============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.1, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1 rootdir: /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5 collected 10 items tests/test_fixtures.py FFF [ 30%] tests/test_markers.py FFF.F.F [100%] =================================== FAILURES =================================== ______________________________ test_mpi_file_name ______________________________ mpi_testdir = , has_mpi4py = True def test_mpi_file_name(mpi_testdir, has_mpi4py): mpi_testdir.makepyfile(MPI_FILE_NAME_TEST_CODE) result = mpi_testdir.runpytest("--with-mpi", timeout=5) if has_mpi4py: > result.assert_outcomes(passed=1) /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5/tests/test_fixtures.py:59: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:542: in parseoutcomes return self.parse_summary_nouns(self.outlines) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cls = , lines = [] @classmethod def parse_summary_nouns(cls, lines) -> Dict[str, int]: """Extract the nouns from a pytest terminal summary line. It always returns the plural noun for consistency:: ======= 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 0.13s ==== Will return ``{"failed": 1, "passed": 1, "warnings": 1, "errors": 1}``. """ for line in reversed(lines): if rex_session_duration.search(line): outcomes = rex_outcome.findall(line) ret = {noun: int(count) for (count, noun) in outcomes} break else: > raise ValueError("Pytest terminal summary report not found") E ValueError: Pytest terminal summary report not found /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:560: ValueError ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- running: mpirun -n 2 /usr/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_file_name0/runpytest-0 --with-mpi in: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_file_name0 ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_file_name0 ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_file_name0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was: Process name: [[11325,1],0] Exit code: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________ test_mpi_tmpdir ________________________________ mpi_testdir = , has_mpi4py = True def test_mpi_tmpdir(mpi_testdir, has_mpi4py): mpi_testdir.makepyfile(MPI_TMPDIR_TEST_CODE) result = mpi_testdir.runpytest("--with-mpi", timeout=5) if has_mpi4py: > result.assert_outcomes(passed=1) /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5/tests/test_fixtures.py:70: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:542: in parseoutcomes return self.parse_summary_nouns(self.outlines) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cls = , lines = [] @classmethod def parse_summary_nouns(cls, lines) -> Dict[str, int]: """Extract the nouns from a pytest terminal summary line. It always returns the plural noun for consistency:: ======= 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 0.13s ==== Will return ``{"failed": 1, "passed": 1, "warnings": 1, "errors": 1}``. """ for line in reversed(lines): if rex_session_duration.search(line): outcomes = rex_outcome.findall(line) ret = {noun: int(count) for (count, noun) in outcomes} break else: > raise ValueError("Pytest terminal summary report not found") E ValueError: Pytest terminal summary report not found /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:560: ValueError ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- running: mpirun -n 2 /usr/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_tmpdir0/runpytest-0 --with-mpi in: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_tmpdir0 ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_tmpdir0 ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_tmpdir0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was: Process name: [[11313,1],0] Exit code: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________ test_mpi_tmp_path _______________________________ mpi_testdir = , has_mpi4py = True def test_mpi_tmp_path(mpi_testdir, has_mpi4py): mpi_testdir.makepyfile(MPI_TMP_PATH_TEST_CODE) result = mpi_testdir.runpytest("--with-mpi", timeout=5) if has_mpi4py: > result.assert_outcomes(passed=1) /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5/tests/test_fixtures.py:81: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:542: in parseoutcomes return self.parse_summary_nouns(self.outlines) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cls = , lines = [] @classmethod def parse_summary_nouns(cls, lines) -> Dict[str, int]: """Extract the nouns from a pytest terminal summary line. It always returns the plural noun for consistency:: ======= 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 0.13s ==== Will return ``{"failed": 1, "passed": 1, "warnings": 1, "errors": 1}``. """ for line in reversed(lines): if rex_session_duration.search(line): outcomes = rex_outcome.findall(line) ret = {noun: int(count) for (count, noun) in outcomes} break else: > raise ValueError("Pytest terminal summary report not found") E ValueError: Pytest terminal summary report not found /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:560: ValueError ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- running: mpirun -n 2 /usr/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_tmp_path0/runpytest-0 --with-mpi in: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_tmp_path0 ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_tmp_path0 ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_tmp_path0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was: Process name: [[11301,1],0] Exit code: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________ test_mpi ___________________________________ testdir = def test_mpi(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(MPI_TEST_CODE) result = testdir.runpytest() > result.assert_outcomes(skipped=4, passed=1) E AssertionError: assert {'errors': 0,...pped': 0, ...} == {'errors': 0,...pped': 4, ...} E Omitting 3 identical items, use -vv to show E Differing items: E {'passed': 3} != {'passed': 1} E {'skipped': 0} != {'skipped': 4} E {'failed': 2} != {'failed': 0} E Use -v to get the full diff /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5/tests/test_markers.py:63: AssertionError ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- running: /usr/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi0/runpytest-0 --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/basetemp in: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi0 ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.1, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1 rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi0 collected 5 items test_mpi.py .FF.. [100%] =================================== FAILURES =================================== _______________________________ test_size_min_2 ________________________________ @pytest.mark.mpi(min_size=2) def test_size_min_2(): from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD > assert comm.size >= 2 E assert 1 >= 2 E + where 1 = .size test_mpi.py:15: AssertionError _______________________________ test_size_min_4 ________________________________ @pytest.mark.mpi(min_size=4) def test_size_min_4(): from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD > assert comm.size >= 4 E assert 1 >= 4 E + where 1 = .size test_mpi.py:22: AssertionError =============================== warnings summary =============================== test_mpi.py:3 /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi0/test_mpi.py:3: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.mpi - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/mark.html @pytest.mark.mpi test_mpi.py:10 /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi0/test_mpi.py:10: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.mpi - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/mark.html @pytest.mark.mpi(min_size=2) test_mpi.py:17 /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi0/test_mpi.py:17: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.mpi - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/mark.html @pytest.mark.mpi(min_size=4) test_mpi.py:24 /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi0/test_mpi.py:24: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.mpi - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/mark.html @pytest.mark.mpi(2) -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/warnings.html =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED test_mpi.py::test_size_min_2 - assert 1 >= 2 FAILED test_mpi.py::test_size_min_4 - assert 1 >= 4 =================== 2 failed, 3 passed, 4 warnings in 0.53s ==================== ______________________________ test_mpi_with_mpi _______________________________ mpi_testdir = , has_mpi4py = True def test_mpi_with_mpi(mpi_testdir, has_mpi4py): mpi_testdir.makepyfile(MPI_TEST_CODE) result = mpi_testdir.runpytest("--with-mpi") if has_mpi4py: > result.assert_outcomes(**_fix_plural(passed=3, errors=1, skipped=1)) /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5/tests/test_markers.py:72: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:542: in parseoutcomes return self.parse_summary_nouns(self.outlines) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cls = , lines = [] @classmethod def parse_summary_nouns(cls, lines) -> Dict[str, int]: """Extract the nouns from a pytest terminal summary line. It always returns the plural noun for consistency:: ======= 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 0.13s ==== Will return ``{"failed": 1, "passed": 1, "warnings": 1, "errors": 1}``. """ for line in reversed(lines): if rex_session_duration.search(line): outcomes = rex_outcome.findall(line) ret = {noun: int(count) for (count, noun) in outcomes} break else: > raise ValueError("Pytest terminal summary report not found") E ValueError: Pytest terminal summary report not found /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:560: ValueError ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- running: mpirun -n 2 /usr/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_with_mpi0/runpytest-0 --with-mpi in: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_with_mpi0 ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_with_mpi0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_with_mpi0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was: Process name: [[11282,1],1] Exit code: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________ test_mpi_only_mpi _______________________________ mpi_testdir = , has_mpi4py = True def test_mpi_only_mpi(mpi_testdir, has_mpi4py): mpi_testdir.makepyfile(MPI_TEST_CODE) result = mpi_testdir.runpytest("--only-mpi") if has_mpi4py: > result.assert_outcomes(**_fix_plural(passed=2, errors=1, skipped=2)) /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5/tests/test_markers.py:83: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:542: in parseoutcomes return self.parse_summary_nouns(self.outlines) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cls = , lines = [] @classmethod def parse_summary_nouns(cls, lines) -> Dict[str, int]: """Extract the nouns from a pytest terminal summary line. It always returns the plural noun for consistency:: ======= 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 0.13s ==== Will return ``{"failed": 1, "passed": 1, "warnings": 1, "errors": 1}``. """ for line in reversed(lines): if rex_session_duration.search(line): outcomes = rex_outcome.findall(line) ret = {noun: int(count) for (count, noun) in outcomes} break else: > raise ValueError("Pytest terminal summary report not found") E ValueError: Pytest terminal summary report not found /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:560: ValueError ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- running: mpirun -n 2 /usr/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_only_mpi0/runpytest-0 --only-mpi in: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_only_mpi0 ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --only-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_only_mpi0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --only-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_only_mpi0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was: Process name: [[11270,1],1] Exit code: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________ test_mpi_skip_under_mpi ____________________________ mpi_testdir = def test_mpi_skip_under_mpi(mpi_testdir): mpi_testdir.makepyfile(MPI_SKIP_TEST_CODE) result = mpi_testdir.runpytest("--with-mpi") > result.assert_outcomes(skipped=1) /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5/tests/test_markers.py:101: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:542: in parseoutcomes return self.parse_summary_nouns(self.outlines) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cls = , lines = [] @classmethod def parse_summary_nouns(cls, lines) -> Dict[str, int]: """Extract the nouns from a pytest terminal summary line. It always returns the plural noun for consistency:: ======= 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 0.13s ==== Will return ``{"failed": 1, "passed": 1, "warnings": 1, "errors": 1}``. """ for line in reversed(lines): if rex_session_duration.search(line): outcomes = rex_outcome.findall(line) ret = {noun: int(count) for (count, noun) in outcomes} break else: > raise ValueError("Pytest terminal summary report not found") E ValueError: Pytest terminal summary report not found /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:560: ValueError ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- running: mpirun -n 2 /usr/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_skip_under_mpi0/runpytest-0 --with-mpi in: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_skip_under_mpi0 ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_skip_under_mpi0 ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_skip_under_mpi0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was: Process name: [[11511,1],0] Exit code: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________ test_mpi_xfail_under_mpi ___________________________ mpi_testdir = , has_mpi4py = True def test_mpi_xfail_under_mpi(mpi_testdir, has_mpi4py): mpi_testdir.makepyfile(MPI_XFAIL_TEST_CODE) result = mpi_testdir.runpytest("--with-mpi") if has_mpi4py: > result.assert_outcomes(xfailed=1) /build/python-pytest-mpi/src/pytest-mpi-0.5/tests/test_markers.py:118: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:542: in parseoutcomes return self.parse_summary_nouns(self.outlines) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cls = , lines = [] @classmethod def parse_summary_nouns(cls, lines) -> Dict[str, int]: """Extract the nouns from a pytest terminal summary line. It always returns the plural noun for consistency:: ======= 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 0.13s ==== Will return ``{"failed": 1, "passed": 1, "warnings": 1, "errors": 1}``. """ for line in reversed(lines): if rex_session_duration.search(line): outcomes = rex_outcome.findall(line) ret = {noun: int(count) for (count, noun) in outcomes} break else: > raise ValueError("Pytest terminal summary report not found") E ValueError: Pytest terminal summary report not found /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/pytester.py:560: ValueError ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- running: mpirun -n 2 /usr/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_xfail_under_mpi0/runpytest-0 --with-mpi in: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_xfail_under_mpi0 ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_xfail_under_mpi0 ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --with-mpi inifile: None rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-builduser/pytest-0/test_mpi_xfail_under_mpi0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was: Process name: [[11484,1],0] Exit code: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED tests/test_fixtures.py::test_mpi_file_name - ValueError: Pytest termin... FAILED tests/test_fixtures.py::test_mpi_tmpdir - ValueError: Pytest terminal ... FAILED tests/test_fixtures.py::test_mpi_tmp_path - ValueError: Pytest termina... FAILED tests/test_markers.py::test_mpi - AssertionError: assert {'errors': 0,... FAILED tests/test_markers.py::test_mpi_with_mpi - ValueError: Pytest terminal... FAILED tests/test_markers.py::test_mpi_only_mpi - ValueError: Pytest terminal... FAILED tests/test_markers.py::test_mpi_skip_under_mpi - ValueError: Pytest te... FAILED tests/test_markers.py::test_mpi_xfail_under_mpi - ValueError: Pytest t... ========================= 8 failed, 2 passed in 19.96s ========================= ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().  Aborting...