147785/153617) Resolving deltas: 96% (148072/153617) Resolving deltas: 96% (148206/153617) Resolving deltas: 96% (148244/153617) Resolving deltas: 96% (148887/153617) Resolving deltas: 96% (148901/153617) Resolving deltas: 97% (149009/153617) Resolving deltas: 97% (149531/153617) Resolving deltas: 97% (150285/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (150545/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (150693/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (150741/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (150931/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (151018/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (151374/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (151715/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (151961/153617) Resolving deltas: 98% (152079/153617) Resolving deltas: 99% (152081/153617) Resolving deltas: 99% (152884/153617) Resolving deltas: 99% (153244/153617) Resolving deltas: 99% (153607/153617) Resolving deltas: 100% (153617/153617) Resolving deltas: 100% (153617/153617), completed with 10360 local objects. * [new branch] 20230331_add_kerberos_support -> 20230331_add_kerberos_support * [new branch] 2Steaks/select-scroll-events -> 2Steaks/select-scroll-events * [new branch] 35486_ts_time_regions -> 35486_ts_time_regions * [new branch] 66290-explore-page-not-accessible -> 66290-explore-page-not-accessible * [new branch] 67663 -> 67663 * [new branch] Alex3k-patch-2 -> Alex3k-patch-2 * [new branch] Condla-patch-1 -> Condla-patch-1 84df32b2146..b4975253c2b FilterFieldByValuesTransformer -> FilterFieldByValuesTransformer * [new branch] JayEkin-patch-1 -> JayEkin-patch-1 * [new branch] JayEkin-patch-2 -> JayEkin-patch-2 * [new branch] JayEkin-patch-3 -> JayEkin-patch-3 * [new branch] JayEkin-patch-4 -> JayEkin-patch-4 * [new branch] MattiasSegerdahl-index.md-1 -> MattiasSegerdahl-index.md-1 * [new branch] MattiasSegerdahl-index.md-2 -> MattiasSegerdahl-index.md-2 * [new branch] MattiasSegerdahl-update-contribute.md -> MattiasSegerdahl-update-contribute.md * [new branch] MattiasSegerdahl-update-copyright-notice -> MattiasSegerdahl-update-copyright-notice * [new branch] MattiasSegerdahl-update-examplars-index.md-1 -> MattiasSegerdahl-update-examplars-index.md-1 * [new branch] MattiasSegerdahl-update-index.md-1 -> MattiasSegerdahl-update-index.md-1 * [new branch] MattiasSegerdahl-update-recorded-queries-index.md-1 -> MattiasSegerdahl-update-recorded-queries-index.md-1 * [new branch] MattiasSegerdahl-update-troubleshooting-_index.md-1 -> MattiasSegerdahl-update-troubleshooting-_index.md-1 * [new branch] MayraOyola-patch-1 -> MayraOyola-patch-1 * [new branch] MayraOyola-patch-2 -> MayraOyola-patch-2 * [new branch] Okta-Docs-Update -> Okta-Docs-Update * [new branch] SeamusGrafana-patch-1 -> SeamusGrafana-patch-1 * [new branch] academo/betterer-better-or-at-least-a-little -> academo/betterer-better-or-at-least-a-little * [new branch] academo/datasource-plugins-sandbox -> academo/datasource-plugins-sandbox * [new branch] academo/eslint-import-improved-fork -> academo/eslint-import-improved-fork * [new branch] academo/hardended-javascript-plugins-sandbox-poc -> academo/hardended-javascript-plugins-sandbox-poc * [new branch] academo/near-membrane-sandbox-poc -> academo/near-membrane-sandbox-poc * [new branch] add-arm64-docker-image-build-for-prs -> add-arm64-docker-image-build-for-prs * [new branch] add-cause-in-state -> add-cause-in-state * [new branch] add-folder-and-access-kinds -> add-folder-and-access-kinds * [new branch] add-folder-kind -> add-folder-kind * [new branch] add-for-error-to-error-evaluations-logic -> add-for-error-to-error-evaluations-logic * [new branch] add-grafana-build-action -> add-grafana-build-action * [new branch] add-icon-to-timerange-input -> add-icon-to-timerange-input * [new branch] add-role-schema -> add-role-schema * [new branch] add-version-to-migration-log -> add-version-to-migration-log * [new branch] agnestoulet/kind-registry -> agnestoulet/kind-registry * [new branch] agnestoulet/schema-registry -> agnestoulet/schema-registry * [new branch] alerting/FE_fetch_applied_alert_configs_history -> alerting/FE_fetch_applied_alert_configs_history * [new branch] alerting/add-missing-cloud-contact-points -> alerting/add-missing-cloud-contact-points * [new branch] alerting/admin-v2 -> alerting/admin-v2 * [new branch] alerting/alert-detail-state-history -> alerting/alert-detail-state-history * [new branch] alerting/alert-state-history-modal-backup -> alerting/alert-state-history-modal-backup * [new branch] alerting/deprecation-notice -> alerting/deprecation-notice * [new branch] alerting/details-page-v2 -> alerting/details-page-v2 * [new branch] alerting/fewer-instances -> alerting/fewer-instances * [new branch] alerting/fewer-instances-2 -> alerting/fewer-instances-2 * [new branch] alerting/fix-buttons-order -> alerting/fix-buttons-order * [new branch] alerting/limit-and-filter-panel-alerts-from-be -> alerting/limit-and-filter-panel-alerts-from-be * [new branch] alerting/mimir-datasource -> alerting/mimir-datasource * [new branch] alerting/notification-policies-alerts-prev-perf -> alerting/notification-policies-alerts-prev-perf * [new branch] alerting/preview-recording-rule -> alerting/preview-recording-rule * [new branch] alerting/search-fuzzy-match-syntax -> alerting/search-fuzzy-match-syntax * [new branch] alerting/show-firingCount-from-history -> alerting/show-firingCount-from-history * [new branch] alerting/templates-instance-picker -> alerting/templates-instance-picker * [new branch] alerting/typescript-fixes -> alerting/typescript-fixes * [new branch] alexmoreno/add-for-error-logic -> alexmoreno/add-for-error-logic * [new branch] alexmoreno/add-for-error-to-alerting-api -> alexmoreno/add-for-error-to-alerting-api * [new branch] alexmoreno/add-for-error-to-provisioning-api -> alexmoreno/add-for-error-to-provisioning-api * [new branch] alexmoreno/add-for-no-data-logic -> alexmoreno/add-for-no-data-logic * [new branch] alexmoreno/backport-stevesg-alertmanager-metrics-to-9.4.x -> alexmoreno/backport-stevesg-alertmanager-metrics-to-9.4.x * [new branch] alexweav/annotation-loki-fmt -> alexweav/annotation-loki-fmt * [new branch] alexweav/drop-sql -> alexweav/drop-sql * [new branch] alexz/saml-ui-fix-permissions-check -> alexz/saml-ui-fix-permissions-check * [new branch] alfredo-d-patch-1 -> alfredo-d-patch-1 * [new branch] alfredo-d/update_loki_datasource_provisioning_example -> alfredo-d/update_loki_datasource_provisioning_example * [new branch] alyssa/gcm-backend-schema -> alyssa/gcm-backend-schema * [new branch] analytics/fix-logger-init -> analytics/fix-logger-init * [new branch] andre/experiment_with_trace_view_merged_span_filtering -> andre/experiment_with_trace_view_merged_span_filtering * [new branch] andre/integrate_new_autocomplete_traceql_api -> andre/integrate_new_autocomplete_traceql_api * [new branch] andre/trace_view_flamegraph -> andre/trace_view_flamegraph a931fa55040..d476770a2f9 andre/wireframe_trace_view -> andre/wireframe_trace_view * [new branch] andreas/gcm-schema -> andreas/gcm-schema * [new branch] andreas/traces-docs -> andreas/traces-docs * [new branch] andresmgot/oauth/plugin -> andresmgot/oauth/plugin * [new branch] andresmgot/oauth/plugin-with-save -> andresmgot/oauth/plugin-with-save * [new branch] angular-list -> angular-list * [new branch] angular-panel-chrome -> angular-panel-chrome * [new branch] annelaurefroment-patch-1 -> annelaurefroment-patch-1 * [new branch] annelaurefroment-patch-2 -> annelaurefroment-patch-2 * [new branch] ansomerv-patch-1 -> ansomerv-patch-1 * [new branch] ansomerv-patch-2 -> ansomerv-patch-2 * [new branch] aocenas/docs/phlare/rename-to-pyro -> aocenas/docs/phlare/rename-to-pyro * [new branch] aocenas/phlare/change-id-grafana-pyroscope -> aocenas/phlare/change-id-grafana-pyroscope * [new branch] aocenas/pyroscope/phlare-pyro-alias -> aocenas/pyroscope/phlare-pyro-alias * [new branch] aocenas/temp/docs-span-bar-provisioning -> aocenas/temp/docs-span-bar-provisioning * [new branch] armandgrillet/backpor93-metrics-notification-delivery -> armandgrillet/backpor93-metrics-notification-delivery 685f79a6916..39c3fe5da78 ascode/add-kind-glossary-docs -> ascode/add-kind-glossary-docs * [new branch] ash/62859 -> ash/62859 * [new branch] ash/awp -> ash/awp * [new branch] ash/fix-overflow-add -> ash/fix-overflow-add * [new branch] ash/inline-rename -> ash/inline-rename * [new branch] ash/navigation-overrides -> ash/navigation-overrides * [new branch] ash/nested-folder-breadcrumbs -> ash/nested-folder-breadcrumbs * [new branch] ash/nested-folder-breadcrumbs-2 -> ash/nested-folder-breadcrumbs-2 * [new branch] ash/nested-folders-rtk-query -> ash/nested-folders-rtk-query * [new branch] ash/react-router-upgrade -> ash/react-router-upgrade * [new branch] ash/responsive-breadcrumbs -> ash/responsive-breadcrumbs * [new branch] ash/rtk-query-again -> ash/rtk-query-again * [new branch] ash/support-5348 -> ash/support-5348 * [new branch] axelav/variables-performance-approach-2 -> axelav/variables-performance-approach-2 * [new branch] axelav/variables-performance-timerange-approach-2 -> axelav/variables-performance-timerange-approach-2 * [new branch] azure-monitor-cleanup -> azure-monitor-cleanup * [new branch] backport-57022-to-v9.3.x -> backport-57022-to-v9.3.x * [new branch] backport-58392-to-v9.3.x -> backport-58392-to-v9.3.x + 75fb6fc94b7...84868f124f5 backport-59068-to-v9.3.x -> backport-59068-to-v9.3.x (forced update) * [new branch] backport-62018-to-v9.4.x -> backport-62018-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-62185-to-v9.3.x -> backport-62185-to-v9.3.x * [new branch] backport-62510-to-v9.2.x -> backport-62510-to-v9.2.x * [new branch] backport-62510-to-v9.3.x -> backport-62510-to-v9.3.x * [new branch] backport-63469-to-v9.4.x -> backport-63469-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-63508-to-v9.4.x -> backport-63508-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-63994-to-v9.4.x -> backport-63994-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-64072-to-v9.4.x -> backport-64072-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-64475-to-v9.4.x -> backport-64475-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-64481-to-v9.4.x -> backport-64481-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-64481-to-v9.5.x -> backport-64481-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-64520-to-v9.4.x -> backport-64520-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-64740-to-v9.3.x -> backport-64740-to-v9.3.x * [new branch] backport-64779-to-v9.4.x -> backport-64779-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-64893-to-v9.4.x -> backport-64893-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-65229-to-v9.4.x -> backport-65229-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-65322-to-v9.4.x -> backport-65322-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-65527-to-v8.4.x -> backport-65527-to-v8.4.x * [new branch] backport-65899-to-v9.5.x -> backport-65899-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-65913-to-v9.5.x -> backport-65913-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-66301-to-v9.5.x -> backport-66301-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-66365-to-v9.4.x -> backport-66365-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-66476-to-v9.5.x -> backport-66476-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-66801-to-v9.5.x -> backport-66801-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-67070-to-v9.4.x -> backport-67070-to-v9.4.x * [new branch] backport-67164-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67164-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67266-to-v9.5.x -> backport-67266-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-67279-to-v9.5.x -> backport-67279-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-67363-to-v9.3.x -> backport-67363-to-v9.3.x * [new branch] backport-67487-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67487-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67662-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67662-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67667-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67667-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67735-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67735-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67749-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67749-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67809-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67809-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67833-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67833-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67839-to-v9.5.x -> backport-67839-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-67938-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67938-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-67947-to-v10.0.x -> backport-67947-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-68020-to-v10.0.x -> backport-68020-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-68044-to-v10.0.x -> backport-68044-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-68122-to-v9.5.x -> backport-68122-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-68127-to-v10.0.x -> backport-68127-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-68132-to-v9.5.x -> backport-68132-to-v9.5.x * [new branch] backport-68143-to-v10.0.x -> backport-68143-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] backport-68262-to-v10.0.x -> backport-68262-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] baldm0mma/feature/tableTextWrap -> baldm0mma/feature/tableTextWrap * [new branch] baldm0mma/sql_datasource_update -> baldm0mma/sql_datasource_update * [new branch] barchar-numeric-table -> barchar-numeric-table * [new branch] basic-frontend-logging -> basic-frontend-logging * [new branch] bastischubert/1681993282 -> bastischubert/1681993282 * [new branch] bohandley/dataplane-prometheus-display-name-migration -> bohandley/dataplane-prometheus-display-name-migration * [new branch] bohandley/graphite-fix-variable-definitions -> bohandley/graphite-fix-variable-definitions * [new branch] bohandley/graphite-schema-day -> bohandley/graphite-schema-day * [new branch] bohandley/influxdb-flux-no-data-response -> bohandley/influxdb-flux-no-data-response * [new branch] bohandley/prometheus-datasource-healthcheck -> bohandley/prometheus-datasource-healthcheck * [new branch] bohandley/prometheus-healthcheck -> bohandley/prometheus-healthcheck * [new branch] bohandley/prometheus-qv-editor-ui-fix -> bohandley/prometheus-qv-editor-ui-fix * [new branch] bohandley/prometheus-robust-healthcheck -> bohandley/prometheus-robust-healthcheck * [new branch] bohandley/prometheus-undo-e2etest-update -> bohandley/prometheus-undo-e2etest-update * [new branch] bojankezele-patch-1 -> bojankezele-patch-1 * [new branch] bojankezele-patch-2 -> bojankezele-patch-2 * [new branch] border-below-page-header -> border-below-page-header * [new branch] built-in-regions -> built-in-regions * [new branch] bump-version-9.2.14 -> bump-version-9.2.14 * [new branch] bump-version-9.4.8 -> bump-version-9.4.8 * [new branch] camsellem-patch-1 -> camsellem-patch-1 * [new branch] canvas-experimental-refactor -> canvas-experimental-refactor * [new branch] centralize-plugin-context-prvdr -> centralize-plugin-context-prvdr * [new branch] cfossguy-patch-1 -> cfossguy-patch-1 * [new branch] charandas/authn-atop-apiserver -> charandas/authn-atop-apiserver * [new branch] charandas/authn-atop-apiserver-plus-serviceaccounts -> charandas/authn-atop-apiserver-plus-serviceaccounts * [new branch] charandas/k8s-poc-embedded-kine-argocd -> charandas/k8s-poc-embedded-kine-argocd * [new branch] chore-update-github-automation -> chore-update-github-automation * [new branch] chore/issue-commands-backend -> chore/issue-commands-backend * [new branch] chore/make-library-panels-list-more-resilient -> chore/make-library-panels-list-more-resilient * [new branch] chrisharbro-patch-2 -> chrisharbro-patch-2 * [new branch] cilinter -> cilinter * [new branch] codeincarnate/group-by-time -> codeincarnate/group-by-time 0395a3c7972..bdd9025f516 codeincarnate/table-header-conf -> codeincarnate/table-header-conf 7ec6484971a..9ed1b129a57 codeincarnate/time-duration-ms -> codeincarnate/time-duration-ms * [new branch] codeownership-for-toggles -> codeownership-for-toggles * [new branch] codeql-security-extended-query -> codeql-security-extended-query * [new branch] colinedwardwood-patch-1 -> colinedwardwood-patch-1 + 511a120706a...3968b4d4460 common-in-kinds -> common-in-kinds (forced update) * [new branch] conditional-formatting -> conditional-formatting + 2826ec751a1...8ca9a89cf1c crowdin-service-branch -> crowdin-service-branch (forced update) * [new branch] custom-table-cell-rendering -> custom-table-cell-rendering * [new branch] cw-backend-refactor -> cw-backend-refactor * [new branch] cyrille-leclerc-patch-1 -> cyrille-leclerc-patch-1 * [new branch] danstadler-pdx-patch-1 -> danstadler-pdx-patch-1 * [new branch] danstadler-pdx-patch-2 -> danstadler-pdx-patch-2 * [new branch] dashboard-anatomy-docs -> dashboard-anatomy-docs * [new branch] dashboard-previews-drop-table-migration -> dashboard-previews-drop-table-migration * [new branch] dashboard-previews-remove-docs -> dashboard-previews-remove-docs * [new branch] dashboard-scene-displayMode -> dashboard-scene-displayMode * [new branch] dashboard-srv-get-current -> dashboard-srv-get-current * [new branch] dashboard-toc -> dashboard-toc * [new branch] datagrid-feature-toggle -> datagrid-feature-toggle * [new branch] datasource-header-redesign -> datasource-header-redesign * [new branch] datasource-header-redesign-2 -> datasource-header-redesign-2 * [new branch] davemoore--patch-1 -> davemoore--patch-1 * [new branch] daviddryder-patch-1 -> daviddryder-patch-1 * [new branch] dependabot/github_actions/actions/setup-go-4 -> dependabot/github_actions/actions/setup-go-4 * [new branch] dependabot/github_actions/actions/stale-8 -> dependabot/github_actions/actions/stale-8 * [new branch] dependabot/github_actions/anchore/sbom-action-0.13.4 -> dependabot/github_actions/anchore/sbom-action-0.13.4 * [new branch] dependabot/github_actions/anchore/sbom-action-0.14.1 -> dependabot/github_actions/anchore/sbom-action-0.14.1 * [new branch] dependabot/github_actions/anchore/sbom-action-0.14.2 -> dependabot/github_actions/anchore/sbom-action-0.14.2 * [new branch] dependabot/go_modules/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql-1.7.0 -> dependabot/go_modules/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql-1.7.0 + c41dff2cdb8...8274c6cf005 dependabot/go_modules/github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin-1.4.6 -> dependabot/go_modules/github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin-1.4.6 (forced update) + ae3b8813213...69e2e1208b9 dependabot/go_modules/github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin-1.4.8 -> dependabot/go_modules/github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin-1.4.8 (forced update) * [new branch] dependabot/go_modules/github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin-1.4.9 -> dependabot/go_modules/github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin-1.4.9 + 99944870d79...251da33135c dependabot/go_modules/github.com/segmentio/encoding-0.3.6 -> dependabot/go_modules/github.com/segmentio/encoding-0.3.6 (forced update) + 4258dc0fae7...efe0d6e76bc dependabot/go_modules/github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go-2.30.0incompatible -> dependabot/go_modules/github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go-2.30.0incompatible (forced update) * [new branch] digitalemil-patch-1 -> digitalemil-patch-1 * [new branch] digitalemil-patch-2 -> digitalemil-patch-2 * [new branch] disjunctions -> disjunctions * [new branch] doanbutar-patch-1 -> doanbutar-patch-1 * [new branch] docs-fix-proxy-link -> docs-fix-proxy-link * [new branch] docs/correct-capitalization-openSUSE -> docs/correct-capitalization-openSUSE * [new branch] docs/docker-compose-update -> docs/docker-compose-update * [new branch] docs/update-mssql-data-source-config -> docs/update-mssql-data-source-config 95ad9f92da6..1d2db31aff6 docs/whats-new-in-9.4 -> docs/whats-new-in-9.4 * [new branch] docs/whats-new-v10 -> docs/whats-new-v10 * [new branch] domas-fix-app-chrome-children-remount -> domas-fix-app-chrome-children-remount * [new branch] domas-uplot-fix-compat-with-array-data-frame -> domas-uplot-fix-compat-with-array-data-frame * [new branch] dompurify -> dompurify * [new branch] drawer-top-nav -> drawer-top-nav * [new branch] drew08/geomap-value-mapping-per-layer -> drew08/geomap-value-mapping-per-layer 1709d813392..b2e5f72f776 drew08t/geomap-routing-tooltip -> drew08t/geomap-routing-tooltip * [new branch] drew08t/timeseries-custom-log-scale -> drew08t/timeseries-custom-log-scale * [new branch] drilldown-scene-view -> drilldown-scene-view * [new branch] dskit-http-server -> dskit-http-server * [new branch] dskit-modules -> dskit-modules * [new branch] dskit-modules-selfreg -> dskit-modules-selfreg * [new branch] dskit-modules-selfreg-skeleton -> dskit-modules-selfreg-skeleton * [new branch] dskit-svc-example -> dskit-svc-example * [new branch] dynamic-scene-app-page-experiment -> dynamic-scene-app-page-experiment * [new branch] ej25a-patch-1 -> ej25a-patch-1 * [new branch] eledobleefe/add-loading-state-textarea-67986 -> eledobleefe/add-loading-state-textarea-67986 * [new branch] eledobleefe/checkbox-add-invalid-prop-68240 -> eledobleefe/checkbox-add-invalid-prop-68240 * [new branch] eledobleefe/glds-autosave-field-children-test -> eledobleefe/glds-autosave-field-children-test * [new branch] eledobleefe/glds-text-component-doc-66140 -> eledobleefe/glds-text-component-doc-66140 * [new branch] eledobleefe/pa11y-color-contrast-65153 -> eledobleefe/pa11y-color-contrast-65153 * [new branch] eledobleefe/radiobuttongroup-add-invalid-prop-68182 -> eledobleefe/radiobuttongroup-add-invalid-prop-68182 * [new branch] eledobleefe/switch-add-invalid-prop-68014 -> eledobleefe/switch-add-invalid-prop-68014 * [new branch] eledobleefe/text-component-example-68246 -> eledobleefe/text-component-example-68246 ec468ba442c..4d25298d35a eledobleefe/tooltip-overlap-content-mobile-59350 -> eledobleefe/tooltip-overlap-content-mobile-59350 * [new branch] eledobleefe/tooltip-overlap-content-mobile-59350-with-josh -> eledobleefe/tooltip-overlap-content-mobile-59350-with-josh * [new branch] eleijonmarck/benchmark-test -> eleijonmarck/benchmark-test * [new branch] eleijonmarck/errutil/accept-errBase-as-input -> eleijonmarck/errutil/accept-errBase-as-input * [new branch] eleijonmarck/saml-ui/add-doc-link -> eleijonmarck/saml-ui/add-doc-link * [new branch] eleijonmarck/serviceaccounts/ui-migration-feedback -> eleijonmarck/serviceaccounts/ui-migration-feedback * [new branch] eleijonmarck/usageStats/caseinsensitive-login -> eleijonmarck/usageStats/caseinsensitive-login * [new branch] eleijonmarck/usagestatsinterface/caseinsensitive-login -> eleijonmarck/usagestatsinterface/caseinsensitive-login * [new branch] emil/202303/contrib-backend-promusagestats -> emil/202303/contrib-backend-promusagestats * [new branch] emil/202303/pw-policy -> emil/202303/pw-policy * [new branch] emil/202304/custom-headers -> emil/202304/custom-headers * [new branch] emil/202305/mysql8-integration-tests -> emil/202305/mysql8-integration-tests * [new branch] evictorero/public-dashboards-recipients-get-config -> evictorero/public-dashboards-recipients-get-config * [new branch] evictorero/public-dashboards-share-request-access -> evictorero/public-dashboards-share-request-access * [new branch] example-embedded-k8s -> example-embedded-k8s * [new branch] export-poc -> export-poc * [new branch] external-am-custom-headers -> external-am-custom-headers * [new branch] feat-add-declare-incident-link -> feat-add-declare-incident-link * [new branch] feat/add_flag_to_enable_csrf_check_without_login_cookie -> feat/add_flag_to_enable_csrf_check_without_login_cookie * [new branch] feat/datasource-description -> feat/datasource-description * [new branch] feat/k8s-authnz-webhook -> feat/k8s-authnz-webhook * [new branch] fetch_applied_alert_configs_history -> fetch_applied_alert_configs_history * [new branch] fetch_applied_alert_configuration_history -> fetch_applied_alert_configuration_history * [new branch] fionaliao-patch-1 -> fionaliao-patch-1 * [new branch] fips -> fips * [new branch] fix-bug-switching-from-mixed -> fix-bug-switching-from-mixed * [new branch] fix-main-build -> fix-main-build * [new branch] fix-rgm-main-deps -> fix-rgm-main-deps * [new branch] fix-section-names -> fix-section-names * [new branch] fix-url-enciding-in-dash-links -> fix-url-enciding-in-dash-links * [new branch] fixing-table-panel -> fixing-table-panel * [new branch] full-text-search-with-sql -> full-text-search-with-sql * [new branch] gabor/elastic-improve-nested-ui -> gabor/elastic-improve-nested-ui + e929cdcca99...410811ccd89 gabor/logs-access-functions -> gabor/logs-access-functions (forced update) * [new branch] gabor/logs-scanning-improv -> gabor/logs-scanning-improv * [new branch] gabor/loki-split-error-handling -> gabor/loki-split-error-handling * [new branch] gabor/nanosec-time-logsmodel -> gabor/nanosec-time-logsmodel * [new branch] gamab-mgyongyosi/oauth2-server-impl -> gamab-mgyongyosi/oauth2-server-impl * [new branch] gamab-tania-jldlfb/chore/settingprovider -> gamab-tania-jldlfb/chore/settingprovider * [new branch] gamab/ac/docs-search -> gamab/ac/docs-search * [new branch] gamab/ac/remove-ext-service -> gamab/ac/remove-ext-service * [new branch] gamab/bench/managed-perm-alternative -> gamab/bench/managed-perm-alternative * [new branch] gamab/ext-svc-jwt-client -> gamab/ext-svc-jwt-client * [new branch] gareth/improve-discoverability -> gareth/improve-discoverability * [new branch] gareth/prettify-query -> gareth/prettify-query * [new branch] gareth/prom-query-builder-redesign -> gareth/prom-query-builder-redesign * [new branch] gendocs/dedupl -> gendocs/dedupl * [new branch] get-docker-images-per-pr-for-g10 -> get-docker-images-per-pr-for-g10 * [new branch] gio/chore/explore-enable-mixed-ds -> gio/chore/explore-enable-mixed-ds * [new branch] gio/chore/explore-url-state -> gio/chore/explore-url-state * [new branch] gio/chore/explore-url-state-final -> gio/chore/explore-url-state-final * [new branch] gio/chore/fix-await-thenable -> gio/chore/fix-await-thenable * [new branch] gio/docs-explore-mixed-ds -> gio/docs-explore-mixed-ds * [new branch] gio/feat/enable-mixed-ds-in-explore -> gio/feat/enable-mixed-ds-in-explore * [new branch] gio/feat/explore-ds-picker-drawer -> gio/feat/explore-ds-picker-drawer * [new branch] gio/feat/explore-url-migrations -> gio/feat/explore-url-migrations * [new branch] gio/feat/improved-query-history -> gio/feat/improved-query-history * [new branch] gio/fix/await-thenables -> gio/fix/await-thenables * [new branch] gio/fix/explore-abort-pending-queries-on-close -> gio/fix/explore-abort-pending-queries-on-close * [new branch] giuseppe/detect-angular -> giuseppe/detect-angular * [new branch] giuseppe/plugin-loader-init-refactoring -> giuseppe/plugin-loader-init-refactoring * [new branch] giuseppe/plugins-loader-concurrent -> giuseppe/plugins-loader-concurrent * [new branch] giuseppe/plugins-signature-concurrent -> giuseppe/plugins-signature-concurrent * [new branch] grafana-edge-to-dataviz-transition -> grafana-edge-to-dataviz-transition * [new branch] grafana-ui/metadata-list -> grafana-ui/metadata-list * [new branch] grafana-ui/user-icon -> grafana-ui/user-icon * [new branch] grobinson/changes-to-custom-labels-annotations -> grobinson/changes-to-custom-labels-annotations * [new branch] grobinson/create-advanced-topics-in-alerting-docs -> grobinson/create-advanced-topics-in-alerting-docs * [new branch] grobinson/fix-bug-in-errors-totals -> grobinson/fix-bug-in-errors-totals * [new branch] grobinson/increase-default-from-to-match-dashboard-default -> grobinson/increase-default-from-to-match-dashboard-default * [new branch] grobinson/migrate-old-alerting-templates-to-use-labels -> grobinson/migrate-old-alerting-templates-to-use-labels * [new branch] grobinson/more-readable-merge-labels -> grobinson/more-readable-merge-labels * [new branch] grot-reading-news -> grot-reading-news * [new branch] gtk-grafana/influx-incr-query -> gtk-grafana/influx-incr-query * [new branch] gtk-grafana/influxdb-incr-query -> gtk-grafana/influxdb-incr-query * [new branch] gtk-grafana/influxdb-incr-query-2 -> gtk-grafana/influxdb-incr-query-2 * [new branch] gtk-grafana/influxdb-incr-query__test-struggle -> gtk-grafana/influxdb-incr-query__test-struggle * [new branch] gtk-grafana/nested-prom-queries-poc -> gtk-grafana/nested-prom-queries-poc * [new branch] gtk-grafana/o11y-metrics-hackday/vm-devenv -> gtk-grafana/o11y-metrics-hackday/vm-devenv * [new branch] gtk-grafana/prometheus-incr-query-abstraction -> gtk-grafana/prometheus-incr-query-abstraction * [new branch] gtk-grafana/prometheus-query-chunking-poc -> gtk-grafana/prometheus-query-chunking-poc d06854e5c50..53d818f890c gtk-grafana/streaming-prom-frontend-client-poc -> gtk-grafana/streaming-prom-frontend-client-poc * [new branch] gtk-grafana/support-escalations/5293/transform-upgrade-time-influxdb -> gtk-grafana/support-escalations/5293/transform-upgrade-time-influxdb * [new branch] hackathon-2023-03-loki-annotations -> hackathon-2023-03-loki-annotations * [new branch] hackathon-2023-03-the-unboundables -> hackathon-2023-03-the-unboundables 393b104ff85..66b5b851b46 hackathon-add-nx -> hackathon-add-nx * [new branch] hackathon-grafana-show-me-the-code -> hackathon-grafana-show-me-the-code * [new branch] hackaton/alert-rule-panel -> hackaton/alert-rule-panel * [new branch] ida/fix_swagger_rules -> ida/fix_swagger_rules * [new branch] ida/theme -> ida/theme * [new branch] ifrost/correlations-small-fixes -> ifrost/correlations-small-fixes * [new branch] ifrost/correlations-time-to-complete -> ifrost/correlations-time-to-complete * [new branch] ifrost/promote-explore-mixed-data-source-to-beta -> ifrost/promote-explore-mixed-data-source-to-beta * [new branch] ifrost/promote-exploreMixedDatasource-to-beta -> ifrost/promote-exploreMixedDatasource-to-beta * [new branch] incident-navigation-should-be-plural -> incident-navigation-should-be-plural * [new branch] inter-variable-font -> inter-variable-font * [new branch] ismail/prometheus-instrumentation -> ismail/prometheus-instrumentation 961e2023847..e11d2ac2c96 ismail/schematized-prometheus-datasource -> ismail/schematized-prometheus-datasource * [new branch] issue-65518 -> issue-65518 * [new branch] ivana/annotation-resource-calls -> ivana/annotation-resource-calls * [new branch] ivana/context-test -> ivana/context-test * [new branch] ivana/es-devenv -> ivana/es-devenv * [new branch] ivana/es-highlight -> ivana/es-highlight * [new branch] ivana/es-raw-document -> ivana/es-raw-document * [new branch] ivana/es-result-modify -> ivana/es-result-modify * [new branch] ivana/fix-log-document-frontend-test-es -> ivana/fix-log-document-frontend-test-es * [new branch] ivana/logs-sample-lines -> ivana/logs-sample-lines * [new branch] ivana/loki-config-schema -> ivana/loki-config-schema * [new branch] ivana/loki-track -> ivana/loki-track * [new branch] ivana/remove-yarn-star-hot -> ivana/remove-yarn-star-hot * [new branch] ivana/resource-calls -> ivana/resource-calls * [new branch] ivana/resource-calls-elastic -> ivana/resource-calls-elastic * [new branch] ivana/schema-elastic -> ivana/schema-elastic * [new branch] iwysiu/63388 -> iwysiu/63388 * [new branch] jackw/opt-out-webpack-eslint -> jackw/opt-out-webpack-eslint * [new branch] jackw/panel-chrome-extensions-menu -> jackw/panel-chrome-extensions-menu * [new branch] jackw/panel-extensions-ux -> jackw/panel-extensions-ux * [new branch] jackw/schema-nested-import-paths -> jackw/schema-nested-import-paths * [new branch] jacobsonmt/fix-provisioning-api-ypo -> jacobsonmt/fix-provisioning-api-ypo * [new branch] jacobsonmt/fix-unique-violation-update-chain -> jacobsonmt/fix-unique-violation-update-chain * [new branch] jacobsonmt/upgrade-alerting-to-v10.0.x -> jacobsonmt/upgrade-alerting-to-v10.0.x * [new branch] jasuade-docs-patch-1 -> jasuade-docs-patch-1 * [new branch] jdb/2023-02-enable-doc-validator -> jdb/2023-02-enable-doc-validator * [new branch] jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v7.4.x -> jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v7.4.x * [new branch] jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v7.5.x -> jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v7.5.x * [new branch] jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v8.0.x -> jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v8.0.x * [new branch] jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v8.1.x -> jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v8.1.x * [new branch] jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v8.2.x -> jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v8.2.x * [new branch] jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v8.3.x -> jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v8.3.x * [new branch] jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v9.4.x -> jdb/2023-03-fix-website-build-errors-v9.4.x * [new branch] jdb/2023-04-fix-cascading-front-matter -> jdb/2023-04-fix-cascading-front-matter * [new branch] jdb/2023-04-improve-mac-support-for-make-docs -> jdb/2023-04-improve-mac-support-for-make-docs * [new branch] jdb/2023-04-remove-8.4-usage-insights-alias -> jdb/2023-04-remove-8.4-usage-insights-alias * [new branch] jdb/2023-04-try-node-version-from-nvmrc -> jdb/2023-04-try-node-version-from-nvmrc * [new branch] jguer-gamab/ac/empty-br -> jguer-gamab/ac/empty-br * [new branch] jguer/ldap-cipher-suite -> jguer/ldap-cipher-suite * [new branch] jguer/saml-ui-org-admin -> jguer/saml-ui-org-admin * [new branch] jguer/separate-authn-flow-analytics -> jguer/separate-authn-flow-analytics * [new branch] joao_silva/add_typography -> joao_silva/add_typography * [new branch] joesbranch -> joesbranch * [new branch] joey/tempo-scoped-tags-api -> joey/tempo-scoped-tags-api * [new branch] joshhunt/browse-pagination -> joshhunt/browse-pagination * [new branch] joshhunt/command-palette-links-a -> joshhunt/command-palette-links-a * [new branch] joshhunt/external_auth_id_config -> joshhunt/external_auth_id_config * [new branch] joshhunt/indeterminate-checkbox -> joshhunt/indeterminate-checkbox * [new branch] joshhunt/lefthook -> joshhunt/lefthook * [new branch] joshhunt/pnpm -> joshhunt/pnpm * [new branch] joshhunt/search-by-folder-uid -> joshhunt/search-by-folder-uid * [new branch] joshhunt/text-component-proposal -> joshhunt/text-component-proposal * [new branch] joshhunt/typescript-5.0.3 -> joshhunt/typescript-5.0.3 * [new branch] joshhunt/use-grafana-searcher-everywhere -> joshhunt/use-grafana-searcher-everywhere * [new branch] joshhunt/webpack-sourcemaps -> joshhunt/webpack-sourcemaps * [new branch] jsd7599-patch-1 -> jsd7599-patch-1 * [new branch] juan-solo/gpt-logql -> juan-solo/gpt-logql * [new branch] juanicabanas/ds-dropdown-growth-behavior-change -> juanicabanas/ds-dropdown-growth-behavior-change * [new branch] juanicabanas/emailSharingEndpointsInjection -> juanicabanas/emailSharingEndpointsInjection * [new branch] juanicabanas/public-dashboard-list-pagination -> juanicabanas/public-dashboard-list-pagination * [new branch] juanicabanas/public-dashboard-list-redesign -> juanicabanas/public-dashboard-list-redesign * [new branch] juanicabanas/public_dashboard_permissions -> juanicabanas/public_dashboard_permissions * [new branch] juanicabanas/public_dashboards_active_users_tests -> juanicabanas/public_dashboards_active_users_tests * [new branch] juanicabanas/uri-encode-format -> juanicabanas/uri-encode-format * [new branch] k8s-grafana-apiserver -> k8s-grafana-apiserver * [new branch] k8s-name-helpers -> k8s-name-helpers * [new branch] k8s-poc-custom-storage -> k8s-poc-custom-storage * [new branch] k8s-poc-embedded-kine -> k8s-poc-embedded-kine * [new branch] k8s-poc-extensions-apiserver -> k8s-poc-extensions-apiserver * [new branch] k8s-proof-of-concept -> k8s-proof-of-concept * [new branch] k8s-version-check -> k8s-version-check * [new branch] kalleep/context/auth-err -> kalleep/context/auth-err * [new branch] kat/modowners -> kat/modowners * [new branch] kevinwcyu/66063 -> kevinwcyu/66063 * [new branch] kind-keyword-check -> kind-keyword-check * [new branch] kind-name-check -> kind-name-check * [new branch] kristina/add-correlations-tracking_old -> kristina/add-correlations-tracking_old * [new branch] kristina/correlations-pagination -> kristina/correlations-pagination * [new branch] kristina/correlations-traces -> kristina/correlations-traces * [new branch] kristina/get-values-from-obj-fields -> kristina/get-values-from-obj-fields * [new branch] kristina/keyed-transformations -> kristina/keyed-transformations * [new branch] kristina/replace-refactor -> kristina/replace-refactor * [new branch] kristina/user-variables-explore -> kristina/user-variables-explore * [new branch] kvstoreImpl -> kvstoreImpl * [new branch] label_downstream_errors -> label_downstream_errors * [new branch] laura/refactor/improve-a11y-confirmmodal -> laura/refactor/improve-a11y-confirmmodal 23859f8ab57..37da4b8be70 laura/test -> laura/test * [new branch] laura/unify-IconButton-styling-with-Button -> laura/unify-IconButton-styling-with-Button * [new branch] lazy-loading-dash-update -> lazy-loading-dash-update * [new branch] leeoniya/deprecate-CircularDataFrame -> leeoniya/deprecate-CircularDataFrame + 924ce6c010e...d48766e07ea leeoniya/df-structured-clone -> leeoniya/df-structured-clone (forced update) * [new branch] leeoniya/joinFrames-skip-same -> leeoniya/joinFrames-skip-same * [new branch] leeoniya/optimize-doStandardCalcs -> leeoniya/optimize-doStandardCalcs * [new branch] leeoniya/panelData-slow-query-bug -> leeoniya/panelData-slow-query-bug * [new branch] leeoniya/prom-incr-query__unit-tests -> leeoniya/prom-incr-query__unit-tests * [new branch] leeoniya/timeseries-y-axis-enum-strings-2 -> leeoniya/timeseries-y-axis-enum-strings-2 * [new branch] leeoniya/y-log-axis-skip-ticks -> leeoniya/y-log-axis-skip-ticks * [new branch] leventebalogh/echo-srv -> leventebalogh/echo-srv * [new branch] leventebalogh/extend-datasources-config -> leventebalogh/extend-datasources-config * [new branch] leventebalogh/extensions-freeze-context-object -> leventebalogh/extensions-freeze-context-object * [new branch] link-color -> link-color * [new branch] linoman/docks_revamp-include-doctree -> linoman/docks_revamp-include-doctree * [new branch] linoman/docs_revamp -> linoman/docs_revamp * [new branch] linoman/docs_revamp-api_keys -> linoman/docs_revamp-api_keys * [new branch] linoman/docs_revamp-plan_iam_strategy -> linoman/docs_revamp-plan_iam_strategy * [new branch] linoman/docs_revamp-synchronization -> linoman/docs_revamp-synchronization * [new branch] linoman/fix_broken_url_for_publishing_and_signing -> linoman/fix_broken_url_for_publishing_and_signing * [new branch] live-fix -> live-fix * [new branch] local-storage-inspector -> local-storage-inspector * [new branch] lokli-datasource-derivedfields-cloud -> lokli-datasource-derivedfields-cloud * [new branch] ludo/devenv-ops-dashboards -> ludo/devenv-ops-dashboards * [new branch] ludo/devenv-self-instrumentation -> ludo/devenv-self-instrumentation * [new branch] ludo/join-fix-retro -> ludo/join-fix-retro * [new branch] ludo/monitoring -> ludo/monitoring * [new branch] ludo/plugin-request-error-type -> ludo/plugin-request-error-type * [new branch] ludo/prom-instrumentation -> ludo/prom-instrumentation * [new branch] ludo/prometheus-frontend-red -> ludo/prometheus-frontend-red * [new branch] ludo/transformations-join-custom-field -> ludo/transformations-join-custom-field 6c5a5737721..11c388a10f8 main -> main * [new branch] make-is_paused-in-nullable-for-api -> make-is_paused-in-nullable-for-api * [new branch] malcolmholmes/new-maturity -> malcolmholmes/new-maturity * [new branch] mallettjared-patch-1 -> mallettjared-patch-1 * [new branch] mallettjared-patch-2 -> mallettjared-patch-2 * [new branch] mallettjared-patch-3 -> mallettjared-patch-3 * [new branch] marybelvargas-patch-1 -> marybelvargas-patch-1 * [new branch] marybelvargas-patch-2 -> marybelvargas-patch-2 * [new branch] matyax/chunk-progress-indicator -> matyax/chunk-progress-indicator * [new branch] matyax/duplicated-data-links -> matyax/duplicated-data-links * [new branch] matyax/duplicated-derived-fields -> matyax/duplicated-derived-fields * [new branch] matyax/duplicated-derived-fields-refactor -> matyax/duplicated-derived-fields-refactor * [new branch] matyax/loading-frame -> matyax/loading-frame * [new branch] matyax/logs-panel-styles-perf-giga-refactor -> matyax/logs-panel-styles-perf-giga-refactor * [new branch] matyax/logs-volume-retry -> matyax/logs-volume-retry + 008cd88e5ae...29ea8976a14 matyax/loki-range-splitting -> matyax/loki-range-splitting (forced update) * [new branch] matyax/range-splitting-circular-hack-poc -> matyax/range-splitting-circular-hack-poc * [new branch] matyax/range-splitting-combine -> matyax/range-splitting-combine * [new branch] matyax/splitting-cancel -> matyax/splitting-cancel * [new branch] mckn/explore-extension-point -> mckn/explore-extension-point * [new branch] mckn/extension-context-version -> mckn/extension-context-version * [new branch] mckn/mock-extensions -> mckn/mock-extensions * [new branch] mdvictor/add-multi-tooltip-support -> mdvictor/add-multi-tooltip-support 4cfa58e9507..fd7dabd66fd mdvictor/datagrid-poc -> mdvictor/datagrid-poc * [new branch] mdvictor/datagrid-row-limit -> mdvictor/datagrid-row-limit * [new branch] mdvictor/fix-e2e-datagrid-uid -> mdvictor/fix-e2e-datagrid-uid * [new branch] mdvictor/panel-exports -> mdvictor/panel-exports * [new branch] mdvictor/refactor-table-code -> mdvictor/refactor-table-code * [new branch] mdvictor/sparkline-align-data -> mdvictor/sparkline-align-data * [new branch] mdvictor/table-bargauge-local-range -> mdvictor/table-bargauge-local-range * [new branch] melgl-patch-3 -> melgl-patch-3 * [new branch] merge-cloud-automation -> merge-cloud-automation b81a3908259..c15cb6503f5 mgyongyosi/tr-tinkering -> mgyongyosi/tr-tinkering * [new branch] migrate-to-angular-panels-title-items -> migrate-to-angular-panels-title-items * [new branch] mildwonkey/annotations-timeout -> mildwonkey/annotations-timeout * [new branch] mildwonkey/dashboard-getter-poc -> mildwonkey/dashboard-getter-poc * [new branch] mildwonkey/getter-poc -> mildwonkey/getter-poc * [new branch] misi-gamab/fosite-poc -> misi-gamab/fosite-poc * [new branch] misi-gamab/oauth/server -> misi-gamab/oauth/server * [new branch] mja/decouple-action-workflow -> mja/decouple-action-workflow * [new branch] monaloki -> monaloki * [new branch] monoloki/stats-in-autocomplete -> monoloki/stats-in-autocomplete * [new branch] move-aws-marketplace -> move-aws-marketplace * [new branch] move-enterprise-pipelines-from-oss -> move-enterprise-pipelines-from-oss * [new branch] move-github -> move-github * [new branch] move-promotions -> move-promotions * [new branch] move-timer-up-one-level -> move-timer-up-one-level * [new branch] moxious-patch-1 -> moxious-patch-1 * [new branch] moxious-patch-2 -> moxious-patch-2 * [new branch] my-branch -> my-branch 3f63d7eb069..947d1cfe5e0 nanogit -> nanogit * [new branch] navbahl-patch-1 -> navbahl-patch-1 * [new branch] navbahl-patch-2 -> navbahl-patch-2 e33e95c56c2..0cd46169656 nesting-routing-test -> nesting-routing-test * [new branch] new-panel-creation-config-inline-ds-poc -> new-panel-creation-config-inline-ds-poc * [new branch] new-panel-creation-experience-poc -> new-panel-creation-experience-poc * [new branch] no-datasource-page-components -> no-datasource-page-components * [new branch] norm-in-timeseries-viz -> norm-in-timeseries-viz * [new branch] oscark/add-non-gradient-background-color-option-to-stat-panel -> oscark/add-non-gradient-background-color-option-to-stat-panel * [new branch] oscark/fix-size-of-dropped-panel-too-small -> oscark/fix-size-of-dropped-panel-too-small * [new branch] oscark/mssql-macro-issue -> oscark/mssql-macro-issue * [new branch] oscark/refactor-file-drop-specific-stuff-out-of-query-group -> oscark/refactor-file-drop-specific-stuff-out-of-query-group * [new branch] oscark/set-array-data-frame-value-to-array -> oscark/set-array-data-frame-value-to-array * [new branch] oscark/store-first-panel-edit-state-in-panelmodel -> oscark/store-first-panel-edit-state-in-panelmodel * [new branch] panel-chrome-on-primary -> panel-chrome-on-primary * [new branch] panel-context-demo-scene -> panel-context-demo-scene 409efc0f0e8..9d34dd78e47 panel-search-scene -> panel-search-scene * [new branch] panelTitleMultipleErrors -> panelTitleMultipleErrors * [new branch] papagian/drone-run-benchmarks -> papagian/drone-run-benchmarks * [new branch] papagian/drone-run-benchmarks-main -> papagian/drone-run-benchmarks-main * [new branch] papagian/esc-5127 -> papagian/esc-5127 * [new branch] papagian/instrument-annotations-cleanup -> papagian/instrument-annotations-cleanup * [new branch] papagian/nf-fix-search-by-folder-ids -> papagian/nf-fix-search-by-folder-ids * [new branch] papagian/nf-http-api-docs -> papagian/nf-http-api-docs * [new branch] papagian/split-swagger-specs -> papagian/split-swagger-specs * [new branch] papagian/upgrade-golangci-lint -> papagian/upgrade-golangci-lint * [new branch] pinned-mega-menu-poc -> pinned-mega-menu-poc * [new branch] plugin-alias-support -> plugin-alias-support * [new branch] plugin-cdn-install -> plugin-cdn-install * [new branch] plugin-cdn-install-sources -> plugin-cdn-install-sources * [new branch] plugin-extensions-dashboard-menu-pass-data -> plugin-extensions-dashboard-menu-pass-data * [new branch] plugin-extensions-multiple-configured-links -> plugin-extensions-multiple-configured-links * [new branch] plugin-extensions-panel-ux -> plugin-extensions-panel-ux * [new branch] plugin-install-skip-version-check -> plugin-install-skip-version-check * [new branch] plugin-runner-to-dskit -> plugin-runner-to-dskit * [new branch] plugin_docs -> plugin_docs * [new branch] plugins-chunk-1B -> plugins-chunk-1B * [new branch] plugins-doc-review-chunk-2 -> plugins-doc-review-chunk-2 * [new branch] plugins-doc-review-chunk-3 -> plugins-doc-review-chunk-3 * [new branch] pnpm-playground -> pnpm-playground * [new branch] polibb/empty-dashb-tests -> polibb/empty-dashb-tests * [new branch] query-editor-not-appearing -> query-editor-not-appearing * [new branch] queryResponseStatus -> queryResponseStatus * [new branch] reduce-top-nav-shadow-light-theme -> reduce-top-nav-shadow-light-theme * [new branch] refactor-ds-list-to-be-reused -> refactor-ds-list-to-be-reused * [new branch] release-8.5.21 -> release-8.5.21 * [new branch] release-8.5.22 -> release-8.5.22 * [new branch] release-8.5.24 -> release-8.5.24 * [new branch] release-9.2.13 -> release-9.2.13 * [new branch] release-9.2.15 -> release-9.2.15 * [new branch] release-9.2.17 -> release-9.2.17 * [new branch] release-9.2.18 -> release-9.2.18 * [new branch] release-9.3.11 -> release-9.3.11 * [new branch] release-9.3.13 -> release-9.3.13 * [new branch] release-9.3.14 -> release-9.3.14 * [new branch] release-9.3.8 -> release-9.3.8 * [new branch] release-9.4.0-beta1 -> release-9.4.0-beta1 * [new branch] release-9.4.0-public -> release-9.4.0-public * [new branch] release-9.4.1 -> release-9.4.1 * [new branch] release-9.4.10 -> release-9.4.10 * [new branch] release-9.4.2 -> release-9.4.2 * [new branch] release-9.4.3 -> release-9.4.3 * [new branch] release-9.4.7 -> release-9.4.7 * [new branch] release-9.4.9 -> release-9.4.9 * [new branch] release-9.5.0 -> release-9.5.0 * [new branch] release-9.5.1 -> release-9.5.1 * [new branch] release-9.5.2 -> release-9.5.2 * [new branch] remove-negative-inf -> remove-negative-inf * [new branch] remove-panel-prefix -> remove-panel-prefix * [new branch] renovate/babel-monorepo -> renovate/babel-monorepo + 6b418676d5b...6d2dfea2dcc renovate/cypress-12.x -> renovate/cypress-12.x (forced update) + 050cb45f59f...3611cbef0af renovate/esbuild-0.x -> renovate/esbuild-0.x (forced update) * [new branch] renovate/esbuild-plugin-browserslist-0.x -> renovate/esbuild-plugin-browserslist-0.x * [new branch] renovate/jest-monorepo -> renovate/jest-monorepo + 19dd36c5ac7...9cd53559734 renovate/lerna-monorepo -> renovate/lerna-monorepo (forced update) * [new branch] renovate/moveable -> renovate/moveable + f570c6e0575...92b68235320 renovate/rollup-3.x -> renovate/rollup-3.x (forced update) + b6b3eccade3...36a6cb5d8da renovate/slate -> renovate/slate (forced update) * [new branch] renovate/yarn-monorepo -> renovate/yarn-monorepo * [new branch] resouce-and-opacity-on-xy -> resouce-and-opacity-on-xy * [new branch] resume-refresh-panel-edit -> resume-refresh-panel-edit * [new branch] revert-64778-revert-64503-revert-am-changes -> revert-64778-revert-64503-revert-am-changes * [new branch] revert-65688-stevesg/update-prometheus-dep -> revert-65688-stevesg/update-prometheus-dep * [new branch] rgnvldr-patch-1 -> rgnvldr-patch-1 * [new branch] rgnvldr-patch-2 -> rgnvldr-patch-2 * [new branch] row-library-panel -> row-library-panel * [new branch] rowNumberToFieldTransform -> rowNumberToFieldTransform * [new branch] rowNumberToFieldTransform-first -> rowNumberToFieldTransform-first * [new branch] russandsammy/hackathon -> russandsammy/hackathon * [new branch] ryan-nested -> ryan-nested * [new branch] samu6851-patch-2 -> samu6851-patch-2 * [new branch] samu6851-patch-3 -> samu6851-patch-3 * [new branch] samu6851-patch-4 -> samu6851-patch-4 * [new branch] santihernandezc/refactor_image_store_interface -> santihernandezc/refactor_image_store_interface * [new branch] santihernandezc/use_image_urls_instead_of_tokens -> santihernandezc/use_image_urls_instead_of_tokens * [new branch] sarah-spang-patch-1 -> sarah-spang-patch-1 * [new branch] sarah-spang-patch-2 -> sarah-spang-patch-2 * [new branch] sarah-spang-patch-3 -> sarah-spang-patch-3 * [new branch] sarahzinger/preferred-visualization-first -> sarahzinger/preferred-visualization-first * [new branch] save-ignore-internal-id -> save-ignore-internal-id a69a86084cb..6fb67198d91 scene-app-demo-tuesday -> scene-app-demo-tuesday * [new branch] scene-dashboard-fix-and-display-mode -> scene-dashboard-fix-and-display-mode * [new branch] scene-edit-mode-poc -> scene-edit-mode-poc * [new branch] scene-panel-time-range -> scene-panel-time-range * [new branch] scene-to-typescript -> scene-to-typescript * [new branch] scenes-canvas -> scenes-canvas * [new branch] scenes-custom-transformer -> scenes-custom-transformer * [new branch] scenes-dynamic-variables -> scenes-dynamic-variables 923e9ec45ab..a5a3c871f27 schema-variable-model -> schema-variable-model f389348a91d..9087225a030 schema/add-apikey-core-type -> schema/add-apikey-core-type * [new branch] schema/user-kind -> schema/user-kind * [new branch] scope-folder-creation -> scope-folder-creation * [new branch] sdboyer/composables-in-grafana-schema -> sdboyer/composables-in-grafana-schema * [new branch] sdboyer/lineage-flattening -> sdboyer/lineage-flattening * [new branch] sdboyer/redundant-panelcfg-prefixes -> sdboyer/redundant-panelcfg-prefixes * [new branch] secret-tuning -> secret-tuning * [new branch] secure-socks-proxy-use-plugin-sdk -> secure-socks-proxy-use-plugin-sdk * [new branch] security-md-update -> security-md-update * [new branch] simpson-cm-var-default -> simpson-cm-var-default * [new branch] simpson-fix-gcm-mispelling -> simpson-fix-gcm-mispelling * [new branch] sonia/CHERRY-PAYLOAD-EDITOR -> sonia/CHERRY-PAYLOAD-EDITOR * [new branch] sonia/payload-editor-2 -> sonia/payload-editor-2 * [new branch] sonia/testing-rtkq-codegen -> sonia/testing-rtkq-codegen * [new branch] sseMoreTrace -> sseMoreTrace * [new branch] stat-prefix -> stat-prefix * [new branch] stevesg/ngalert-api-hook -> stevesg/ngalert-api-hook * [new branch] stevesg/refactoring-to-api-prometheus -> stevesg/refactoring-to-api-prometheus * [new branch] stevesg/v9.3.x-cloud-multitenancy -> stevesg/v9.3.x-cloud-multitenancy * [new branch] store-export -> store-export * [new branch] suntala/alert-rules-counting -> suntala/alert-rules-counting * [new branch] suntala/bug-fixed-registry -> suntala/bug-fixed-registry * [new branch] suntala/registry-service -> suntala/registry-service * [new branch] svennergr/add-dashboard-panel-id-to-span -> svennergr/add-dashboard-panel-id-to-span * [new branch] svennergr/pin-log-lines -> svennergr/pin-log-lines * [new branch] svennergr/reverse-split -> svennergr/reverse-split * [new branch] swagger-csp -> swagger-csp * [new branch] sync-grafana-with-mirror -> sync-grafana-with-mirror * [new branch] team-schema -> team-schema * [new branch] template-srv-refactor -> template-srv-refactor * [new branch] timeseries-with-stat-display -> timeseries-with-stat-display * [new branch] toddtreece/k8s-api-write-dashboard -> toddtreece/k8s-api-write-dashboard * [new branch] tomwilkie-patch-1 -> tomwilkie-patch-1 * [new branch] topnav-flag-cleanup -> topnav-flag-cleanup * [new branch] trend-v10-docs -> trend-v10-docs * [new branch] trusted-types -> trusted-types * [new branch] tskarhed/nested-folders/folder-picker -> tskarhed/nested-folders/folder-picker * [new branch] tulmah-patch-1 -> tulmah-patch-1 * [new branch] tulmah-patch-1-1 -> tulmah-patch-1-1 * [new branch] types/templateSrv-types -> types/templateSrv-types * [new branch] ue-search-filter -> ue-search-filter * [new branch] ue-stat-panel-font -> ue-stat-panel-font * [new branch] ue-tz-relative-time -> ue-tz-relative-time * [new branch] ui/dropdown-positioning -> ui/dropdown-positioning * [new branch] unify-toolbar-button-and-secondary -> unify-toolbar-button-and-secondary * [new branch] update-explore-trace-view -> update-explore-trace-view * [new branch] update-panel-refs -> update-panel-refs + e586ef94734...fb18a6d8fe6 use-enum-type-in-testdata -> use-enum-type-in-testdata (forced update) * [new branch] ux-modal-consistency -> ux-modal-consistency * [new branch] v10.0.x -> v10.0.x f2a6e8c36a1..78c80ceb5a5 v8.3.x -> v8.3.x 680841d98ec..c9d0a963379 v8.4.x -> v8.4.x d1c4560d6ed..b06e795c277 v8.5.x -> v8.5.x e46587c87bc..618ca5b8d3b v9.0.x -> v9.0.x f3620e6f134..bf8eef136d4 v9.1.x -> v9.1.x 8ba6072e54d..d142257036b v9.2.x -> v9.2.x 61ff98096dc..9efc8faf028 v9.3.x -> v9.3.x * [new branch] v9.4.0-beta1-fix -> v9.4.0-beta1-fix * [new branch] v9.4.x -> v9.4.x * [new branch] v9.5.x -> v9.5.x * [new branch] value-and-frame -> value-and-frame * [new branch] variable-formatting-schema -> variable-formatting-schema * [new branch] vt/sb_support -> vt/sb_support * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-1 -> willychrisza-patch-1 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-10 -> willychrisza-patch-10 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-11 -> willychrisza-patch-11 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-12 -> willychrisza-patch-12 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-2 -> willychrisza-patch-2 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-3 -> willychrisza-patch-3 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-4 -> willychrisza-patch-4 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-5 -> willychrisza-patch-5 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-6 -> willychrisza-patch-6 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-7 -> willychrisza-patch-7 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-8 -> willychrisza-patch-8 * [new branch] willychrisza-patch-9 -> willychrisza-patch-9 * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/alerting-receiver-error -> yuri-tceretian/alerting-receiver-error * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/alertrule-fingerprint-db -> yuri-tceretian/alertrule-fingerprint-db * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/fix-exec-state-mapping -> yuri-tceretian/fix-exec-state-mapping * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/fix-silence-status-code -> yuri-tceretian/fix-silence-status-code * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/increase-performance-of-getOrCreate -> yuri-tceretian/increase-performance-of-getOrCreate * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/migration-slash-name -> yuri-tceretian/migration-slash-name * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/migration-unknown-excution -> yuri-tceretian/migration-unknown-excution * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/mimir-alertmanager-proxy -> yuri-tceretian/mimir-alertmanager-proxy * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/no-normal-state-runtime -> yuri-tceretian/no-normal-state-runtime * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/scheduler-update-rule -> yuri-tceretian/scheduler-update-rule * [new branch] yuri-tceretian/sync-state-reset-backport93-merged -> yuri-tceretian/sync-state-reset-backport93-merged * [new branch] zerok/backport-package-publishing-to-8_5 -> zerok/backport-package-publishing-to-8_5 5604af6fafd..50ed922d1fb zoltan/candlestick-schema -> zoltan/candlestick-schema * [new branch] zserge/defaults-ini -> zserge/defaults-ini * [new branch] zserge/goimports-plugins-platform -> zserge/goimports-plugins-platform * [new branch] zserge/lets-commit-wire-gen -> zserge/lets-commit-wire-gen * [new branch] zserge/remove-result-datasources -> zserge/remove-result-datasources * [new branch] zserge/sqlstore-cgo-disabled -> zserge/sqlstore-cgo-disabled * [new branch] zserge/xorm-dashboards -> zserge/xorm-dashboards + 924ce6c010e...d48766e07ea refs/pull/38615/head -> refs/pull/38615/head (forced update) * [new ref] refs/pull/38615/merge -> refs/pull/38615/merge 9756ca23e7d..ae288e27ebe refs/pull/50277/head -> refs/pull/50277/head * [new ref] refs/pull/50277/merge -> refs/pull/50277/merge 7ec6484971a..9ed1b129a57 refs/pull/53640/head -> refs/pull/53640/head * [new ref] refs/pull/53640/merge -> refs/pull/53640/merge + f9afbdfc7fc...3ea27545f05 refs/pull/56054/merge -> refs/pull/56054/merge (forced update) + aeda2890ebf...4db95ef276e refs/pull/56097/head -> refs/pull/56097/head (forced update) 7368838ad77..1bec5135ddc refs/pull/56806/head -> refs/pull/56806/head 79a5d3d425b..7b2823f94da refs/pull/57022/head -> refs/pull/57022/head 84df32b2146..b4975253c2b refs/pull/57657/head -> refs/pull/57657/head 3e5f989148b..00730b6e4bd refs/pull/57926/head -> refs/pull/57926/head 47a3904584b..bd58cc883b7 refs/pull/58174/head -> refs/pull/58174/head + 19dd36c5ac7...9cd53559734 refs/pull/58220/head -> refs/pull/58220/head (forced update) + 5bcdc487bc9...98326f064cd refs/pull/58220/merge -> refs/pull/58220/merge (forced update) + f570c6e0575...5a09ed92360 refs/pull/58252/head -> refs/pull/58252/head (forced update) + dd28379047b...f37e34000d9 refs/pull/58292/head -> refs/pull/58292/head (forced update) 8270611d086..cd02122d0a3 refs/pull/58392/head -> refs/pull/58392/head 3f63d7eb069..947d1cfe5e0 refs/pull/58551/head -> refs/pull/58551/head + a70ae94223a...ede03a784fa refs/pull/58551/merge -> refs/pull/58551/merge (forced update) + c41dff2cdb8...8274c6cf005 refs/pull/58611/head -> refs/pull/58611/head (forced update) + d4110d7350f...fcce688f714 refs/pull/58611/merge -> refs/pull/58611/merge (forced update) + a6304a4c6c7...559da8b3474 refs/pull/58623/head -> refs/pull/58623/head (forced update) edbe05fc450..cfbcf8f8758 refs/pull/58820/head -> refs/pull/58820/head af36fffb0bb..e5e14f67a19 refs/pull/58859/head -> refs/pull/58859/head 9ed8c351d56..11476660c10 refs/pull/59096/head -> refs/pull/59096/head + 61600090e9b...74772a5cf0d refs/pull/59107/merge -> refs/pull/59107/merge (forced update) c9790795841..d69373caf34 refs/pull/59157/head -> refs/pull/59157/head 6e7997ec995..74ed89b7ae5 refs/pull/59472/head -> refs/pull/59472/head + bb67a4882ae...2916830b383 refs/pull/59580/head -> refs/pull/59580/head (forced update) 95ad9f92da6..4daa7c2b89d refs/pull/59614/head -> refs/pull/59614/head 0ec519913c5..273853b0de2 refs/pull/59696/head -> refs/pull/59696/head 9fc33f10227..f3810ed5c24 refs/pull/59758/head -> refs/pull/59758/head + 4258dc0fae7...efe0d6e76bc refs/pull/59772/head -> refs/pull/59772/head (forced update) + d873b1c8b12...100f89812f2 refs/pull/59772/merge -> refs/pull/59772/merge (forced update) 393b104ff85..66b5b851b46 refs/pull/59891/head -> refs/pull/59891/head + f481f34e3dd...9b552076265 refs/pull/59990/head -> refs/pull/59990/head (forced update) + 2326efb86e8...1ed9015f0d4 refs/pull/59995/merge -> refs/pull/59995/merge (forced update) f0a028493c4..2ad61cf2674 refs/pull/60068/head -> refs/pull/60068/head + 6b418676d5b...6d2dfea2dcc refs/pull/60117/head -> refs/pull/60117/head (forced update) + 2eb55777513...55d9cee4bf1 refs/pull/60117/merge -> refs/pull/60117/merge (forced update) + 73b0d91b8a6...3265c5a5162 refs/pull/60139/head -> refs/pull/60139/head (forced update) 0395a3c7972..bdd9025f516 refs/pull/60211/head -> refs/pull/60211/head + ae3b8813213...69e2e1208b9 refs/pull/60254/head -> refs/pull/60254/head (forced update) + 77f1210beb2...fdcf5c979d7 refs/pull/60254/merge -> refs/pull/60254/merge (forced update) 409efc0f0e8..9d34dd78e47 refs/pull/60433/head -> refs/pull/60433/head + 3b88b5d56fe...c51f4fbc032 refs/pull/60433/merge -> refs/pull/60433/merge (forced update) + b6b3eccade3...36a6cb5d8da refs/pull/60453/head -> refs/pull/60453/head (forced update) + a4f5aad9699...4410d0a2a82 refs/pull/60453/merge -> refs/pull/60453/merge (forced update) + e586ef94734...fb18a6d8fe6 refs/pull/60491/head -> refs/pull/60491/head (forced update) 42f35173638..5822f6357f2 refs/pull/60711/head -> refs/pull/60711/head 2a53fc10a24..e1d47380abc refs/pull/60730/head -> refs/pull/60730/head + 39ab15ffb4f...facd0d8f067 refs/pull/60768/head -> refs/pull/60768/head (forced update) + 6c9af042fed...86364b43fb6 refs/pull/60800/head -> refs/pull/60800/head (forced update) 4931ae30a70..81c48d9292f refs/pull/60841/head -> refs/pull/60841/head 777b2057d9a..dda5cbe91a3 refs/pull/60929/head -> refs/pull/60929/head c54d70362f1..93cbddd96b2 refs/pull/60977/head -> refs/pull/60977/head + 9bf23057b0d...18dffd3900b refs/pull/60988/merge -> refs/pull/60988/merge (forced update) 1210a346c88..742ebdb98ac refs/pull/60989/head -> refs/pull/60989/head e3d27a26733..4b190aababe refs/pull/61035/head -> refs/pull/61035/head + eb205142021...e18ac7fb8ed refs/pull/61074/head -> refs/pull/61074/head (forced update) 8b9b6968f5b..6a7f9c485c7 refs/pull/61103/head -> refs/pull/61103/head + d1f213dcf2d...ea72bae882f refs/pull/61121/head -> refs/pull/61121/head (forced update) 9b520713b3c..67d0e78936f refs/pull/61135/head -> refs/pull/61135/head + 6fd4c170f00...98247e7464d refs/pull/61143/head -> refs/pull/61143/head (forced update) + a7af9be58aa...1fd7807b28a refs/pull/61199/head -> refs/pull/61199/head (forced update) + 196f943e24d...c6b9571974e refs/pull/61290/merge -> refs/pull/61290/merge (forced update) a519fcd7c4c..11090d58b75 refs/pull/61300/head -> refs/pull/61300/head db3a6027a56..bffdb273e4e refs/pull/61316/head -> refs/pull/61316/head 7be2378dffc..1558ead13a9 refs/pull/61330/head -> refs/pull/61330/head + 29b4ae15fba...8e08b9251c8 refs/pull/61337/merge -> refs/pull/61337/merge (forced update) + e929cdcca99...410811ccd89 refs/pull/61345/head -> refs/pull/61345/head (forced update) + 0ac0311ab6c...17f543423ba refs/pull/61345/merge -> refs/pull/61345/merge (forced update) 62132313575..a4832e68b5b refs/pull/61430/head -> refs/pull/61430/head 7b12614f7ea..05ea8599530 refs/pull/61477/head -> refs/pull/61477/head + 2826ec751a1...7022b7e2b46 refs/pull/61498/head -> refs/pull/61498/head (forced update) 040f941868e..cb2233fc062 refs/pull/61505/head -> refs/pull/61505/head 6ecc0a00567..5eb637c3db5 refs/pull/61517/head -> refs/pull/61517/head + c89b0181ea6...bdaa7dce94a refs/pull/61517/merge -> refs/pull/61517/merge (forced update) + 050cb45f59f...3611cbef0af refs/pull/61522/head -> refs/pull/61522/head (forced update) + 5c177ce7517...c3fcff779a8 refs/pull/61522/merge -> refs/pull/61522/merge (forced update) + 99944870d79...251da33135c refs/pull/61528/head -> refs/pull/61528/head (forced update) + 5f2b7cd22d1...c887f9880a8 refs/pull/61528/merge -> refs/pull/61528/merge (forced update) + 6de90776bfa...85dbc3c18a6 refs/pull/61537/merge -> refs/pull/61537/merge (forced update) 101481c9bf4..0a6455d5edb refs/pull/61566/head -> refs/pull/61566/head + 273ff3c09ac...da9fef3a633 refs/pull/61594/merge -> refs/pull/61594/merge (forced update) 1709d813392..b2e5f72f776 refs/pull/61642/head -> refs/pull/61642/head + ea046197701...ba5a7dcf874 refs/pull/61642/merge -> refs/pull/61642/merge (forced update) 2db4ef643b8..0365be99970 refs/pull/61663/head -> refs/pull/61663/head ea6909822bb..331a1ed11ce refs/pull/61677/head -> refs/pull/61677/head + 511a120706a...3968b4d4460 refs/pull/61725/head -> refs/pull/61725/head (forced update) c2b7a02f95a..4593d949c70 refs/pull/61735/head -> refs/pull/61735/head e33e95c56c2..0cd46169656 refs/pull/61746/head -> refs/pull/61746/head a9be12cb3cb..bb27bd1b997 refs/pull/61770/head -> refs/pull/61770/head b30b610379e..bfdb7bbb1a4 refs/pull/61771/head -> refs/pull/61771/head ba95322b6f2..bf9c821ed83 refs/pull/61774/head -> refs/pull/61774/head + dab1cf507a3...c384a533e4d refs/pull/61786/head -> refs/pull/61786/head (forced update) + 4c09e279a06...2a08a5a62b4 refs/pull/61799/head -> refs/pull/61799/head (forced update) 6d7725d812b..3448b5463dd refs/pull/61806/head -> refs/pull/61806/head fae665396ed..8693c8b14ae refs/pull/61824/head -> refs/pull/61824/head + 6fd4260aff0...cc19cab3e5c refs/pull/61827/head -> refs/pull/61827/head (forced update) 3af0d503943..865ab22cb54 refs/pull/61852/head -> refs/pull/61852/head bdfbc7a9bdc..d82357f1f1b refs/pull/61855/head -> refs/pull/61855/head 13fde56a79f..64fb4604886 refs/pull/61868/head -> refs/pull/61868/head 1d1dca96018..68a10d7ecbb refs/pull/61870/head -> refs/pull/61870/head 961e2023847..e11d2ac2c96 refs/pull/61872/head -> refs/pull/61872/head daa5bc7c4aa..16c6c602d85 refs/pull/61921/head -> refs/pull/61921/head 51f6cee7b82..2b27b92b98b refs/pull/61936/head -> refs/pull/61936/head 8cfc63d6b1a..c0120d4f411 refs/pull/61938/head -> refs/pull/61938/head ec468ba442c..4d25298d35a refs/pull/61939/head -> refs/pull/61939/head 5d4acdbb4b3..8df6062a53c refs/pull/61952/head -> refs/pull/61952/head 8ec15b59e37..45d31ff3809 refs/pull/61963/head -> refs/pull/61963/head 6f7c9f614b6..85eaab78cdd refs/pull/61968/head -> refs/pull/61968/head + f2b40802e67...e566f7164f6 refs/pull/61986/head -> refs/pull/61986/head (forced update) + 6b79357a6bc...bfed85ae2d4 refs/pull/61990/head -> refs/pull/61990/head (forced update) + 9541903324a...f82cac250ec refs/pull/61992/head -> refs/pull/61992/head (forced update) 0e94112a1c4..85078e26e6a refs/pull/61995/head -> refs/pull/61995/head + 69db6786234...c66660f2e00 refs/pull/62004/head -> refs/pull/62004/head (forced update) a73f9a0007c..067747e6606 refs/pull/62018/head -> refs/pull/62018/head 38ce27e52b7..5b6561de841 refs/pull/62022/head -> refs/pull/62022/head + df303a4490d...591954498df refs/pull/62026/head -> refs/pull/62026/head (forced update) b0f9d511c69..4ccd0782c0b refs/pull/62033/head -> refs/pull/62033/head + 6fdc2561511...227fefde922 refs/pull/62045/head -> refs/pull/62045/head (forced update) 685f79a6916..39c3fe5da78 refs/pull/62046/head -> refs/pull/62046/head + 7134c21abb5...3b166da5d06 refs/pull/62046/merge -> refs/pull/62046/merge (forced update) 2adb5789adf..c6b6bf8c589 refs/pull/62050/head -> refs/pull/62050/head + eb2e3b9cf07...15ff8fad88c refs/pull/62072/head -> refs/pull/62072/head (forced update) 34aeb753fe0..ebe48ac153f refs/pull/62085/head -> refs/pull/62085/head e4b4f3506c3..df84cd8360c refs/pull/62087/head -> refs/pull/62087/head 3e8f9f86cb8..d099847eeb7 refs/pull/62090/head -> refs/pull/62090/head b9068760d3b..a4b48fdf54a refs/pull/62094/head -> refs/pull/62094/head 340c121e9fb..61ff52979a4 refs/pull/62106/head -> refs/pull/62106/head 5735694cfb7..18545aef2fa refs/pull/62109/head -> refs/pull/62109/head 27325980be6..a308d4542bf refs/pull/62112/head -> refs/pull/62112/head 5604af6fafd..50ed922d1fb refs/pull/62113/head -> refs/pull/62113/head + d8d4a3a5b76...f162e8d4f1b refs/pull/62113/merge -> refs/pull/62113/merge (forced update) e90fac5a61d..f0f2d9276b2 refs/pull/62114/head -> refs/pull/62114/head 5f50701cf78..8260a610294 refs/pull/62119/head -> refs/pull/62119/head + 756ac123904...28e8b13e658 refs/pull/62120/merge -> refs/pull/62120/merge (forced update) + 45a48c3471c...de903700c6b refs/pull/62128/head -> refs/pull/62128/head (forced update) 0240ce387cb..491855bea51 refs/pull/62133/head -> refs/pull/62133/head + 3b9af3a2500...59ec6c8f772 refs/pull/62135/head -> refs/pull/62135/head (forced update) 923e9ec45ab..a5a3c871f27 refs/pull/62142/head -> refs/pull/62142/head + 242ad0401d7...ecd081a08fe refs/pull/62142/merge -> refs/pull/62142/merge (forced update) f389348a91d..9087225a030 refs/pull/62146/head -> refs/pull/62146/head d22f1e1dc6b..af4aaf2f37f refs/pull/62147/head -> refs/pull/62147/head + 01ac6cd0e31...15b578ae172 refs/pull/62166/head -> refs/pull/62166/head (forced update) a0e48e53a56..661a55aae84 refs/pull/62169/head -> refs/pull/62169/head 5bfca3e4e8a..43df8f32a1d refs/pull/62173/head -> refs/pull/62173/head c1e1ea32bdf..489c58055ae refs/pull/62181/head -> refs/pull/62181/head 46f52ca51e1..16d82cbcfbb refs/pull/62185/head -> refs/pull/62185/head a130afcf966..df01fc56c10 refs/pull/62189/head -> refs/pull/62189/head 4bb80966bcd..50b94ea8171 refs/pull/62200/head -> refs/pull/62200/head 47de2f7300c..77a7bd4b228 refs/pull/62204/head -> refs/pull/62204/head 9db8229ece8..e7ed0485cab refs/pull/62208/head -> 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refs/pull/68279/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68280/head -> refs/pull/68280/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68281/head -> refs/pull/68281/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68282/head -> refs/pull/68282/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68282/merge -> refs/pull/68282/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68284/head -> refs/pull/68284/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68286/head -> refs/pull/68286/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68286/merge -> refs/pull/68286/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68287/head -> refs/pull/68287/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68291/head -> refs/pull/68291/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68291/merge -> refs/pull/68291/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68292/head -> refs/pull/68292/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68292/merge -> refs/pull/68292/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68295/head -> refs/pull/68295/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68295/merge -> refs/pull/68295/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68297/head -> refs/pull/68297/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68297/merge -> refs/pull/68297/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68298/head -> 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refs/pull/68326/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68327/head -> refs/pull/68327/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68327/merge -> refs/pull/68327/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68328/head -> refs/pull/68328/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68328/merge -> refs/pull/68328/merge * [new ref] refs/pull/68331/head -> refs/pull/68331/head * [new ref] refs/pull/68331/merge -> refs/pull/68331/merge * [new ref] origin/release-9.2.18 -> origin/release-9.2.18 * [new tag] v0.0.0-cloud -> v0.0.0-cloud t [tag update] v0.0.0-test -> v0.0.0-test * [new tag] v0.0.85-test -> v0.0.85-test * [new tag] v3.2.1-test -> v3.2.1-test * [new tag] v8.5.16 -> v8.5.16 * [new tag] v8.5.21 -> v8.5.21 * [new tag] v8.5.22 -> v8.5.22 * [new tag] v8.5.24 -> v8.5.24 * [new tag] v9.2.13 -> v9.2.13 * [new tag] v9.2.15 -> v9.2.15 * [new tag] v9.2.17 -> v9.2.17 * [new tag] v9.2.18 -> v9.2.18 * [new tag] v9.3.11 -> v9.3.11 * [new tag] v9.3.13 -> v9.3.13 * [new tag] v9.3.14 -> v9.3.14 * [new tag] v9.3.8 -> v9.3.8 * [new tag] v9.4.0 -> v9.4.0 * [new tag] v9.4.0-beta1 -> v9.4.0-beta1 * [new tag] v9.4.1 -> v9.4.1 * [new tag] v9.4.10 -> v9.4.10 * [new tag] v9.4.2 -> v9.4.2 * [new tag] v9.4.3 -> v9.4.3 * [new tag] v9.4.7 -> v9.4.7 * [new tag] v9.4.9 -> v9.4.9 * [new tag] v9.5.0 -> v9.5.0 * [new tag] v9.5.1 -> v9.5.1 * [new tag] v9.5.2 -> v9.5.2  -> Found grafana.service  -> Found grafana.sysusers  -> Found grafana.tmpfiles ==> Validating source files with sha512sums... grafana ... Skipped grafana.service ... Passed grafana.sysusers ... Passed grafana.tmpfiles ... Passed ==> Making package: grafana 9.5.2-1 (Fri May 12 03:44:45 2023) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... warning: dependency cycle detected: warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency Package (6) New Version Net Change Download Size extra/graphite 1:1.3.14-3 0.17 MiB extra/harfbuzz 7.3.0-1 3.32 MiB 0.91 MiB extra/libpng 1.6.39-1 0.50 MiB extra/fontconfig 2:2.14.2-1 1.00 MiB extra/freetype2 2.13.0-1 1.53 MiB extra/gsfonts 20200910-3 3.11 MiB 1.59 MiB Total Download Size: 2.50 MiB Total Installed Size: 9.63 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] :: Retrieving packages... gsfonts-20200910-3-any downloading... harfbuzz-7.3.0-1-riscv64 downloading... checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing graphite... Optional dependencies for graphite graphite-docs: Documentation installing harfbuzz... Optional dependencies for harfbuzz harfbuzz-utils: utilities installing libpng... installing freetype2... installing fontconfig... Creating fontconfig configuration... Rebuilding fontconfig cache... installing gsfonts... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/2) Updating fontconfig configuration... (2/2) Updating fontconfig cache... [?25h==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... [?25lresolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (16) New Version Net Change Download Size extra/c-ares 1.19.0-1 0.44 MiB core/libnsl 2.0.0-3 0.06 MiB extra/libuv 1.44.2-1 0.52 MiB community/node-gyp 9.3.1-1 4.43 MiB community/nodejs-nopt 7.1.0-1 0.03 MiB extra/perl-error 0.17029-4 0.04 MiB extra/perl-mailtools 2.21-6 0.11 MiB extra/perl-timedate 2.33-4 0.08 MiB community/semver 7.3.8-1 0.11 MiB extra/git 2.40.1-1 33.31 MiB community/go 2:1.20.2-1 195.06 MiB community/grunt-cli 1.4.3-2 0.78 MiB community/nodejs-lts-gallium 16.20.0-1 33.77 MiB 9.72 MiB community/npm 8.19.2-2 6.49 MiB 1.42 MiB core/python 3.11.3-1 104.68 MiB community/yarn 1.22.19-1 5.08 MiB Total Download Size: 11.14 MiB Total Installed Size: 385.01 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] :: Retrieving packages... nodejs-lts-gallium-16.20.0-1-riscv64 downloading... npm-8.19.2-2-any downloading... checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing perl-error... installing perl-timedate... installing perl-mailtools... installing git... Optional dependencies for git tk: gitk and git gui perl-libwww: git svn perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support python: git svn & git p4 [pending] subversion: git svn org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed] installing go... installing libnsl... installing libuv... installing c-ares... installing nodejs-lts-gallium... Optional dependencies for nodejs-lts-gallium npm: nodejs package manager [pending] installing nodejs-nopt... installing python... Optional dependencies for python python-setuptools python-pip sqlite [installed] mpdecimal: for decimal xz: for lzma [installed] tk: for tkinter installing semver... installing node-gyp... installing npm... installing grunt-cli... installing yarn... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Warn about old perl modules [?25h==> Retrieving sources...  -> Found grafana.service  -> Found grafana.sysusers  -> Found grafana.tmpfiles ==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks. ==> Extracting sources...  -> Creating working copy of grafana git repo... Cloning into 'grafana'... done. 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Switched to a new branch 'makepkg' ==> Starting prepare()... ==> Starting build()... Generate golang generate code from .cue files go generate ./pkg/plugins/plugindef (re)installing /build/go/bin/wire-v0.5.0 go: downloading github.com/grafana/thema v0.0.0-20230302221249-6952e4a999b7 go: downloading github.com/sdboyer/cue v0.5.0-beta.2.0.20221218111347-341999f48bdb go: downloading github.com/google/wire v0.5.0 go: downloading github.com/grafana/kindsys v0.0.0-20230309200316-812b9884a375 go: downloading github.com/yalue/merged_fs v1.2.2 go: downloading github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/google/subcommands v1.0.1 go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190422233926-fe54fb35175b go: downloading github.com/mpvl/unique v0.0.0-20150818121801-cbe035fff7de go: downloading github.com/cockroachdb/apd/v2 v2.0.2 go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.8.0 go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.8.0 go: downloading github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0 go: downloading github.com/emicklei/proto v1.10.0 go: downloading github.com/protocolbuffers/txtpbfmt v0.0.0-20220428173112-74888fd59c2b go: downloading github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 go: downloading github.com/golang/glog v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap v1.0.1 go: downloading github.com/dave/dst v0.27.2 go: downloading github.com/grafana/codejen v0.0.3 go: downloading github.com/spinillos/oapi-codegen v1.12.5-0.20230206122001-6a05ca88e18e go: downloading github.com/getkin/kin-openapi v0.112.0 go: downloading github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.9 go: downloading github.com/grafana/cuetsy v0.1.6 go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 go: downloading github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.5 go: downloading github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonpointer v0.0.0-20180127040702-4e3ac2762d5f go: downloading golang.org/x/sync v0.1.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.6.0 go: downloading github.com/xlab/treeprint v1.1.0 go: downloading github.com/kr/text v0.2.0 go: downloading k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.26.2 go: downloading k8s.io/apimachinery v0.26.2 go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.13 go: downloading github.com/labstack/echo/v4 v4.10.0 go: downloading github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.19.5 go: downloading github.com/invopop/yaml v0.1.0 go: downloading github.com/mohae/deepcopy v0.0.0-20170929034955-c48cc78d4826 go: downloading github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 go: downloading k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20221107191617-1a15be271d1d go: downloading k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.80.1 go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.2.3 go: downloading github.com/google/gofuzz v1.2.0 go: downloading github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.3.4 go: downloading github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.22.3 go: downloading github.com/labstack/gommon v0.4.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/crypto v0.4.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.6.0 go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/json v0.0.0-20220713155537-f223a00ba0e2 go: downloading github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.3 go: downloading gopkg.in/inf.v0 v0.9.1 go: downloading github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12 go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 go: downloading github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.13 go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.16 go: downloading github.com/valyala/fasttemplate v1.2.2 go: downloading golang.org/x/mod v0.8.0 go: downloading github.com/josharian/intern v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd go: downloading github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2 go: downloading github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool v1.0.0 # time fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0xffffff8a0907041a pc=0x60d24] runtime stack: runtime.throw({0x965e98?, 0x2?}) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1047 +0x44 fp=0x3fd5631d48 sp=0x3fd5631d20 pc=0x4786c runtime.sigpanic() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:821 +0x26c fp=0x3fd5631d78 sp=0x3fd5631d48 pc=0x5e6bc runtime.adjustpointer(...) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/stack.go:573 runtime.adjustdefers(0x3f00008000?, 0x3f827009c0?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/stack.go:765 +0x34 fp=0x3fd5631d80 sp=0x3fd5631d80 pc=0x60d24 runtime.copystack(0x3f827009c0, 0x8000) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/stack.go:921 +0x1e0 fp=0x3fd5631f28 sp=0x3fd5631d80 pc=0x61148 runtime.newstack() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/stack.go:1114 +0x358 fp=0x3fd56320d0 sp=0x3fd5631f28 pc=0x615f8 runtime.morestack() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:204 +0x58 fp=0x3fd56320d8 sp=0x3fd56320d0 pc=0x785e8 goroutine 134 [copystack]: cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Compile(0x3f82849180) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/compile.go:30 +0x28 fp=0x3f81d83ba0 sp=0x3f81d83ba0 pc=0x3570b8 cmd/compile/internal/ssagen.buildssa(0x3f8067f2c0, 0x0) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen/ssa.go:572 +0x1bb4 fp=0x3f81d83eb0 sp=0x3f81d83ba0 pc=0x692c84 cmd/compile/internal/ssagen.Compile(0x3f8067f2c0, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen/pgen.go:185 +0x44 fp=0x3f81d83f78 sp=0x3f81d83eb0 pc=0x68a78c cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func5.1(0x3f8006bda0?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:171 +0x48 fp=0x3f81d83fb0 sp=0x3f81d83f78 pc=0x83a530 cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3.1() /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:153 +0x3c fp=0x3f81d83fd8 sp=0x3f81d83fb0 pc=0x83a8e4 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f81d83fd8 sp=0x3f81d83fd8 pc=0x7a734 created by cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3 /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:152 +0x1f8 goroutine 1 [semacquire]: runtime.gopark(0x10c65c0?, 0x3f818d4060?, 0x0?, 0xa0?, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0x110 fp=0x3f80c6f9a0 sp=0x3f80c6f988 pc=0x4a358 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:387 runtime.semacquire1(0x3f81b7b258, 0x0?, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:160 +0x214 fp=0x3f80c6f9f0 sp=0x3f80c6f9a0 pc=0x5b7dc sync.runtime_Semacquire(0x3f81b7b250?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x38 fp=0x3f80c6fa20 sp=0x3f80c6f9f0 pc=0x778a8 sync.(*WaitGroup).Wait(0x3f81b7b250) /usr/lib/go/src/sync/waitgroup.go:116 +0x6c fp=0x3f80c6fa38 sp=0x3f80c6fa20 pc=0x934bc cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions() /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:183 +0x24c fp=0x3f80c6fa88 sp=0x3f80c6fa38 pc=0x83a384 cmd/compile/internal/gc.Main(0x9789e8) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/main.go:332 +0x12ac fp=0x3f80c6ff28 sp=0x3f80c6fa88 pc=0x83c164 main.main() /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/main.go:57 +0xec fp=0x3f80c6ff80 sp=0x3f80c6ff28 pc=0x8628ac runtime.main() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250 +0x218 fp=0x3f80c6ffd8 sp=0x3f80c6ff80 pc=0x49ee8 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f80c6ffd8 sp=0x3f80c6ffd8 pc=0x7a734 goroutine 2 [force gc (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0x110 fp=0x3f8004afb0 sp=0x3f8004af98 pc=0x4a358 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:387 runtime.forcegchelper() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:305 +0xc8 fp=0x3f8004afd8 sp=0x3f8004afb0 pc=0x4a190 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f8004afd8 sp=0x3f8004afd8 pc=0x7a734 created by runtime.init.5 /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:293 +0x28 goroutine 3 [GC sweep wait]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0x110 fp=0x3f8004b788 sp=0x3f8004b770 pc=0x4a358 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:387 runtime.bgsweep(0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mgcsweep.go:278 +0xa8 fp=0x3f8004b7c8 sp=0x3f8004b788 pc=0x349a8 runtime.gcenable.func1() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x2c fp=0x3f8004b7d8 sp=0x3f8004b7c8 pc=0x2961c runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f8004b7d8 sp=0x3f8004b7d8 pc=0x7a734 created by runtime.gcenable /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x70 goroutine 4 [GC scavenge wait]: runtime.gopark(0x3f80032070?, 0xaa2078?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0x110 fp=0x3f8004bf80 sp=0x3f8004bf68 pc=0x4a358 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:387 runtime.(*scavengerState).park(0x10bca60) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:400 +0x68 fp=0x3f8004bfa8 sp=0x3f8004bf80 pc=0x32880 runtime.bgscavenge(0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:628 +0x50 fp=0x3f8004bfc8 sp=0x3f8004bfa8 pc=0x32dd8 runtime.gcenable.func2() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0x2c fp=0x3f8004bfd8 sp=0x3f8004bfc8 pc=0x295bc runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f8004bfd8 sp=0x3f8004bfd8 pc=0x7a734 created by runtime.gcenable /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0xb0 goroutine 5 [finalizer wait]: runtime.gopark(0x3f8006a000?, 0x60?, 0x58?, 0x0?, 0x91de20?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0x110 fp=0x3f8004a5a8 sp=0x3f8004a590 pc=0x4a358 runtime.runfinq() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:193 +0x100 fp=0x3f8004a7d8 sp=0x3f8004a5a8 pc=0x28728 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f8004a7d8 sp=0x3f8004a7d8 pc=0x7a734 created by runtime.createfing /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:163 +0x64 goroutine 17 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x3f800477b8?, 0x2?, 0xc?, 0xb1?, 0x3f80047774?) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0x110 fp=0x3f800475d8 sp=0x3f800475c0 pc=0x4a358 runtime.selectgo(0x3f800477b8, 0x3f80047770, 0x0?, 0x0, 0x8a5020?, 0x1) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/select.go:327 +0x6e0 fp=0x3f800476e8 sp=0x3f800475d8 pc=0x5a920 cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3() /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:141 +0xf4 fp=0x3f800477d8 sp=0x3f800476e8 pc=0x83a6b4 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f800477d8 sp=0x3f800477d8 pc=0x7a734 created by cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:134 +0xf8 goroutine 19 [runnable]: runtime.asyncPreempt2() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/preempt.go:307 +0x40 fp=0x3f82a21340 sp=0x3f82a21328 pc=0x48b28 runtime.asyncPreempt() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/preempt_riscv64.s:66 +0xf0 fp=0x3f82a21510 sp=0x3f82a21340 pc=0x7bca8 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.rewriteValuegeneric_OpLoad(0x3f814e8c48) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/rewritegeneric.go:12292 +0x2148 fp=0x3f82a21ad8 sp=0x3f82a21518 pc=0x61ee90 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.rewriteValuegeneric(0x3f82a21cc8?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/rewritegeneric.go:178 +0x15a0 fp=0x3f82a21ae8 sp=0x3f82a21ad8 pc=0x5f7da0 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.applyRewrite(0x3f82780540, 0x978c30, 0x978cd0, 0x1) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/rewrite.go:133 +0xbe4 fp=0x3f82a21ec8 sp=0x3f82a21ae8 pc=0x3c1404 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.opt(0x3f82780540?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/opt.go:9 +0x3c fp=0x3f82a21ef0 sp=0x3f82a21ec8 pc=0x39d564 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Compile(0x3f82780540) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/compile.go:97 +0xb40 fp=0x3f82a25ba0 sp=0x3f82a21ef0 pc=0x357bd0 cmd/compile/internal/ssagen.buildssa(0x3f810b8b40, 0x3) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen/ssa.go:572 +0x1bb4 fp=0x3f82a25eb0 sp=0x3f82a25ba0 pc=0x692c84 cmd/compile/internal/ssagen.Compile(0x3f810b8b40, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen/pgen.go:185 +0x44 fp=0x3f82a25f78 sp=0x3f82a25eb0 pc=0x68a78c cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func5.1(0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:171 +0x48 fp=0x3f82a25fb0 sp=0x3f82a25f78 pc=0x83a530 cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3.1() /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:153 +0x3c fp=0x3f82a25fd8 sp=0x3f82a25fb0 pc=0x83a8e4 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f82a25fd8 sp=0x3f82a25fd8 pc=0x7a734 created by cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3 /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:152 +0x1f8 goroutine 108 [runnable]: runtime.growslice(0x0, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x8a1260) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/slice.go:157 +0x20 fp=0x3f82953020 sp=0x3f82953020 pc=0x5f5b8 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.(*stackAllocState).computeLive(0x3f81e2e580, {0x3f829212c0, 0x13, 0x0?}) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/stackalloc.go:364 +0x83c fp=0x3f829531e8 sp=0x3f82953020 pc=0x66a9f4 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.(*stackAllocState).init(0x3f81e2e580, 0x3f82904c40, {0x3f829212c0, 0x13, 0x13}) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/stackalloc.go:118 +0x15c fp=0x3f82953278 sp=0x3f829531e8 pc=0x66897c cmd/compile/internal/ssa.stackalloc(0x3f82904c40, {0x3f829212c0, 0x13, 0x13}) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/stackalloc.go:80 +0x118 fp=0x3f829533d0 sp=0x3f82953278 pc=0x668570 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.(*regAllocState).regalloc(0x3f82938900, 0x3f82904c40) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/regalloc.go:1872 +0xb7c fp=0x3f82953eb8 sp=0x3f829533d0 pc=0x3b3734 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.regalloc(0x3f82904c40?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/regalloc.go:148 +0x4c fp=0x3f82953ef0 sp=0x3f82953eb8 pc=0x3af35c cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Compile(0x3f82904c40) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/compile.go:97 +0xb40 fp=0x3f82957ba0 sp=0x3f82953ef0 pc=0x357bd0 cmd/compile/internal/ssagen.buildssa(0x3f8103a3c0, 0x2) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen/ssa.go:572 +0x1bb4 fp=0x3f82957eb0 sp=0x3f82957ba0 pc=0x692c84 cmd/compile/internal/ssagen.Compile(0x3f8103a3c0, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen/pgen.go:185 +0x44 fp=0x3f82957f78 sp=0x3f82957eb0 pc=0x68a78c cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func5.1(0x2?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:171 +0x48 fp=0x3f82957fb0 sp=0x3f82957f78 pc=0x83a530 cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3.1() /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:153 +0x3c fp=0x3f82957fd8 sp=0x3f82957fb0 pc=0x83a8e4 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f82957fd8 sp=0x3f82957fd8 pc=0x7a734 created by cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3 /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:152 +0x1f8 goroutine 116 [runnable]: runtime.mapiterinit(0x8c1660, 0x3f81df11d0, 0x3f82884570) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/map.go:815 +0x18 fp=0x3f82884448 sp=0x3f82884448 pc=0x1db10 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.(*poset).aliasnodes(0x3f81da7110, 0x3f81df1230?, {0x3f82754be0, 0x2, 0x6a0000006a?}) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/poset.go:471 +0x6f8 fp=0x3f828845d0 sp=0x3f82884448 pc=0x3a0710 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.(*poset).SetEqual(0x3f81da7110, 0x3f8144e278, 0x3f8144e5f8) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/poset.go:1188 +0xa38 fp=0x3f82884698 sp=0x3f828845d0 pc=0x3a5b50 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.(*factsTable).update(0x3f828eae00, 0x3f81485268, 0x3f8144e278, 0x3f8144e5f8, 0x2, 0x2) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go:243 +0x26c fp=0x3f82884920 sp=0x3f82884698 pc=0x3a84ac cmd/compile/internal/ssa.(*factsTable).update(0x3f828eae00, 0x3f81485268, 0x3f8144e5f8, 0x3f8144e2e8, 0x2, 0x2) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go:569 +0x1fc0 fp=0x3f82884ba8 sp=0x3f82884920 pc=0x3aa200 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.addRestrictions(0x8c1a20?, 0x3f8007f320?, 0x3, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x3ab694?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go:1162 +0xac fp=0x3f82884c10 sp=0x3f82884ba8 pc=0x3ace84 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.addBranchRestrictions(0x3f828eae00, 0x3f81485268, 0x1) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go:1143 +0x6e4 fp=0x3f82884d00 sp=0x3f82884c10 pc=0x3acd0c cmd/compile/internal/ssa.prove(0x3f82475a40) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go:975 +0x8f8 fp=0x3f82885ef0 sp=0x3f82884d00 pc=0x3ab680 cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Compile(0x3f82475a40) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/compile.go:97 +0xb40 fp=0x3f82889ba0 sp=0x3f82885ef0 pc=0x357bd0 cmd/compile/internal/ssagen.buildssa(0x3f8067f040, 0x1) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen/ssa.go:572 +0x1bb4 fp=0x3f82889eb0 sp=0x3f82889ba0 pc=0x692c84 cmd/compile/internal/ssagen.Compile(0x3f8067f040, 0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssagen/pgen.go:185 +0x44 fp=0x3f82889f78 sp=0x3f82889eb0 pc=0x68a78c cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func5.1(0x0?) /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:171 +0x48 fp=0x3f82889fb0 sp=0x3f82889f78 pc=0x83a530 cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3.1() /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:153 +0x3c fp=0x3f82889fd8 sp=0x3f82889fb0 pc=0x83a8e4 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:512 +0x4 fp=0x3f82889fd8 sp=0x3f82889fd8 pc=0x7a734 created by cmd/compile/internal/gc.compileFunctions.func3 /usr/lib/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/compile.go:152 +0x1f8 make: *** [.bingo/Variables.mk:60: /build/go/bin/wire-v0.5.0] Error 1 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... go generate ./kinds/gen.go go generate ./public/app/plugins/gen.go go generate ./pkg/kindsys/report.go ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().  Aborting... ==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/extra-riscv64/root2/build receiving incremental file list grafana-9.5.2-1-riscv64-build.log grafana-9.5.2-1-riscv64-prepare.log sent 62 bytes received 4,056 bytes 8,236.00 bytes/sec total size is 16,946 speedup is 4.12