Build complete. Don't forget to run 'make test'. ===================================================================== PHP : /build/php/src/build/sapi/cli/php PHP_SAPI : cli PHP_VERSION : 8.1.2 ZEND_VERSION: 4.1.2 PHP_OS : Linux - Linux felix8 5.16.0-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon, 10 Jan 2022 20:11:47 +0000 riscv64 INI actual : /build/php/src/build/tmp-php.ini More .INIs : --------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP : /build/php/src/build/sapi/cgi/php-cgi PHP_SAPI : cgi-fcgi PHP_VERSION : 8.1.2 ZEND_VERSION: 4.1.2 PHP_OS : Linux - Linux felix8 5.16.0-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon, 10 Jan 2022 20:11:47 +0000 riscv64 INI actual : /build/php/src/build/tmp-php.ini More .INIs : --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP : /build/php/src/build/sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg PHP_SAPI : phpdbg PHP_VERSION : 8.1.2 ZEND_VERSION: 4.1.2 PHP_OS : Linux - Linux felix8 5.16.0-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon, 10 Jan 2022 20:11:47 +0000 riscv64 INI actual : /build/php/src/build/tmp-php.ini More .INIs : --------------------------------------------------------------------- CWD : /build/php/src/php-8.1.2 Extra dirs : VALGRIND : Not used ===================================================================== Running selected tests. Spawning 32 workers... Done in 0.56s ===================================================================== SKIP Test != operator : max int 32bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_notequals_variation.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 1/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Simple Switch Test [tests/lang/003.phpt] TEST 2/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Prevent abstract and final in the same class declaration [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_013.phpt] TEST 3/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS PHP encoding setting test [tests/basic/encoding.phpt] TEST 4/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test >> operator : numbers as strings, simple [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseShiftRight_variationStr2.phpt] TEST 5/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Force pass-by-reference to __call [tests/classes/__call_003.phpt] TEST 6/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 'break' error (non positive integers) [Zend/tests/break_error_001.phpt] TEST 7/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A protected method can only be called inside the class [tests/classes/protected_001.phpt] TEST 8/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private static property as public static. [tests/classes/property_override_privateStatic_publicStatic.phpt] TEST 9/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_implicit_flush() function : check return value (always null). [tests/output/ob_implicit_flush_basic_001.phpt] TEST 10/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Empty statement in assert() shouldn't segfault [Zend/tests/assert/expect_empty_stmt_bug.phpt] TEST 11/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class protected constant visibility error [tests/classes/constants_visibility_error_002.phpt] TEST 12/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 interface with an unimplemented method [tests/classes/interfaces_002.phpt] TEST 13/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24396 (global $$variable broken) [tests/lang/bug24396.phpt] TEST 14/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 cannot override final __construct [tests/classes/final_ctor1.phpt] TEST 15/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unpacking of string keys is supported at compile-time [Zend/tests/array_unpack/unpack_string_keys_compile_time.phpt] TEST 16/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27798 (private / protected variables not exposed by get_object_vars() inside class) [Zend/tests/bug27798.phpt] TEST 17/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Only arrays and Traversables can be unpacked [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/invalid_type.phpt] TEST 18/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35176 (include()/require()/*_once() produce wrong error messages about main()) [tests/lang/bug35176.phpt] TEST 19/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess and exceptions [tests/classes/array_access_013.phpt] TEST 20/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An abstract class cannot be instantiated [tests/classes/class_abstract.phpt] TEST 21/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Un-setting instance properties causes magic methods to be called when trying to access them from outside the magic methods themselves. [tests/classes/unset_properties.phpt] TEST 22/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Convert warnings to exceptions [tests/lang/038.phpt] TEST 23/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - modifying the array during the loop. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.002.phpt] TEST 24/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a reference from a function via another function [tests/lang/returnByReference.006.phpt] TEST 25/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS String functions [tests/strings/001.phpt] TEST 26/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying assign value to property when an object is not returned in a function [Zend/tests/026.phpt] TEST 27/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_arg test [tests/lang/func_get_arg_variation.phpt] TEST 28/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37276 (problems witch $_POST array) [tests/basic/021.phpt] TEST 29/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Resolve attribute names [Zend/tests/attributes/004_name_resolution.phpt] TEST 30/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65593 (ob_start(function(){ob_start();});) [tests/output/bug65593.phpt] TEST 31/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS adding arrays [Zend/tests/add_001.phpt] TEST 32/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test header_register_callback [tests/basic/header_register_callback.phpt] TEST 33/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Simple If/Else Test [tests/lang/004.phpt] TEST 34/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A redeclared class constant must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/constants_visibility_error_003.phpt] TEST 35/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_implicit_flush() function : ensure implicit flushing does not apply to user buffers. [tests/output/ob_implicit_flush_basic_002.phpt] TEST 36/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Final private constructors cannot be overridden [tests/classes/final_private_ctor.phpt] TEST 37/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private property as private. [tests/classes/property_override_private_private.phpt] TEST 38/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Verifies the correct conversion of objects to arrays [tests/classes/array_conversion_keys.phpt] TEST 39/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A protected method can only be called inside the class [tests/classes/protected_001b.phpt] TEST 40/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument unpacking with many arguments [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/many_args.phpt] TEST 41/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 'break' error (operator with non-integer operand) [Zend/tests/break_error_002.phpt] TEST 42/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 interface and __construct [tests/classes/interfaces_003.phpt] TEST 43/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS When __call() is invoked via ::, ensure current scope's __call() is favoured over the specified class's __call(). [tests/classes/__call_004.phpt] TEST 44/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - error case: not an array. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.003.phpt] TEST 45/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return value of assigning by-val function result by-reference [Zend/tests/assign_by_val_function_by_ref_return_value.phpt] TEST 46/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24436 (isset() and empty() produce errors with non-existent variables in objects) [tests/lang/bug24436.phpt] TEST 47/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35382 (Comment in end of file produces fatal error) [tests/lang/bug35382.phpt] TEST 48/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Classes general test [tests/classes/class_example.phpt] TEST 49/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Formatted print functions [tests/strings/002.phpt] TEST 50/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catch Interfaces [tests/lang/039.phpt] TEST 51/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing dynamic calls using variable variables with curly syntax [Zend/tests/027.phpt] TEST 52/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a reference from a static method via another static method [tests/lang/returnByReference.007.phpt] TEST 53/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #28072 (static array with some constant keys will be incorrectly ordered) [Zend/tests/bug28072.phpt] TEST 54/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_000a.phpt] TEST 55/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using array unpacking in an array literal that also has string keys (OSS-Fuzz #17965) [Zend/tests/array_unpack_string_keys.phpt] TEST 56/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_args with no args [tests/lang/func_get_args.001.phpt] TEST 57/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes can be converted into objects. [Zend/tests/attributes/005_objects.phpt] TEST 58/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cookies test#1 [tests/basic/022.phpt] TEST 59/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70970 (Segfault when combining error handler with output buffering) [tests/output/bug70970.phpt] TEST 60/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Call header_register_callback() after headers sent [tests/basic/header_register_callback_after_output.phpt] TEST 61/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Simple If/ElseIf/Else Test [tests/lang/005.phpt] TEST 62/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A final method may not be overwritten [tests/classes/final_redeclare.phpt] TEST 63/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test return type and value for ob_start() [tests/output/ob_start_basic_001.phpt] TEST 64/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A redeclared class constant must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/constants_visibility_error_004.phpt] TEST 65/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test == operator : max int 64bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_notequals_variation_64bit.phpt] TEST 66/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private property as private static. [tests/classes/property_override_private_privateStatic.phpt] TEST 67/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS adding objects to arrays [Zend/tests/add_002.phpt] TEST 68/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 'break' error (not in the loop context) [Zend/tests/break_error_003.phpt] TEST 69/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A final class cannot be inherited [tests/classes/class_final.phpt] TEST 70/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A protected method cannot be called in another class [tests/classes/protected_002.phpt] TEST 71/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach into array [tests/lang/040.phpt] TEST 72/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24499 (bogus handling of a public property as a private one) [tests/lang/bug24499.phpt] TEST 73/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ^ operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseXor_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 74/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unpack arguments for method calls [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/method.phpt] TEST 75/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_000b.phpt] TEST 76/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS When __call() is invoked via ::, ensure private implementation of __call() in superclass is accessed without error. [tests/classes/__call_005.phpt] TEST 77/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 assign_op property of overloaded object [tests/classes/assign_op_property_001.phpt] TEST 78/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #38579 (include_once() may include the same file twice) [tests/lang/bug38579.phpt] reason: only for Windows TEST 79/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 iterators and foreach [tests/classes/iterators_001.phpt] TEST 80/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - using an array element as the $value [tests/lang/foreachLoop.004.phpt] TEST 81/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Coalesce assign (??=): Basic behavior [Zend/tests/assign_coalesce_001.phpt] TEST 82/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_args with variable number of args [tests/lang/func_get_args.002.phpt] TEST 83/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a reference from a non-static method via another non-static method [tests/lang/returnByReference.008.phpt] TEST 84/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS highlight_string() buffering [tests/strings/004.phpt] TEST 85/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing function call through of array item [Zend/tests/028.phpt] TEST 86/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #28377 (debug_backtrace is intermittently passing args) [Zend/tests/bug28377.phpt] TEST 87/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Tests that array unshift code is correctly dealing with copy on write and splitting on reference [Zend/tests/array_unshift_COW.phpt] TEST 88/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes can be filtered by name and base type. [Zend/tests/attributes/006_filter.phpt] TEST 89/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74725: html_errors=1 breaks unhandled exceptions [tests/output/bug74725.phpt] TEST 90/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cookies test#2 [tests/basic/023.phpt] TEST 91/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP phpt EXTENSIONS directive - shared module [tests/run-test/extensions-shared.phpt] reason: openssl is built static TEST 92/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nested If/ElseIf/Else Test [tests/lang/006.phpt] TEST 93/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 post increment/decrement property of overloaded object [tests/classes/incdec_property_001.phpt] TEST 94/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 The new constructor/destructor is called [tests/classes/ctor_dtor.phpt] TEST 95/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private property as protected. [tests/classes/property_override_private_protected.phpt] TEST 96/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS adding arrays to objects [Zend/tests/add_003.phpt] TEST 97/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): Check behaviour with various callback return values. [tests/output/ob_start_basic_002.phpt] TEST 98/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic access of static members [tests/lang/041.phpt] TEST 99/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24573 (debug_backtrace() crashes if $this is set to null) [tests/lang/bug24573.phpt] TEST 100/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS precision setting test [tests/basic/precision.phpt] TEST 101/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Instantiate stdClass [tests/classes/class_stdclass.phpt] TEST 102/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Serializable [tests/classes/serialize_001.phpt] TEST 103/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_000c.phpt] TEST 104/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unpack arguments for new expression [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/new.phpt] TEST 105/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test !== operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_notidentical_basic.phpt] TEST 106/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43958 (class name added into the error message) [tests/lang/bug43958.phpt] TEST 107/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure exceptions are handled properly when thrown in __call. [tests/classes/__call_006.phpt] TEST 108/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - modifying the array during the loop: special case. Behaviour is good since php 5.2.2. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.005.phpt] TEST 109/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test !== operator : max int 32bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_notidentical_variation.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 110/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #22592 (Cascading assignments to strings with curly braces broken) [tests/strings/bug22592.phpt] TEST 111/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 'break' error (wrong level) [Zend/tests/break_error_004.phpt] TEST 112/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_args() outside of a function declaration [tests/lang/func_get_args.003.phpt] TEST 113/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ^ operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseXor_variationStr.phpt] TEST 114/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing assign to property of an object in an array [Zend/tests/029.phpt] TEST 115/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 iterators and break [tests/classes/iterators_002.phpt] TEST 116/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a references returned by another function [tests/lang/returnByReference.009.phpt] TEST 117/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Identical comparison of array with references [Zend/tests/array_with_refs_identical.phpt] TEST 118/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Coalesce assign (??=): Exception handling [Zend/tests/assign_coalesce_002.phpt] TEST 119/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #28442 (Changing a static variables in a class changes it across sub/super classes.) [Zend/tests/bug28442.phpt] TEST 120/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75236: infinite loop when printing an error-message [tests/output/bug75236.phpt] TEST 121/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes: attributes on Attribute return itself [Zend/tests/attributes/007_self_reflect_attribute.phpt] TEST 122/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA with excessive post length [tests/basic/025.phpt] TEST 123/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS phpt EXTENSIONS directive - static extension is present [tests/run-test/extensions-static.phpt] TEST 124/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Function call with global and static variables [tests/lang/007.phpt] TEST 125/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 post increment/decrement property of overloaded object with assignment [tests/classes/incdec_property_002.phpt] TEST 126/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A derived class can use the inherited constructor/destructor [tests/classes/ctor_dtor_inheritance.phpt] TEST 127/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44654 (syntax error for #) [tests/lang/bug44654.phpt] TEST 128/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS adding numbers to arrays [Zend/tests/add_004.phpt] TEST 129/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): ensure even fatal error test is affected by output buffering. [tests/output/ob_start_basic_003.phpt] TEST 130/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic access of constants [tests/lang/042.phpt] TEST 131/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Autoload and class_exists [tests/classes/autoload_001.phpt] TEST 132/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private property as protected static. [tests/classes/property_override_private_protectedStatic.phpt] TEST 133/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 singleton [tests/classes/singleton_001.phpt] TEST 134/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - error case: key is a reference. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.006.phpt] TEST 135/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Overriding $this in catch and checking the object properties later. [Zend/tests/030.phpt] TEST 136/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_001a.phpt] TEST 137/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __set() and __get() [tests/classes/__set__get_001.phpt] TEST 138/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument unpacking does not work with non-integer keys [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/non_integer_keys.phpt] TEST 139/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test !== operator : max int 64bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_notidentical_variation_64bit.phpt] TEST 140/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24640 (var_export and var_dump can't output large float) [tests/lang/bug24640.phpt] TEST 141/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Pass same variable by ref and by value (PHP7). [tests/lang/func_get_args.004.phpt] TEST 142/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26703 (Certain characters inside strings incorrectly treated as keywords) [tests/strings/bug26703.phpt] TEST 143/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ?? operator [tests/lang/operators/coalesce.phpt] TEST 144/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 object cloning, 1 [tests/classes/clone_001.phpt] TEST 145/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #18556 (Setting locale to 'tr_TR' lowercases class names) [Zend/tests/bug18556.phpt] TEST 146/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test basic functionality of flush() [tests/output/flush_basic_001.phpt] TEST 147/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Coalesce assign (??=): ArrayAccess handling [Zend/tests/assign_coalesce_003.phpt] TEST 148/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes: Prevent Attribute on non classes [Zend/tests/attributes/008_wrong_attribution.phpt] TEST 149/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic arrow function functionality check [Zend/tests/arrow_functions/001.phpt] TEST 150/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS short_open_tag: On [tests/lang/short_tags.001.phpt] TEST 151/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 iterators and break [tests/classes/iterators_003.phpt] TEST 152/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #28444 (Cannot access undefined property for object with overloaded property access) [Zend/tests/bug28444.phpt] TEST 153/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS RFC1867 character quoting [tests/basic/028.phpt] TEST 154/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS EXPECT [tests/run-test/test001.phpt] TEST 155/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing recursive function [tests/lang/008.phpt] TEST 156/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 pre increment/decrement property of overloaded object [tests/classes/incdec_property_003.phpt] TEST 157/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Do not call destructors if constructor fails [tests/classes/ctor_failure.phpt] TEST 158/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 You cannot overload a static method with a non static method [tests/classes/static_mix_1.phpt] TEST 159/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array with '[]' passed as argument by value [Zend/tests/031.phpt] TEST 160/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS adding integers to doubles [Zend/tests/add_005.phpt] TEST 161/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic call for static methods [tests/lang/043.phpt] TEST 162/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44827 (Class error when trying to access :: as constant) [tests/lang/bug44827.phpt] TEST 163/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_001b.phpt] TEST 164/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Autoload and get_class_methods [tests/classes/autoload_002.phpt] TEST 165/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private property as public. [tests/classes/property_override_private_public.phpt] TEST 166/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __get() signature check [tests/classes/__set__get_002.phpt] TEST 167/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - foreach operates on the original array if the array is referenced outside the loop. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.009.phpt] TEST 168/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start() chunk_size: confirm buffer is flushed after any output call that causes its length to equal or exceed chunk_size. [tests/output/ob_start_basic_004.phpt] TEST 169/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Positional arguments cannot be used after argument unpacking [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/positional_arg_after_unpack_error.phpt] TEST 170/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24652 (broken array_flip()) [tests/lang/bug24652.phpt] TEST 171/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test <=> operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_spaceship_basic.phpt] TEST 172/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_num_args with no args [tests/lang/func_num_args.001.phpt] TEST 173/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing the behavior of string offset chaining [tests/strings/offsets_chaining_1.phpt] TEST 174/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #19859 (__call() does not catch call_user_func_array() calls) [Zend/tests/bug19859.phpt] TEST 175/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 object cloning, 2 [tests/classes/clone_002.phpt] TEST 176/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - nothing [tests/output/ob_001.phpt] TEST 177/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test / operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/divide_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 178/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS short_open_tag: Off [tests/lang/short_tags.002.phpt] TEST 179/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Coalesce assign (??=): Non-writable variable [Zend/tests/assign_coalesce_004.phpt] TEST 180/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Arrow functions implicit use must be throwing notices only upon actual use [Zend/tests/arrow_functions/002.phpt] TEST 181/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29015 (Incorrect behavior of member vars(non string ones)-numeric mem vars und others) [Zend/tests/bug29015.phpt] TEST 182/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Doctrine-like attributes usage [Zend/tests/attributes/009_doctrine_annotations_example.phpt] TEST 183/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 iterators must be implemented [tests/classes/iterators_004.phpt] TEST 184/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS EXPECTF [tests/run-test/test002.phpt] TEST 185/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing function parameter passing [tests/lang/009.phpt] TEST 186/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Req #44164 (Handle "Content-Length" HTTP header when zlib.output_compression active) [tests/basic/req44164.phpt] TEST 187/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 pre increment/decrement property of overloaded object with assignment [tests/classes/incdec_property_004.phpt] TEST 188/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 You cannot overload a non static method with a static method [tests/classes/static_mix_2.phpt] TEST 189/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic call for static methods dynamically named [tests/lang/044.phpt] TEST 190/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __set() signature check [tests/classes/__set__get_003.phpt] TEST 191/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A class constructor must keep the signature of an interface [tests/classes/ctor_in_interface_01.phpt] TEST 192/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array with '[]' passed as argument by reference [Zend/tests/032.phpt] TEST 193/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Autoload and derived classes [tests/classes/autoload_003.phpt] TEST 194/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS This test illustrates the impact of invoking destructors when refcount is decremented to 0 on foreach. It will pass only if the 'contentious code' in PHPValue.decReferences() is enabled. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.010.phpt] TEST 195/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_001c.phpt] TEST 196/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private property as public static. [tests/classes/property_override_private_publicStatic.phpt] TEST 197/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS adding numbers to strings [Zend/tests/add_006.phpt] TEST 198/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_num_args with variable number of args [tests/lang/func_num_args.002.phpt] TEST 199/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument unpacking does not work with string keys (forward compatibility for named args) [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/string_keys.phpt] TEST 200/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): non-static method as static callbacks. [tests/output/ob_start_basic_005.phpt] TEST 201/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Operators on overloaded property reference [tests/lang/operators/overloaded_property_ref.phpt] TEST 202/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24658 (combo of typehint / reference causes crash) [tests/lang/bug24658.phpt] TEST 203/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Coalesce assign (??=): Cannot reassign $this [Zend/tests/assign_coalesce_005.phpt] TEST 204/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attribute arguments support only const expressions. [Zend/tests/attributes/010_unsupported_const_expression.phpt] TEST 205/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #20240 (order of destructor calls) [Zend/tests/bug20240.phpt] TEST 206/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing the behavior of string offset chaining [tests/strings/offsets_chaining_3.phpt] TEST 207/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_start [tests/output/ob_002.phpt] TEST 208/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 object cloning, 3 [tests/classes/clone_003.phpt] TEST 209/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29104 (Function declaration in method doesn't work) [Zend/tests/bug29104.phpt] TEST 210/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Variable-variables inside arrow functions [Zend/tests/arrow_functions/003.phpt] TEST 211/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS short_open_tag: Off [tests/lang/short_tags.004.phpt] TEST 212/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test / operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/divide_variationStr.phpt] TEST 213/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 iterators cannot implement Traversable alone [tests/classes/iterators_005.phpt] TEST 214/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS EXPECTREGEX [tests/run-test/test003.phpt] TEST 215/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing function parameter passing with a return value [tests/lang/010.phpt] TEST 216/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Req #60524 (Specify temporary directory) [tests/basic/req60524-win.phpt] reason: Run only on Windows TEST 217/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout again inside register_shutdown_function [tests/lang/045.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 218/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Classes inheritance test [tests/classes/inheritance.phpt] TEST 219/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Initializing static properties to arrays [tests/classes/static_properties_001.phpt] TEST 220/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using undefined multidimensional array [Zend/tests/033.phpt] TEST 221/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A class constructor must keep the signature of all interfaces [tests/classes/ctor_in_interface_02.phpt] TEST 222/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __set() and __get() [tests/classes/__set__get_004.phpt] TEST 223/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45392 (ob_start()/ob_end_clean() and memory_limit) [tests/lang/bug45392.phpt] TEST 224/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Changing from an interable type to a non iterable type during the iteration [tests/lang/foreachLoop.011.phpt] TEST 225/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Autoload and recursion [tests/classes/autoload_004.phpt] TEST 226/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected static property as private. [tests/classes/property_override_protectedStatic_private.phpt] TEST 227/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_002a.phpt] TEST 228/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_num_args() outside of a function declaration [tests/lang/func_num_args.003.phpt] TEST 229/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS adding strings to arrays [Zend/tests/add_007.phpt] TEST 230/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traversables that throw exceptions are properly handled during argument unpack [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/traversable_throwing_exception.phpt] TEST 231/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): ensure multiple buffer initialization with a single call using arrays is not supported on PHP6 ( [tests/output/ob_start_basic_006.phpt] TEST 232/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24783 ($key not binary safe in "foreach($arr as $key => $val)") [tests/lang/bug24783.phpt] TEST 233/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Null coalesce assign with memoized constant operand that is later interned (OSS-Fuzz #17903) [Zend/tests/assign_coalesce_006.phpt] TEST 234/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #20242 (Method call in front of class definition) [Zend/tests/bug20242.phpt] TEST 235/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static keyword - basic tests [tests/lang/static_basic_001.phpt] TEST 236/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Auto-globals in arrow functions [Zend/tests/arrow_functions/004.phpt] TEST 237/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test N-- operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/postdec_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 238/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_flush [tests/output/ob_003.phpt] TEST 239/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes comply with inheritance rules. [Zend/tests/attributes/011_inheritance.phpt] TEST 240/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing the behavior of string offset chaining [tests/strings/offsets_chaining_5.phpt] TEST 241/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29210 (Function is_callable does not support private and protected methods) [Zend/tests/bug29210.phpt] TEST 242/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 object cloning, 4 [tests/classes/clone_004.phpt] TEST 243/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test % operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/modulus_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 244/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 iterators and array wrapping [tests/classes/iterators_006.phpt] TEST 245/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS INI section allows '=' [tests/run-test/test004.phpt] TEST 246/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Shift_JIS request [tests/basic/029.phpt] TEST 247/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Square bracket array shortcut test [tests/lang/array_shortcut_001.phpt] TEST 248/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing nested functions [tests/lang/011.phpt] TEST 249/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 method inheritance without interfaces [tests/classes/inheritance_003.phpt] TEST 250/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing multiples 'default:' in switch [Zend/tests/034.phpt] TEST 251/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A class constructor must keep the signature of base class interfaces [tests/classes/ctor_in_interface_03.phpt] TEST 252/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attempting to access static properties using instance property syntax [tests/classes/static_properties_003.phpt] TEST 253/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __set() and __get() [tests/classes/__set__get_005.phpt] TEST 254/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Req #60524 (Specify temporary directory) [tests/basic/req60524.phpt] TEST 255/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected static property as private static. [tests/classes/property_override_protectedStatic_privateStatic.phpt] TEST 256/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_002b.phpt] TEST 257/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Alternative offset syntax should emit E_COMPILE_ERROR in const expression [Zend/tests/alternative_offset_syntax_compile_error_in_const_expr.phpt] TEST 258/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Pass same variable by ref and by value. [tests/lang/func_num_args.004.phpt] TEST 259/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Autoload from destructor [tests/classes/autoload_005.phpt] TEST 260/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55754 (Only variables should be passed by reference for ZEND_SEND_PREFER_REF params) [tests/lang/bug55754.phpt] TEST 261/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Directly modifying an unreferenced array when foreach'ing over it. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.012.phpt] TEST 262/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24908 (super-globals can not be used in __destruct()) [tests/lang/bug24908.phpt] TEST 263/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_clean [tests/output/ob_004.phpt] TEST 264/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assign coalesce: "$a[0] ??= $a" should evaluate the right $a first [Zend/tests/assign_coalesce_007.phpt] TEST 265/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Multiple declarations of the same static variable [tests/lang/static_basic_002.phpt] TEST 266/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traversables cannot be unpacked into by-reference parameters [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/traversable_with_by_ref_parameters.phpt] TEST 267/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Arrow function $this binding [Zend/tests/arrow_functions/005.phpt] TEST 268/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): Ensure content of unerasable buffer can be accessed by ob_get_contents(). [tests/output/ob_start_basic_unerasable_001.phpt] TEST 269/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing the behavior of string offsets [tests/strings/offsets_general.phpt] TEST 270/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes AST can be exported. [Zend/tests/attributes/012_ast_export.phpt] TEST 271/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test N-- operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/postdec_variationStr.phpt] TEST 272/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29368 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from the constructor) [Zend/tests/bug29368.phpt] TEST 273/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #21478 (Zend/zend_alloc.c :: shutdown_memory_manager produces segfault) [Zend/tests/bug21478.phpt] TEST 274/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 object cloning, 5 [tests/classes/clone_005.phpt] TEST 275/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 iterators and exceptions [tests/classes/iterators_007.phpt] TEST 276/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test % operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/modulus_variationStr.phpt] TEST 277/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error messages are shown [tests/run-test/test006.phpt] TEST 278/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug#55504 (Content-Type header is not parsed correctly on HTTP POST request) [tests/basic/030.phpt] TEST 279/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 method inheritance without interfaces [tests/classes/inheritance_004.phpt] TEST 280/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Square bracket associative array shortcut test [tests/lang/array_shortcut_002.phpt] TEST 281/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing stack after early function return [tests/lang/012.phpt] TEST 282/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A class constructor must keep the signature of base class interfaces [tests/classes/ctor_in_interface_04.phpt] TEST 283/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using 'static' and 'global' in global scope [Zend/tests/035.phpt] TEST 284/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attempting to access static properties using instance property syntax [tests/classes/static_properties_003_error1.phpt] TEST 285/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Alternative offset syntax should emit E_COMPILE_ERROR outside const expression [Zend/tests/alternative_offset_syntax_compile_error_outside_const_expr.phpt] TEST 286/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected static property as protected. [tests/classes/property_override_protectedStatic_protected.phpt] TEST 287/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS include() a file from the current script directory [tests/lang/include_variation1.phpt] TEST 288/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Data corruption in __set [tests/classes/__set_data_corrupt.phpt] TEST 289/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_002c.phpt] TEST 290/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71897 (ASCII 0x7F Delete control character permitted in identifiers) [tests/lang/bug71897.phpt] TEST 291/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Autoload from destructor [tests/classes/autoload_006.phpt] TEST 292/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 anonymous upload [tests/basic/rfc1867_anonymous_upload.phpt] TEST 293/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assign concat of array and empty string [Zend/tests/assign_concat_array_empty_string.phpt] TEST 294/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Statics in nested functions & evals. [tests/lang/static_variation_001.phpt] TEST 295/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Arrow functions syntax variations [Zend/tests/arrow_functions/006.phpt] TEST 296/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24951 (ob_flush() destroys output handler) [tests/lang/bug24951.phpt] TEST 297/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55719 (Argument restriction should come with a more specific error message) [Zend/tests/argument_restriction_001.phpt] TEST 298/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_end_clean [tests/output/ob_005.phpt] TEST 299/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Directly modifying an unreferenced array when foreach'ing over it while using &$value syntax. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.013.phpt] TEST 300/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_num_args() tests [Zend/tests/001.phpt] TEST 301/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): Ensure unerasable buffer cannot be erased by ob_clean(), ob_end_clean() or ob_end_flush(). [tests/output/ob_start_basic_unerasable_002.phpt] TEST 302/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes make use of class scope. [Zend/tests/attributes/013_class_scope.phpt] TEST 303/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test N++ operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/postinc_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 304/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29368.1 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from the constructor). [Zend/tests/bug29368_1.phpt] TEST 305/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #21888 (protected property and protected method of the same name) [Zend/tests/bug21888.phpt] TEST 306/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 object cloning, 6 [tests/classes/clone_006.phpt] TEST 307/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure plain userspace superclass does not override special iterator behaviour on child class. [tests/classes/iterators_008.phpt] TEST 308/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test * operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/multiply_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 309/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS dirname test [tests/run-test/test007.phpt] TEST 310/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug#55504 (Content-Type header is not parsed correctly on HTTP POST request) [tests/basic/031.phpt] TEST 311/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Private property inheritance check [tests/classes/inheritance_006.phpt] TEST 312/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing eval function [tests/lang/013.phpt] TEST 313/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array shortcut and bracket operator [tests/lang/array_shortcut_003.phpt] TEST 314/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private constructor cannot be called [tests/classes/ctor_visibility.phpt] TEST 315/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to use lambda in array offset [Zend/tests/036.phpt] TEST 316/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attempting to access static properties using instance property syntax [tests/classes/static_properties_003_error2.phpt] TEST 317/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Including a file in the current script directory from an included function [tests/lang/include_variation2.phpt] TEST 318/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bitwise AND and strings [Zend/tests/and_001.phpt] TEST 319/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected static property as protected static. [tests/classes/property_override_protectedStatic_protectedStatic.phpt] TEST 320/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_003a.phpt] TEST 321/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure instanceof does not trigger autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_007.phpt] TEST 322/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73172 parse error: Invalid numeric literal [tests/lang/bug73172.phpt] TEST 323/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An abstract method may not be called [tests/classes/abstract.phpt] TEST 324/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Pretty printing for arrow functions [Zend/tests/arrow_functions/007.phpt] TEST 325/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55719 (Argument restriction should come with a more specific error message) [Zend/tests/argument_restriction_002.phpt] TEST 326/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Various null return conditions of dim/obj assignments [Zend/tests/assign_dim_obj_null_return.phpt] TEST 327/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_end_flush [tests/output/ob_006.phpt] TEST 328/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static variables in methods & nested functions & evals. [tests/lang/static_variation_002.phpt] TEST 329/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 array upload [tests/basic/rfc1867_array_upload.phpt] TEST 330/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_arg() tests [Zend/tests/002.phpt] TEST 331/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #25145 (SEGV on receipt of form input with name like "123[]") [tests/lang/bug25145.phpt] TEST 332/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test N++ operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/postinc_variationStr.phpt] TEST 333/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes can be applied to groups of class constants [Zend/tests/attributes/014_class_const_group.phpt] TEST 334/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Directly modifying a REFERENCED array when foreach'ing over it. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.014.phpt] TEST 335/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): Ensure unerasable buffer cannot be accessed or erased by ob_get_clean(). [tests/output/ob_start_basic_unerasable_003.phpt] TEST 336/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29368.2 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from the constructor). [Zend/tests/bug29368_2.phpt] TEST 337/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #22725 (A derived class can call a parent's protected method that calls a private method) [Zend/tests/bug22725.phpt] TEST 338/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constant declarations [tests/classes/constants_basic_001.phpt] TEST 339/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS In $a->$b[Y]() and $a->X[Y]() both $a->$b[Y] and $a->X[Y] represent a global function name [tests/classes/method_call_variation_001.phpt] TEST 340/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test * operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/multiply_variationStr.phpt] TEST 341/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS print_r(Object) [tests/run-test/test009.phpt] TEST 342/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug#18792 (no form variables after multipart/form-data) [tests/basic/032.phpt] TEST 343/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing nested array shortcut [tests/lang/array_shortcut_005.phpt] TEST 344/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing eval function inside user-defined function [tests/lang/014.phpt] TEST 345/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure private methods with the same name are not checked for inheritance rules - final [tests/classes/inheritance_007.phpt] TEST 346/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 dereferencing of objects from methods [tests/classes/dereferencing_001.phpt] TEST 347/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Including a file in the current script directory from eval'd code [tests/lang/include_variation3.phpt] TEST 348/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS declare bare anonymous class [Zend/tests/anon/001.phpt] TEST 349/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attempting to access static properties using instance property syntax [tests/classes/static_properties_003_error3.phpt] TEST 350/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to access inexistent static property of Closure [Zend/tests/037.phpt] TEST 351/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_003b.phpt] TEST 352/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected static property as public. [tests/classes/property_override_protectedStatic_public.phpt] TEST 353/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An abstract method may not be called [tests/classes/abstract_by_interface_001.phpt] TEST 354/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73329 (Float)"Nano" == NAN [tests/lang/bug73329.phpt] TEST 355/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_get_clean [tests/output/ob_007.phpt] TEST 356/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Compound array assignment with same variable [Zend/tests/assign_dim_op_same_var.phpt] TEST 357/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure catch blocks for unknown exception types do not trigger autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_008.phpt] TEST 358/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yield inside arrow functions [Zend/tests/arrow_functions/008.phpt] TEST 359/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55719 (Argument restriction should come with a more specific error message) [Zend/tests/argument_restriction_003.phpt] TEST 360/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #25547 (error_handler and array index with function call) [tests/lang/bug25547.phpt] TEST 361/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Valid Unicode escape sequences [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape.phpt] TEST 362/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_args() tests [Zend/tests/003.phpt] TEST 363/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): Ensure unerasable buffer cannot be accessed or flushed by ob_get_flush(). [tests/output/ob_start_basic_unerasable_004.phpt] TEST 364/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test --N operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/predec_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 365/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 boundary 1 [tests/basic/rfc1867_boundary_1.phpt] TEST 366/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes can be applied to groups of properties [Zend/tests/attributes/015_property_group.phpt] TEST 367/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Directly modifying a REFERENCED array when foreach'ing over it while using &$value syntax. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.015.phpt] TEST 368/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #22836 (returning references to NULL) [Zend/tests/bug22836.phpt] TEST 369/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Method override allows optional default argument [tests/classes/method_override_optional_arg_001.phpt] TEST 370/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic class support - defining and reading a class constant. [tests/classes/constants_basic_002.phpt] TEST 371/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29368.3 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from the constructor). [Zend/tests/bug29368_3.phpt] TEST 372/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Comparisons with NAN should yield false, even at compile-time [tests/lang/operators/nan-comparison-false.phpt] TEST 373/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS STDIN input [tests/run-test/test010.phpt] TEST 374/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bison weirdness [tests/lang/bison1.phpt] TEST 375/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing include [tests/lang/015.phpt] TEST 376/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure private methods with the same name are not checked for inheritance rules - static [tests/classes/inheritance_008.phpt] TEST 377/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Destructors and echo [tests/classes/destructor_and_echo.phpt] TEST 378/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Binary integer strings (32bit) [tests/lang/integer_literals/binary_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 379/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS declare anonymous class extending another [Zend/tests/anon/002.phpt] TEST 380/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attempting to access static properties using instance property syntax [tests/classes/static_properties_003_error4.phpt] TEST 381/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to use lambda as array key [Zend/tests/038.phpt] TEST 382/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_003c.phpt] TEST 383/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected static property as public static. [tests/classes/property_override_protectedStatic_publicStatic.phpt] TEST 384/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An abstract method may not be called [tests/classes/abstract_by_interface_002.phpt] TEST 385/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70528 (assert() with instanceof adds apostrophes around class name) [Zend/tests/assert/bug70528.phpt] TEST 386/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure type hints for unknown types do not trigger autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_009.phpt] TEST 387/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_get_contents [tests/output/ob_008.phpt] TEST 388/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Compound array assign with undefined variables [Zend/tests/assign_dim_op_undef.phpt] TEST 389/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #7515 (weird & invisible referencing of objects) [tests/lang/bug7515.phpt] TEST 390/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid Unicode escape sequence: Empty [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape_empty.phpt] TEST 391/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #25652 (Calling Global functions dynamically fails from Class scope) [tests/lang/bug25652.phpt] TEST 392/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test --N operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/predec_variationStr.phpt] TEST 393/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS strncmp() tests [Zend/tests/004.phpt] TEST 394/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): Ensure unerasable buffer cannot be flushed by ob_flush() [tests/output/ob_start_basic_unerasable_005.phpt] TEST 395/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55719 (Argument restriction should come with a more specific error message) [Zend/tests/argument_restriction_004.phpt] TEST 396/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 boundary 2 [tests/basic/rfc1867_boundary_2.phpt] TEST 397/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Omitting optional arg in method inherited from abstract class [tests/classes/method_override_optional_arg_002.phpt] TEST 398/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure foreach splits the iterated entity from its cow reference set, for all sorts of iterated entities. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.016.phpt] TEST 399/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #23104 (Hash position not reset for constant arrays) [Zend/tests/bug23104.phpt] TEST 400/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure class properties and constants can be defined in terms of constants that are not known at compile time. [tests/classes/constants_basic_003.phpt] TEST 401/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29505 (get_class_vars() severely broken when used with arrays) [Zend/tests/bug29505.phpt] TEST 402/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test -N operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/negate_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 403/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS EXPECT_EXTERNAL [tests/run-test/test011.phpt] TEST 404/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #20539 (PHP CLI Segmentation Fault) [tests/basic/bug20539.phpt] TEST 405/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #18872 (class constant used as default parameter) [tests/lang/bug18872.phpt] TEST 406/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure private methods with the same name are not checked for inheritance rules - abstract [tests/classes/inheritance_009.phpt] TEST 407/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing user-defined function in included file [tests/lang/016.phpt] TEST 408/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67468 (Segfault in highlight_file()/highlight_string()) [Zend/tests/67468.phpt] TEST 409/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 catch exception thrown in destructor [tests/classes/destructor_and_exceptions.phpt] TEST 410/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS reusing anonymous classes [Zend/tests/anon/003.phpt] TEST 411/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Inherited static properties cannot be separated from their reference set. [tests/classes/static_properties_004.phpt] TEST 412/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_004a.phpt] TEST 413/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected property as private (duplicates Zend/tests/errmsg_023.phpt). [tests/classes/property_override_protected_private.phpt] TEST 414/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An abstract class cannot be instantiated [tests/classes/abstract_class.phpt] TEST 415/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catchable fatal error [1] [tests/lang/catchable_error_001.phpt] TEST 416/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_get_flush [tests/output/ob_009.phpt] TEST 417/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test passing assertion [Zend/tests/assert/expect_001.phpt] TEST 418/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure implements does trigger autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_010.phpt] TEST 419/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid Unicode escape sequence: Incomplete [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape_incomplete.phpt] TEST 420/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assigning rc=1 reference to next dim [Zend/tests/assign_dim_ref_free.phpt] TEST 421/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Attribute validation callback of internal attributes. [Zend/tests/attributes/016_custom_attribute_validation.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 422/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ++N operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/preinc_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 423/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS strcasecmp() tests [Zend/tests/005.phpt] TEST 424/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #25922 (SEGV in error_handler when context is destroyed) [tests/lang/bug25922.phpt] TEST 425/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_start() with callbacks in variables [tests/output/ob_start_callbacks.phpt] TEST 426/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55719 (Argument restriction should come with a more specific error message) [Zend/tests/argument_restriction_005.phpt] TEST 427/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 object references [tests/classes/object_reference_001.phpt] TEST 428/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure foreach works with arrays with Binary keys. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.017.phpt] TEST 429/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24436 (isset()/empty() produce errors with non-existent variables in classes) [Zend/tests/bug24436.phpt] TEST 430/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 empty upload [tests/basic/rfc1867_empty_upload.phpt] TEST 431/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test properties with array default values using class constants as keys and values. [tests/classes/constants_basic_004.phpt] TEST 432/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29674 (inherited method doesn't have access to private variables of the derived class) [Zend/tests/bug29674.phpt] TEST 433/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test -N operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/negate_variationStr.phpt] TEST 434/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS EXPECTF_EXTERNAL [tests/run-test/test012.phpt] TEST 435/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29971 (variables_order behaviour) [tests/basic/bug29971.phpt] TEST 436/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #19566 (get_declared_classes() segfaults) [tests/lang/bug19566.phpt] TEST 437/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 a class cannot extend an interface [tests/classes/interface_and_extends.phpt] TEST 438/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Binary integer strings (64bit) [tests/lang/integer_literals/binary_64bit.phpt] TEST 439/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Hexadecimal integer strings (32bit) [tests/lang/integer_literals/hexadecimal_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 440/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing user-defined function falling out of an If into another [tests/lang/017.phpt] TEST 441/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using indirect append on ArrayAccess object [Zend/tests/ArrayAccess_indirect_append.phpt] TEST 442/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 accessing globals from destructor in shutdown [tests/classes/destructor_and_globals.phpt] TEST 443/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing anonymous inheritance [Zend/tests/anon/004.phpt] TEST 444/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_004b.phpt] TEST 445/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assigning to a non-existent static property [tests/classes/static_properties_undeclared_assign.phpt] TEST 446/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A derived class with an abstract method must be abstract [tests/classes/abstract_derived.phpt] TEST 447/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected property as private static. [tests/classes/property_override_protected_privateStatic.phpt] TEST 448/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catchable fatal error [2] [tests/lang/catchable_error_002.phpt] TEST 449/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid Unicode escape sequence: Large codepoint [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape_large_codepoint.phpt] TEST 450/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The ASSIGN_OBJ_OP cache slot is on the OP_DATA opcode [Zend/tests/assign_obj_op_cache_slot.phpt] TEST 451/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure extends does trigger autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_011.phpt] TEST 452/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - fatalism [tests/output/ob_010.phpt] TEST 453/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test failing assertion [Zend/tests/assert/expect_002.phpt] TEST 454/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes make use of closure scope. [Zend/tests/attributes/017_closure_scope.phpt] TEST 455/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26182 (Object properties created redundantly) [tests/lang/bug26182.phpt] TEST 456/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ++N operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/preinc_variationStr.phpt] TEST 457/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS strncasecmp() tests [Zend/tests/006.phpt] TEST 458/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test wrong number of arguments and wrong arg types for ob_start() [tests/output/ob_start_error_001.phpt] TEST 459/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60174 (Notice when array in method prototype error) [Zend/tests/argument_restriction_006.phpt] TEST 460/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method can only be called inside the class [tests/classes/private_001.phpt] TEST 461/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24635 (crash on dtor calling other functions) [Zend/tests/bug24635.phpt] TEST 462/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with Iterator. [tests/lang/foreachLoopIterator.001.phpt] TEST 463/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test constants with default values based on other constants. [tests/classes/constants_basic_005.phpt] TEST 464/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29689 (default value of protected member overrides default value of private) [Zend/tests/bug29689.phpt] TEST 465/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 file_upload disabled [tests/basic/rfc1867_file_upload_disabled.phpt] TEST 466/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test == operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_equals_basic.phpt] TEST 467/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS EXPECTREGEX_EXTERNAL [tests/run-test/test013.phpt] TEST 468/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31875 get_defined_functions() should not list disabled functions [tests/basic/bug31875.phpt] TEST 469/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A class can only implement interfaces [tests/classes/interface_class.phpt] TEST 470/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #19943 (memleaks) [tests/lang/bug19943.phpt] TEST 471/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS eval() test [tests/lang/018.phpt] TEST 472/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Hexadecimal integer strings (64bit) [tests/lang/integer_literals/hexadecimal_64bit.phpt] TEST 473/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Octal integer strings (32bit) [tests/lang/integer_literals/octal_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 474/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing reusing anons that implement an interface [Zend/tests/anon/005.phpt] TEST 475/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Destructing and references [tests/classes/destructor_and_references.phpt] TEST 476/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A redeclared method must have the same or higher visibility [tests/classes/visibility_004c.phpt] TEST 477/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assigning & incrementing a non-existent static property [tests/classes/static_properties_undeclared_assignInc.phpt] TEST 478/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A final method cannot be abstract [tests/classes/abstract_final.phpt] TEST 479/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS #-style comments [tests/lang/comments.phpt] TEST 480/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected property as protected. [tests/classes/property_override_protected_protected.phpt] TEST 481/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Tolerated Unicode escape sequences: Legacy compatibility [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape_legacy.phpt] TEST 482/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test default value handling of ErrorException::__construct() [Zend/tests/ErrorException_construct.phpt] TEST 483/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assign result of by-value function to object property by-reference [Zend/tests/assign_obj_ref_byval_function.phpt] TEST 484/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure callback methods in unknown classes trigger autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_012.phpt] TEST 485/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Don't free uninitialized memory if a fatal error occurs in an attribute argument [Zend/tests/attributes/018_fatal_error_in_argument.phpt] TEST 486/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26696 (string index in a switch() crashes with multiple matches) [tests/lang/bug26696.phpt] TEST 487/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test catching failed assertion [Zend/tests/assert/expect_003.phpt] TEST 488/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS define() tests [Zend/tests/008.phpt] TEST 489/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test - operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/subtract_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 490/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test wrong number of arguments and wrong arg types for ob_start() [tests/output/ob_start_error_002.phpt] TEST 491/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array addition should not add INDIRECT elements [Zend/tests/array_add_indirect.phpt] TEST 492/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method cannot be called in another class [tests/classes/private_002.phpt] TEST 493/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24699 (Memory Leak with per-class constants) [Zend/tests/bug24699.phpt] TEST 494/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with iterator and &$value reference [tests/lang/foreachLoopIterator.002.phpt] TEST 495/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29883 (isset gives invalid values on strings) [Zend/tests/bug29883.phpt] TEST 496/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure class constants are not evaluated when a class is looked up to resolve inheritance during runtime. [tests/classes/constants_basic_006.phpt] TEST 497/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test == operator : max int 32bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_equals_variation.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 498/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 garbled mime headers [tests/basic/rfc1867_garbled_mime_headers.phpt] TEST 499/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trivial "Hello World" test [tests/basic/001.phpt] TEST 500/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45986 (wrong error message for a non existent file on rename) [tests/basic/bug45986.phpt] TEST 501/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure an interface may not shadow an inherited constant. [tests/classes/interface_constant_inheritance_001.phpt] TEST 502/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #20175 (Static vars can't store ref to new instance) [tests/lang/bug20175.phpt] TEST 503/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS eval() test [tests/lang/019.phpt] TEST 504/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 The inherited destructor is called [tests/classes/destructor_inheritance.phpt] TEST 505/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing anon classes inside namespaces [Zend/tests/anon/006.phpt] TEST 506/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Octal integer strings (64bit) [tests/lang/integer_literals/octal_64bit.phpt] TEST 507/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 foreach and property visibility [tests/classes/visibility_005.phpt] TEST 508/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assigning a non-existent static property by reference [tests/classes/static_properties_undeclared_assignRef.phpt] TEST 509/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A class that inherits an abstract method is abstract [tests/classes/abstract_inherit.phpt] TEST 510/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS #-style comments (part 2) [tests/lang/comments2.phpt] TEST 511/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid Unicode escape sequence: Positive sign [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape_sign.phpt] TEST 512/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - fatalism [tests/output/ob_011.phpt] TEST 513/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected property as protected static. [tests/classes/property_override_protected_protectedStatic.phpt] TEST 514/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ASSIGN_OBJ should not return reference [Zend/tests/assign_obj_ref_return.phpt] TEST 515/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS final public int ErrorException::getSeverity ( void ); [Zend/tests/ErrorException_getSeverity.phpt] TEST 516/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attribute name cannot be a variable [Zend/tests/attributes/019_variable_attribute_name.phpt] TEST 517/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure the ReflectionClass constructor triggers autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_013.phpt] TEST 518/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test providing reason (fail) [Zend/tests/assert/expect_004.phpt] TEST 519/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26866 (segfault when exception raised in __get) [tests/lang/bug26866.phpt] TEST 520/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array addition is not commutative -- do not swap operands [Zend/tests/array_addition_not_commutative.phpt] TEST 521/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class() tests [Zend/tests/009.phpt] TEST 522/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test - operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/subtract_variationStr.phpt] TEST 523/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_start() with object supplied but no method. [tests/output/ob_start_error_003.phpt] TEST 524/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method cannot be called in a derived class [tests/classes/private_003.phpt] TEST 525/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24773 (unset() of integers treated as arrays causes a crash) [Zend/tests/bug24773.phpt] TEST 526/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constants and doc comments [tests/classes/constants_comments_001.phpt] TEST 527/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with iteratorAggregate [tests/lang/foreachLoopIteratorAggregate.001.phpt] TEST 528/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29890 (crash if error handler fails) [Zend/tests/bug29890.phpt] TEST 529/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test == operator : max int 64bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_equals_variation_64bit.phpt] TEST 530/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 invalid boundary [tests/basic/rfc1867_invalid_boundary.phpt] TEST 531/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Simple POST Method test [tests/basic/002.phpt] TEST 532/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53180 (post_max_size=0 partly not working) [tests/basic/bug53180.phpt] TEST 533/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure a class may implement two interfaces which include the same constant (due to inheritance). [tests/classes/interface_constant_inheritance_004.phpt] TEST 534/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #21094 (set_error_handler not accepting methods) [tests/lang/bug21094.phpt] TEST 535/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Switch test 1 [tests/lang/020.phpt] TEST 536/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid octal [tests/lang/invalid_octal.phpt] TEST 537/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Ensuring destructor visibility [tests/classes/destructor_visibility_001.phpt] TEST 538/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing anon classes in functions outside of classes in namespaces [Zend/tests/anon/007.phpt] TEST 539/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Strlen() function test [tests/func/001.phpt] TEST 540/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An abstract class must be declared abstract [tests/classes/abstract_not_declared.phpt] TEST 541/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid Unicode escape sequence: Negative sign [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape_sign2.phpt] TEST 542/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test standard 'compare' object handler [tests/lang/compare_objects_basic1.phpt] TEST 543/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Incrementing a non-existent static property [tests/classes/static_properties_undeclared_inc.phpt] TEST 544/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected property as public. [tests/classes/property_override_protected_public.phpt] TEST 545/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - multiple [tests/output/ob_012.phpt] TEST 546/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test for abstract static classes [Zend/tests/abstract-static.phpt] TEST 547/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS TypeError for compound assignment operations [Zend/tests/assign_op_type_error.phpt] TEST 548/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes expose and verify target and repeatable data. [Zend/tests/attributes/020_userland_attribute_validation.phpt] TEST 549/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test providing reason (pass) [Zend/tests/assert/expect_005.phpt] TEST 550/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure the ReflectionMethod constructor triggers autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_014.phpt] TEST 551/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26869 (constant as the key of static array) [tests/lang/bug26869.phpt] TEST 552/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Tests that array manipulation code is correctly dealing with copy on write and splitting on reference [Zend/tests/array_append_COW.phpt] TEST 553/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_parent_class() tests [Zend/tests/010.phpt] TEST 554/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing of function parameters by reference [tests/lang/passByReference_001.phpt] TEST 555/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_start() with non existent callback method. [tests/output/ob_start_error_004.phpt] TEST 556/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method cannot be called in a derived class [tests/classes/private_003b.phpt] TEST 557/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error case: duplicate class constant definition [tests/classes/constants_error_001.phpt] TEST 558/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24884 (calling $this->__clone(); crashes php) [Zend/tests/bug24884.phpt] TEST 559/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29896 (Backtrace argument list out of sync) [Zend/tests/bug29896.phpt] TEST 560/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS IteratorAggregate::getIterator bad return type [tests/lang/foreachLoopIteratorAggregate.002.phpt] TEST 561/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test > operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_gt_basic.phpt] TEST 562/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 malicious input [tests/basic/rfc1867_malicious_input.phpt] TEST 563/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GET and POST Method combined [tests/basic/003.phpt] TEST 564/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Req #54514 (Get php binary path during script execution) [tests/basic/bug54514.phpt] TEST 565/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure a interface can have public constants [tests/classes/interface_constant_inheritance_005.phpt] TEST 566/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #21600 (assign by reference function call changes variable contents) [tests/lang/bug21600.phpt] TEST 567/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Ensuring destructor visibility [tests/classes/destructor_visibility_002.phpt] TEST 568/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Switch test 2 [tests/lang/021.phpt] TEST 569/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static variables in functions [tests/func/002.phpt] TEST 570/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing static access for methods and properties in anon classes [Zend/tests/anon/008.phpt] TEST 571/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A method cannot be redeclared abstract [tests/classes/abstract_redeclare.phpt] TEST 572/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Issetting a non-existent static property [tests/classes/static_properties_undeclared_isset.phpt] TEST 573/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Valid Unicode escape sequences: Surrogate halves [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape_surrogates.phpt] TEST 574/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test object compare when object handler different [tests/lang/compare_objects_basic2.phpt] TEST 575/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited protected property as public static. [tests/classes/property_override_protected_publicStatic.phpt] TEST 576/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - handlers/status [tests/output/ob_013.phpt] TEST 577/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Allow abstract function override [Zend/tests/abstract_inheritance_001.phpt] TEST 578/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attribute flags type is validated. [Zend/tests/attributes/021_attribute_flags_type_is_validated.phpt] TEST 579/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS If the LHS of ref-assign ERRORs, that takes precedence over the "only variables" notice [Zend/tests/assign_ref_error_var_handling.phpt] TEST 580/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Accept hashes being equal to zero [Zend/tests/array_hash_zero.phpt] TEST 581/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27354 (Modulus operator crashes PHP) [tests/lang/bug27354.phpt] TEST 582/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure the ReflectionProperty constructor triggers autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_015.phpt] TEST 583/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test looping assert (pass) [Zend/tests/assert/expect_006.phpt] TEST 584/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS property_exists() tests [Zend/tests/011.phpt] TEST 585/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method cannot be called in a derived class [tests/classes/private_004.phpt] TEST 586/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_start(): ensure buffers can't be added from within callback. [tests/output/ob_start_error_005.phpt] TEST 587/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attempt to pass a constant by reference [tests/lang/passByReference_002.phpt] TEST 588/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error case: class constant as an array [tests/classes/constants_error_002.phpt] TEST 589/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29944 (Function defined in switch, crashes) [Zend/tests/bug29944.phpt] TEST 590/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26010 (private / protected variables get exposed by get_object_vars()) [Zend/tests/bug26010.phpt] TEST 591/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with nested iteratorAggregates [tests/lang/foreachLoopIteratorAggregate.003.phpt] TEST 592/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test >= operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_gt_or_equal_basic.phpt] TEST 593/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test >= operator : max int 32bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_gt_or_equal_variation.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 594/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 MAX_FILE_SIZE [tests/basic/rfc1867_max_file_size.phpt] TEST 595/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Two variables in POST data [tests/basic/004.phpt] TEST 596/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55500 (Corrupted $_FILES indices lead to security concern) [tests/basic/bug55500.phpt] TEST 597/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure a interface can not have protected constants [tests/classes/interface_constant_inheritance_006.phpt] TEST 598/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Ensuring destructor visibility [tests/classes/destructor_visibility_003.phpt] TEST 599/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #21669 ("$obj = new $this->var;" doesn't work) [tests/lang/bug21669.phpt] TEST 600/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test + operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/add_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 601/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Switch test 3 [tests/lang/022.phpt] TEST 602/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Reading a non-existent static property [tests/classes/static_properties_undeclared_read.phpt] TEST 603/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid Unicode escape sequence: Whitespace [tests/lang/string/unicode_escape_whitespace.phpt] TEST 604/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX and PHP_INT_SIZE (32-bit) [tests/lang/constants/PHP_INT_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32-bit platforms only TEST 605/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing traits in anon classes [Zend/tests/anon/009.phpt] TEST 606/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A static abstract methods [tests/classes/abstract_static.phpt] TEST 607/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - failure [tests/output/ob_014.phpt] TEST 608/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Allow abstract function override [Zend/tests/abstract_inheritance_002.phpt] TEST 609/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS General function test [tests/func/003.phpt] TEST 610/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public static property as private. [tests/classes/property_override_publicStatic_private.phpt] TEST 611/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attribute flags value is validated. [Zend/tests/attributes/022_attribute_flags_value_is_validated.phpt] TEST 612/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assigning the result of a non-reference function by-reference should not leak [Zend/tests/assign_ref_func_leak.phpt] TEST 613/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Next free element may overflow in array literals [Zend/tests/array_literal_next_element_error.phpt] TEST 614/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27439 (foreach() with $this segfaults) [tests/lang/bug27439.phpt] TEST 615/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test compiled reason [Zend/tests/assert/expect_007.phpt] TEST 616/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure ReflectionClass::getProperty() triggers autoload [tests/classes/autoload_016.phpt] TEST 617/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class_exists() tests [Zend/tests/012.phpt] TEST 618/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit initialisation when passing by reference [tests/lang/passByReference_003.phpt] TEST 619/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method cannot be called in a derived class [tests/classes/private_004b.phpt] TEST 620/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30080 (Passing array or non array of objects) [Zend/tests/bug30080.phpt] TEST 621/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic class support - attempting to pass a class constant by reference. [tests/classes/constants_error_003.phpt] TEST 622/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26077 (Memory leaks when creating an instance of an object) [Zend/tests/bug26077.phpt] TEST 623/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Duplicate of zend test tests/classes/iterators_002.phpt without expected output from destructor [tests/lang/foreachLoopIteratorAggregate.004.phpt] TEST 624/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test >= operator : max int 64bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_gt_or_equal_variation_64bit.phpt] TEST 625/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 max_file_uploads - empty files shouldn't count [tests/basic/rfc1867_max_file_uploads_empty_files.phpt] TEST 626/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Three variables in POST data [tests/basic/005.phpt] TEST 627/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61000 (Exceeding max nesting level doesn't delete numerical vars) [tests/basic/bug61000.phpt] TEST 628/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure a interface can not have private constants [tests/classes/interface_constant_inheritance_007.phpt] TEST 629/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #21820 ("$arr['foo']" generates bogus E_NOTICE, should be E_PARSE) [tests/lang/bug21820.phpt] TEST 630/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory objects [tests/classes/factory_001.phpt] TEST 631/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test + operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/add_variationStr.phpt] TEST 632/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 $this can be an argument to a static function [tests/classes/static_this.phpt] TEST 633/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS String conversion with multiple decimal points [tests/lang/string_decimals_001.phpt] TEST 634/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Regression test [tests/lang/023.phpt] TEST 635/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An abstract method cannot be called indirectly [tests/classes/abstract_user_call.phpt] TEST 636/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - failure [tests/output/ob_015.phpt] TEST 637/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Allow abstract function override [Zend/tests/abstract_inheritance_003.phpt] TEST 638/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS General function test [tests/func/004.phpt] TEST 639/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trait binding after anon class [Zend/tests/anon/010.phpt] TEST 640/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public static property as private static. [tests/classes/property_override_publicStatic_privateStatic.phpt] TEST 641/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attribute flags value is validated. [Zend/tests/attributes/023_ast_node_in_validation.phpt] TEST 642/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27443 (defined() returns wrong type) [tests/lang/bug27443.phpt] TEST 643/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test disabled expectations have no ill side effects [Zend/tests/assert/expect_008.phpt] TEST 644/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure "undefined offset" notice formats message correctly when undefined key is negative [Zend/tests/array_offset.phpt] TEST 645/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that sapi_windows_vt100_support exists only on Windows [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_notwindows.phpt] TEST 646/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot assign by reference to overloaded object, even if __get() returns by-ref [Zend/tests/assign_ref_to_overloaded_prop.phpt] TEST 647/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS interface_exists() tests [Zend/tests/013.phpt] TEST 648/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure ReflectionClass::implementsInterface triggers autoload. [tests/classes/autoload_017.phpt] TEST 649/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing the return value from a function by reference [tests/lang/passByReference_004.phpt] TEST 650/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method cannot be called in a derived class [tests/classes/private_005.phpt] TEST 651/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30140 (Problem with array in static properties) [Zend/tests/bug30140.phpt] TEST 652/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constant whose initial value references a non-existent class [tests/classes/constants_error_004.phpt] TEST 653/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26166 (__toString() crash when no values returned) [Zend/tests/bug26166.phpt] TEST 654/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop on objects - basic loop with just value and key => value. [tests/lang/foreachLoopObjects.001.phpt] TEST 655/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test > operator : max int 32bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_gt_variation.phpt] TEST 656/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Add 3 variables together and print result [tests/basic/006.phpt] TEST 657/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 missing boundary [tests/basic/rfc1867_missing_boundary.phpt] TEST 658/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #21849 (self::constant doesn't work as method's default parameter) [tests/lang/bug21849.phpt] TEST 659/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface extends base interfaces [tests/classes/interface_doubled.phpt] TEST 660/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 1 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_001.phpt] TEST 661/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX and PHP_INT_SIZE (64-bit) [tests/lang/constants/PHP_INT_64bit.phpt] TEST 662/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test & operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseAnd_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 663/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS using multiple access modifiers (methods) [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_001.phpt] TEST 664/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 $this cannot be exchanged [tests/classes/this.phpt] TEST 665/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Detailed reporting on specific types of syntax errors [tests/lang/syntax_errors.phpt] TEST 666/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - statuses [tests/output/ob_017.phpt] TEST 667/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure proper inheritance with get_class(anon class instance) used via class_alias (see also bug #70106) [Zend/tests/anon/011.phpt] TEST 668/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess [tests/classes/array_access_001.phpt] TEST 669/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing register_shutdown_function() [tests/func/005.phpt] TEST 670/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public static property as protected. [tests/classes/property_override_publicStatic_protected.phpt] TEST 671/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Internal attribute targets are validated. [Zend/tests/attributes/024_internal_target_validation.phpt] TEST 672/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27535 (Objects pointing to each other cause Apache to crash) [tests/lang/bug27535.phpt] TEST 673/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test stack trace is correct from failed exception in extended class [Zend/tests/assert/expect_009.phpt] TEST 674/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Looped regression test (may take a while) [tests/lang/024.phpt] TEST 675/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on older Windows versions with redirected STDERR [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winko_err.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 676/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on older Windows versions with redirected STDIN/STDERR [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winko_in-err.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 677/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on older Windows versions with redirected STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winko_in-out-err.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 678/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on older Windows versions with redirected STDIN/STDOUT [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winko_in-out.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 679/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on older Windows versions with redirected STDOUT/STDERR [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winko_out-err.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 680/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on older Windows versions with redirected STDOUT [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winko_out.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 681/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS assign to object leaks with ref [Zend/tests/assign_to_obj_001.phpt] TEST 682/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure __autoload() allows for recursive calls if the class name differs. [tests/classes/autoload_018.phpt] TEST 683/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_included_files() tests [Zend/tests/014.phpt] TEST 684/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Pass uninitialized variables by reference and by value to test implicit initialisation. [tests/lang/passByReference_005.phpt] TEST 685/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Add $GLOBALS to itself [Zend/tests/array_self_add_globals.phpt] TEST 686/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30161 (Segmentation fault with exceptions) [Zend/tests/bug30161.phpt] TEST 687/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error case: class constant as an encapsed containing a variable [tests/classes/constants_error_005.phpt] TEST 688/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method can be overwritten in a second derived class [tests/classes/private_006.phpt] TEST 689/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26229 (getIterator() segfaults when it returns arrays or scalars) [Zend/tests/bug26229.phpt] TEST 690/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - visibility. [tests/lang/foreachLoopObjects.002.phpt] TEST 691/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test > operator : max int 64bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_gt_variation_64bit.phpt] TEST 692/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Multiply 3 variables and print result [tests/basic/007.phpt] TEST 693/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #21961 (get_parent_class() segfault) [tests/lang/bug21961.phpt] TEST 694/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface is inherited [tests/classes/interface_implemented.phpt] TEST 695/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 missing boundary 2 [tests/basic/rfc1867_missing_boundary_2.phpt] TEST 696/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS empty() on array elements [tests/lang/empty_variation.phpt] TEST 697/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 2 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_002.phpt] TEST 698/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS using multiple access modifiers (attributes) [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_002.phpt] TEST 699/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test & operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseAnd_variationStr.phpt] TEST 700/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public static property as protected static. [tests/classes/property_override_publicStatic_protectedStatic.phpt] TEST 701/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Testing register_shutdown_function() with timeout. (Bug: #21513) [tests/func/005a.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 702/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to catch early assignment of $this [tests/lang/this_assignment.phpt] TEST 703/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure correct unmangling of private property names for anonymous class instances [Zend/tests/anon/012.phpt] TEST 704/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Internal attribute targets are validated. [Zend/tests/attributes/025_internal_repeatable_validation.phpt] TEST 705/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __toString() [tests/classes/tostring_001.phpt] TEST 706/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess::offsetSet without return [tests/classes/array_access_002.phpt] TEST 707/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #28213 (crash in debug_print_backtrace in static methods) [tests/lang/bug28213.phpt] TEST 708/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on newer Windows versions with redirected STDERR [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winok_err.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 709/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on newer Windows versions with redirected STDIN/STDERR [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winok_in-err.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 710/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on newer Windows versions with redirected STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winok_in-out-err.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 711/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on newer Windows versions with redirected STDIN/STDOUT [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winok_in-out.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 712/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on newer Windows versions with redirected STDOUT/STDERR [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winok_out-err.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 713/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test sapi_windows_vt100_support on newer Windows versions with redirected STDOUT [tests/output/sapi_windows_vt100_support_winok_out.phpt] reason: Only for Windows systems TEST 714/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test stack trace is correct from failed exception in extended class (parent implementing constructor) [Zend/tests/assert/expect_010.phpt] TEST 715/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assign to $this leaks when $this not defined [Zend/tests/assign_to_obj_002.phpt] TEST 716/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure __autoload() recursion is guarded for multiple lookups of same class using difference case. [tests/classes/autoload_019.phpt] TEST 717/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Mean recursion test [tests/lang/025.phpt] TEST 718/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS trigger_error() tests [Zend/tests/015.phpt] TEST 719/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS HT iterator should be destroyed if array becomes empty during array_splice [Zend/tests/array_splice_empty_ht_iter_removal.phpt] TEST 720/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic class support - attempting to modify a class constant by assignment [tests/classes/constants_error_006.phpt] TEST 721/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Pass uninitialized objects and arrays by reference to test implicit initialisation. [tests/lang/passByReference_006.phpt] TEST 722/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private method can be overwritten in a second derived class [tests/classes/private_006b.phpt] TEST 723/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30162 (Catching exception in constructor couses lose of $this) [Zend/tests/bug30162.phpt] TEST 724/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS php://input is empty when enable_post_data_reading=Off [tests/basic/bug67198.phpt] TEST 725/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26281 (switch() crash when condition is a string offset) [Zend/tests/bug26281.phpt] TEST 726/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - modifying the object during the loop. [tests/lang/foreachLoopObjects.003.phpt] TEST 727/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test === operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_identical_basic.phpt] TEST 728/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Divide 3 variables and print result [tests/basic/008.phpt] TEST 729/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface cannot be instantiated [tests/classes/interface_instantiate.phpt] TEST 730/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #22231 (segfault when returning a global variable by reference) [tests/lang/bug22231.phpt] TEST 731/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Request #77372 (Relative file path is removed from uploaded file) [tests/basic/rfc1867_multiple_webkitdirectory.phpt] TEST 732/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS using multiple access modifiers (classes) [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_003.phpt] TEST 733/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS closure binding to anonymous class [Zend/tests/anon/013.phpt] TEST 734/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Evaluation order during assignments. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_001.phpt] TEST 735/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public static property as public. [tests/classes/property_override_publicStatic_public.phpt] TEST 736/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 3 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_003.phpt] TEST 737/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Output buffering tests [tests/func/006.phpt] TEST 738/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ~N operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseNot_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 739/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catching an exception thrown from an included file [tests/lang/throw_variation_001.phpt] TEST 740/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use unpacking in attribute argument list [Zend/tests/attributes/026_unpack_in_args.phpt] TEST 741/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __toString() in __destruct [tests/classes/tostring_002.phpt] TEST 742/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess::offsetGet ambiguities [tests/classes/array_access_003.phpt] TEST 743/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #28800 (Incorrect string to number conversion for strings starting with 'inf') [tests/lang/bug28800.phpt] TEST 744/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test overloaded __toString on custom exception [Zend/tests/assert/expect_011.phpt] TEST 745/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing string scanner conformance [tests/lang/026.phpt] TEST 746/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS complex cases of variable assignment - 001 [Zend/tests/assign_to_var_001.phpt] TEST 747/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure __autoload() is triggered during unserialization. [tests/classes/autoload_020.phpt] TEST 748/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS isset() with object properties when operating on non-object [Zend/tests/016.phpt] TEST 749/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic class support - attempting to create a reference to a class constant [tests/classes/constants_error_007.phpt] TEST 750/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Pass function and method calls by reference and by value. [tests/lang/passByReference_007.phpt] TEST 751/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A derived class does not know about privates of ancestors [tests/classes/private_007.phpt] TEST 752/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30346 (arrayAccess and using $this) [Zend/tests/bug30346.phpt] TEST 753/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67988 (htmlspecialchars() does not respect default_charset specified by ini_set) [tests/basic/bug67988.phpt] TEST 754/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26696 (crash in switch() when string index is used) [Zend/tests/bug26696.phpt] TEST 755/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - Removing the current element from an iterated object. [tests/lang/foreachLoopObjects.004.phpt] TEST 756/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test === operator : False recursion detection [tests/lang/operators/operator_identical_recusion-01.phpt] TEST 757/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test === operator : max int 32bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_identical_variation.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 758/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface cannot have properties [tests/classes/interface_member.phpt] TEST 759/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Subtract 3 variables and print result [tests/basic/009.phpt] TEST 760/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #22510 (segfault among complex references) [tests/lang/bug22510.phpt] TEST 761/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS using multiple access modifiers (abstract methods) [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_004.phpt] TEST 762/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public static property as public static. [tests/classes/property_override_publicStatic_publicStatic.phpt] TEST 763/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - error message nirvana bug #37714 [tests/output/ob_018.phpt] TEST 764/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS anonymous class trait binding [Zend/tests/anon/014.phpt] TEST 765/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS INI functions test [tests/func/007.phpt] TEST 766/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 post_max_filesize [tests/basic/rfc1867_post_max_filesize.phpt] TEST 767/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Evaluation order during assignments. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_002.phpt] TEST 768/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ~N operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseNot_variationStr.phpt] TEST 769/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trailing comma in attribute argument list [Zend/tests/attributes/027_trailing_comma_args.phpt] TEST 770/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 4 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_004.phpt] TEST 771/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __toString() in __destruct/exception [tests/classes/tostring_003.phpt] TEST 772/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 type hinting [tests/lang/type_hints_001.phpt] TEST 773/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29566 (foreach/string handling strangeness) [tests/lang/bug29566.phpt] TEST 774/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess::offsetGet ambiguities [tests/classes/array_access_004.phpt] TEST 775/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53226 (file_exists fails on big filenames) [tests/security/bug53226.phpt] TEST 776/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test enable/disable assertions at runtime [Zend/tests/assert/expect_012.phpt] TEST 777/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing do-while loop [tests/lang/027.phpt] TEST 778/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS complex cases of variable assignment - 002 [Zend/tests/assign_to_var_002.phpt] TEST 779/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Validation of class names in the autoload process [tests/classes/autoload_021.phpt] TEST 780/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Appending to an array via unpack may fail [Zend/tests/array_unpack/already_occupied.phpt] TEST 781/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS builtin functions tests [Zend/tests/017.phpt] TEST 782/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Pass same variable by ref and by value. [tests/lang/passByReference_008.phpt] TEST 783/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 class constants and scope [tests/classes/constants_scope_001.phpt] TEST 784/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A derived class does not know about privates of ancestors [tests/classes/private_007b.phpt] TEST 785/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30394 (Assignment operators yield wrong result with __get/__set) [Zend/tests/bug30394.phpt] TEST 786/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26697 (calling class_exists on a nonexistent class in autoloader results in segfault) [Zend/tests/bug26697.phpt] TEST 787/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - removing properties before and after the current property during the loop. [tests/lang/foreachLoopObjects.005.phpt] TEST 788/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test === operator : max int 64bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_identical_variation_64bit.phpt] TEST 789/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing | and & operators [tests/basic/010.phpt] TEST 790/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface method must be abstract [tests/classes/interface_method.phpt] TEST 791/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS using multiple access modifiers (final methods) [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_005.phpt] TEST 792/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71273 A wrong ext directory setup in php.ini leads to crash [tests/basic/bug71273.phpt] TEST 793/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #22592 (cascading assignments to strings with curly braces broken) [tests/lang/bug22592.phpt] TEST 794/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS output buffering - ob_list_handlers [tests/output/ob_020.phpt] TEST 795/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test for buffering in core functions with implicit flush off [tests/func/008.phpt] TEST 796/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Evaluation order during assignments. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_003.phpt] TEST 797/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS static variables in methods inherited from parent class [Zend/tests/anon/015.phpt] TEST 798/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public property as private. [tests/classes/property_override_public_private.phpt] TEST 799/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS rfc1867 post_max_size [tests/basic/rfc1867_post_max_size.phpt] TEST 800/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 5 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_005.phpt] TEST 801/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Object to string conversion: error cases and behaviour variations. [tests/classes/tostring_004.phpt] TEST 802/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 type hinting [tests/lang/type_hints_002.phpt] TEST 803/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29893 (segfault when using array as index) [tests/lang/bug29893.phpt] TEST 804/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test | operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseOr_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 805/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes can be grouped [Zend/tests/attributes/028_grouped.phpt] TEST 806/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess and sub Arrays [tests/classes/array_access_005.phpt] TEST 807/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test failing assertion when disabled (with return value) [Zend/tests/assert/expect_013.phpt] TEST 808/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS complex cases of variable assignment - 003 [Zend/tests/assign_to_var_003.phpt] TEST 809/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #23951 (Defines not working in inherited classes) [tests/classes/bug23951.phpt] TEST 810/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing calling user-level functions from C [tests/lang/028.phpt] TEST 811/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS constant() tests [Zend/tests/018.phpt] TEST 812/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic array unpacking [Zend/tests/array_unpack/basic.phpt] TEST 813/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class public constant visibility [tests/classes/constants_visibility_001.phpt] TEST 814/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assignment as argument [tests/lang/passByReference_009.phpt] TEST 815/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A private member is [tests/classes/private_members.phpt] TEST 816/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30407 (Strange behaviour of default arguments) [Zend/tests/bug30407.phpt] TEST 817/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26698 (Thrown exceptions while evaluating argument to pass as parameter crash PHP) [Zend/tests/bug26698.phpt] TEST 818/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - substituting the entire iterated entity during the loop. [tests/lang/foreachLoopObjects.006.phpt] TEST 819/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test < operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_lt_basic.phpt] TEST 820/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface method cannot be final [tests/classes/interface_method_final.phpt] TEST 821/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing $argc and $argv handling (GET) [tests/basic/011.phpt] TEST 822/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #23279 (exception handler stops after first function call) [tests/lang/bug23279.phpt] TEST 823/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS using multiple access modifiers (static methods) [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_006.phpt] TEST 824/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_clean() function : basic functionality [tests/output/ob_clean_basic_001.phpt] TEST 825/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73969: segfault on debug_print_backtrace with require() call [tests/basic/bug73969.phpt] TEST 826/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public property as private static. [tests/classes/property_override_public_privateStatic.phpt] TEST 827/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test for buffering in core functions with implicit flush on [tests/func/009.phpt] TEST 828/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP function with many parameters [tests/func/010.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 829/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Evaluation order during assignments. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_004.phpt] TEST 830/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS static variables in methods inherited from parent class (can't cache objects) [Zend/tests/anon/016.phpt] TEST 831/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout within while loop [tests/basic/timeout_variation_0.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 832/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 type [tests/lang/type_hints_003.phpt] TEST 833/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 class type hinting [tests/classes/type_hinting_001.phpt] TEST 834/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 6 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_006.phpt] TEST 835/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29944 (function defined in switch crashes PHP) [tests/lang/bug29944.phpt] TEST 836/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test | operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseOr_variationStr.phpt] TEST 837/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Reflect attributes on different kinds of internal symbols [Zend/tests/attributes/029_reflect_internal_symbols.phpt] TEST 838/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76359 (open_basedir bypass through adding "..") [tests/security/bug76359.phpt] TEST 839/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS complex cases of variable assignment - 004 [Zend/tests/assign_to_var_004.phpt] TEST 840/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess and ASSIGN_OP operators (+=) [tests/classes/array_access_006.phpt] TEST 841/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test failing assertion when disabled [Zend/tests/assert/expect_014.phpt] TEST 842/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS $this in constructor test [tests/lang/030.phpt] TEST 843/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24399 (is_subclass_of() crashes when parent class doesn't exist) [tests/classes/bug24399.phpt] TEST 844/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array unpacking with classes [Zend/tests/array_unpack/classes.phpt] TEST 845/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class protected constant visibility [tests/classes/constants_visibility_002.phpt] TEST 846/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Passing assignments by reference [tests/lang/passByReference_010.phpt] TEST 847/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test unset(), empty() and isset() functions [Zend/tests/019.phpt] TEST 848/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Verifies that it is possible to return private member names of parent classes in __sleep [tests/classes/private_members_serialization.phpt] TEST 849/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30451 (static properties permissions broken) [Zend/tests/bug30451.phpt] TEST 850/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26801 (switch ($a{0}) crash) [Zend/tests/bug26801.phpt] TEST 851/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach() with foreach($o->mthd()->arr) [tests/lang/foreach_with_object_001.phpt] TEST 852/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test <= operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_lt_or_equal_basic.phpt] TEST 853/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test <= operator : max int 32bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_lt_or_equal_variation.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 854/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface method cannot be private [tests/classes/interface_method_private.phpt] TEST 855/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #23384 (use of class constants in statics) [tests/lang/bug23384.phpt] TEST 856/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test return type and value, as well as basic behaviour, for ob_end_clean() [tests/output/ob_end_clean_basic_001.phpt] TEST 857/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing $argc and $argv handling (cli) [tests/basic/012.phpt] TEST 858/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS abstract final methods errmsg [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_007.phpt] TEST 859/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public property as protected. [tests/classes/property_override_public_protected.phpt] TEST 860/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test bitwise AND, OR, XOR, NOT and logical NOT in INI via error_reporting [tests/func/011.phpt] TEST 861/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Evaluation order during assignments. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_005.phpt] TEST 862/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78236 (convert error on receiving variables when duplicate [) [tests/basic/bug78236.phpt] TEST 863/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout within function [tests/basic/timeout_variation_1.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 864/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout within shutdown function, variation [tests/basic/timeout_variation_10.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 865/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout within array_map [tests/basic/timeout_variation_2.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 866/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout within call_user_func [tests/basic/timeout_variation_4.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 867/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout within for loop [tests/basic/timeout_variation_7.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 868/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout within foreach loop [tests/basic/timeout_variation_8.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 869/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Timeout within shutdown function [tests/basic/timeout_variation_9.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 870/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS zend_throw_exception with NULL message [tests/lang/zend_throw_exception_001.phpt] TEST 871/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generated names for anonymous classes [Zend/tests/anon_class_name.phpt] TEST 872/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 class type hinting non existing class [tests/classes/type_hinting_002.phpt] TEST 873/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 7 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_007.phpt] TEST 874/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30578 (Output buffers flushed before calling __destruct functions) [tests/lang/bug30578.phpt] TEST 875/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS strict_types=1 of the attribute use-site is respected [Zend/tests/attributes/030_strict_types.phpt] TEST 876/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test << operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseShiftLeft_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 877/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess and [] assignment [tests/classes/array_access_007.phpt] TEST 878/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Result of assigning to typed reference [Zend/tests/assign_typed_ref_result.phpt] TEST 879/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class method registration [tests/lang/032.phpt] TEST 880/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS AST pretty-peinter [Zend/tests/assert/expect_015.phpt] TEST 881/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24445 (get_parent_class() returns the current class when passed an object) [tests/classes/bug24445.phpt] TEST 882/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Spread operator is not supported in destructuring assignments [Zend/tests/array_unpack/in_destructuring.phpt] TEST 883/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test pass by reference semantics [tests/lang/passByReference_012.phpt] TEST 884/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A derived class does not know anything about inherited private methods [tests/classes/private_redeclare.phpt] TEST 885/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_arg() invalid usage [Zend/tests/020.phpt] TEST 886/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class private constant visibility [tests/classes/constants_visibility_003.phpt] TEST 887/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30519 (Interface not existing says Class not found) [Zend/tests/bug30519.phpt] TEST 888/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26802 (Can't call static method using a variable) [Zend/tests/bug26802.phpt] TEST 889/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach() with references [tests/lang/foreach_with_references_001.phpt] TEST 890/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test <= operator : max int 64bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_lt_or_equal_variation_64bit.phpt] TEST 891/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface must be implemented [tests/classes/interface_must_be_implemented.phpt] TEST 892/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #23489 (ob_start() is broken with method callbacks) [tests/lang/bug23489.phpt] TEST 893/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_end_flush() function : basic functionality [tests/output/ob_end_flush_basic_001.phpt] TEST 894/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] XFAIL Inconsistencies when accessing protected members [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_008.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Discussion: TEST 895/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS POST Method test and arrays [tests/basic/013.phpt] TEST 896/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public property as protected static. [tests/classes/property_override_public_protectedStatic.phpt] TEST 897/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64523: XOR not parsed in INI [tests/func/bug64523.phpt] TEST 898/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Evaluation order during assignments. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_006.phpt] TEST 899/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46897: ob_flush() should fail to flush unerasable buffers [tests/output/bug46897.phpt] TEST 900/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __call() [tests/classes/__call_001.phpt] TEST 901/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 class type hinting with arrays [tests/classes/type_hinting_003.phpt] TEST 902/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic argument unpacking [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/basic.phpt] TEST 903/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78929 (plus signs in cookie values are converted to spaces) [tests/basic/bug78929.phpt] TEST 904/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS openbase_dir runtime hardening [tests/security/open_basedir_001.phpt] TEST 905/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 8 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_008.phpt] TEST 906/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backtrace during attribute instance creation [Zend/tests/attributes/031_backtrace.phpt] TEST 907/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test << operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseShiftLeft_variationStr.phpt] TEST 908/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess and ASSIGN_OP operators (.=) [tests/classes/array_access_008.phpt] TEST 909/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Alternative syntaxes test [tests/lang/033.phpt] TEST 910/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZEND_POW_ASSIGN [Zend/tests/ast/zend-pow-assign.phpt] TEST 911/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test enable/disable assertions at runtime (assertions not completely disabled) [Zend/tests/assert/expect_016.phpt] TEST 912/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #26737 (Protected and private variables are not saved on serialization when a user defined __sleep is used) [tests/classes/bug26737.phpt] TEST 913/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Spread operator is not supported in destructuring assignments (only spread) [Zend/tests/array_unpack/in_destructuring_2.phpt] TEST 914/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private static property as private. [tests/classes/property_override_privateStatic_private.phpt] TEST 915/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a reference from a function [tests/lang/returnByReference.001.phpt] TEST 916/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ?: operator [Zend/tests/021.phpt] TEST 917/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Only public and protected class constants should be inherited [tests/classes/constants_visibility_004.phpt] TEST 918/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30702 (cannot initialize class variable from class constant) [Zend/tests/bug30702.phpt] TEST 919/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27268 (Bad references accentuated by clone) [Zend/tests/bug27268.phpt] TEST 920/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_arg test (PHP7) [tests/lang/func_get_arg.001.phpt] TEST 921/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test < operator : max int 32bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_lt_variation.phpt] TEST 922/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 An interface method allows additional default arguments [tests/classes/interface_optional_arg.phpt] TEST 923/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_flush() function : basic functionality [tests/output/ob_flush_basic_001.phpt] TEST 924/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #23524 (Improper handling of constants in array indices) [tests/lang/bug23524.phpt] TEST 925/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] XFAIL Inconsistencies when accessing protected members - 2 [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_009.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Discussion: TEST 926/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public property as public. [tests/classes/property_override_public_public.phpt] TEST 927/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ini_alter() check [tests/func/ini_alter.phpt] TEST 928/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS POST Method test and arrays - 2 [tests/basic/014.phpt] TEST 929/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check key execution order with new. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_007.phpt] TEST 930/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument unpacking with by-ref arguments [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/by_ref.phpt] TEST 931/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 __call() signature check [tests/classes/__call_002.phpt] TEST 932/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cookies Security Bug [tests/basic/bug79699.phpt] TEST 933/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 9 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_009.phpt] TEST 934/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure type hints are enforced for functions invoked as callbacks. [tests/classes/type_hinting_004.phpt] TEST 935/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30638 (localeconv returns wrong LC_NUMERIC settings) (ok to fail on MacOS X) [tests/lang/bug30638.phpt] TEST 936/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test << operator : numbers as strings, simple [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseShiftLeft_variationStr2.phpt] TEST 937/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Validation for "Attribute" does not use a scope when evaluating constant ASTs [Zend/tests/attributes/032_attribute_validation_scope.phpt] TEST 938/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Serialization of backtick literal is incorrect [Zend/tests/ast_serialize_backtick_literal.phpt] TEST 939/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test enable/disable assertions at runtime (assertions completely disabled) [Zend/tests/assert/expect_017.phpt] TEST 940/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess and ArrayProxyAccess, ArrayProxy [tests/classes/array_access_009.phpt] TEST 941/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27468 (foreach in __destruct() causes segfault) [tests/classes/bug27468.phpt] TEST 942/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array unpacking does not work with non-integer/string keys [Zend/tests/array_unpack/non_integer_keys.phpt] TEST 943/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private static property as private static. [tests/classes/property_override_privateStatic_privateStatic.phpt] TEST 944/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a reference from a function. [tests/lang/returnByReference.002.phpt] TEST 945/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implementing abstracting methods and optional parameters [Zend/tests/022.phpt] TEST 946/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static constants are not allowed [tests/classes/constants_visibility_005.phpt] TEST 947/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30707 (Segmentation fault on exception in method) [Zend/tests/bug30707.phpt] TEST 948/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27304 (Static functions don't function properly) [Zend/tests/bug27304.phpt] TEST 949/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_arg with variable number of args [tests/lang/func_get_arg.002.phpt] TEST 950/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test < operator : max int 64bit range [tests/lang/operators/operator_lt_variation_64bit.phpt] TEST 951/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS default argument value in interface implementation [tests/classes/interface_optional_arg_002.phpt] TEST 952/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #23584 (error line numbers off by one when using #!php) [tests/lang/bug23584.phpt] TEST 953/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test return type and value, as well as basic behaviour, of ob_get_clean() [tests/output/ob_get_clean_basic_001.phpt] TEST 954/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing visibility of methods [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_010.phpt] TEST 955/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Simple If condition test [tests/lang/001.phpt] TEST 956/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited public property as public static. [tests/classes/property_override_public_publicStatic.phpt] TEST 957/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure by value assignments leave temporaries on the stack, for all sorts of assignees. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_008.phpt] TEST 958/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array must be separated if unpacking by reference [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/by_ref_separation.phpt] TEST 959/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30828 (debug_backtrace() reports incorrect class in overridden methods) [Zend/tests/bug30828.phpt] TEST 960/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS POST Method test and arrays - 3 [tests/basic/015.phpt] TEST 961/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 factory and singleton, test 10 [tests/classes/factory_and_singleton_010.phpt] TEST 962/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30726 (-.1 like numbers are not being handled correctly) [tests/lang/bug30726.phpt] TEST 963/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check type hint compatibility in overrides with array hints. [tests/classes/type_hinting_005a.phpt] TEST 964/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_chdir.phpt] TEST 965/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #12647 (Locale settings affecting float parsing) [tests/lang/034.phpt] TEST 966/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP testing binary literals [Zend/tests/binary-32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 967/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes can be placed on all supported elements. [Zend/tests/attributes/001_placement.phpt] TEST 968/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test assertions in namespace [Zend/tests/assert/expect_018.phpt] TEST 969/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess and ArrayReferenceProxy with references [tests/classes/array_access_010.phpt] TEST 970/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test << operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseShiftLeft_variationStr_64bit.phpt] TEST 971/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27504 (call_user_func_array allows calling of private/protected methods) [tests/classes/bug27504.phpt] TEST 972/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array unpacking with element rc=1 [Zend/tests/array_unpack/ref1.phpt] TEST 973/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a reference from a function [tests/lang/returnByReference.003.phpt] TEST 974/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Abstract constants are not allowed [tests/classes/constants_visibility_006.phpt] TEST 975/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing variable variables as function name [Zend/tests/023.phpt] TEST 976/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private static property as protected. [tests/classes/property_override_privateStatic_protected.phpt] TEST 977/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30725 (PHP segfaults when an exception is thrown in getIterator() within foreach) [Zend/tests/bug30725.phpt] TEST 978/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27598 (list() array key assignment causes HUGE memory leak) [Zend/tests/bug27598.phpt] TEST 979/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_arg outside of a function declaration [tests/lang/func_get_arg.003.phpt] TEST 980/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test != operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_notequals_basic.phpt] TEST 981/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS default argument value in and in implementing class with interface in included file [tests/classes/interface_optional_arg_003.phpt] TEST 982/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #23624 (foreach leaves current array key as null) [tests/lang/bug23624.phpt] TEST 983/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test basic behaviour of ob_get_clean() [tests/output/ob_get_clean_basic_002.phpt] TEST 984/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __call() for private/protected methods [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_011.phpt] TEST 985/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60282 (Segfault when using ob_gzhandler() with open buffers) [tests/output/bug60282.phpt] TEST 986/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Simple While Loop Test [tests/lang/002.phpt] TEST 987/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Execution ordering with comparison operators. [tests/lang/engine_assignExecutionOrder_009.phpt] TEST 988/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unsetting and recreating private properties. [tests/classes/property_recreate_private.phpt] TEST 989/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unpack arguments for dynamic call [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/dynamic.phpt] TEST 990/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A method may be redeclared final [tests/classes/final.phpt] TEST 991/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30889 (Conflict between __get/__set and ++ operator) [Zend/tests/bug30889.phpt] TEST 992/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check type hint compatibility in overrides with array hints. [tests/classes/type_hinting_005c.phpt] TEST 993/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30862 (Static array with boolean indexes) [tests/lang/bug30862.phpt] TEST 994/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS POST Method test and arrays - 4 [tests/basic/016.phpt] TEST 995/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80384 large reads cause filters to internally buffer large amounts of memory [tests/basic/bug80384.phpt] TEST 996/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2: set_exception_handler() [tests/lang/035.phpt] TEST 997/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes: Example from Attributes RFC [Zend/tests/attributes/002_rfcexample.phpt] TEST 998/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test assertions in namespace (assertions completely disabled) [Zend/tests/assert/expect_019.phpt] TEST 999/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess and ArrayAccessReferenceProxy with references to main array [tests/classes/array_access_011.phpt] TEST 1000/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array unpacking with string keys [Zend/tests/array_unpack/string_keys.phpt] TEST 1001/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test >> operator : 64bit long tests [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseShiftRight_basiclong_64bit.phpt] TEST 1002/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #29446 (ZE allows multiple declarations of the same class constant) [tests/classes/bug29446.phpt] TEST 1003/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing operations with undefined variable [Zend/tests/024.phpt] TEST 1004/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a reference from a static method [tests/lang/returnByReference.004.phpt] TEST 1005/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Defined on private constant should not raise exception [tests/classes/constants_visibility_008.phpt] TEST 1006/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private static property as protected static. [tests/classes/property_override_privateStatic_protectedStatic.phpt] TEST 1007/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30791 (magic methods (__sleep/__wakeup/__toString) call __call if object is overloaded) [Zend/tests/bug30791.phpt] TEST 1008/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_arg on non-existent arg [tests/lang/func_get_arg.004.phpt] TEST 1009/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33558 (warning with nested calls to functions returning by reference) [Zend/tests/bug33558.phpt] TEST 1010/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27669 (PHP 5 didn't support all possibilities for calling static methods dynamically) [Zend/tests/bug27669.phpt] TEST 1011/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #24054 (Assignment operator *= broken) [tests/lang/bug24054.phpt] TEST 1012/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 interfaces [tests/classes/interfaces_001.phpt] TEST 1013/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trigger __call() in lieu of non visible methods when called via a callback. [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_012.phpt] TEST 1014/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_get_contents() function : basic functionality [tests/output/ob_get_contents_basic_001.phpt] TEST 1015/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35509 (string constant as array key has different behavior inside object) [Zend/tests/bug35509.phpt] TEST 1016/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60321 (ob_get_status(true) no longer returns an array when buffer is empty) [tests/output/bug60321.phpt] TEST 1017/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 errors caught as exceptions [tests/lang/error_2_exception_001.phpt] TEST 1018/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 A final method cannot be abstract [tests/classes/final_abstract.phpt] TEST 1019/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check type hint compatibility in overrides with array hints. [tests/classes/type_hinting_005d.phpt] TEST 1020/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument unpacking with internal functions [Zend/tests/arg_unpack/internal.phpt] TEST 1021/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unsetting and recreating protected properties. [tests/classes/property_recreate_protected.phpt] TEST 1022/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30922 (reflective functions crash PHP when interfaces extend themselves) [Zend/tests/bug30922.phpt] TEST 1023/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_chmod.phpt] TEST 1024/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing binary literals [Zend/tests/binary.phpt] TEST 1025/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS POST Method test and arrays - 5 [tests/basic/017.phpt] TEST 1026/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32828 (Throwing exception in output_callback function with ob_start and ob_end_clean leads to segfault) [tests/lang/bug32828.phpt] TEST 1027/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Child public element should not override parent private element in parent methods [tests/lang/036.phpt] TEST 1028/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes can deal with AST nodes. [Zend/tests/attributes/003_ast_nodes.phpt] TEST 1029/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS AST pretty-printer [Zend/tests/assert/expect_020.phpt] TEST 1030/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS array unpacking with undefined variable [Zend/tests/array_unpack/undef_var.phpt] TEST 1031/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 ArrayAccess cannot assign by reference [tests/classes/array_access_012.phpt] TEST 1032/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing dynamic calls [Zend/tests/025.phpt] TEST 1033/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65768: date_diff accepts only DateTime instance even though docs say about DateTimeInterface [tests/classes/bug65768.phpt] TEST 1034/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class private constant visibility error [tests/classes/constants_visibility_error_001.phpt] TEST 1035/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning a reference from a method [tests/lang/returnByReference.005.phpt] TEST 1036/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Redeclare inherited private static property as public. [tests/classes/property_override_privateStatic_public.phpt] TEST 1037/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test >> operator : various numbers as strings [tests/lang/operators/bitwiseShiftRight_variationStr.phpt] TEST 1038/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30820 (static member conflict with $this->member silently ignored) [Zend/tests/bug30820.phpt] TEST 1039/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33710 (ArrayAccess objects doesn't initialize $this) [Zend/tests/bug33710.phpt] TEST 1040/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A variable, which is referenced by another variable, is passed by value. During the call, the original variable is updated. This should not affect func_get_arg(). [tests/lang/func_get_arg.005.phpt] TEST 1041/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #27731 (error_reporing() call inside @ block does not work correctly) [Zend/tests/bug27731.phpt] TEST 1042/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38808 ("maybe ref" issue for current() and others) [Zend/tests/bug38808.phpt] TEST 1043/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41351 (Invalid opcode with foreach ($a[] as $b)) [Zend/tests/bug41351.phpt] TEST 1044/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test return type and value, as well as basic behaviour, of ob_get_length() [tests/output/ob_get_length_basic_001.phpt] TEST 1045/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60322 (ob_get_clean() now raises an E_NOTICE if no buffers exist) [tests/output/bug60322.phpt] TEST 1046/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43200.2 (Interface implementation / inheritance not possible in abstract classes) [Zend/tests/bug43200_2.phpt] TEST 1047/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35634 (Erroneous "Class declarations may not be nested" error raised) [Zend/tests/bug35634.phpt] TEST 1048/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Execution order of variables [tests/lang/execution_order.phpt] TEST 1049/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44899 (__isset usage changes behavior of empty()) [Zend/tests/bug44899.phpt] TEST 1050/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #50174 (Incorrectly matched docComment) [Zend/tests/bug50174.phpt] TEST 1051/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that float to string and string to float casts are consistent [tests/basic/consistent_float_string_casts.phpt] TEST 1052/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53748 (Using traits lead to a segmentation fault) [Zend/tests/bug53748.phpt] TEST 1053/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47572 (zval_update_constant_ex: Segmentation fault) [Zend/tests/bug47572.phpt] TEST 1054/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BIND_STATIC may destroy a variable with a throwing destructor [Zend/tests/bind_static_exception.phpt] TEST 1055/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #30998 (Crash when user error handler returns false) [Zend/tests/bug30998.phpt] TEST 1056/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 'Static' binding for private variables [tests/lang/037.phpt] TEST 1057/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32924 (prepend does not add file to included files) [tests/lang/bug32924.phpt] TEST 1058/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS POST Method test and arrays - 6 [tests/basic/018.phpt] TEST 1059/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61970 (Restraining __construct() access level in subclass gives a fatal error) [Zend/tests/bug61970.phpt] TEST 1060/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60362: non-existent sub-sub keys should not have values [Zend/tests/bug60362.phpt] TEST 1061/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unpacking non-array/Traversable detected at compile-time [Zend/tests/array_unpack/unpack_invalid_type_compile_time.phpt] TEST 1062/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63762 - Sigsegv when Exception::$trace is changed by user [Zend/tests/bug63762.phpt] TEST 1063/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure that extending of undefined class throws the exception [tests/classes/bug75765.phpt] TEST 1064/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #68412 (Infinite recursion with __call can make the program crash/segfault) [Zend/tests/bug68412.phpt] reason: Need Zend MM enabled TEST 1065/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65579 (Using traits with get_class_methods causes segfault) [Zend/tests/bug65579.phpt] TEST 1066/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69551 - parse_ini_file() and parse_ini_string() segmentation fault [Zend/tests/bug69551.phpt] TEST 1067/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70689 (Exception handler does not work as expected) [Zend/tests/bug70689.phpt] TEST 1068/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70083 (Use after free with assign by ref to overloaded objects) [Zend/tests/bug70083.phpt] TEST 1069/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71414 (Interface method override inherited method and implemented in a trait causes fatal error) [Zend/tests/bug71414.phpt] TEST 1070/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33732 (Wrong behavior of constants in class and interface extending) [Zend/tests/bug33732.phpt] TEST 1071/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72177 Scope issue in __destruct after ReflectionProperty::setValue() [Zend/tests/bug72177.phpt] TEST 1072/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41351 (Invalid opcode with foreach ($a[] as $b)) - 2 [Zend/tests/bug41351_2.phpt] TEST 1073/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39003 (autoloader is called for type hinting) [Zend/tests/bug39003.phpt] TEST 1074/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ob_get_level() function : basic functionality [tests/output/ob_get_level_basic_001.phpt] TEST 1075/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60768 Output buffer not discarded [tests/output/bug60768.phpt] TEST 1076/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43201 (Crash on using uninitialized vals and __get/__set) [Zend/tests/bug43201.phpt] TEST 1077/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73288 (Segfault in __clone > Exception.toString > __get) [Zend/tests/bug73288.phpt] TEST 1078/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach loop tests - basic loop with just value and key => value. [tests/lang/foreachLoop.001.phpt] TEST 1079/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35655 (whitespace following end of heredoc is lost) [Zend/tests/bug35655.phpt] TEST 1080/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53826: __callStatic fired in base class through a parent call if the method is private [Zend/tests/bug53826.phpt] TEST 1081/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47593 (interface_exists() returns false when using absolute namespace path) [Zend/tests/bug47593.phpt] TEST 1082/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #50255 (isset() and empty() silently casts array to object) [Zend/tests/bug50255.phpt] TEST 1083/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44899 (__isset usage changes behavior of empty()) - 2 [Zend/tests/bug44899_2.phpt] TEST 1084/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31098 (isset() / empty() incorrectly returns true in dereference of a wrong type) [Zend/tests/bug31098.phpt] TEST 1085/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enable_post_data_reading: basic test [tests/basic/enable_post_data_reading_01.phpt] TEST 1086/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_copy.phpt] TEST 1087/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76439: Don't always strip leading whitespace from heredoc T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE tokens [Zend/tests/bug76439.phpt] TEST 1088/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Promoting float precision warning to exception in bitwise_not [Zend/tests/bitwise_not_precision_exception.phpt] TEST 1089/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74947 (Segfault in scanner on INF number) [Zend/tests/bug74947.phpt] TEST 1090/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61970 (Restraining __construct() access level in subclass gives a fatal error - stays when implementing abstract) [Zend/tests/bug61970_1.phpt] TEST 1091/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS POST Method test and arrays - 7 [tests/basic/019.phpt] TEST 1092/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60444 (Segmentation fault with include & class extending) [Zend/tests/bug60444.phpt] TEST 1093/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77993 (Wrong parse error for invalid hex literal on Windows) [Zend/tests/bug77993.phpt] TEST 1094/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63816: implementation child interface and after parent cause fatal error [Zend/tests/bug63816.phpt] TEST 1095/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78921: When Reflection triggers class load, property visibility is incorrect [Zend/tests/bug78921.phpt] TEST 1096/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68446 (Array constant not accepted for array parameter default) [Zend/tests/bug68446.phpt] TEST 1097/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69568: call a private function in closure failed [Zend/tests/bug69568.phpt] TEST 1098/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fixed Bug #65784 (Segfault with finally) [Zend/tests/bug65784.phpt] TEST 1099/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70089 (segfault in PHP 7 at ZEND_FETCH_DIM_W_SPEC_VAR_CONST_HANDLER ()) [Zend/tests/bug70089.phpt] TEST 1100/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bug #71428.1: inheritance with null default values [Zend/tests/bug71428.1.phpt] TEST 1101/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33771 (error_reporting falls to 0 when @ was used inside try/catch block) [Zend/tests/bug33771.phpt] TEST 1102/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41351 (Invalid opcode with foreach ($a[] as $b)) - 3 [Zend/tests/bug41351_3.phpt] TEST 1103/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72177 Scope issue in __destruct after ReflectionProperty::setValue() [Zend/tests/bug72177_2.phpt] TEST 1104/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ob_get_status() function basic test [tests/output/ob_get_status.phpt] TEST 1105/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39017 (foreach(($obj = new myClass) as $v); echo $obj; segfaults) [Zend/tests/bug39017.phpt] TEST 1106/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80030: Optimizer segfault with isset on static property with undef dynamic class name [Zend/tests/bug80030.phpt] TEST 1107/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43332.1 (self and parent as type hint in namespace) [Zend/tests/bug43332_1.phpt] TEST 1108/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73337 (try/catch not working with two exceptions inside a same operation) [Zend/tests/bug73337.phpt] TEST 1109/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47596 (Bus error on parsing file, when file size is equal to page size) [Zend/tests/bug47596.phpt] TEST 1110/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #36006 (Problem with $this in __destruct()) [Zend/tests/bug36006.phpt] TEST 1111/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53958 (Closures can't 'use' shared variables by value and by reference) [Zend/tests/bug53958.phpt] TEST 1112/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use built-in functions in write context (reference) [Zend/tests/builtin_in_write_context_error2.phpt] TEST 1113/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #50383 (Exceptions thrown in __call / __callStatic do not include file and line in trace) [Zend/tests/bug50383.phpt] TEST 1114/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44913 (Segfault when using return in combination with nested loops and continue 2) [Zend/tests/bug44913.phpt] TEST 1115/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31102 (Exception not handled when thrown inside autoloader) [Zend/tests/bug31102.phpt] TEST 1116/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS casting different variables to string [Zend/tests/cast_to_string.phpt] TEST 1117/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76439: Don't always strip leading whitespace from heredoc T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE tokens (error case) [Zend/tests/bug76439_2.phpt] TEST 1118/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61970 (Restraining __construct() access level in subclass gives a fatal error - stays when inheriting implemented abstract) [Zend/tests/bug61970_2.phpt] TEST 1119/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enable_post_data_reading: rfc1867 [tests/basic/enable_post_data_reading_02.phpt] TEST 1120/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75079: self keyword leads to incorrectly generated TypeError when in closure in trait [Zend/tests/bug75079.phpt] TEST 1121/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS POST Method test and arrays - 8 [tests/basic/020.phpt] TEST 1122/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63882 (zend_std_compare_objects crash on recursion) [Zend/tests/bug63882.phpt] TEST 1123/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60536 (Traits Segfault) [Zend/tests/bug60536_001.phpt] TEST 1124/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78926: Segmentation fault on Symfony cache:clear [Zend/tests/bug78926.phpt] TEST 1125/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69599: Strange generator+exception+variadic crash [Zend/tests/bug69599.phpt] TEST 1126/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68475 Calling function using $callable() syntax with strings of form 'Class::method' [Zend/tests/bug68475.phpt] TEST 1127/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65911 (scope resolution operator - strange behavior with $this) [Zend/tests/bug65911.phpt] TEST 1128/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70748 (Segfault in ini_lex () at Zend/zend_ini_scanner.l) [Zend/tests/bug70748.phpt] TEST 1129/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70117 (Unexpected return type error) [Zend/tests/bug70117.phpt] TEST 1130/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33802 (throw Exception in error handler causes crash) [Zend/tests/bug33802.phpt] TEST 1131/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72188 (Nested try/finally blocks losing return value) [Zend/tests/bug72188.phpt] TEST 1132/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41372 (Internal pointer of source array resets during array copying) [Zend/tests/bug41372.phpt] TEST 1133/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class name as scalar from ::class keyword error using static in class constant [Zend/tests/class_name_as_scalar_error_001.phpt] TEST 1134/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80037: Typed property must not be accessed before initialization when __get() declared [Zend/tests/bug80037.phpt] TEST 1135/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39018 (Error control operator '@' fails to suppress "Uninitialized string offset") [Zend/tests/bug39018.phpt] TEST 1136/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43332.2 (self and parent as type hint in namespace) [Zend/tests/bug43332_2.phpt] TEST 1137/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73338: Ensure exceptions in function init opcodes are cleaned properly [Zend/tests/bug73338.phpt] TEST 1138/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #36037 (heredoc adds extra line number) [Zend/tests/bug36037.phpt] TEST 1139/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53971 (isset() and empty() produce apparently spurious runtime error) [Zend/tests/bug53971.phpt] TEST 1140/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47699 (autoload and late static binding) [Zend/tests/bug47699.phpt] TEST 1141/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45147 (unexpected T_ENDFOR) [Zend/tests/bug45147.phpt] TEST 1142/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bitwise or assign with referenced value [Zend/tests/bw_or_assign_with_ref.phpt] TEST 1143/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76451: Aliases during inheritance type checks affected by opcache [Zend/tests/bug76451.phpt] TEST 1144/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62069: binding wrong traits if they have same name methods [Zend/tests/bug62069.phpt] TEST 1145/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #50394: Reference argument converted to value in __call [Zend/tests/bug50394.phpt] TEST 1146/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31177 (memory corruption because of incorrect refcounting) [Zend/tests/bug31177-2.phpt] TEST 1147/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS catch shouldn't call autoloader [Zend/tests/catch.phpt] TEST 1148/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75079 variation without traits [Zend/tests/bug75079_2.phpt] TEST 1149/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enable_post_data_reading: always_populate_raw_post_data has no effect (1) [tests/basic/enable_post_data_reading_03.phpt] TEST 1150/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_copy_variation1.phpt] TEST 1151/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 016: closures and is_callable() [Zend/tests/closure_016.phpt] TEST 1152/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63976 (Parent class incorrectly using child constant in class property) [Zend/tests/bug63976.phpt] TEST 1153/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The same rules are applied for properties that are defined in the class hierarchy. Thus, if the properties are compatible, a notice is issued, if not a fatal error occurs. (relevant with #60536) [Zend/tests/bug60536_002.phpt] TEST 1154/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78973: Destructor during CV freeing causes segfault if opline never saved [Zend/tests/bug78973.phpt] TEST 1155/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68652 (segmentation fault in destructor) [Zend/tests/bug68652.phpt] TEST 1156/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65969 (Chain assignment with T_LIST failure) [Zend/tests/bug65969.phpt] TEST 1157/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69640 Unhandled Error thrown from userland do not produce any output [Zend/tests/bug69640.phpt] TEST 1158/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70782: null ptr deref and segfault (zend_get_class_fetch_type) [Zend/tests/bug70782.phpt] TEST 1159/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72215 (Wrong return value if var modified in finally) [Zend/tests/bug72215.phpt] TEST 1160/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70121 (unserialize() could lead to unexpected methods execution / NULL pointer deref) [Zend/tests/bug70121.phpt] TEST 1161/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33996 (No information given for fatal error on passing invalid value to typed argument) [Zend/tests/bug33996.phpt] TEST 1162/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41401 (wrong precedence for unary minus) [Zend/tests/bug41401.phpt] TEST 1163/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class name as scalar from ::class keyword error using parent in class constant [Zend/tests/class_name_as_scalar_error_002.phpt] TEST 1164/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43343 (Variable class name) [Zend/tests/bug43343.phpt] TEST 1165/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80045: memleak after two set_exception_handler calls with __call [Zend/tests/bug80045.phpt] TEST 1166/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39018 [2] (Error control operator '@' fails to suppress "Uninitialized string offset") [Zend/tests/bug39018_2.phpt] TEST 1167/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73350 (Exception::__toString() cause circular references) [Zend/tests/bug73350.phpt] TEST 1168/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #36071 (Engine Crash related with 'clone') [Zend/tests/bug36071.phpt] TEST 1169/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54013 (ReflectionParam for duplicate parameter contains garbage) (PHP7) [Zend/tests/bug54013.phpt] TEST 1170/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47704 (crashes on some "bad" operations with string offsets) [Zend/tests/bug47704.phpt] TEST 1171/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __callStatic() Magic method [Zend/tests/call_static.phpt] TEST 1172/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76451: Aliases during inheritance type checks affected by opcache (variation) [Zend/tests/bug76451_2.phpt] TEST 1173/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #50810 (property_exists does not work for private) [Zend/tests/bug50810.phpt] TEST 1174/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31177 (Memory leak) [Zend/tests/bug31177.phpt] TEST 1175/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing callback formats within class method [Zend/tests/bug45180.phpt] TEST 1176/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62069: binding wrong traits if they have same name methods (variation 2) [Zend/tests/bug62069_2.phpt] TEST 1177/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot catch "static" [Zend/tests/catch_static.phpt] TEST 1178/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75218: Change remaining uncatchable fatal errors for parsing into ParseError [Zend/tests/bug75218.phpt] TEST 1179/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enable_post_data_reading: always_populate_raw_post_data has no effect (2) [tests/basic/enable_post_data_reading_04.phpt] TEST 1180/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 017: Trying to destroy an active lambda function [Zend/tests/closure_017.phpt] TEST 1181/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63982 (isset() inconsistently produces a fatal error on protected property) [Zend/tests/bug63982.phpt] TEST 1182/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78999 (Cycle leak when using function result as temporary) [Zend/tests/bug78999.phpt] TEST 1183/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Properties should be initialized correctly (relevant to #60536) [Zend/tests/bug60536_003.phpt] TEST 1184/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68775: yield in a function argument crashes or loops indefinitely [Zend/tests/bug68775.phpt] TEST 1185/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69676: Resolution of self::FOO in class constants not correct [Zend/tests/bug69676.phpt] TEST 1186/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66015 (wrong array indexing in class's static property) [Zend/tests/bug66015.phpt] TEST 1187/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70785 (Infinite loop due to exception during identical comparison) [Zend/tests/bug70785.phpt] TEST 1188/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bug #71428.2: inheritance of ye olde dynamic interfaces [Zend/tests/bug71428.2.phpt] TEST 1189/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70124 (null ptr deref / seg fault in ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION_SPEC_HANDLER) [Zend/tests/bug70124.phpt] TEST 1190/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72215.1 (Wrong return value if var modified in finally) [Zend/tests/bug72215_1.phpt] TEST 1191/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41421 (Uncaught exception from a stream wrapper segfaults) [Zend/tests/bug41421.phpt] TEST 1192/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80046: FREE for SWITCH_STRING optimized away [Zend/tests/bug80046.phpt] TEST 1193/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class name as scalar from ::class keyword error using static in method signature [Zend/tests/class_name_as_scalar_error_003.phpt] TEST 1194/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39036 (Unsetting key of foreach() yields segmentation fault) [Zend/tests/bug39036.phpt] TEST 1195/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33999 (object remains object when cast to int) [Zend/tests/bug33999.phpt] TEST 1196/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.1 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_1.phpt] TEST 1197/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73663 ("Invalid opcode 65/16/8" occurs with a variable created with list()) [Zend/tests/bug73663.phpt] TEST 1198/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #36214 (__get method works properly only when conditional operator is used) [Zend/tests/bug36214.phpt] TEST 1199/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54039 (use() of static variables in lambda functions can break staticness) [Zend/tests/bug54039.phpt] TEST 1200/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing lambda function in set_exception_handler() [Zend/tests/bug47714.phpt] TEST 1201/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #62097: fix for bug #54547 is wrong for 32-bit machines [Zend/tests/bug62097.phpt] reason: for system with 32-bit wide longs only TEST 1202/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76502: Chain of mixed exceptions and errors does not serialize properly [Zend/tests/bug76502.phpt] TEST 1203/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31341 (escape on curly inconsistent) [Zend/tests/bug31341.phpt] TEST 1204/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __call and __callstatic with callbacks [Zend/tests/call_static_002.phpt] TEST 1205/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45186 (__call depends on __callstatic in class scope) [Zend/tests/bug45186.phpt] TEST 1206/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #50816 (Using class constants in array definition fails) [Zend/tests/bug50816.phpt] TEST 1207/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing class_alias() [Zend/tests/class_alias_001.phpt] TEST 1208/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78010: Segmentation fault during GC [Zend/tests/bug78010.phpt] TEST 1209/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_dir.phpt] TEST 1210/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75241 (Null pointer dereference in zend_mm_alloc_small()) [Zend/tests/bug75241.phpt] TEST 1211/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 018: Assigning lambda to static var and returning by ref [Zend/tests/closure_018.phpt] TEST 1212/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64135 (Exceptions from set_error_handler are not always propagated) [Zend/tests/bug64135.phpt] TEST 1213/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79022 (class_exists returns True for classes that are not ready to be used) [Zend/tests/bug79022.phpt] TEST 1214/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enable_post_data_reading: using multiple input streams [tests/basic/enable_post_data_reading_05.phpt] TEST 1215/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Introducing new private variables of the same name in a subclass is ok, and does not lead to any output. That is consistent with normal inheritance handling. (relevant to #60536) [Zend/tests/bug60536_004.phpt] TEST 1216/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68797 Number 2.2250738585072012e-308 converted incorrectly [Zend/tests/bug68797.phpt] TEST 1217/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69676: Resolution of self::FOO in class constants not correct (variation) [Zend/tests/bug69676_2.phpt] TEST 1218/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70804 (Unary add on negative zero produces positive zero) [Zend/tests/bug70804.phpt] TEST 1219/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bug #71428: Validation type inheritance with = NULL [Zend/tests/bug71428.3.phpt] TEST 1220/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70156 (Segfault in zend_find_alias_name) [Zend/tests/bug70156.phpt] TEST 1221/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72215.1 (Wrong return value if var modified in finally) [Zend/tests/bug72215_2.phpt] TEST 1222/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41633.1 (self:: doesn't work for constants) [Zend/tests/bug41633_1.phpt] TEST 1223/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80049: Memleak when coercing integers to string via variadic argument [Zend/tests/bug80049.phpt] TEST 1224/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class name as scalar from ::class keyword error using parent in method signature [Zend/tests/class_name_as_scalar_error_004.phpt] TEST 1225/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39297 (Memory corryption because of indirect modification of overloaded array) [Zend/tests/bug39297.phpt] TEST 1226/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34045 (Buffer overflow with serialized object) [Zend/tests/bug34045.phpt] TEST 1227/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73663.2 ("Invalid opcode 65/16/8" occurs with a variable created with list()) [Zend/tests/bug73663_2.phpt] TEST 1228/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.10 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_10.phpt] TEST 1229/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54043: Remove inconsitency of internal exceptions and user defined exceptions [Zend/tests/bug54043.phpt] TEST 1230/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #36268 (Object destructors called even after fatal errors) [Zend/tests/bug36268.phpt] TEST 1231/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47771 (Exception during object construction from arg call calls object's destructor) [Zend/tests/bug47771.phpt] TEST 1232/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31525 (object reference being dropped. $this getting lost) [Zend/tests/bug31525.phpt] TEST 1233/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76534 (PHP hangs on 'illegal string offset on string references with an error handler) [Zend/tests/bug76534.phpt] TEST 1234/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62343 (Show class_alias In get_declared_classes()) [Zend/tests/bug62343.phpt] TEST 1235/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing method name case [Zend/tests/call_static_003.phpt] TEST 1236/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45186.2 (__call depends on __callstatic in class scope) [Zend/tests/bug45186_2.phpt] TEST 1237/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #51176 (Static calling in non-static method behaves like $this->) [Zend/tests/bug51176.phpt] TEST 1238/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying redeclare class with class_alias() [Zend/tests/class_alias_002.phpt] TEST 1239/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75252: Incorrect token formatting on two parse errors in one request [Zend/tests/bug75252.phpt] TEST 1240/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78151 Segfault caused by indirect expressions in PHP 7.4a1 [Zend/tests/bug78151.phpt] TEST 1241/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 019: Calling lambda using $GLOBALS and global $var [Zend/tests/closure_019.phpt] TEST 1242/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64239 (get_class_methods() changed behavior) [Zend/tests/bug64239_1.phpt] TEST 1243/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79108: Referencing argument in a function makes it a reference in the stack trace [Zend/tests/bug79108.phpt] TEST 1244/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enable_post_data_reading: using multiple input streams (more than 8k data) [tests/basic/enable_post_data_reading_06.phpt] TEST 1245/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66218 zend_register_functions breaks reflection [Zend/tests/bug66218.phpt] TEST 1246/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Introducing new private variables of the same name in a subclass is ok, and does not lead to any output. That is consistent with normal inheritance handling. (relevant to #60536) [Zend/tests/bug60536_005.phpt] TEST 1247/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68887 (resources are not freed correctly) [Zend/tests/bug68887.phpt] TEST 1248/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69676: Resolution of self::FOO in class constants not correct (variation) [Zend/tests/bug69676_3.phpt] TEST 1249/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70805 (Segmentation faults whilst running Drupal 8 test suite) [Zend/tests/bug70805.phpt] TEST 1250/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71470: Leaked 1 hashtable iterators [Zend/tests/bug71470.phpt] TEST 1251/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72215.3 (Wrong return value if var modified in finally) [Zend/tests/bug72215_3.phpt] TEST 1252/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41633.2 (Undefined class constants must not be substituted by strings) [Zend/tests/bug41633_2.phpt] TEST 1253/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ is a "magic" constant, which should work if referenced directly, even in a namespace [Zend/tests/bug70164.phpt] TEST 1254/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80055: Abstract trait methods returning "self" cannot be fulfilled by traits [Zend/tests/bug80055.phpt] TEST 1255/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class name as scalar from ::class keyword error using static non class context [Zend/tests/class_name_as_scalar_error_005.phpt] TEST 1256/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34062 (Crash in catch block when many arguments are used) [Zend/tests/bug34062.phpt] TEST 1257/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39304 (Segmentation fault with list unpacking of string offset) [Zend/tests/bug39304.phpt] TEST 1258/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73753 Non packed arrays and duplication [Zend/tests/bug73753.phpt] TEST 1259/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.11 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_11.phpt] TEST 1260/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47801 (__call() accessed via parent:: operator is provided incorrect method name) [Zend/tests/bug47801.phpt] TEST 1261/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #36513 (comment will be outputed in last line) [Zend/tests/bug36513.phpt] TEST 1262/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62358 (Segfault when using traits a lot) [Zend/tests/bug62358.phpt] TEST 1263/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid method name in dynamic static call [Zend/tests/call_static_004.phpt] TEST 1264/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76667 (Segfault with divide-assign op and __get + __set) [Zend/tests/bug76667.phpt] TEST 1265/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45742 Wrong class array inpretetion using constant indexes [Zend/tests/bug45742.phpt] TEST 1266/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #51394 (Error line reported incorrectly if error handler throws an exception) [Zend/tests/bug51394.phpt] TEST 1267/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31683 (changes to $name in __get($name) override future parameters) [Zend/tests/bug31683.phpt] TEST 1268/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing creation of alias using an existing interface name [Zend/tests/class_alias_004.phpt] TEST 1269/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_disk_free_space.phpt] TEST 1270/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75290 (debug info of Closures of internal functions contain garbage argument names) [Zend/tests/bug75290.phpt] TEST 1271/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78154: SEND_VAR_NO_REF does not always send reference [Zend/tests/bug78154.phpt] TEST 1272/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 020: Trying to access private property outside class [Zend/tests/closure_020.phpt] TEST 1273/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64239 (debug_backtrace() changed behavior) [Zend/tests/bug64239_2.phpt] TEST 1274/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79155: Property nullability lost when using multiple property definition [Zend/tests/bug79155.phpt] TEST 1275/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66252 (Problems in AST evaluation invalidating valid parent:: reference) [Zend/tests/bug66252.phpt] TEST 1276/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69732 (can induce segmentation fault with basic php code) [Zend/tests/bug69732.phpt] TEST 1277/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enable_post_data_reading: seeking in php://input [tests/basic/enable_post_data_reading_07.phpt] TEST 1278/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68896 (Changing ArrayObject value cause Segment Fault) [Zend/tests/bug68896.phpt] TEST 1279/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60569 (Nullbyte truncates Exception $message.) [Zend/tests/bug60569.phpt] TEST 1280/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70805 (Segmentation faults whilst running Drupal 8 test suite) (Crash) [Zend/tests/bug70805_1.phpt] TEST 1281/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71474: Crash because of VM stack corruption on Magento2 [Zend/tests/bug71474.phpt] TEST 1282/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72216 (Return by reference with finally is not memory safe) [Zend/tests/bug72216.phpt] TEST 1283/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #70173 (ZVAL_COPY_VALUE_EX broken for 32bit Solaris Sparc) [Zend/tests/bug70173.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platforms only TEST 1284/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41633.3 (Crash instantiating classes with self-referencing constants) [Zend/tests/bug41633_3.phpt] TEST 1285/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34064 (arr[] as param to function in class gives invalid opcode) [Zend/tests/bug34064.phpt] TEST 1286/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class name as scalar from ::class keyword error using parent in non class context [Zend/tests/class_name_as_scalar_error_006.phpt] TEST 1287/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39346 (Unsetting a static variable inside a destructor causes segfault later on) [Zend/tests/bug39346.phpt] TEST 1288/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80072: Cyclic unserialize in TMPVAR operand may leak [Zend/tests/bug80072.phpt] TEST 1289/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73792 (invalid foreach loop hangs script) [Zend/tests/bug73792.phpt] TEST 1290/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.12 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_12.phpt] TEST 1291/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #36568 (memory_limit has no effect) [Zend/tests/bug36568.phpt] TEST 1292/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47836 (array operator [] inconsistency when the array has PHP_INT_MAX index value) [Zend/tests/bug47836.phpt] TEST 1293/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54268 (Double free when destroy_zend_class fails) [Zend/tests/bug54268.phpt] TEST 1294/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62441: Incorrect strong typing in namespaced child classes [Zend/tests/bug62441.phpt] TEST 1295/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76752 (Crash in ZEND_COALESCE_SPEC_TMP_HANDLER - assertion in _get_zval_ptr_tmp failed) [Zend/tests/bug76752.phpt] TEST 1296/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #51421 (Abstract __construct constructor argument list not enforced) [Zend/tests/bug51421.phpt] TEST 1297/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45744 (Case sensitive callback behaviour) [Zend/tests/bug45744.phpt] TEST 1298/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __callStatic [Zend/tests/call_static_006.phpt] TEST 1299/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing static call method using the original class name [Zend/tests/class_alias_005.phpt] TEST 1300/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #31720 (Invalid object callbacks not caught in array_walk()) [Zend/tests/bug31720.phpt] TEST 1301/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78182: Segmentation fault during by-reference property assignment [Zend/tests/bug78182.phpt] TEST 1302/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.1 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.1.phpt] TEST 1303/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 021: Throwing exception inside lambda [Zend/tests/closure_021.phpt] TEST 1304/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64239 (debug_print_backtrace() changed behavior) [Zend/tests/bug64239_3.phpt] TEST 1305/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66286: Incorrect object comparison with inheritance [Zend/tests/bug66286.phpt] TEST 1306/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79364 (When copy empty array, next key is unspecified) [Zend/tests/bug79364.phpt] TEST 1307/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 050: static::class in non-static closure in non-static method. [Zend/tests/closure_050.phpt] TEST 1308/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69740: finally in generator (yield) swallows exception in iteration [Zend/tests/bug69740.phpt] TEST 1309/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS #69017 (Fail to push to the empty array with the constant value defined in class scope) [Zend/tests/bug69017.phpt] TEST 1310/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71529: Variable references on array elements don't work when using count [Zend/tests/bug71529.phpt] TEST 1311/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60573 (type hinting with "self" keyword causes weird errors) [Zend/tests/bug60573.phpt] TEST 1312/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70805 (Segmentation faults whilst running Drupal 8 test suite) (Memleak) [Zend/tests/bug70805_2.phpt] TEST 1313/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Misoptimize due to type narrowing [Zend/tests/bug72335.phpt] TEST 1314/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41633.4 (self:: doesn't work for constants) [Zend/tests/bug41633_4.phpt] TEST 1315/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70179 ($this refcount issue) [Zend/tests/bug70179.phpt] TEST 1316/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34065 (throw in foreach causes memory leaks) [Zend/tests/bug34065.phpt] TEST 1317/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80096: Segmentation fault with named arguments in nested call [Zend/tests/bug80096.phpt] TEST 1318/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39438 (Fatal error: Out of memory) [Zend/tests/bug39438.phpt] TEST 1319/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot access self::class when no class scope is active [Zend/tests/class_name_as_scalar_error_007.phpt] TEST 1320/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73816: Broken eval(anonymous class) [Zend/tests/bug73816.phpt] TEST 1321/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.13 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_13.phpt] TEST 1322/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47880 (crashes in call_user_func_array()) [Zend/tests/bug47880.phpt] TEST 1323/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62609: Allow implementing Traversable on abstract classes (fail) [Zend/tests/bug62609.phpt] TEST 1324/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #36759 (Objects destructors are invoked in wrong order when script is finished) [Zend/tests/bug36759.phpt] TEST 1325/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #51791 (constant() failed to check undefined constant and php interpreter stopped) [Zend/tests/bug51791.phpt] TEST 1326/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76754 (parent private constant in extends class memory leak) [Zend/tests/bug76754.phpt] TEST 1327/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54305 (Crash in gc_remove_zval_from_buffer) [Zend/tests/bug54305.phpt] TEST 1328/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing creation of alias to an internal class [Zend/tests/class_alias_006.phpt] TEST 1329/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __call and __callstatic [Zend/tests/call_static_007.phpt] TEST 1330/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32226 (SEGV with exception handler on non existing instance) [Zend/tests/bug32226.phpt] TEST 1331/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45805 (Crash on throwing exception from error handler) [Zend/tests/bug45805.phpt] TEST 1332/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_error_log.phpt] TEST 1333/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.10 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.10.phpt] TEST 1334/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 022: Closure properties [Zend/tests/closure_022.phpt] TEST 1335/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64239 (debug_print_backtrace() changed behavior) [Zend/tests/bug64239_4.phpt] TEST 1336/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66608 (Incorrect behavior with nested "finally" blocks) [Zend/tests/bug66608.phpt] TEST 1337/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79382: Cannot redeclare disabled function [Zend/tests/bug79382.phpt] TEST 1338/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 051: static::class in static closure in static method. [Zend/tests/closure_051.phpt] TEST 1339/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69754 (Use of ::class inside array causes compile error) [Zend/tests/bug69754.phpt] TEST 1340/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71539 (Memory error on $arr[$a] =& $arr[$b] if RHS rehashes) [Zend/tests/bug71539.phpt] TEST 1341/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69025 (Invalid read of size 4 when calling __callStatic) [Zend/tests/bug69025.phpt] TEST 1342/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60573 (type hinting with "self" keyword causes weird errors) -- variation 2 [Zend/tests/bug60573_2.phpt] TEST 1343/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70873 (Regression on private static properties access) [Zend/tests/bug70873.phpt] TEST 1344/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72347 (VERIFY_RETURN type casts visible in finally) [Zend/tests/bug72347.phpt] TEST 1345/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41640 (get_class_vars produces error on class constants) [Zend/tests/bug41640.phpt] TEST 1346/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70182 ($string[] assignment with +=) [Zend/tests/bug70182.phpt] TEST 1347/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34137 (assigning array element by reference causes binary mess) [Zend/tests/bug34137.phpt] TEST 1348/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80126: Covariant return types failing compilation [Zend/tests/bug80126.phpt] TEST 1349/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS An error should be generated when using ::class on a constant evaluated expression [Zend/tests/class_on_constant_evaluated_expression.phpt] TEST 1350/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39445 (Calling debug_backtrace() in the __toString() function produces a crash) [Zend/tests/bug39445.phpt] TEST 1351/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73900: Use After Free in unserialize() SplFixedArray [Zend/tests/bug73900.phpt] TEST 1352/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.2 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_2.phpt] TEST 1353/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62609: Allow implementing Traversable on abstract classes (work) [Zend/tests/bug62609_2.phpt] TEST 1354/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54358 (Closure, use and reference) [Zend/tests/bug54358.phpt] TEST 1355/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #51822 (Segfault with strange __destruct() for static class variables) [Zend/tests/bug51822.phpt] TEST 1356/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48215 - parent::method() calls __construct [Zend/tests/bug48215.phpt] TEST 1357/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing class_alias() using autoload [Zend/tests/class_alias_007.phpt] TEST 1358/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37046 (foreach breaks static scope) [Zend/tests/bug37046.phpt] TEST 1359/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76800 (foreach inconsistent if array modified during loop) [Zend/tests/bug76800.phpt] TEST 1360/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45862 (get_class_vars is inconsistent with 'protected' and 'private' variables) [Zend/tests/bug45862.phpt] TEST 1361/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check that arguments are freed when a call to an abstract method throws [Zend/tests/call_to_abstract_method_args.phpt] TEST 1362/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32252 (Segfault when offsetSet throws an Exception (only without debug)) [Zend/tests/bug32252.phpt] TEST 1363/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #78239: Deprecation notice during string conversion converted to exception hangs [Zend/tests/bug78239.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 1364/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.11 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.11.phpt] TEST 1365/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 023: Closure declared in statically called method [Zend/tests/closure_023.phpt] TEST 1366/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64354 (Unserialize array of objects whose class can't be autoloaded fail) [Zend/tests/bug64354.phpt] TEST 1367/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66609 (php crashes with __get() and ++ operator in some cases) [Zend/tests/bug66609.phpt] TEST 1368/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 052: static::class in non-static closure in static method. [Zend/tests/closure_052.phpt] TEST 1369/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69755: segfault in ZEND_CONCAT_SPEC_TMPVAR_CONST_HANDLER [Zend/tests/bug69755.phpt] TEST 1370/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79477: casting object into array creates references [Zend/tests/bug79477.phpt] TEST 1371/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71539.1 (Memory error on $arr[$a] =& $arr[$b] if RHS rehashes) [Zend/tests/bug71539_1.phpt] TEST 1372/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69084: Unclear error message when not implementing a renamed abstract trait function [Zend/tests/bug69084.phpt] TEST 1373/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70895 null ptr deref and segfault with crafted callable [Zend/tests/bug70895.phpt] TEST 1374/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41813 (segmentation fault when using string offset as an object) [Zend/tests/bug41813.phpt] TEST 1375/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72373: TypeError after Generator function w/declared return type finishes [Zend/tests/bug72373.phpt] TEST 1376/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70183 (null pointer deref (segfault) in zend_eval_const_expr) [Zend/tests/bug70183.phpt] TEST 1377/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60598 (cli/apache sapi segfault on objects manipulation) [Zend/tests/bug60598.phpt] TEST 1378/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39449 (Overloaded array properties do not work correctly) [Zend/tests/bug39449.phpt] TEST 1379/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ::class on an expression cannot be used inside constant expressions [Zend/tests/class_on_expression_in_constant_expression.phpt] TEST 1380/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80126: Covariant return types failing compilation (variation 2) [Zend/tests/bug80126_2.phpt] TEST 1381/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73916 (zend_print_flat_zval_r doesn't consider reference) [Zend/tests/bug73916.phpt] TEST 1382/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.3 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_3.phpt] TEST 1383/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54367 (Use of closure causes problem in ArrayAccess) [Zend/tests/bug54367.phpt] TEST 1384/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62653: unset($array[$float]) causes a crash [Zend/tests/bug62653.phpt] TEST 1385/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing class_alias() with abstract class using an arbitrary class name as alias [Zend/tests/class_alias_008.phpt] TEST 1386/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48215 - parent::method() calls __construct, case sensitive test [Zend/tests/bug48215_2.phpt] TEST 1387/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #51827 (Bad warning when register_shutdown_function called with wrong num of parameters) [Zend/tests/bug51827.phpt] TEST 1388/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37138 (autoloader tries to load callback'ed self and parent) [Zend/tests/bug37138.phpt] TEST 1389/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32290 (calling call_user_func_array() ends in infinite loop within child class) [Zend/tests/bug32290.phpt] TEST 1390/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45877 (Array key '2147483647' left as string) [Zend/tests/bug45877.phpt] TEST 1391/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78271: Invalid result of if-else [Zend/tests/bug78271.phpt] TEST 1392/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_error_log_variation.phpt] TEST 1393/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.12 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.12.phpt] TEST 1394/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 024: Clone the Closure object [Zend/tests/closure_024.phpt] TEST 1395/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64417 (BC break: ArrayAccess::&offsetGet() in a trait causes fatal error) [Zend/tests/bug64417.phpt] TEST 1396/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 053: self::class in static closure in non-static method. [Zend/tests/closure_053.phpt] TEST 1397/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79514 (Memory leaks while including unexistent file) [Zend/tests/bug79514.phpt] TEST 1398/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fixed bug #69756 (Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? with ===). [Zend/tests/bug69756.phpt] TEST 1399/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71539.2 (Memory error on $arr[$a] =& $arr[$b] if RHS rehashes) [Zend/tests/bug71539_2.phpt] TEST 1400/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69092-2 (Declare Encoding Compile Check Wrong) - multibyte off [Zend/tests/bug69092.2.phpt] TEST 1401/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72395 (list() regression) [Zend/tests/bug72395.phpt] TEST 1402/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70895 null ptr deref and segfault with crafted callable [Zend/tests/bug70898.phpt] TEST 1403/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41919 (crash in string to array conversion) [Zend/tests/bug41919.phpt] TEST 1404/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70187 (Notice: unserialize(): Unexpected end of serialized data) [Zend/tests/bug70187.phpt] TEST 1405/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60611 (Segmentation fault with Cls::{expr}() syntax) [Zend/tests/bug60611.phpt] TEST 1406/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39542 (Behaviour of require_once/include_once different to < 5.2.0) [Zend/tests/bug39542.phpt] TEST 1407/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using ::class on an object [Zend/tests/class_on_object.phpt] TEST 1408/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80184: Complex expression in while / if statements resolves to false incorrectly [Zend/tests/bug80184.phpt] TEST 1409/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73954 (NAN check fails on Alpine Linux with musl) [Zend/tests/bug73954.phpt] TEST 1410/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing interface declaration using the original and alias class name [Zend/tests/class_alias_009.phpt] TEST 1411/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48228 (crash when exception is thrown while passing function arguments) [Zend/tests/bug48228.phpt] TEST 1412/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.4 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_4.phpt] TEST 1413/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54372 (Crash accessing global object itself returned from its __get() handle) [Zend/tests/bug54372.phpt] TEST 1414/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52001 (Memory allocation problems after using variable variables) [Zend/tests/bug52001.phpt] TEST 1415/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62680 (Function isset() throws fatal error on set array if non-existent key depth >= 3) [Zend/tests/bug62680.phpt] TEST 1416/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32296 (get_class_methods output has changed between 5.0.2 and 5.0.3) [Zend/tests/bug32296.phpt] TEST 1417/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Check that arguments are freed when calling a deprecated function [Zend/tests/call_to_deprecated_function_args.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 1418/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37144 (PHP crashes trying to assign into property of dead object) [Zend/tests/bug37144.phpt] TEST 1419/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45910 (Cannot declare self-referencing constant) [Zend/tests/bug45910.phpt] TEST 1420/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78335: Static properties/variables containing cycles report as leak [Zend/tests/bug78335.phpt] TEST 1421/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #78335: Static properties containing cycles report as leak (internal class variant) [Zend/tests/bug78335_2.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 1422/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76846: Segfault in shutdown function after memory limit error [Zend/tests/bug76846.phpt] TEST 1423/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.13 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.13.phpt] TEST 1424/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 026: Assigning a closure object to an array in $this [Zend/tests/closure_026.phpt] TEST 1425/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66660 (Composer.phar install/update fails) [Zend/tests/bug66660.phpt] TEST 1426/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64515 (Memoryleak when using the same variablename 2times in function declaration) (PHP7) [Zend/tests/bug64515.phpt] TEST 1427/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79599 (coredump in set_error_handler) [Zend/tests/bug79599.phpt] TEST 1428/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 054: self::class in non-static closure in non-static method. [Zend/tests/closure_054.phpt] TEST 1429/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71539.3 (Memory error on $arr[$a] =& $arr[$b] if RHS rehashes) [Zend/tests/bug71539_3.phpt] TEST 1430/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69758 (Item added to array not being removed by array_pop/shift) [Zend/tests/bug69758.phpt] TEST 1431/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70912 (Null ptr dereference when class property is initialised to a dereferenced value) [Zend/tests/bug70912.phpt] TEST 1432/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41929 (Foreach on object does not iterate over all visible properties) [Zend/tests/bug41929.phpt] TEST 1433/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34199 (if($obj)/if(!$obj) inconsistency because of cast handler) [Zend/tests/bug34199.phpt] TEST 1434/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72441 (Segmentation fault: RFC list_keys) [Zend/tests/bug72441.phpt] TEST 1435/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70187 (Notice: unserialize(): Unexpected end of serialized data) [Zend/tests/bug70187_2.phpt] TEST 1436/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60613 (Segmentation fault with $cls->{expr}() syntax) [Zend/tests/bug60613.phpt] TEST 1437/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Const class properties(runtime cache) [Zend/tests/class_properties_const.phpt] TEST 1438/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80194: Assertion failure during block assembly of unreachable free with leading nop [Zend/tests/bug80194.phpt] TEST 1439/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73960: Leak with instance method calling static method with referenced return [Zend/tests/bug73960.phpt] TEST 1440/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying use an existing alias name in class declaration [Zend/tests/class_alias_010.phpt] TEST 1441/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62763 (register_shutdown_function and extending class) [Zend/tests/bug62763.phpt] TEST 1442/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.5 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_5.phpt] TEST 1443/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52041 (Memory leak when writing on uninitialized variable returned from function) [Zend/tests/bug52041.phpt] TEST 1444/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing call_user_func inside namespace [Zend/tests/call_user_func_001.phpt] TEST 1445/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32322 (Return values by reference broken( using self::),example singleton instance) [Zend/tests/bug32322.phpt] TEST 1446/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48248 (SIGSEGV when access to private property via &__get) [Zend/tests/bug48248.phpt] TEST 1447/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37212 (Access to protected property of common base class) [Zend/tests/bug37212.phpt] TEST 1448/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #45910.2 (Cannot declare self-referencing constant) [Zend/tests/bug45910_2.phpt] TEST 1449/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78340: Include of stream wrapper not reading whole file [Zend/tests/bug78340.phpt] TEST 1450/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.14 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.14.phpt] TEST 1451/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76860 (Missed "Accessing static property as non static" warning) [Zend/tests/bug76860.phpt] TEST 1452/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 027: Testing Closure type-hint [Zend/tests/closure_027.phpt] TEST 1453/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_file.phpt] TEST 1454/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66719: Weird behaviour when using get_called_class() with call_user_func() [Zend/tests/bug66719.phpt] TEST 1455/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64555: Array key within interned string gets wrong hash value [Zend/tests/bug64555.phpt] TEST 1456/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 055: self::class in static closure in static method. [Zend/tests/closure_055.phpt] TEST 1457/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71539.4 (Memory error on $arr[$a] =& $arr[$b] if RHS rehashes) [Zend/tests/bug71539_4.phpt] TEST 1458/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79657: "yield from" hangs when invalid value encountered [Zend/tests/bug79657.phpt] TEST 1459/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69761 (Serialization of anonymous classes should be prevented) [Zend/tests/bug69761.phpt] TEST 1460/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41961 (Ensure search for hidden private methods does not stray from class hierarchy) [Zend/tests/bug41961.phpt] TEST 1461/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34260 (Segfault with callbacks (array_map) + overloading) [Zend/tests/bug34260.phpt] TEST 1462/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72496 (declare public method with signature incompatible with parent private method should not throw a warning) [Zend/tests/bug72496.phpt] TEST 1463/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60738 Allow 'set_error_handler' to handle NULL [Zend/tests/bug60738.phpt] TEST 1464/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70215 (Segfault when invoke is static) [Zend/tests/bug70215.phpt] TEST 1465/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80255: Opcache bug (bad condition result) in 8.0.0rc1 [Zend/tests/bug80255.phpt] TEST 1466/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class Property Expressions [Zend/tests/class_properties_dynamic.phpt] TEST 1467/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73987 (Method compatibility check looks to original definition and not parent - nullability interface) [Zend/tests/bug73987.phpt] TEST 1468/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54547: wrong equality of string numbers near LONG_MAX with 64-bit longs [Zend/tests/bug54547.phpt] TEST 1469/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing callback in alias [Zend/tests/class_alias_011.phpt] TEST 1470/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62814: It is possible to stiffen child class members visibility [Zend/tests/bug62814.phpt] TEST 1471/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.6 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_6.phpt] TEST 1472/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48408 (crash when exception is thrown while passing function arguments) [Zend/tests/bug48408.phpt] TEST 1473/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing call_user_func() with autoload and passing invalid params [Zend/tests/call_user_func_002.phpt] TEST 1474/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52060 (Memory leak when passing a closure to method_exists()) [Zend/tests/bug52060.phpt] TEST 1475/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32427 (Interfaces are not allowed 'static' access modifier) [Zend/tests/bug32427.phpt] TEST 1476/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37251 (deadlock when custom error handler is to catch array type hint error) [Zend/tests/bug37251.phpt] TEST 1477/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46106 (Memory leaks when using global statement) [Zend/tests/bug46106.phpt] TEST 1478/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76860 (Missed "Accessing static property as non static" warning) [Zend/tests/bug76860_2.phpt] TEST 1479/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.15 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.15.phpt] TEST 1480/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 028: Trying to use lambda directly in foreach [Zend/tests/closure_028.phpt] TEST 1481/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78344: Segmentation fault on zend_check_protected [Zend/tests/bug78344.phpt] TEST 1482/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69092 (Declare Encoding Compile Check Wrong) [Zend/tests/bug69092.phpt] TEST 1483/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64578 (debug_backtrace in set_error_handler corrupts zend heap: segfault) [Zend/tests/bug64578.phpt] TEST 1484/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66811: Cannot access static::class in lambda, written outside of a class [Zend/tests/bug66811.phpt] TEST 1485/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 056: self::class in non-static closure in static method. [Zend/tests/closure_056.phpt] TEST 1486/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71539.5 (Memory error on $arr[$a] =& $arr[$b] if RHS rehashes) [Zend/tests/bug71539_5.phpt] TEST 1487/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69767 (Default parameter value with wrong type segfaults) [Zend/tests/bug69767.phpt] TEST 1488/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79668 (get_defined_functions(true) may miss functions) [Zend/tests/bug79668.phpt] TEST 1489/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bug #42143 (The constant NAN is reported as 0 on Windows build) [Zend/tests/bug42143.phpt] TEST 1490/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72508 (strange references after recursive function call and "switch" statement) [Zend/tests/bug72508.phpt] TEST 1491/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60738 Allow 'set_error_handler' to handle NULL [Zend/tests/bug60738_variation.phpt] TEST 1492/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34310 (foreach($arr as $c->d => $x) crashes) [Zend/tests/bug34310.phpt] TEST 1493/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39602 (Invalid session.save_handler crashes PHP) [Zend/tests/bug39602.phpt] TEST 1494/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70223 (Incrementing value returned by magic getter) [Zend/tests/bug70223.phpt] TEST 1495/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static Class Property Expressions [Zend/tests/class_properties_static.phpt] TEST 1496/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Iterable not covariant to mixed [Zend/tests/bug80391.phpt] TEST 1497/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing dynamic alias name [Zend/tests/class_alias_012.phpt] TEST 1498/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73987 (Method compatibility check looks to original definition and not parent - return types interface) [Zend/tests/bug73987_1.phpt] TEST 1499/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54624 (class_alias and type hint) [Zend/tests/bug54624.phpt] TEST 1500/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62892 (ReflectionClass::getTraitAliases crashes on importing trait methods as private) [Zend/tests/bug62892.phpt] TEST 1501/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.7 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_7.phpt] TEST 1502/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52193 (converting closure to array yields empty array) [Zend/tests/bug52193.phpt] TEST 1503/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32428 (The @ warning error suppression operator is broken) [Zend/tests/bug32428.phpt] TEST 1504/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing call_user_func() with closures [Zend/tests/call_user_func_003.phpt] TEST 1505/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48409 (crash when exception is thrown while passing function arguments) [Zend/tests/bug48409.phpt] TEST 1506/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37632 (Protected method access problem) [Zend/tests/bug37632.phpt] TEST 1507/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test restore_error_handler() function : bug #46196 [Zend/tests/bug46196.phpt] TEST 1508/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76869 (Incorrect bypassing protected method accessibility check) [Zend/tests/bug76869.phpt] TEST 1509/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.16 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.16.phpt] TEST 1510/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78356: Array returned from ArrayAccess is incorrectly unpacked as argument [Zend/tests/bug78356.phpt] TEST 1511/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 029: Testing lambda with instanceof operator [Zend/tests/closure_029.phpt] TEST 1512/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_file_exists.phpt] TEST 1513/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug 69124: Method name must be as string (invalid error message when using reference to a string) [Zend/tests/bug69124.phpt] TEST 1514/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64660 (Segfault on memory exhaustion within function definition) [Zend/tests/bug64660.phpt] TEST 1515/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71572: String offset assignment from an empty string inserts null byte [Zend/tests/bug71572.phpt] TEST 1516/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69788: Malformed script causes Uncaught Error in php-cgi, valgrind SIGILL [Zend/tests/bug69788.phpt] TEST 1517/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 057: segfault in leave helper [Zend/tests/closure_057.phpt] TEST 1518/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67111: Memory leak when using "continue 2" inside two foreach loops [Zend/tests/bug67111.phpt] TEST 1519/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79778: Assertion failure if dumping closure with unresolved static variable [Zend/tests/bug79778.phpt] TEST 1520/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70914 zend_throw_or_error() format string vulnerability [Zend/tests/bug70914.phpt] TEST 1521/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72530: Use After Free in GC with Certain Destructors [Zend/tests/bug72530.phpt] TEST 1522/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34358 (Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this(again)) [Zend/tests/bug34358.phpt] TEST 1523/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS test of larger than 8kb text file being parsed by require statement [Zend/tests/bug60771.phpt] TEST 1524/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70240 (Segfault when doing unset($var())) [Zend/tests/bug70240.phpt] TEST 1525/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39721 (Runtime inheritance causes data corruption) [Zend/tests/bug39721.phpt] TEST 1526/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42211 (property_exists() fails to find protected properties from a parent class) [Zend/tests/bug42211.phpt] TEST 1527/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class cannot use static as a trait, as it is reserved [Zend/tests/class_uses_static.phpt] TEST 1528/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80404: Incorrect range inference result when division results in float [Zend/tests/bug80404.phpt] TEST 1529/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54804 (__halt_compiler and imported namespaces) [Zend/tests/bug54804.phpt] TEST 1530/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73987 (Method compatibility check looks to original definition and not parent - nullabilty abstract) [Zend/tests/bug73987_2.phpt] TEST 1531/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing alias of alias [Zend/tests/class_alias_013.phpt] TEST 1532/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62907 (Double free when use traits) [Zend/tests/bug62907.phpt] TEST 1533/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.8 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_8.phpt] TEST 1534/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52355 (Negating zero does not produce negative zero) [Zend/tests/bug52355.phpt] TEST 1535/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Passing Closure as parameter to an non-existent function [Zend/tests/call_user_func_005.phpt] TEST 1536/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32429 (method_exists() always return TRUE if __call method exists) [Zend/tests/bug32429.phpt] TEST 1537/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48428 (crash when exception is thrown while passing function arguments) [Zend/tests/bug48428.phpt] TEST 1538/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37667 (Object is not added into array returned by __get) [Zend/tests/bug37667.phpt] TEST 1539/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46238 (Segmentation fault on static call with empty string method) [Zend/tests/bug46238.phpt] TEST 1540/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.2 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.2.phpt] TEST 1541/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76901: method_exists on SPL iterator passthrough method corrupts memory [Zend/tests/bug76901.phpt] TEST 1542/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78363: Buffer overflow in zendparse [Zend/tests/bug78363.phpt] TEST 1543/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 030: Using lambda with variable variables [Zend/tests/closure_030.phpt] TEST 1544/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69167 (call_user_func does not support references anymore) [Zend/tests/bug69167.phpt] TEST 1545/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71622 (Strings used in pass-as-reference cannot be used to invoke C::$callable()) [Zend/tests/bug71622.phpt] TEST 1546/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69802 (Reflection on Closure::__invoke borks type hint class name) [Zend/tests/bug69802_2.phpt] TEST 1547/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 058: Closure scope and object [Zend/tests/closure_058.phpt] TEST 1548/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67169: array_splice all elements, then []= gives wrong index [Zend/tests/bug67169.phpt] TEST 1549/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79779: Assertion failure when assigning property of string offset by reference [Zend/tests/bug79779.phpt] TEST 1550/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70918 (Segfault using static outside of class scope) [Zend/tests/bug70918.phpt] TEST 1551/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34467 (foreach + __get + __set incosistency) [Zend/tests/bug34467.phpt] TEST 1552/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42767 (highlight_string() truncates trailing comments) [Zend/tests/bug42767.phpt] TEST 1553/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39775 ("Indirect modification ..." message is not shown) [Zend/tests/bug39775.phpt] TEST 1554/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70241 (Skipped assertions affect Generator returns) [Zend/tests/bug70241.phpt] TEST 1555/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using clone statement on non-object [Zend/tests/clone_001.phpt] TEST 1556/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72543 (different references behavior comparing to PHP 5) [Zend/tests/bug72543.phpt] TEST 1557/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80781: Error handler that throws ErrorException infinite loop [Zend/tests/bug80781.phpt] TEST 1558/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60825 (Segfault when running symfony 2 tests) (PHP7) [Zend/tests/bug60825.phpt] TEST 1559/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #54910 (Crash when calling call_user_func with unknown function name) [Zend/tests/bug54910.phpt] TEST 1560/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing creation of alias to class name without namespace prefix [Zend/tests/class_alias_014.phpt] TEST 1561/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73987 (Method compatibility check looks to original definition and not parent - return types abstract) [Zend/tests/bug73987_3.phpt] TEST 1562/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62956: "incompatible" signatures for private methods should not cause E_WARNING [Zend/tests/bug62956.phpt] TEST 1563/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64677 (execution operator `` stealing surrounding arguments) [Zend/tests/bug64677.phpt] TEST 1564/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43344.9 (Wrong error message for undefined namespace constant) [Zend/tests/bug43344_9.phpt] TEST 1565/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32596 (Segfault/Memory Leak by getClass (etc) in __destruct) [Zend/tests/bug32596.phpt] TEST 1566/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func() should error on reference arguments [Zend/tests/call_user_func_006.phpt] TEST 1567/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52361 (Throwing an exception in a destructor causes invalid catching) [Zend/tests/bug52361.phpt] TEST 1568/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37707 (clone without assigning leaks memory) [Zend/tests/bug37707.phpt] TEST 1569/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48533 (__callStatic is not invoked for private/protected methods) [Zend/tests/bug48533.phpt] TEST 1570/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76946: Cyclic reference in generator not detected [Zend/tests/bug76946.phpt] TEST 1571/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.3 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.3.phpt] TEST 1572/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 031: Closure properties with custom error handlers [Zend/tests/closure_031.phpt] TEST 1573/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46241 (error handler stacks) [Zend/tests/bug46241.phpt] TEST 1574/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78379 (Cast to object confuses GC, causes crash) [Zend/tests/bug78379.phpt] TEST 1575/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_file_get_contents.phpt] TEST 1576/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69174 (leaks when unused inner class use traits precedence) [Zend/tests/bug69174.phpt] TEST 1577/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71724: yield from does not count EOLs [Zend/tests/bug71724.phpt] TEST 1578/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69805 (null ptr deref and seg fault in zend_resolve_class_name) [Zend/tests/bug69805.phpt] TEST 1579/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67314 (Segmentation fault in gc_remove_zval_from_buffer) [Zend/tests/bug67314.phpt] TEST 1580/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 059: Closure type declaration [Zend/tests/closure_059.phpt] TEST 1581/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79783: Segfault in php_str_replace_common [Zend/tests/bug79783.phpt] TEST 1582/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70253 (segfault at _efree () in zend_alloc.c:1389) [Zend/tests/bug70253.phpt] TEST 1583/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70944 (try{ } finally{} can create infinite chains of exceptions) [Zend/tests/bug70944.phpt] TEST 1584/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34518 (Unset doesn't separate container in CV) [Zend/tests/bug34518.phpt] TEST 1585/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing multiple clone statements [Zend/tests/clone_002.phpt] TEST 1586/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42772 (Storing $this in a static var fails while handling a cast to string) [Zend/tests/bug42772.phpt] TEST 1587/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72543.1 (different references behavior comparing to PHP 5) [Zend/tests/bug72543_1.phpt] TEST 1588/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39825 (foreach produces memory error) [Zend/tests/bug39825.phpt] TEST 1589/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60833 (self, parent, static behave inconsistently case-sensitive) [Zend/tests/bug60833.phpt] TEST 1590/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55007 (compiler fail after previous fail) [Zend/tests/bug55007.phpt] TEST 1591/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing creation of alias to global scope [Zend/tests/class_alias_016.phpt] TEST 1592/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #62991 (Segfault with generator and closure) [Zend/tests/bug62991.phpt] TEST 1593/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64720 (SegFault on zend_deactivate) [Zend/tests/bug64720.phpt] TEST 1594/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func() should not use FUNC_ARG fetches [Zend/tests/call_user_func_007.phpt] TEST 1595/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43426 (crash on nested call_user_func calls) [Zend/tests/bug43426.phpt] TEST 1596/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73989 (PHP 7.1 Segfaults within Symfony test suite) [Zend/tests/bug73989.phpt] TEST 1597/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37715 (array pointers resetting on copy) [Zend/tests/bug37715.phpt] TEST 1598/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52484 (__set() ignores setting properties with empty names) [Zend/tests/bug52484.phpt] TEST 1599/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80811: Function exec without $output but with $restult_code parameter crashes [Zend/tests/bug80811.phpt] TEST 1600/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48667 (Implementing both iterator and iteratoraggregate) [Zend/tests/bug48667_1.phpt] TEST 1601/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32660 (Assignment by reference causes crash when field access is overloaded (__get)) [Zend/tests/bug32660.phpt] TEST 1602/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76965 (INI_SCANNER_RAW doesn't strip trailing whitespace) [Zend/tests/bug76965.phpt] TEST 1603/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.4 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.4.phpt] TEST 1604/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78379.2 (Cast to object confuses GC, causes crash) [Zend/tests/bug78379_2.phpt] TEST 1605/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 032: Testing Closure and debug_backtrace [Zend/tests/closure_032.phpt] TEST 1606/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46246 (difference between call_user_func(array($this, $method)) and $this->$method()) [Zend/tests/bug46246.phpt] TEST 1607/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69201 (Memory leak using iterator and get by reference on PHP 7) [Zend/tests/bug69201.phpt] TEST 1608/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71731: Null coalescing operator and ArrayAccess [Zend/tests/bug71731.phpt] TEST 1609/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67368 (Memory leak with immediately dereferenced array in class constant) [Zend/tests/bug67368.phpt] TEST 1610/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69825 (Short-circuiting failure) [Zend/tests/bug69825.phpt] TEST 1611/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79784: Use after free if changing array during undef var during array write fetch [Zend/tests/bug79784.phpt] TEST 1612/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using clone statement on undefined variable [Zend/tests/clone_003.phpt] TEST 1613/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34617 (zend_deactivate: objects_store used after zend_objects_store_destroy is called) [Zend/tests/bug34617.phpt] TEST 1614/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS runtime cache must be invalidated for Closure::call() [Zend/tests/closure_060.phpt] TEST 1615/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70957 (self::class can not be resolved with reflection for abstract class) [Zend/tests/bug70957.phpt] TEST 1616/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42798 (_autoload() not triggered for classes used in method signature) [Zend/tests/bug42798.phpt] TEST 1617/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60909 (custom error handler throwing Exception + fatal error = no shutdown function). [Zend/tests/bug60909_1.phpt] TEST 1618/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72543.2 (different references behavior comparing to PHP 5) [Zend/tests/bug72543_2.phpt] TEST 1619/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39944 (References broken) [Zend/tests/bug39944.phpt] TEST 1620/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55086 (Namespace alias does not work inside trait's use block) [Zend/tests/bug55086.phpt] TEST 1621/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing alias with get_called_class() and get_class() [Zend/tests/class_alias_017.phpt] TEST 1622/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64821 Custom Exceptions crash when internal properties overridden (variation 1) [Zend/tests/bug64821.1.phpt] TEST 1623/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73998 (array_key_exists fails on arrays created by get_object_vars) [Zend/tests/bug73998.phpt] TEST 1624/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63055 (Segfault in zend_gc with SF2 testsuite) [Zend/tests/bug63055.phpt] TEST 1625/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #37811 (define not using toString on objects) [Zend/tests/bug37811.phpt] TEST 1626/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80972: Memory exhaustion on invalid string offset [Zend/tests/bug80972.phpt] TEST 1627/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func() behavior with references [Zend/tests/call_user_func_008.phpt] TEST 1628/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48667 (Implementing both iterator and iteratoraggregate) [Zend/tests/bug48667_2.phpt] TEST 1629/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52484.2 (__set() ignores setting properties with empty names) [Zend/tests/bug52484_2.phpt] TEST 1630/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32674 (exception in iterator causes crash) [Zend/tests/bug32674.phpt] TEST 1631/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77291 (magic methods inherited from a trait may be ignored) [Zend/tests/bug77291.phpt] TEST 1632/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.5 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.5.phpt] TEST 1633/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 033: Dynamic closure property and private function [Zend/tests/closure_033.phpt] TEST 1634/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_file_put_contents.phpt] TEST 1635/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46304 (defining namespaced constant using define()) [Zend/tests/bug46304.phpt] TEST 1636/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69212: Leaking VIA_HANDLER func when exception thrown in __call/... arg passing [Zend/tests/bug69212.phpt] TEST 1637/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43450 (Memory leak on some functions with implicit object __toString() call) [Zend/tests/bug43450.phpt] TEST 1638/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71737: Memory leak in closure with parameter named $this [Zend/tests/bug71737.phpt] TEST 1639/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69832 (Assertion failed in zend_compile_const_expr_magic_const) [Zend/tests/bug69832.phpt] TEST 1640/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP bug67436: Autoloader isn't called if user defined error handler is present [Zend/tests/bug67436/bug67436.phpt] reason: Opcache overrides error handler TEST 1641/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70258 (Segfault if do_resize fails to allocated memory) [Zend/tests/bug70258.phpt] TEST 1642/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing usage of object as array on clone statement [Zend/tests/clone_004.phpt] TEST 1643/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79790: "Illegal offset type" exception during AST evaluation not handled properly [Zend/tests/bug79790.phpt] TEST 1644/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34678 (__call(), is_callable() and static methods) [Zend/tests/bug34678.phpt] TEST 1645/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70958 (Invalid opcode while using ::class as trait method parameter default value) [Zend/tests/bug70958.phpt] TEST 1646/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Rebinding of ::getClosure()s [Zend/tests/closure_061.phpt] TEST 1647/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42802 (Namespace not supported in types) [Zend/tests/bug42802.phpt] TEST 1648/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72543.3 (different references behavior comparing to PHP 5) [Zend/tests/bug72543_3.phpt] TEST 1649/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #39990 (Cannot "foreach" over overloaded properties) [Zend/tests/bug39990.phpt] TEST 1650/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60909 (custom error handler throwing Exception + fatal error = no shutdown function). [Zend/tests/bug60909_2.phpt] TEST 1651/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55135 (Array keys are no longer type casted in unset()) [Zend/tests/bug55135.phpt] TEST 1652/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing class alias with is_subclass_of() [Zend/tests/class_alias_018.phpt] TEST 1653/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64821 Custom Exceptions crash when internal properties overridden (variation 2) [Zend/tests/bug64821.2.phpt] TEST 1654/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63111 (is_callable() lies for abstract static method) [Zend/tests/bug63111.phpt] TEST 1655/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74053 (Corrupted class entries on shutdown when a destructor spawns another object) [Zend/tests/bug74053.phpt] TEST 1656/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func() behavior when passing literal to reference parameter [Zend/tests/call_user_func_009.phpt] TEST 1657/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770.phpt] TEST 1658/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38146 (Cannot use array returned from foo::__get('bar') in write context) [Zend/tests/bug38146.phpt] TEST 1659/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52484.3 (__set() ignores setting properties with empty names) [Zend/tests/bug52484_3.phpt] TEST 1660/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77339 (__callStatic may get incorrect arguments) [Zend/tests/bug77339.phpt] TEST 1661/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32799 (crash: calling the corresponding global var during the destruct) [Zend/tests/bug32799.phpt] TEST 1662/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.6 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.6.phpt] TEST 1663/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78396: Second file_put_contents in Shutdown hangs script [Zend/tests/bug78396.phpt] TEST 1664/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 033: Recursive var_dump on closures [Zend/tests/closure_034.phpt] TEST 1665/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46308 (Invalid write when changing property from inside getter) [Zend/tests/bug46308.phpt] TEST 1666/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43483 (get_class_methods() does not list all visible methods) [Zend/tests/bug43483.phpt] TEST 1667/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69221: Segmentation fault when using a generator in combination with an Iterator [Zend/tests/bug69221.phpt] TEST 1668/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71756 (Call-by-reference widens scope to uninvolved functions when used in switch) [Zend/tests/bug71756.phpt] TEST 1669/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69871 (Short-circuiting failure with smart_branch) [Zend/tests/bug69871.phpt] TEST 1670/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bug67436: E_WARNING instead of custom error handler [Zend/tests/bug67436/bug67436_nohandler.phpt] TEST 1671/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70262 (Accessing array crashes) [Zend/tests/bug70262.phpt] TEST 1672/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 001: Lambda without lexical variables [Zend/tests/closure_001.phpt] TEST 1673/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure $this unbinding deprecation [Zend/tests/closure_062.phpt] TEST 1674/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79791: Assertion failure when unsetting variable during binary op [Zend/tests/bug79791.phpt] TEST 1675/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72543.4 (different references behavior comparing to PHP 5) [Zend/tests/bug72543_4.phpt] TEST 1676/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34786 (2 @ results in change to error_reporting() to random value) [Zend/tests/bug34786.phpt] TEST 1677/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42817 (clone() on a non-object does not result in a fatal error) [Zend/tests/bug42817.phpt] TEST 1678/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #40236 (php -a function allocation eats memory) [Zend/tests/bug40236.phpt] reason: Test doesn't support readline TEST 1679/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70967 (Weird error handling for __toString when Error is thrown) [Zend/tests/bug70967.phpt] TEST 1680/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55156 (ReflectionClass::getDocComment() returns comment even though the class has none) [Zend/tests/bug55156.phpt] TEST 1681/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to redeclare class name in global scope inside namespace [Zend/tests/class_alias_019.phpt] TEST 1682/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81070 Setting memory limit to below current usage [Zend/tests/bug81070.phpt] TEST 1683/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func_array() + array_slice() + named arguments [Zend/tests/call_user_func_array_array_slice_named_args.phpt] TEST 1684/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64821 Custom Exceptions crash when internal properties overridden (variation 3) [Zend/tests/bug64821.3.phpt] TEST 1685/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52508 (newline problem with parse_ini_file+INI_SCANNER_RAW) [Zend/tests/bug52508.phpt] TEST 1686/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74084 (Out of bound read - zend_mm_alloc_small) [Zend/tests/bug74084.phpt] TEST 1687/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770_2.phpt] TEST 1688/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38211 (variable name and cookie name match breaks script execution) [Zend/tests/bug38211.phpt] TEST 1689/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63173: Crash when invoking invalid array callback [Zend/tests/bug63173.phpt] TEST 1690/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60978 (exit code incorrect) [Zend/tests/bug60978.phpt] TEST 1691/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32833 (Invalid opcode with $a[] .= '') [Zend/tests/bug32833.phpt] TEST 1692/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.7 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.7.phpt] TEST 1693/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing recursion detection with Closures [Zend/tests/closure_035.phpt] TEST 1694/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78406: Broken file includes with user-defined stream filters [Zend/tests/bug78406.phpt] TEST 1695/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46381 (wrong $this passed to internal methods causes segfault) [Zend/tests/bug46381.phpt] TEST 1696/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43651 (is_callable() with one or more nonconsecutive colons crashes) [Zend/tests/bug43651.phpt] TEST 1697/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69221: Segmentation fault when using a generator in combination with an Iterator (2) [Zend/tests/bug69221_2.phpt] TEST 1698/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_fileatime.phpt] TEST 1699/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67633: A foreach on an array returned from a function not doing copy-on-write [Zend/tests/bug67633.phpt] TEST 1700/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69889: Null coalesce operator doesn't work for string offsets [Zend/tests/bug69889.phpt] TEST 1701/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70288 (Apache crash related to ZEND_SEND_REF) [Zend/tests/bug70288.phpt] TEST 1702/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34873 (Segmentation Fault on foreach in object) [Zend/tests/bug34873.phpt] TEST 1703/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 002: Lambda with lexical variables (global scope) [Zend/tests/closure_002.phpt] TEST 1704/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72543.5 (different references behavior comparing to PHP 5) [Zend/tests/bug72543_5.phpt] TEST 1705/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure::bindTo() should preserve used variables [Zend/tests/closure_bindTo_preserves_used_variables.phpt] TEST 1706/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79792: HT iterators not removed if empty array is destroyed [Zend/tests/bug79792.phpt] TEST 1707/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42818 ($foo = clone(array()); leaks memory) [Zend/tests/bug42818.phpt] TEST 1708/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70987 (static::class within Closure::call() causes segfault) [Zend/tests/bug70987.phpt] TEST 1709/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77345 (Segmentation faults stack overflow in cyclic garbage collector) (Bug #77427) [Zend/tests/bug77345_gc_1.phpt] TEST 1710/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40261 (Extremely slow data handling due to memory fragmentation) [Zend/tests/bug40261.phpt] TEST 1711/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Request #55247 (Parser problem with static calls using string method name) [Zend/tests/bug55247.phpt] TEST 1712/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81076 Invalid implicit binds cause incorrect static var count in closure debug info [Zend/tests/bug81076.phpt] TEST 1713/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing class alias in multiple namespaces [Zend/tests/class_alias_020.phpt] TEST 1714/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #74093 (Maximum execution time of n+2 seconds exceed not written in error_log) [Zend/tests/bug74093.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 1715/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Type check in call_user_func_array() + array_slice() optimization [Zend/tests/call_user_func_array_array_slice_type.phpt] TEST 1716/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38220 (Crash on some object operations) [Zend/tests/bug38220.phpt] TEST 1717/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64896 (Segfault with gc_collect_cycles using unserialize on certain objects) [Zend/tests/bug64896.phpt] TEST 1718/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71818 (Memory leak when array altered in destructor) [Zend/tests/bug71818.phpt] TEST 1719/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770_3.phpt] TEST 1720/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63206 Fully support error_handler stacking, even inside the error_handler [Zend/tests/bug63206.phpt] TEST 1721/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52614 (Memory leak when writing on uninitialized variable returned from method call) [Zend/tests/bug52614.phpt] TEST 1722/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61011 (Crash when an exception is thrown by autoloader accessing a static property) [Zend/tests/bug61011.phpt] TEST 1723/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.8 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.8.phpt] TEST 1724/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 036: Rebinding closures, keep calling scope [Zend/tests/closure_036.phpt] TEST 1725/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #32993 (implemented Iterator function current() don't throw exception) [Zend/tests/bug32993.phpt] TEST 1726/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid consecutive numeric separators after hex literal [Zend/tests/bug78454_1.phpt] TEST 1727/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69315 (disable_functions behaviors inconsistently) [Zend/tests/bug69315.phpt] TEST 1728/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46409 (__invoke method called outside of object context when using array_map) [Zend/tests/bug46409.phpt] TEST 1729/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43703 (Signature compatibility check broken) [Zend/tests/bug43703.phpt] TEST 1730/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67856 (Leak when using array_reduce with by-ref function) [Zend/tests/bug67856.phpt] TEST 1731/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69891: Unexpected array comparison result [Zend/tests/bug69891.phpt] TEST 1732/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Crash with specific assertions and zend.assertions=-1 [Zend/tests/bug70293.phpt] TEST 1733/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 003: Lambda with lexical variables (local scope) [Zend/tests/closure_003.phpt] TEST 1734/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34879 (str_replace, array_map corrupt negative array indexes on 64-bit platforms) [Zend/tests/bug34879.phpt] TEST 1735/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72581 (previous property undefined in Exception after deserialization) [Zend/tests/bug72581.phpt] TEST 1736/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79793: Use after free if string used in undefined index warning is changed [Zend/tests/bug79793.phpt] TEST 1737/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70997 (When using parentClass:: instead of parent::, static context changed) [Zend/tests/bug70997.phpt] TEST 1738/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42819 (namespaces in indexes of constant arrays) [Zend/tests/bug42819.phpt] TEST 1739/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug 66622: Closures do not correctly capture the late bound class (static::) in some cases [Zend/tests/closure_bug66622.phpt] TEST 1740/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40509 (key() function changed behaviour if global array is used within function) [Zend/tests/bug40509.phpt] TEST 1741/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55305 (ref lost: 1st ref instantiated in class def, 2nd ref made w/o instantiating) [Zend/tests/bug55305.phpt] TEST 1742/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81104: Warning: "Failed to set memory limit to ... bytes" emitted after exit in debug [Zend/tests/bug81104.phpt] TEST 1743/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38234 (Exception in __clone makes memory leak) [Zend/tests/bug38234.phpt] TEST 1744/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Type check in call_user_func_array() + array_slice() optimization (strict types) [Zend/tests/call_user_func_array_array_slice_type_strict.phpt] TEST 1745/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Overriding internal class with class alias [Zend/tests/class_alias_021.phpt] TEST 1746/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74164 (PHP hangs when an invalid value is dynamically passed to typehinted by-ref arg) [Zend/tests/bug74164.phpt] TEST 1747/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64960 (Segfault in gc_zval_possible_root) [Zend/tests/bug64960.phpt] TEST 1748/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63206 Fully support error_handler stacking, even with null [Zend/tests/bug63206_1.phpt] TEST 1749/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48899 (is_callable returns true even if method does not exist in parent class) [Zend/tests/bug48899.phpt] TEST 1750/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71841 (EG(error_zval) is not handled well) [Zend/tests/bug71841.phpt] TEST 1751/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52879 (Objects unreferenced in __get, __set, __isset or __unset can be freed too early) [Zend/tests/bug52879.phpt] TEST 1752/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61025 (__invoke() visibility not honored) [Zend/tests/bug61025.phpt] TEST 1753/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420.9 (Indirect modification of magic method argument) [Zend/tests/bug75420.9.phpt] TEST 1754/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 037: self:: and static:: within closures [Zend/tests/closure_037.phpt] TEST 1755/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid consecutive numeric separators after binary literal [Zend/tests/bug78454_2.phpt] TEST 1756/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33116 (crash when assigning class name to global variable in autoloader) [Zend/tests/bug33116.phpt] TEST 1757/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69376 (Wrong ref counting) [Zend/tests/bug69376.phpt] TEST 1758/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46665 (Triggering autoload with a variable classname causes truncated autoload param) [Zend/tests/bug46665.phpt] TEST 1759/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43851 (Memory corrution on reuse of assigned value) [Zend/tests/bug43851.phpt] TEST 1760/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_filectime.phpt] TEST 1761/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67874 Crash in array_map() [Zend/tests/bug67874.phpt] TEST 1762/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bug #70321 (Magic getter breaks reference to array property) [Zend/tests/bug70321.phpt] TEST 1763/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 004: Lambda with lexical variables (scope lifetime) [Zend/tests/closure_004.phpt] TEST 1764/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #34893 (PHP5.1 overloading, Cannot access private property) [Zend/tests/bug34893.phpt] TEST 1765/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72594 (Calling an earlier instance of an included anonymous class fatals) [Zend/tests/bug72594.phpt] TEST 1766/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77345 (Segmentation faults stack overflow in cyclic garbage collector) (Bug #77427) [Zend/tests/bug77345_gc_2.phpt] TEST 1767/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure::call [Zend/tests/closure_call.phpt] TEST 1768/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79818: BIND_STATIC frees old variable value too early [Zend/tests/bug79818.phpt] TEST 1769/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42820 (defined() on constant with namespace prefixes tries to load class) [Zend/tests/bug42820.phpt] TEST 1770/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71030: Self-assignment in list() may have inconsistent behavior [Zend/tests/bug71030.phpt] TEST 1771/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40621 (Crash when constructor called inappropriately (statically)) [Zend/tests/bug40621.phpt] TEST 1772/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55445 (Lexer error with short open tags) [Zend/tests/bug55445.phpt] TEST 1773/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74269: It's possible to override trait property with different loosely-equal value [Zend/tests/bug74269.phpt] TEST 1774/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81159: Object to int warning when using an object as a string offset [Zend/tests/bug81159.phpt] TEST 1775/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func_array() generating TypeError [Zend/tests/call_user_func_array_invalid_type.phpt] TEST 1776/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64966 (segfault in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC) [Zend/tests/bug64966.phpt] TEST 1777/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38287 (static variables mess up global vars) [Zend/tests/bug38287.phpt] TEST 1778/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63206 Fully support exception_handler stacking, even with null [Zend/tests/bug63206_2.phpt] TEST 1779/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71859 (zend_objects_store_call_destructors operates on realloced memory, crashing) [Zend/tests/bug71859.phpt] TEST 1780/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48912 (Namespace causes unexpected strict behaviour with extract()) [Zend/tests/bug48912.phpt] TEST 1781/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61087 (Memory leak in parse_ini_file when specifying invalid scanner mode) [Zend/tests/bug61087.phpt] TEST 1782/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52939 (zend_call_function_array does not respect ZEND_SEND_PREFER_REF) [Zend/tests/bug52939.phpt] TEST 1783/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78502: Incorrect stack size calculation for indirectly recursive function call [Zend/tests/bug78502.phpt] TEST 1784/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75420 (Crash when modifying property name in __isset for BP_VAR_IS) [Zend/tests/bug75420.phpt] TEST 1785/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33171 (foreach enumerates private fields declared in base classes) [Zend/tests/bug33171.phpt] TEST 1786/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 038: Rebinding closures, change scope, different runtime type [Zend/tests/closure_038.phpt] TEST 1787/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #46701 (Creating associative array with long values in the key fails on 32bit linux) [Zend/tests/bug46701.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platforms only TEST 1788/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69376 (Wrong ref counting) [Zend/tests/bug69376_2.phpt] TEST 1789/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69892: Different arrays compare identical due to integer key truncation [Zend/tests/bug69892.phpt] TEST 1790/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70332 (Wrong behavior while returning reference on object) [Zend/tests/bug70332.phpt] TEST 1791/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 005: Lambda inside class, lifetime of $this [Zend/tests/closure_005.phpt] TEST 1792/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35017 (Exception thrown in error handler may cause unexpected behavior) [Zend/tests/bug35017.phpt] TEST 1793/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67922: Member function not found when dereferencing in write-context [Zend/tests/bug67922.phpt] TEST 1794/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42859 (import always conflicts with internal classes) [Zend/tests/bug42859.phpt] TEST 1795/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77376 ("undefined function" message no longer includes namespace) [Zend/tests/bug77376.phpt] TEST 1796/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calling bindTo() on __call() closure [Zend/tests/closure_call_bind.phpt] TEST 1797/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72598 (Reference is lost after array_slice()) [Zend/tests/bug72598.phpt] TEST 1798/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79828: Segfault when trying to access non-existing variable [Zend/tests/bug79828.phpt] TEST 1799/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71067 (Local object in class method stays in memory for each call) [Zend/tests/bug71067.phpt] TEST 1800/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40705 (Iterating within function moves original array pointer) [Zend/tests/bug40705.phpt] TEST 1801/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Bug #55509 (segfault on x86_64 using more than 2G memory) [Zend/tests/bug55509.phpt] reason: slow test TEST 1802/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81192: "Declaration should be compatible with" gives incorrect line number with traits [Zend/tests/bug81192.phpt] TEST 1803/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64979 (Wrong behavior of static variables in closure generators) [Zend/tests/bug64979.phpt] TEST 1804/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func_array() passes value to prefer-ref arg if element wasn't a reference [Zend/tests/call_user_func_array_prefer_ref.phpt] TEST 1805/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constant inheritance with mutable data [Zend/tests/class_constant_inheritance_mutable_data.phpt] TEST 1806/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38461 (setting private attribute with __set() produces segfault) [Zend/tests/bug38461.phpt] TEST 1807/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #48930 (__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ incorrect in PHP>=5.3) [Zend/tests/bug48930.phpt] TEST 1808/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71871: Interfaces allow final and abstract functions [Zend/tests/bug71871.phpt] TEST 1809/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74340: Magic function __get has different behavior in php 7.1.x [Zend/tests/bug74340.phpt] TEST 1810/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63217 (Constant numeric strings become integers when used as ArrayAccess offset) [Zend/tests/bug63217.phpt] TEST 1811/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #52940 (call_user_func_array still allows call-time pass-by-reference) [Zend/tests/bug52940.phpt] TEST 1812/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61095 (Lexing 0x00*+ incorrectly) [Zend/tests/bug61095.phpt] TEST 1813/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75426: "Cannot use empty array elements" reports wrong position [Zend/tests/bug75426.phpt] TEST 1814/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78531 (Crash when using undefined variable as object) [Zend/tests/bug78531.phpt] TEST 1815/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33257 (array_splice() inconsistent when passed function instead of variable) [Zend/tests/bug33257.phpt] TEST 1816/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ini_set() function [Zend/tests/bug46811.phpt] TEST 1817/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69388: Use after free on recursive calls to PHP compiler [Zend/tests/bug69388.phpt] TEST 1818/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 039: Rebinding closures, change scope, same runtime type [Zend/tests/closure_039.phpt] TEST 1819/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_filegroup.phpt] TEST 1820/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70397 (Segmentation fault when using Closure::call and yield) [Zend/tests/bug70397.phpt] TEST 1821/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 006: Nested lambdas [Zend/tests/closure_006.phpt] TEST 1822/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67938: Segfault when extending interface method with variadic [Zend/tests/bug67938.phpt] TEST 1823/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69893: Strict comparison between integer and empty string keys crashes [Zend/tests/bug69893.phpt] TEST 1824/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35106 (nested foreach fails when array variable has a reference) [Zend/tests/bug35106.phpt] TEST 1825/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #42937 (__call() method not invoked when methods are called on parent from child class) [Zend/tests/bug42937.phpt] TEST 1826/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure::call() on internal method [Zend/tests/closure_call_internal.phpt] TEST 1827/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79862: Public non-static property in child should take priority over private static [Zend/tests/bug79862.phpt] TEST 1828/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72598.2 (Reference is lost after array_slice()) [Zend/tests/bug72598_2.phpt] TEST 1829/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71086: Invalid numeric literal parse error within highlight_string() function [Zend/tests/bug71086.phpt] TEST 1830/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40757 (get_object_vars() get nothing in child class) [Zend/tests/bug40757.phpt] TEST 1831/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55578 (Segfault on implode/concat) [Zend/tests/bug55578.phpt] TEST 1832/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81216: Nullsafe operator leaks dynamic property name [Zend/tests/bug81216.phpt] TEST 1833/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64988 (Class loading order affects E_WARNING warning) [Zend/tests/bug64988.phpt] TEST 1834/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func() with ref arg and type check [Zend/tests/call_user_func_by_ref.phpt] TEST 1835/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38469 (Unexpected creation of cycle) [Zend/tests/bug38469.phpt] TEST 1836/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Conversion of a class constant to a reference after it has been cached [Zend/tests/class_constant_to_reference_cached.phpt] TEST 1837/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #49269 (Ternary operator fails on Iterator object when used inside foreach declaration). [Zend/tests/bug49269.phpt] TEST 1838/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71871: Interfaces allow final and abstract functions [Zend/tests/bug71871_2.phpt] TEST 1839/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74546 (SIGILL in ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_CONSTANT_SPEC_CONST_CONST_HANDLER()) [Zend/tests/bug74546.phpt] TEST 1840/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63219 (Segfault when aliasing trait method when autoloader throws excpetion) [Zend/tests/bug63219.phpt] TEST 1841/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61165 (Segfault - strip_tags()) [Zend/tests/bug61165.phpt] TEST 1842/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75474: function scope static variables are not bound to a unique function [Zend/tests/bug75474.phpt] TEST 1843/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53305 (E_NOTICE when defining a constant starts with __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__) [Zend/tests/bug53305.phpt] TEST 1844/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78589: Memory leak with GC + __destruct() [Zend/tests/bug78589.phpt] TEST 1845/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #46813: class_exists doesn`t work with fully qualified namespace [Zend/tests/bug46813.phpt] TEST 1846/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33277 (private method accessed by child class) [Zend/tests/bug33277.phpt] TEST 1847/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69388 - Variation [Zend/tests/bug69388_2.phpt] TEST 1848/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 040: Rebinding closures, bad arguments [Zend/tests/closure_040.phpt] TEST 1849/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70398 (SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault zend_ast_destroy_ex) [Zend/tests/bug70398.phpt] TEST 1850/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67985 - Last used array index not copied to new array at assignment [Zend/tests/bug67985.phpt] TEST 1851/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 007: Nested lambdas in classes [Zend/tests/closure_007.phpt] TEST 1852/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35163 (Array elements can lose references) [Zend/tests/bug35163.phpt] TEST 1853/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43027 (Declare cause fatal error) [Zend/tests/bug43027.phpt] TEST 1854/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69905 (null ptr deref and segfault in ZEND_FETCH_DIM_RW_SPEC_VAR_UNUSED_HANDLER) [Zend/tests/bug69905.phpt] TEST 1855/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure must not leak during a dynamic call interrupted by an exception [Zend/tests/closure_call_leak_with_exception.phpt] TEST 1856/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bug79897: Promoted constructor params with attribs cause crash [Zend/tests/bug79897.phpt] TEST 1857/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71154: Incorrect HT iterator invalidation causes iterator reuse [Zend/tests/bug71154.phpt] TEST 1858/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72767: PHP Segfaults when trying to expand an infinite operator [Zend/tests/bug72767.phpt] TEST 1859/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55705 (Omitting a callable typehinted argument causes a segfault) [Zend/tests/bug55705.phpt] TEST 1860/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func() on non-static closure without $this inside a static method [Zend/tests/call_user_func_closure_from_static_method.phpt] TEST 1861/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65051: count() off by one inside unset() [Zend/tests/bug65051.phpt] TEST 1862/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81216_2: Nullsafe operator leaks dynamic property name [Zend/tests/bug81216_2.phpt] TEST 1863/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38623 (leaks in a tricky code with switch() and exceptions) [Zend/tests/bug38623.phpt] TEST 1864/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class constants basic tests [Zend/tests/class_constants_001.phpt] TEST 1865/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71914 (Reference is lost in "switch") [Zend/tests/bug71914.phpt] TEST 1866/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74603 (PHP INI Parsing Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability) [Zend/tests/bug74603.phpt] TEST 1867/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #49472 (Constants defined in Interfaces can be overridden) [Zend/tests/bug49472.phpt] TEST 1868/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43918 (Segmentation fault in garbage collector) [Zend/tests/bug43918.phpt] TEST 1869/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78598: Changing array during undef index RW error segfaults [Zend/tests/bug78598.phpt] TEST 1870/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61225 (Lexing 0b0*+ incorrectly) [Zend/tests/bug61225.phpt] TEST 1871/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63305 (zend_mm_heap corrupted with traits) [Zend/tests/bug63305.phpt] TEST 1872/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53347 Segfault accessing static method [Zend/tests/bug53347.phpt] TEST 1873/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47054 (BC break in static functions called as dynamic) [Zend/tests/bug47054.phpt] TEST 1874/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33282 (Re-assignment by reference does not clear the is_ref flag) [Zend/tests/bug33282.phpt] TEST 1875/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75573 (Segmentation fault in 7.1.12 and 7.0.26) [Zend/tests/bug75573.phpt] TEST 1876/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69420 (Invalid read in zend_std_get_method) [Zend/tests/bug69420.phpt] TEST 1877/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 041: Rebinding: preservation of previous scope when not given as arg unless impossible [Zend/tests/closure_041.phpt] TEST 1878/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70430: Stack buffer overflow in zend_language_parser() [Zend/tests/bug70430.phpt] TEST 1879/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_fileinode.phpt] TEST 1880/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68118: $a->foo .= 'test'; can leave $a->foo undefined [Zend/tests/bug68118.phpt] TEST 1881/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35163.2 (Array elements can lose references) [Zend/tests/bug35163_2.phpt] TEST 1882/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 008: Use in preg_replace_callback() [Zend/tests/closure_008.phpt] TEST 1883/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77494 (Disabling class causes segfault on member access) [Zend/tests/bug77494.phpt] TEST 1884/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43053 (Regression: some numbers shown in scientific notation) [Zend/tests/bug43053.phpt] TEST 1885/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69955 (Segfault when trying to combine [] and assign-op on ArrayAccess object). [Zend/tests/bug69955.phpt] TEST 1886/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79900: Memory leaks reported if GC disabled at runtime [Zend/tests/bug79900.phpt] TEST 1887/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71163 (Segmentation Fault (cleanup_unfinished_calls)) [Zend/tests/bug71163.phpt] TEST 1888/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure comparison [Zend/tests/closure_compare.phpt] TEST 1889/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72813 (Segfault with __get returned by ref) [Zend/tests/bug72813.phpt] TEST 1890/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40770 (Apache child exits when PHP memory limit reached) [Zend/tests/bug40770.phpt] TEST 1891/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #55825 (Missing initial value of static locals in trait methods) [Zend/tests/bug55825.phpt] TEST 1892/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65108 (is_callable() triggers Fatal Error) [Zend/tests/bug65108.phpt] TEST 1893/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Arginfo / zpp consistency check for call_user_func() in strict context [Zend/tests/call_user_func_strict_arginfo_check.phpt] TEST 1894/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81377: unset() of $GLOBALS sub-key yields warning [Zend/tests/bug81377.phpt] TEST 1895/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74657 (Undefined constants in array properties result in broken properties) [Zend/tests/bug74657.phpt] TEST 1896/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class constants as default function arguments [Zend/tests/class_constants_002.phpt] TEST 1897/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38624 (Strange warning when incrementing an object property and exception is thrown from __get method) [Zend/tests/bug38624.phpt] TEST 1898/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71922: Crash on assert(new class{}); [Zend/tests/bug71922.phpt] TEST 1899/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #49866 (Making reference on string offsets crashes PHP) [Zend/tests/bug49866.phpt] TEST 1900/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61273 (call_user_func_array with more than 16333 arguments leaks / crashes) [Zend/tests/bug61273.phpt] TEST 1901/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53432: Assignment via string index access on an empty string converts to array [Zend/tests/bug53432.phpt] TEST 1902/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test script to verify that magic methods should be called only once when accessing an unset property. [Zend/tests/bug63462.phpt] TEST 1903/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78644: SEGFAULT in ZEND_UNSET_OBJ_SPEC_VAR_CONST_HANDLER [Zend/tests/bug78644.phpt] TEST 1904/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47109 (Memory leak on $a->{"a"."b"} when $a is not an object) [Zend/tests/bug47109.phpt] TEST 1905/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75786: segfault when using spread operator on generator passed by reference [Zend/tests/bug75786.phpt] TEST 1906/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33318 (throw 1; results in Invalid opcode 108/1/8) [Zend/tests/bug33318.phpt] TEST 1907/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69427 (Segfault on magic method __call of private method in superclass) [Zend/tests/bug69427.phpt] TEST 1908/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 042: Binding an instance to a non-scoped non-static closures gives it a dummy scope [Zend/tests/closure_042.phpt] TEST 1909/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70478 (**= does no longer work) [Zend/tests/bug70478.phpt] TEST 1910/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68148: $this is null inside include [Zend/tests/bug68148.phpt] TEST 1911/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 009: Using static vars inside lambda [Zend/tests/closure_009.phpt] TEST 1912/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35163.3 (Array elements can lose references) [Zend/tests/bug35163_3.phpt] TEST 1913/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77530: PHP crashes when parsing '(2)::class' [Zend/tests/bug77530.phpt] TEST 1914/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69957 (Different ways of handling div/mod by zero) [Zend/tests/bug69957.phpt] TEST 1915/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Immediately invoked closure with extra args [Zend/tests/closure_extra_args.phpt] TEST 1916/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44069 (Huge memory usage with concatenation using . instead of .=) [Zend/tests/bug44069.phpt] TEST 1917/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72854: PHP Crashes on duplicate destructor call [Zend/tests/bug72854.phpt] TEST 1918/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71196 (Memory leak with out-of-order live ranges) [Zend/tests/bug71196.phpt] TEST 1919/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60099 (__halt_compiler() works in braced namespaces) [Zend/tests/bug60099.phpt] TEST 1920/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65254 (Exception not catchable when exception thrown in autoload with a namespace) [Zend/tests/bug65254.phpt] TEST 1921/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40809 (Poor performance of ".=") [Zend/tests/bug40809.phpt] TEST 1922/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check call to non-ref function with call-time refs [Zend/tests/call_with_refs.phpt] TEST 1923/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81626: Error on use static:: in __сallStatic() wrapped to Closure::fromCallable() [Zend/tests/bug81626.phpt] TEST 1924/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38772 (inconsistent overriding of methods in different visibility contexts) [Zend/tests/bug38772.phpt] TEST 1925/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #49893 (Crash while creating an instance of Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3) [Zend/tests/bug49893.phpt] TEST 1926/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71930 (_zval_dtor_func: Assertion `(arr)->gc.refcount <= 1' failed) [Zend/tests/bug71930.phpt] TEST 1927/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43128 (Very long class name causes segfault) [Zend/tests/bug43128.phpt] TEST 1928/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class constants as default function arguments and dynamically loaded classes [Zend/tests/class_constants_003.phpt] TEST 1929/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74810: Something odd about ordering of func_get_args() result in 7.2 [Zend/tests/bug74810.phpt] TEST 1930/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53511 (Exceptions are lost in case an exception is thrown in catch operator) [Zend/tests/bug53511.phpt] TEST 1931/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63468 (wrong called method as callback with inheritance) [Zend/tests/bug63468.phpt] TEST 1932/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61362 (Exception::getTraceAsString, Exception::__toString not able to handle unicode) [Zend/tests/bug61362.phpt] TEST 1933/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47165 (Possible memory corruption when passing return value by reference) [Zend/tests/bug47165.phpt] TEST 1934/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75921: Inconsistent error when creating stdObject from empty variable [Zend/tests/bug75921.phpt] TEST 1935/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78658: Memory corruption using Closure::bindTo() [Zend/tests/bug78658.phpt] TEST 1936/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #33512 (unset() overloaded properties doesn't work) [Zend/tests/bug33512.phpt] TEST 1937/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69446 (GC leak relating to removal of nested data after dtors run) [Zend/tests/bug69446.phpt] TEST 1938/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 043: Scope/bounding combination invariants; static closures [Zend/tests/closure_043.phpt] TEST 1939/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70547 (unsetting function variables corrupts backtrace) [Zend/tests/bug70547.phpt] TEST 1940/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68162: isset($$varname) always true [Zend/tests/bug68162.phpt] TEST 1941/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_filemtime.phpt] TEST 1942/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BUG #77589 (Core dump using parse_ini_string with numeric sections) [Zend/tests/bug77589.phpt] TEST 1943/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 010: Closure calls itself [Zend/tests/closure_010.phpt] TEST 1944/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35239 (Objects can lose references) [Zend/tests/bug35239.phpt] TEST 1945/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69989: Cycle collection for yielded values [Zend/tests/bug69989_1.phpt] TEST 1946/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure::__invoke() is case insensitive [Zend/tests/closure_invoke_case_insensitive.phpt] TEST 1947/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72918 (negative offset inside a quoted string leads to parse error) [Zend/tests/bug72918.phpt] TEST 1948/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44141 (private parent constructor callable through static function) [Zend/tests/bug44141.phpt] TEST 1949/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60138 (GC crash with referenced array in RecursiveArrayIterator) [Zend/tests/bug60138.phpt] TEST 1950/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71221 (Null pointer deref (segfault) in get_defined_vars via ob_start) [Zend/tests/bug71221.phpt] TEST 1951/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65291 - get_defined_constants() causes PHP to crash in a very limited case. [Zend/tests/bug65291.phpt] TEST 1952/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81631: ::class with dynamic class name may yield wrong line number [Zend/tests/bug81631.phpt] TEST 1953/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Make sure is_callable error does not leak if an exception is also thrown [Zend/tests/callable_param_exception_leak.phpt] TEST 1954/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40815 (using strings like "class::func" and static methods in set_exception_handler() might result in crash). [Zend/tests/bug40815.phpt] TEST 1955/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38779 (engine crashes when require()'ing file with syntax error through userspace stream wrapper) [Zend/tests/bug38779.phpt] TEST 1956/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #49908 (throwing exception in autoloader crashes when interface is not defined) [Zend/tests/bug49908.phpt] TEST 1957/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74836 (isset on zero-prefixed numeric indexes in array broken) [Zend/tests/bug74836.phpt] TEST 1958/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing constants (normal, namespace, class and interface) [Zend/tests/class_constants_004.phpt] TEST 1959/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43175 (__destruct() throwing an exception with __call() causes segfault) [Zend/tests/bug43175.phpt] TEST 1960/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71980: Decorated/Nested Generator is Uncloseable in Finally [Zend/tests/bug71980.phpt] TEST 1961/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53629 (memory leak inside highlight_string()) [Zend/tests/bug53629.phpt] TEST 1962/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61681: Malformed grammar [Zend/tests/bug61681.phpt] TEST 1963/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78689: Closure::fromCallable() doesn't handle [Closure, '__invoke'] [Zend/tests/bug78689.phpt] TEST 1964/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69446 (GC leak relating to removal of nested data after dtors run) [Zend/tests/bug69446_2.phpt] TEST 1965/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47343 (gc_collect_cycles causes a segfault when called within a destructor in one case) [Zend/tests/bug47343.phpt] TEST 1966/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 044: Scope/bounding combination invariants; non static closures [Zend/tests/closure_044.phpt] TEST 1967/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Getting non-static method statically [Zend/tests/closures/closure_from_callable_non_static_statically.phpt] TEST 1968/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76025 (Segfault while throwing exception in error_handler) [Zend/tests/bug76025.phpt] TEST 1969/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70630 (Closure::call/bind() crash with ReflectionFunction->getClosure()) [Zend/tests/bug70630.phpt] TEST 1970/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68163: Using reference as object property name [Zend/tests/bug68163.phpt] TEST 1971/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77613 (method visibility change) [Zend/tests/bug77613.phpt] TEST 1972/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 011: Lexical copies not static in closure [Zend/tests/closure_011.phpt] TEST 1973/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35393 (changing static protected members from outside the class) [Zend/tests/bug35393.phpt] TEST 1974/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79919 (Stack use-after-scope in define()) [Zend/tests/bug79919.phpt] TEST 1975/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument name for Closure::__invoke via call_user_func reference warning [Zend/tests/closure_invoke_ref_warning.phpt] TEST 1976/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63635 (Segfault in gc_collect_cycles) [Zend/tests/bug63635.phpt] TEST 1977/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60139 (Anonymous functions create cycles not detected by the GC) [Zend/tests/bug60139.phpt] TEST 1978/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72943 (assign_dim on string doesn't reset hval) [Zend/tests/bug72943.phpt] TEST 1979/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Collection of some cycles on unfinished generators [Zend/tests/bug69989_2.phpt] TEST 1980/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71248 (Wrong interface is enforced) [Zend/tests/bug71248.phpt] TEST 1981/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44184 (Double free of loop-variable on exception) [Zend/tests/bug44184.phpt] TEST 1982/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65322: compile time errors won't trigger auto loading [Zend/tests/bug65322.phpt] TEST 1983/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS casting different variables to array [Zend/tests/cast_to_array.phpt] TEST 1984/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #50005 (Throwing through Reflection modified Exception object makes segmentation fault) [Zend/tests/bug50005.phpt] TEST 1985/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40833 (Crash when using unset() on an ArrayAccess object retrieved via __get) [Zend/tests/bug40833.phpt] TEST 1986/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81652: The value of error_reporting() gets overridden [Zend/tests/bug81652.phpt] TEST 1987/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43183 ("use" of the same class in difference scripts results in a fatal error) [Zend/tests/bug43183.phpt] TEST 1988/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74840: Opcache overwrites argument of GENERATOR_RETURN within finally [Zend/tests/bug74840.phpt] TEST 1989/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72038 (Function calls with values to a by-ref parameter don't always throw a notice) [Zend/tests/bug72038.phpt] TEST 1990/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS zend_strtod() hangs with 2.2250738585072011e-308 [Zend/tests/bug53632.phpt] TEST 1991/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS String interning during constants substitution [Zend/tests/class_constants_005.phpt] TEST 1992/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61761 ('Overriding' a private static method with a different signature causes crash) [Zend/tests/bug61761.phpt] TEST 1993/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47353 (crash when creating a lot of objects in object destructor) [Zend/tests/bug47353.phpt] TEST 1994/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 045: Closures created in static methods are not implicitly static [Zend/tests/closure_045.phpt] TEST 1995/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Rebinding [Zend/tests/closures/closure_from_callable_rebinding.phpt] TEST 1996/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78752: Segfault if GC triggered while generator stack frame is being destroyed [Zend/tests/bug78752.phpt] TEST 1997/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68191: Broken reference across objects [Zend/tests/bug68191.phpt] TEST 1998/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70662: Duplicate array key via undefined index error handler [Zend/tests/bug70662.phpt] TEST 1999/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76047: Use-after-free when accessing already destructed backtrace arguments [Zend/tests/bug76047.phpt] TEST 2000/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_fileowner.phpt] TEST 2001/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69467 (Wrong checked for the interface by using Trait) [Zend/tests/bug69467.phpt] TEST 2002/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fix for #77627 method_exists on Closure::__invoke without object returns false [Zend/tests/bug77627.phpt] TEST 2003/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 012: Undefined lexical variables [Zend/tests/closure_012.phpt] TEST 2004/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35411 (Regression with \{$ handling) [Zend/tests/bug35411.phpt] TEST 2005/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79927: Generator doesn't throw exception after multiple yield from iterable [Zend/tests/bug79927.phpt] TEST 2006/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use() auto-global [Zend/tests/closure_use_auto_global.phpt] TEST 2007/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60161: Implementing an interface extending Traversable is order dependent [Zend/tests/bug60161.phpt] TEST 2008/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72944 (Null pointer deref in zval_delref_p). [Zend/tests/bug72944.phpt] TEST 2009/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63734 (Garbage collector can free zvals that are still referenced) [Zend/tests/bug63734.phpt] TEST 2010/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71266 (Missing separation of properties HT in foreach etc) [Zend/tests/bug71266.phpt] TEST 2011/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44414 (incomplete reporting about abstract methods) [Zend/tests/bug44414.phpt] TEST 2012/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator cycle collection edge cases [Zend/tests/bug69989_3.phpt] TEST 2013/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #50146 (property_exists: Closure object cannot have properties) [Zend/tests/bug50146.phpt] TEST 2014/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS casting different variables to boolean [Zend/tests/cast_to_bool.phpt] TEST 2015/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65372 (Segfault in gc_zval_possible_root when return reference fails) [Zend/tests/bug65372.phpt] TEST 2016/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #43200 (Interface implementation / inheritance not possible in abstract classes) [Zend/tests/bug43200.phpt] TEST 2017/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #40899 (memory leak when nesting list()) [Zend/tests/bug40899.phpt] TEST 2018/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74862 (Unable to clone instance when private __clone defined) [Zend/tests/bug74862.phpt] TEST 2019/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81684: ??= on $GLOBALS produces an invalid opcode [Zend/tests/bug81684.phpt] TEST 2020/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #38779 (engine crashes when require()'ing file with syntax error through userspace stream wrapper) [Zend/tests/bug38779_1.phpt] TEST 2021/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72101 (crash on complex code) [Zend/tests/bug72101.phpt] TEST 2022/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61767 (Shutdown functions not called in certain error situation) [Zend/tests/bug61767.phpt] TEST 2023/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #53727 (Inconsistent behavior of is_subclass_of with interfaces) [Zend/tests/bug53727.phpt] TEST 2024/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing class_exists() inside namespace [Zend/tests/class_exists_001.phpt] TEST 2025/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #47516 (nowdoc can not be embed in heredoc but can be embed in double quote) [Zend/tests/bug47516.phpt] TEST 2026/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 046: Rebinding: preservation of previous scope when "static" given as scope arg (same as closure #041) [Zend/tests/closure_046.phpt] TEST 2027/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68215 (Behavior of foreach has changed) [Zend/tests/bug68215.phpt] TEST 2028/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76383: array_map on $GLOBALS returns IS_INDIRECT [Zend/tests/bug76383.phpt] TEST 2029/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Reflection [Zend/tests/closures/closure_from_callable_reflection.phpt] TEST 2030/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69532: array_multisort is chocking when using it's own constants [Zend/tests/bug69532.phpt] TEST 2031/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78770: Incorrect callability check inside internal methods [Zend/tests/bug78770.phpt] TEST 2032/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70681: Segfault when binding $this of internal instance method to null [Zend/tests/bug70681.phpt] TEST 2033/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77652: Anonymous classes can lose their interface information [Zend/tests/bug77652.phpt] TEST 2034/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 013: __invoke() on temporary result [Zend/tests/closure_013.phpt] TEST 2035/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #35470 (Assigning global using variable name from array doesn't function) [Zend/tests/bug35470.phpt] TEST 2036/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Can't use name of lexical variable for parameter [Zend/tests/closure_use_parameter_name.phpt] TEST 2037/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79934: CRLF-only line in heredoc causes parsing error [Zend/tests/bug79934.phpt] TEST 2038/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60169 (Conjunction of ternary and list crashes PHP) [Zend/tests/bug60169.phpt] TEST 2039/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71275 (Bad method called on cloning an object having a trait) [Zend/tests/bug71275.phpt] TEST 2040/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44653 (Invalid namespace name resolution) [Zend/tests/bug44653.phpt] TEST 2041/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #73156 (segfault on undefined function) [Zend/tests/bug73156.phpt] TEST 2042/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69996 (Changing the property of a cloned object affects the original) [Zend/tests/bug69996.phpt] TEST 2043/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constant expressions with null coalescing operator ?? [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_coalesce.phpt] TEST 2044/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Defining constant twice with two different forms [Zend/tests/constants_008.phpt] TEST 2045/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS casting different variables to double [Zend/tests/cast_to_double.phpt] TEST 2046/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74862 (Unable to clone instance when private __clone defined in a child class) [Zend/tests/bug74862_2.phpt] TEST 2047/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug - crash in debug_backtrace when trace starts in eval [Zend/tests/bug_debug_backtrace.phpt] TEST 2048/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP bug_debug_backtrace.phpt with replaced zend_execute_ex [Zend/tests/bug_debug_backtrace_replace_zend_execute_ex.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 2049/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65419 (Inside trait, self::class != __CLASS__) [Zend/tests/bug65419.phpt] TEST 2050/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41026 (segfault when calling "self::method()" in shutdown functions) [Zend/tests/bug41026.phpt] TEST 2051/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use constructor promotion with variadic parameter [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_variadic.phpt] TEST 2052/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72107: Segfault when using func_get_args as error handler [Zend/tests/bug72107.phpt] TEST 2053/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference on method calls [Zend/tests/dereference_003.phpt] TEST 2054/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61782 (__clone/__destruct do not match other methods when checking access controls) [Zend/tests/bug61782.phpt] TEST 2055/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing several valid and invalid parameters [Zend/tests/class_exists_002.phpt] TEST 2056/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68262: Broken reference across cloned objects [Zend/tests/bug68262.phpt] TEST 2057/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 047: Use in preg_replace_callback() using variables by reference [Zend/tests/closure_047.phpt] TEST 2058/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closures cannot be instantiated directly [Zend/tests/closures/closure_instantiate.phpt] TEST 2059/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Freeing of function "name" when dynamic call fails [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_freeing.phpt] TEST 2060/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78776: Abstract method implementation from trait does not check "static" [Zend/tests/bug78776.phpt] TEST 2061/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70685: Segfault for getClosure() internal method rebind with invalid $this [Zend/tests/bug70685.phpt] TEST 2062/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_fileperms.phpt] TEST 2063/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76430: __METHOD__ inconsistent outside of method [Zend/tests/bug76430.phpt] TEST 2064/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69534 (Cycle leaks through declared properties on internal classes) [Zend/tests/bug69534.phpt] TEST 2065/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Mismatched enum backing type [Zend/tests/enum/backed-mismatch.phpt] TEST 2066/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 014: return by value/reference [Zend/tests/closure_014.phpt] TEST 2067/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79947: Memory leak on invalid offset type in compound assignment [Zend/tests/bug79947.phpt] TEST 2068/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure use list can have trailing commas [Zend/tests/closure_use_trailing_comma.phpt] TEST 2069/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71300 (Segfault in zend_fetch_string_offset) [Zend/tests/bug71300.phpt] TEST 2070/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63741 (Crash when autoloading from spl) [Zend/tests/bug63741.phpt] TEST 2071/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum namespace [Zend/tests/enum/namespaces.phpt] TEST 2072/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60350 No string escape code for ESC (ascii 27), normally \e [Zend/tests/bug60350.phpt] TEST 2073/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44660 (Indexed and reference assignment to property of non-object don't trigger warning) [Zend/tests/bug44660.phpt] TEST 2074/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70012 (Exception lost with nested finally block) [Zend/tests/bug70012.phpt] TEST 2075/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Accessing constants inside namespace [Zend/tests/constants_009.phpt] TEST 2076/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constant expressions with empty dimension fetch on coalesce [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_coalesce_empty_dim.phpt] TEST 2077/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS casting different variables to integer [Zend/tests/cast_to_int.phpt] TEST 2078/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use built-in functions in write context (assignment) [Zend/tests/builtin_in_write_context_error1.phpt] TEST 2079/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41117 (Altering $this via argument) [Zend/tests/bug41117_1.phpt] TEST 2080/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum print_r [Zend/tests/enum/print_r.phpt] TEST 2081/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72119 (Interface declaration compatibility regression with default values) [Zend/tests/bug72119.phpt] TEST 2082/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Defining a free-standing assert() function is deprecated [Zend/tests/custom_assert_forbidden.phpt] TEST 2083/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot redeclare (method) [Zend/tests/errmsg_011.phpt] TEST 2084/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference on __invoke() result [Zend/tests/dereference_004.phpt] TEST 2085/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Checking if exists interface, trait, abstract and final class [Zend/tests/class_exists_003.phpt] TEST 2086/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 3 [Zend/tests/error_reporting03.phpt] TEST 2087/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #68370 "unset($this)" can make the program crash [Zend/tests/bug68370.phpt] TEST 2088/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 048: Use in preg_replace_callback() using variables by reference [Zend/tests/closure_048.phpt] TEST 2089/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Live range construction should not break if colesce assign branch is optimized away [Zend/tests/coalesce_assign_optimization.phpt] TEST 2090/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78787: Segfault with trait overriding inherited private shadow property [Zend/tests/bug78787.phpt] TEST 2091/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS zend.exception_string_param_max_len ini setting [Zend/tests/exception_025.phpt] TEST 2092/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69537 (__debugInfo with empty string for key gives error) [Zend/tests/bug69537.phpt] TEST 2093/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic static call of non-static method [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_non_static.phpt] TEST 2094/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77660 (Segmentation fault on break 2147483648) [Zend/tests/bug77660.phpt] TEST 2095/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backtrace in nested function call [Zend/tests/fibers/backtrace-nested.phpt] TEST 2096/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backed enum with negative int [Zend/tests/enum/backed-negative-int.phpt] TEST 2097/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 015: converting to string/unicode [Zend/tests/closure_015.phpt] TEST 2098/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79948: Exit in auto-prepended file does not abort PHP execution [Zend/tests/bug79948.phpt] TEST 2099/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure cannot use one variable twice [Zend/tests/closure_use_variable_twice.phpt] TEST 2100/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71336 (Wrong is_ref on properties as exposed via get_object_vars()) [Zend/tests/bug71336.phpt] TEST 2101/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from NEW [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_008.phpt] TEST 2102/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum no manual cases method [Zend/tests/enum/no-cases.phpt] TEST 2103/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS new in constant expressions [Zend/tests/constexpr/new.phpt] TEST 2104/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc lineno: ensure the compiler globals line number is correct [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-nowdoc-lineno.phpt] TEST 2105/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44827 (define() allows :: in constant names) [Zend/tests/bug44827.phpt] TEST 2106/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic Constant Expressions [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_dynamic.phpt] TEST 2107/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS casting different variables to object [Zend/tests/cast_to_object.phpt] TEST 2108/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #41209 (Segmentation fault with ArrayAccess, set_error_handler and undefined var) [Zend/tests/bug41209.phpt] TEST 2109/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Iterator exceptions in foreach by reference [Zend/tests/foreach_004.phpt] TEST 2110/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum reflection getConstants() [Zend/tests/enum/reflectionclass.phpt] TEST 2111/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72162 (use-after-free - error_reporting) [Zend/tests/bug72162.phpt] TEST 2112/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Make sure type inference upholds invariants for dead arrays [Zend/tests/dead_array_type_inference.phpt] TEST 2113/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference on object that implements ArrayAccess [Zend/tests/dereference_005.phpt] TEST 2114/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: default value for parameters with array type can only be an array or null [Zend/tests/errmsg_013.phpt] TEST 2115/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS class name as scalar from ::class keyword [Zend/tests/class_name_as_scalar.phpt] TEST 2116/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 4 [Zend/tests/error_reporting04.phpt] TEST 2117/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Code before loop var free [Zend/tests/code_before_loop_var_free.phpt] TEST 2118/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure 049: static::class in static closure in non-static method. [Zend/tests/closure_049.phpt] TEST 2119/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_filesize.phpt] TEST 2120/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nested exceptions in destructors [Zend/tests/exception_026.phpt] TEST 2121/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trailing comma in function signatures [Zend/tests/func_sig_trailing_comma.phpt] TEST 2122/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 016: nested GC calls [Zend/tests/gc_016.phpt] TEST 2123/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77738 (Nullptr deref in zend_compile_expr) [Zend/tests/bug77738.phpt] TEST 2124/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78810: RW fetches do not throw "uninitialized property" exception [Zend/tests/bug78810.phpt] TEST 2125/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS When performing a dynamic call to a ret-by-ref function, the reference should be unwrapped [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_to_ref_returning_function.phpt] TEST 2126/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backtrace in with object as fiber callback [Zend/tests/fibers/backtrace-object.phpt] TEST 2127/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS String enum value with heredoc [Zend/tests/enum/backed-string-heredoc.phpt] TEST 2128/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator backtrace with multi yield from [Zend/tests/generators/backtrace_multi_yield_from.phpt] TEST 2129/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79979 (passing value to by-ref param via CUF(A) crashes) [Zend/tests/bug79979.phpt] TEST 2130/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71359: Null coalescing operator and magic [Zend/tests/bug71359.phpt] TEST 2131/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot write to closure properties [Zend/tests/closure_write_prop.phpt] TEST 2132/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Out of Memory in a nested fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/out-of-memory-in-nested-fiber.phpt] TEST 2133/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class cannot implement BackedEnum [Zend/tests/enum/no-class-implements-backed-enum.phpt] TEST 2134/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from Closure::__invoke [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_009.phpt] TEST 2135/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Places where new is allowed [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_allowed.phpt] TEST 2136/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc/nowdoc syntax [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-nowdoc.phpt] TEST 2137/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #44830 (Very minor issue with backslash in heredoc) [Zend/tests/bug44830.phpt] TEST 2138/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic class names can't be used in compile-time constant refs [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_dynamic_class_name_error.phpt] TEST 2139/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators can't be serialized or unserialized [Zend/tests/generators/errors/serialize_unserialize_error.phpt] TEST 2140/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum unserialize same instance [Zend/tests/enum/serialization-round-trip.phpt] TEST 2141/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators using symtables must not leak [Zend/tests/generators/generator_symtable_leak.phpt] TEST 2142/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Simple generator xrange() test [Zend/tests/generators/xrange.phpt] TEST 2143/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nested foreach by reference on the same array [Zend/tests/foreach_005.phpt] TEST 2144/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference and references [Zend/tests/dereference_006.phpt] TEST 2145/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS debug_backtrace limit [Zend/tests/debug_backtrace_limit.phpt] TEST 2146/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: __clone() cannot accept any arguments [Zend/tests/errmsg_015.phpt] TEST 2147/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 5 [Zend/tests/error_reporting05.phpt] TEST 2148/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_methods(): Testing with interface [Zend/tests/get_class_methods_002.phpt] TEST 2149/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP comparing different variables for equality [Zend/tests/compare_001.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2150/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions before fatal error [Zend/tests/exception_before_fatal.phpt] TEST 2151/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to check regressions on use statements and lexer state [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_009.phpt] TEST 2152/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78868: Calling __autoload() with incorrect EG(fake_scope) value [Zend/tests/bug78868.phpt] TEST 2153/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 017: GC and destructors with unset [Zend/tests/gc_017.phpt] TEST 2154/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77877 call_user_func() passes $this to static methods [Zend/tests/bug77877.phpt] TEST 2155/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Call function with correct number of arguments [Zend/tests/function_arguments/argument_count_correct.phpt] TEST 2156/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS String enum value [Zend/tests/enum/backed-string.phpt] TEST 2157/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catch exception thrown into fiber, then suspend again [Zend/tests/fibers/catch-then-suspend.phpt] TEST 2158/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Crash when using dynamic call syntax with fully qualified name in a namespace [Zend/tests/dynamic_fully_qualified_call.phpt] TEST 2159/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions in linear yield from setup [Zend/tests/generators/basic_yield_from_exception_handling.phpt] TEST 2160/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Heredoc with double quotes [Zend/tests/heredoc_012.phpt] TEST 2161/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Out of Memory from recursive fiber creation [Zend/tests/fibers/out-of-memory-in-recursive-fiber.phpt] TEST 2162/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect referenced $this [Zend/tests/indirect_reference_this.phpt] TEST 2163/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80929: Method name corruption related to zend_closure_call_magic [Zend/tests/closures/bug80929.phpt] TEST 2164/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS New with anonymous class is not supported in constant expressions [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_anon_class.phpt] TEST 2165/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable preserve Called Scope [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_010.phpt] TEST 2166/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class cannot implement UnitEnum [Zend/tests/enum/no-class-implements-unit-enum.phpt] TEST 2167/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible nowdoc syntax 1: different indentation for body (spaces) ending marker (tabs) [Zend/tests/flexible-nowdoc-error1.phpt] TEST 2168/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing isset accessing undefined array items and properties [Zend/tests/isset_003.phpt] TEST 2169/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constant Expressions with unsupported operands 001 [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_exceptions_001.phpt] TEST 2170/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A notice is thrown when yielding a constant value by reference [Zend/tests/generators/errors/yield_const_by_ref_error.phpt] TEST 2171/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array keys can be yielded from generators [Zend/tests/generators/yield_array_key.phpt] TEST 2172/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum serialize [Zend/tests/enum/serialize.phpt] TEST 2173/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Stack is cleaned up properly when an exception is thrown during a function call [Zend/tests/generators/generator_throwing_during_function_call.phpt] TEST 2174/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to write on method return [Zend/tests/dereference_007.phpt] TEST 2175/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach by reference on constant [Zend/tests/foreach_006.phpt] TEST 2176/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS debug_backtrace options [Zend/tests/debug_backtrace_options.phpt] TEST 2177/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: __isset() must take exactly 1 argument [Zend/tests/errmsg_016.phpt] TEST 2178/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 6 [Zend/tests/error_reporting06.phpt] TEST 2179/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_methods(): Testing scope [Zend/tests/get_class_methods_003.phpt] TEST 2180/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to check regressions on T_IMPLEMENTS followed by a T_NS_SEPARATOR [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_010.phpt] TEST 2181/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_filetype.phpt] TEST 2182/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception with delayed message computation [Zend/tests/exception_delayed_message.phpt] TEST 2183/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 018: GC detach with assign [Zend/tests/gc_018.phpt] TEST 2184/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78898: call_user_func(['parent', ...]) fails while other succeed [Zend/tests/bug78898.phpt] TEST 2185/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Call function with correct number of arguments with strict types [Zend/tests/function_arguments/argument_count_correct_strict.phpt] TEST 2186/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BackedEnum::tryFrom() casing in reflection [Zend/tests/enum/backed-tryFrom-casing.phpt] TEST 2187/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77922: Double release of doc comment on inherited shadow property [Zend/tests/bug77922.phpt] TEST 2188/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catch exception thrown into fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/catch.phpt] TEST 2189/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic prop name with type conversion in reference position should not leak [Zend/tests/dynamic_prop_name_leak.phpt] TEST 2190/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic test if yield from works [Zend/tests/generators/basic_yield_from_proxying.phpt] TEST 2191/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Type inference should not result in infinite loop [Zend/tests/inference_infinite_loop.phpt] TEST 2192/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Inherit internal static property into userland class [Zend/tests/inherit_internal_static.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 2193/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check that const exprs are pre-evaluated in new arguments [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_arg_eval.phpt] TEST 2194/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Resume non-running fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/resume-non-running-fiber.phpt] TEST 2195/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable Attribute Error [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_011.phpt] TEST 2196/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Basic [Zend/tests/closures/closure_from_callable_basic.phpt] TEST 2197/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Heredoc with double quotes and wrong prefix [Zend/tests/heredoc_013.phpt] TEST 2198/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum disallows cloning [Zend/tests/enum/no-clone.phpt] TEST 2199/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constant Expressions with unsupported operands 002 [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_exceptions_002.phpt] TEST 2200/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using isset() with arrays [Zend/tests/isset_array.phpt] TEST 2201/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible nowdoc syntax 2: mixing spaces and tabs in body [Zend/tests/flexible-nowdoc-error2.phpt] TEST 2202/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield cannot be used in a finally block when the generator is force-closed [Zend/tests/generators/errors/yield_in_force_closed_finally_error.phpt] TEST 2203/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Array offsets can be yielded by reference [Zend/tests/generators/yield_array_offset_by_ref.phpt] TEST 2204/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum in SplObjectStorage [Zend/tests/enum/spl-object-storage.phpt] TEST 2205/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference with dynamic method name and references [Zend/tests/dereference_008.phpt] TEST 2206/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators can throw exceptions [Zend/tests/generators/generator_throwing_exception.phpt] TEST 2207/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach by reference and inserting new element when we are already at the end [Zend/tests/foreach_007.phpt] TEST 2208/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS debug_backtrace segmentation fault with include and error handler [Zend/tests/debug_backtrace_with_include_and_this.phpt] TEST 2209/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 7 [Zend/tests/error_reporting07.phpt] TEST 2210/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: __unset() must take exactly 1 argument [Zend/tests/errmsg_017.phpt] TEST 2211/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_vars(): Simple test [Zend/tests/get_class_vars_001.phpt] TEST 2212/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing instantiation using namespace:: prefix [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_011.phpt] TEST 2213/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS comparing different variables for equality [Zend/tests/compare_001_64bit.phpt] TEST 2214/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP comparing different variables for identity [Zend/tests/compare_002.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2215/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception thrown by __get() during =& assignment [Zend/tests/exception_during_by_reference_magic_get.phpt] TEST 2216/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 019: GC detach with assign by reference [Zend/tests/gc_019.phpt] TEST 2217/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - Class ArrayAccess With Reference" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_007.phpt] TEST 2218/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #77966: Cannot alias a method named "namespace" [Zend/tests/bug77966.phpt] TEST 2219/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Call internal function with incorrect number of arguments [Zend/tests/function_arguments/argument_count_incorrect_internal.phpt] TEST 2220/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BackedEnum::tryFrom() unknown hash [Zend/tests/enum/backed-tryFrom-unknown-hash.phpt] TEST 2221/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing empty() with string offsets [Zend/tests/empty_str_offset.phpt] TEST 2222/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63066 (Calling an undefined method in a generator results in a seg fault) [Zend/tests/generators/bug63066.phpt] TEST 2223/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Print backtrace in fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/debug-backtrace.phpt] TEST 2224/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS INIT_ARRAY with illegal offset type [Zend/tests/init_array_illegal_offset_type.phpt] TEST 2225/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Resume previous fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/resume-previous-fiber.phpt] TEST 2226/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First class callable with nullsafe method call [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_012.phpt] TEST 2227/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Heredoc with double quotes syntax but missing second quote [Zend/tests/heredoc_014.phpt] TEST 2228/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument unpacking in new arguments in const expr (not yet supported) [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_arg_unpack.phpt] TEST 2229/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Errors [Zend/tests/closures/closure_from_callable_error.phpt] TEST 2230/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum disallows constructor [Zend/tests/enum/no-constructors.phpt] TEST 2231/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Can't use arrays as key for constant array [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_invalid_offset_type_error.phpt] TEST 2232/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible nowdoc syntax error 3: mixing spaces and tabs in ending marker [Zend/tests/flexible-nowdoc-error3.phpt] TEST 2233/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error message for isset(func()) [Zend/tests/isset_expr_error.phpt] TEST 2234/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yielding the result of a non-ref function call throw a notice [Zend/tests/generators/errors/yield_non_ref_function_call_by_ref_error.phpt] TEST 2235/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators can yield by-reference [Zend/tests/generators/yield_by_reference.phpt] TEST 2236/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions throwing by generators during foreach iteration are properly handled [Zend/tests/generators/generator_throwing_in_foreach.phpt] TEST 2237/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference with references [Zend/tests/dereference_009.phpt] TEST 2238/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum supports static methods [Zend/tests/enum/static-methods.phpt] TEST 2239/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nested foreach by reference and array modification [Zend/tests/foreach_008.phpt] TEST 2240/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns ZERO (float) [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-0.0.phpt] TEST 2241/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_vars(): Testing the scope [Zend/tests/get_class_vars_002.phpt] TEST 2242/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 8 [Zend/tests/error_reporting08.phpt] TEST 2243/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: static abstract function [Zend/tests/errmsg_018.phpt] TEST 2244/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing for regression on const list syntax and arrays [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_012.phpt] TEST 2245/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Make sure exceptions during include/require stating are properly propagated [Zend/tests/exception_during_include_stat.phpt] TEST 2246/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_fopen.phpt] TEST 2247/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - Oddities" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_008.phpt] TEST 2248/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS comparing different variables for identity [Zend/tests/compare_002_64bit.phpt] TEST 2249/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 020: GC detach reference with assign [Zend/tests/gc_020.phpt] TEST 2250/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP comparing different variables (greater than) [Zend/tests/compare_003.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2251/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Call internal function with incorrect number of arguments with strict types [Zend/tests/function_arguments/argument_count_incorrect_internal_strict.phpt] TEST 2252/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with both keyed and unkeyed elements [Zend/tests/list_mixed_keyed_unkeyed.phpt] TEST 2253/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS empty() with arbitrary expressions [Zend/tests/empty_with_expr.phpt] TEST 2254/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BackedEnum::tryFrom() [Zend/tests/enum/backed-tryFrom.phpt] TEST 2255/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Start on already running fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/double-start.phpt] TEST 2256/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65035: yield / exit segfault [Zend/tests/generators/bug65035.phpt] TEST 2257/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First class callable with nullsafe method call (nested) [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_013.phpt] TEST 2258/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing heredoc with escape sequences [Zend/tests/heredoc_015.phpt] TEST 2259/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS instanceof shouldn't call autoloader [Zend/tests/instanceof.phpt] TEST 2260/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic class name in new is not supported [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_dynamic_class_name.phpt] TEST 2261/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Resume running fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/resume-running-fiber.phpt] TEST 2262/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closure::fromCallable() and GC [Zend/tests/closures/closure_from_callable_gc.phpt] TEST 2263/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum disallows destructor [Zend/tests/enum/no-destruct.phpt] TEST 2264/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible nowdoc syntax error 4: not enough body indentation [Zend/tests/flexible-nowdoc-error4.phpt] TEST 2265/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error message for isset(func()) [Zend/tests/isset_func_error.phpt] TEST 2266/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Self-referencing constant expression (part of a constant AST) [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_self_referencing_array.phpt] TEST 2267/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yield cannot be used outside of functions [Zend/tests/generators/errors/yield_outside_function_error.phpt] TEST 2268/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calling generator through magic __call() [Zend/tests/generators/generator_trampoline.phpt] TEST 2269/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Make sure optimization does not interfere with yield by ref [Zend/tests/generators/yield_by_reference_optimization.phpt] TEST 2270/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum traits no __construct [Zend/tests/enum/traits-no-__construct.phpt] TEST 2271/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing dereference in non-array values [Zend/tests/dereference_010.phpt] TEST 2272/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nested foreach by reference and array modification with resize [Zend/tests/foreach_009.phpt] TEST 2273/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns ZERO [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-0.phpt] TEST 2274/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_vars(): Testing the scope [Zend/tests/get_class_vars_003.phpt] TEST 2275/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: __destruct() cannot take arguments [Zend/tests/errmsg_019.phpt] TEST 2276/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 9 [Zend/tests/error_reporting09.phpt] TEST 2277/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing for regression with encapsed variables in class declaration context [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_013.phpt] TEST 2278/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception during read part of compound assignment operation on a property [Zend/tests/exception_during_property_assign_op.phpt] TEST 2279/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - VM Safety" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_009.phpt] TEST 2280/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with nested unkeyed and keyed list() [Zend/tests/list_mixed_nested_keyed_unkeyed.phpt] TEST 2281/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Call userland function with incorrect number of arguments [Zend/tests/function_arguments/argument_count_incorrect_userland.phpt] TEST 2282/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS comparing different variables (greater than) [Zend/tests/compare_003_64bit.phpt] TEST 2283/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backed enums type can't be union [Zend/tests/enum/backed-type-no-union.phpt] TEST 2284/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP comparing different variables (less than) [Zend/tests/compare_004.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2285/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 021: GC detach reference with assign by reference [Zend/tests/gc_021.phpt] TEST 2286/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS For SSA form the entry block should have no predecessors [Zend/tests/entry_block_with_predecessors.phpt] TEST 2287/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error reporting change reflected inside fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/error-reporting.phpt] TEST 2288/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65161: Generator + autoload + syntax error = segfault [Zend/tests/generators/bug65161.phpt] TEST 2289/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing heredoc (double quotes) with escape sequences [Zend/tests/heredoc_016.phpt] TEST 2290/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing instanceof operator with several operators [Zend/tests/instanceof_001.phpt] TEST 2291/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First class callable with nullsafe method call (unrelated) [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_014.phpt] TEST 2292/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid operation in new arg in const expr [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_invalid_operation_in_arg.phpt] TEST 2293/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum case disallows dynamic properties [Zend/tests/enum/no-dynamic-properties.phpt] TEST 2294/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Resume terminated fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/resume-terminated-fiber.phpt] TEST 2295/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Late static binding [Zend/tests/closures/closure_from_callable_lsb.phpt] TEST 2296/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing isset with string offsets [Zend/tests/isset_str_offset.phpt] TEST 2297/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible nowdoc syntax error 5: mixing spaces and tabs in ending marker for 0 length body [Zend/tests/flexible-nowdoc-error5.phpt] TEST 2298/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test Z_PARAM_ITERABLE() and Z_PARAM_ITERABLE_OR_NULL [Zend/tests/iterable_or_null.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 2299/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use static::FOO in constant expressions [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_static_class_name_error.phpt] TEST 2300/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator exceptions during shutdown should not be swallowed [Zend/tests/generators/exception_during_shutdown.phpt] TEST 2301/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator shouldn't crash if last yielded value is a closure [Zend/tests/generators/yield_closure.phpt] TEST 2302/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference with chaining [Zend/tests/dereference_011.phpt] TEST 2303/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using cases method from traits in enums has no effect [Zend/tests/enum/traits-no-cases-method.phpt] TEST 2304/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators with arguments unpacking [Zend/tests/generators/generator_with_arg_unpacking.phpt] TEST 2305/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nested foreach by value over object and object modification with resize [Zend/tests/foreach_010.phpt] TEST 2306/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: disabled function [Zend/tests/errmsg_020.phpt] TEST 2307/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_vars(): Testing the scope [Zend/tests/get_class_vars_004.phpt] TEST 2308/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns ONE (float) [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-1.0.phpt] TEST 2309/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 10 [Zend/tests/error_reporting10.phpt] TEST 2310/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test semi-reserved words as class methods [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_001.phpt] TEST 2311/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_glob.phpt] TEST 2312/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception during delayed variance autoload [Zend/tests/exception_during_variance_autoload.phpt] TEST 2313/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - Compile Error (scalar)" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_010.phpt] TEST 2314/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test variable occurring on both LHS and RHS of list() [Zend/tests/list_self_assign.phpt] TEST 2315/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum methods [Zend/tests/enum/basic-methods.phpt] TEST 2316/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Call userland function with incorrect number of arguments with strict types [Zend/tests/function_arguments/argument_count_incorrect_userland_strict.phpt] TEST 2317/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum __call [Zend/tests/enum/__call.phpt] TEST 2318/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 022: GC detach reference in executor's PZVAL_UNLOCK() [Zend/tests/gc_022.phpt] TEST 2319/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exit from fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/exit-in-fiber.phpt] TEST 2320/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS comparing different variables (less than) [Zend/tests/compare_004_64bit.phpt] TEST 2321/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP comparing different variables (greater or equal than) [Zend/tests/compare_005.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2322/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #66041: list() fails to unpack yielded ArrayAccess object [Zend/tests/generators/bug66041.phpt] TEST 2323/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing instanceof operator with class and interface inheriteds [Zend/tests/instanceof_002.phpt] TEST 2324/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Named params in new in const expr [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_named_params.phpt] TEST 2325/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First class callables and strict types [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_015.phpt] TEST 2326/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing parameter of __isset() by ref [Zend/tests/magic_by_ref_005.phpt] TEST 2327/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP testing integer overflow (32bit) [Zend/tests/hex_overflow_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2328/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test resume [Zend/tests/fibers/resume.phpt] TEST 2329/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum cannot manually implement BackedEnum [Zend/tests/enum/no-enum-implements-backed-enum.phpt] TEST 2330/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Iterator::key() with by-ref return [Zend/tests/iterator_key_by_ref.phpt] TEST 2331/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __DIR__ constant used with eval() [Zend/tests/constants/dir-constant-eval.phpt] TEST 2332/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible nowdoc syntax error 6: no ending token on 0 length body [Zend/tests/flexible-nowdoc-error6.phpt] TEST 2333/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Creating an infinite fibonacci list using a generator [Zend/tests/generators/fibonacci.phpt] TEST 2334/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum cannot have forbidden methods, even via traits [Zend/tests/enum/traits-no-forbidden-methods.phpt] TEST 2335/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators can also yield keys [Zend/tests/generators/generator_with_keys.phpt] TEST 2336/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereferencing on return of a method with and without reference [Zend/tests/dereference_012.phpt] TEST 2337/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "yield" can occur during a function call [Zend/tests/generators/yield_during_function_call.phpt] TEST 2338/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS sort() functions precerve foreach by reference iterator pointer [Zend/tests/foreach_011.phpt] TEST 2339/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: disabled class [Zend/tests/errmsg_021.phpt] TEST 2340/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS eval() constant resolution [Zend/tests/eval_constant_resolution.phpt] TEST 2341/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns ONE [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-1.phpt] TEST 2342/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_vars(): Testing visibility [Zend/tests/get_class_vars_005.phpt] TEST 2343/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception during delayed variance autoload (variation 2) [Zend/tests/exception_during_variance_autoload_2.phpt] TEST 2344/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test semi-reserved words as static class methods [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_002.phpt] TEST 2345/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - Compile Error (const)" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_011.phpt] TEST 2346/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum case attributes [Zend/tests/enum/case-attributes.phpt] TEST 2347/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Missing live range if part of phi [Zend/tests/live_range_phi_leak.phpt] TEST 2348/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum __callStatic [Zend/tests/enum/__callStatic.phpt] TEST 2349/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 023: Root buffer overflow (automatic collection) [Zend/tests/gc_023.phpt] TEST 2350/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Instanceof on literals returns false [Zend/tests/instanceof_const.phpt] TEST 2351/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #67467: eval with parse error causes segmentation fault in generator [Zend/tests/generators/bug67497.phpt] TEST 2352/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Leading commas in function calls is not allowed [Zend/tests/function_arguments/call_with_leading_comma_error.phpt] TEST 2353/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test throwing from fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/failing-fiber.phpt] TEST 2354/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS comparing different variables (greater or equal than) [Zend/tests/compare_005_64bit.phpt] TEST 2355/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP comparing different variables (smaller or equal than) [Zend/tests/compare_006.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2356/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS New not allowed in class constant [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_not_allowed_class_constant.phpt] TEST 2357/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using IAP functions on objects is deprecated [Zend/tests/iap_on_object_deprecated.phpt] TEST 2358/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing first parameter of __call() by ref [Zend/tests/magic_by_ref_006.phpt] TEST 2359/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Acquire callable to assert() [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_assert.phpt] TEST 2360/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fiber function may return by ref, but getReturn() always returns by val [Zend/tests/fibers/return-by-ref.phpt] TEST 2361/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum cannot manually implement UnitEnum [Zend/tests/enum/no-enum-implements-unit-enum.phpt] TEST 2362/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check for correct treatment of relative JMPZNZ offsets when copying opline [Zend/tests/jmpznz_relative_offsets.phpt] TEST 2363/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __DIR__ constant test with includes [Zend/tests/constants/dir-constant-includes.phpt] TEST 2364/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS finally is run even if a generator is closed mid-execution [Zend/tests/generators/finally/finally_ran_on_close.phpt] TEST 2365/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible nowdoc syntax error 7: no ending token [Zend/tests/flexible-nowdoc-error7.phpt] TEST 2366/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS array_walk() function precerve foreach by reference iterator pointer [Zend/tests/foreach_012.phpt] TEST 2367/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators can return non-scalar keys [Zend/tests/generators/generator_with_nonscalar_keys.phpt] TEST 2368/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yield can be used during a method call [Zend/tests/generators/yield_during_method_call.phpt] TEST 2369/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum cannot have properties, even via traits [Zend/tests/enum/traits-no-properties.phpt] TEST 2370/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereferencing on array returned from __call method [Zend/tests/dereference_013.phpt] TEST 2371/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS eval() parse error on function with doc comment [Zend/tests/eval_parse_error_with_doc_comment.phpt] TEST 2372/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns EMPTY STRING [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-empty_str.phpt] TEST 2373/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: only variables can be passed by reference [Zend/tests/errmsg_022.phpt] TEST 2374/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_vars(): Testing visibility [Zend/tests/get_class_vars_006.phpt] TEST 2375/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test semi-reserved words as class properties [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_003.phpt] TEST 2376/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test exceptions thrown from __toString() in various contexts [Zend/tests/exception_from_toString.phpt] TEST 2377/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration for glob [tests/security/open_basedir_glob_variation.phpt] TEST 2378/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum case in class [Zend/tests/enum/case-in-class.phpt] TEST 2379/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Nested" list() [Zend/tests/list_001.phpt] TEST 2380/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum __CLASS__ [Zend/tests/enum/__class__.phpt] TEST 2381/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 024: GC and objects with non-standard handlers [Zend/tests/gc_024.phpt] TEST 2382/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Multiple inner commas in function calls is not allowed [Zend/tests/function_arguments/call_with_multi_inner_comma_error.phpt] TEST 2383/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Break out of while loop that is followed by a return statement and inside a foreach loop [Zend/tests/loop_free_on_return.phpt] TEST 2384/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #69419: Returning compatible sub generator produces a warning [Zend/tests/generators/bug69419.phpt] TEST 2385/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test throwing from fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/failing-nested-fiber.phpt] TEST 2386/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foo(...) in attribute in assert [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_assert2.phpt] TEST 2387/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing second parameter of __call() by ref [Zend/tests/magic_by_ref_007.phpt] TEST 2388/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS comparing different variables (smaller or equal than) [Zend/tests/compare_006_64bit.phpt] TEST 2389/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ignore_repeated_errors ini setting [Zend/tests/ignore_repeated_errors.phpt] TEST 2390/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS New not allowed in property [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_not_allowed_property.phpt] TEST 2391/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try to instantiate all classes without arguments [Zend/tests/instantiate_all_classes.phpt] TEST 2392/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum no manual from method [Zend/tests/enum/no-from.phpt] TEST 2393/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Silence operator does not leak out of fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/silence-operator-inside-fiber.phpt] TEST 2394/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 01: goto backward [Zend/tests/jump01.phpt] TEST 2395/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __DIR__ constant test with nested includes [Zend/tests/constants/dir-constant-nested_includes.phpt] TEST 2396/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible nowdoc syntax error 8: no ending token with explicit trailing space [Zend/tests/flexible-nowdoc-error8.phpt] TEST 2397/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS try { return } finally { return } in generator [Zend/tests/generators/finally/return_return.phpt] TEST 2398/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS array_push() function precerve foreach by reference iterator pointer [Zend/tests/foreach_013.phpt] TEST 2399/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator wit type check [Zend/tests/generators/generator_with_type_check.phpt] TEST 2400/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Impossible to yield from a generator which already failed, nested version [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_aborted_generator_with_children.phpt] TEST 2401/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to create an object from dereferencing uninitialized variable [Zend/tests/dereference_014.phpt] TEST 2402/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum can use traits [Zend/tests/enum/traits.phpt] TEST 2403/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns FALSE [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-false.phpt] TEST 2404/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS EX(func) can be null during write_property in an edge case [Zend/tests/ex_func_null_during_property_write.phpt] TEST 2405/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: access level must be the same or weaker [Zend/tests/errmsg_023.phpt] TEST 2406/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_vars(): Testing with static properties [Zend/tests/get_class_vars_007.phpt] TEST 2407/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test semi-reserved words as static class properties [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_004.phpt] TEST 2408/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calling exception getters when properties hold references [Zend/tests/exception_getters_with_ref_props.phpt] TEST 2409/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing full-reference on list() [Zend/tests/list_002.phpt] TEST 2410/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum cases increases refcount [Zend/tests/enum/cases-refcount.phpt] TEST 2411/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum __FUNCTION__ [Zend/tests/enum/__function__.phpt] TEST 2412/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Multiple trailing commas in function calls is not allowed [Zend/tests/function_arguments/call_with_multi_trailing_comma_error.phpt] TEST 2413/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 025: Automatic GC on request shutdown [Zend/tests/gc_025.phpt] TEST 2414/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding in a static function [Zend/tests/lsb_001.phpt] TEST 2415/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70904 (yield from incorrectly marks valid generator as finished) [Zend/tests/generators/bug70904.phpt] TEST 2416/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fast finishing fiber does not leak [Zend/tests/fibers/fast-finish-fiber.phpt] TEST 2417/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test ignore_repeated_source ini setting [Zend/tests/ignore_repeated_source.phpt] TEST 2418/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test use of magic constants in the global scope [Zend/tests/magic_const_in_global_scope.phpt] TEST 2419/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS new class(...) in assert [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_assert3.phpt] TEST 2420/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Positional argument after named argument in new arguments [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_positional_after_named.phpt] TEST 2421/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Integer conversion from scientific notation [Zend/tests/int_conversion_exponents.phpt] TEST 2422/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Behavior of failing compound assignment [Zend/tests/compound_assign_failure.phpt] TEST 2423/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Silence operator does not leak into fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/silence-operator-outside-fiber.phpt] TEST 2424/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum must not implement Serializable indirectly [Zend/tests/enum/no-implement-serializable-indirect.phpt] TEST 2425/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Standard behaviour of __DIR__ [Zend/tests/constants/dir-constant-normal.phpt] TEST 2426/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Double precision is used for floating point calculations [Zend/tests/float_prec_001.phpt] TEST 2427/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 02: goto forward [Zend/tests/jump02.phpt] TEST 2428/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS try { return } finally { yield } [Zend/tests/generators/finally/return_yield.phpt] TEST 2429/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS array_pop() function precerve foreach by reference iterator pointer [Zend/tests/foreach_014.phpt] TEST 2430/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator wit type check [Zend/tests/generators/generator_with_type_check_2.phpt] TEST 2431/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yielding from the already running Generator should fail (bug #69458) [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_already_running.phpt] TEST 2432/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79777: String cast exception during die should be handled gracefully [Zend/tests/die_string_cast_exception.phpt] TEST 2433/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unit enums can list cases [Zend/tests/enum/unit-cases.phpt] TEST 2434/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS No more errmsg: can now change initial value of property [Zend/tests/errmsg_024.phpt] TEST 2435/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns OBJECT [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-object.phpt] TEST 2436/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing nested exceptions [Zend/tests/exception_001.phpt] TEST 2437/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_vars() returns uninitialized typed properties with a null value [Zend/tests/get_class_vars_typed_props.phpt] TEST 2438/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test semi-reserved words as class constants [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_005.phpt] TEST 2439/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exception handler tests - 1 [Zend/tests/exception_handler_001.phpt] TEST 2440/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with non-array [Zend/tests/list_003.phpt] TEST 2441/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum __get [Zend/tests/enum/__get.phpt] TEST 2442/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_is_dir.phpt] TEST 2443/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Single comma in function calls is not allowed [Zend/tests/function_arguments/call_with_only_comma_error.phpt] TEST 2444/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 026: Automatic GC on request shutdown (GC enabled at run-time) [Zend/tests/gc_026.phpt] TEST 2445/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum comparison [Zend/tests/enum/comparison.phpt] TEST 2446/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding in an instance function [Zend/tests/lsb_002.phpt] TEST 2447/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fatal error in new fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/fatal-error-in-fiber.phpt] TEST 2448/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #70965 (yield from with a common iterator primes too much) [Zend/tests/generators/bug70965.phpt] TEST 2449/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using unset(), isset(), empty() with an illegal array offset throws [Zend/tests/illegal_offset_unset_isset_empty.phpt] TEST 2450/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Acquire callable through various dynamic constructs [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_dynamic.phpt] TEST 2451/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing several magic methods [Zend/tests/magic_methods_001.phpt] TEST 2452/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP testing integer overflow (32bit) [Zend/tests/int_overflow_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2453/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error cases of compound shift assignment on strings [Zend/tests/compound_assign_with_numeric_strings.phpt] TEST 2454/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Arguments to fiber callback [Zend/tests/fibers/start-arguments.phpt] TEST 2455/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS new self / new parent in constant expression [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_self_parent.phpt] TEST 2456/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constants support the final modifier [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const1.phpt] TEST 2457/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 03: goto inside control structures [Zend/tests/jump03.phpt] TEST 2458/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum must not implement Serializable [Zend/tests/enum/no-implement-serializable.phpt] TEST 2459/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS finally is run on object dtor, not free [Zend/tests/generators/finally/run_on_dtor.phpt] TEST 2460/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS array_shift() function precerve foreach by reference iterator pointer [Zend/tests/foreach_015.phpt] TEST 2461/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator::getReturn() success cases [Zend/tests/generators/get_return.phpt] TEST 2462/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS JIT - Assigning to arrays using string key which parses to an integer [Zend/tests/dim_assign_001.phpt] TEST 2463/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yielding values from an array [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_array.phpt] TEST 2464/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing exception and GOTO [Zend/tests/exception_002.phpt] TEST 2465/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum unserialize const [Zend/tests/enum/unserialize-const.phpt] TEST 2466/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot inherit previously inherited constant [Zend/tests/errmsg_025.phpt] TEST 2467/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns RESOURCE [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-resource.phpt] TEST 2468/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_defined_functions() function : basic functionality [Zend/tests/get_defined_functions_basic.phpt] TEST 2469/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test semi-reserved method and constant names and trait conflict resolution [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_006.phpt] TEST 2470/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exception handler tests - 2 [Zend/tests/exception_handler_002.phpt] TEST 2471/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with array reference [Zend/tests/list_004.phpt] TEST 2472/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum __invoke [Zend/tests/enum/__invoke.phpt] TEST 2473/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Allow trailing commas in function and method calls [Zend/tests/function_arguments/call_with_trailing_comma_basic.phpt] TEST 2474/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 027: GC and properties of internal classes [Zend/tests/gc_027.phpt] TEST 2475/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum constants can alias cases [Zend/tests/enum/constant-aliases.phpt] TEST 2476/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding creating a new class with 'static' [Zend/tests/lsb_003.phpt] TEST 2477/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fatal error within a nested fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/fatal-error-in-nested-fiber.phpt] TEST 2478/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71013 (Incorrect exception handler with yield from) [Zend/tests/generators/bug71013.phpt] TEST 2479/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to acquire callable to something that's not callable [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_errors.phpt] TEST 2480/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __unset with private visibility [Zend/tests/magic_methods_002.phpt] TEST 2481/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Incrementing and decrementing a referenced property [Zend/tests/incdec_ref_property.phpt] TEST 2482/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS concat different types [Zend/tests/concat_001.phpt] TEST 2483/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static in new is not supported [Zend/tests/constexpr/new_static.phpt] TEST 2484/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Suspend in force-closed fiber after shutdown [Zend/tests/fibers/suspend-in-force-close-fiber-after-shutdown.phpt] TEST 2485/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Explicit (int) cast must not warn [Zend/tests/float_to_int/explicit_casts_should_not_warn.phpt] TEST 2486/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Interface constants inherited from other interfaces can be redeclared [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const10.phpt] TEST 2487/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS try { throw } finally { yield } [Zend/tests/generators/finally/throw_yield.phpt] TEST 2488/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 04: goto from loop (backward) [Zend/tests/jump04.phpt] TEST 2489/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum disallows name property [Zend/tests/enum/no-name-property.phpt] TEST 2490/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS array_unshift() function precerve foreach by reference iterator pointer [Zend/tests/foreach_016.phpt] TEST 2491/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test interaction of Generator::getReturn() and finally [Zend/tests/generators/get_return_and_finally.phpt] TEST 2492/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions in linear yield from setup [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_backtrace.phpt] TEST 2493/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS dividing doubles [Zend/tests/div_001.phpt] TEST 2494/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot redeclare class [Zend/tests/errmsg_026.phpt] TEST 2495/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Throwing exception in global scope [Zend/tests/exception_003.phpt] TEST 2496/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum unserialize with missing colon [Zend/tests/enum/unserialize-missing-colon.phpt] TEST 2497/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns STRING [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-str.phpt] TEST 2498/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing get_defined_vars() Function [Zend/tests/get_defined_vars.phpt] TEST 2499/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Edge case: self::self, self::parent, parent::self semi reserved constants access [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_007.phpt] TEST 2500/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum __isset [Zend/tests/enum/__isset.phpt] TEST 2501/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exception handler tests - 3 [Zend/tests/exception_handler_003.phpt] TEST 2502/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Call userland function with incorrect variadic argument type [Zend/tests/function_arguments/variadic_argument_type_error.phpt] TEST 2503/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing list() with several variables [Zend/tests/list_005.phpt] TEST 2504/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_is_executable.phpt] TEST 2505/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 028: GC and destructors [Zend/tests/gc_028.phpt] TEST 2506/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum allows constants [Zend/tests/enum/constants.phpt] TEST 2507/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding testing get_called_class() [Zend/tests/lsb_004.phpt] TEST 2508/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71297 (Memory leak with consecutive yield from) [Zend/tests/generators/bug71297.phpt] TEST 2509/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check interaction of first-class callables with optimization [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_optimization.phpt] TEST 2510/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fatal error in a fiber with other active fibers [Zend/tests/fibers/fatal-error-with-multiple-fibers.phpt] TEST 2511/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing integer overflow (64bit) [Zend/tests/int_overflow_64bit.phpt] TEST 2512/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __unset declaring as static [Zend/tests/magic_methods_003.phpt] TEST 2513/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Inc/dec undef var with error handler [Zend/tests/incdec_undef.phpt] TEST 2514/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS LSP checks are performed against an abstract constructor even if it is not a direct parent [Zend/tests/constructor_abstract_grantparent.phpt] TEST 2515/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Explicit (int) cast must not warn 32bit variation [Zend/tests/float_to_int/explicit_casts_should_not_warn_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2516/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Stress test $x .= $x [Zend/tests/concat_002.phpt] TEST 2517/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Suspend in force-closed fiber, catching exception thrown from destructor [Zend/tests/fibers/suspend-in-force-close-fiber-catching-exception.phpt] TEST 2518/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 05: goto from loop (forward) [Zend/tests/jump05.phpt] TEST 2519/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS try { yield } finally { return } [Zend/tests/generators/finally/yield_return.phpt] TEST 2520/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constants cannot be inherited from both a class and an interface [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const11.phpt] TEST 2521/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum no new through reflection [Zend/tests/enum/no-new-through-reflection.phpt] TEST 2522/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator::getReturn() error cases [Zend/tests/generators/get_return_errors.phpt] TEST 2523/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS array_splice() function precerve foreach by reference iterator pointer [Zend/tests/foreach_017.phpt] TEST 2524/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yield from by reference is not supported [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_by_reference.phpt] TEST 2525/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: class declarations may not be nested [Zend/tests/errmsg_027.phpt] TEST 2526/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Throwing exception using a class that isn't derived from the Exception base class [Zend/tests/exception_004.phpt] TEST 2527/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum unserialize non-enum [Zend/tests/enum/unserialize-non-enum.phpt] TEST 2528/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS dividing arrays [Zend/tests/div_002.phpt] TEST 2529/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_mangled_object_vars() function [Zend/tests/get_mangled_object_vars.phpt] TEST 2530/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method with bad returns TRUE [Zend/tests/debug_info-error-true.phpt] TEST 2531/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing with comments around semi-reserved names (not intended to be legible) [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_008.phpt] TEST 2532/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum __METHOD__ [Zend/tests/enum/__method__.phpt] TEST 2533/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing nested list() with empty array [Zend/tests/list_006.phpt] TEST 2534/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exception handler tests - 4 [Zend/tests/exception_handler_004.phpt] TEST 2535/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument parsing error #001 [Zend/tests/function_arguments_001.phpt] TEST 2536/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 029: GC and destructors [Zend/tests/gc_029.phpt] TEST 2537/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum in default parameter [Zend/tests/enum/default-parameter.phpt] TEST 2538/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS FiberError cannot be constructed in user code [Zend/tests/fibers/fiber-error-construct.phpt] TEST 2539/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding stacking static calleds [Zend/tests/lsb_005.phpt] TEST 2540/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First class callables and references [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_refs.phpt] TEST 2541/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71441 (Typehinted Generator with return in try/finally crashes) [Zend/tests/generators/bug71441.phpt] TEST 2542/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __unset() with protected visibility [Zend/tests/magic_methods_004.phpt] TEST 2543/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Conversion of special float values to int [Zend/tests/int_special_values.phpt] TEST 2544/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Include fails during read [Zend/tests/include_fail_during_read.phpt] TEST 2545/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Negative 0 check [Zend/tests/float_to_int/negative_zero_check.phpt] TEST 2546/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Different numbers of arguments in __construct() [Zend/tests/constructor_args.phpt] TEST 2547/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Interface constants cannot be inherited from other interfaces [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const12.phpt] TEST 2548/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS try { yield } finally { throw } [Zend/tests/generators/finally/yield_throw.phpt] TEST 2549/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 06: goto to undefined label [Zend/tests/jump06.phpt] TEST 2550/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Suspend in force-closed fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/suspend-in-force-close-fiber.phpt] TEST 2551/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach on stdClass with properties looking like mangled properties [Zend/tests/foreach_018.phpt] TEST 2552/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum no new [Zend/tests/enum/no-new.phpt] TEST 2553/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test different types of generator return values (VM operands) [Zend/tests/generators/get_return_types.phpt] TEST 2554/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot use 'self' as class name [Zend/tests/errmsg_028.phpt] TEST 2555/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Leaf link may need to be invalidated depending on dtor order [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_chain_dtor_order.phpt] TEST 2556/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum unserialize non-existent case [Zend/tests/enum/unserialize-non-existent-case.phpt] TEST 2557/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to throw exception of an interface [Zend/tests/exception_005.phpt] TEST 2558/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Division by zero in compound assignment with refcounted operand [Zend/tests/div_by_zero_compound_refcounted.phpt] TEST 2559/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing get_parent_class() [Zend/tests/get_parent_class_001.phpt] TEST 2560/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __debugInfo() magic method [Zend/tests/debug_info.phpt] TEST 2561/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum AST dumper [Zend/tests/enum/ast-dumper.phpt] TEST 2562/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Edge case: T_STRING as T_STRING [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_009.phpt] TEST 2563/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument parsing error #002 [Zend/tests/function_arguments_002.phpt] TEST 2564/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using lambda with list() [Zend/tests/list_007.phpt] TEST 2565/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 030: GC and exceptions in destructors [Zend/tests/gc_030.phpt] TEST 2566/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_is_file.phpt] TEST 2567/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum cases can be referenced by constants [Zend/tests/enum/enum-as-constant.phpt] TEST 2568/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exception handler tests - 5 [Zend/tests/exception_handler_005.phpt] TEST 2569/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fiber::getCurrent() [Zend/tests/fibers/fiber-get-current.phpt] TEST 2570/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding ensuring extending 'static' is not allowed [Zend/tests/lsb_006.phpt] TEST 2571/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #71601 (finally block not executed after yield from) [Zend/tests/generators/bug71601.phpt] TEST 2572/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First class callables should retain the signature for reflection [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_signature.phpt] TEST 2573/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __call() declaration in interface with wrong modifier [Zend/tests/magic_methods_005.phpt] TEST 2574/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Stats executed during include path resolution should be silent [Zend/tests/include_stat_is_quiet.phpt] TEST 2575/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using an integer as a static property name [Zend/tests/int_static_prop_name.phpt] TEST 2576/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP testing integer underflow (32bit) [Zend/tests/int_underflow_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2577/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Warning on continue targeting switch [Zend/tests/continue_targeting_switch_warning.phpt] TEST 2578/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug GH-7757 (Multi-inherited final constant causes fatal error) [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const13.phpt] TEST 2579/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try { yield } finally { yield } [Zend/tests/generators/finally/yield_yield.phpt] TEST 2580/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 07: goto into loop (backward) [Zend/tests/jump07.phpt] TEST 2581/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions should not warn for literals if float has a fractional part equal to 0 [Zend/tests/float_to_int/no_warning_compatible_float_literals.phpt] TEST 2582/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Suspend within nested function call [Zend/tests/fibers/suspend-in-nested-function.phpt] TEST 2583/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Non-backed enum cannot implement BackedEnum [Zend/tests/enum/no-non-backed-enum-implements-backed-enum.phpt] TEST 2584/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot use 'parent' as class name [Zend/tests/errmsg_029.phpt] TEST 2585/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Perform a packed to hash insert when the iterator is at the end of the array [Zend/tests/foreach_by_ref_repacking_insert.phpt] TEST 2586/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ignoring a sent value shouldn't leak memory [Zend/tests/generators/ignored_send_leak.phpt] TEST 2587/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to throw a non-object [Zend/tests/exception_006.phpt] TEST 2588/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum unserialize refcount [Zend/tests/enum/unserialize-refcount.phpt] TEST 2589/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check if get_required_files works [Zend/tests/get_required_files.phpt] TEST 2590/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Division by zero in compound operator with type coercion [Zend/tests/div_by_zero_compound_with_conversion.phpt] TEST 2591/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calling debug_print_backtrace() from main script [Zend/tests/debug_print_backtrace_from_main.phpt] TEST 2592/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Deep recursion with yield from [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_deep_recursion.phpt] TEST 2593/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Int backed enums with can list cases [Zend/tests/enum/backed-cases-int.phpt] TEST 2594/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assignment to invalid list() value [Zend/tests/list_008.phpt] TEST 2595/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Edge case: T_STRING insteadof T_STRING [Zend/tests/grammar/semi_reserved_010.phpt] TEST 2596/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Function Argument Parsing #003 [Zend/tests/function_arguments_003.phpt] TEST 2597/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 031: gc_collect_roots() with GC turned off. [Zend/tests/gc_031.phpt] TEST 2598/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exception handler tests - 6 [Zend/tests/exception_handler_006.phpt] TEST 2599/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum types as parameters [Zend/tests/enum/enum-as-params.phpt] TEST 2600/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding ensuring implementing 'static' is not allowed [Zend/tests/lsb_007.phpt] TEST 2601/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #72523 (dtrace issue with reflection (failed test)) [Zend/tests/generators/bug72523.phpt] TEST 2602/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fiber in shutdown function [Zend/tests/fibers/fiber-in-shutdown-function.phpt] TEST 2603/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax complex test 1: interpolated nested heredocs with different delimiter names [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-complex-test1.phpt] TEST 2604/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __callstatic declaration in interface with missing the 'static' modifier [Zend/tests/magic_methods_006.phpt] TEST 2605/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Incompatible context call (non-internal function) [Zend/tests/incompat_ctx_user.phpt] TEST 2606/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP incrementing different variables [Zend/tests/increment_001.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2607/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion cannot be used inside an abstract constructor [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_abstract.phpt] TEST 2608/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing integer underflow (64bit) [Zend/tests/int_underflow_64bit.phpt] TEST 2609/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS func_get_args() can be used inside generator functions [Zend/tests/generators/func_get_args.phpt] TEST 2610/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Final class constants cannot be overridden [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const2.phpt] TEST 2611/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit string float to int conversions should not warn for literals if float has a fractional part equal to 0 [Zend/tests/float_to_int/no_warning_compatible_string_float_literals.phpt] TEST 2612/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 08: goto into loop (forward) [Zend/tests/jump08.phpt] TEST 2613/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Suspend outside fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/suspend-outside-fiber.phpt] TEST 2614/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot use 'self' as parent class name [Zend/tests/errmsg_030.phpt] TEST 2615/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach by ref assignment to property [Zend/tests/foreach_by_ref_to_property.phpt] TEST 2616/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum properties cannot be passed by-ref [Zend/tests/enum/no-pass-properties-by-ref.phpt] TEST 2617/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum unserialize [Zend/tests/enum/unserialize.phpt] TEST 2618/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A generator iterator wrapper involved in a cycle should not leak [Zend/tests/generators/iterator_wrapper_leak.phpt] TEST 2619/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Setting previous exception [Zend/tests/exception_007.phpt] TEST 2620/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_resource_id() function [Zend/tests/get_resource_id.phpt] TEST 2621/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS debug_print_backtrace limit [Zend/tests/debug_print_backtrace_limit.phpt] TEST 2622/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Division by zero in static [Zend/tests/div_by_zero_in_static.phpt] TEST 2623/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Do not allow mixing [] and list() [Zend/tests/list_010.phpt] TEST 2624/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS String backed enums can list cases [Zend/tests/enum/backed-cases-string.phpt] TEST 2625/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot "yield from" from force closed generator [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_force_closed.phpt] TEST 2626/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Protected visibility test case with a grandparent prototype [Zend/tests/grandparent_prototype.phpt] TEST 2627/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS function_exists function : basic functionality [Zend/tests/function_exists_basic.phpt] TEST 2628/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 032: Crash in GC because of invalid reference counting [Zend/tests/gc_032.phpt] TEST 2629/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum attributes [Zend/tests/enum/enum-attributes.phpt] TEST 2630/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_is_link.phpt] TEST 2631/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exception handler tests - 7 [Zend/tests/exception_handler_007.phpt] TEST 2632/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding class name "static" [Zend/tests/lsb_008.phpt] TEST 2633/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74157 (Segfault with nested generators) [Zend/tests/generators/bug74157.phpt] TEST 2634/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __set() declaration in abstract class with wrong modifier [Zend/tests/magic_methods_007.phpt] TEST 2635/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fiber status methods [Zend/tests/fibers/fiber-status.phpt] TEST 2636/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax complex test 2: interpolated nested heredocs with the same delimiter name [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-complex-test2.phpt] TEST 2637/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS It's not possible to increment the return value of a function [Zend/tests/increment_function_return_error.phpt] TEST 2638/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion only permits visibility modifiers [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_additional_modifiers.phpt] TEST 2639/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying inherit abstract function twice [Zend/tests/inter_007.phpt] TEST 2640/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Close generator in dtor to avoid freeing order issues [Zend/tests/generators/gc_order.phpt] TEST 2641/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Private class constants cannot be final [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const3.phpt] TEST 2642/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 09: goto into switch (backward) [Zend/tests/jump09.phpt] TEST 2643/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions should not warn for literals in combined assingment operetor if float has a fractional part equal to 0 [Zend/tests/float_to_int/no_warnings_compatible_float_literals_assignment_ops.phpt] TEST 2644/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Make sure exceptions are rethrown when throwing from fiber destructor [Zend/tests/fibers/throw-during-fiber-destruct.phpt] TEST 2645/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] FAIL Concatenating many small strings should not slowdown allocations [Zend/tests/concat_003.phpt] TEST 2646/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot use 'parent' as parent class name [Zend/tests/errmsg_031.phpt] TEST 2647/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Empty foreach loops with exception must not leak [Zend/tests/foreach_empty_loop_leak.phpt] TEST 2648/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum disallows properties [Zend/tests/enum/no-properties.phpt] TEST 2649/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Multiple yield from on a same Generator instance [Zend/tests/generators/multiple_yield_from_on_same_generator.phpt] TEST 2650/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception in __destruct while exception is pending [Zend/tests/exception_008.phpt] TEST 2651/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum value property has automatic type [Zend/tests/enum/value-property-type.phpt] TEST 2652/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS To string conversion failure in global [Zend/tests/global_to_string_exception.phpt] TEST 2653/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Disallow list() usage as if it were an array [Zend/tests/list_011.phpt] TEST 2654/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __HALT_COMPILER() basic test [Zend/tests/halt01.phpt] TEST 2655/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backed enums reject duplicate int values [Zend/tests/enum/backed-duplicate-int.phpt] TEST 2656/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield from parses too greedily [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_greedy_parse.phpt] TEST 2657/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Double array cast [Zend/tests/double_array_cast.phpt] TEST 2658/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions ignoring arguments [Zend/tests/exception_ignore_args.phpt] TEST 2659/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Function declaration should not be allowed before namespace declaration [Zend/tests/function_outside_namespace.phpt] TEST 2660/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum in constant [Zend/tests/enum/enum-in-constant.phpt] TEST 2661/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 033: Crash in GC while run with phpspec [Zend/tests/gc_033.phpt] TEST 2662/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __set implementation with wrong declaration [Zend/tests/magic_methods_008.phpt] TEST 2663/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding interface name "static" [Zend/tests/lsb_009.phpt] TEST 2664/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74606 (Segfault within try/catch/finally nesting in Generators) [Zend/tests/generators/bug74606.phpt] TEST 2665/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC can cleanup cycle when callback references fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/gc-cycle-callback.phpt] TEST 2666/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax complex test 3: interpolated nested heredocs with the same delimiter name with different levels of indentation [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-complex-test3.phpt] TEST 2667/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Namespace constant as value default [Zend/tests/inter_02.phpt] TEST 2668/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indexing - various special cases. [Zend/tests/indexing_001.phpt] TEST 2669/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Interface constants can be overridden directly [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const4.phpt] TEST 2670/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attributes on promoted properties are assigned to both the property and parameter [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_attributes.phpt] TEST 2671/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions should not warn for variables if float has a fractional part equal to 0 [Zend/tests/float_to_int/no_warnings_compatible_float_vars.phpt] TEST 2672/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Throw in multiple destroyed fibers after shutdown [Zend/tests/fibers/throw-in-multiple-destroyed-fibers-after-shutdown.phpt] TEST 2673/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 10: goto into switch (forward) [Zend/tests/jump10.phpt] TEST 2674/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC on running generator [Zend/tests/generators/gc_running_generator.phpt] TEST 2675/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: __construct() cannot be static [Zend/tests/errmsg_032.phpt] TEST 2676/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constexpr arrays should be able to handle resource keys [Zend/tests/const_array_with_resource_key.phpt] TEST 2677/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Internal constant deprecation [Zend/tests/const_deprecation.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 2678/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with list syntax [Zend/tests/foreach_list_001.phpt] TEST 2679/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum properties cannot be returned by-ref [Zend/tests/enum/no-return-properties-by-ref.phpt] TEST 2680/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Multiple yield from on a same Generator throwing an Exception [Zend/tests/generators/mutli_yield_from_with_exception.phpt] TEST 2681/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing exception properties [Zend/tests/exception_009.phpt] TEST 2682/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum var_dump nested [Zend/tests/enum/var_dump-nested.phpt] TEST 2683/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Disallow empty elements in normal arrays [Zend/tests/list_012.phpt] TEST 2684/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Global variable import using a name with side effects [Zend/tests/global_with_side_effect_name.phpt] TEST 2685/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __HALT_COMPILER() basic test [Zend/tests/halt02.phpt] TEST 2686/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backed enums reject duplicate string values [Zend/tests/enum/backed-duplicate-string.phpt] TEST 2687/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP double to string conversion tests [Zend/tests/double_to_string.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2688/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield from with an (Array)Iterator [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_iterator.phpt] TEST 2689/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Function redeclaration must produce a simple fatal [Zend/tests/function_redecl.phpt] TEST 2690/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_is_readable.phpt] TEST 2691/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum in static var [Zend/tests/enum/enum-in-static-var.phpt] TEST 2692/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception during nested rope [Zend/tests/exception_in_nested_rope.phpt] TEST 2693/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 034: GC in request shutdown and resource list destroy [Zend/tests/gc_034.phpt] TEST 2694/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding using static:: in functions called by non execute() calls and constructors. [Zend/tests/lsb_010.phpt] TEST 2695/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __callstatic declaration with wrong modifier [Zend/tests/magic_methods_009.phpt] TEST 2696/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74954 (crash after update of generator yielding from finished generator) [Zend/tests/generators/bug74954.phpt] TEST 2697/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC can cleanup cycle when fiber result references fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/gc-cycle-result.phpt] TEST 2698/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax complex test 4: interpolated variable with the same delimiter name as the heredoc [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-complex-test4.phpt] TEST 2699/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing interface constants with inheritance [Zend/tests/inter_03.phpt] TEST 2700/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Final interface constants cannot be overridden directly [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const5.phpt] TEST 2701/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect method call by array - Invalid class name [Zend/tests/indirect_call_array_001.phpt] TEST 2702/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 08: goto inside switch in constructor [Zend/tests/jump11.phpt] TEST 2703/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Throw into non-running fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/throw-into-non-running-fiber.phpt] TEST 2704/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion (basic example) [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_basic.phpt] TEST 2705/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: __destruct() cannot be static [Zend/tests/errmsg_033.phpt] TEST 2706/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit string float to int conversions should not warn for variables if float has a fractional part equal to 0 [Zend/tests/float_to_int/no_warnings_compatible_string_float_vars.phpt] TEST 2707/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator GC triggered with live iterator in foreach [Zend/tests/generators/gc_with_iterator_in_foreach.phpt] TEST 2708/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Const array deference [Zend/tests/const_dereference_001.phpt] TEST 2709/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with freak lists [Zend/tests/foreach_list_002.phpt] TEST 2710/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum disallows static properties [Zend/tests/enum/no-static-properties.phpt] TEST 2711/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nested calls with die() in a generator [Zend/tests/generators/nested_calls_with_die.phpt] TEST 2712/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing declare statement with several type values [Zend/tests/declare_001.phpt] TEST 2713/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum var_dump reference [Zend/tests/enum/var_dump-reference.phpt] TEST 2714/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __HALT_COMPILER() basic test [Zend/tests/halt03.phpt] TEST 2715/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Disallow tail empty elements in normal arrays [Zend/tests/list_013.phpt] TEST 2716/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test exception doesn't cause RSHUTDOWN bypass, variation 0 [Zend/tests/exception_011.phpt] TEST 2717/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS globals in global scope [Zend/tests/globals_001.phpt] TEST 2718/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BackedEnum::from() reject invalid int [Zend/tests/enum/backed-from-invalid-int.phpt] TEST 2719/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 001: gc_enable()/gc_diable()/gc_enabled() [Zend/tests/gc_001.phpt] TEST 2720/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield from with an IteratorAggregate [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_iterator_agregate.phpt] TEST 2721/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding call to static::method() from internal function (array) [Zend/tests/lsb_011.phpt] TEST 2722/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 035: Lost inner-cycles garbage [Zend/tests/gc_035.phpt] TEST 2723/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception during rope finalization [Zend/tests/exception_in_rope_end.phpt] TEST 2724/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enum keyword is reserved_non_modifiers [Zend/tests/enum/enum-reserved-non-modifiers.phpt] TEST 2725/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __toString() declaration with wrong modifier [Zend/tests/magic_methods_010.phpt] TEST 2726/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #75396: Exit inside generator finally results in fatal error [Zend/tests/generators/bug75396.phpt] TEST 2727/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fiber::getReturn() after bailout [Zend/tests/fibers/get-return-after-bailout.phpt] TEST 2728/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax 1: different indentation for body (spaces) ending marker (tabs) [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error1.phpt] TEST 2729/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Final interface constants can be inherited [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const6.phpt] TEST 2730/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect method call by array - Invalid method name [Zend/tests/indirect_call_array_002.phpt] TEST 2731/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 09: goto in declare statement [Zend/tests/jump12.phpt] TEST 2732/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test throwing into fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/throw.phpt] TEST 2733/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying declare interface with repeated name of inherited method [Zend/tests/inter_04.phpt] TEST 2734/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion of by-ref parameter [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_by_ref.phpt] TEST 2735/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Union of int|string shouldn't warn if string semantics are used [Zend/tests/float_to_int/union_int_string_type_arg.phpt] TEST 2736/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: __clone() cannot be static [Zend/tests/errmsg_034.phpt] TEST 2737/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator GC when the yield from parent chain does not reach the root [Zend/tests/generators/gc_with_root_parent_mismatch.phpt] TEST 2738/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Const string dereference [Zend/tests/const_dereference_002.phpt] TEST 2739/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with list key [Zend/tests/foreach_list_003.phpt] TEST 2740/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum prevent unsetting value [Zend/tests/enum/no-unsed-value.phpt] TEST 2741/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yield can be used in nested method calls [Zend/tests/generators/nested_method_calls.phpt] TEST 2742/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing declare statement with several type values [Zend/tests/declare_002.phpt] TEST 2743/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot destructure using array(), even if nested [Zend/tests/list_014.phpt] TEST 2744/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS globals in local scope [Zend/tests/globals_002.phpt] TEST 2745/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __HALT_COMPILER(); [Zend/tests/halt_compiler1.phpt] TEST 2746/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum var_export [Zend/tests/enum/var_export.phpt] TEST 2747/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS double to string conversion tests (64bit) [Zend/tests/double_to_string_64bit.phpt] TEST 2748/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions on improper access to static class properties [Zend/tests/exception_013.phpt] TEST 2749/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 002: gc_enable()/gc_diable() and ini_get() [Zend/tests/gc_002.phpt] TEST 2750/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BackedEnum::from() reject invalid string [Zend/tests/enum/backed-from-invalid-string.phpt] TEST 2751/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_is_writable.phpt] TEST 2752/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield from on multiple trees needing merge [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_multi_tree.phpt] TEST 2753/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 036: Memleaks in self-referenced array [Zend/tests/gc_036.phpt] TEST 2754/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding call to static::method() from internal function (string) [Zend/tests/lsb_012.phpt] TEST 2755/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Leak when setting recursive previous exception in finally handling [Zend/tests/exception_set_previous_leak.phpt] TEST 2756/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS enum_exists [Zend/tests/enum/enum_exists.phpt] TEST 2757/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __set first parameter should be a string when typed [Zend/tests/magic_methods_011.phpt] TEST 2758/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #76427 (Segfault in zend_objects_store_put) [Zend/tests/generators/bug76427.phpt] TEST 2759/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fiber::getReturn() after a fiber throws [Zend/tests/fibers/get-return-after-throwing.phpt] TEST 2760/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 10: unindented variable interpolation (as first value) [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error10.phpt] TEST 2761/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Interface constants can be overridden indirectly [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const7.phpt] TEST 2762/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect method call by array - Calling __call() and __callStatic() [Zend/tests/indirect_call_array_003.phpt] TEST 2763/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 10: goto with try blocks [Zend/tests/jump13.phpt] TEST 2764/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Type of promoted property may not be callable [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_callable_type.phpt] TEST 2765/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test unfinished fiber with finally block [Zend/tests/fibers/unfinished-fiber-with-finally.phpt] TEST 2766/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to inherit a class in an interface [Zend/tests/inter_05.phpt] TEST 2767/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot use 'self' as interface name [Zend/tests/errmsg_035.phpt] TEST 2768/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Promote deprecation warning for int|string type into exception [Zend/tests/float_to_int/union_int_string_type_arg_promote_exception.phpt] TEST 2769/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Verify yield from on generators being properly cycle collected [Zend/tests/generators/gc_with_yield_from.phpt] TEST 2770/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Const array deference [Zend/tests/const_dereference_003.phpt] TEST 2771/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with empty list [Zend/tests/foreach_list_004.phpt] TEST 2772/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum properties cannot be unset [Zend/tests/enum/no-unset-propertes.phpt] TEST 2773/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach() (and other) variables aren't leaked on premature close [Zend/tests/generators/no_foreach_var_leaks.phpt] TEST 2774/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing declare statement with several type values [Zend/tests/declare_003.phpt] TEST 2775/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS String offset error during list() by-ref assignment [Zend/tests/list_assign_ref_string_offset_error.phpt] TEST 2776/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS globals in local scope - 2 [Zend/tests/globals_003.phpt] TEST 2777/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Use enum as WeakMap key [Zend/tests/enum/weak-map.phpt] TEST 2778/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Scoping in destructor call [Zend/tests/dtor_scope.phpt] TEST 2779/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 003: gc_enabled() and ini_set() [Zend/tests/gc_003.phpt] TEST 2780/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions on improper access to static class properties [Zend/tests/exception_014.phpt] TEST 2781/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BackedEnum::from() reject invalid type [Zend/tests/enum/backed-from-invalid-type.phpt] TEST 2782/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding is_callable() and static::method() [Zend/tests/lsb_013.phpt] TEST 2783/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield from on multiple trees needing merge [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_multi_tree_exception.phpt] TEST 2784/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 037: gc_status() [Zend/tests/gc_037.phpt] TEST 2785/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception with by-ref message [Zend/tests/exception_with_by_ref_message.phpt] TEST 2786/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum is final [Zend/tests/enum/final.phpt] TEST 2787/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __get first parameter should be a string when typed [Zend/tests/magic_methods_012.phpt] TEST 2788/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78434: Generator skips first item after valid() call [Zend/tests/generators/bug78434.phpt] TEST 2789/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fiber::getReturn() from unstarted fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/get-return-from-unstarted-fiber.phpt] TEST 2790/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 11: show erroneous line in error message (variable interpolation) [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error11.phpt] TEST 2791/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constants cannot be inherited from two different interfaces [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const8.phpt] TEST 2792/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing GOTO inside blocks [Zend/tests/jump14.phpt] TEST 2793/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect method call by array - Testing exception and method magics [Zend/tests/indirect_call_array_004.phpt] TEST 2794/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion with default values [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_defaults.phpt] TEST 2795/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test unfinished fiber with nested try/catch blocks [Zend/tests/fibers/unfinished-fiber-with-nested-try-catch.phpt] TEST 2796/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying use name of an internal class as interface name [Zend/tests/inter_06.phpt] TEST 2797/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot use 'parent' as interface name [Zend/tests/errmsg_036.phpt] TEST 2798/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions when float too large should warn, array variant [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warning_float_does_not_fit_zend_long_arrays.phpt] TEST 2799/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closures can be generators [Zend/tests/generators/generator_closure.phpt] TEST 2800/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with list syntax, keyed [Zend/tests/foreach_list_keyed.phpt] TEST 2801/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Incorrect constant evaluation of and/or (OSS-Fuzz #19255) [Zend/tests/const_eval_and.phpt] TEST 2802/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing declare statement with several type values [Zend/tests/declare_004.phpt] TEST 2803/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum disallows value property [Zend/tests/enum/no-value-property.phpt] TEST 2804/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check if recursion with yield from works [Zend/tests/generators/recursive_yield_from.phpt] TEST 2805/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() can be used to destructure to string offsets, __set and ArrayAccess::offsetSet [Zend/tests/list_destructuring_to_special_variables.phpt] TEST 2806/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS globals in local scope - 3 [Zend/tests/globals_004.phpt] TEST 2807/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: Non-abstract method must contain body [Zend/tests/errmsg_001.phpt] TEST 2808/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __HALT_COMPILER(); 2 files [Zend/tests/halt_compiler2.phpt] TEST 2809/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Duplicate labels are not allowed [Zend/tests/duplicate_label_error.phpt] TEST 2810/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 004: Simple array cycle [Zend/tests/gc_004.phpt] TEST 2811/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding access to static::const through defined() and get_constant() [Zend/tests/lsb_014.phpt] TEST 2812/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BackedEnum::from() unknown hash [Zend/tests/enum/backed-from-unknown-hash.phpt] TEST 2813/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions on improper access to string [Zend/tests/exception_015.phpt] TEST 2814/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield from on multiple trees needing merge, with intermediary nodes having only one child [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_multi_tree_single_nodes.phpt] TEST 2815/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 038: Garbage created by compound assignment operators (e.g. +=) [Zend/tests/gc_038.phpt] TEST 2816/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception handler should not be invoked for exit() [Zend/tests/exit_exception_handler.phpt] TEST 2817/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79600: Regression in 7.4.6 when yielding an array based generator [Zend/tests/generators/bug79600.phpt] TEST 2818/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum implements [Zend/tests/enum/implements.phpt] TEST 2819/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __isset first parameter should be a string when typed [Zend/tests/magic_methods_013.phpt] TEST 2820/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fiber::getReturn() in unfinished fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/get-return-in-unfinished-fiber.phpt] TEST 2821/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 12: show erroneous line in error message (mixed indentation) [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error12.phpt] TEST 2822/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constants inherited from interfaces can be redeclared [Zend/tests/constants/final_constants/final_const9.phpt] TEST 2823/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion cannot be used in a free function [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_free_function.phpt] TEST 2824/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 15: goto from loop (forward) [Zend/tests/jump15.phpt] TEST 2825/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic static call to instance method should throw. [Zend/tests/indirect_call_array_005.phpt] TEST 2826/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test unfinished fiber with suspend in finally [Zend/tests/fibers/unfinished-fiber-with-suspend-in-finally.phpt] TEST 2827/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing interface_exists() [Zend/tests/interface_exists_001.phpt] TEST 2828/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: properties cannot be abstract [Zend/tests/errmsg_037.phpt] TEST 2829/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions when float too large should warn, string offset variant [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warning_float_does_not_fit_zend_long_strings.phpt] TEST 2830/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Implicit float to int conversions when float too large should warn, string offset variant, 32bit variant [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warning_float_does_not_fit_zend_long_strings_32bit.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2831/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Closures can be unused generators [Zend/tests/generators/generator_closure_unused.phpt] TEST 2832/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach over null [Zend/tests/foreach_over_null.phpt] TEST 2833/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing declare statement with ticks [Zend/tests/declare_005.phpt] TEST 2834/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constant arrays [Zend/tests/constant_arrays.phpt] TEST 2835/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A generator can be yielded from multiple times, testing immediate release of the yield from'ing generator [Zend/tests/generators/repeated_yield_from_with_immediate_release.phpt] TEST 2836/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Readonly enum properties should not be writable via cache slot merging [Zend/tests/enum/no-write-properties-cache-slot.phpt] TEST 2837/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Empty list() assignments are not allowed [Zend/tests/list_empty_error.phpt] TEST 2838/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS $GLOBALS resize [Zend/tests/globals_005.phpt] TEST 2839/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: function cannot be declared private [Zend/tests/errmsg_002.phpt] TEST 2840/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __HALT_COMPILER(); bad define() of __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ 1 [Zend/tests/halt_compiler3.phpt] TEST 2841/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP zend_dval_to_lval preserves low bits (32 bit long) [Zend/tests/dval_to_lval_32.phpt] reason: for machines with 32-bit longs TEST 2842/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 005: Simple object cycle [Zend/tests/gc_005.phpt] TEST 2843/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding with exceptions [Zend/tests/lsb_015.phpt] TEST 2844/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS BackedEnum::from() [Zend/tests/enum/backed-from.phpt] TEST 2845/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions on improper usage of $this [Zend/tests/exception_016.phpt] TEST 2846/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 039: Garbage created by replacing argument send by reference [Zend/tests/gc_039.phpt] TEST 2847/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yield from non-iterable [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_non_iterable.phpt] TEST 2848/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exit() and finally (1) [Zend/tests/exit_finally_1.phpt] TEST 2849/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #80240: Use after free multi yield from [Zend/tests/generators/bug80240.phpt] TEST 2850/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __unset first parameter should be a string when typed [Zend/tests/magic_methods_014.phpt] TEST 2851/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Auto implement BackedEnum interface [Zend/tests/enum/instanceof-backed-enum.phpt] TEST 2852/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test fiber return value [Zend/tests/fibers/get-return.phpt] TEST 2853/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 12: show erroneous line in error message (lacking indentation) [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error13.phpt] TEST 2854/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_link.phpt] TEST 2855/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Defining and using constants [Zend/tests/constants_001.phpt] TEST 2856/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 16: goto into try/catch [Zend/tests/jump16.phpt] TEST 2857/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test unfinished fiber with suspend in finally [Zend/tests/fibers/unfinished-fiber-with-throw-in-finally.phpt] TEST 2858/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Non-static closures can be generators [Zend/tests/generators/generator_closure_with_this.phpt] TEST 2859/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing interface_exists() inside a namespace [Zend/tests/interface_exists_002.phpt] TEST 2860/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion cannot be used inside an abstract constructor (interface variant) [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_interface.phpt] TEST 2861/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach with reference [Zend/tests/foreach_reference.phpt] TEST 2862/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect call with constants. [Zend/tests/indirect_call_from_constant.phpt] TEST 2863/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum properties cannot be written to through reference in foreach [Zend/tests/enum/no-write-properties-through-foreach-reference.phpt] TEST 2864/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions should warn for literals [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warnings_float_literals.phpt] TEST 2865/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: properties cannot be final [Zend/tests/errmsg_038.phpt] TEST 2866/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Use of non-literals in declare ticks values crashes compiler [Zend/tests/declare_006.phpt] TEST 2867/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS goto inside foreach [Zend/tests/goto_in_foreach.phpt] TEST 2868/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use empty elements in keyed array destructuring [Zend/tests/list_empty_error_keyed.phpt] TEST 2869/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constant Expressions [Zend/tests/constant_expressions.phpt] TEST 2870/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 006: Simple array-object cycle [Zend/tests/gc_006.phpt] TEST 2871/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding within hooks/magic methods [Zend/tests/lsb_016.phpt] TEST 2872/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot reassign $this (by ref) [Zend/tests/errmsg_003.phpt] TEST 2873/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backed Enum with multiple implementing interfaces [Zend/tests/enum/backed-implements-multiple.phpt] TEST 2874/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return from by-ref generator [Zend/tests/generators/return_from_by_ref_generator.phpt] TEST 2875/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __HALT_COMPILER(); bad define() of __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ 2 [Zend/tests/halt_compiler4.phpt] TEST 2876/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 041: Handling of references in nested data of objects with destructor [Zend/tests/gc_041.phpt] TEST 2877/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators cannot be cloned [Zend/tests/generators/clone.phpt] TEST 2878/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __call first parameter should be a string typed [Zend/tests/magic_methods_015.phpt] TEST 2879/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Auto implement UnitEnum interface [Zend/tests/enum/instanceof-unitenum.phpt] TEST 2880/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jump 17: goto into try/catch with finally [Zend/tests/jump17.phpt] TEST 2881/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test unfinished fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/unfinished-fiber.phpt] TEST 2882/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions on improper usage of $this [Zend/tests/exception_017.phpt] TEST 2883/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax 2: mixing spaces and tabs in body [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error2.phpt] TEST 2884/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception from valid() during yield from [Zend/tests/generators/yield_from_valid_exception.phpt] TEST 2885/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Reference to invocable class retained while running [Zend/tests/fibers/invocable-class.phpt] TEST 2886/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exit() and finally (2) [Zend/tests/exit_finally_2.phpt] TEST 2887/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Defining constants with non-scalar values [Zend/tests/constants_002.phpt] TEST 2888/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators work properly in MultipleIterator [Zend/tests/generators/generator_in_multipleiterator.phpt] TEST 2889/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum properties cannot be written to through references [Zend/tests/enum/no-write-properties-through-references.phpt] TEST 2890/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions should warn for literals in combined assingment operetor [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warnings_float_literals_assignment_ops.phpt] TEST 2891/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding nested calls [Zend/tests/lsb_017.phpt] TEST 2892/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #78441 (Parse error due to heredoc identifier followed by digit) [Zend/tests/grammar/bug78441.phpt] TEST 2893/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constant expressions with arrays [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_arrays.phpt] TEST 2894/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: cannot redeclare property [Zend/tests/errmsg_039.phpt] TEST 2895/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect call with 'Class::method' syntax with class in namespace [Zend/tests/indirect_call_string_001.phpt] TEST 2896/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing declare statement with ticks with callback arguments [Zend/tests/declare_007.phpt] TEST 2897/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic property shadowed by private property [Zend/tests/foreach_shadowed_dyn_property.phpt] TEST 2898/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backed Enum implements [Zend/tests/enum/backed-implements.phpt] TEST 2899/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 007: Unreferenced array cycle [Zend/tests/gc_007.phpt] TEST 2900/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with keys [Zend/tests/list_keyed.phpt] TEST 2901/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Interface cannot extend static, as it is reserved [Zend/tests/interface_extends_static.phpt] TEST 2902/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS zend_dval_to_lval preserves low bits (64 bit long) [Zend/tests/dval_to_lval_64.phpt] TEST 2903/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotiong mixed with other properties, parameters and code [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_mixing.phpt] TEST 2904/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calls to send() after close should do nothing [Zend/tests/generators/send_after_close.phpt] TEST 2905/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using __COMPILER_HALF_OFFSET__ with trailing {} (OSS-Fuzz #17895) [Zend/tests/halt_compiler5.phpt] TEST 2906/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: can't use function return value in write context [Zend/tests/errmsg_004.phpt] TEST 2907/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Do not inherit LC_CTYPE from environment [Zend/tests/lc_ctype_inheritance.phpt] reason: requires de_DE locale TEST 2908/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum instanceof [Zend/tests/enum/instanceof.phpt] TEST 2909/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Internal enums [Zend/tests/enum/internal_enums.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 2910/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __call second parameter should be an array when typed [Zend/tests/magic_methods_016.phpt] TEST 2911/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Object properties HT may need to be removed from nested data [Zend/tests/gc_042.phpt] TEST 2912/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield can be used in finally (apart from forced closes) [Zend/tests/generators/yield_in_finally.phpt] TEST 2913/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Yield from does not leave a dangling send target [Zend/tests/generators/dangling_send_target.phpt] TEST 2914/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing throw exception doesn't crash with wrong params, variant 1 [Zend/tests/exception_018.phpt] TEST 2915/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 3: mixing spaces and tabs in ending marker [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error3.phpt] TEST 2916/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot resume fiber within destructor [Zend/tests/fibers/no-switch-dtor-resume.phpt] TEST 2917/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Not starting a fiber does not leak [Zend/tests/fibers/unstarted-fiber.phpt] TEST 2918/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using namespace constants and constants of global scope [Zend/tests/constants_003.phpt] TEST 2919/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding and Singleton [Zend/tests/lsb_018.phpt] TEST 2920/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS exit() and finally (3) [Zend/tests/exit_finally_3.phpt] TEST 2921/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Methods can be generators [Zend/tests/generators/generator_method.phpt] TEST 2922/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to check static method calls syntax regression [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_001.phpt] TEST 2923/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect call with empty class and/or method name. [Zend/tests/indirect_call_string_002.phpt] TEST 2924/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions should warn for variables [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warnings_float_vars.phpt] TEST 2925/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with keys and ArrayAccess [Zend/tests/list_keyed_ArrayAccess.phpt] TEST 2926/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum properties cannot be written to [Zend/tests/enum/no-write-properties.phpt] TEST 2927/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constant scalar expressions with autoloading and classes [Zend/tests/constant_expressions_classes.phpt] TEST 2928/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach over object with shadowed private property [Zend/tests/foreach_shadowed_property.phpt] TEST 2929/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: arrays are not allowed in class constants [Zend/tests/errmsg_040.phpt] TEST 2930/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 008: Unreferenced object cycle [Zend/tests/gc_008.phpt] TEST 2931/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Interface with __toString() method [Zend/tests/interface_with_tostring.phpt] TEST 2932/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Internal class variance [Zend/tests/internal_class_variance.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 2933/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot declare class, because the name is already in use [Zend/tests/declare_already_in_use.phpt] TEST 2934/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing dynamic call with invalid value for method name [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_002.phpt] TEST 2935/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Int backed enums with case without value [Zend/tests/enum/backed-int-case-without-value.phpt] TEST 2936/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion can only be used in constructors ... duh [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_not_a_ctor.phpt] TEST 2937/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS $generator->send() returns the yielded value [Zend/tests/generators/send_returns_current.phpt] TEST 2938/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: can't use method return value in write context [Zend/tests/errmsg_005.phpt] TEST 2939/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS basic heredoc syntax [Zend/tests/heredoc_001.phpt] TEST 2940/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __callStatic first parameter should be a string typed [Zend/tests/magic_methods_017.phpt] TEST 2941/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Use of __LINE__ in arrays [Zend/tests/line_const_in_array.phpt] TEST 2942/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum in json_encode [Zend/tests/enum/json_encode.phpt] TEST 2943/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing throw exception doesn't crash with wrong params, variant 2 [Zend/tests/exception_019.phpt] TEST 2944/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC buffer shouldn't get reused when removing nested data [Zend/tests/gc_043.phpt] TEST 2945/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot start fiber within destructor [Zend/tests/fibers/no-switch-dtor-start.phpt] TEST 2946/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 4: not enough body indentation [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error4.phpt] TEST 2947/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Free pending exceptions / return values on clone on yield in finally [Zend/tests/generators/yield_in_finally_cleanup.phpt] TEST 2948/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS It's possible to invoke a generator dynamically [Zend/tests/generators/dynamic_call.phpt] TEST 2949/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] XFAIL Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_linkinfo.phpt] XFAIL REASON: BUG: open_basedir cannot delete symlink to prohibited file. See also bugs 48111 and 52176. TEST 2950/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from Internal [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_001.phpt] TEST 2951/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to redeclare constant inside namespace [Zend/tests/constants_004.phpt] TEST 2952/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Autovivification of false to array [Zend/tests/falsetoarray.phpt] TEST 2953/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding properties and methods declared as protected and overridden as public. [Zend/tests/lsb_019.phpt] TEST 2954/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator methods can yield by reference [Zend/tests/generators/generator_method_by_ref.phpt] TEST 2955/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to ensure ::class still works [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_002.phpt] TEST 2956/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic static call to instance method should throw. [Zend/tests/indirect_call_string_003.phpt] TEST 2957/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit string float to int conversions should warn for literals [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warnings_string_float_literals.phpt] TEST 2958/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with non-integer-or-string keys [Zend/tests/list_keyed_conversions.phpt] TEST 2959/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Non-backed enum errors when case has int expression value [Zend/tests/enum/non-backed-enum-with-expr-value.phpt] TEST 2960/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Temporary array expressions can be iterated by reference [Zend/tests/foreach_temp_array_expr_with_refs.phpt] TEST 2961/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test match jumptable with only one arm [Zend/tests/match/037.phpt] TEST 2962/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP decrementing different variables [Zend/tests/decrement_001.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 2963/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: key element cannot be a reference [Zend/tests/errmsg_042.phpt] TEST 2964/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 009: Unreferenced array-object cycle [Zend/tests/gc_009.phpt] TEST 2965/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid constant class name in nested class constant access [Zend/tests/invalid_const_class_name.phpt] TEST 2966/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing dynamic call with invalid method name [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_003.phpt] TEST 2967/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion with null default, requires an explicitly nullable type [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_null_default.phpt] TEST 2968/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Int enum const expr [Zend/tests/enum/backed-int-const-expr.phpt] TEST 2969/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: can't use [] for reading [Zend/tests/errmsg_006.phpt] TEST 2970/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS basic binary heredoc syntax [Zend/tests/heredoc_002.phpt] TEST 2971/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __callStatic second parameter should be an array typed [Zend/tests/magic_methods_018.phpt] TEST 2972/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator::throw() on an already closed generator [Zend/tests/generators/throw_already_closed.phpt] TEST 2973/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - General" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_001.phpt] TEST 2974/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the original class name is present in the error out when extending ErrorException [Zend/tests/exception_020.phpt] TEST 2975/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC of object property table (order variation) [Zend/tests/gc_044.phpt] TEST 2976/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum keyword can still be used in classes, namespaces, functions and constants [Zend/tests/enum/keyword-no-bc-break.phpt] TEST 2977/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot suspend fiber within destructor [Zend/tests/fibers/no-switch-dtor-suspend.phpt] TEST 2978/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 5: mixing spaces and tabs in ending marker for 0 length body [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error5.phpt] TEST 2979/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS No additional parenthesis are required around yield if they are already present [Zend/tests/generators/yield_in_parenthesis.phpt] TEST 2980/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS It's not possible to assign dynamic properties on a generator [Zend/tests/generators/dynamic_properties.phpt] TEST 2981/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from User [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_002.phpt] TEST 2982/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Persistent case insensitive and user defined constants [Zend/tests/constants_005.phpt] TEST 2983/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Autovivification of false to array with data clobbering by error handler [Zend/tests/falsetoarray_002.phpt] TEST 2984/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding properties and methods declared as public and overridden as public. [Zend/tests/lsb_020.phpt] TEST 2985/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to ensure ::class is still reserved in obj scope [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_003.phpt] TEST 2986/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators must return a valid variable with return type specified [Zend/tests/generators/generator_return_return_type.phpt] TEST 2987/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing indirect method call and exceptions [Zend/tests/indirect_method_call_001.phpt] TEST 2988/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Non-backed enum errors when case has int value [Zend/tests/enum/non-backed-enum-with-int-value.phpt] TEST 2989/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with keys, evaluation order [Zend/tests/list_keyed_evaluation_order.phpt] TEST 2990/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float to int conversions should warn for literals in combined assingment operetor [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warnings_string_float_literals_assignment_ops.phpt] TEST 2991/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test multiple default arms in match in different arms [Zend/tests/match/038.phpt] TEST 2992/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying use object of type stdClass as array [Zend/tests/errmsg_044.phpt] TEST 2993/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Leak when using an invalid parent:: reference in a constant definition [Zend/tests/invalid_parent_const_ref_leak.phpt] TEST 2994/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach() & undefined var [Zend/tests/foreach_undefined.phpt] TEST 2995/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 011: GC and destructors [Zend/tests/gc_011.phpt] TEST 2996/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing dynamic call with undefined variables [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_004.phpt] TEST 2997/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Clash between promoted and explicit property [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_repeated_prop.phpt] TEST 2998/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Int enum invalid const expr [Zend/tests/enum/backed-int-const-invalid-expr.phpt] TEST 2999/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS simple variable replacement test (heredoc) [Zend/tests/heredoc_003.phpt] TEST 3000/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __unserialize first parameter must be an array [Zend/tests/magic_methods_019.phpt] TEST 3001/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: can't use [] for reading - 2 [Zend/tests/errmsg_007.phpt] TEST 3002/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing throw exception doesn't crash with wrong params, variant 3 [Zend/tests/exception_021.phpt] TEST 3003/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator::throw() where the exception is caught in the generator [Zend/tests/generators/throw_caught.phpt] TEST 3004/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - New Reference" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_002.phpt] TEST 3005/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Aborted yield during nested calls [Zend/tests/generators/aborted_yield_during_nested_fcalls.phpt] TEST 3006/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot resume fiber within destructor [Zend/tests/fibers/no-switch-dtor-throw.phpt] TEST 3007/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum keyword can be followed by arbitrary whitespaces [Zend/tests/enum/keyword-whitespace.phpt] TEST 3008/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 6: no ending token on 0 length body [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error6.phpt] TEST 3009/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Precedence of yield and arrow operators [Zend/tests/generators/yield_precedence.phpt] TEST 3010/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators can't be counted [Zend/tests/generators/errors/count_error.phpt] TEST 3011/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_lstat.phpt] TEST 3012/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Magic constants lowercased [Zend/tests/constants_006.phpt] TEST 3013/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from Method [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_003.phpt] TEST 3014/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding parent::/self:: forwarding while classname doesn't [Zend/tests/lsb_021.phpt] TEST 3015/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generators can return without values [Zend/tests/generators/generator_return_without_value.phpt] TEST 3016/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test possible function naming regression on procedural scope [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_004.phpt] TEST 3017/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Autovivification of false to array with data clobbering by error handler [Zend/tests/falsetoarray_003.phpt] TEST 3018/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Non-backed enum errors when case has invalid value [Zend/tests/enum/non-backed-enum-with-invalid-value.phpt] TEST 3019/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect method call with chaining [Zend/tests/indirect_method_call_002.phpt] TEST 3020/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with keys, evaluation order #2 [Zend/tests/list_keyed_evaluation_order_2.phpt] TEST 3021/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test match with duplicate conditions [Zend/tests/match/039.phpt] TEST 3022/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS decrementing different variables [Zend/tests/decrement_001_64bit.phpt] TEST 3023/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Implicit float string to int conversions should warn for variables [Zend/tests/float_to_int/warnings_string_float_vars.phpt] TEST 3024/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Error message in error handler during compilation [Zend/tests/errmsg_045.phpt] TEST 3025/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS traverse an array and use its keys to unset GLOBALS [Zend/tests/foreach_unset_globals.phpt] TEST 3026/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS is_a() and is_subclass_of() shouldn't call autoloader [Zend/tests/is_a.phpt] TEST 3027/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Constructor promotion can be used inside a trait [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_trait.phpt] TEST 3028/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Int enum value [Zend/tests/enum/backed-int.phpt] TEST 3029/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 012: collection of many loops at once [Zend/tests/gc_012.phpt] TEST 3030/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic calls to scope introspection functions are forbidden [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_005.phpt] TEST 3031/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __set_state first parameter must be an array [Zend/tests/magic_methods_020.phpt] TEST 3032/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS braces variable replacement test (heredoc) [Zend/tests/heredoc_004.phpt] TEST 3033/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: can't use [] for unsetting [Zend/tests/errmsg_008.phpt] TEST 3034/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Throwing into a generator yielding from an array/iterator [Zend/tests/generators/throw_into_yield_from_array.phpt] TEST 3035/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing throw exception doesn't crash with wrong params, variant 4 [Zend/tests/exception_022.phpt] TEST 3036/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - From Functions" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_003.phpt] TEST 3037/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot start a new fiber in a finally block in a force-closed fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/no-switch-force-close-finally.phpt] TEST 3038/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Aborted yield during object instantiation [Zend/tests/generators/aborted_yield_during_new.phpt] TEST 3039/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The result of a by-ref function call can be yielded just fine [Zend/tests/generators/yield_ref_function_call_by_reference.phpt] TEST 3040/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum name property [Zend/tests/enum/name-property.phpt] TEST 3041/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 7: no ending token [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error7.phpt] TEST 3042/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The Generator class cannot be extended [Zend/tests/generators/errors/generator_extend_error.phpt] TEST 3043/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from Private Scope [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_004.phpt] TEST 3044/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing const names [Zend/tests/constants_007.phpt] TEST 3045/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dtor may throw exception furing FE_FETCH assignment [Zend/tests/fe_fetch_dtor_exception.phpt] TEST 3046/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A generator function returns a Generator object [Zend/tests/generators/generator_returns_generator.phpt] TEST 3047/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Non-backed enum errors when case has string value [Zend/tests/enum/non-backed-enum-with-string-value.phpt] TEST 3048/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test possible constant naming regression on procedural scope [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_005.phpt] TEST 3049/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing indirect method call [Zend/tests/indirect_method_call_003.phpt] TEST 3050/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS ZE2 Late Static Binding parent::/self:: forwarding and __callStatic [Zend/tests/lsb_022.phpt] TEST 3051/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test match with mixed int/string jumptable [Zend/tests/match/040.phpt] TEST 3052/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS There should be no namespace fallback when using the defined() function [Zend/tests/defined_fn_no_ns_fallback.phpt] TEST 3053/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with keys, evaluation order #3 [Zend/tests/list_keyed_evaluation_order_3.phpt] TEST 3054/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS foreach() by-ref bug [Zend/tests/foreach.phpt] TEST 3055/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 1 [Zend/tests/error_reporting01.phpt] TEST 3056/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calling method from array [Zend/tests/fr47160.phpt] TEST 3057/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS is_callable() with trampoline should not caused UAF [Zend/tests/is_callable_trampoline_uaf.phpt] TEST 3058/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 013: Too many cycles in one array [Zend/tests/gc_013.phpt] TEST 3059/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #79867: Promoted untyped properties should get null default value [Zend/tests/ctor_promotion_untyped_default.phpt] TEST 3060/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid enum backing type [Zend/tests/enum/backed-invalid.phpt] TEST 3061/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic calls to scope introspection functions are forbidden (function variations) [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_006.phpt] TEST 3062/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __set_state return type should support covariance [Zend/tests/magic_methods_021.phpt] TEST 3063/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS unbraced complex variable replacement test (heredoc) [Zend/tests/heredoc_005.phpt] TEST 3064/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: multiple access type modifiers are not allowed (properties) [Zend/tests/errmsg_009.phpt] TEST 3065/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator::throw() with something that's not an exception [Zend/tests/generators/throw_not_an_exception.phpt] TEST 3066/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - Foreach" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_004.phpt] TEST 3067/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Context switches are prevented during GC collect cycles [Zend/tests/fibers/no-switch-gc.phpt] TEST 3068/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ensure proper backtraces with anon classes [Zend/tests/exception_023.phpt] TEST 3069/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS When + or - are used on yield, they must be unary (and not binary) (Bug #69160) [Zend/tests/generators/yield_unary_precedence.phpt] TEST 3070/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Object naming collision error: interface/interface [Zend/tests/name_collision_04.phpt] TEST 3071/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Aborted yield during switch [Zend/tests/generators/aborted_yield_during_switch.phpt] TEST 3072/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 8: don't interpret \t as indentation [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error8.phpt] TEST 3073/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from Magic [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_005.phpt] TEST 3074/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_mkdir.phpt] TEST 3075/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS FE_FETCH op2 is a def and needs special live range handling [Zend/tests/fe_fetch_op2_live_range.phpt] TEST 3076/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS It's not possible to directly instantiate the Generator class [Zend/tests/generators/errors/generator_instantiate_error.phpt] TEST 3077/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Named args after unpacking (supported) [Zend/tests/named_params/unpack_and_named_1.phpt] TEST 3078/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to ensure const list syntax declaration works [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_006.phpt] TEST 3079/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Enum offsetGet in constant expression [Zend/tests/enum/offsetGet-in-const-expr.phpt] TEST 3080/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A generator can only be rewinded before or at the first yield [Zend/tests/generators/generator_rewind.phpt] TEST 3081/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Late Static Binding static:: calls protected / public method of child class even then the method is private in parent class [Zend/tests/lsb_023.phpt] TEST 3082/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Match expression with trailing comma in condition list [Zend/tests/match/041.phpt] TEST 3083/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect method call and cloning [Zend/tests/indirect_method_call_004.phpt] TEST 3084/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with keys, evaluation order: nested [Zend/tests/list_keyed_evaluation_order_nested.phpt] TEST 3085/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Creating recursive array on foreach using same variable [Zend/tests/foreach_002.phpt] TEST 3086/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS testing @ and error_reporting - 2 [Zend/tests/error_reporting02.phpt] TEST 3087/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 006: Run-time name conflict (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_006.phpt] TEST 3088/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS FETCH_DIM_FUNC_ARG that cannot be optimized to FETCH_DIM_R because it appends [Zend/tests/func_arg_fetch_optimization.phpt] TEST 3089/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing isset and unset with variable variables [Zend/tests/isset_001.phpt] TEST 3090/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 014: Too many cycles in one object [Zend/tests/gc_014.phpt] TEST 3091/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Dynamic calls to scope introspection functions are forbidden (misoptimization) [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_007.phpt] TEST 3092/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 039: Constant declaration [Zend/tests/ns_039.phpt] TEST 3093/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS errmsg: multiple access type modifiers are not allowed (methods) [Zend/tests/errmsg_010.phpt] TEST 3094/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Magic Methods inheritance rules [Zend/tests/magic_methods_inheritance_rules.phpt] TEST 3095/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS braced complex variable replacement test (heredoc) [Zend/tests/heredoc_006.phpt] TEST 3096/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator::throw() where the generator throws a different exception [Zend/tests/generators/throw_rethrow.phpt] TEST 3097/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Object naming collision error: interface/trait [Zend/tests/name_collision_05.phpt] TEST 3098/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS zend.exception_string_param_max_len ini setting [Zend/tests/exception_024.phpt] TEST 3099/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Flexible heredoc syntax error 9: unindented variable interpolation [Zend/tests/flexible-heredoc-error9.phpt] TEST 3100/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator keys are auto-incrementing by default [Zend/tests/generators/auto_incrementing_keys.phpt] TEST 3101/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - Class Property and Methods" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_005.phpt] TEST 3102/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS yield can be used without a value [Zend/tests/generators/yield_without_value.phpt] TEST 3103/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from Closure [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_006.phpt] TEST 3104/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Backtrace in deeply nested function call [Zend/tests/fibers/backtrace-deep-nesting.phpt] TEST 3105/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Named args before unpacking (not supported) [Zend/tests/named_params/unpack_and_named_2.phpt] TEST 3106/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Non-ref generators cannot be iterated by-ref [Zend/tests/generators/errors/non_ref_generator_iterated_by_ref_error.phpt] TEST 3107/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Values can be sent back to the generator [Zend/tests/generators/generator_send.phpt] TEST 3108/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing parameter type-hinted with interface [Zend/tests/ns_072.phpt] TEST 3109/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to ensure semi reserved words allow deference [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_007.phpt] TEST 3110/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Late Static Binding static:: accesses protected / public static variables of child class when the variable is private in parent class [Zend/tests/lsb_024.phpt] TEST 3111/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Match expression with undefined variable as expression [Zend/tests/match/042.phpt] TEST 3112/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Deprecation promoted to exception should result in fatal error during inheritance [Zend/tests/deprecation_to_exception_during_inheritance.phpt] TEST 3113/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereferencing from instance with ArrayObject [Zend/tests/indirect_method_call_005.phpt] TEST 3114/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Leading comma in keyed list assignment [Zend/tests/list_keyed_leading_comma.phpt] TEST 3115/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Group use declarations mustn't be empty [Zend/tests/ns_trailing_comma_error_01.phpt] TEST 3116/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Iterator exceptions in foreach by value [Zend/tests/foreach_003.phpt] TEST 3117/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 007: Run-time name conflict (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_007.phpt] TEST 3118/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing isset with several undefined variables as argument [Zend/tests/isset_002.phpt] TEST 3119/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS GC 015: Object as root of cycle [Zend/tests/gc_015.phpt] TEST 3120/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing func_get_args() throws error when called from the global scope [Zend/tests/func_get_args.phpt] TEST 3121/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Don't optimize dynamic call to non-dynamic one if it drops the warning [Zend/tests/dynamic_call_008.phpt] TEST 3122/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Magic Methods inheritance rules on a non-trivial class hierarchy [Zend/tests/magic_methods_inheritance_rules_non_trivial_01.phpt] TEST 3123/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 040: Constant declaration and usage in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_040.phpt] TEST 3124/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe in binary op [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/014.phpt] TEST 3125/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS braced and unbraced complex variable replacement test (heredoc) [Zend/tests/heredoc_007.phpt] TEST 3126/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Out of Memory in a fiber [Zend/tests/fibers/out-of-memory-in-fiber.phpt] TEST 3127/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator::throw() where the exception is not caught in the generator [Zend/tests/generators/throw_uncaught.phpt] TEST 3128/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Object naming collision error: trait/trait [Zend/tests/name_collision_06.phpt] TEST 3129/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS method overloading with different method signature [Zend/tests/objects_008.phpt] TEST 3130/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid use: underscore next to 0b [Zend/tests/numeric_literal_separator_007.phpt] TEST 3131/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Reference Unpacking - Class ArrayAccess No Reference" list() [Zend/tests/list/list_reference_006.phpt] TEST 3132/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calling get_called_class() outside a class [Zend/tests/get_called_class_001.phpt] TEST 3133/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Printing the stack trace in a generator [Zend/tests/generators/backtrace.phpt] TEST 3134/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS First Class Callable from Special Compiler Function [Zend/tests/first_class_callable_007.phpt] TEST 3135/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_opendir.phpt] TEST 3136/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS using different variables to access null offsets [Zend/tests/offset_null.phpt] TEST 3137/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS It is not possible to resume an already running generator [Zend/tests/generators/errors/resume_running_generator_error.phpt] TEST 3138/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Additional named params are collect into variadics [Zend/tests/named_params/variadic.phpt] TEST 3139/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing type-hinted lambda parameter inside namespace [Zend/tests/ns_073.phpt] TEST 3140/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Match expression error messages [Zend/tests/match/043.phpt] TEST 3141/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test to check regressions on string interpolation with class members access [Zend/tests/grammar/regression_008.phpt] TEST 3142/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing first parameter of __set() by ref [Zend/tests/magic_by_ref_001.phpt] TEST 3143/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS A static method can be a generator [Zend/tests/generators/generator_static_method.phpt] TEST 3144/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference [Zend/tests/dereference_001.phpt] TEST 3145/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with constant keys [Zend/tests/list_keyed_non_literals.phpt] TEST 3146/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing indirect property access [Zend/tests/indirect_property_access.phpt] TEST 3147/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Group use declarations mustn't contain just a comma [Zend/tests/ns_trailing_comma_error_02.phpt] TEST 3148/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use multiple readonly modifiers [Zend/tests/readonly_props/multiple_modifiers.phpt] TEST 3149/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 008: __NAMESPACE__ constant and runtime names (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_008.phpt] TEST 3150/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fully qualified classes in trait return types [Zend/tests/return_types/017.phpt] TEST 3151/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS void return type: acceptable cases [Zend/tests/return_types/void_allowed.phpt] TEST 3152/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator with return type does not fail with empty return [Zend/tests/return_types/generators004.phpt] TEST 3153/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot append to $GLOBALS in isset() [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_append_isset.phpt] TEST 3154/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Magic Methods inheritance rules on a non-trivial class hierarchy [Zend/tests/magic_methods_inheritance_rules_non_trivial_02.phpt] TEST 3155/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 041: Constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_041.phpt] TEST 3156/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe in binary op [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/015.phpt] TEST 3157/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS There shouldn't be any leaks when the generator's return value isn't used [Zend/tests/generators/unused_return_value.phpt] TEST 3158/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class declaration colliding with import (in namespace) [Zend/tests/name_collision_07.phpt] TEST 3159/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calling a static method on a non-existing class [Zend/tests/static_method_non_existing_class.phpt] TEST 3160/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS empty doc test (heredoc) [Zend/tests/heredoc_008.phpt] TEST 3161/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid use: underscore left of e [Zend/tests/numeric_literal_separator_008.phpt] TEST 3162/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Fundamental memory leak test on temporaries [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_003.phpt] TEST 3163/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS method overloading with different method signature [Zend/tests/objects_009.phpt] TEST 3164/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS get_class_methods(): Testing scope [Zend/tests/get_class_methods_001.phpt] TEST 3165/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_parse_ini_file.phpt] reason: Windows only variation TEST 3166/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS throw expression [Zend/tests/throw/001.phpt] TEST 3167/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60165 (Aliasing unexisting trait should throw/trigger the exception/error) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60165c.phpt] TEST 3168/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS accessing object dimension [Zend/tests/offset_object.phpt] TEST 3169/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The compatibility with the signature of abstract methods should be checked. [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/abstract-methods05.phpt] TEST 3170/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nop statement before namespace [Zend/tests/namespace_first_stmt_nop.phpt] TEST 3171/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing type-hinted lambda parameter inside namespace [Zend/tests/ns_074.phpt] TEST 3172/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing get_declared_traits() [Zend/tests/traits/get_declared_traits_001.phpt] TEST 3173/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Incorrect cfg block marking for two arm match [Zend/tests/match/044.phpt] TEST 3174/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing second parameter of __set() by ref [Zend/tests/magic_by_ref_002.phpt] TEST 3175/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Don't statically bind arguments for self:: calls in traits [Zend/tests/traits/no_static_arg_binding.phpt] TEST 3176/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with keys and a trailing comma [Zend/tests/list_keyed_trailing_comma.phpt] TEST 3177/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing array dereference on method calls [Zend/tests/dereference_002.phpt] TEST 3178/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #74444 (multiple catch freezes in some cases) [Zend/tests/try/bug74444.phpt] TEST 3179/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Group use declarations mustn't allow more than one comma [Zend/tests/ns_trailing_comma_error_03.phpt] TEST 3180/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 009: __NAMESPACE__ constant and runtime names (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_009.phpt] TEST 3181/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Can override readonly property with attributes [Zend/tests/readonly_props/override_with_attributes.phpt] TEST 3182/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS void return type: unacceptable cases: explicit NULL return [Zend/tests/return_types/void_disallowed1.phpt] TEST 3183/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot append to $GLOBALS in unset() [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_append_unset.phpt] TEST 3184/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Destructors cannot declare a return type [Zend/tests/return_types/018.phpt] TEST 3185/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe in function argument [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/016.phpt] TEST 3186/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __serialize declaration [Zend/tests/magic_methods_serialize.phpt] TEST 3187/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type covariance works with generators [Zend/tests/return_types/generators005.phpt] TEST 3188/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 042: Import in namespace and constants [Zend/tests/ns_042.phpt] TEST 3189/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try finally (function call in the finally block after exception) [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_010.phpt] TEST 3190/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Function declaration colliding with import (in namespace) [Zend/tests/name_collision_08.phpt] TEST 3191/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS STATIC heredocs CAN be used as static scalars. [Zend/tests/heredoc_011.phpt] TEST 3192/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static Variable Expressions [Zend/tests/static_variable.phpt] TEST 3193/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid use: underscore right of e [Zend/tests/numeric_literal_separator_009.phpt] TEST 3194/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS redefining constructor (__construct second) [Zend/tests/objects_010.phpt] TEST 3195/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Temporary leak with switch [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_004.phpt] TEST 3196/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Default values for boolean hints should work [Zend/tests/type_declarations/default_boolean_hint_values.phpt] TEST 3197/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60165 (Aliasing unexisting trait should throw/trigger the exception/error) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60165d.phpt] TEST 3198/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The compatibility with the signature of abstract methods should be checked. (also checking the second possible implementation branch) [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/abstract-methods06.phpt] TEST 3199/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use "namespace" as namespace name, due to conflict with ns-relative names [Zend/tests/namespace_name_namespace.phpt] TEST 3200/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test throw with various expressions [Zend/tests/throw/002.phpt] TEST 3201/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS using different variables to access string offsets [Zend/tests/offset_string.phpt] TEST 3202/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 075: Redefining compile-time constants [Zend/tests/ns_075.phpt] TEST 3203/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing parameter of __get() by ref [Zend/tests/magic_by_ref_003.phpt] TEST 3204/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing get_declared_traits() inside namespace [Zend/tests/traits/get_declared_traits_002.phpt] TEST 3205/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Corrupted CFG due to unreachable free with match [Zend/tests/match/045.phpt] TEST 3206/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Co-variance check failure for intersection type where child replace one of intersection type members with a supertype [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid1.phpt] TEST 3207/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS list() with undefined keys [Zend/tests/list_keyed_undefined.phpt] TEST 3208/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unknown class in absolute trait precedence reference [Zend/tests/traits/precedence_unknown_class.phpt] TEST 3209/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catching an exception in a constructor [Zend/tests/try/catch_002.phpt] TEST 3210/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Group use declarations mustn't begin with a comma [Zend/tests/ns_trailing_comma_error_04.phpt] TEST 3211/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 010: Accessing internal namespace class [Zend/tests/ns_010.phpt] TEST 3212/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Promoted readonly property [Zend/tests/readonly_props/promotion.phpt] TEST 3213/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS void return type: unacceptable cases: explicit return of some other value [Zend/tests/return_types/void_disallowed2.phpt] TEST 3214/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __clone can only declare void return [Zend/tests/return_types/019.phpt] TEST 3215/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot assign to $GLOBALS [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_assign.phpt] TEST 3216/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test return nullsafe as ref [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/017.phpt] TEST 3217/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing __set_state() declaration with wrong modifier [Zend/tests/magic_methods_set_state.phpt] TEST 3218/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Generator return type must be a supertype of Generator (with union types) [Zend/tests/return_types/generators006.phpt] TEST 3219/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 043: Name conflict and constants (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_043.phpt] TEST 3220/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try finally (segfault with empty break) [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_011.phpt] TEST 3221/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class declaration colliding with import (in namespace) [Zend/tests/name_collision_09.phpt] TEST 3222/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a parameter of no type can be overridden by the mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_parameter_inheritance_success3.phpt] TEST 3223/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using different sorts of numerical strings as an array offset [Zend/tests/numeric_strings/array_offset.phpt] TEST 3224/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static variables in dynamically declared function (first use before dynamic def dtor) [Zend/tests/static_variable_in_dynamic_function.phpt] TEST 3225/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS redefining constructor (__construct first) [Zend/tests/objects_011.phpt] TEST 3226/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Temporary leak with foreach [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_005.phpt] TEST 3227/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS explicitly strict_types=0 code including strict_types=1 code [Zend/tests/type_declarations/explicit_weak_include_strict.phpt] TEST 3228/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60173 (Wrong error message on reflective trait instantiation) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60173.phpt] TEST 3229/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Semantic of alias operation is to provide an additional identifier for the method body of the original method. [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/alias-semantics.phpt] TEST 3230/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use "namespace\xyz" as namespace name, due to conflict with ns-relative names [Zend/tests/namespace_name_namespace_start.phpt] TEST 3231/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS throw expression should not leak temporaries [Zend/tests/throw/leaks.phpt] TEST 3232/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS passing parameter of __unset() by ref [Zend/tests/magic_by_ref_004.phpt] TEST 3233/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unreachable code elimination when match argument is a phi node [Zend/tests/match/match_of_phi_optimization.phpt] TEST 3234/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing get_declared_classes() and get_declared_traits() [Zend/tests/traits/get_declared_traits_003.phpt] TEST 3235/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 076: Unknown constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt] TEST 3236/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Co-variance check failure for intersection type where child replaces it with standard type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid2.phpt] TEST 3237/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS "Potentially" conflicting trait properties do not result in a strict standards notice anymore [Zend/tests/traits/property001.phpt] TEST 3238/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catching an exception in a constructor fired form a static method [Zend/tests/try/catch_003.phpt] TEST 3239/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the mixed parameter type accepts any kind of arguments in weak mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/validation/mixed_parameter_weak_success.phpt] TEST 3240/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Group use declarations mustn't contain two commas mid-list [Zend/tests/ns_trailing_comma_error_05.phpt] TEST 3241/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Promoted readonly property must have type [Zend/tests/readonly_props/promotion_error1.phpt] TEST 3242/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using unsupported types with operators [Zend/tests/operator_unsupported_types.phpt] TEST 3243/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __sleep cannot take arguments [Zend/tests/magic_methods_sleep.phpt] TEST 3244/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 011: Function in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_011.phpt] TEST 3245/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot list-assign to $GLOBALS [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_assign_list.phpt] TEST 3246/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception thrown from function with return type [Zend/tests/return_types/020.phpt] TEST 3247/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe on undefined variable [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/018.phpt] TEST 3248/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS void return type: not valid as a parameter type [Zend/tests/return_types/void_parameter.phpt] TEST 3249/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 044: Name conflict and constants (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_044.phpt] TEST 3250/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type covariance; extends class [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance001.phpt] TEST 3251/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try finally (exception in "return" statement) [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_012.phpt] TEST 3252/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check that __call() and __callStatic() work with named parameters [Zend/tests/named_params/__call.phpt] TEST 3253/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a parameter of a built-in type can be overridden by the mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_parameter_inheritance_success4.phpt] TEST 3254/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Static variables in dynamically declared function (first use after dynamic def dtor) [Zend/tests/static_variable_in_dynamic_function_2.phpt] TEST 3255/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Explicit cast of leading numeric strings should still work without warning [Zend/tests/numeric_strings/explicit_cast_leading_numeric_must_work.phpt] TEST 3256/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS implementing a class [Zend/tests/objects_012.phpt] TEST 3257/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception after separation during indirect write to fcall result [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_006.phpt] TEST 3258/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_readlink.phpt] TEST 3259/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Inexistent class as type receiving scalar argument [Zend/tests/type_declarations/inexistent_class_hint_with_scalar_arg.phpt] TEST 3260/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Reserved keywords in namespace name [Zend/tests/namespace_name_reserved_keywords.phpt] TEST 3261/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60217 (Requiring the same method from different traits.) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60217a.phpt] TEST 3262/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Semantic of alias operation is to provide an additional identifier for the method body of the original method. It should also work in case the method is fully qualified. [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/alias-semantics02.phpt] TEST 3263/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Scalar type names cannot be used as class, trait or interface names (6) - class_alias [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_reserved6_class_alias.phpt] TEST 3264/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cleanup of basic block kept only because of FREE loop var [Zend/tests/match/match_scdf_cleanup.phpt] TEST 3265/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing get_declared_traits() and class_alias() [Zend/tests/traits/get_declared_traits_004.phpt] TEST 3266/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 077: Unknown compile-time constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_077_1.phpt] TEST 3267/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Throw reference [Zend/tests/throw_reference.phpt] TEST 3268/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Replacing int type with intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid3.phpt] TEST 3269/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catching an exception in a constructor inside a static method [Zend/tests/try/catch_004.phpt] TEST 3270/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Non-conflicting properties should work just fine. [Zend/tests/traits/property002.phpt] TEST 3271/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unmixed group use declarations mustn't allow more than one comma [Zend/tests/ns_trailing_comma_error_06.phpt] TEST 3272/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the mixed property type accepts any kind of value in strict mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/validation/mixed_property_strict_success.phpt] TEST 3273/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Class constants cannot be readonly [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_const.phpt] TEST 3274/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot list-assign to $GLOBALS (by-ref) [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_assign_list_ref.phpt] TEST 3275/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 012: Import in namespace and functions [Zend/tests/ns_012.phpt] TEST 3276/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __unserialize declaration [Zend/tests/magic_methods_unserialize.phpt] TEST 3277/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions thrown into a rope must not leak [Zend/tests/rope_with_exception.phpt] TEST 3278/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type allows self [Zend/tests/return_types/021.phpt] TEST 3279/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bitwise OR and strings [Zend/tests/or_001.phpt] TEST 3280/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe in new [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/019.phpt] TEST 3281/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 045: Name conflict and constants (php name in case if ns name exists) [Zend/tests/ns_045.phpt] TEST 3282/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type covariance; extends abstract class [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance002.phpt] TEST 3283/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a parameter of a nullable built-in type can be overridden by the mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_parameter_inheritance_success5.phpt] TEST 3284/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return in try and finally inside loop [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_013.phpt] TEST 3285/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check that __invoke() works with named parameters [Zend/tests/named_params/__invoke.phpt] TEST 3286/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS implementing the same interface twice [Zend/tests/objects_013.phpt] TEST 3287/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid numeric string TypeErrors and E_WARNINGs, combined assignment operations [Zend/tests/numeric_strings/invalid_numeric_string_must_generate_warning_assign.phpt] TEST 3288/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Inheritance of private method with static variable [Zend/tests/static_variable_in_private_method.phpt] TEST 3289/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_realpath.phpt] reason: only run on Windows TEST 3290/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception inside a foreach loop with return [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_007.phpt] TEST 3291/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Scalar type - internal function strict mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/internal_function_strict_mode.phpt] TEST 3292/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Whitespace between namespace separators is no longer allowed [Zend/tests/namespaced_name_whitespace.phpt] TEST 3293/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60217 (Requiring the same method from different traits and abstract methods have to be compatible) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60217b.phpt] TEST 3294/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Aliases are applied to the correct methods, and only to them. [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/alias01.phpt] TEST 3295/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Scalar type names cannot be used as class, trait or interface names (6) - use [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_reserved6_use.phpt] TEST 3296/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 077: Unknown compile-time constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_077_2.phpt] TEST 3297/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trait method overwritten by a method defined in the class. [Zend/tests/traits/inheritance001.phpt] TEST 3298/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test using an Error as the previous Throwable for an Exception [Zend/tests/throwable_001.phpt] TEST 3299/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Replacing object type with not-loadable intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid4.phpt] TEST 3300/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Conflicting properties with different visibility modifiers should result in a fatal error, since this indicates that the code is incompatible. [Zend/tests/traits/property003.phpt] TEST 3301/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try catch finally (basic test) [Zend/tests/try/catch_finally_001.phpt] TEST 3302/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unmixed group use declarations mustn't begin with a comma [Zend/tests/ns_trailing_comma_error_07.phpt] TEST 3303/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the mixed property type accepts any kind of value in weak mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/validation/mixed_property_weak_success.phpt] TEST 3304/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot compound assign to $GLOBALS [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_assign_op.phpt] TEST 3305/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 013: Name conflict and functions (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_013.phpt] TEST 3306/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Not-modifying a readonly property holding an object [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_containing_object.phpt] TEST 3307/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __wakeup cannot take arguments [Zend/tests/magic_methods_wakeup.phpt] TEST 3308/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Output start at eval() [Zend/tests/output_started_at_eval.phpt] TEST 3309/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Hint on closure with lexical vars [Zend/tests/return_types/022.phpt] TEST 3310/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe lhs of assignment to nested property chain [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/020.phpt] TEST 3311/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 046: Run-time name conflict and constants (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_046.phpt] TEST 3312/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type mismatch; implements interface [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance003.phpt] TEST 3313/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a parameter of a union of all built-in types can be overridden by the mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_parameter_inheritance_success6.phpt] TEST 3314/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Break 2 in try and return in finally inside nested loop [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_014.phpt] TEST 3315/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Calling assert with named params [Zend/tests/named_params/assert.phpt] TEST 3316/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS extending the same interface twice [Zend/tests/objects_014.phpt] TEST 3317/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invalid numeric string TypeErrors and E_WARNINGs [Zend/tests/numeric_strings/invalid_numeric_strings_must_generate_warning.phpt] TEST 3318/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Behavior of static variable in private trait method [Zend/tests/static_variable_in_private_trait_method.phpt] TEST 3319/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Optimization of constant switch expression [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_008.phpt] TEST 3320/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Added element of intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/added_interface_intersection_type.phpt] TEST 3321/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS active_class_entry must be always correct (__METHOD__ should not depend on declaring function ce) [Zend/tests/nested_method_and_function.phpt] TEST 3322/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check for problems with case sensitivity in compositions [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/case-sensitive.phpt] TEST 3323/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60217 (Requiring the same method from different traits and abstract methods have to be compatible, in both directions.) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60217c.phpt] TEST 3324/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Scalar type names cannot be used as class, trait or interface names (7) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_reserved7.phpt] TEST 3325/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 077: Unknown compile-time constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_077_3.phpt] TEST 3326/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS int memory_get_peak_usage ([ bool $real_usage = false ] ); [Zend/tests/memory_get_peak_usage.phpt] TEST 3327/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Conflicting properties with different initial values are considered incompatible. [Zend/tests/traits/property004.phpt] TEST 3328/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test using an Exception as the previous Throwable for an Error [Zend/tests/throwable_002.phpt] TEST 3329/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Replacing iterable type with non-Traversable intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid5.phpt] TEST 3330/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unmixed group use declarations mustn't contain two commas mid-list [Zend/tests/ns_trailing_comma_error_08.phpt] TEST 3331/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try catch finally (basic test with return) [Zend/tests/try/catch_finally_002.phpt] TEST 3332/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trait method overriddes base class method [Zend/tests/traits/inheritance002.phpt] TEST 3333/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Method cannot be readonly [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_method.phpt] TEST 3334/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type of self is not allowed in function [Zend/tests/return_types/024.phpt] TEST 3335/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the mixed return type is not compatible with a void return value in strict mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/validation/mixed_return_strict_error.phpt] TEST 3336/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot by-ref assign to $GLOBALS (LHS) [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_assign_ref_lhs.phpt] TEST 3337/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 014: Name conflict and functions (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_014.phpt] TEST 3338/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties error condition (type mismatch object) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_005.phpt] TEST 3339/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe in list assign [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/021.phpt] TEST 3340/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Make sure the return value of a property assignment is not freed to early [Zend/tests/overloaded_assign_prop_return_value.phpt] TEST 3341/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 047: Run-time name conflict and constants (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_047.phpt] TEST 3342/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Internal covariant return type of self [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance004.phpt] TEST 3343/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a parameter of a union type of classes can be overridden by the mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_parameter_inheritance_success7.phpt] TEST 3344/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Ignoring return inside loop using finally [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_015.phpt] TEST 3345/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS comparing objects with strings/NULL [Zend/tests/objects_015.phpt] TEST 3346/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Live range & free on return [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_009.phpt] TEST 3347/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument of new on class without constructor are evaluated [Zend/tests/new_args_without_ctor.phpt] TEST 3348/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test edge-cases for negative num strings in interpolated string offsets [Zend/tests/numeric_strings/neg_num_string.phpt] TEST 3349/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Named params in attributes [Zend/tests/named_params/attributes.phpt] TEST 3350/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_rename.phpt] TEST 3351/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60369 (Crash with static property in trait) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60369.phpt] TEST 3352/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Behavior of static variables in trait methods [Zend/tests/static_variables_traits.phpt] TEST 3353/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Assigning values to intersection types [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/assigning_intersection_types.phpt] TEST 3354/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Return scalar type basics [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_return_basic.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 3355/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 077: Unknown compile-time constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_077_4.phpt] TEST 3356/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Make sure trait does not implement an interface. [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/interfaces.phpt] TEST 3357/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Replacing not-loadable parent intersection type with loadable child intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid6.phpt] TEST 3358/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Edge cases in compile-time method argument binding [Zend/tests/method_argument_binding.phpt] TEST 3359/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try catch finally (with multi-returns) [Zend/tests/try/catch_finally_003.phpt] TEST 3360/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test null arg behavior for special functions [Zend/tests/null_to_non_nullable_special_func.phpt] TEST 3361/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test user code implementing Throwable results in fatal error [Zend/tests/throwable_003.phpt] TEST 3362/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The same rules are applied for properties that are defined in the class hierarchy. Thus, if the properties are incompatible a fatal error occurs. [Zend/tests/traits/property005.phpt] TEST 3363/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Method cannot be readonly in trait alias [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_method_trait.phpt] TEST 3364/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties inheritance (scalar) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_006.phpt] TEST 3365/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the mixed return type is compatible with any kind of return value in strict mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/validation/mixed_return_strict_success.phpt] TEST 3366/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type of self is allowed in closure [Zend/tests/return_types/025.phpt] TEST 3367/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trait method overrides base class method and satisfies prototype [Zend/tests/traits/inheritance003.phpt] TEST 3368/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 015: Name conflict and functions (php name in case if ns name exists) [Zend/tests/ns_015.phpt] TEST 3369/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 048: __NAMESPACE__ constant and runtime names (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_048.phpt] TEST 3370/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception during break 2 [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_016.phpt] TEST 3371/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe in unset [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/022.phpt] TEST 3372/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a property of mixed type can't be overridden by a property of a built-in type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_error1.phpt] TEST 3373/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Internal covariant return type of self [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance005.phpt] TEST 3374/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Live range & throw from finally [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_010.phpt] TEST 3375/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot by-ref assign to $GLOBALS (RHS) [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_assign_ref_rhs.phpt] TEST 3376/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing visibility of object returned by function [Zend/tests/objects_017.phpt] TEST 3377/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using different sorts of numerical strings as a string offset [Zend/tests/numeric_strings/string_offset.phpt] TEST 3378/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Named params in attributes: Duplicate named parameter error [Zend/tests/named_params/attributes_duplicate_named_param.phpt] TEST 3379/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS self:: class constants should not be propagated into closures, due to scope rebinding [Zend/tests/no_class_const_propagation_in_closures.phpt] TEST 3380/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60717 (Order of traits in use statement can cause unexpected unresolved abstract method) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60717.phpt] TEST 3381/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #81268 Wrong message when using null as a default value for intersection types [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/bug81268.phpt] TEST 3382/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS string offset 001 [Zend/tests/str_offset_001.phpt] TEST 3383/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 077: Unknown compile-time constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_077_5.phpt] TEST 3384/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Co-variance check failure for intersection type where child removes one of intersection type members [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid_covariance_drop_type1.phpt] TEST 3385/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check error message for missing traits [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/missing-trait.phpt] TEST 3386/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS method_exists() segfaults [Zend/tests/method_exists.phpt] TEST 3387/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try catch finally (nesting try-catch-finally) [Zend/tests/try/catch_finally_004.phpt] TEST 3388/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Explicitly nullable array type [Zend/tests/nullable_types/array.phpt] TEST 3389/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception in compound assign op should prevent call to overloaded object handlers [Zend/tests/throwing_overloaded_compound_assign_op.phpt] TEST 3390/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Overloaded function 001 [Zend/tests/overloaded_func_001.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 3391/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Overloaded function 002 [Zend/tests/overloaded_func_002.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 3392/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type of parent is not allowed in function [Zend/tests/return_types/026.phpt] TEST 3393/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties inheritance [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_007.phpt] TEST 3394/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 016: Run-time name conflict and functions (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_016.phpt] TEST 3395/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Introducing new private variables of the same name in a subclass is ok, and does not lead to any output. That is consistent with normal inheritance handling. [Zend/tests/traits/property006.phpt] TEST 3396/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using traits to implement interface [Zend/tests/traits/interface_001.phpt] TEST 3397/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Modifying a readonly property [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_modification.phpt] TEST 3398/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the mixed return type is not compatible with a void return value [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/validation/mixed_return_weak_error.phpt] TEST 3399/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a property of mixed type can't be overridden by a property of class type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_error2.phpt] TEST 3400/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use $GLOBALS as foreach result variable [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_foreach.phpt] TEST 3401/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception during break 2 with multiple try/catch [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_017.phpt] TEST 3402/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 049: __NAMESPACE__ constant and runtime names (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_049.phpt] TEST 3403/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Foreach by reference on nullsafe [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/023.phpt] TEST 3404/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using the same function name on interface with inheritance [Zend/tests/objects_018.phpt] TEST 3405/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #60809 (TRAITS - PHPDoc Comment Style Bug) [Zend/tests/traits/bug60809.phpt] TEST 3406/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Live range & lists [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_011.phpt] TEST 3407/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS External covariant return type of self [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance006.phpt] TEST 3408/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Named flags parameter for Attribute attribute [Zend/tests/named_params/attributes_named_flags.phpt] TEST 3409/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_rmdir.phpt] TEST 3410/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Acceptance of whitespace in numeric strings [Zend/tests/numeric_strings/trailling_whitespaces.phpt] TEST 3411/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return scalar type basics [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_return_basic_64bit.phpt] TEST 3412/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Scalar type strict mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only TEST 3413/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Intersection types cannot be implicitly nullable [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/implicit_nullable_intersection_type.phpt] TEST 3414/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bitwise NOT, doubles and strings [Zend/tests/not_001.phpt] TEST 3415/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Co-variance check failure for intersection type where child removes one of intersection type members [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid_covariance_drop_type2.phpt] TEST 3416/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing method_exists() [Zend/tests/method_exists_002.phpt] TEST 3417/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS string offset 002 [Zend/tests/str_offset_002.phpt] TEST 3418/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Overriding Conflicting Methods should not result in a notice/warning about collisions [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/overridding-conflicting-methods.phpt] TEST 3419/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing trait_exists() [Zend/tests/trait_exists_001.phpt] TEST 3420/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 077: Unknown compile-time constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_077_7.phpt] TEST 3421/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties inheritance (missing info) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_008.phpt] TEST 3422/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try catch finally (with multi-returns and exception) [Zend/tests/try/catch_finally_005.phpt] TEST 3423/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 017: Run-time name conflict and functions (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_017.phpt] TEST 3424/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Subtype can add nullability to a parameter (contravariance) [Zend/tests/nullable_types/contravariant_nullable_param_succeeds.phpt] TEST 3425/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Checking error message when the trait doesn't implements the interface [Zend/tests/traits/interface_002.phpt] TEST 3426/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Handling of assign-ops and incdecs on overloaded properties using &__get() [Zend/tests/overloaded_prop_assign_op_refs.phpt] TEST 3427/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot replace readonly with readwrite [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_to_readwrite.phpt] TEST 3428/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Introducing new private variables of the same name in a subclass is ok, and does not lead to any output. That is consistent with normal inheritance handling. [Zend/tests/traits/property007.phpt] TEST 3429/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type of parent is allowed in closure [Zend/tests/return_types/027.phpt] TEST 3430/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe as foreach target [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/024.phpt] TEST 3431/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a property of mixed type can't be overridden by an untyped property [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_error3.phpt] TEST 3432/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot use $GLOBALS as foreach result variable (by-ref) [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_foreach_ref.phpt] TEST 3433/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the mixed return type is compatible with any kind of return value in weak mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/validation/mixed_return_weak_success.phpt] TEST 3434/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Combination of foreach, finally and goto [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_018.phpt] TEST 3435/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 050: Name conflict and compile-time constants (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_050.phpt] TEST 3436/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61052 (missing error check in trait 'insteadof' clause) [Zend/tests/traits/bug61052.phpt] TEST 3437/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing references of dynamic properties [Zend/tests/objects_019.phpt] TEST 3438/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Live range of ZEND_NEW must be assigned to correct variable [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_012.phpt] TEST 3439/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Named flags parameter for Attribute attribute (incorrect parameter name) [Zend/tests/named_params/attributes_named_flags_incorrect.phpt] TEST 3440/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test whether an object is NULL or not. [Zend/tests/object-null.phpt] TEST 3441/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS array type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_array_type.phpt] TEST 3442/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Scalar type strict mode [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_64bit.phpt] TEST 3443/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bitwise NOT and arrays [Zend/tests/not_002.phpt] TEST 3444/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Inheritance Hinting Compile Checking Failure Internal Classes [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance007.phpt] TEST 3445/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Co-variance failure for intersection type where child is union, but not all members are a subtype of intersection 1 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid_covariance_intersection_to_union1.phpt] TEST 3446/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS string offset 003 [Zend/tests/str_offset_003.phpt] TEST 3447/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Initial value of static var in method depends on the include time of the class definition [Zend/tests/method_static_var.phpt] TEST 3448/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Properties are considered incompatible if they are different in any of their defined characteristics. Thus, initialization values have to be equal, too. [Zend/tests/traits/bugs/overridding-conflicting-property-initializer.phpt] TEST 3449/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 077: Unknown compile-time constants in namespace [Zend/tests/ns_077_8.phpt] TEST 3450/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing trait_exists() inside a namespace [Zend/tests/trait_exists_002.phpt] TEST 3451/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties unset leaves properties in an uninitialized state [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_009.phpt] TEST 3452/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 018: __NAMESPACE__ constant and runtime names (ns name) [Zend/tests/ns_018.phpt] TEST 3453/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing to implement Serializable interface by traits [Zend/tests/traits/interface_003.phpt] TEST 3454/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try catch finally (re-throw exception in catch block) [Zend/tests/try/catch_finally_006.phpt] TEST 3455/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Handling of private fields with traits needs to have same semantics as with normal inheritance. [Zend/tests/traits/property008.phpt] TEST 3456/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return type cannot add nullability (contravariance) [Zend/tests/nullable_types/contravariant_nullable_return_fails.phpt] TEST 3457/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The default value is a class constant in the parent class method's signature. [Zend/tests/parameter_default_values/internal_declaration_error_class_const.phpt] TEST 3458/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Readonly match of imported trait properties (valid) [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_trait_match.phpt] TEST 3459/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Memory leak when returning TMP/VAR with wrong return type [Zend/tests/return_types/028.phpt] TEST 3460/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS nullable class [Zend/tests/type_declarations/nullable_null.phpt] TEST 3461/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullsafe chains in variable variables [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/025.phpt] TEST 3462/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS $GLOBALS cannot be passed by reference (runtime error) [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_pass_by_ref.phpt] TEST 3463/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Combination of foreach, finally and goto (call order) [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_019.phpt] TEST 3464/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a property of mixed type can't be overridden by a property of a union type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_error4.phpt] TEST 3465/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing magic methods __set, __get and __call in cascade [Zend/tests/objects_021.phpt] TEST 3466/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #61998 (Using traits with method aliases appears to result in crash during execution) [Zend/tests/traits/bug61998.phpt] TEST 3467/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 051: Name conflict and compile-time constants (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_051.phpt] TEST 3468/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exceptions thrown in operand cleaning must cause leak of return value [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_013.phpt] TEST 3469/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Named params in attributes: Positional after named error [Zend/tests/named_params/attributes_positional_after_named.phpt] TEST 3470/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_scandir.phpt] TEST 3471/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS (object) (array) and (array) (object) casts [Zend/tests/object_array_cast.phpt] TEST 3472/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS bool type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_bool_type.phpt] TEST 3473/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS basic nowdoc syntax [Zend/tests/nowdoc_001.phpt] TEST 3474/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Strict scalar type basics [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_basic.phpt] TEST 3475/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Co-variance failure for intersection type where child is union, but not all members are a subtype of intersection 2 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid_covariance_intersection_to_union2.phpt] TEST 3476/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func() in combination with "Call to a member function method() on a non-object" [Zend/tests/methods-on-non-objects-call-user-func.phpt] TEST 3477/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS External covariant return type of self [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance008.phpt] TEST 3478/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 002: Import - different syntaxes [Zend/tests/ns_078.phpt] TEST 3479/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS string offset 004 [Zend/tests/str_offset_004.phpt] TEST 3480/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Method conflict in traits [Zend/tests/traits/conflict001.phpt] TEST 3481/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The default value is a constant in the parent class method's signature. [Zend/tests/parameter_default_values/internal_declaration_error_const.phpt] TEST 3482/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 019: __NAMESPACE__ constant and runtime names (php name) [Zend/tests/ns_019.phpt] TEST 3483/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Checking trait_exists(): interface, trait, abstract and final class [Zend/tests/trait_exists_003.phpt] TEST 3484/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties allow fetch reference [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_010.phpt] TEST 3485/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Handling of public fields with traits needs to have same semantics as with normal inheritance, however, we do add strict warnings since it is easier to run into something unexpected with changing traits. [Zend/tests/traits/property009.phpt] TEST 3486/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Single Trait with simple trait method [Zend/tests/traits/language001.phpt] TEST 3487/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS catch without capturing a variable [Zend/tests/try/catch_novar_1.phpt] TEST 3488/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Subtype cannot remove nullable parameter (covariance) [Zend/tests/nullable_types/covariant_nullable_param_fails.phpt] TEST 3489/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Readonly mismatch of imported trait properties [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_trait_mismatch.phpt] TEST 3490/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a property of a built-in type can't be overridden by a property of mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_error5.phpt] TEST 3491/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS return type with finally [Zend/tests/return_types/029.phpt] TEST 3492/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullable typed return without value generates friendlier error message [Zend/tests/type_declarations/nullable_typed_return_without_value.phpt] TEST 3493/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Combination of foreach, finally and exception (call order) [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_020.phpt] TEST 3494/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullsafe chain in static property / method name [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/026.phpt] TEST 3495/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 052: Name conflict and compile-time constants (php name in case if ns name exists) [Zend/tests/ns_052.phpt] TEST 3496/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot unset $GLOBALS [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/invalid_unset.phpt] TEST 3497/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing 'self', 'parent' as type-hint [Zend/tests/objects_022.phpt] TEST 3498/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #63911 (Ignore conflicting trait methods originationg from identical sub traits) [Zend/tests/traits/bug63911.phpt] TEST 3499/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Leak in JMP_SET [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_014.phpt] TEST 3500/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS callable type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_callable_type.phpt] TEST 3501/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Extra named params in backtraces [Zend/tests/named_params/backtrace.phpt] TEST 3502/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Co-variance failure for intersection type where child is union, but not all members are a subtype of intersection 2 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid_covariance_intersection_to_union3.phpt] TEST 3503/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS basic binary nowdoc syntax [Zend/tests/nowdoc_002.phpt] TEST 3504/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test strict declaration being first operation only [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_declaration_placement_001.phpt] TEST 3505/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Catch method calls on non-objects raise recoverable errors [Zend/tests/methods-on-non-objects-catch.phpt] TEST 3506/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Inheritance Hinting Compile Checking Failure Internal Classes [Zend/tests/return_types/inheritance009.phpt] TEST 3507/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Return type for internal functions [Zend/tests/return_types/internal_functions001.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 3508/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Return type for internal functions 2 [Zend/tests/return_types/internal_functions002.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 3509/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 079: nested namespaces [Zend/tests/ns_079.phpt] TEST 3510/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Return type for internal functions 3: Void return type [Zend/tests/return_types/internal_functions003.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 3511/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The default value is false in the parent class method's signature. [Zend/tests/parameter_default_values/internal_declaration_error_false.phpt] TEST 3512/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS string offset 005 indirect string modification by error handler [Zend/tests/str_offset_005.phpt] TEST 3513/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traits with static methods. [Zend/tests/traits/static_001.phpt] TEST 3514/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Type errors for methods from traits should refer to using class [Zend/tests/trait_type_errors.phpt] TEST 3515/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 020: Accessing internal namespace function [Zend/tests/ns_020.phpt] TEST 3516/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties allow fetch reference for init array [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_011.phpt] TEST 3517/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Overwritten methods do not cause a conflict. [Zend/tests/traits/conflict002.phpt] TEST 3518/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullable covariant return types [Zend/tests/nullable_types/covariant_nullable_return_succeds.phpt] TEST 3519/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Readonly property with default value [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_with_default.phpt] TEST 3520/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Use multiple traits. [Zend/tests/traits/language002.phpt] TEST 3521/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Live range & return from finally [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_021.phpt] TEST 3522/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS catch without capturing a variable - exception in destructor [Zend/tests/try/catch_novar_2.phpt] TEST 3523/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Void cannot be nullable [Zend/tests/type_declarations/nullable_void.phpt] TEST 3524/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullable return value [Zend/tests/return_types/030.phpt] TEST 3525/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a property of class type can't be overridden by a property of mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_error6.phpt] TEST 3526/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe in sub-chain of function argument [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/027.phpt] TEST 3527/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 053: Run-time constant definition [Zend/tests/ns_053.phpt] TEST 3528/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS false type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_false_type.phpt] TEST 3529/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug object gc not working in shutdown [Zend/tests/object_gc_in_shutdown.phpt] TEST 3530/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS $GLOBALS should have canonicalized keys [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/key_canonicalization.phpt] TEST 3531/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_stat.phpt] TEST 3532/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64070 (Inheritance with Traits failed with error) [Zend/tests/traits/bug64070.phpt] TEST 3533/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Basic test [Zend/tests/named_params/basic.phpt] TEST 3534/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Attempt to free invalid structure (result of ROPE_INIT is not a zval) [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_015.phpt] TEST 3535/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Property types must be invariant [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid_invariance1.phpt] TEST 3536/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test strict declaration being first operation only 002 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_declaration_placement_002.phpt] TEST 3537/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Creating instances dynamically [Zend/tests/objects_023.phpt] TEST 3538/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 080: bracketed namespaces and __HALT_COMPILER(); [Zend/tests/ns_080.phpt] TEST 3539/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS simple variable replacement test (nowdoc) [Zend/tests/nowdoc_003.phpt] TEST 3540/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS usort() in combination with "Call to a member function method() on null" [Zend/tests/methods-on-non-objects-usort.phpt] TEST 3541/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS never return type: acceptable cases [Zend/tests/return_types/never_allowed.phpt] TEST 3542/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Two methods resulting in a conflict, should be reported both. [Zend/tests/traits/conflict003.phpt] TEST 3543/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traits with static methods referenced using variable. [Zend/tests/traits/static_002.phpt] TEST 3544/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties allow fetch reference for foreach [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_012.phpt] TEST 3545/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 021: Name search priority (first look into namespace) [Zend/tests/ns_021.phpt] TEST 3546/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Abstract method from trait enforced in class [Zend/tests/traits/abstract_method_1.phpt] TEST 3547/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Explicitly nullable float type [Zend/tests/nullable_types/float.phpt] TEST 3548/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The default value is an integer in the parent class method's signature. [Zend/tests/parameter_default_values/internal_declaration_error_int.phpt] TEST 3549/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jmp into a finally block 01 [Zend/tests/try/finally_goto_001.phpt] TEST 3550/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Parameter variance with no type (class) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/parameter_type_variance.phpt] TEST 3551/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS string offset 006 indirect string modification by error handler [Zend/tests/str_offset_006.phpt] TEST 3552/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Use instead to solve a conflict. [Zend/tests/traits/language003.phpt] TEST 3553/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test nullsafe in sub-chain of return as ref [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/028.phpt] TEST 3554/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try finally (exception in "return" statement) [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_022.phpt] TEST 3555/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Readonly property without type [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readonly_without_type.phpt] TEST 3556/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 054: namespace and interfaces [Zend/tests/ns_054.phpt] TEST 3557/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Magic object handlers segfaults and memory errors [Zend/tests/object_handlers.phpt] TEST 3558/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that an untyped property can't be overridden by a property of mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_error7.phpt] TEST 3559/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS float type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_float_type.phpt] TEST 3560/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Supported operations on $GLOBALS [Zend/tests/restrict_globals/valid.phpt] TEST 3561/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64235 (Insteadof not work for class method in 5.4.11) [Zend/tests/traits/bug64235.phpt] TEST 3562/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullable return type inheritance rules (non-nullable and nullable) [Zend/tests/return_types/031.phpt] TEST 3563/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Live ranges should be ordered according to "start" position [Zend/tests/temporary_cleaning_016.phpt] TEST 3564/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test strict declaration being first operation only 003 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_declaration_placement_003.phpt] TEST 3565/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS call_user_func() and friends with named parameters [Zend/tests/named_params/call_user_func.phpt] TEST 3566/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Intersection type reduction invalid invariant type check [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/invalid_invariance2.phpt] TEST 3567/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS never return type: acceptable covariance cases [Zend/tests/return_types/never_covariance.phpt] TEST 3568/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing direct assigning for property of object returned by function [Zend/tests/objects_024.phpt] TEST 3569/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 022: Name search priority (first look into import, then into current namespace and then for class) [Zend/tests/ns_022.phpt] TEST 3570/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS braces variable replacement test (nowdoc) [Zend/tests/nowdoc_004.phpt] TEST 3571/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties disallow incorrect type initial value (scalar) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_013.phpt] TEST 3572/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 081: bracketed namespace with nested unbracketed namespace [Zend/tests/ns_081.phpt] TEST 3573/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Direct access to static trait members is deprecated [Zend/tests/traits/direct_static_member_access.phpt] TEST 3574/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Abstract method in trait using "self" (invalid) [Zend/tests/traits/abstract_method_10.phpt] TEST 3575/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Explicitly nullable int type [Zend/tests/nullable_types/int.phpt] TEST 3576/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Method calls on non-objects raise recoverable errors [Zend/tests/methods-on-non-objects.phpt] TEST 3577/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The default value is null in the parent class method's signature. [Zend/tests/parameter_default_values/internal_declaration_error_null.phpt] TEST 3578/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Parameter variance with no type (builtin) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/parameter_type_variance_2.phpt] TEST 3579/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Refcount of constant LHS with nullsafe operator [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/029.phpt] TEST 3580/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Loop var dtor throwing exception during return inside try/catch inside finally [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_023.phpt] TEST 3581/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traits with late static bindings. [Zend/tests/traits/static_003.phpt] TEST 3582/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS string offset 007 indirect string modification by error handler [Zend/tests/str_offset_007.phpt] TEST 3583/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jmp into a finally block 02 [Zend/tests/try/finally_goto_002.phpt] TEST 3584/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot replace readwrite with readonly [Zend/tests/readonly_props/readwrite_to_readonly.phpt] TEST 3585/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a property of a union type can't be overridden by a property of mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_error8.phpt] TEST 3586/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_symlink.phpt] TEST 3587/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #64235 (Insteadof not work for class method in 5.4.11) [Zend/tests/traits/bug64235b.phpt] TEST 3588/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unused result of fetch operations [Zend/tests/result_unused.phpt] TEST 3589/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS int type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_int_type.phpt] TEST 3590/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 055: types in namespaces [Zend/tests/ns_055.phpt] TEST 3591/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Use instead to solve a conflict and as to access the method. [Zend/tests/traits/language004.phpt] TEST 3592/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Inc/dec of reference object properties [Zend/tests/object_property_ref_incdec.phpt] TEST 3593/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullable return type inheritance rules (nullable and non-nullable) [Zend/tests/return_types/032.phpt] TEST 3594/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Valid inheritence - co-variance [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/valid1.phpt] TEST 3595/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Check that both warning and unresolved during early binding is handled [Zend/tests/tentative_type_early_binding.phpt] TEST 3596/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 082: bracketed namespace with closing tag [Zend/tests/ns_082.phpt] TEST 3597/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS never return type: unacceptable cases: any return [Zend/tests/return_types/never_disallowed1.phpt] TEST 3598/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Behavior of call_user_func_array() with named parameters [Zend/tests/named_params/call_user_func_array.phpt] TEST 3599/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 023: __NAMESPACE__ constant [Zend/tests/ns_023.phpt] TEST 3600/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test strict declaration being first operation only 004 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_declaration_placement_004.phpt] TEST 3601/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS unbraced complex variable replacement test (nowdoc) [Zend/tests/nowdoc_005.phpt] TEST 3602/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to use instanceof for a method twice [Zend/tests/traits/error_001.phpt] TEST 3603/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing invalid method names with __call and __callstatic [Zend/tests/objects_025.phpt] TEST 3604/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Mutually incompatible methods from traits are fine as long as the final method is compatible [Zend/tests/traits/abstract_method_2.phpt] TEST 3605/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Exception in finally inside finally following try/catch containing throwing try/finally [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_024.phpt] TEST 3606/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The default value is a constant in the parent class method's signature. [Zend/tests/parameter_default_values/userland_declaration_error_class_const.phpt] TEST 3607/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties disallow incorrect type initial value (array) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_014.phpt] TEST 3608/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Invariant parameter and return types work with nullable types [Zend/tests/nullable_types/invariant_param_and_return_succeeds.phpt] TEST 3609/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS modulus by zero [Zend/tests/mod_001.phpt] TEST 3610/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS string offset 008 indirect string modification by error handler [Zend/tests/str_offset_008.phpt] TEST 3611/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Empty on nullsafe method [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/030.phpt] TEST 3612/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a property of mixed property type can be overridden by a property of mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_property_inheritance_success.phpt] TEST 3613/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS iterable type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_iterable_type.phpt] TEST 3614/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Serialization of readonly properties [Zend/tests/readonly_props/serialization.phpt] TEST 3615/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jmp into a finally block 03 [Zend/tests/try/finally_goto_003.phpt] TEST 3616/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traits with __callStatic magic method. [Zend/tests/traits/static_004.phpt] TEST 3617/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The parent class is not necessarily the class of the prototype [Zend/tests/type_declarations/parent_is_not_proto.phpt] TEST 3618/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Use instead to solve a conflict and as to access the method. [Zend/tests/traits/language005.phpt] TEST 3619/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returning by reference from void function is deprecated [Zend/tests/return_by_ref_from_void_function.phpt] TEST 3620/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65576 (Constructor from trait conflicts with inherited constructor) [Zend/tests/traits/bug65576a.phpt] TEST 3621/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Object type can only default to null [Zend/tests/object_types/invalid_default_value.phpt] TEST 3622/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 056: type-hint compatibility in namespaces [Zend/tests/ns_056.phpt] TEST 3623/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Allowed nested ternary cases [Zend/tests/ternary_associativity.phpt] TEST 3624/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __set can only declare void return [Zend/tests/return_types/033.phpt] TEST 3625/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 083: bracketed namespace with junk before the ns declaration [Zend/tests/ns_083.phpt] TEST 3626/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS never return type: unacceptable cases: empty return [Zend/tests/return_types/never_disallowed2.phpt] TEST 3627/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test strict declaration being first operation only 005 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_declaration_placement_005.phpt] TEST 3628/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Cannot pass by reference error with named parameters [Zend/tests/named_params/cannot_pass_by_ref.phpt] TEST 3629/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Private abstract method from trait enforced in class [Zend/tests/traits/abstract_method_3.phpt] TEST 3630/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Commutative intersection types [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/valid2.phpt] TEST 3631/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 024: __NAMESPACE__ constant out of namespace [Zend/tests/ns_024.phpt] TEST 3632/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Using $this when out of context [Zend/tests/objects_026.phpt] TEST 3633/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS braced complex variable replacement test (nowdoc) [Zend/tests/nowdoc_006.phpt] TEST 3634/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to use an undefined trait [Zend/tests/traits/error_002.phpt] TEST 3635/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Throw in try of try/finally inside catch [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_025.phpt] TEST 3636/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Explicit nullable types do not imply a default value [Zend/tests/nullable_types/nullable_type_parameters_do_not_have_default_value.phpt] TEST 3637/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS The default value is a constant in the parent class method's signature. [Zend/tests/parameter_default_values/userland_declaration_error_const.phpt] TEST 3638/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Indirect modification of isref by-value return value not possible [Zend/tests/modify_isref_value_return.phpt] TEST 3639/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a mixed return type can't be overridden by the void type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_return_inheritance_error1.phpt] TEST 3640/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullsafe operator on referenced value [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/031.phpt] TEST 3641/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS jmp into a finally block 03 [Zend/tests/try/finally_goto_004.phpt] TEST 3642/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return values are separated for references with rc=1 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/return_separation.phpt] TEST 3643/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties disallow incorrect type initial value (object) [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_015.phpt] TEST 3644/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Argument-less return from by-ref function [Zend/tests/return_ref_none.phpt] TEST 3645/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Readonly static property [Zend/tests/readonly_props/static.phpt] TEST 3646/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS mixed type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_mixed_type.phpt] TEST 3647/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Bug #65576 (Constructor from trait conflicts with inherited constructor) [Zend/tests/traits/bug65576b.phpt] TEST 3648/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traits and forward_static_call(). [Zend/tests/traits/static_forward_static_call.phpt] TEST 3649/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_tempnam.phpt] TEST 3650/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Express requirements of a trait by abstract methods. [Zend/tests/traits/language006.phpt] TEST 3651/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 084: unbracketed namespace with nested bracketed namespace [Zend/tests/ns_084.phpt] TEST 3652/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Missing class method a object return type during inheritance [Zend/tests/object_types/missing_return_type_inheritance_in_class.phpt] TEST 3653/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Forbidden nested ternary, case 1 [Zend/tests/ternary_associativity_1.phpt] TEST 3654/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 057: Usage of 'namespace' in compound names (inside namespace) [Zend/tests/ns_057.phpt] TEST 3655/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS never return type: unacceptable cases: implicit return [Zend/tests/return_types/never_disallowed3.phpt] TEST 3656/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __isset can only declare a boolean return type [Zend/tests/return_types/034.phpt] TEST 3657/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Passing unknown named args to a non-existing ctor [Zend/tests/named_params/ctor_extra_named_args.phpt] TEST 3658/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Visibility enforcement on abstract trait methods [Zend/tests/traits/abstract_method_4.phpt] TEST 3659/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Valid intersection type variance [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/valid3.phpt] TEST 3660/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test strict declaration being first operation only 006 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_declaration_placement_006.phpt] TEST 3661/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing 'new static;' calling parent method [Zend/tests/objects_027.phpt] TEST 3662/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 025: Name ambiguity (class name & part of namespace name) [Zend/tests/ns_025.phpt] TEST 3663/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Throw in finally inside catch inside finally [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_026.phpt] TEST 3664/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to use an interface as trait [Zend/tests/traits/error_003.phpt] TEST 3665/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS braced and unbraced complex variable replacement test (nowdoc) [Zend/tests/nowdoc_007.phpt] TEST 3666/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS multiplying arrays [Zend/tests/mul_001.phpt] TEST 3667/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that a mixed return type can't be overridden by no return type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_return_inheritance_error2.phpt] TEST 3668/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Getting parent class name when there is no parent generates an error [Zend/tests/parent_class_name_without_parent.phpt] TEST 3669/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Explicitly nullable string type [Zend/tests/nullable_types/string.phpt] TEST 3670/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Nullsafe operator on $this [Zend/tests/nullsafe_operator/032.phpt] TEST 3671/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS There must be a difference between label: try { ... } and try { label: ... } [Zend/tests/try/finally_goto_005.phpt] TEST 3672/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Unset readonly property [Zend/tests/readonly_props/unset.phpt] TEST 3673/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test Z_PARAM_OBJ_OF_CLASS_OR_STR() and Z_PARAM_OBJ_OF_CLASS_OR_STR_OR_NULL [Zend/tests/str_or_obj_of_class_zpp.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 3674/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] SKIP Test Z_PARAM_OBJ_OR_STR() and Z_PARAM_OBJ_OR_STR_OR_NULL [Zend/tests/str_or_obj_zpp.phpt] reason: Required extension missing: zend_test TEST 3675/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test typed properties initial values [Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_016.phpt] TEST 3676/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Returned nothing, expected array [Zend/tests/return_types/001.phpt] TEST 3677/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS never type cannot take part in an intersection type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/invalid_types/invalid_never_type.phpt] TEST 3678/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Scalar type basics [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_basic.phpt] TEST 3679/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traits can fulfill the requirements of abstract base classes. [Zend/tests/traits/language007.phpt] TEST 3680/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Traits and get_called_class(). [Zend/tests/traits/static_get_called_class.phpt] TEST 3681/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Missing interface method a object return type during inheritance [Zend/tests/object_types/missing_return_type_inheritance_in_interface.phpt] TEST 3682/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS __unset can only declare void return [Zend/tests/return_types/035.phpt] TEST 3683/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Skipping over default parameters [Zend/tests/named_params/defaults.phpt] TEST 3684/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS never return type: never cannot return from finally [Zend/tests/return_types/never_finally_return.phpt] TEST 3685/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Forbidden nested ternary, case 2 [Zend/tests/ternary_associativity_2.phpt] TEST 3686/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 085: bracketed namespace [Zend/tests/ns_085.phpt] TEST 3687/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 058: Usage of 'namespace' in compound names (out of namespase) [Zend/tests/ns_058.phpt] TEST 3688/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Staticness enforcement on abstract trait methods [Zend/tests/traits/abstract_method_5.phpt] TEST 3689/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Intersection type reduction valid invariant type check [Zend/tests/type_declarations/intersection_types/variance/valid4.phpt] TEST 3690/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Testing 'static::' and 'parent::' in calls [Zend/tests/objects_028.phpt] TEST 3691/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Trying to use a class as trait [Zend/tests/traits/error_004.phpt] TEST 3692/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test strict declaration being first operation only 007 [Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_strict_declaration_placement_007.phpt] TEST 3693/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Return in try with throw in finally, inside other finally [Zend/tests/try/try_finally_027.phpt] TEST 3694/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test binary operands exposing the same behavior at compile as at run time [Zend/tests/runtime_compile_time_binary_operands.phpt] TEST 3695/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Try catch finally [Zend/tests/try/try_catch_finally_001.phpt] TEST 3696/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS 026: Name ambiguity (class name & namespace name) [Zend/tests/ns_026.phpt] TEST 3697/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS empty doc test (nowdoc) [Zend/tests/nowdoc_008.phpt] TEST 3698/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Crash with Big5 [Zend/tests/multibyte/bug68665.phpt] TEST 3699/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS Test that the void return type can't be overridden by the mixed type [Zend/tests/type_declarations/mixed/inheritance/mixed_return_inheritance_error3.phpt] TEST 3700/4471 [32/32 concurrent test workers running] PASS File with just a ERROR: A failure occurred in check().  Aborting...